The child has cracks along the edges of his lips. Diet-related reasons

Burning, soreness and other symptoms associated with sores appearing in the corners of the lips are probably known to almost every person. Both children and adults face this problem from time to time. And despite the fact that seizures are mostly harmless, their occurrence has a negative impact on a person’s well-being. So what exactly are sores in the corners of the lips? Causes and treatment, symptoms and possible complications is something that many people are interested in.

What is a zaeda?

Many people face such a problem as a sticking (or sore) in the corner of their mouth. It is a small inflamed area on the lips, the skin on which begins to peel off greatly.

This is a very common problem that almost everyone faces from time to time. The inflammatory process is localized - it covers only the tissues of the lips, part of the mucous membrane on the inner surface of the cheek, as well as a small area of ​​skin in the area of ​​the corner of the lips.

The mechanism of cracks and jamming in the corners of the mouth

The main reason for the development of sores in the corners of the mouth is the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Today it is known that jams are formed against the background of tissue damage by streptococcal or fungal infection. If we're talking about about bacterial inflammation, the most active in this regard is epidermal streptococcus. Fungal infections are most often represented by candidiasis (thrush).

It is worth noting that the above-mentioned microorganisms belong to conditionally pathogenic microflora, which means they are present in the tissues of every healthy person. Their number is strictly controlled by the immune system, so in most cases microbes do not pose a particular threat. However, against the background of local or systemic weakening of the immune system, various skin inflammations may develop, which often leads to the formation of sores.

Sores in the corners of the lips: causes and risk factors

Activation of opportunistic microflora may be associated with exposure to many risk factors. Their list includes:

  • using unwashed dishes;
  • eating unwashed fruits, vegetables and other foods;
  • poor hygiene oral cavity;
  • scratching the skin around the lips;
  • squeezing out pimples in the corners of the mouth;
  • constant licking of lips;
  • severe weathering, hypothermia (this causes temporary local weakening immune system).

Of course, these are not all the reasons. If we are talking about specific infections, then risk factors include contact with infected people (close communication, kissing, sharing dishes, etc.).

Diseases accompanied by the appearance of seizures

If sores appear in the corners of the lips, this may indicate the development of certain diseases. The formation of so-called jams is characteristic of many pathologies.

  • Various types of anemia, including iron deficiency (decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level).
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate the presence of liver disease.
  • Risk factors include hypovitaminosis. Vitamin deficiency affects the functioning of the immune system.
  • From cracks, ulcers and others skin sores People with diabetes often suffer.
  • Such symptoms may be associated with a prolonged increase in body temperature.
  • A decrease in immune activity, as already mentioned, contributes to the appearance of skin lesions. Risk factors include immunodeficiencies.
  • Damage to the delicate skin on the lips may be due to long-term treatment immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids and cytostatics.
  • Risk factors include dental diseases, including caries. An incorrectly installed prosthesis or crown also contributes to the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Now you know why sores appear in the corners of your lips. But it is worth understanding that in most cases, risk factors act in combination.

Sores in the corners of the lips: photos and other symptoms

Almost every person has encountered such a problem as jamming. This kind of pain occurs in several stages. As a rule, a small watery blister with a clear (sometimes cloudy) liquid inside. Subsequently, the vesicle bursts, resulting in the formation of a small ulcer covered with a crust on the skin.

A person faces constant discomfort. When visiting a doctor, patients often complain of itching and severe burning in the corner of the mouth. There is pain when opening the mouth. Sometimes the skin in the affected area cracks, which is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood. The skin around the affected area becomes inflamed, red and begins to peel.

If we are talking about candidiasis infection, then a white cheesy coating may form on the mucous membrane and skin of the lips.

Possible complications

If sores have formed in the corners of your lips, then you shouldn’t worry too much. The jam brings moderate discomfort, but, as a rule, the skin heals quite quickly. However, in some cases, in the absence proper treatment a small sore can turn into a deep crack.

In most cases, this complication is associated with fungal and bacterial infection. The inflammatory process spreads to nearby tissues, including the deep layers of the skin - this is how a crack is formed.

Sometimes the crack reaches the level of lymphatic vessels, which is accompanied by the appearance clear discharge from the wound. The skin around the wound thickens, becomes dry and rough. If inflammatory process continues to spread, then new cracks may form in neighboring areas, which, united by the edges, form a rather large and deep wound.

Treatment at home

What to do if a sore appears in the corner of the lips? Treatment can also be carried out at home. For example, some experts advise lubricating the delicate skin of your lips with fresh cream. An effective mixture of pork fat and bee honey(components must be taken in proportion 1:2).

Essential and vegetable oils. For example, oil tea tree has antiseptic properties, and olive oil moisturizes and softens the skin, preventing the formation of cracks.

If we are talking about fungal infection of tissues, then it is recommended to treat the skin with a solution baking soda, mixed with vitamin B 12. You can also lubricate your lips oil solutions vitamins A and E.

Drug treatment

If you cannot get rid of the sore on your own, it is important to consult a doctor. To begin with, the specialist conducts general examination, after which he prescribes additional tests. Scraping from the surface of the affected skin is informative - during laboratory analysis you can accurately determine the nature of the pathogen, as well as its sensitivity to a particular drug.

The doctor will select effective ointment. Sometimes patients are prescribed Stomatidine solution. It can be used both for treating the oral cavity and for compresses (you just need to moisten a clean cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the affected corner of the lips).

Sometimes jams are cauterized with medical dyes, such as iodine or brilliant green. These solutions have antiseptic properties. After the procedure, it is important to treat the wound with a moisturizer.

In more severe cases, patients are prescribed antibiotics in combination with weak glucocorticosteroids, which quickly eliminate signs of inflammation (Triderm, Gioksizon).

Effective ointments for cracks and sores on the lips

What to do if sores appear in the corners of your lips? How to treat? If you cannot cope with the jam using home remedies, then you should consult a doctor. The specialist will definitely prescribe an effective ointment.

In therapy, “D-Panthenol” or “Bepanten” is often used (these ointments contain the same active substance). These drugs have anti-inflammatory properties, however, it is more advisable to use them already during the period of wound healing.

If we are talking about bacterial infections, then it is recommended to treat sores in the corners of the mouth with Metrogil-denta. This medicine has pronounced antibacterial properties.

In case of fungal infection, Clotrimazole cream will be effective. It is worth understanding that the drug is not active against bacterial microorganisms and viruses.

To treat wounds on the skin (including on the lips), tetracycline and streptocidal ointment can be used. In the presence of bacterial inflammation, medications such as Levorin ointment, Levomekol and Levomycetin will be effective. According to reviews, these products literally instantly relieve burning and itching - the skin begins to heal.

General strengthening of the body

As already mentioned, in this case great value has a functioning immune system. How to cure sores in the corners of the lips and prevent their occurrence in the future? The answer is simple - you need to strengthen your immune system.

As already mentioned, sometimes seizures are the result of the development of other diseases, so in this case, efforts should be directed toward eliminating the primary cause.

In the future, it is important to strengthen the body. About twice a year, experts recommend taking special vitamin and mineral complexes, such as Vitrum, Duovit and Multi-Tabs. Has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and blood vessels ascorbic acid(vitamin C). It is important to monitor your diet - your diet should contain sufficient quantity fresh vegetables and fruits.

Preventive actions

Now you know why sores appear in the corners of your lips. Prevention in this case is very simple - you just need to provide your lips proper care and avoid exposure to risk factors.

  • The skin of your lips needs to be taken care of. It can be lubricated with honey, coconut oil, cream. Regular use of hygienic lipsticks is also important. Remember that such products need to be selected depending on the time of year. For example, in the summer you should give preference to lipstick containing UV filters.
  • Sores appear in the corners of the lips and as a result dental problems. It is necessary to treat caries in a timely manner, clean teeth from tartar, and replace low-quality crowns and dentures.
  • Monitor your immune system. It is important to eat right, take vitamins, maintain physical fitness, harden the body.

The corners of the mouth are cracking and turn red - quite common and unpleasant problem, affecting women, men and even children. The site did not leave this topic without attention, as it cares about your health.

The corners of the mouth are cracking

Cracks that form in the corners of the mouth are called jams. They do not appear immediately: first a small wound is formed, which, after some time, grows and turns into a crack. This disease cannot be called a separate disease. Rather, these are the consequences of other diseases that can weaken our body’s immunity. Seizures cause discomfort, because when eating and just trying to smile, pain occurs.

The corners of the mouth crack: reasons

Such cracks can form at any time of the year. Itching and burning occurs in the wounded areas. Impossible for a long time suffers from these painful sensations. In order to overcome this disease, it is necessary to find out: why do the corners of the mouth crack? Factors may include:

  • Lack of B vitamins in the body. This vitamin is found in almonds, green vegetables, tomatoes, liver, beef, dairy products, potatoes;
  • Iron deficiency in the body, leading to anemia. You should add the following foods to your diet: buckwheat, beans, nuts, dark chocolate, fruits and meat products;
  • Depression, stress, dissatisfaction - such conditions can become an impetus for the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • Bad weather: heat, frost, strong wind;
  • Problems related to the intestines. E. coli is present in the body of every person. Their numbers should match the norm. When this rate increases, toxins begin to be released. So eating is a reaction to these toxins;
  • An allergic reaction to any object, food, toothpaste And so on;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules. When brushing your teeth, you not only get rid of plaque, but also from infections that can cause cracks in the corners of your mouth;
  • Incorrect wearing of dentures.

The site urges you not to lose heart, be patient and take decisive action.

The corners of the mouth do not always crack for a reason external factors- perhaps the body is missing something

The corners of the mouth are cracking: what to do?

You should not delay this problem, otherwise crusts and sores may form at the site of the cracks. If you cannot independently detect the factors causing the jam, you need to contact a specialist. After identifying the cause, all that remains is to begin treating cracks in the corners of the mouth.

If you plan to get rid of cracks forever, then first you should diversify your diet with foods containing vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

When the skin in the corners of the mouth cracks, inflammation should be relieved and the function of skin cell restoration should be resumed. To do this, sore spots need to be lubricated. medicines. They may be:

  1. Thermal water;
  2. Hygienic lipstick;
  3. Vitamins A and E in the form of solutions;
  4. Ointments such as “Levomikol”, “Vishnevsky Ointment”, “Iruksol”;
  5. Infusions of sage, chamomile, string and celandine. They are used as lotions;
  6. Avocado, tea tree, sea buckthorn, rose hip, flax oil. They perfectly soften and heal wounds.

When treating this disease, you can turn to folk remedies that are easy to make at home. Let us give an example of one very simple recipe. You will need:

  • honey - 2 tbsp;
  • pork fat - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix honey with pork fat. Keep the finished mixture in the refrigerator. Soak the wounds with this mixture 3 times a day after meals.

Garlic and plantain juice also helps heal cracks.

Perhaps the problem associated with cracking of the lips in the corners of the mouth is a feature of the bite. To correct your bite, you need to seek the services of an orthodontist. Thanks to a simple operation performed in such cases, you can forget about the wounds forever.

There are situations when jams occur suspiciously often. It is worth paying attention to the following signs that should alert you:

  • too dry skin around the mouth;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • deteriorating health.

Most likely, a person with these symptoms has serious illnesses. There can be no talk of any self-medication here. Only qualified doctors will be able to identify the disease in time and prescribe treatment.

Preventing cracks in the corners of the lips

Agree that it is better to try to prevent the formation of jams than to treat them later. So prevention is very important and necessary. So, what needs to be done to protect yourself from this disease:

  1. Provide the body with the right amount of fluid, especially in bad weather;
  2. Give up the habit of licking your lips;
  3. Use hygienic lipstick;
  4. Use air humidifiers at home during the heating season;
  5. Apply nourishing cream or almond oil to lips after water procedures;
  6. Protect lips from frost.

Finally, I would like to remind you that self-medication does not always lead to success. There is no confidence that you will correctly diagnose the disease. After all, seizures can be just symptoms of another, more serious illness. Therefore, it is better to rely on doctors and solve the problem together cracked corners of the mouth. Good health to everyone!

Elena Lazovskaya – especially for the site

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Cracks in the corners of the lips, jams - all this is the name of one phenomenon, which is called angular stomatitis and is caused by streptococci or yeast fungi.

Nature is jammed

Depending on the type of pathogen, a distinction is made between streptococcal infection and yeast infection (candidiasis). The onset of the disease is the appearance of a phlegm or vesicle in the corner of the mouth, which gradually turns into a wound in the form of a crack or crevice that becomes covered with a crust. The crust is removed, and a bleeding wound is exposed in its place, which again becomes covered with a crust. This applies to the streptococcal type, and if the infection is of a yeast nature, then from the very beginning erosion appears, covered with a white coating.

Such skin damage in the corners of the mouth, in addition to purely aesthetic inconvenience, is quite painful. They are associated with the appearance of ulcers in the corners of the mouth. This type of irritation is caused by a fungus that affects not only the corners of the mouth, but also the wings of the nose, as well as the edges of the eye slits. This disease is characterized by itching, redness, and the appearance of crusts. There have been cases where even the buccal mucosa is affected.

And it looks unaesthetic, and pain can't be avoided

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

The most common cause is a lack of riboflavin or vitamin B2, which is found in cabbage, leafy vegetables, nuts and bran, as well as avocados and refined rice. In addition, seizures also occur due to a lack of iron in the body. Iron is found in pork, beef and lamb, pomegranates and peaches, asparagus and nuts, as well as in buckwheat and potatoes, parsley and rye. Sometimes the cause may be frequent licking of lips or eating sweets in large quantities. Psychologists name another reason for this phenomenon - a lack of cheerfulness, vitality, depression, as well as despondency and reluctance to forget troubles. There is another reason: ulcers in the corners of the mouth can occur due to insufficient hygiene, when a person does not brush his teeth regularly, irregular visits to the dentist, since cracks in the corners of the lips can cause both, and streptococcal infection. By the way, wounds can also occur as an allergic reaction to toothpaste.

In men, seals can appear as a reaction to the sun, in which case the lips become crusty and flaky. In women, they can signal the development of amnesia and indicate. Weather-dependent people may notice the appearance of such wounds as a reaction to changing weather.

In some cases, this is not so much a disease as a signal from the body, indicating the presence in the body, in the intestines. coli, which in small quantity live in the body of all people, but in this case they reach a high titer, and then they release enough toxins to cause such cracks to appear. By and large, the problems in gastrointestinal tract- this is one of the most common reasons. This indicates that a person has a metabolic disorder.

Angular stomatitis, as this phenomenon is also called, is a rather unpleasant thing, since it hurts a person not only to eat and speak, but also to smile and generally open his mouth. The appearance does not depend on age - both children and adults are susceptible to this phenomenon. Most often, damage appears in the spring.

This disease can be transmitted from person to person through household items, as well as through personal contact - by kissing, for example. U smoking people The disease is very difficult to treat, so you should quit smoking at least for the period of treatment. You should also exclude irritating foods - spices, citrus fruits, sour foods, since such foods irritate the ulcers and slow down their healing process.

Treatment of wounds in the corners of the mouth using traditional medicine

Consult your doctor about prescribing appropriate vitamins for you

Like any disease with a mixed etiology, cracks in the corners of the mouth are treated as required by the underlying disease that provoked this irritation.

For healing, 3% tetracycline ointment or a solution of iodine tincture and silver nitrate are used for healing. Especially to eliminate this problem, like many similar ones, pharmaceuticals produce Aquaftem, Iruksol, Vishnevsky ointment and Levomekol.

An important stage in treatment, of course, will be measures aimed at normalizing water balance in the body, since dryness is always a lack of moisture. Based on the fact that a person should drink 2 liters of water per day, determine whether enough fluid enters your body daily. The simplest hygienic lipstick helps very well to retain moisture on the lips and around the mouth.

Consult your doctor; he will probably advise you to take vitamin complexes, both of a general spectrum of effects, and those aimed locally at replenishing certain groups of vitamins in the human body.

How to treat with folk remedies

During the course of treatment medicines prescribed by the doctor, you can help yourself and speed up the healing of ulcers with the help of folk remedies.

There are also a lot of traditional methods for treating such cracks, which are mainly symptomatic - they do not so much treat the cause as help to cope with the problem itself.

The following options are more acceptable:

  • Tea tree oil.
    It is recommended to apply a cotton swab with tea tree oil to the corners of the mouth for a few seconds twice a day. Treatment is continued until the wounds disappear completely.
  • Kalanchoe.
    The juice is squeezed out of freshly picked leaves of the plant and rubbed on the skin in the wound area.
  • Butter.
    To make the jam softer more quickly, use regular butter.

Prevention of cracked lips

Prevention is best treatment, because it is much easier to prevent a problem than to solve it later. Prevention, first of all, should be aimed at preventing a lack of moisture, as well as at minimizing the possible influence of adverse factors environment on the skin. Make it a rule to drink a complex of B vitamins and multivitamins.

If such lesions on the skin of the lips occur in a person as a result of an allergic reaction, it is important to exclude the possibility of contact with the allergen, and if this is not possible, then in case of such contact, take antihistamines.

It is best, of course, to consult a specialist rather than start self-medication without knowing exactly the cause of the problem.

Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called “jams.” In medical terminology, there are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the reasons for its occurrence. Whatever they are, “stuck” is a signal of problems in the body, and it cannot be ignored. The causes and treatment of cracks in the corners of the lips require careful analysis and a competent approach.

Causes of cracks in the corners of the lips

In fact, inflammation and cracks in the corners of the mouth never appear for any one reason. Immune mechanisms well protect the epidermis of the lips, which is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical, temperature and microbiological influences. For the development of a seizure, there must be a coincidence of two or three provoking factors discussed below.


One of the main conditions for the occurrence of cracks is a weakening of general or local immunity. That is why “jam” often develops against the background of deficiency conditions - lack of vitamins, iron and zinc.

From vitamins highest value for the health of the skin of the lips there are four - A, C, E and B2:

VitaminImportance for lip skin
AIn the cells of the mucous membrane of the lips, it provides a barrier function, restores epithelial tissue, stimulates collagen synthesis, and increases the activity of leukocytes that resist infections.
EImproves cellular nutrition, protects cell walls from damage, increases skin elasticity, slows down the aging process of epidermal cells, and participates in regeneration processes.
WITHBeing an antioxidant, it participates in immune mechanisms, accelerates regeneration processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens small vessels in tissues, and improves iron absorption.
AT 2Activates cellular respiration, participates in immune processes, works directly in epidermal cells, improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Any factors causing deficiency of these vitamins - frequent colds, wrong lifestyle, poor nutrition, unbalanced diets, hormonal disorders, long-term use medications - can indirectly lead to the occurrence of “seizure”.


Often, cracks in the corners of the mouth appear after visiting the dentist. This is due to prolonged overstretching of tissues and mechanical stress on them. Subsequently, microorganisms enter the resulting wounds, and a “jam” develops.

In a similar way, cracks appear in young children who learn about the world by putting all the objects available to them into their mouths. In this case, an additional provoking factor is increased salivation during teething. Development in a humid environment pathogenic flora It progresses more actively, and the healing process is delayed.

Streptococcal impetigo is scientifically called “slit-shaped streptococcal impetigo.” Fungal - “candidiasis angulitis”. They differ in character from each other:

Symptoms and course of slit-like streptococcal impetigoSymptoms and course of candidiasis angulitis
Against the background of dry lips, redness with small blisters - conflicts - appears in the corners. After some time, they open, releasing purulent watery contents. In their place, erosions remain and become covered with crusts. The scabs often crack and bleed. The corners of the lips take on the appearance of one large ulcerBright red shiny erosions with a pale edging appear in the corners of the lips. A white coating develops on it. The skin under the plaque becomes covered with many small cracks. There are no bubbles or crusts.

At adequate therapy both types of “seizures” pass in 5-7 days. Under unfavorable conditions, the course of diseases can become chronic. Candidiasis angulitis has a particular tendency to relapse.

The action of microbes and fungi is a prerequisite for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips. All other reasons are concomitant.

Lip diseases

A “seed” of a herpetic nature can occur relatively rarely. For its occurrence, the presence of a virus in the blood is required. Herpetic inflammation can be localized on any part of the lips, including the corner. His distinctive property– ability to grow in any direction. Cracks in herpes appear after the blisters open and crusts form.

A disease of the lips such as cheilitis – inflammation of the red border – can also provoke a lip disorder. One of the most rare causes the appearance of cracks is a manifestation of Fordyce's disease - blockage and hypertrophy sebaceous glands. Because on the lips sebaceous glands located mainly in the corners, pathological process sometimes leads to the development of “jamming”.

Bad habits

Some bad habits also play a certain role in the occurrence of cracks:

  • Habit of biting and licking lips. The microflora that lives in the mouth easily penetrates wounds and microcracks with saliva, causing an inflammatory process.
  • Smoking. Few people wash their hands before putting a cigarette in their mouth, so pathogens entering the epidermis of the lips is inevitable. In addition, nicotine has a bad effect on the absorption of vitamin B2. Both of these circumstances make smoking a risk factor for cracks in the corners of the lips.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets. It has been noticed that people with a sweet tooth and diabetics more often suffer from “jam”. Increased level Blood sugar leads to metabolic disorders and decreased immunity.

Wounds, cracks and ulcers in the corners of the lips, which in everyday life are called jams, cause a lot of inconvenience. They spoil appearance and prevent you from wearing lipstick, cause pain while eating or talking, and sometimes even interfere with smiling. When choosing how to treat the corners of the lips, focus on the cause of the appearance of the seal, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective and the problem will become chronic. The reasons for the formation of jams can be both basic lack of hygiene and more serious factors - decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency. This is worth understanding in detail.

Causes of lip disease

Damage to the corners of the lips can be of traumatic, infectious or allergic origin. In medicine it is called cheilitis. Reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon easy to identify on your own. So, if your lips become very dry and cracks form in the corners of your mouth, this may be caused by prolonged exposure to a heated room with dry air or freezing temperatures.

When a cracked lip does not heal, it may indicate an infection. Analysis of additional symptoms will help to more accurately determine why the wounds appeared. You need to remember after what events or circumstances the problem arose. For example, this could be visiting the dentist, trying a new cosmetic product, or consuming too much spicy food.

Common causes of sticking in the corners of the mouth are:

  • Mechanical impact. Injury to the corners of the lips often occurs as a result of biting them while eating or frequent opening of the mouth (during a long visit to the dentist or wearing an uncomfortable denture).
  • Infections. With insufficient oral hygiene or reduced immunity, microcracks in the corners of the mouth may begin to infectious process.
  • Allergy. If the appearance of a seizure is preceded by itching and irritation in the corners of the lips, this may indicate an allergic reaction caused by toothpaste or some other cosmetic product.
  • Fungus. Recognize fungal infection easily by the white coating covering the erosion.
  • . This virus first manifests itself in the form of itching and redness, and then a pimple forms in the same place, resembling a blister in appearance, which subsequently bursts and turns into an ulcer.
  • Vitamin deficiency and lack of valuable microelements. Long-lasting cracks in the corners of the lips can appear as a result of a deficiency of certain vitamins or zinc.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is indicated not only by lesions in the corners of the mouth, but also by symptoms such as severe fatigue, weakness, pale skin and mucous membranes, poor condition of hair and nails.
  • General disorders - severely weakened immunity, endocrine diseases, dysbiosis, intestinal problems.

How and how to quickly treat lips at home

You need to start treatment only after finding out why your lips are dry and peeling or why painful wounds have formed in the corners of your mouth. If the cause of the problem is obvious, begin treatment available pharmaceutical products over-the-counter or effective traditional methods. If nicks, cracks or blisters on the lips have formed without any visible reasons, you will need to undergo a medical examination. A visit to the doctor is also necessary when the ulcer on the lip looks unusual, for example, it has a blue or grayish color.

In adults

The choice of methods for treating the corners of the lips should depend on the factors that caused the wounds. In addition to using local drugs, to fix the problem you need to exclude all possible reasons that provoked its appearance. For example, when the lesions are associated with wearing an unsuitable denture, it will be necessary to replace it with a more comfortable one, otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of cracks in the corners of the mouth. If the cause of erosion is an allergy, you need to identify the allergen so as not to come into contact with it in the future.

In the treatment of zaed, cheilitis and herpes are used local ointments, creams, various oils stimulating healing. When choosing how to treat the sore corners of the lips, it is better to consult a doctor, but if the wounds appeared very recently, they do not cause serious discomfort and are not combined with additional symptoms, find effective means to eliminate them yourself.


Can be used to treat cheilitis the following means:

  • antiseptic solutions for treating wounds (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution);
  • lotions with decoctions of chamomile, sage or string;
  • solutions of vitamins A and E (topically).

If the crack in the corner of your mouth does not heal for a long time, stop home treatment and consult a doctor. This may be caused by metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies or malfunctions internal organs. In such cases, medications, vitamin complexes, and nutritional supplements are used, which are prescribed only by a specialist. Self-administration of any medications, even if they are dispensed from a pharmacy without a prescription, can lead to an even greater imbalance and only aggravate the problem.

When cheilitis is caused by chronic allergies (so-called atopic cheilitis), it must be treated by a doctor. Therapy requires complete exclusion from the diet allergenic products, following a certain diet, as well as the use of antiallergic, corticosteroid, proteolytic drugs, multivitamins. If you have a long-lasting crack that looks like a crease in the corner of your mouth, you should consult a specialist, even if there is no reason to assume its allergic origin.


For common jams caused by minor injuries, poor oral hygiene, unfavorable weather conditions or dry lips, home remedies are used. How to treat the corners of the lips affected by jams? For fast healing In wounds, it is recommended to use rosehip, sea buckthorn or tea tree oil, which stimulate the healing process well. You need to apply them to the spots after washing your face two or three times a day.

If inflammation and an infectious process are observed in the wounds, in addition to wound healing agents, you should use special ointment from sticking in the corners of the mouth, for example, a cream based on erythromycin, which has an antibacterial effect. It is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. The cream should not be used in case of severe liver damage, during pregnancy and lactation, or if there is a tendency to allergic reactions. Before using the product, you should consult your doctor.


A cold on the lip, which is one of the manifestations herpetic infection, treated with local antiviral agents, for example, Acyclovir ointment. It should be applied to the corners of the lips up to five times a day. If undesirable effects such as itching, rash or irritation occur, use of the product should be discontinued immediately. Instead of pharmaceutical ointment, the ulcer is treated and fir oil or aloe juice.

It is recommended to start treatment immediately after detecting the first signs of herpes, without waiting for blisters on the lips to appear and burst. As soon as it starts at any point severe itching, burning, and then appears, start using antiviral ointments. So, it will be possible to completely get rid of a cold in just 5–7 days.


If your lips are constantly dry, they need to be moisturized and protected from unfavorable conditions, otherwise they can easily crack. Before going out into cold and windy weather, you need to apply hygienic lipstick or a rich, oil-based cream. If you stay in the heat for a long time or in a room with dry, moisture-free air, you should periodically lubricate your lips with cream and drink more water.

White plaque

It may appear on spots in the corners of the mouth. white coating, this almost always indicates a fungus. When you try to remove plaque or open your mouth wide, blood appears at the site of erosion. How to treat the corners of the lips in the presence of a fungal infection should be determined by the doctor. It is highly not recommended to use antifungal drugs on your own. For effective treatment it is necessary to find out the type of infectious agent and determine the exact dosage of the drug, and only a specialist can do this.

For self-treatment fungal infections, it is allowed to use the already mentioned methods: antiseptic solutions and lotions from herbal infusions. If the affected areas become very painful, use lidocaine gel. These remedies will help ease unpleasant symptoms– relieve burning, itching and irritation, eliminate temporarily painful sensations.

Chapped lips

If after a long stay in the cold or wind your lips become chapped, it is recommended to lubricate them with Vaseline or other greasy ointment. For more quick fix cracks and peeling, it is additionally recommended to use jojoba or almond oil. Before each time you go outside, apply hygienic lipstick, a little Vaseline or another protective product to your lips.

During pregnancy

You should definitely consult your doctor about how to treat the corners of the lips during pregnancy. Eating in pregnant women is often a sign of the development of anemia or other deficiency conditions that may require urgent treatment vitamin complexes, iron supplements or food additives to compensate for the lack of valuable substances.

Safe products will help relieve unpleasant symptoms folk remedies that are allowed to be used during pregnancy:

  • flaxseed or olive oil;
  • baby cream;
  • Kalanchoe or aloe juice.

The child has

When choosing how to treat cracks in the corners of the lips in children, you should give preference to products with a gentle effect:

  • three percent hydrogen peroxide for antiseptic treatment;
  • Vaseline, baby cream or any oil to soften the skin;
  • applications with decoctions of string or calendula (it is recommended to do them 3-4 times a day).

If no improvement is observed after a few days of treatment, you should consult a doctor. The lack of effect from using home remedies often means that the problem is related to general disorders in which the child requires nutritional correction, treatment with probiotics, taking vitamins and nutritional supplements, or specific drug therapy.

Prevention of lip diseases

To prevent lip diseases, the following should be used: preventive measures:

  • carefully observe oral hygiene;
  • Get regular dental check-ups;
  • do not overuse spices, hot and sour foods, which can irritate the lips;
  • avoid using other people's hygiene products, cosmetics and utensils;
  • protect lips from harmful effects using hygienic lipstick and caring creams;
  • ensure that all food groups are present in the diet and essential vitamins, eat a varied diet and avoid junk food, eat more vegetables and fruits, be sure to eat whole grains (buckwheat and oatmeal, whole wheat bread);
  • when signs of vitamin deficiency appear or reduced immunity(frequent colds, increased fatigue, dull hair, pale or sallow complexion) consult a doctor before problems begin to manifest as more severe symptoms.

Video about lip treatment

You can learn more about the causes of cracked lips and how to quickly get rid of unpleasant sores in the corners of the mouth from the videos posted below. They tell how available means treatments that can be found in almost any pharmacy, as well as the most effective pharmaceutical drugs, helping to cure jams, cracks, ulcers and wounds on the lips.

Sores in the corners

Cause of cracked lips

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