Causes of nausea and numbness of the tongue. Reasons for unilateral violation

Sometimes people encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the tongue. It can vary in localization, for example, sensitivity can be impaired only in the area of ​​the tip of the tongue or cover larger areas, and in intensity - from a slight decrease in sensitivity to total loss. In any case, you should consult a doctor without self-medicating and without hoping that it will go away on its own.

For what reason can the tongue go numb?

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon, like numbness of the tongue, which doctors call “paresthesia,” is quite a lot. For example, it can occur after treatment by a dentist if, during tooth extraction or treatment of a deep cavity, the doctor accidentally damages a nerve. In this case, the sensitivity of the tongue will recover on its own after some time. This situation is not dangerous, you just need to be patient and wait for a complete recovery.

The speed at which sensation is restored directly depends on how severe the nerve damage was.

The tongue may also become numb due to poorly placed dentures or malocclusion. For example, if dentures contain different metals, galvanic currents may occur that reduce the sensitivity of the tongue. In these cases, after eliminating the causes, the numbness of the tongue goes away quite quickly.

However, the cause of tongue numbness may be more serious. For example, it may indicate diseases:

  • cervical spine
  • thyroid gland
  • organs of the nervous and digestive system

And also on diabetes, some cardiovascular diseases.

Numbness of the tongue may be one of the symptoms of an impending heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in this case, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Often a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue is caused by side effect some medicines. For example, a number of painkillers or drugs that relieve coughing and sputum discharge.

The tongue may lose sensitivity as a result of various allergic reactions to external irritants:

  • components of food and drinks
  • medicines
  • animal hair, household items, etc.

The cause of numbness can even be chewing gum or toothpaste, for example, if you are allergic to one of the ingredients.

A lack of certain vitamins, such as B12, can also lead to numbness of the tongue. Finally, the sensitivity of the tongue may change noticeably due to experiences, increased nervousness, stressful situations, depression.

Patients' sensations when tongue sensitivity is impaired are very varied: from slight numbness at the very tip of the tongue, causing only mild discomfort, to complete loss of sensitivity, often accompanied by severe tingling or burning. This burning sensation can spread to the mucosal area.

IN similar cases Many patients become hyperexcitable, nervous, and experience obsessive fear getting cancer (cancerophobia)

There are so many reasons for tongue numbness that only a qualified doctor can understand this problem; making a diagnosis on your own is dangerous for your health, because you may decide that the problem is not as bad as it really is, thereby aggravating your condition.

What to do if your tongue is numb

If you feel that your tongue is numb, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, including testing for possible allergens. Most likely, you will have to visit specialists such as a dentist, endocrinologist and neurologist. It is necessary to answer in detail all questions regarding past illnesses. Last year, medications you took, your daily routine, diet, oral care procedures, etc.

If possible, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and cervical spine

In any case, treatment should begin with the elimination of all factors that irritate the tongue. If necessary, it is necessary to replace incorrectly placed dentures, correct an incorrect bite, remove tartar, polish the sharp edges of crowns and fillings, making them smoother and non-traumatic. It is necessary to adjust the diet by excluding from it foods that can irritate the tongue (for example, too hot, salty, with an abundance of spicy seasonings).

Therapeutic treatment includes taking medications that have sedative effect, helping to improve blood circulation, metabolism, and also, if necessary, vitamin complexes. Since impaired sensitivity of the tongue is often associated with disorders nervous system, can help:

  • massage
  • aromatic baths
  • orderly daily routine
  • exclusion of stressful, unnerving situations

In some cases it is shown Spa treatment. The patient needs to be prepared in advance for the fact that the treatment can be quite lengthy, and he will have to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Use any folk remedies You shouldn’t do it without consulting a doctor, especially if the cause of the numbness is not clear.

Tongue goes numb - what is it??

Numbness of the tip of the tongue is not a very painful process, but in some cases dangerous. Long or short, systematic or very rare, accompanied by other unpleasant sensations or observed as a single symptom - in any case, it is necessary to find out the cause and take action.

According to statistics, at least 72% of humanity has experienced numbness in the tip of the tongue. In medicine, this process is called paresthesia and means loss of sensation. nerve endings(temporary or permanent). The tongue may become numb completely or only in the lateral areas, but most often it is the tip that loses sensitivity.

Regardless of whether the tip of the tongue becomes numb for a reason adverse reaction to an irritant or as a result of a disease of a certain organ system, the symptoms of loss of sensitivity are practically the same:

  • There is a feeling of suppressed itching inside the tongue muscle;
  • A burning sensation, the intensity of which may vary;
  • Tingling on the surface of the tip of the tongue;
  • Tingling sensation similar to numbness in the limbs;
  • Feeling of cold on the mucous membrane.

A person experiences one or more symptoms from this list. As a rule, during the next numbness the sensations will be exactly the same.

Why the tip of the tongue goes numb, what it means and whether it is worth neglecting such a seemingly trifle can only be understood by finding out the true reason.

Let's start with cases where numbness of the tip of the tongue occurs as a reaction to external stimulus. This may happen in the following cases:

  • Long-term use of medications.

If we're talking about about not natural homeopathic tablets and syrups or pharmacological drugs, the patient taking them may experience a feeling of numbness of the tongue. Of course, just because you drink this medicine once, similar symptom not expected.

In addition, if by chance your tongue is numb, you need to look for another reason. Loss of sensitivity after a course of antibiotics or other aggressive chemical-based drugs would be more reasonable.

  • Local allergic reaction.

One of the most common reasons why the tongue or tip of the tongue goes numb is a response to an allergic reaction. But in this situation, prerequisite is contact of the mucous membrane with an allergenic substance.

The reason may be unsuitable components of toothpaste, gum gels, and rinses. Loss of sensation, in in rare cases, can be caused by dentures or braces (only ceramic braces are considered hypoallergenic).

Sometimes numbness of the tongue occurs from cinnamon, which is included in chewing gum.

  • Lack of micro- and macroelements.

All processes in our body are based on the exchange of macro- and microelements. If some component in the blood is missing, the usual processes may be disrupted. The mechanism of nervous sensitivity also implies the presence of certain trace elements.

If the body lacks iron and vitamin B12, then synapses are destroyed and the process of impulse transmission is weakened.

A lack of iron and vitamin B12 is also often accompanied by anemia - this may be the reason why the tip of the tongue goes numb. If this is your case, then in addition to loss of sensitivity, you will see that your tongue has acquired a reddish tint. Its surface is smooth, without bends or pinpoint tubercles.

This problem can be eliminated by simply adding bran and dried fruits to the diet. In severe cases it is required replacement therapy preparations of iron and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

  • Smoking tobacco products.

Tobacco comes in different varieties, but the most unpleasant consequences in humans they begin after smoking cheap types of tobacco. In this case, euphoria begins not only in the head, but also in the receptors of the tip of the tongue. If this happens while smoking, then you need to choose other cigarettes or hookah.

If we talk directly about hookah, then smoking “strong varieties” affects the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the body. After a few deep puffs, you may feel your fingertips, tongue, and feet go numb.

Don't let the steam get any lower oral cavity into the lungs; pause between puffs and breathe if you feel dizzy fresh air. With repeated episodes, the danger of hookah on the body increases, so it is better to give up the habit.

It happens that a person has been smoking the same cigarettes for many years, but the tip of his tongue is only now becoming numb. This may be caused by a change in the composition of cigarettes by the tobacco manufacturer. But more a common consequence is long-term smoking, and in order to get rid of loss of sensitivity you need to not smoke for several months, for complete removal tobacco and its metabolites from the body.

  • Stress and depression.

Your tongue may go numb after you are very nervous. Loss of sensitivity is possible even after minor disturbances that last for several days. Most likely, another symptom will be general fatigue and exhaustion.

The fact is that emotional overstrain is directly related to the nervous system. After emotional breakdowns nerve tissue is overstrained, so the lack of its functionality is often manifested by numbness of the tip of the tongue, which has rich innervation ( a large number of nerve endings).

  • 6. Mechanical damage to the tongue.

The tongue or tip of the tongue may become numb due to an incorrectly performed dental procedure: tooth extraction, anesthesia, filling. More serious is the numbness that appears after maxillofacial surgery or head injuries. spinal cord.

What diseases can cause the tip of the tongue to go numb?

In addition to instant reactions to an irritant, loss of sensitivity of the tongue can also indicate serious acute or chronic diseases of the body. If you suspect one of them, you should not neglect contacting a specialist.

  • Diabetes (any type)

Diabetes has many symptoms and consequences, and loss of sensation in the tip of the tongue is one of them. This happens due to a violation metabolic processes: The oral mucosa becomes thinner and drier.

The patient feels that the tongue is numb, the head becomes heavy and “scattered.” You can check whether you have diabetes by taking a blood sugar test.

However, currently a more informative test is to determine the level of glycosylated hemoglobin. It detects whether glucose concentrations have increased over the past 3 months.

  • Stroke

Pain in the head, heart, eyes, tinnitus are classic symptoms of a stroke, but a person can attribute everything to changes in the weather or pressure surges.

If at this clinical picture your lips and the tip of your tongue are also numb, call urgently ambulance: The sooner you are hospitalized, the easier and shorter the rehabilitation will be.

A micro-stroke is especially dangerous because symptoms exist certain time, and then go away on their own. Therefore, a person does not apply for medical care, but at the same time, pathological changes in blood vessels in the brain progress, further aggravating the problem.

  • Disease of the cervical spine

In this situation, the patient’s tongue becomes numb, dizzy, nauseated, and there is always pain in the neck. If you maintain a static position, there may be no unpleasant sensations, but when you turn your head or tilt your body, sharp, sometimes stabbing, pain will appear.

Often, loss of tongue sensitivity in this case occurs after sleep or a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

Numbness of the tongue in diseases of the cervical spine is due to the fact that next to cervical vertebrae nerves pass. If a growth forms on one of the cervical vertebrae or it shifts, nerve impulses have difficulty reaching the innervated organs located above the injured vertebra.

Problems with the neck until they become organic may not be dangerous; they can often be eliminated with a daily set of exercises.

  • A brain tumor

A tumor in the brain can be either benign or malignant, but regardless of this, numbness of the tongue still appears. Loss of sensitivity is due to the fact that the neoplasm mechanically presses on the nerve ending or center nerve pathways in the brain that go from and to the tongue.

Loss of sensation may extend to the tongue, trigeminal nerve, eyelids, i.e. on skin and mucous membranes located above the chin and corresponding to the innervation of the nerve.

A characteristic symptom of a tumor in the brain is the patient freezing (this lasts several seconds), loss of consciousness or hallucinations. Pain in the head may not be observed if the tumor is located close to the cortex and temporal lobes.

  • Spinal cord cancer

Very rarely, spinal cord cancer is indicated by numbness in the tip of the tongue. Usually, malignant tumor and the presence of metastases is determined by more severe symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, a computed tomography scan is performed. X-ray examination is less informative.

  • Bell's palsy.

The disease is not life-threatening, but still unpleasant. With Bell's palsy, a person feels numbness throughout the face, and loss of sensation in the tongue may be the first symptom. But a disease like Bell's palsy often doesn't appear just like that. If there is no history of previous inflammatory processes organs of the cardiovascular and nervous system, there is nothing to fear.

  • Hormonal changes in women

If a woman is 45-50 years old, and for the first time she has encountered numbness in the tip of her tongue, then most likely she is heading towards manopause. In this case, there is no health risk, just hormonal background is changing. Against this background, the likelihood of various functional abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system increases.

The same thing can happen in women. reproductive age. This may indicate pregnancy, but, of course, it is not a reliable symptom. In case of conception, the hormonal background also changes dramatically, and paresthesia may appear even before toxicosis.

  • Glossalgia

This is a disease of the oral cavity, the only symptom of which is numbness in the tip of the tongue (). Due to glossalgia, the mucous membranes and gums are affected, and the speech-forming organs are also affected.

Treatment - how to get rid of tongue numbness?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out whether you have one of the serious illnesses presented above. If you have any suspicions, visit a cardiologist, endocrinologist or surgeon who, if necessary, will refer you for ultrasound and blood tests.

If the problem is with the dentures you wear, you should talk to your dentist, he will recommend medications to reduce sensitivity to the material. It is also possible to replace unsuitable prostheses, since modern medicine offers 2-3 analogues for each material.

If you are sure that you are absolutely healthy, and numbness in the tip of the tongue occurs as a reaction to an irritant, then you can cope with this problem with folk remedies.

Rinse solutions are helpful in treating tongue numbness:

  • Rolled up warm water take a teaspoon of baking soda and 3 drops of iodine, rinse 3 times a day.
  • Take a spoonful of celandine and St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20-25 minutes. Rinse at least 2 times a day.
  • You can prepare a decoction of oak bark, sage or chamomile. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, and as soon as the solution reaches a comfortable temperature, rinse the mouth.
  • If solutions are not suitable for you, make an application of sea buckthorn or peach oil. To do this, dip in oil cotton swab and apply to the tip of your tongue for 3-5 minutes.

Why does my tongue go numb? This frequently asked question. Let's find out in this article.

Numbness of the tongue, complete or partial loss of sensitivity may indicate the presence of any disorders or pathological changes in organism. Such pathologies may concern either one specific organ, or signal a disease in which nerve impulses are affected and their conductivity is disrupted.

So, let's look at the reasons why the tongue goes numb.

Causes of numbness

The following reasons are noted for loss of sensitivity:

  • thermal burn;
  • mechanical damage to the organ;
  • chemical burn;
  • tooth extraction (usually wisdom teeth removal);
  • Using the wrong toothpaste or mouthwash;
  • local allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • age-related hormonal changes in women.

Enough common cause Tobacco smoking causes numbness of the tongue, it has negative impact on the nerve endings that are in the mouth.

Diseases that cause numbness of the tongue

What does it mean when the tongue goes numb?

The very loss of any sensory organ is determined by paresthesia. Causes that are associated with mechanical damage are referred to as ordinary paresthesia, as a result of which the transmission of nerve impulses is briefly disrupted and numbness occurs. If the nervous system is affected, paresthesia occurs without damage or visible disturbances, then this is chronic form pathology.

Such disturbances in the conduction of nerve impulses appear as a result of these diseases:

  • stroke;
  • infectious lesion nerves;
  • neurodegenerative damage;
  • tumor lesion;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • due to alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • transferred chicken pox;
  • a lack of necessary vitamins;
  • cervical osteochondrosis.

Sometimes the tip of the tongue becomes numb. We will consider the reasons below.

In such conditions, loss of tongue sensation may not be the only symptom. If the nervous system is affected, loss of sensation and tingling sensations often occur along peripheral nerves different organs.

It is important to know that numbness of the tongue is not a separate disease; it has causative factor, which is a violation of nerve conduction.

The process of numbness of the tongue can occur gradually or occur immediately. Meanwhile, sensitivity is lost only at the tip of the tongue, or under the tongue and on the sides.

What if your lips and tongue go numb? Reasons are also presented.

Numbness of lips and tongue

Numbness of the tongue and lips can appear periodically or means that there are some problems in the body. The main reason Such a pathology is a violation of nerve conduction in the tongue and lips. They arise as a result of mechanical damage, infectious or vascular factors:

  • Bell's palsy;
  • acute migraine;
  • anemia (especially lack of vitamin B 12);
  • suffered a stroke;
  • angioedema;
  • depression and other forms of disorders;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • tumors (benign and malignant);
  • dental procedures.

It often happens that the tongue goes numb after visiting the dentist.

Numbness of the tongue after anesthesia

Often after procedures in dental office The tongue may remain numb, especially if a significant amount of local anesthesia has been administered. This counts normal occurrence and goes away over time when the effect of the injection wears off.

In what cases does the tongue still go numb?

Numbness of the tongue after tooth extraction

In special cases, paresthesia of the tongue is noted after tooth extraction, more often if wisdom teeth are removed. A similar phenomenon is observed in 7% of patients. This numbness most often occurs in older people or those who suffer from teeth that are abnormally close to the lingual area of ​​the jaw. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then after tooth extraction and anesthesia, the numbness completely stops after 1-10 days. If persistent numbness occurs (paresthesia persists for more than a month), you should visit a doctor.

When the tongue goes numb, the reasons must be found.

Numbness of tongue and hands

These symptoms usually appear when a person suffers acute attacks migraine. In this case, you should undergo a full neurological examination, because the reasons may be the body’s increased demands on brain functionality.

Headache and tongue numbness

If you feel numbness of the tongue coupled with headaches, this may indicate developing hyperinsulinism. Often such patients can resemble people who have received severe alcohol intoxication. Numbness of the tongue can also be a result of a migraine-like headache.

Why does the tip of the tongue go numb? Not everyone knows the reasons.

When the tip of the tongue is numb

The tip of the tongue may become numb after eating, this indicates the presence of allergic reaction, if a large area of ​​the tongue is affected, it may be glossalgia, which is functional disorder. In most cases, it occurs as a result of damage to the autonomic nervous system.

Sensitivity is also lost due to vascular and infectious diseases of a systemic nature. Here it is important to identify what was the reason in order to properly carry out treatment and block the supposed serious illness on initial stage.

Bilateral and unilateral numbness

During damage, numbness occurs in the root of the tongue and loss of sensitivity on one side of the muscle organ. In addition, salivation is also impaired, pain appears in the oral cavity, in the ear and in the tonsils. In turn, infections, injuries and tumors lead to nerve damage.

Sensitivity is also lost on the sides of the tongue or on one side with osteochondrosis, this means that the nerve has been compressed in cervical spine. Others possible reasons are:

  • laryngeal carcinoma;
  • a nerve was damaged during tooth extraction;
  • other operations in the oral cavity.

Also, psychogenic disorders can provoke paresthesia of the tongue on both sides. Such anxiety states characterized by some symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • discomfort in the solar plexus area.

What to do if your tongue is numb?

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the correct diagnosis. In order to make a diagnosis and get help in a timely manner, you need to visit a neurologist and psychotherapist. To remove unpleasant symptoms and cure the pathology at a deeper level, you will need to use homeopathy.

Homeopathic treatment

For any symptom that has not appeared before or is not typical healthy person, you should make an appointment with a neurologist, dentist, or endocrinologist.

If the tongue becomes numb, treatment should be comprehensive.

Homeopathic treatment usually begins after a correct diagnosis has been established. It is important to know that a numb tongue is simply a symptom that may indicate the presence of another serious condition. This therapy is prescribed depending on many factors:

When prescribing treatment, the constitutional type must be taken into account. One of the main features of homeopathy is that it is not the disease itself that is treated, but the person.

Even with the same diagnoses, each person is prescribed medications individually. This approach contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. Homeopathy can be used both as an auxiliary method and as a complex treatment.

Let's consider what medications prescribed by doctors.

For therapy anxiety disorder, VSD, high nervous excitability these remedies are prescribed:

  • Nervoheel is a composite homeopathic medicine, which is used in complex treatment as an auxiliary drug in alopathic drug therapy, acts as depressant. It also helps with depression and seizures.
  • "Barita Carbonica". This remedy is equally suitable for teenagers and older people. Helps people who suffer from problems with blood circulation and nervous disorders.

For osteochondrosis, take the following medications:

  • "Stronziana Carbonica". Used for osteochondrosis of the neck, which often causes numbness of the tongue.
  • "Traumel S" is a homeopathic composite remedy for diseases of the joints, bones, neuralgia and osteochondrosis.

These drugs are very effective in relieving the causes of tongue numbness. To eliminate symptoms, it is recommended to take:

  • "Natrium muriaticum". Used for tingling sensations on the lips, nose and tongue.
  • "Laurocerasus" (Laurocerasus officinalis). A burning sensation in the tongue, a feeling when the tongue seems cold or “wooden.”
  • "Cocculus indicus". Used for numbness of the tongue and face as well.
  • "Natrium muriaticum". Tingling and numbness of the tongue, burning sensation, feeling of the presence of hair on the tongue.
  • "Gwaco" (Micania guaco) for tongue paresis.
  • "Rheum palmatum" for numbness of the tongue.

Now we know why the tongue goes numb. We have considered the reasons.

Who will take care of our health if not ourselves? The body of each of us is multifunctional complex mechanism, which is capable of reporting its malfunctions to us. Distress signals - symptoms sent during the development of any disease, are vitally important and necessary, because it is thanks to their appearance that it is possible to promptly suspect and treat the disease.

There are symptoms such as headache or elevated temperature, the appearance of which does not cause much concern in humans. The head may hurt from fatigue, and a high temperature may indicate a common cold. But why the tongue goes numb is a question that requires due attention.

Paresthesia is one of the variants of sensitivity disorder, in which a feeling of numbness, crawling and slight tingling appears.

Why does my tongue go numb after going to the dentist?

It often happens that after anesthesia during tooth extraction lower jaw For some reason my tongue goes numb. However, discomfort may persist even several days after dental procedures. As a rule, this is due to partial damage to the nerve endings of the tongue located near the root of the extracted tooth.

What to do?

If you are sure that the reason why your tongue is numb is directly related to a trip to the dentist, you don’t need to do anything. Within a few weeks, the sensitivity of the tongue will be completely restored.

Why does the tip of my tongue and left hand go numb?

In people with diseases of cardio-vascular system numbness of the tongue may be accompanied by paresthesia in another part of the body, e.g. upper limb. In this case, the appearance of such sensations may be associated with an increase blood pressure and indicate development cerebral circulation. The most life-threatening conditions in which the tongue can become numb are cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction.

What to do?

Availability cardiovascular pathology significantly increases the risk of stroke. To avoid occurrence severe complications If you experience tingling or numbness in your tongue, you should immediately report it to your doctor.

Why does my tongue go numb after brushing my teeth?

A crawling sensation or a feeling of numbness in the tongue area often occurs after brushing your teeth. Toothpaste contains components that can cause an allergic reaction.

What to do?

Use your usual toothpastes. You should not be influenced by advertising when experimenting with various toothpastes to cleanse your mouth. Try to buy toothpaste, having previously studied its composition.

Other reasons why the tongue goes numb.

A symptom such as numbness of the tongue may indicate the development of many unrelated diseases. The most common reasons why the tongue began to go numb include:

Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine: paresthesia of the tongue develops against the background of an exacerbation of the disease, when the pinched vertebrae are compressed great vessels, causing disruption of the blood supply;

Long-term use of antibiotics;

Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);

Tumor formation in the brain;

Pregnancy: lack of vitamin B12, Iron-deficiency anemia can also provoke the development of paresthesia in the tongue;

Smoking: Cigarettes contain nicotine, which has vasoconstrictor effect. For heavy smokers, tongue numbness is a common symptom;

Poisoning by poisons, effects radioactive radiation, alcohol poisoning;

Hormonal disorders (thyroid pathology);

Stress, hard work, emotional overstrain: in this case, numbness of the tongue is one of many neurological symptoms, which may include fear of eating solid foods, speech impairment, dizziness, etc.;

Availability vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD).

Why does my tongue go numb? Action plan for eliminating paresthesia.

The first step if numbness of the tip of the tongue or the entire organ occurs is to visit a doctor. First, consulting a specialist will help rule out some of the diseases that cause paresthesia. Secondly, the doctor will draw up an examination plan. The local therapist can handle this task quite easily, so you should not disturb the endocrinologist or neurologist unnecessarily.

What examinations need to be done if the tongue is numb?

If you suspect you have diabetes mellitus, it is enough to take a general analysis blood to determine glucose levels. For people suffering from hypertension, electrocardiography (ECG) and ultrasonography heart (ultrasound). As for cases where, in addition to numbness of the tongue, there is dizziness, lack of coordination, incoherence of speech, etc., a more thorough and expensive examination will be needed, which includes magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography brain (MRI, CT).

Why does my tongue go numb? What is the reason for this unpleasant sensation? This alarming symptom may be accompanied by a number of endocrine and somatic diseases, such as anemia, diabetes, stroke and a disease such as laryngeal carcinoma.

If you have done local anesthesia When treating a tooth, you will definitely lose the sensitivity of your tongue for 1.5-2 hours. Osteochondrosis affecting the upper spine, as well as antihistamines prescribed by a doctor, can cause numbness in your tongue. If you do not suffer from the diseases listed above and have not visited a dentist, then with a high degree of probability you can be diagnosed with glossalgia.

Glossalgia(or in other words, paresthesia) is a set of symptoms associated with unpleasant and painful sensations in the field of language. Glossalgia affects middle-aged and older people age group, and women suffer from it 5 times more often than men. Nowadays, the disease has become “younger”; it is diagnosed even among women a little over 30 years old. The causes and pathogenesis of the disease are not fully understood, however, there is a relationship with mental and emotional stress, as well as with somatic diseases.

Etiology of glossalgia

Factors contributing to the occurrence of paresthesia include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis A, etc.),
  • vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamin B12),
  • hormonal disorders (menopause in women),
  • central nervous system disorders,
  • psychogenic factors,
  • poor oral health and dental system(presence of metal dentures and crowns, malocclusion, etc.),
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis),
  • inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis),
  • various infections,
  • allergic reactions (to metals, drugs),
  • injuries of the facial part of the skull and surgical interventions.

In 3% of patients, the causes of glossalgia remain unidentified.

Development of glossalgia

Thanks to modern methods research confirms the psychosomatic nature of the disease. Long-term stressful situations most often become a trigger in the occurrence of paresthesia. Doctors believe that the development of this disease is triggered by a chain of successive pathological processes in the human body.

Pathogenesis of tongue paresthesia doctors explain the anatomical and physiological ability of the maxillofacial part and the oral cavity to reflect emotional states psyche not only external manifestations(facial expressions, redness of the skin), but also metabolic transformation at the tissue level (changes vascular tone and blood circulation).

Clinical manifestations of glossalgia

Features and causes of occurrence, duration of glossalgia, as well as symptoms are strictly individual for the patient. Patients often associate the onset of the disease with recent dental prosthetics, with exacerbation of chronic diseases, with surgical interventions into the oral cavity, with biting the tongue with the sharp edges of the teeth or with strong emotional experiences.

In some cases, it is difficult for the patient to determine the exact onset of the disease and it is not clear why the tongue becomes numb; the symptoms develop gradually, and the sick do not seek medical help until the intensity of the numbness increases sharply.

Symptoms of tongue numbness are characterized by disorders of the nervous system. The susceptibility of the oral mucosa to irritants, taste perception and tongue mobility changes. Unpleasant sensations most often form on the tip and side of the tongue. Moreover, paresthesia usually develops without the influence of traumatic factors. What sensations may patients experience? This is a strong burning sensation of the tongue, as if from pepper, a feeling of being burned by boiling water, goosebumps, rawness, tingling, a feeling of cold.

Sometimes the intensity of paresthesia is characterized by severe pain that passes during meals and after sleep, but becomes stronger in the evening, during a long conversation and with strong excitement. In some cases, numbness may extend to the upper and lower palate, as well as the esophagus. There may be cases of damage to the lips, cheeks and facial skin.

We list the main symptoms of glossalgia:

  • discomfort associated with numbness,
  • coated tongue,
  • decreased salivation, dry mouth (especially in the morning) which does not make it difficult to eat,
  • hypogeusia – decreased or distorted taste perception,
  • violation of microcirculation of oral tissues,
  • increase in size and swelling of the tongue (teeth marks appear on it),
  • fatigue of the tongue when speaking,
  • heaviness in the tongue at the end of the day,
  • involuntary twitching, trembling and tremor of the tongue,
  • pale facial skin, expressionless facial expressions, face “like a mask.”

If you do not consult a doctor promptly and do not eliminate the causes, paresthesia of the tongue can last for years. Symptoms may temporarily disappear during vacation, when changing place of residence, or after spa treatment. Self-recovery is extremely rare.


The course of treatment for glossalgia includes psychotherapeutic assistance, therapy for underlying diseases, restorative measures (vitamins, diets, physiotherapy), sanatorium treatment. IN surgical treatment no need. Patients remain able to work. Observation by a neurologist and others is necessary narrow specialists. The further prognosis is favorable.

In order to prevent the occurrence of paresthesia of the tongue, it is necessary to timely eliminate foci of infection in the oral cavity, competent dental prosthetics, hygiene, and therapy chronic diseases body.

In this article, we tried to provide detailed information about why the tip of the tongue goes numb, examined the important symptoms of this disease, and told what you should pay attention to if such sensations appear in the tongue area.

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