Beneficial and harmful properties of cloves. The ability of cloves to strengthen bone tissue

The burning and piquant aroma of this spice makes any dish even more appetizing and attractive. However, her beneficial features are not limited to just flavoring culinary products, these inflorescences are no less widely used in medicine for treatment various diseases. Meet cloves, unique in their taste and useful qualities spice, which is the dried unopened buds of the Syzygium clove tree.

Composition of cloves

The composition of cloves is so rich in vitamins, microelements and other substances that it immediately becomes clear where cloves have such powerful beneficial properties. The nutritional value cloves are due to their high protein content (6 g per 100 g), fat (20 g per 100 g), carbohydrates (27 g per 100 g). A third of cloves is fiber - essential dietary fiber that affects intestinal function (34 g of fiber per 100 g of cloves). This spice also contains ash and water (about 6 g per 100 g of product). About 20% of this spice is essential oil, rich in valuable aromatic compounds (eugenol, caryophyllene, ylangene, etc.).

Vitamin composition Cloves are the envy of the most complete multivitamin complex. The dried inflorescences contain: beta-carotene, the bulk of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 or PP, B4, B6, B9), ascorbic acid, tocopherol () and phylloquinone ().

Minerals represented by micro and macroelements, such as: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

Clove buds also contain glycosides, tannins, and mucilages.

Effect of cloves on the body

The range of beneficial effects of cloves is very wide; it has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, anesthetizes and relieves muscle spasms. It also has tonic and wound healing properties. The ability to increase muscle tone is both a beneficial and harmful property of cloves. Useful action it has an effect on the female body, brings it back to normal menstrual cycle, but for pregnant women the tonic properties of cloves are harmful; increasing the tone of the uterine muscles negatively affects the condition of the baby.

Adding cloves to food has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs. digestive tract, it stimulates the production of digestive juices, increases appetite, and normalizes food digestion. This spice is widely used in the treatment of colitis, intestinal colic, flatulence, diarrhea, and rectal diseases.

The most recent studies have shown that cloves have great benefits in the fight against cancer; these seasonings can inhibit growth cancer cells. The anti-carcinogenic properties of cloves are still being studied; scientists hope to create a drug based on cloves to treat leukemia.

Due to its high content, the benefits of cloves for the nervous system are invaluable. This spice accelerates the recovery process after physical or mental fatigue, relieves tension, and calms.

Cloves belong to the category of hot spices and have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, so people suffering from ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal area should not use cloves; this seasoning is also contraindicated for hypertension and gastritis with high acidity.

Cloves are a widely used spice, which are the unopened buds of the clove tree. The seasoning has an original, unique aroma and can add a refined taste to even the most ordinary dish. Meanwhile, the beneficial properties of the spice are not limited to its use exclusively in cooking. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat and prevent various ailments.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties and uses

The composition of the spice is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The content of valuable substances in it is so high that it can easily be compared with a multivitamin complex.

The spice contains:

Vitamin A (retinol);

B vitamins;

Beta carotene;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin K (phylloquinone);

Fiber (more than 30 grams dietary fiber per 100 g of cloves);

Ash (approximately 6 g per 100 g of product);

Essential oil enriched with beneficial aromatic compounds (more than 20% of the total spice);

Macro and microelements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium);

Digestible carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose);

Glycozoids, tannins, mucus;

Essential, non-essential, fatty and unsaturated fatty acid;

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated acids.

The calorie content of cloves is just over 300 calories per 100 grams of product. Of these: carbohydrates – 27 g, fats – 20.1 g, proteins – 6 g.

The benefits of the spice are expressed in the following properties:

Pain reliever;





Wound healing;





Cloves are used to combat various diseases; the spectrum of its beneficial properties is very wide: from stabilizing blood pressure and improving performance gastrointestinal tract to increase the tone of the uterus and stimulate labor. And in the field of dentistry, this seasoning has no equal!

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties for various diseases

Folk wisdom allows the seasoning to be used not only for preparing meat dishes, marinades and sauces. Due to clove oil (eugenol), the spice is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

The spice is widely used for dental diseases(stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease). If you rub ground cloves on your gums or simply chew the inflorescence, you can get rid of toothache. Clove essential oil is an effective pain reliever for temporary fillings and relieves bad breath.

The spice is a real salvation for severe headaches. To alleviate the condition, you need to mix in equal parts cloves, cinnamon and almonds, grind, pour warm water and dilute to a thin paste. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and hold until discomfort will not retreat.

Decreased arterial pressure, asthma are also indications for the use of cloves. Several inflorescences (5-6) are poured with water, brought to a boil, cooled and the decoction is drunk three times a day. For improvement taste sensations you can add honey.

Dry debilitating cough can be effectively treated with a solution consisting of sea salt and ground cloves. Wet conditions can be treated with a special tea made from crushed ginger and cloves, but for asthma and tuberculosis, a mixture of garlic, honey and clove oil, which should be taken orally, helps perfectly.

The beneficial properties of cloves (spice) are also manifested in the effective treatment of diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, hiccups and sore throat. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to warm the milk and throw a few inflorescences into it. Drink the aromatic decoction in small sips, trying to hold it in your mouth.

The effect of cloves is invaluable in the gynecological field. It helps with infertility and childbirth, enhancing the effectiveness of contractions and pushing, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and slows down the aging process. female body and increases sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.

Spice not only gives dishes an unsurpassed taste, but also has beneficial affects the digestive system, increases appetite and promotes rapid absorption of food. In addition, it helps with flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, intestinal colic. To improve digestion, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach with the addition of cloves and black pepper.

The spice is indicated for people suffering from nervous system disorders, because, thanks to the B vitamins contained in the seasoning, it relieves mental fatigue, tension, stress and helps fight depression.

Medical observations have shown that cloves effective in combating oncological diseases, since the spice prevents the proliferation of cancer cells and has an anti-carcinogenic effect.

Cosmetology- an area in which cloves have also found application. Thus, essential oil can be used for various skin problems - acne, purulent rashes. To prevent the spread of infection through skin, just wipe the inflamed areas with oil. This will not only relieve redness and itching, but also help skin cells regenerate.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties for children

The use of hot spice for adults and children differs significantly. Babies, of course, need very small doses, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. For example, to remove helminths, a mixture of ground flax seeds and cloves is prepared in a ratio of 10:1. Apply 3 grams per 7 kilograms of weight.

Clove essential oil will protect your baby from annoying mosquitoes. It is absolutely harmless for children, unlike most anti-mosquito drugs that have wide range contraindications and side effects.

Cloves (spice): contraindications

Despite its many beneficial properties, cloves also have contraindications that must be taken into account.

It is contraindicated, first of all, for gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, as it can irritate the walls of the stomach.

Strictly prohibited when carrying a child. Hot spice increases the tone of the uterus, and this can lead to miscarriage. Breastfeeding is another reason not to use cloves, as they may change the taste of the milk and your baby may refuse to drink it.

The spice with its unique taste is prohibited from being given to children under three years of age, as well as to hypertensive patients, people with mental disorders.

In any case, having decided to try clove (spice) or its oil on yourself, you must remember the strict dosage of the spice, contraindications and possible side effects due to individual intolerance.

What is clove (spice)? How is it produced, what is it used for and what properties does it have? You will find answers to all the questions asked in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about the chemical composition of cloves (a spice) and how it can be used outside of cooking.

General Product Information

Cloves (spice) are the unopened flower buds of the clove tree, which grows in tropical latitudes and belongs to the myrtle family. To use this product, it is first dried and then (sometimes) ground into powder.

Spice production

Unlike other spices, the technology for producing cloves is not very costly or labor-intensive. The clove tree produces a bountiful harvest twice a year. This allows you to prepare a large number of spices and distribute them throughout the world.

The process of drying the collected buds is very simple. It occurs mainly in the sun. Drying of unopened inflorescences continues until the cloves produce a specific cracking noise when they are crushed.

Due to the fact that the production of this spice requires little money, its price is relatively low.

Aromatic spices (cloves): properties of dried buds

Surely many people know the clove aroma since early childhood. Indeed, when preparing various pickles and marinades, our mothers and grandmothers very often used this spice.

Cloves have a strong, unique aroma and pungent taste. Moreover, the described properties are concentrated in completely different places bud.

The subtle aroma of the spice comes from its cap. As for the burning part, it is located in the petiole. By the way, after drying it should become elastic. Moreover, if produced correctly, the clove petiole will definitely leave an oily mark on the paper (when pressed).

As mentioned above, the spice we are considering is used not only in its whole form, but also in crushed form. However, it should be noted that such cloves very quickly lose their consumer qualities. Therefore, ground spice is rarely used in cooking.

Clove seasoning: use in cooking

The spice we are considering is quite widely used all over the world (both in Europe and Asia).

Cloves are most often used in cooking. It is mainly used for preparing various marinades (fruit and berry, mushroom, meat, fish and vegetable). Also, mixtures of spices, which include cloves, are very often used in fish canning, confectionery and sausage production.

To make sweet dishes (compotes, puddings, confectionery), cooks add cloves along with cinnamon. For dessert, it is better to use bud heads.

Few people know, but cloves (a seasoning) also add a special aroma to stewed meat (pork, lamb, beef). However, culinary experts recommend combining it with ground black pepper.

Also, this spice is often added to fatty minced meat, strong meat broths and sauces that are served with poultry (turkey, chicken). By the way, to enhance burning properties For spices, it is recommended to use only its stalks.

It should also be said that cloves (a spice) are often added to cigarettes produced in Indonesia.

To obtain a more tasty and aromatic dish, culinary specialists recommend correctly adding the spice we are considering. It should be added to the marinade during the cooking process with other ingredients, and to various soups, broths and compotes only 5 minutes before lunch or dessert is fully prepared.

Cloves (seasoning) convey their aroma and taste equally well to both cold and hot dishes. However, it should be noted that when elevated temperature the spice quickly loses its taste. In this regard, to determine the time of introducing the buds into the dish, it is recommended to follow simple rule: To obtain a more subtle aroma, the spice must be added later.

Other uses

Where else is clove (spice) used? The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed a little further. Now I would like to tell you about where this seasoning is used, besides cooking.

Clove buds are very popular in eastern countries. After all, it is there that they are used as incense. This product is also often used in medicine. Essential oil is made from cloves, which is a local irritant, analgesic, cold remedy. It can often be found in various balms and ointments.

Cloves are used quite widely in dentistry. It is used as a component for temporary fillings. The seasoning is also often used in aromatherapy and to repel insects.

Benefits of clove buds

Now you know what cloves (a spice) are. How is it useful for the human body? Experts say that this product is very popular in folk medicine. It is used as an analgesic and refresher. Cloves are also used to combat colds, worms and diseases. gastric tract. To do this, seasoning is not just added to food, but also made into tinctures, decoctions, ointments, etc.

Damage to clove buds

Few people know, but cloves can not only have a beneficial effect on the human body, but also cause harm to it. According to experts, this spice can greatly increase the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, it is strictly forbidden for those who have a similar problem to include it in their diet.

Also, according to some consumers, there have been cases when overuse seasonings caused overwork and overstrain of the body.

Knowing the benefits and harms of clove seasoning, many people can easily protect themselves from various diseases, as well as help their own body recover.

Determining the quality of spices

Many chefs complain that choosing high-quality clove buds is becoming more and more difficult. However, experienced specialists say that there is nothing difficult about this.

To determine the quality of the seasoning, you just need to throw it into a container of water. A high-quality spice should either sink completely or float vertically (that is, with the cap facing up).

If the carnation immediately surfaced and began to float horizontally, then this is the first sign of its low quality. As a rule, almost all the essential oil in such buds has evaporated.

Chemical composition of seasoning

Speaking about the beneficial properties of cloves, one cannot fail to mention the composition of this seasoning. After all, it is thanks to its components that it, one way or another, affects the human body.

As mentioned above, clove buds contain a large amount essential oil(about 20%), as well as caryophyllene, glycosides, mucus, oleanolic acid, humulene, tannins and fatty substances, vitamins B2, A, B1, C, PP and minerals such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

By the way, essential oil also contains beneficial substances. These are eugenol (about 70%), eugenol acetate (about 13%), caryophyllene and its oxides. In addition, the oil includes beta-myrcene, alpha- and beta-pinenes, ylangene, gamma-selinene, beta-elemene, benzyl alcohol, heptanol, vanillin, etc.

Dear friends, not long ago I was faced with an unexpected question: “cloves are a spice – is it good to chew it?” It is no secret that many culinary dishes cannot do without it, but is it worth using it as chewing gum for treatment? Let's figure out what beneficial properties and contraindications the clove spice has. From this it will become clear whether it can be used as a medicine for various health problems.

Probably everyone knows that the spice called “clove” is the buds (flower buds with unopened petals) of the clove tree from the famous myrtle family, which grows in the tropics. They are simply fermented in the sun, after which the aroma intensifies and the benefits increase.

Clove spice - beneficial properties and contraindications

Let's not talk about magical properties of this plant, although they exist, let’s immediately move on to a completely materialistic problem. What is the treatment, benefits and harms of clove spice? They are determined biochemical composition. And he is very rich! It is not for nothing that this plant is included in the official herbal pharmacopoeia of some countries, for example, Great Britain. Of the most significant substances stand out:

  • phytosterols (256 mg);
  • essential oils (up to 20%);
  • vitamin A (27 mcg);
  • vitamin E (8.53 mg);
  • vitamin C (80 mg);
  • vitamin PP (1.45 mg);
  • vitamin B2 (0.27 mg);
  • vitamin B6 (0.59 mg);
  • choline (37.4 mg);
  • vitamin K (141.7 mcg);
  • potassium (1103 mg);
  • calcium (645 mg);
  • magnesium (265 mg);
  • phosphorus (105 mg);
  • manganese (30 mg);
  • selenium (5.8 µg).

photo of a clove tree during budding and flowering

Medicinal properties of clove spice

Due to the fact that flower buds contain a lot of calcium and magnesium, they improve the synthesis of many enzymes involved in protein and energy metabolism. At the same time, the carbohydrate metabolism, in particular, maintaining optimal sugar levels. This is why cloves should not be ignored by those who suffer diabetes mellitus And overweight. Very often, cloves are included in the top plants for weight loss.

Flower buds of the clove tree are shown in gastritis with low acidity. Biologically active compounds enhance production gastric juice and stimulate digestion, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract. As a result, not only digestion improves, but also appetite increases, pain is relieved and healing of wounds on the mucous membrane improves.

Why else do you need to chew cloves? And not only chew, but also use as a spice and infusion for drinks. The carminative, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action of the extractive substances of clove buds helps to quickly get rid of inflammation in the large intestine. At the same time, liver condition and tone improves bile ducts. Therefore, for colic and flatulence, fragrant flower buds will come in handy.

The spice has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. This is especially pronounced in relation to white and golden staphylococcus, diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli. It is advisable to take cloves for a sore throat and other diseases caused by bacteria.

Cloves are good for chewing and brewing into tea. for the flu, as its antiviral properties help delay the development of this disease.

If you are interested in the question of why chew cloves, then dentists can give you a direct answer. The fact is that the bactericidal and analgesic properties of this spice help reduce pain when inflammation of the gums and toothache . If you use it as chewing gum, it is quite possible to eliminate bad smell from mouth.

Since clove buds are rich in B vitamins, they have a good effect on our nervous system. Calming effect fragrant spice is especially useful for those who are often nervous and cannot sleep for a long time.

Read also:

How to quickly remove nervous tension

What else is clove spice useful for? The biologically active complex contains a large dose of eugenol essential oil. It is this compound that causes the carcinogenic effect and is used in complex therapy at cancer treatment.

If you chew several buds at a time, you can raise your blood pressure. That's why hypotension- This is one of the indications for the use of flower buds of a tropical tree.

It is useful not only to chew, but also to brew cloves with milk for vision. For the recipe, take 3 pieces per glass of milk. This use also helps strengthen memory and improve the functioning of brain neurons.

Found in clove buds and benefits for men. When used regularly, the spice provides all possible assistance in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and prostatitis, and improves sperm quality. The effect is explained by the fact that extractive substances improve blood circulation in the capillaries, relieve swelling and inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Due to the fact that spicy raw materials contain a lot of phytosterols, it good for women, especially during menopause and during childbirth to stimulate insufficient labor activity. Sometimes cloves are also used to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Clove spice - contraindications

Despite the widest range of beneficial properties, cloves also have direct contraindications for use. If you do not take them into account, you can cause significant harm to your body. You should not chew cloves often and use them in cooking if you have:

  1. Increased stomach acidity.
  2. Stomach ulcer and duodenum.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Increased uterine tone during pregnancy.
  5. Feeding the baby with breast milk.
  6. Individual intolerance.

How to take cloves and how to use them in cooking

Is chewing cloves beneficial? I think you have already understood that in the absence of contraindications, the answer is definitely positive. The beneficial properties of cloves appear even with a small dose - just take 1-2 buds. Clove gum will be more beneficial if you add another teaspoon of honey to it.

Chewing cloves on an empty stomach is beneficial for improving digestion. If you do this after eating, then this effect will be blurry, but you can achieve sanitation oral cavity, which is also good.

Different parts of spicy buds have varying degrees aroma: the so-called petiole is more pungent, and the “cap” itself has a mild aroma. But if you chew the spice or put the entire bud in dishes and drinks, then this subtlety will not be noticeable.

First and second courses

If you are going to cook meat (lamb, pork, chicken, turkey), sauces, broths, then take not the whole bud, but only its leg. This seasoning will give the dish a richer and stronger burning aroma. To enhance this effect, you need to add more black pepper.

The more subtle the clove flavor you want, the later you add the spice to the dish.

Desserts and drinks

If you use clove buds for confectionery delights, compotes, mulled wine, then take only hats. They will create a more delicate aroma. In such dishes, the overseas spice goes especially well with cinnamon. Some drinks are good without additional spices. For example, try making tea with cloves - the aroma is very unique.

How to choose a quality spice

There are several rules that are useful to follow if you decide to buy quality cloves. They are as follows:

  1. The petiole of the buds should be elastic. If you press it across the paper, it leaves an oily trace. This indicates high-quality fermentation of the spice.
  2. Try throwing cloves into water with force. If they drown or float vertically with the bud up, then this indicates that the quality is high. If they float horizontally on the water, this means that the heavy essential oils have already been lost and there is no point in using the spice for treatment or cooking.
  3. You only need to buy whole buds. Ground cloves lose their medicinal properties very quickly. Therefore, even at home, if you have ground a spice, do not store it for a long time.

I hope that the information about the beneficial properties and contraindications of the fragrant spice of cloves was useful to you. You can choose the method of application for yourself. Some people like to chew cloves, others will prefer to flavor dishes with it, and others will prefer hot tea or mulled wine with aromatic additives. The main thing is that the chosen option improves your well-being and brings pleasure.

Good health to you! Nadezhda Goryunova

Chemical composition of fragrant cloves

There is the same amount of tannins in cloves, as well as glycosides and mucus.
If we consider the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then cloves contain 6% proteins, 20% lipids, and about 27% carbohydrates. Approximately 30% of the spice is fiber.

8 Health Benefits of Cloves

Actions of cloves:

1. bactericidal;
2. anthelmintic (helminthic);
3. antifungal (fungicidal);
4. pain reliever;
5. antispasmodic;
6. wound healing;
7. carminative (for flatulence)
8. anti-carcinogenic.


  • A wonderful recipe for heart health is mulled wine, which is prepared using fragrant cloves. There are many recipes for mulled wine, but cloves and cinnamon are most often used. Usually mulled wine is boiled, but it is more effective to infuse cloves without cooking for several weeks, since heat treatment evaporates and destroys its vitamins and aromatic substances.
  • It is better to take 0.5 liters of high-quality red wine (not powdered), add 5 clove buds to the bottle, and add a little cinnamon if desired. Close the stopper tightly and leave for dark place 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with tea 1-3 times a day.
  • For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, and bad breath, it is useful to chew the buds of the clove tree. The same actions will prevent the onset of a sore throat.
  • To stimulate digestion, 15 minutes before meals, carefully chew 1-2 buds of cloves with 1 teaspoon of honey. However, this is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as high blood pressure.
  • For hypotension, you can also chew several clove buds, the effect will be no less than that of caffeine.
  • Widely used clove oil for arthritis and arthrosis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the sore joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil per 1 tablespoon of massage oil).
  • Any advice? traditional medicine for preparing decoctions from clove tree buds. However, the medicinal value of such drugs will be small, since heat treatment destroys the substances that make up the buds.

How to choose a clove

Be healthy!


What is clove

Cloves are a spice obtained from the dried and unopened buds of the clove perennial tree.

The plant's homeland is the Moluccas Islands. Nowadays, cloves are grown in Tanzania, Indonesia, India, and Ceylon.

What does a clove look like?

The clove tree is an evergreen shrub or tree with a pyramidal crown that has a strong aroma. The leaves are leathery, petiolate, glabrous, dark green in color. Carnation blooms 2 times a year. The flowers are purple-red, small, collected in complex semi-umbrellas. The fruit is a false berry.

The spice has a brown tint. The clove buds are harvested and then fermented in direct sunlight. A high-quality clove, if thrown forcefully into a glass, should sink or float vertically. If the spice floats horizontally, it is of poor quality.

The field carnation and the clove tree are not the same thing. In some indications for treating the body, they agree, for example, for colds, nervous tension, for pain relief, but their composition is completely different. In addition, the grass grows in the European part of Russia and Siberia, and the tree loves tropical climates.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties and uses

With its very hot and spicy aroma, clove reminds of itself to those who have at least once tried it as part of culinary dishes. Aromatization with an herbal plant promotes relaxation and tranquility.

Cloves are a unique spice that contains a vitamin complex of groups A, B, P, C, E. The presence of minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber allows the spice to occupy a leading position in unique beneficial properties. Dried fruits perfectly freshen breath, eliminating the smell of garlic and onions.

The clove spice contains the main active substance- essential oil, occupying 20% ​​of the total mass of the bud. It also has a distinct smell. The beneficial properties of clove essential oil are complemented by a complex of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, ash, fiber, carbohydrates, tannins and fatty acids, polyunsaturated acids.

Cloves have a wide range of uses. It is used in medicinal purposes in the form of decoctions and infusions. Experts recommend using cloves married couples and people with low libido, as it increases desire, improves sex life.
The spice is also actively used in cooking, cosmetology, aromatherapy and for weight loss. The spice has found application in everyday life; it is used to repel blood-sucking insects.

For medicinal purposes, cloves can

Give pain relief, replace antispasmodic medications, get rid of germs.

Fruits help speed up digestive processes, prevent gas formation.

The medicinal properties of cloves are the secret to long-lasting sexual intercourse for many partners; its composition contributes to faster and longer-lasting sexual arousal for both partners.

The plant promotes rapid recovery from all types of injuries, for example, arthrosis, arthritis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the sore joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil per 1 tablespoon of massage oil).

Clove oil is effective in treating pustules and boils. Apply 1 drop of concentrated essential oil to the boil. At problem skin take baths with clove essential oil.

Helps eliminate eye diseases when rubbing them with a decoction of cloves.
A simple recipe will help you get rid of stye - add a few drops of water to a crushed clove bud, mix and gently apply to the eye area.

In the field of dentistry, this seasoning has no equal! Widely used for dental diseases (stomatitis, pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease). For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, and bad breath, it is useful to chew the buds of the clove tree.

Clove buds can be safely chewed instead of regular chewing gum. The healing properties of the spice will help you forget forever about diseases such as gum disease, stomatitis, and periodontal disease. And the essential oils contained in cloves will serve as an excellent mouth rinse. Natural relief from bad breath for a cheap price!

If you notice the first signs of a sore throat or sore throat, chew a couple of small cloves. The throat will instantly stop hurting, the disease will be stopped!

Low blood pressure and asthma are also indications for the use of cloves. Several inflorescences (5-6) are poured with water, brought to a boil, cooled and the decoction is drunk three times a day. To improve the taste, you can add honey. For hypotension, you can also chew several clove buds, the effect will be no less than that of caffeine.

A dry, debilitating cough can be effectively treated with a solution consisting of sea salt and ground cloves. Wet conditions can be treated with a special tea made from crushed ginger and cloves, but for asthma and tuberculosis, a mixture of garlic, honey and clove oil, which should be taken orally, helps perfectly.
To relieve a spasmodic cough, take 5 drops of clove essential oil, a tablespoon of honey and a small clove of garlic. Mix everything and consume before bed; the recommended dosage is presented in the recipe for one day.

The beneficial properties of cloves (spice) are also manifested in effective treatment diaphragmatic and muscle cramps, hiccups and sore throat. To eliminate the symptoms, you need to warm the milk and throw a few inflorescences into it. Drink the aromatic decoction in small sips, trying to hold it in your mouth.

The effect of cloves in the gynecological area is invaluable. It helps with infertility and childbirth, increasing the effectiveness of contractions and pushing, normalizing the menstrual cycle, slowing down the aging process of the female body and increasing sexual desire, as it is a natural aphrodisiac.

a) Cloves for menopause
During menopause or hormonal changes, all women experience hot flashes, which cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, the beneficial properties of cloves for women are especially valuable at this time.

This recipe will help you cope with age-related hormonal changes.
To reduce pain in the evening, 15 pieces of fruit are poured with a glass of water heated to 40 degrees and left until the morning. The next day, you need to drink half the tea before breakfast, and the rest before dinner. To make the spice treatment more effective, prepare a fresh portion of tea every evening.

Each clove bud consists of 20% essential oil, and also contains aromatic substances such as ylangene, eugenol and caryophyllene, and a high content of tannins. Because of such a concentrated composition, pinworms are simply afraid of cloves, as well as diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and even Koch's wand!

Recipe No. 1
♦ Ingredients:
♦ Wormwood - 20 g.
♦ Tansy - 20 g.
♦ Cloves - 20 g.

b) From helminths

Recipe No. 2

♦ Cloves - 100 g.
♦ Flax seed - 100 g.

How to prepare: Grind the ingredients in a coffee grinder. Place the resulting mixture in an airtight container and place in a cool place.
How to use: Take 25 g of the medicine every day, diluting it in tea or fruit drink. The duration of treatment is 3 days, after which take a break for 3 days. Then repeat the treatment again. General course treatment lasts 1-2 months.
Result: Elimination of helminths.

Spice not only gives dishes an unsurpassed taste, but also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, increases appetite and promotes rapid absorption of food. In addition, it helps with flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, and intestinal colic. In order to significantly improve digestion and normalize the entire functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole, you need to chew a couple of clove buds with 1 teaspoon of honey about 15 minutes before meals.
Attention! If there is a stomach or duodenal ulcer, as well as high blood pressure, then it is better to abandon this method of treatment. In other cases, the use of cloves is welcome!

The spice is recommended for people suffering from nervous system disorders, as, thanks to the B vitamins contained in the seasoning, it relieves mental fatigue, tension, stress and helps fight depression.

Cancer prevention. In families where there have been cases of cancer among relatives, the use of cloves will be a very good prevention. After all, as you know, this disease is very often hereditary. The fact is that the spice contains eugenol, which helps normalize the condition of the body as a whole, slows down the increase in the number of cancer cells and helps prevent a terrible disease.

Cosmetology is an area in which cloves have also found application. Thus, essential oil can be used for various skin problems - acne, purulent rashes. To prevent the spread of infection throughout the skin, it is enough to wipe the inflamed areas with oil. This will not only relieve redness and itching, but also help skin cells regenerate.

Try making a wonderful mulled wine drink using cloves. A warm alcoholic drink stimulates the heart, relieves autumn blues and depression, especially popular during colds. The most important thing is proper preparation.

For treatment, take 0.5 liters of quality wine, heat it a little and add 5 clove buds and a pinch of cinnamon. Mulled wine is ready. Adults are recommended to drink it as a stand-alone drink; teenagers should add a few teaspoons of alcoholic beverage to their tea.

There are many recipes for mulled wine, but it is more effective to infuse cloves without cooking for several weeks, since heat treatment evaporates and destroys its vitamins and aromatic substances. It is better to take 0.5 liters of high-quality red wine (not powdered), add 5 clove buds to the bottle, and add a little cinnamon if desired. Seal tightly with a stopper and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with tea 1-3 times a day.

For diabetes
In medicine, cloves are actively used for diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels, neutralizes the effects of histamine, and regulates the patient’s weight.

♦ Cloves - 20 buds.
♦ Water - 250 ml.

How to prepare: Pour over the buds hot water. Let the mixture sit for 12 hours, then strain.
How to use: Drink 75 ml infusion three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
Result: Maintaining optimal blood glucose levels.

For pancreatitis
Often included complex treatment Experts recommend using clove infusion. The effectiveness of the product largely depends on whether you follow the recommended diet when you are sick.
The given decoction recipe should be used to treat chronic pancreatitis.

♦ Cloves - 20 g.
♦ Water - 100 ml.

How to prepare: Pour cold cloves boiled water. Leave the product for 8 hours, then strain.
How to use: Take 1 tbsp infusion. three times a day.
Result: Elimination of symptoms of pancreatitis.

For a cold, 5 buds of clove spice should be ground in a mortar to a powder, then poured into a glass of boiling milk. Wait 20 minutes, strain the broth and consume warm - drink in slow sips, holding the liquid in your mouth.

Clove tincture

Clove tincture has healing properties. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, increasing immunity, for bronchitis, sore throat. The remedy is also taken for neuroses. The product is used externally for arthritis and rheumatism. To prepare the tincture at home, use the recipe below.

♦ Cloves - 25 buds.
♦ Vodka - 250 ml.

How to prepare: Pour cloves into a glass container and fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid. Leave the product for a week, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Take tincture 1 tsp. before eating.

Cloves (spice): beneficial properties for children

The use of hot spice for adults and children differs significantly. Babies, of course, need very small doses, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. For example, to remove helminths, a mixture of ground flax seeds and cloves is prepared in a ratio of 10:1. Apply 3 grams per 7 kilograms of weight.

Clove essential oil will protect your baby from annoying mosquitoes. It is absolutely harmless for children, unlike most anti-mosquito drugs, which have a wide range of contraindications and side effects.

Tea with cloves – a spicy aroma or a healthy drink?

Cloves, poured into boiling water or added to tea, provide many with a rich aromatic taste; its medicinal properties are especially valued in winter and autumn.

We list the main beneficial properties of tea with cloves:
♦ Eliminates physical tension, relaxes after a hard day and stress
♦ Combats muscle spasms
♦ Eliminates stomach colic
♦ Helps activate digestive processes
♦ Helps with diarrhea
♦ Removes painful sensations in the throat during colds
♦ Prevents the development of cancer cells, being an auxiliary medicine for oncological diseases.

There are many recommendations for brewing tea with cloves; the differences lie only in achieving different aromatic effects. IN classical way During preparation, several dried buds are added to the tea, the drink is infused for 5 minutes, and then consumed in small sips.

Tea recipe for colds
The beneficial properties of clove tea are known to many during colds. Spice added to tea helps fight viral infections, a warm drink is recommended to be consumed as a preventive measure in winter and autumn.

Prepare the following ingredients:

♦ Purified boiled water – 0.5 l
♦ 2 clove buds
♦ A little ginger
♦ A tablespoon of tea leaves
♦ Half a cinnamon stick or a small pinch of dried spice
♦ Lemon slice
♦ 3 tablespoons orange juice
♦ Sugar to taste

Place the ginger, cinnamon and cloves covered with water in a small saucepan. Boil the decoction and pour it into a brew of black or green tea, after 5 minutes add lemon, sugar and orange juice. Drink aromatic tea 3 times a day at home or at work.

Another recipe has no less beneficial properties of clove tea during a cold and will appeal to all milk lovers. To prepare it you will need:

♦ Boiled milk – 0.5 l
♦ Water – 200 ml
♦ Tea brew – 3 teaspoons
♦ Cloves – 3 buds
♦ Grated ginger

Pour dried ginger buds with a glass of water and bring to a boil, add tea leaves, let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain the warm drink through cheesecloth or a sieve, add boiled milk. Tea with milk and cloves is ready to be poured into cups and consumed.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

At all times, cloves have been used for healing, but it is important to know when you can use the bud of the flower, and when only the cap. The beneficial properties of the clove spice are very popular among adherents of folk and traditional medicine and contraindications to the plant should be taken into account before using it. Therefore, before treatment, carefully study the recipe.

If you use cloves to prepare marinades or dishes in which alcoholic beverages are supposed to be added, then the bitterness of the spice can quickly be extracted in the alcohol itself, without bringing any benefit, but only worsening aromatic properties dishes.

There is a group of people who should not include cloves in their daily diet:
1. Children under 2 years old should avoid this type spices.
2. For pregnant women and during lactation, the concentration of spice should be reduced several times, based on a specific recipe.
3. Availability high pressure is a reason to avoid cloves, as it helps to increase it.
4. Individual intolerance to clove spice - expressed in allergic manifestations on the skin.

How to choose a clove

To really get help from cloves in a number of different diseases, you need to make sure of its suitability. And it's very easy to do. Take one dry bud and forcefully throw it into a glass of water. The carnation should either sink or float on the surface of the water with the inflorescence up, that is, vertically. If the carnation lies horizontally, it means that it no longer has medicinal properties, because her essential oils have evaporated.

ratings, average:

In every home in the kitchen there is a jar of clove buds.

Perhaps take a fresh look at the spice jar and take advantage of the beneficial properties of cloves?

The unusual-looking buds of the clove tree are famous not only for their pungent taste and spicy aroma, but also for their therapeutic effect. This spice has long been used in traditional medicine recipes for the prevention and even treatment of certain diseases. So, about the unique medical properties unopened buds of the Syzygium clove tree we read in this article.

Chemical composition fragrant cloves.

Just one bud, but what a variety useful substances! The chemical composition of cloves is unusually large. Its beneficial properties are explained by the high content of vitamins, minerals and, of course, essential oil.

Vitamins of clove buds: provitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 or PP, B4, B6, B9), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Cloves contain useful minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

There is the same amount of tannins in cloves, as well as glycosides and mucus. If we consider the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then cloves contain 6% proteins, 20% lipids, and about 27% carbohydrates. Approximately 30% of the spice is fiber.

8 beneficial properties of cloves.

No wonder cloves are a powerful medicine, just look at its composition.

Actions of cloves:


Anthelmintic (helminthic);

Antifungal (fungicidal);

Pain reliever;


Wound healing;

Carminative (for flatulence)


Many pathogenic microorganisms are afraid of cloves: for example, Staphylococcus aureus and white staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus and even the pathogen anthrax etc. Fragrant cloves suppress the proliferation of tuberculosis bacillus. Cloves can be used effectively to prevent influenza.

When eating cloves, the production of digestive juices is stimulated, which is useful for gastritis with low acidity and decreased appetite. But when increased acidity and stomach ulcers, the use of this drug is contraindicated.

Cloves are used in the treatment of inflammation in the large intestine (colitis), intestinal colic, flatulence (carminative effect), diseases of the rectum, and liver.

When industrial pharmacies were widespread, special dental painkillers and bactericidal agents with eugenol, which is part of fragrant cloves.

This spice can relieve toothache, has a beneficial effect on gums, and is used for gingivitis and periodontitis. Dried clove buds - great alternative chewing gum, because neutralizes harmful bacteria and eliminates bad breath.

B complex of vitamins, which is so necessary for our nervous system, can be obtained from your favorite spice. It is no coincidence that clove extract is included in the German drug Doppelhertz Melissa, which has a calming effect.

Due to the eugenol it contains, cloves effectively fight the growth of cancer cells. This has been shown by recent research by scientists in the field of anti-carcinogenic agents.

Surprisingly, cloves have two opposite effects at once: it tones and relieves spasms. She is able to relax and tone at the same time. On the one hand, cloves can relieve spasms of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, on the other hand, they can tone the muscles of the uterus and raise blood pressure (therefore, cloves are contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension). The whole question, as always, is in the dosage.


A wonderful recipe for heart health is mulled wine, which is prepared using fragrant cloves. There are many recipes for mulled wine, but cloves and cinnamon are most often used. Usually mulled wine is boiled, but it is more effective to infuse cloves without cooking for several weeks, since heat treatment evaporates and destroys its vitamins and aromatic substances. It is better to take 0.5 liters of high-quality red wine (not powdered), add 5 clove buds to the bottle, and add a little cinnamon if desired.

Seal tightly with a stopper and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with tea 1-3 times a day.

For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, and bad breath, it is useful to chew the buds of the clove tree. The same actions will prevent the onset of a sore throat.

To stimulate digestion, 15 minutes before meals, carefully chew 1-2 buds of cloves with 1 teaspoon of honey. However, this is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as high blood pressure.

For hypotension, you can also chew several clove buds, the effect will be no less than that of caffeine.

Clove oil is effective in treating pustules and boils. Apply 1 drop of concentrated essential oil to the boil. For problem skin, take baths with clove essential oil.

Clove oil is widely used for arthritis and arthrosis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the sore joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil per 1 tablespoon of massage oil).

There are traditional medicine tips for preparing decoctions from the buds of the clove tree. However, the medicinal value of such drugs will be small, since heat treatment destroys the substances that make up the buds.

How to choose cloves.

A brittle, overly dry bud indicates a lack of essential oils. When you throw a high-quality kidney into water, it floats vertically, with its stem down, or sinks to the bottom of the glass. If the “clove” lies horizontally on the surface of the water, then there are no essential oils in it. Such cloves are not suitable for medicinal purposes.

Be healthy!

Many colonizing organisms run away from the spice and the clove essential oil that is part of it like from fire: white, golden staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus, even the culprit in the development of anthrax. It prevents the tuberculosis bacillus from multiplying, and is also recommended by experts for the prevention of influenza. Cloves have been successfully tested on animals against ascariasis.

How to take for adults

The recipe for its use is simple, you just need to grind the spice to a powder, then use it in doses for 10 days in a row. Cloves for adults are taken in a dosage of 1/5 or 1/3 teaspoon (depending on the person’s weight). You need to eat a portion 20 minutes before lunch. After ten days of therapy for prevention, the drug is taken once a week. This way you can defeat uninvited guests in your body and avoid intoxication.

Treatment of children with cloves

This is a disinfectant internal organs used for ascariasis according to a certain scenario. First you need to understand what type helminthic infestation patient is infected, stage of infection. After this, the course of treatment and dosage are selected. In most cases, the duration of treatment is exactly a week, after which there is a week-long break and repetition of the course. Possible side effects due to the high content of the eugenol component.

Clove tincture

Alcohol clove tincture is convenient because it can be stored for a long time. It has a positive effect on helminths and can be used for treatment digestive system, nervous diseases, fungal and bacterial infections. To prepare a clove tincture, you need to take 30 g of buds, pour in ½ liter of vodka and leave for a couple of weeks. Before use, filter the liquid. Cloves for worms are used in a dose of one teaspoon before meals. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Herb clove

If the tincture is prepared with vodka, then the clove infusion is made with water by steaming the buds of the clove herb (which should be crushed), although pre-prepared powder is more suitable for this purpose. A single dosage is 0.5 g. You can take one and a half grams of powder per day. For correct measurement doses, it is better to use high-frequency scales. The preparation recipe is simple: 1.5 g of powder is dissolved in 200 ml and left for an hour, then passed through cheesecloth. The product is distributed into three doses.

Cloves in capsules

Clove decoction

The decoction is prepared for the treatment of ascariasis; this composition is contraindicated for enemas. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 1.5 g of clove powder, stir it in 200 ml of boiling water and hold it in a water bath for a minute, then leave for half an hour and strain. Clove decoction should be drunk one teaspoon at a time. before meals. The decoction is not prepared for future use, because it loses its medicinal qualities.

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