How does good physical activity affect the human body? How does sport and physical activity affect brain activity? We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic.

How does good physical activity affect the human body?

1. In motion, the interaction of the plasma of our body with the magnetic fields of the surrounding space, with streams of charged particles moving up from the surface of the Earth and down, from the stratosphere to the surface, occurs especially noticeably. This causes hyperpolarization of cell membranes, which, in turn, activates biosynthesis.
2. The very movement of body parts in an egg-shaped plasma cocoon resembles the movement of a rotor (arms, legs) in a stator (plasma sphere). The mechanism of membrane hyperpolarization is again involved.
3. Increased blood flow by 4-5 times - another example of a rotor and stator. Only here the stator is the body, and the rotor is the blood.
4. The force of heart contractions (from 60-70 to 200-240 beats per minute) is a powerful energy supply for the body.
5. An increase in breathing up to 20-30 times compared to rest is the most powerful mechanism for supplying free electrons to the body. The very movement of air in chest- example of a rotor and stator. The body's magnetic field recharges electrons moving through the respiratory tract, and they are much better absorbed by the mucous membrane of the lungs.
As a rule, during movement, carbon dioxide is intensively produced inside the body, respiratory acidosis occurs, which causes cellular biosynthesis.
6. Various types of vibration and friction occurring in time intense movements in the body itself, generate energy.
7. Activation of receptors within the body promotes maximum removal and absorption of electrons by the acupuncture system.
8. The production of perspiration on the skin and the creation of an additional number of electrical contacts allows you to take more energy through the skin compared to rest.
9. Destruction of cell protoplasm and other internal structures during movements stimulates the processes of recovery and beyond recovery. We must learn a simple truth: movement is the most powerful stimulator of destructive processes in the body, which during the rest period activate restoration processes. In the process of evolution, our body was created to be maximally adapted to movement and can only fully exist when subjected to various vibrations, shocks, compressions, stretches and other physical and gravitational influences. And this is not surprising if you know that our body is a surface of enormous size - 2,000,000 square meters (200 hectares!), enclosed (compressed) in a relatively small volume. Irrigation of this colossal surface occurs through a system of capillaries with a total length of 100,000 kilometers!
In a human body weighing 52-54 kilograms, this is accomplished with only 35 liters (!) of fluid (blood - 5 l, lymph - 2 l, extracellular and intracellular fluid - 28 l). To supply the same number (10 to the 15th power) of single-celled microorganisms living in the sea with the necessary gases and nutrients, 100 thousand tons of sea water are required!
For example, you are sick and are thinking of getting treatment. The first step is to choose a medicine. You go to the doctor, then to the pharmacy and take the prescribed drug, which, through some chemical reactions, tries to straighten out the “distorted” physiological process in the body.
Let's reason as follows: the painful condition is caused by the accumulation in the fluids of the body of waste, toxins, fragments of medications that you used previously; lack of oxygen in tissues; lack of nutrients received by tissues; lack of free electrons for enzymatic reactions; some thickening of body fluids; fatigue of the nerves from the accumulation of toxins and wastes in them, etc. and so on.
As a medicine, it is necessary to use movement and physical activity, which would force the body's fluids to circulate powerfully - to flush out toxins, deliver free electrons and oxygen, generate powerful impulses in the nervous system, and conduct a powerful detoxification of the body through the excretory organs and skin. This is where it turns out that a sick person needs regular 1-2 or more hours of physical activity to revive the body. This is the best medicine for him.
Let's talk about strength exercises and their potential for healing. Various exercises performed with external weights are called athletic training. With strong muscle tension, cell protoplasm is destroyed, intracellular materials are consumed, which ultimately greatly activates biosynthetic processes. When a muscle contracts with a sufficiently strong force, it occurs best exchange extracellular fluid with blood, the flow in working muscles greatly increases, which allows you to quickly restore injured ligaments and muscles. It should be especially emphasized that no other methods can compare with increasing blood flow when working with weights. Moreover, powerful muscles can be created in isolation in different muscle groups, achieving targeted effects.
Long-term and fairly intense training with weights also promotes the production of endorphins, which make a person feel happy. Overall, this is a very powerful remedy for restoring health, improving biosynthesis and increasing energy.
Each of us is familiar with examples of people being healed from serious illnesses with the help of athletic exercises. Here is one such example. Anatoly Alekseytsev created himself anew. As a two-year-old child, he was injured in the lumbar spine. Doctors diagnosed him with active tuberculosis of the right lung and spine. Then - plaster from neck to heels, constant pain in the back and complete immobility. Eight years later, doctors helped him get up, but Anatoly was doomed to wear a special corset made of leather and metal all his life and walk on crutches. In 1961, on the advice of an athlete, he began training with weights, believing in such exercises. At first in tiny doses, then I increased the load more and more. Gradually the body became stronger - the hated corset and crutches were thrown away. Now he is a beautiful person, has a family, lives a full life. To consolidate in your consciousness the treatment with the help of movements and tensions, we emphasize the following. Any disease is a special spiritual-energetic-physiological-chemical process that is different from a normal - healthy one. Restore and normalize this process using only chemicals useless. If a psychic gives you energy, or stimulates its supply with the help of laser therapy, acupuncture, etc. therapies are also of little use. You involved two processes - physiological (which was activated by free energy) and chemical (a consequence of the activation of the physiological process). By the way, they are bought for money. But the other two - spiritual and energetic, on which your health directly depends and the course of the lower two, no one will do for you. What is needed here is your will, your tension, your sweat. Anatoly Alekseytsev embodied this. Tuberculosis right lung and spine, complete immobility, corset. Such a “bouquet” will turn anyone into a ram’s horn. Only our will (which is an expression of God’s Power) is capable of “unfolding” and “straightening” the ram’s horn, saturating the cells, tissues, and human body with the Power of Life. Understand another fact of life - if you relax, you will fall to the ground; if you tense up, you will stand like a pillar. So physical exercise, saturating you with energy, displaces all the disease from the previously flabby body. Consider training tools and methods aimed at increasing your own energy and improving cell biosynthesis. /

The heart, even in a state of relative rest, beats about 100,000 times a day, pumping over 8,000 liters of blood. During physical stress, the load on the heart can increase 3-6 times.

To do this work, the heart's muscle cells burn 16 to 20 times more energetic materials than most other functioning organs.

On average, the heart weighs only 0.4 percent of the body's weight, but at the same time it consumes from 7 to 20 percent of the total energy produced in the body.

How is this entire energy process practically carried out?

Nutrients are carried with the blood through the blood vessels (coronary) vessels of the heart. Under normal conditions, about 6-10 percent of all blood enters here. Thus, the heart muscle receives a lot of nutrients, thermal energy which is converted into the mechanical work of the heart.

When people doing physical labor, sports, well trained, the load increases, the intensity of work increases, more blood flows to the heart, more nutrients arrive, and they are used more fully.

A different picture is observed among those who move little and neglect physical exercise, walking, and sports. Under significant loads, their heart begins to work with greater force, and untrained vessels dilate poorly, and blood flow increases little. As a result, the blood supply to the heart lags behind the increased need for nutrients. This state is called relative coronary insufficiency. Since the heart receives little blood, the heart muscle starves and its function is impaired.

Coronary insufficiency can occur not only during physical stress, but also during rest, when a person does not produce muscle effort. Most often, such phenomena are observed in people of mature age if they have atherosclerosis and their vessels supplying the heart are narrowed. Such vessels acquire the ability to easily contract during unpleasant experiences. Narrowing coronary vessels, a decrease in blood flow, and, consequently, energy materials to the heart, are the reasons that cause angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

To prevent heart attack and angina attacks great importance have positive emotions - a feeling of joy, satisfaction, a friendly atmosphere at work, in the family. It is equally important to establish rational mode work, rest, nutrition. Along with medications, therapeutic exercises are recommended. It helps improve blood supply to the heart, strengthens the nervous system, and reduces the tendency of blood vessels to spasm.

It is much more difficult to restore blood supply to the heart in survivors of myocardial infarction, especially in untrained people.

The vessels of the heart are connected to each other by smaller vessels - anastomoses. Interarterial anastomoses are especially important for cardiac function. Now imagine that a myocardial infarction has occurred and some part of the heart muscle does not receive blood through the main vessel. It is very important that in this case more blood gets here through anastomoses from the arteries of healthy parts of the heart. If such connecting arteries are well developed and quickly put into action, the heart attack will proceed relatively easily, and the function of the heart will be little affected.

During the period of restoration of cardiac function, it is possible to use individually dosed therapeutic exercises. Under the influence of gradually increasing physical activity Anastomoses develop faster, blood supply to the heart muscle increases, and, consequently, its strength. The heart restores its functionality faster and more fully.

Health modern man inextricably linked with sports and physical education, which allow you to increase the protective functions of the body so that it can withstand the harmful effects of aggressive microorganisms, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. negative factors environment. This is achieved not only through performing various trainings and exercises in the gym and at home, but also through a balanced proper nutrition. This combination allows you to resist the development of many diseases, strengthen the immune system, and increase its resistance to various negative effects.

Technological progress has affected all areas of activity. The advent of smartphones, computers and other devices has had a significant impact on lifestyle. Working and doing everyday things has become much simpler and easier. This could not but affect a person’s physical activity, which decreased sharply.

This situation negatively affects functional abilities and weakens the human musculoskeletal system. Internal organs begin to work somewhat differently, but, unfortunately, the changes occur for the worse, not for the better. better side. And since movements are kept to a minimum, a sharply falling level of energy consumption entails disruptions in muscle, heart, vascular and respiratory systems. All this affects the body and health, causing the development of many diseases.

Sport allows you to compensate for the lack of movement and increase energy costs. In addition, in the realities of our time, it is sports and physical education that become the only accessible ways manifestations of activity that make it possible to fill the natural need of each person for a certain amount of loads and movement.

Dependence of systems and organs on sports

Active physical activity, which is typical for absolutely any sport, has a positive effect on people’s health. Countless studies have been devoted to this undeniable argument. scientific works, dissertations, articles. If we present their essence briefly and to the point, the positive impact of sport on health comes down to the following specific points:

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Bones become resistant to stress, and muscles, increasing in volume, gain greater strength. During jogging, swimming, and working out in the gym, the transport of oxygen to the muscles improves, which activates those that were previously at rest. blood capillaries and to the subsequent formation of new vessels. Admission large quantity oxygen changes chemical composition muscle tissue- the concentration of energy substances increases, and metabolic processes, including protein synthesis, begin to proceed faster, new muscle cells are formed. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system reduces the risk of developing osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, and herniated intervertebral discs.

Strengthening and development of the nervous system

This is facilitated by increased speed and agility and improved coordination. There is a continuous formation of new conditioned reflexes, which are fixed and formed in a certain sequence. The body begins to adapt to increasing loads, performing exercises becomes much easier and more effective, and less effort is required. Speed ​​increase nervous processes causes the brain to respond faster to external stimuli and makes the right decisions.

Improving vascular and heart function

Blood vessels and heart muscle become more resilient. During training, organs function more intensively, and muscles, under the influence of stress, require increased blood supply. The blood vessels and heart begin to pump more oxygenated blood, the volume of which increases to 10-20 liters per minute, instead of 5 liters. Cardiovascular system among leading active image people's lives quickly adapt to stress and recover after each workout.

Improving the functioning of the respiratory system

Achieved as a result of the increasing need of organs and tissues for oxygen. Thanks to this, the depth and intensity of breathing increases. Against the background of no stress, the volume of oxygen passing through the respiratory organs in 60 seconds is 8 liters, and during swimming, running, or working out in the gym it increases to 100 liters, that is, it increases vital capacity lungs.

Increasing the protective functions of the immune system and qualitative changes in blood composition

The number of red blood cells contained per cubic millimeter in exercisers permanent basis people rises from 5 to 6 million. The level of whites is increasing blood cells- lymphocytes that neutralize harmful factors. General strengthening immune system- direct evidence positive impact physical education. People who regularly engage in any kind of sport or go to the gym get sick much less often and recover faster.

Improved metabolism

In a trained body, the process of regulating the content of sugar and other substances in the blood occurs much better.

Changing your attitude towards life

People leading an active lifestyle are less susceptible to mood swings, neuroses, depression, less irritable and more cheerful.

How does sport affect a young body?

According to statistics, seventy percent of total number often exposed various diseases children and adolescents skip or do not attend physical education at all and do not play any sports. Time spent watching TV or the computer, mental stress during lessons or doing homework cannot compensate for the lack of physical relaxation.

An inactive lifestyle “ages” a growing organism and makes it vulnerable. And if before pathology bone tissue, vascular and heart diseases were diagnosed in representatives of the older generation; today these ailments affect both children and adolescents. To avoid such adverse consequences, strengthen the body and immunity, one should not neglect sports and physical education.

The problem of popularizing physical education and sports

The beneficial effects of physical activity on the human body have been confirmed by research, practical observations, and are reflected in numerous proverbs among different nations peace.

Both teachers and doctors make a lot of efforts to ensure that society develops a positive attitude towards sports. IN educational institutions give out free passes to visit gyms, swimming pools. These efforts, of course, bear fruit, but the number of people who ignore sports and physical education is quite large.

Sports, of course, are important and necessary for everyone. The main thing is to maintain moderation and avoid overload. We should not forget about the injuries that can occur if safety precautions are neglected.

Exercises involving physical activity take great place in the life of a modern person.

Everyone wants to work with physical activity, everyone wants to have beautiful body. However, many people experience pain and fatigue after training.

Why do we injure ourselves through physical exercise, when the goal of our exercise is to restore our health?

Why does our body become unstable after so much effort?

Where to look for answers to all these questions?

Each person is a new diagnostic algorithm; there are no clearly defined patterns, just as no two people are absolutely alike. The answers lie in our body and how our nervous system responds to stress. When we talk about the role of the muscular system, first of all we must take into account the fact that muscular system subordinated to the internal organs, that certain disorders arising in various systems body (internal organs, endocrine system, emotional sphere), as an indicator, are expressed in an increase in the tone of individual muscles, that is, there is a clear correlative connection between the pathology internal organs with impaired tone in various muscles. And increasing the frequency pain syndromes This is also due to the fact that treatment is sometimes carried out incorrectly. We chase pain throughout our body, but we need to learn to talk to it, sometimes negotiate. And without biofeedback from your body, this cannot be solved. The same localization of pain may have revenge when various types pathologies, for example, pain in shoulder joint occurs with diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, or problems in the joint itself. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out the nature of the disease itself, whether the pain is compression related to compression nerve root or reflex, as a result of improper inclusion of muscles in a particular movement. With compression syndrome, the pain is often shooting in nature with irradiation along the entire nerve root along the arm or leg. The reflex nature of pain is most often local. In case of pathology of the internal organs, the impulse approaches the segment, causing functional weakness of a particular muscle and, as a consequence, its incorrect inclusion in movement. Maintenance human body in static conditions requires precise coordinated work of many muscles. Therefore, two such important directions in modern medicine how kinesiology and kinesitherapy should go hand in hand, the first - ensuring the restoration of the correct inclusion of muscles in work, the second - training the restored sequence. Therefore, without dynamic retraining, which includes initial stabilization of muscle insertions and restoration correct sequence including them in movement, it is impossible to restore health. For example, when considering the causes of pelvic distortion, we can detect dysfunction in the work of the iliopsoas muscle on both sides, which in turn can be associated with disorders at various levels, namely:

  • improper activation of the gluteus maximus muscle;
  • weakness and asymmetry of the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm associated with disruption of the pelvic organs;
  • disturbance of the breathing pattern, instability of the ribs and attachment points of the oblique abdominal muscles and the lumboiliac muscle.

That is, these disorders are affected by the muscles of the legs, pelvis and lower back, and chest.

And until we work through the diagnostic algorithm step by step at all levels in its cause-and-effect relationship, it will not be comparable with the reaction nervous system this person on loads, we cannot reach a level where exercise with physical activity will actually restore health. You need to talk to the body. Body language is diverse, you just need to see it. The body not only sends us signals of trouble through pain, but also gives us a tool of influence, we just need to use it skillfully.

Have you ever thought that regular morning exercises and walks in the forest can affect your income? What connection? Very durable and natural. We have already discussed that our lifestyle affects good performance memory and brain. In the last article we talked about nutrition for memory and brain function. Today I want to talk about what physical activity affects the brain. Let's see how sports and the brain interact. People who lead an active lifestyle, in general, have a higher overall level of intellectual development compared to those who do not lead such a lifestyle. Why, you ask?

There is a common, understandable pattern: during physical activity, blood flows to the brain from nutrients and oxygen, and our brain consumes great amount oxygen, it is vital for him. But this is not the only effect. Sports and the brain are connected by more complex mutual influences. Let's consider which ones.

How does sport and physical activity affect brain activity?

Moderate, non-destructive physical activity leads to stimulation of many organs and tissues of the body, including stimulation of work nerve cells brain, as well as to accelerate the development and branching of neural processes (dendrites).

Moreover, it was initially assumed that this effect spreads to areas of the brain responsible only for motor functions. But over time, during research it turned out that this development effect neural networks extends to other areas of the brain, including learning, thinking and memory.

That is, during physical activity, branches of our nerve cells begin to intensively form and grow. Namely, their growth and development determine all intellectual processes.

Professional sports and the brain

Then, you say, professional athletes (track and field athletes, boxers, skiers) must be super intellectuals. And you'll be right.
The possibilities for their development are really much higher than the possibilities of a person who lies on the couch all the time.

And, by the way, if you read the biographies of modern athletes, you will see that these are versatile personalities who are passionate about many things and many of them have achieved significant success outside of sports, it’s just that no one knows about it.

But there are two reasons why not all professional athletes show high intellectual abilities. Firstly, everyone has development potential, but not everyone realizes it. Personal qualities and values ​​are no less important than acquired skills.

If an athlete is used to watching TV or playing games after training computer games, then can we say that he is realizing his potential? And there is not always time in the training schedule for studying, reading and classes.

Secondly, moderate loads in professional sports are not always observed. In some cases, an athlete regularly experiences incredible effort and stress. And this just negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, not everything is useful.

What are the consequences of good brain performance?

High-quality and regular physical activity develops our body and brain. The consequence of this is our faster, better thinking, clarity of thought, less fatigue and greater mental endurance.

High-quality thinking and less fatigue lead to you being more successful in your work tasks, training, projects while maintaining the quality of work, which ultimately has a positive effect on your income.

What types of physical activity are most beneficial?


Any, even the most gentle, gymnastics that you perform regularly helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. Helps enhance brain nutrition.


Especially on fresh air favorable for enriching cells with oxygen. A oxygen starvation for the brain is tantamount to degradation. After all, it is the brain that can least of all survive without access to oxygen.

Fresh air is the factor that has an immediate effect. If you've been struggling with a difficult task for a long time, try going out into the fresh air and taking a slow walk. As a rule, during such walks, insight and new thoughts come.


The combination of load on all muscle groups in combination with respiratory loads has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain and its development. Swimming and walking are the most safe types loads that can be applied to almost everyone.

Breathing exercises

It supplies the head with oxygen, which benefits our memory in every way. Does not require additional time, can be performed between tasks, in any environment.


Static exercises with stretching and flexibility development, additional breathing techniques ensure the development of both the body and your brain.


Any type of dancing (pairs and singles) is an excellent activity. In addition to a comprehensive load on the body, dancing trains well coordination, body control, and is beneficial for posture and often lifts our spirits. And they also train the aesthetics of movements.

If your health and time allow, then you can engage in any sport, amateur or semi-authentic. professional level: running, skiing, cycling, athletics and much more.

Team sports (football, volleyball, tennis, badminton and others)

They deserve special attention because they combine several important points: physical activity, a lot of positive emotions, training attention and reaction speed. Also game types Sports often take place in the fresh air, which is extremely beneficial for the brain. So play for your health!

What to avoid when playing sports?

The most important thing in any physical activity is to follow a number of rules in order to physical exercise brought benefit and did not harm.

  1. In sports there should be no risk of injury, especially heads (boxing, martial arts, extreme sports). If you care about your intellect and at the same time want to engage in such sports, try to protect yourself as much as possible with protective equipment.
  2. Classes should be held in such a way that you Not felt completely exhausted. A good workout gives you slight fatigue, which after some rest is replaced by a surge of strength.
  3. Lack of strong and frequent extreme activities. To some extent, extreme activities are possible, but only occasionally. Frequent releases of stress hormones, including adrenaline, cause our brain activity aimed at survival. Our other intellectual resources, important for work and study, fade into the background. I think you know how difficult it is to concentrate when you are nervous and afraid. For good functioning of attention and memory, a calm environment is necessary. positive mood. Remember this if you often find yourself in stressful situations.

As you can see, everyone can find suitable physical activity for themselves. Sports and the brain, sports and intellectual activity are wonderfully combined and complement each other. Remember that any minimal activity is better than no activity. Even five minutes of gymnastics in the morning has a small but valuable effect.

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