How to treat a child's burn at home. A child was burned by boiling water: what to do and what could be the consequences? Symptoms of thermal burns in children

Burns in children (even minor ones) require mandatory parental intervention. After all, how quickly and competently first aid is provided determines whether the consequences of such an injury will occur and how destructive they will be.

Unfortunately, even in our age, when information is easily “obtained,” many parents are still convinced that in case of a burn, the child should be smeared with baby cream or sour cream. You will learn about what first aid should be for a child at home by reading this article.

Algorithm of actions

There are no childhood burns in nature that would not require medical treatment. emergency assistance at all. Since these injuries are childhood They are very common, children usually receive them at home, it is simply necessary to know the rules of first aid. If a baby is burned, the algorithm of action should be clear and strict.

Assessment of the condition and extent of injury

First you need to understand how large and deep the burn is. Determining the degree of damage is not so difficult; parents do not have to be medical professionals to do this.

There are four stages of such lesions:

  • With the first, only the surface of the skin is affected. This manifests itself as redness and slight swelling.
  • In the second case, swelling and redness are complemented by the rapid formation of papules and vesicles. Bubbles and blisters are usually filled with clear or cloudy serous fluid.

    The third degree is characterized by deeper lesions. With degree 3A, the outer and partially middle layers of the skin are burned. The wound appears dark and scabby. With degree 3B, visible light appears from the blackened wound. subcutaneous tissue- the only thing that survived. At this stage, the child no longer feels pain because pain receptors and nerve endings are damaged.

    The fourth degree is the death of all layers of skin, as well as darkening (and sometimes even charring) of bones. There is no pain, but there is a high probability of developing a burn disease and shock, which are life-threatening.

The area of ​​the lesion also matters. It is clear that in an emergency situation none of the parents will measure it with a ruler; for this, doctors have a “universal cheat sheet”. Each body part is approximately 9%. The exception is the genitals and perineum - this is 1%, the butt is 18%. However, in small children the proportions are different - their head and neck make up 21% of their body area.

If a child’s arms and stomach are damaged, this is 27% of the body, if only half of the arm is 4.5%, and if the head and stomach are damaged, then this is already 30%, and if the butt and legs are 36%.

If the burn is minor (stage 1-2), then ambulance should be called when 10-15% of the body is affected. If the burn is 3-4 degrees, then more than 5% of the body is affected.

Allowed actions

After assessing the condition and calling an ambulance, parents should take care to cool the injury site. For this purpose, do not use ice; it is permissible to rinse the burn with running cool water - if the skin is not damaged, there are no ulcers or wounds. Then you can apply a diaper or sheet moistened with cool water to the damaged area.

If there is an open wound, you cannot wash it; you just need to cover the damaged area with a moistened cotton or linen cloth, lay the child down and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Prohibited actions

First aid should not harm the baby, so you should not put anything on the burn. Fatty substances are especially dangerous - baby cream, ointments, sour cream and butter:

  • You can't anesthetize a child, because it will make it difficult medical diagnostics, because with degrees 3 and 4 of damage, the baby does not feel pain, and this diagnostic sign. If they tried to numb a 2-3 degree burn for the baby, the doctor may make a mistake with the diagnosis.

  • You cannot apply bandages, tourniquets, or transport a child yourself., since at home it is impossible to assess all the risks, and the baby may have associated injuries - fractures, dislocations.
  • Do not try to treat the wound yourself, remove foreign objects from it, remove crusts or scabs. This increases the risk of infection, bleeding and shock.

Providing first aid

Damaged by boiling water

More often, such thermal burns are extensive in area, but not very deep. Usually everything is limited to stage 1-2. If your baby is burned by boiling water, you need to remove his wet clothes and cool the affected areas with cool water. In the first stage (if there is only redness and no other skin changes), you can numb the burn site; for this, it is allowed to use a spray with an anesthetic effect - for example, remedy with lidocaine.

If the area is large (about 15%), you need to call a doctor; before his arrival, you are allowed to give the child only an antipyretic, if the temperature rises - “ Paracetamol" or " Ibuprofen».

Damaged by hot oil

Burns from oil are always much deeper than burns from hot water. This is due to the different boiling point of oils. Typically such injuries range from grade two to grade four. The most difficult thing in an emergency response to such an injury at home is removing the oil from the skin, and this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

To do this, do not wipe the affected area. You need to place the skin under water at approximately room temperature and rinse for a long time (at least 15-25 minutes) - without using soap. After this, you should call an ambulance if the degree is more than 2 and the affected area is more than 5%. It is worth resisting the temptation to lubricate the burn with something and give the child painkillers.

Under no circumstances should you use people's council: Sprinkle salt on the burn. This can lead to very sad consequences.

If damaged by steam

Steam burns always have an impressive area, but small depth. The injured area should be cooled if the skin is intact. If necessary, you can use a spray with an anesthetic effect. If the burn is significant in size, you should call an ambulance and give the child antihistamines (“ Suprastin" or " Loratadine"), this will help reduce swelling.

In case of respiratory tract damage

If a child is burned respiratory tract(for example, when inhaling steam during incorrect inhalation), then, as a rule, such injury is accompanied by facial burns. Burns to the respiratory tract can also occur when volatile chemicals are inhaled.

First you will need to provide access for fresh air- open all windows and vents, take the child to the balcony or outside. If the child is conscious, he should be seated in a reclining position. If the child is unconscious, he is placed on his side so that the head and shoulders are higher than the rest of the body.

If spontaneous breathing occurs, no other measures are needed. If breathing is difficult, you should give your child antihistamine in age dosage, this will help avoid the development of severe internal swelling of the respiratory system. If there is no breathing, artificial respiration should be performed before the doctor arrives.

In case of chemical damage

If chemicals only come into contact with the skin, parents should thoroughly rinse the affected area with running water. It is very important that the water temperature is not high - hot water only enhances the destructive effect of certain substances and compounds. You should immediately remove all things from the child; drops of the chemical may remain on them.

After thorough washing with water, an “antidote” should be prepared. If it is an acid, then you need to rinse the skin with a solution of the most common soda in a concentration of 2% ( a little more than two glasses of liquid and a teaspoon of soda), the alkaline burn is rinsed with a very weak acidic solution (suitable vinegar or lemon juice).

The arrival of an ambulance for such injuries is prerequisite. Most chemical burns in children are severe. If a child is burned with acid, the dry scab crust that forms on the surface almost immediately must not be removed.

An alkaline burn is usually more severe and deep, with it the wound remains weeping and there is no dry crust. Do not apply bandages or ointments to the damaged area.

If damaged by an iron or other hot objects

The traumatic impact should be eliminated as soon as possible and the iron should be removed. Rinse with cool water for at least 15 minutes, after which a damp cloth should be applied to the burn area. If the skin is not broken, you can apply foam “ Panthenol».

The difficulty is that when trying to remove the iron from the burn site, the tissue is often injured and peeled off. In this case, there is no need to apply anything to the burn. In case of a 2-3 degree injury to the child, the emergency team is called; in case of more slight damage You are allowed to go to the hospital on your own. With strong pain syndrome You can relieve the condition with painkiller sprays.

For sunburn

Rendering emergency care It begins with the child being placed in the shade or brought indoors. You should undress him as much as possible, cool the skin with cool water, it is better to apply a damp sheet or diaper to it.

It is important to ensure you drink plenty of fluids. An ambulance should be called if the burns are visually 2-3 degrees, if the child is small (in this case - even with 1-2 degrees), and also if the baby shows signs of heat stroke with clouding of consciousness.

You can’t smear anything with fatty cream or sour cream; if necessary, you can use foam “ Penthenol" For high fever, your child can be given antipyretic drugs " Nurofen" or " Paracetamol" They have a slight analgesic effect.


Treatment of minor burns can be carried out at home; during therapy, you will need to take into account all the doctor’s prescriptions. It is better to treat more serious injuries in a hospital setting. There are possibilities for qualified wound treatment with preliminary complete anesthesia.

If necessary, the child will be prescribed antibiotics, antiseptics, and intravenous infusions of nutrient solutions that will help the body replenish the loss of fluids. In severe cases, surgery is indicated, as well as long-term rehabilitation.

Correctly provided first aid helps doctors immediately begin the second (main) stage of therapy. Parental mistakes in providing pre-medical care can significantly complicate both the diagnosis and the treatment process. The consequences of illiterate care are scars, heart and kidney problems, amputation.

What is a chemical burn and what are its symptoms? What help can you provide on your own, and in what cases can you not do without a doctor? Dr. Komarovsky will answer all questions.

The curiosity of children and the inattention of parents is one of the reasons thermal burns in children.

A cup of hot tea standing on the edge of the table, a pot of soup or hot water, an electric kettle that splashes drops of hot water poses a danger to adults, but especially to children. A careless movement, and the child will be covered in steam, boiling water will pour onto his face, arms, legs, and delicate body. Therefore, every parent and adult should know how to prevent or provide first aid for burns in children with boiling water at home, and how to relieve pain.

Instructions: how to provide first aid to a child:

Calm down and soothe a crying baby. You should not shout, scold, or sort things out with your child. Sweet words, gentle touch, moral support (especially for teenagers) will help relieve nervous tension, it is easier to bear the pain.
For minor burns with boiling water, you need to cool the affected skin surface - pour water (room temperature) over the burned area of ​​skin for 10 minutes. You can apply a compress to small burned areas - clean cloth, moistened with cool water.
You can cool burned skin with water only if the burns are superficial and the integrity of the skin is not damaged.
Do not wash the affected areas with ice water - it can cause shock.
If the burn occurs on areas of the body covered by clothing, carefully remove it and continue to pour cool water over the body. Burnt hands or feet can be placed in a basin of water at room temperature.
If clothing is difficult to remove or is stuck to the wounds, it is better to cut it off.
Apply anesthetic and healing ointment to the burn surface. home first aid kit. This can be Panthenol, Panthenol Spray, Dexpanthenol (improves tissue nutrition and promotes their rapid recovery). For children, antiseptic ointment Sulfargin containing silver ions is recommended.
With thermal burns, there may be an increase in temperature and swelling of damaged tissues. Therefore, the child can be given Paracetamol, an antihistamine (Suprastin).
Further actions of parents depend on the degree, depth of the burn, and area of ​​skin damage. In case of severe burns, you should urgently call an ambulance to further transport the child to a hospital or burn center.
Babies, even those with a superficial burn, must be examined by a doctor to avoid complications.

General information about the classification of burns

What does it look likeDescription
I degree.
Soreness, hyperemia (redness), pain.
Healing usually takes a week
II degree.
The entire layer of skin is affected, blisters appear, and severe pain develops. This degree is especially dangerous for infants.
Recovery lasts for at least 3 weeks
III degree.
Not only the skin is affected, but also muscle, bloody blisters appear, the feeling of pain dulls. Long-term treatment required
IV degree.
Carbonization of layers of skin, muscles, and bone tissue occurs.
Untimely or poor-quality treatment can lead to severe consequences for the body, death

There is no fourth degree burn with boiling water, but boiling water and the effect high temperature, for example, in a fire, can lead to charring of the body.

Actions for parents in case of severe burns in children

The most dangerous are burns to the eyes, face, neck, extensive second-degree burns, and even small injuries of the third or fourth degree.

For third- or fourth-degree burns, you need to cover the burned surfaces with sterile or clean, ironed napkins, call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital yourself.

Hospitalization is required for III-IV degree burns.

For eye burns you need:

  • rinse them with cool running water for 12 minutes,
  • cover your eyes with a clean bandage
  • See a doctor immediately.

The sooner treatment begins, the greater the guarantee of the child’s recovery. Parents need to remember that children have very sensitive skin, and sometimes just a few seconds of boiling water on the body is enough to get a severe burn.

What not to do for burns

Do not lubricate the surface of the burn vegetable oil. The fatty film does not allow heat to be removed from the burn surface, and this leads to even greater thermal damage to the tissue.
Do not pierce or break the resulting blisters yourself. Open wounds become infected more quickly and therefore take longer to heal. Only a doctor can puncture the bubble and suck out the liquid from the blister, leaving the upper skin intact.
Do not wipe burn surfaces, especially with open wounds, alcohol, cologne, vodka. You can additionally get a chemical burn
Children should not apply ice to the wound. Due to the temperature difference between the ice and the burned body, the pain may increase.
You can't treat children's burns yourself. folk remedies.

Some folk remedies for burns, which are used to treat adults, are inappropriate for children, despite the fact that they provide fast healing. For example, a compress made from raw potatoes or egg whites can cause pain.

How to properly assist a child, what absolutely should not be done, when to see a doctor, and whether it is possible to treat children’s burns on their own. The video in this article is a visual illustration of providing first aid to a child with a burn.

Therapeutic treatment of burns in children

Minor burns with a small area affected can be treated on an outpatient basis. Third- and fourth-degree burns can only be treated by a doctor in a surgical department or burn center. Therapy for such patients includes:

  • anti-shock measures;
  • pain relief;
  • treatment of hypoxia, infusion of blood or blood substitutes;
  • fight against intoxication;
  • treatment and prevention of work disorders internal organs(heart, kidneys, liver).

With severe burns, ugly scars form on the body, which cause not only aesthetic problems. These scars tighten the skin and disrupt normal motor activity child, require surgical intervention for their excision.

Prevention of burns

Is it possible to avoid burns from boiling water in children? Certainly. First of all, this is the prudence of older family members:

  1. Measure the temperature of food and bath water, which is especially important for newborns and infants.
  2. Keep hot mugs, pots, and kettles away from the edge of the table or stove.
  3. Do not place tablecloths on dining or kitchen tables that could be easily pulled off by a child.
  4. Using examples from fairy tales and cartoons, show kids what excessive curiosity can lead to. You can act out situations in which the child will be the main character. And his task is to teach dolls, bears, and other toys not to get burned by hot tea, soup, or boiling water.
  5. Conversations about personal safety rules should also be held with older children and adolescents.

Remember that the cause of burns is carelessness, negligence of parents, and excessive curiosity of children. Replace these qualities with caution and attentive attitude towards the child. Satisfy excessive curiosity, show that the world not only good, but also dangerous, and one of the dangers is painful burns from boiling water. Keep a first aid kit in the house so that you can immediately help with your child’s burns if something bad happens. Be healthy and take care of the health of your children.

God forbid you see your child suffer, having received a severe burn due to your carelessness... But - alas! “It is precisely because of this that our children continue to suffer and even die. After all, burns from boiling water come in varying degrees.

How to properly provide assistance if a child spills boiling water on himself? For these and others current issues you will find the answers in our article.

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th degree burns from boiling water in a child and their signs

The child was injured by boiling water, steam or hot liquid... This type is considered medical practice The most common household type of thermal burn, because children are often scalded with boiling water. Second on the list is oil.

Degrees of burns from boiling water

Knowing what degree of burn your child has is extremely important. After all, a prompt response will prevent infection from entering the wound and minimize possible complications.

Knowing the degree of burn from boiling water in a child will help:

  1. Provide timely and competent first aid.
  2. To quickly and efficiently alleviate the condition of a little person.
  3. Save the life of a tiny victim.

You need to know that when contacted with liquid heated to 100 degrees, the dermis quickly and strongly turns red, etc.

Exists . When assistance is provided correctly and treatment is prescribed, in the first and second degrees the problem is solved by taking simple measures. But, starting from the 3rd, doctors are sometimes forced to take serious steps, including skin transplant operations.

BY THE WAY: Having received a 3rd or 4th degree burn with boiling water, the baby suffers greatly from pain (even shock) and may even lose consciousness.

Video: Burn with boiling water - providing assistance

How to find out what degree of burn a child has?

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of each group.

Here are the characteristic signs:

  • I degree (most mild form) – reddened (sometimes swollen) skin hurts, but this kind of lesion does not need treatment special treatment and leave almost no traces.
  • II degree- this is a more serious lesion, in which the reddened skin is painful, the layer under the epidermis is damaged, and thin-walled blisters with serous fluid appear at the site of injury, through which any infection can penetrate; can be treated for up to two weeks, resolves with proper treatment no scars.
  • III degree(A and B) – a rare type of boiling water injury that requires urgent hospitalization; The lesions are characterized by blisters on the skin, but with thick walls and fluid containing blood, as well as inflammation and suppuration; the open dark red wound at the site of the burst blisters is deep, nerve endings amazed; often ; After treatment, noticeable scars remain.
  • IV degree– almost one hundred percent tissue damage and nerve cells; with prolonged exposure to boiling water on the dermis, the victim is in a state of shock, his skin becomes blackened, peeling and thinning.

ATTENTION: The depth of the wounds depends on the temperature of the liquid with which the child was scalded, on the time of its exposure and the state to which the deep layers of the dermis were heated.

What to do if a child is burned by boiling water - first aid at home

So, the child was scalded by boiling water. The main thing is to react competently, even if you have severe stress, panic is the most main enemy Now.

Video: First aid for burns with boiling water

What to do?

Before contacting doctors, first determine the extent of the damage, if mild degree remove your clothes carefully.

Next, do this:

  • 1st degree– pour cold running water over the affected area; then apply a numbing spray and cover with a sterile dressing.
  • 2nd degree– 10 minutes after cooling the affected skin with water (just make sure it doesn’t get on the blisters!) the pain will subside, and you can apply a damp antiseptic gauze bandage; and when severe pain It is better to give painkillers; after first aid is provided, an ambulance is called (and it is better to do this in parallel if there is someone nearby).
  • 3rd degree– urgently call an ambulance and act, but more carefully and attentively, i.e. First, a sterile, damp bandage is placed on the burn site, and then water is poured over it. cold water; Give your baby more food so that toxins are removed from the body more quickly.
  • 4th degree– you should also urgently call an ambulance and constantly distract the child by talking to him, because he may lose consciousness; Clothes cannot be removed from the affected skin; this will be done by specialists who will save the baby’s life.

What not to do if a child is burned by boiling water - common first aid mistakes

Having seen that a child has received a severe burn from boiling water, you must act correctly so as not to cause irreparable harm to the baby through your actions.

What to apply to burns, and what methods should not be used?

  1. Under no circumstances should you lubricate your baby’s tender skin, burned with boiling water, with iodine, brilliant green, or alcohol!
  2. Be more careful with sea ​​buckthorn oil– yes, it copes with the healing of scars, but it cannot be applied immediately after a burn.
  3. Do not puncture or open the blisters themselves, as... This method will provide an easy path for infection.
  4. Yes, for mild burns, clothing should be removed or cut off with scissors. But under no circumstances rip it off if it is stuck to the body - you need to carefully cut it off where possible.
  5. Wash the wound clean water it is possible, but you cannot lubricate it with kefir, sour cream and similar products - they will damage the skin even more and develop an infection in it.
  6. Do not ice the wound.
  7. Do not apply cotton wool to the burn or cover it with a band-aid.

IMPORTANT: If you burn your arm or leg with boiling water, elevate the limb, then the swelling and pain will decrease.

A child is scalded by boiling water - in what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Alas, it happened.

Contact your doctor if:

  • The area of ​​damage is larger than a child's palm.
  • A baby under one year old was injured.
  • Burns from boiling water affect the skin on the face, neck or head.
  • A child scalded his genitals or breasts (girls) with boiling water.
  • , eyes, knee and elbow bends.
  • Received 3rd and 4th degree burns.
  • The blisters have burst and the wound may have become infected.

PLEASE NOTE: If your eyes are affected, rinse them cold water and cover each with a soft, damp bandage.

Treatment of burns with boiling water in a child at home - effective pharmacy and folk remedies

Yes, the big trouble was over, and there was no need for hospitalization. How to treat burns at home, how to calm this terrible pain- and prevent infection from getting to the wound?

The first thing to remember: 3rd and 4th degree burns cannot be treated at home- This is done only under the supervision of a doctor. Treat at home only mild degree burn, and then only on the doctor's recommendation.

Effective pharmaceutical products for the treatment of burns with boiling water in children

So, the wound hurts, blisters burst one after another, the burn site “gets wet” and secretes ichor.

Don’t let the wound fester, start restoring damaged tissue:

  1. Very popular among doctors and patients panthenol ointment(or gel).
  2. Helps well, accelerating healing and protecting against bacteria, and sulfargin ointment.
  3. Doctors often prescribe ointments with bactericidal effect levomekol and streptomycin, And antiseptics type chlorhexidine or Dimexide.
  4. Blisters cure Olazol in the form of an aerosol.
  5. Perfectly heals wounds when ground into dust. penicillin tablet.

The best folk remedies for burns with boiling water

  • Sea buckthorn oil, because heals wounds well, has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.
  • Aloe juice works almost the same. The cut and washed leaf is divided into 2 flat parts with a knife - placed cut side down in a gauze bandage and placed on the wound for 30-60 minutes.
  • Raw potatoes– Add honey to mashed potatoes. One of them promotes healing, and the second improves circulation and acts as an antiseptic. After placing such a compress on the wound, it is washed off after a quarter of an hour.
  • Do you have experience using it to treat burns? dolphin fat, flour, egg white, beets etc.

But all this must be done and used only in consultation with a doctor!

Children are always on the move, actively exploring the world. No matter how carefully adults watch the baby, from time to time he manages to fall, get a bump, or pour hot liquid on himself. Child's burn– very painful experience. Such injuries account for approximately 30% of all childhood injuries. In this case, it is important for adults to know what to do in such situations.

Depending on the method of receipt and the degree of damage, burns are divided into groups.

Thermal burn

Thermal burn in a child is the most common type. Occurs when the baby tips over boiling water, comes into contact with open fire or hot objects. Unfortunately, not only a little fidget left unattended can get burned. A toddler sitting on his mother's lap is capable of suddenly waving his arm or leg and knocking a cup of hot tea out of her hands.

Precautionary measures:

  • Don't pick up your baby while holding something hot.
  • Check food temperature which you feed your baby
  • Unfold the handles of pots and pans so that the child cannot reach them.
  • Temporarily dispose of the tablecloth on the table - the baby can pull it and turn the hot stuff out on himself
  • Control the temperature of the bathing water, it should not be higher than 38⁰С
  • Cover the seat child in the car with a towel, the surface of the seat in the summer can become excessively hot and burn the delicate baby skin
  • Close the radiators screens, during the heating season the batteries can be scalding
  • Use a special protective screen for the stove and oven

Any mother knows how to do more than just cook dinner or iron when the child is awake. Sometimes you have to show miracles of ingenuity and multitask. But following safety rules will avoid many dangers. It is better to think about how to protect your child than to discover a burn on a child.

Chemical burn

A chemical burn in a child occurs through direct contact with chemically aggressive substances and these include acids, alkalis, and professional household chemicals. At home similar cases, unfortunately, are not rare. Children actively explore the surrounding space and try everything they can reach.

If a child receives a skin burn, it is important to remove excess substance with a dry cloth and then rinse the affected area warm water within 20 minutes.

If you discover that your baby has stained his clothes with chemical powder, do not remove things over his head, as this can damage his face and eyes. Cut and remove such clothing.

The most difficult case is that a child swallowed a chemical substance. It is important to understand what he drank and, if possible, keep the liquid in the original packaging (if necessary, show it to doctors). You should not urgently remember your school chemistry course and try to neutralize the substance yourself - the likelihood of an error is extremely high.

You must not induce vomiting! Dangerous substance if vomited, it may enter the respiratory tract or cause swelling of the larynx. Gastric lavage is also contraindicated; it can cause secondary damage to the esophagus and oral cavity.
The oral mucosa should be rinsed generously with water, but in such a way that the child does not swallow anything. You should immediately consult a doctor.
Precautionary measures:

  • Eliminate the possibility of your baby coming into contact with hazardous substances
  • As soon as the baby starts crawling, remove higher all medications and household chemicals
  • Store all substances in their original packaging so that you can familiarize yourself with the composition
  • Dangerous substances are better in general remove from home

Electrical burn

Children get electrical burns when they come into contact with faulty household electrical appliances, when trying to insert foreign objects into an outlet, and so on.

If a child is injured by an electric shock, the first step is to break the contact of the victim with the electrical source. Trying to simply pick up the baby in your arms can lead to the mother being exposed to the current. In this case, it is necessary to push the child aside.

When examining your baby, remember that electricity has an entry point and an exit point. If you notice a burnt point on the handle (presumably the entry point), then be sure to find the exit point as well. The damaged areas should be covered with a sterile bandage.

A feature of an electrical burn is the relative integrity of the outer skin and serious injury to internal tissues (nerves, blood vessels, muscles). The extent of damage is difficult to determine visually.

It is very important to monitor the heartbeat and breathing of a child with an electrical burn, as the shock may cause changes in heartbeat. The child must be shown to the doctor immediately, and he must be transported lying down.

Precautionary measures:

  • Cover all outlets special plugs
  • Don't let your baby play with electrical appliances


Radiation burns in children occur when they are exposed excessively to direct sun rays.

Precautionary measures:

  • Make sure your baby wears light-colored and loose-fitting cotton clothing when in the sun
  • Apply special products
  • Kerchief or Panama hat required
  • In hot weather, try to walk with your child in the shade
  • Cover the stroller with a canopy

Burns by severity

According to severity, doctors divide burns into groups:

  • First degree burn - damaged upper layer skin. The child experiences pain and the burned area turns red. The injury goes away in a couple of days.
  • Second degree burn - blisters filled with liquid appear. The burn will take several days to heal, but the mark may remain for several weeks.
  • Third degree burn – characterized by deep damage skin. At the site of the lesion, blisters filled with bloody fluid form.
  • IV degree burn – deep penetration, all layers of skin, muscles and sometimes bones are damaged. Fabrics may char.

Burn in a child - actions of adults

Do not panic- This is standard advice to parents in any difficult and unforeseen situation. Fear prevents you from thinking and act quickly, also parental panic further traumatizes the already frightened and in pain baby.

The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • Immediately remove source defeats
  • Free the affected area bodies from clothes (if possible)
  • You give painkiller and place the burned area under cold water, running water
  • Do not clean the wound yourself or do not burst the bubbles, even tense
  • Call the doctor

For a minor injury, reassure your child, immerse the burned area in cold running water, apply an anesthetic, and apply a sterile bandage. For speedy healing, you can use special natural remedies.

For more severe injuries, call an ambulance immediately. As a rule, treatment of burns that cause regular blisters is carried out at home. The doctor will prescribe treatment; with his approval, you can use drugs that help restore the epidermis.

If you're confused, call 103 and outline the situation, they will tell you how to do the right thing. Minor burns can be treated on your own; severe injuries should be shown to specialists.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

Specialist intervention is necessary if:

  • Suffered child under one year old
  • The baby is burned upper respiratory tract or eyes
  • Injured skin on the face, neck or head
  • The girl received a burn to the groin or chest

If something bad happens to your baby, first help him and calm him down, and only then think about what you did wrong and how to avoid this in the future.

Safety regulations

  • fence off the dangerous area (heater, ironing board with a hot iron, stove, etc.) with a safety gate with a door lock or, conversely, fence off a safe area where the baby can play;
  • if the house has a fireplace, equip it with a fireplace grate;
  • do not leave matches and lighters within the reach of children;
  • post household appliances so that the baby cannot, under any circumstances, reach the rear panel;
  • equip the devices with a special protective device that protects it from accidental overturning by children;
  • attach or hide the wires under the baseboard;
  • Place extension cords behind furniture so that the child does not touch them and trip;
  • cover the sockets with special protective plastic covers;
  • periodically check that the wire insulation is not worn out
  • keep household chemicals out of reach

Have you encountered similar problems? Please share your opinion and experience!

The article was prepared as part of the “Children are Safe” initiativeproject "Prevention non-communicable diseases, promotion of healthylifestyle and support for the modernization of the healthcare system in the RepublicBelarus" (“BELMED”), funded by the European Union and implementedUNDP, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA in partnership with the Ministryhealthcare of the Republic of Belarus. The publication does not reflect the officialposition of the EU and UNDP.

Every Small child actively and very actively studies the world around him. Parental instructions do not always protect the baby from dangerous curiosity; as a result, the child can receive various injuries.

Body burns in children are among the most common and quite severe traumatic injuries to the skin and soft tissues. Most often, children aged 2-3 years suffer from burns.

Parents should definitely know how to provide first aid for a thermal burn in a child.

Burn hazard for children

A burn is a traumatic injury to the skin and surrounding tissue caused by exposure to high temperature or chemical substance, electricity or hot sun rays. At home chemical burns in children they occur extremely rarely; the most common damaging factors are hot liquids (boiling water, soup), open fire or heated household items (iron, oven).

One-year-old babies often grab and overturn containers with hot water, boiling water, or sit in them. In the first case typical place localization of burn lesions is top part body, face, abdomen, arms and hands, in the second - buttocks, external genitalia and rear part lower limbs(eg feet).

The physiological features of the structure of children's skin are such that a first or second degree burn can be caused by not very hot liquid. Imperfect compensatory and regulatory abilities of the child's body can lead to burn disease. In this condition, the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted, even leading to death.

Symptoms of thermal burns of varying degrees

Any child, even with a small burn, cries and screams loudly, but with extensive burns the baby is apathetic and inhibited. Intact skin is pale, sometimes cyanotic, and the pulse is rapid. The appearance of thirst and subsequent vomiting indicates the occurrence of burn shock.

Depending on the depth of tissue damage, the following degrees of burns are distinguished:

  • 1st degree – severe redness (hyperemia) of the burn site, swelling, burning and severe pain of the skin;
  • 2nd degree – in the thickness of the skin on different depths bubbles (blisters, bullae) with a clear yellowish liquid form;
  • 3rd degree – damage and death (necrosis) of the skin in all layers with the formation of a gray or black scab;
  • 4th degree – charring of the skin, ligaments, muscles and bones.

The severity of a child’s condition with a thermal burn depends on his age, the area of ​​the burned surface and the depth of the lesion. How younger child, the larger the area of ​​damage, the more severe the burn, the longer the recovery will take.

First aid for a burn in a child

Correctly and timely first aid first aid determines the prognosis of the development of the disease. What to do if the baby is scalded by boiling water, burned on a hot iron, the skin at the site of the burn swells with bubbles or even peels off?

First of all, the victim’s parents do not need to panic; they should pull themselves together and follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. interrupt contact with high-temperature or chemical agents, remove wet clothing;
  2. cool the affected surface with a gentle stream of running cool (not ice) water for 15-20 minutes (possibly longer), until a feeling of numbness of the skin occurs;
  3. apply a sterile gauze bandage to the affected surface;
  4. Give your child painkillers, both in tablets and other forms ( rectal suppositories, intramuscular injections - if you have the appropriate skills).

It is important to call an ambulance immediately medical care or take the child to a children's hospital.

Before the medical team arrives or until the victim is taken to a medical facility, it is necessary to give him water to drink to avoid dehydration. Preferred use saline solutions, mineral water without gas.

Features of the treatment of burns in children of different ages

Infants and children under 1 year of age, as well as children with burns of more than 2% of the body or with injuries to the face, upper respiratory tract, eyes, external genitalia, are treated for burns exclusively in inpatient conditions. Thermal burns in children are treated at home, provided that the degree of burn is not higher than the first, rarely the second, and the area of ​​damage does not exceed 2%.

IN medical institution primary surgical treatment is performed: the wound surface is washed using minimally traumatic methods using antiseptic solutions. The blisters are opened at the base, their contents are released, the lid of the bubble is not removed.

An aseptic dressing is applied. Emergency immunization against tetanus is carried out in children who have not been vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule.

Drug treatment

  • antiseptic solutions and sprays: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Dioxidine;
  • antibacterial ointments: Oflomelid, Levomekol, Levosin, Sinthomycin emulsion, tetracycline, gentamicin ointment, etc.

The burn surface can be treated using special anti-burn dressings, already impregnated with an antiseptic and having a sponge structure. Such dressings do not stick to the wound and are easy to apply and remove.

Procelan ointment helps to numb the wound surface. Panthenol-based products accelerate the healing of burn wounds and tissue regeneration: Bepanten, Dexpanthenol.

If the wound begins to scar, you can smear it with homeopathic ointment Traumeel S. Antihistamines will reduce the itching of a healing wound. For general anesthesia and eliminate the symptoms of fever, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, approved for use in children, according to age: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Folk remedies

1st degree burns without compromising the integrity of the skin can be treated with folk remedies only after consultation with a doctor. How to treat a baby if the child slightly burns his hand, for example, with an iron?

After cooling the wound, it is necessary to ensure that there are no bubbles or burn channels penetrating deep into the underlying tissue. Then you can smear the burn area with sea buckthorn oil and repeat this procedure several times a day. The anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect of this remedy will help speed up the healing process.

Aloe juice has a similar effect. fresh leaf aloe must be cut lengthwise into flat parts, anoint the damaged surface with the cut, leave on the wound under a gauze bandage for an hour and a half (repeat the procedure 2 times a day).

Aloe juice has a wound healing and regenerating effect, so it is very effective in treating burn wounds

To speed up healing, you can try rubbed raw potatoes with honey. Peel a medium-sized potato, grate it on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey, use as a compress for 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedies and pharmacies medications can be alternated. However, if after a week home treatment there was no improvement, the wound became bad smell, purulent discharge appears, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

  • immediately after an injury, apply an anti-burn agent - first you need to cool the affected area well;
  • apply to the burn surface wet egg white, because the risk of wound infection increases;
  • treat the burned area with any oil, Vaseline-based cream, sour cream or kefir, since oil will clog skin pores, and dairy products contain acid, which will further injure the skin;
  • tear off the clothing that has stuck to the burns - this will injure the wound even more;
  • cool the burn site with ice - in addition to the burn wound, you can also get frostbite in the surrounding tissues;
  • open the resulting blisters yourself - the risk of bacterial flora attaching increases;
  • when dressing, use cotton wool and adhesive tape, apply tight bandages - these materials stick to the wound and, when changing the bandage, injure the surface;
  • smear the burn area with alcohol or aqueous solutions aniline dyes (brilliant green, iodine).

Minor 1st-2nd degree burns usually go away in 7-10 days. The healing rate of a burn can be reduced by following all the doctor's instructions.

The healing injured area must be protected from sunlight, cold and other thermal irritants. The delicate new thin tissue is very sensitive to temperature changes, reacting to frost or heat with peeling and numbness.

Burn injuries in children of any age are always the fault of the parents. It’s easy to protect your baby from thermal effects - just don’t let him out of sight.

Do not leave an unfinished cup of hot coffee on the table within the child’s reach, hide matches, do not allow the child into the kitchen while the oven is running, always test the bath water with your hand, do not trust the thermometer, and do not iron clothes near the child. These simple precautions may save your baby's health and life.

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