The meaning of the visceral skeleton in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE. Visceral skull See what “Visceral skeleton” is in other dictionaries

parts of the skull in which the insides (viscera) are located, i.e. the intestinal-respiratory tract. This skeleton is represented by jaws and gill elements, and since both are located in the form of arches, they are collectively called visceral arches (see Skull).

  • - visceral, pertaining to the insides. For example, V. peritoneal layer - the visceral layer covering the abdominal organs, V. musculature - the muscles of the viscera. . ...
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  • - relating to internal organs...

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  • - ...

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"Visceral skeleton" in books


by Robinson Roy


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From the book Discipline Without Stress. To teachers and parents. How to develop responsibility and desire to learn in children without punishment or encouragement by Marshall Marvin

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Your skeleton To perform the exercise, take a comfortable position lying on a bed, or on a mat on the floor, or on the grass. Don't use a pillow. Watch your breathing. Imagine that almost nothing remains of your body - only a bleached skeleton lying on the ground. Save


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) author Brockhaus F.A.

Skeleton The skeleton is a solid support for the animal’s body, places of muscle attachment, and sometimes protection if the skeleton is external. It is necessary to distinguish S. from the shell, which serves primarily for protection and then for attachment of muscles. The shell is a selection of known parts



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Visceral skeleton

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SK) by the author TSB

Visceral analyzer

From the book Normal Physiology author Agadzhanyan Nikolay Alexandrovich

Visceral analyzer Visceral sensitivity, or interoception, is responsible for the perception of irritations from the internal environment of the body and provides reflex regulation and coordination of the work of internal organs. Receptors of the interoceptive analyzer

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From the book 3 best systems for back pain author Dikul Valentin Ivanovich

Skeleton Fig. A (front view): 1 – skull; 2 – upper limb; 3 – shoulder girdle; 4 – shoulder; 5 – forearm; 6 – brush; 7 – lower limb; 8 – pelvic girdle; 9 – thigh; 10 – shin; 11 – foot; 12 – tibia; 13 – fibula; 14 – patella; 15 – femoral


From the book Sculptural gymnastics for muscles, joints and internal organs. author Sitel Anatoly

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Skeleton The skeleton supports the body, protects internal organs, and makes it possible to sit down, stand up, walk, and run. It is also a storehouse of certain useful minerals. Blood is produced in the bone marrow. The adult human body consists of 206 bones of different shapes. Ribs,


From the book Central Asian Shepherd Dog author Ermakova Svetlana Evgenievna

Skeleton The dog's skeleton performs a supporting function and also protects internal organs from external damage. It is formed by bones, cartilage and ligaments. In the skeleton of a dog there are from 271 to 282 bones, connected to each other continuously (fused) or discontinuously (with

To the described base of the skull Also includes the so-called visceral skeleton, which forms the basis for the bones of the face, especially for the bones of the upper and lower jaws and for the hard palate, in addition, also the basis for the bones of the neck and the auditory ossicles. The visceral skeleton develops from the cartilaginous anlage of the gill arches. In cartilaginous fish, these parts still have a pronounced segmental distribution and form a more caudal part of the cranial base.

First gill arch(jaw arch) is divided into two parts - the anlage of the upper and the anlage of the lower jaws. In the maxillary processes, cartilage is not formed, and both lateral sections of the upper jaw arise desmogenically, directly from the mesenchymal blastema. The middle part of the upper jaw (intermaxillary region - os intermaxillare) arises from the inferior nasal area, area infranasalis, which is the lower part of the frontal process. As a result of the fusion of these anlages, a single upper jaw is formed.

Regions fusions(sutures) between the intermaxillary part and both lateral parts of the upper jaw are the so-called incisive sutures (sutura incisiva), the most dorsal, located in the midline point of which is the incisive foramen (foramen incisivum). The palatine plates, growing from the maxillary processes, ossify each from a separate center of ossification, then forming the hard palate, which also has a desmogenic origin. Between its two parts, even in adulthood, a visible bone suture remains.

If in progress development If complete fusion of both palatal anlages does not occur, congenital cleft palate (palatoschisis) occurs, which is usually combined with cleft jaw and lip (cheilognatho-palatoschisis). After the formation of the intermaxillary region in the arch of the primary oral cavity (in its future nasal part), a continuation of the cartilaginous nasal septum is formed, the base of which, in the form of the bony part of the nasal septum, after ossification, is attached to the bones of the palate.

Second gill arch(hyoid arch) is also characterized by a cartilaginous anlage (Reichert's cartilage), the dorsal end of which reaches the region of the original auricular capsule of the primordial skull. From this end the third auditory ossicle is formed - the stapes. From the ventral part, the styloid process (processus styloides) is formed, which attaches to the temporal bone. The middle part of Reichert's cartilage is replaced by a connective tissue stylohyoid tendon (ligamentum stylohyoideum), which connects the styloid process with the small horns of the hyoid bone (cornu minus ossis hyoidis).

Small horns arise from the most ventrally lying parts of Reichert's cartilage. The auditory ossicles are later closed in the endodermal mid-auricular cavity, which originates from the dorsal end of the first internal branchial groove. The cartilaginous auricular capsule surrounds this area, enclosing it in the petrous part of the temporal bone, which arises from it.

Cartilage of the third branchial arch ossifies in its ventrolateral sections, forming large horns of the hyoid bone (cornus major ossis hyoidis) on each side. These large horns are connected to the unpaired body of the hyoid bone (corpus ossis hyoidis), which arises as a result of ossification of the mesenchyme in the copula region, in the region of the ventral sections of the third branchial arch.

From fourth and fifth gill arches hyaline cartilages and elastic cartilages of the larynx originate, namely from their more ventral sections (thyroid cartilage - cartilago thyreoides, sphenoid cartilage - cartilago cuneiformis, corniculate cartilage - cartilago corniculata and cricoid cartilage - cartilago cricoides).

Among the anomalies and malformations observed during the development of the skull, only a few are worth mentioning. Sometimes in the craniodorsal regions the bones of the skull do not develop (acrania), or do not close together (cranioschisis). This defect is combined with spina bifida (craniorachischisis). Premature fusion of the sutures of the cranial bones causes various deformations of the skull (for example, microcephaly - an abnormally small head, etc.).

Viscera "linen skeleton"t, visceral skull, in vertebrates and humans, skeletal elements located in the oral and pharyngeal region of the intestinal tube. In lower vertebrates, this section contains gill slits, separated by interbranchial septa, in which supporting visceral elements arise, or gill arches. In the ancestors of vertebrates (according to A.N. Severtsov), the gill slits began immediately behind the mouth opening. Their number reached 17. In the process of evolution in vertebrates, the anterior and posterior gill slits and visceral arches disappeared. Evolution of V. s. went in two directions. In jawless animals (fossil armored animals and modern cyclostomes), the visceral arches are solid and located outside the gill sacs; in lampreys they are connected to each other by longitudinal adhesions and form an elastic gill lattice; the anterior branchial arches form the infraorbital arch of the skull and the lateral cartilages of the oral sucker ( rice. 1 ). In gnathostomes, gill filaments develop outward from the skeleton. The gill arches are divided into 4 movably interconnected elements ( rice. 2 , A). The mobility of the gill arches enhances the respiratory function of the gills and at the same time provides some opportunity to retain food in the oral cavity. This led to the loss of respiratory function by the anterior gill arches ( rice. 2 , b). The first two of them were reduced and preserved in lower fish in the form of labial cartilages, the third gill arch turned into an organ for active food capture - it became a jaw arch and formed the primary upper jaw ( palatoquadrate cartilage) and primary mandible ( Meckel's cartilage). The fourth branchial arch forms the hyoid arch, consisting of the upper suspension, which in most fish connects the upper jaw to the skull, and the lower, actually hyoid cartilage, the hyoid. Subsequent visceral arches form the branchial arches proper. There are usually 5 of them, but there may be 6 or 7.

In bony fishes in V. s. the labial cartilages disappear, separate ossifications develop on the palatoquadrate cartilage: the palatine bone is formed at its anterior end, and the quadrate at the posterior end. Between them are the pterygoid bones. Significant change in V. s. in bony fishes - the appearance of secondary jaws ( rice. 3 ), arising from the integumentary bones. The upper secondary jaw is formed by the premaxillary and maxillary bones. The lower one is the dentary bone, which covers the anterior half of Meckel's cartilage. Its posterior half ossifies in the form of an independent articular bone. The mandibular joint arises between it and the quadrate bone. Secondary bones are also formed here: angular, surangular, etc. On the hyoid arch of bony fishes, a bony gill cover appears. The dewlap is divided into the dewlap itself and the connective bone, which significantly increases the mobility of the jaw apparatus. The hyoid ossifies. There are always 5 gill arches.

In all terrestrial vertebrates ( rice. 4 ) the primary maxilla fuses with the skull and forms the bony parts of the palate ( autostyle). The premaxillary and maxillary bones function as jaws. The lower jaw of terrestrial vertebrates, with the exception of mammals, consists of the same bones as those of bony fishes; Their jaw joint is formed by the quadrate and articular bones. The suspension replaces its primary function of “suspension” with the function of transmitting sound vibrations from the eardrum inner ear and turns into an auditory ossicle (column) located in the cavity middle ear. The hyoid, as well as the branchial arches, are reduced and, merging, form the hyoid bone with its processes. In mammals, the lower jaw consists only of the dentary, which articulates with the squamosal bone. This secondary mandibular joint replaces the missing primary joint between the quadrate and articular bones. The latter in mammals are located in the middle ear cavity and form the auditory ossicles; the square one is the anvil, and the articular one is the malleus. In mammals, the stapes arises from the auditory ossicle (column).

In mammals, the tympanic bone is formed from the angular bone of the lower jaw of the ancestors. The body of the hyoid bone and its anterior horns arise from the hyoid arch, and the posterior horns arise from the 1st branchial arch; The 2nd and 3rd branchial arches form the thyroid cartilage of the larynx; the epiglottis is formed from the 4th arch; of the 5th - arytenoid cartilages, and according to some data, also tracheal cartilages.

Lit.: Severtsov A.N., Morphological patterns of evolution, M. - L., 1939; Shmalgauzen I. I., Fundamentals of comparative anatomy of vertebrate animals, M., 1947.

A. N. Druzhinin.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the structure of the visceral skeleton in gnathostomes: a - visceral skeleton of a hypothetical ancestor of gnathostomes: 1 - gill slit; 2 - gill filament; 3 - gill septum; 4 - dissected gill arch; 5 - mouth opening; I, II, III, IV,..., X - gill arches; b - visceral skeleton of a shark: I, II - labial cartilages; III - primary upper jaw (palatoquadrate cartilage); III" - primary lower jaw (Meckel's cartilage); IV - pendant; IV" - hyoid; V - IX - gill arches.

Rice. 4. Scheme of the visceral skeleton of terrestrial vertebrates: A - skull of a frog tadpole; B - skull of an adult frog; B - hatteria skull; G - bird skull; D - skull of a mammal; bones: 1 - premaxillary; 2 - jaw; 3 - dental; 4 - sublingual; 5 - square; 5" - anvil: 6 - articular; 6" - malleus; 7 - palatal; 8 - drum; 9 - pterygoid; III - palatoquadrate cartilage; III" - Meckel's cartilage; IV - pendulum (stapedius); IV" - hyoid: V-VIII - branchial arches.

Rice. 3. Diagram of the skull of a bony fish (the visceral skeleton is separated from the cranium); bones: 1 - premaxillary; 2 - maxillary; 3 - dental; 4 - palatal; 5 - square; 6 - pterygoid; 7 - articular; 8 - corner; III - palatoquadrate cartilage; III" - Meckel's cartilage; IV - dissected suspension; IV - hyoid; V-IX - branchial arches.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the visceral skeleton of the lamprey: 1 - external opening of the gill sac; 2 - gill lattice; 3 - infraorbital arch; 4 - lateral cartilages of the oral sucker; 5 - skull; 6 - chord; 7 - vagus nerve.

Vertebrates. The vertebrate skeleton is formed not only by bones: it includes cartilage and connective tissue, and sometimes it includes various skin formations.

In vertebrates, it is customary to distinguish the axial skeleton (skull, notochord, spine, ribs) and the skeleton of the limbs, including their girdles (shoulder and pelvic) and free sections.

Skull (cranium) – the skeleton of the head of vertebrates. There are cerebral skull (craniumcelebrale, s. neurocranium) and visceral (craniumviscerale, s. splanchnocranium).

Rice. 1. Schematic representation of the relationship between the brain and facial skull in primates and humans (lines indicate the longitudinal axis of the brain skull and the facial axis: a – prosimian (lemur), b – lower narrow-nosed monkey (monkey), c – anthropomorphic monkey (chimpanzee), d – Human.

During the process of phylogenesis, the angle between the longitudinal axis of the brain skull and the facial axis increases.

The skull determines the shape of the head. The cranium forms the container for the brain, organs of smell, vision, balance and hearing. The bones of the facial skull form the bony basis for the initial part of the digestive and respiratory systems (oral cavity and nasal cavity).

Based on their origin, there are three categories of skull bones: replacement cartilage, integumentary (overhead, or skin) and visceral. Invertebrates lack a structure comparable to the skull of vertebrates. In hemichordates, tunicates and cephalochordates there are no signs of a skull. Cyclostomes have a cartilaginous skull. In sharks and their relatives, it may once have contained bones, but now its box is a single monolith of cartilage with no seams between the elements. Bony fish have more different types of bones in their skulls than any other class of vertebrates. In them, like all higher groups, the central bones of the head are embedded in cartilage and replace it, and therefore are homologous to the cartilaginous skull of sharks.

Integumentary bones arise as calcareous deposits in the dermal layer of the skin. In some ancient fish, they were plates of shell that protected the brain, cranial nerves and sensory organs located on the head. In all higher forms, these plates migrated into the depths, were incorporated into the original cartilaginous skull and formed new bones, closely related to the replacement ones. Almost all of the outer bones of the skull come from the dermal layer of the skin.

The visceral elements of the skull are derivatives of the cartilaginous gill arches that arose in the walls of the pharynx during the development of gills in vertebrates. In fish, the first two arches have changed and turned into the jaw and hyoid apparatus. In typical cases, they retain 5 more gill arches, but in some genera their number has decreased. The primitive modern shark sevengill ( Heptanchus) behind the maxillary and hyoid arches there are as many as seven gill arches. In bony fishes, the jaw cartilages are lined with numerous integumentary bones; the latter also form gill covers that protect the delicate gill filaments. During the evolution of vertebrates, the original jaw cartilages were steadily reduced until they disappeared completely. If in crocodiles the remainder of the original cartilage in the lower jaw is lined with 5 paired integumentary bones, then in mammals only one of them remains - the tooth, which completely forms the skeleton of the lower jaw.

The skull of ancient amphibians contained heavy integumentary plates and was similar in this respect to the typical skull of lobe-finned fish. In modern amphibians, both applique and replacement bones are greatly reduced. There are fewer of them in the skull of frogs and salamanders than in other vertebrates with a bony skeleton, and in the latter group many elements remain cartilaginous. In turtles and crocodiles, the skull bones are numerous and tightly fused to each other. In lizards and snakes they are relatively small, with the external elements separated by wide intervals, as in frogs or toads. In snakes, the right and left branches of the lower jaw are very loosely connected to each other and to the cranium by elastic ligaments, which allows these reptiles to swallow relatively large prey. In birds, the skull bones are thin but very hard; in adults they have fused so completely that several sutures have disappeared. The orbital sockets are very large; the roof of the relatively huge braincase is formed by thin integumentary bones; the light jaws are covered with horny sheaths. In mammals, the skull is heavy and includes powerful jaws with teeth. The remains of the cartilaginous jaws moved to the middle ear and formed its bones - the hammer and the incus.

Comparative anatomy

The brain and facial skulls have different phylogenetic origins. The brain skull is a continuation of the axial skeleton of the body. In lower vertebrates, it is built on the cartilages that form the braincase, ear and nasal capsules. The braincase consists of the chordal (posterior) and prechordal (anterior) parts, the border between them is the sella turcica. The notochordal part develops from the cephalic sclerotomes and has signs of a segmental structure; the occipital and auricular regions are distinguished in it. The prechordal part is unsegmented and is divided into the orbital and nasal regions. Evolutionary transformations of the cerebral skull are determined, first of all, by the development of the brain and sensory organs.

The facial skull in agnathans is represented by several pairs of gill arches, metamerically located in the walls of the foregut. In fish, the anterior gill arches are transformed into jaws, and in terrestrial vertebrates, auditory ossicles and the hyoid apparatus also develop from them. The primary (primordial) cartilaginous skull is most developed in cartilaginous fish. In ancient lungfishes, bones appear at the base of the skull, replacing cartilage, and integumentary bones are formed in the cranial vault as a result of the fusion of skin scales. The visceral skull of bony fishes consists of a larger number of small replacement and integumentary bones. With the transition to a terrestrial lifestyle, the total number of skull bones decreases, some of them merge with each other, and some disappear. The way the jaws are attached to the skull changes. In reptiles, a secondary bony palate is formed, separating the nasal cavity from the oral cavity, and temporal pits and temporal arches are formed. Fossil theriodont reptiles have a head skeleton similar to that of mammals.

In mammals, for the first time, a joint is formed between the lower jaw and the temporal bone, the muscle relief of the bones is smoothed, the brow ridges are reduced, the jaws are shortened, the alveolar processes are reduced, and the external nose and chin protrusion are formed.

During the evolution of vertebrates, the visceral skeleton undergoes great changes; in origin it is associated with the gill-respiratory function of aquatic vertebrates. This is reflected in the embryonic development of higher vertebrates and humans. In their embryos, in the early stages of embryonic development, the rudiments of gill openings appear, between which blood vessels, muscles and elements of the visceral skeleton are laid, forming the jaw, hyoid and gill apparatus. The study of the visceral skeleton played a major role in the development of comparative anatomy of vertebrates.

In lower aquatic vertebrates, the visceral skeleton consists of a successive row of identical paired visceral arches located in the walls of the oral and pharyngeal region of the digestive tube on the right and left between the gill slits. They perform the function of the skeletal elements of aquatic respiratory organs - gills, for example, in lancelets and cyclostomes.

In all fish and terrestrial vertebrates, the three anterior visceral arches acquired the function of capturing food, processing it and swallowing it (i.e., they formed the basis of the jaw and pharyngeal apparatus). The jaw arch consists of the upper and lower jaws, the hyoid arch serves as a suspension when combining the jaw apparatus with the brain skull. The remaining visceral arches are each divided into four elements and form the gill apparatus.

In terrestrial vertebrates, due to the transition to air respiration, the gill apparatus is gradually reduced. The primary upper jaw - the palatoquadrate cartilage - grows to the bottom of the skull and fuses with the secondary dermal bones. The lower jaw is attached to the bottom of the skull through the quadrate bone. The upper element of the hyoid arch moves to the middle ear and turns into an auditory bone - the stapes; the lower elements of the hyoid arch turn into the hyoid apparatus, and the system of branchial arches is reduced. In reptiles and birds, a movable articulation of the upper jaw with the skull (kineticism) is formed in the jaw apparatus, which is an adaptation to various methods of grasping food. In mammals and humans, kineticism disappears, but a movable block attachment of the lower jaw to the skull through the condylar process develops, and in the middle ear, due to the elements of the visceral skeleton, a system of three auditory ossicles (hammer, incus and stapes) is formed. The formation of a movable articulation of the lower jaw with the skull makes it possible to mechanically process food in the oral cavity; Various types of food chewing are formed - circular, transverse, longitudinal.


skeleton, visceral skull, in vertebrates and humans, skeletal elements located in the oral and pharyngeal region of the intestinal tube. In lower vertebrates, this section contains gill slits, separated by interbranchial septa, in which supporting visceral elements, or gill arches, arise. In the ancestors of vertebrates (according to A.N. Severtsov), the gill slits began immediately behind the mouth opening. Their number reached 17. In the process of evolution in vertebrates, the anterior and posterior gill slits and visceral arches disappeared. Evolution of V. s. went in two directions. In jawless animals (fossil armored animals and modern cyclostomes), the visceral arches are solid and located outside the gill sacs; in lampreys they are connected to each other by longitudinal adhesions and form an elastic gill lattice; the anterior branchial arches form the infraorbital arch of the skull and the lateral cartilages of the oral sucker (Fig. 1). In gnathostomes, gill filaments develop outward from the skeleton. The gill arches are divided into 4 movably interconnected elements (Fig. 2, a). The mobility of the gill arches enhances the respiratory function of the gills and at the same time provides some opportunity to retain food in the oral cavity. This led to the loss of respiratory function by the anterior gill arches (Fig. 2, b). The first two of them were reduced and preserved in lower fish in the form of labial cartilages, the third gill arch turned into an organ for active food capture - it became the jaw arch and formed the primary upper jaw (palatoquadrate cartilage) and the primary lower jaw (Meckel's cartilage). The fourth branchial arch forms the hyoid arch, consisting of the upper suspension, which in most fish connects the upper jaw to the skull, and the lower, actually hyoid cartilage, the hyoid. Subsequent visceral arches form the branchial arches proper. There are usually 5 of them, but there may be 6 or 7.

In bony fishes in V. s. the labial cartilages disappear, separate ossifications develop on the palatoquadrate cartilage: the palatine bone is formed at its anterior end, and the quadrate at the posterior end. Between them are the pterygoid bones. Significant change in V. s. in bony fishes - the appearance of secondary jaws (Fig. 3), arising from the integumentary bones. The upper secondary jaw is formed by the premaxillary and maxillary bones. The lower one is the dentary bone, which covers the anterior half of Meckel's cartilage. Its posterior half ossifies in the form of an independent articular bone. The mandibular joint arises between it and the quadrate bone. Secondary bones are also formed here: angular, surangular, etc. On the hyoid arch of bony fishes, a bony gill cover appears. The dewlap is divided into the dewlap itself and the connective bone, which significantly increases the mobility of the jaw apparatus. The hyoid ossifies. There are always 5 gill arches.

In all terrestrial vertebrates (Fig. 4), the primary maxilla fuses with the skull and forms the bony parts of the palate (autostyly). The premaxillary and maxillary bones function as jaws. The lower jaw of terrestrial vertebrates, with the exception of mammals, consists of the same bones as those of bony fishes; Their jaw joint is formed by the quadrate and articular bones. The pendant replaces its primary function of “suspension” with the function of transmitting sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear and turns into an auditory ossicle (column), located in the cavity of the middle ear. The hyoid, as well as the branchial arches, are reduced and, merging, form the hyoid bone with its processes. In mammals, the lower jaw consists only of the dentary, which articulates with the squamosal bone. This secondary mandibular joint replaces the missing primary joint between the quadrate and articular bones. The latter in mammals are located in the middle ear cavity and form the auditory ossicles; the square one is the anvil, and the articular one is the malleus. In mammals, the stapes arises from the auditory ossicle (column).

In mammals, the tympanic bone is formed from the angular bone of the lower jaw of the ancestors. The body of the hyoid bone and its anterior horns arise from the hyoid arch, and the posterior horns arise from the 1st branchial arch; The 2nd and 3rd branchial arches form the thyroid cartilage of the larynx; the epiglottis is formed from the 4th arch; of the 5th - arytenoid cartilages, and according to some data, also tracheal cartilages.

Lit.: Severtsov A.N., Morphological patterns of evolution, M. - L., 1939; Shmalgauzen I. I., Fundamentals of comparative anatomy of vertebrate animals, M., 1947.

A. N. Druzhinin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what VISCERAL SKELETON is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    parts of the skull in which the insides (viscera) are located, i.e. the intestinal-respiratory tract. This skeleton is represented by jaws and gill elements, as well as...
    ? parts of the skull in which the insides (viscera) are located, i.e. the intestinal-respiratory tract. This skeleton is represented by jaws and gill elements, and...
  • SKELETON in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    If you dream of a skeleton, it means... Illnesses, strife and losses await you, which will be brought by a force hostile to you. If you dream about yourself...
  • SKELETON in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a frame made of hard tissue that provides the body with support, movement and protection of internal organs. Most invertebrates have an external skeleton, in the form of...
  • VISCERAL in the Popular Medical Encyclopedia:
    - related to internal...
  • SKELETON in Medical terms:
    (skeleton, pna, bna; Greek skeletos dried) system of dense, connective tissue, ch. arr. bone, formations that make up the skeleton of humans and animals and perform ...
  • VISCERAL in Medical terms:
    (visceralis; Latin viscus, visceris, usually in the plural viscera viscera) relating to internal ...
    (from the Greek skeletos lit. - dried), a set of hard tissues in the body of animals and humans, giving the body support and protecting it...
  • VISCERAL in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from Lat. viscera - insides) in anatomy - visceral, relating to internal organs, for example, the visceral layer of the pleura. Wed. ...
    (from the Greek skeletos, literally - dried), a set of hard tissues in the body of animals and humans, giving the body support and protecting it...
  • VISCERAL in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from Latin viscera - entrails), visceral, relating to the internal organs of an animal. For example, V. a layer of peritoneum lining the insides; visceral muscles...
  • SKELETON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    - solid support for the animal’s body, places of muscle attachment and sometimes protection if the S. is external. It is necessary to distinguish S. from the shell...
    [from Greek dried up (body)] 1) the totality of bones and cartilage of the vertebrate body; in invertebrates - various supporting structures (for example, a calcareous shell ...
  • VISCERAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    oh, oh, anat. relating to the internal organs of an animal organism. Compare: ...
  • SKELETON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. A set of bones that make up the solid base, the skeleton of the body of humans and animals. 2. transfer Frame, frame. Reinforced concrete village building. ...
  • VISCERAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    oh, oh, anat. Relating to the internal organs of an animal organism.||Cf. PARIETALE…
  • SKELETON in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. A set of solid formations that make up the support, the skeleton of the human and animal body. S. human. Skeletal bones. External village ...
    SKELETON (from the Greek skeletos, lit. - dried), a set of hard tissues in the body of animals and humans, giving the body support and protecting it...
  • VISCERAL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VISCERAL (from lat. viscera - insides) (anat.), visceral, related to internal. organs, for example B. layer of pleura. Wed. Parietal…
  • SKELETON in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? a solid support for the animal’s body, a place for muscle attachment and sometimes protection if the S. is external. It is necessary to distinguish S. from the shell...
  • SKELETON in Collier's Dictionary:
    a collection of solid supporting structures of the body. In higher vertebrates, including humans, the skeleton consists of bones and cartilage, but in many lower...
    skele"t, skele"you, skele"that, skele"tov, skele"that, skele"there, skele"t, skele"you, skele"tom, skele"tami,skele"te, ...
  • VISCERAL in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral linen, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, visceral, …
  • SKELETON in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • SKELETON in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    The skeleton...
  • SKELETON in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: ...
    (gr. skeleton (lit.) dried (body)) 1) a set of bones and cartilage that make up the skeleton of the body of vertebrates and humans; in invertebrates the role...
  • VISCERAL in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (lat. viscera viscera) anat. visceral, relating to the internal organs of an animal organism (for example, the second branches of blood vessels, nerves); Wed ...
    [ 1. the totality of bones and cartilage that make up the skeleton of the body of vertebrates and humans; in invertebrates, the role of the skeleton is played by various supporting structures; ...
  • VISCERAL in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [anat. visceral, relating to the internal organs of an animal organism (for example, the second branches of blood vessels, nerves); Wed ...
  • SKELETON in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: ...
  • SKELETON in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
    Syn: ...
  • VISCERAL in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • SKELETON in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) A set of bones that form the solid basis of the body of vertebrates and humans. 2) A set of dense supporting structures in invertebrates. ...
  • VISCERAL in Lopatin's Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • SKELETON in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    skeleton, …
  • VISCERAL in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • SKELETON in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • VISCERAL in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • SKELETON in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    a set of solid formations that make up the support, the skeleton of the human and animal body. Human. Skeletal bones. External village (in invertebrate animals). How …
  • SKELETON in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. , Greek skeleton, skeleton, all the bones of an animal, a person, in their proper connection. Skeletal machine, stand, what it is installed on. ...
    (from the Greek skeletos, lit. - dried), a set of hard tissues in the body of animals and humans, giving the body support and protecting it...
  • VISCERAL in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (from Lat. viscera - insides), in anatomy - visceral, relating to internal organs, for example, the visceral layer of the pleura. Wed. ...
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