Throat cancer symptoms in the early stages treatment. The initial stage of throat cancer - symptoms, causes, photos

Throat cancer is considered one of the dangerous and complex diseases that is diagnosed mainly in men. This pathology is a malignant tumor, and its localization is in the area of ​​the larynx and pharynx.

IN last years There is a trend towards a decrease in the increase in incidence and in most cases this is associated with a refusal. The first symptoms of throat cancer resemble the usual colds, which creates certain difficulties in the timely diagnosis of pathology.

Conducted medical research showed that malignant neoplasms do not suddenly appear in healthy tissues. Laryngeal cancer is usually preceded by pathological changes organ or tissues that are caused by exposure to certain factors:

  • smoking
  • drinking alcoholic beverages
  • inhalation of high temperature air, fumes, alkalis and various gases for a long time

Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, patients who have crossed the 60-year mark are most susceptible to throat cancer. Experts say that the risk of developing such a disease is increased by poor oral hygiene.

In addition, there is a genetic factor, that is, when throat cancer is detected in close relatives, the risk of developing such a disease increases several times.

A special category consists of people who have previously been diagnosed with malignant tumors in the head and neck area. The following factors may influence the development of pharyngeal cancer:

  • insufficient intake of vegetables and fruits into the human body
  • eating a lot of salty and smoked foods
  • detection of Epstein-Barr virus in a patient

Despite the variety of causes that provoke the development of cancer, smoking is considered one of the leading factors. Medical practice shows that the majority of patients diagnosed with throat cancer are heavy smokers. Tobacco smoke contains various toxic and irritating substances, soot particles and radioactive elements. When they come into contact with the mucous membrane of the throat, they cause irritation and a slight burn. The result of this is the development of an inflammatory process, which gradually transforms into a malignant neoplasm.

It is a misconception that smoking filter cigarettes can prevent the development of cancer. In fact, the filter only retains a small part of the harmful substances that provoke the development of the inflammatory process in the larynx.

The first symptoms of pathology

In most cases, the first symptoms of throat cancer resemble the usual, so the patient does not pay due attention to it.

Typically, the patient turns to a specialist in the later stages of the disease, which significantly complicates its treatment. Often, at the early stage of development of such an oncological disease, symptoms do not occur.

Some symptoms can be identified that signal the onset of development malignant neoplasm in the upper throat or nasopharynx:

  • regular occurrence of pain and discomfort in the pharynx and throat area
  • the appearance of problems with the act of eating
  • the occurrence of various changes in the voice
  • tumor formation in the neck area
  • the appearance of hearing problems, on the one hand
  • difficulty breathing through the nasal cavity
  • an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the mouth and nose
  • often the patient begins to worry

As a patient's cancer progresses in the oropharynx, tumors may appear on the soft palate, palatine arches and near the tongue. With the development of such cancer, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a tumor formation that gradually hardens and turns into an ulcer
  • emergence unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity
  • the appearance of problems with the use of the speech apparatus and breathing

If the location of the tumor formation is the area between the oropharynx and the esophagus, then experts talk about the development of laryngeal cancer.We can identify the first signs that may appear in a patient during the development of such a disease:

  • the patient begins to rapidly lose weight
  • attacks appear that drag on for a long time
  • there is a feeling of a foreign object in the throat
  • shortness of breath may occur both at rest and when carrying loads
  • the act of swallowing is accompanied by painful sensations
  • there are difficulties with breathing and swallowing food
  • there is a feeling in the voice that you can’t get rid of

Useful video - First signs of throat cancer:

The appearance of such symptoms signals the development in the human body of such a dangerous disease as throat cancer. It is for this reason that if such signs appear, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, who will carry out necessary examination and will appoint possible ways solving the problem.

As the pathology progresses, the patient experiences a deterioration in his general health, and more and more new symptoms appear:

  • enlarge, located in the neck area
  • the formation of metastases is diagnosed
  • severe anemia develops
  • the patient begins to cough up blood
  • the unpleasantness intensifies putrid smell emanating from the oral cavity
  • the patient begins to lose weight quickly
  • severe pain occurs
  • breathing becomes very difficult
  • a cough begins to bother you, which cannot be cured by any methods

With throat cancer, it is of a reflex nature, and occurs with the release of mucus, in which streaks of blood may appear. One of characteristic symptoms the disease is considered pain syndrome, which is caused by tumor processes and cancerous lesions of the upper throat. The beginning of the process of disintegration of a malignant neoplasm leads to increased pain, and it can radiate to the ear area. In addition, pain begins to disturb during swallowing, so this often leads to the patient being unable to eat.

Treatment of the disease

The choice of a particular treatment method is determined by the stage of the cancer. Specialists conduct a thorough examination of the patient and determine the stage of the disease, taking into account the size of the tumor, mobility and the presence of metastases.

The first stage of throat cancer is characterized by the formation of small tumors without metastases, and in the second stage the presence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes is observed. If a patient is diagnosed with stages 3 and 4 of throat cancer, this indicates that the malignant tumor has spread to nearby tissues and organs.

Throat cancer is treated using the following methods:

  • radiation therapy
  • chemotherapy
  • surgical intervention

One of the popular medicines, which is used to treat throat cancer, is Erbitux. With its help, it is possible to stop the growth of pathological cells, but development is possible. Often, treatment with this remedy leads to the patient developing:

  • severe headaches
  • rashes on the skin
  • bouts of vomiting
  • bowel disorder

Treatment of patients with the first stage of throat cancer is carried out using surgery and radiation therapy. When diagnosing metastases, several treatment methods are combined at once, for example, radiation therapy is carried out in combination with chemotherapy.

After treatment, all patients undergo monthly examinations by a specialist for 5 years.

This need is due to the fact that this will prevent and promptly identify possible tumor relapses and metastases. Throughout the entire period of treatment, the patient should receive a high-calorie diet with sufficient vitamin content. You should avoid eating salty and spicy foods, as this can further worsen the dryness in the throat and cause swelling of the tissues.

Patients need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as avoid hypothermia and carry out any thermal procedures in the neck area. It is important to remember that patients with throat cancer are prohibited from taking various stimulants, since the content of large amounts of biological active substances in them can provoke tumor growth.

When making a diagnosis, the specialist pays attention to both general state the patient and the stage of the oncological process. When diagnosing early stages of throat cancer, the survival rate of patients is quite high. This is explained by the fact that the tumor in the larynx is characterized by slow growth and rarely causes metastases.

The squamous cell type of oncology is an active form with aggressive development, so the prognosis for this type of cancer is not so favorable. With the second and third degrees, the patient’s life expectancy depends on the five-year survival rate, and the 4th degree has the most unfavorable prognosis.

Throat cancer is considered complex disease, but at timely diagnosis the chances of recovery are quite high.

It is important to remember that if you have hoarseness that does not disappear for a long time, you need to seek help from a specialist and not self-medicate.

Most often it affects men 40-70 years old. The appearance of symptoms is accompanied by many different circumstances.

Throat (larynx) cancer is a severe form of the disease, which subsequently results in the formation of a malignant tumor, mainly affecting the tissues located in the throat. Most often it affects men 40-70 years old. The appearance of symptoms is accompanied by many different circumstances.

Causes of throat cancer: how it appears

The specific causes of sore throat have not yet been established. cancer. At the same time, versions are considered that the development of cancer cells can be caused by a number of reasons, which include:

  • Smoking. The habit of smoking is harmful to health and provokes various diseases, among which there is a high probability of cancer. The risk of developing throat cancer is quite high among heavy smokers. People who smoke often develop lung cancer underlip, as well as other areas human body.
  • Age. Most cases of throat cancer affect people over 60 years of age.
  • Floor. From the information provided above, it is clear that the diagnosis of cancer is much more often made in men than in women.
  • Alcohol. Of course, alcohol harms a person in all areas of his life.The threat in this case increases if people who smoke suffer from alcoholism.
  • Profession. It is an established fact: this type of cancer is predominantly observed in people for a long time working in enterprises producing nickel, sulfuric acid, asbestos and other similar substances.
  • Presence of cancer. What we mean here is that the threat of throat cancer is much higher if there is already some kind of cancer in the human body. Also at increased risk are those who have previously been diagnosed with a similar disease in the neck or head area, despite the fact that the cancer has been completely cured.
Throat cancer - photo of what it looks like

After a long study, it was found that throat cancer can also be caused by the following diseases of the larynx:

  • long-present papilloma;
  • pachydermia;
  • concentrated formation of branchiogenic and other cysts on the ventricles of the larynx;
  • incurable chronic inflammation caused by syphilis, alcoholism or smoking;
  • wide base fibroma;
  • leukoplakia localized on the mucosa with a dyskeratotic change present;

Among all the factors mentioned, the greatest threat is posed by papilloma formations, which at any time can take on a malignant form of development.

Classification of the disease

Different kinds throat cancer (photo)

Depending on which specific area of ​​the throat is affected by cancer, cancer is distinguished into the upper (supraglottic part, located above the vocal cords), middle (located in the area of ​​the vocal cords) and lower (subglottic part, located below the vocal cords) parts of the larynx.

Photo of what throat cancer looks like

Many people with cancer experience squamous cell carcinoma throat, which is also a common disease among active smokers.

Stages of development of throat cancer and how long patients live

Due to the fact that damage to the tissues of the larynx by cancer occurs gradually, the disease has the following stages of its development:

  • Zero stage . At this stage, the tumor that forms in the throat has a very small size, which does not prevent it from being within the mucous membrane of the larynx. During this period, no symptoms of the disease are observed, as a result of which it is extremely difficult to detect cancer during this time period. Although, if it is still possible to detect stage zero cancer, then the probability of its complete cure is extremely high. It is also worth noting that over the next 5 years there is almost a 100% survival rate for these people.
  • First stage. At this time, the tumor formation begins to increase in size, extending beyond the mucous membrane, while damage to nearby lymph nodes, tissues, and other organs is not observed. The first stage (degree) of cancer may be characterized by vibration of the vocal cords, which can lead to the reproduction of generated sounds by them. With timely and correct intervention by doctors, complete relief from throat cancer is possible. The survival rate of these people for the next 5 years, according to statistics, is approximately 80%.
  • Third stage. This period of the disease occurs in a rather complex form, which is caused by tumor germination to all the walls of the larynx. At the same time, the mobility of at least one vocal cord is impaired. Symptoms of the third stage (degree) are wheezing in the voice, as well as total loss. In the case of complete recovery of such cancer patients who have received high-quality treatment, their survival statistics for the next 5 years is about 60%.
  • Fourth stage. At this stage of the disease, lymph nodes or other organs are affected (which is a sign of the formation of metastases). Most often, stage 4 cancer treatment ends fatal. In some cases, complete freedom from cancer is observed. The survival rate over a 5-year time period is approximately 25%.

Symptoms and signs of throat cancer

Symptoms, as well as the location of throat cancer, directly depend on the stage of its progression. So, for example, a tumor lesion of the supraglottic region or false vocal folds may have absolutely no obvious signs. Therefore, the tumor will continue to grow, and this process will be imperceptible to humans.

Another course of the disease is also possible, in which the tumor affects the true vocal folds, which leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms: a rough timbre of the voice, hoarseness, etc. In fact, it is these symptoms that often force patients to seek specialized help.

Appearance advanced laryngeal cancer

Over time, the tumor enlarges, during which it is quite difficult for the patient to speak and breathe, so he has to communicate in a whisper. If cancer is not treated for a long time, the disease becomes more advanced, accompanied by acute pain during swallowing.

If the development of cancer occurs in the area of ​​the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages, the patient may complain of discomfort in the throat area, seeming like a “lump in the throat.”

A person may feel as if there is a presence in his throat foreign object. Subsequently, the tumor disintegrates, during which the formation of a secondary form of perechondritis is observed with its characteristic increase in pain symptoms.

During the subsequent more severe course of the disease, the following painful symptoms characteristic of laryngeal cancer occur:

  • choking;
  • coughing up blood;
  • complicating the process of food passing through the esophagus;
  • dry cough that does not heal traditional method treatment, and also continuous over a long period of time;
  • pain in the ear area.

As a result of the disintegration of the tumor formation, a stench appears. Patients begin to lose weight sharply and feel a general loss of strength. This period is characterized by the gradual appearance of a state of deep exhaustion of the human body as a whole, as well as physical malaise. This condition is called cachexia.

As a result of a detailed consideration of all the previously described symptoms, it can be logically concluded that the first characteristic symptom of throat cancer is the appearance of hoarseness. At the same time, we should not forget the fact that this symptom can be a consequence of a number of other, no less relevant throat diseases. Therefore, in order to accurately diagnose the disease present in the body, it is necessary to perform laryngoscopy.

How to identify laryngeal (throat) cancer

Several options are used to carry out diagnostics:

  • Laryngoscopy. Diagnosis is carried out using a specially designed mirror (this method is considered indirect view laryngoscopy), the procedure can also be carried out using a laryngoscope, a special optical device (this method is considered a direct type of laryngoscopy). During laryngoscopy, the throat cavity and vocal cords can be examined in detail by a specialist, making it possible to establish the presence of a tumor. In most cases, together with laryngoscopy, a biopsy is also performed, in which the tissue of the throat is amenable to further examination, for which they are taken.
  • Biopsy. As mentioned earlier, this process occurs simultaneously with laryngoscopy and is designed to more effectively diagnose throat cancer. A biopsy allows you to determine the diagnosis, as well as identify its histological affiliation, which is extremely necessary for prescribing an effective therapeutic treatment cancer.
  • CT. To put it more clearly, this method diagnostic is also called computed tomography. With its help, the doctor can quite easily and quickly determine at what stage the disease is currently occurring.

Treatment methods for throat cancer

It is extremely important to remember that in order to determine the most correct and most appropriate treatment method, it is always necessary to know the stage of cancer development. Treatment often involves surgery (surgery), and radiation therapy may also be prescribed. In this procedure, the tumor is exposed to radiation. Surgical intervention, of course, implies an operation in which a certain part of the larynx can be removed or its complete removal can occur. Complete removal of the vocal folds is performed by cordeotomy.

Radiotherapy is recognized as the most effective and common method of treating throat cancer.

Throat cancer or laryngeal cancer, in more precise terms, is a malignant transformation of the epithelial tissues of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and larynx.

Like any malignant tumor, throat cancer has a number of features:

  • it grows infiltratively, that is, the tumor grows into the surrounding tissues and merges with them, which makes adequate total resection of the neoplasm impossible;
  • secondly, it grows quickly, which is caused by high proliferative activity in tissues;
  • Finally, it creates secondary lesions, in other words, it metastasizes.

If you multiply the indicated properties of the tumor by the ability to have a mass effect (due to its size), you can understand how dangerous laryngeal neoplasia is.

As practice shows, this is not the most common type of malignant neoplasm.

In oncology, cancer of the larynx and its structures ranks approximately 10th, which is 2-4% of all primary tumors of any location. However, the mortality rate from throat cancer is extremely high, which is due to late consultation with a doctor.

To understand what throat cancer is, you need to look at anatomy. Let's give a brief summary.

Throat is a generalized, simple name for several anatomical structures. The larynx is divided into three areas:

  • Supraglottic region. Or the supraglottic department. As the name suggests, in this case we are talking about the area located just above the vocal cords.
  • The second section is ligamentous. The vocal cords and glottis themselves are located here.
  • Finally, the third section is the subglottic. Localized under the vocal cords and cleft.

By location

The first basis for classification and the most common in clinical practice is the localization of the neoplastic process. Accordingly, they speak about the following types of cancer:

  • Oncological lesion of the supraglottic region. Occurs in approximately 70% of situations. As practice shows, this is the most aggressive version of the neoplastic process, which progresses quickly, metastasizes early and leads to the death of the patient within a year or two. Sometimes faster.
  • Ligamentous localization of cancer. Occurs in 25-28% of clinical cases. Access to such tumors is relatively simple, the localization of tumors is less aggressive, but this does not make treatment any easier.

  • Finally, the remaining few percent occur in the subglottic location of neoplasia. This is the most dangerous type of cancer - there is a high probability of rapid infiltrative growth. In addition, access to such neoplasms is extremely difficult. A careful surgical approach is required, but there is a high risk of damage to the vocal cords.

By tumor type

Depending on the histological structure, the following types of laryngeal cancer are distinguished:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma. It is considered the most aggressive form, since it grows quickly, is characterized by significant proliferation, early detachment of cells and their transportation by lymphogenous and hematogenous routes. This form accounts for up to 95% of all cases.
  • 2% or so are glandular cancer. It grows from cells of the glandular tissues of the larynx.
  • About 1% are basal cell carcinomas.
  • Another two percent are rare types of cancer, which almost never originate in a given location.

By the nature of development

The next basis for the division of neoplasia is the growth pattern:

  • Exophytic. From the wall of the affected larynx out into the lumen of the respiratory tract.
  • Endophytic or infiltrative(occurs most often and gives the worst prognosis).
  • Mixed growth pattern.

There is another classification. It concerns the development of the process and considers it in dynamics. Therefore, it is better to talk about staging (see below).

How does throat cancer begin?

Unfortunately, the first symptoms are nonspecific or completely absent, which makes this form the neoplastic process is even more dangerous.

You need to be wary if at least 2 manifestations are present:

  • Pain of an incomprehensible nature, localized in the larynx (in its projection, that is, at the level of the Adam’s apple or slightly lower/above).
  • Burning.
  • Bad breath is not a problem with the oral cavity.
  • Isolation of exudate from the pharynx outside the course of pharyngitis or other inflammatory pathologies.

Symptoms in the early stages are non-specific, as stated. You need to contact a specialist for a speedy diagnosis.

initial stage may occur unnoticed, it is recommended to undergo regular (at least once every six months) preventive examinations.

Main symptoms of the disease

The development of distinct symptoms occurs in stages 2-3. The characteristic symptom complex consists of general and local manifestations.

Among the signs of the disease:

  • Weakness, drowsiness.
  • Lack of appetite. This symptom of throat cancer is caused by the disintegration of the tumor and the impact on special centers of the brain.
  • Development of the anemic process. Due to constant bleeding and poisoning of the body with tumor decay products. Manifested by sideropenic and anemic syndromes (not always).
  • The patient becomes strange, he develops perversion of taste and smell.
  • Increase in body temperature for no apparent reason to subfebrile levels. The body perceives the tumor as a dangerous intruder. In addition, the brain is poisoned by toxins. Hence the low-grade fever.
  • Manifestations of general intoxication of the body. This includes migraines, dizziness, and decreased performance.

It's just general manifestations. Local signs of throat cancer are much more noticeable:

  • Pain in the throat. Localized at the level of the Adam's apple, slightly lower or higher. The nature of the pain is pressing, pulling, bursting. Other types of pain are also possible. It all depends on the type of process and the characteristics of the patient’s body.
  • Catarrhal phenomena, including swelling.
  • Changing the relief of the neck. Massive hemorrhages in the throat area are possible, which are manifested by changes in pigmentation at the local level. The dermis becomes red, capillaries and vascular networks are visible. More often, this symptom appears in the later stages of the disease.
  • Sensation of a foreign object in the throat. Feels like a lump or bone stuck in the throat.
  • Numbness of the face, paresthesia (feeling of goose bumps), violation of facial symmetry due to disruption of innervation at the local level.
  • Periodically, the patient chokes on food, and swallowing function is suppressed (secondary dysphagia), which is manifested by the inability to eat normally. First, the consumption of solid and then liquid food is disrupted.
  • Changing the timbre of the voice up to its complete loss. At the same time, standard methods conservative treatment don't help.
  • Bitterness in the mouth metallic taste. Such phenomena are caused by tumor disintegration or minimal hemorrhages. The condition cannot be corrected with medications. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis. There are other options besides cancer.
  • Putrid odor from the mouth due to the disintegration of the tumor and its pyogenic transformation (the cells are dividing rapidly, but there is not enough nutrition for all of them, the neoplasm is disintegrating).
  • Dry cough of a constant or periodic nature. The reflex is unproductive, haunts the patient and causes a significant decrease in quality of life.
  • Change in body weight. As a rule, in the direction of decrease, since the body devotes all its strength to fighting the tumor.
  • Exudation. Usually bloody, putrid in nature. The manifestation is especially strong in the morning.
  • Breathing disorders. Like shortness of breath or suffocation.
  • Increase cervical lymph nodes(secondary lymphadenitis). It manifests itself as lumps of characteristic localization and pain.
  • Bleeding from the throat. In the later stages, it is quite capable of becoming lethal due to its massiveness.

These are symptoms of an oncological process at stages 2-3, i.e. its developed form.

Upon visual assessment, throat cancer looks like a small neoplasm, pale pink in color, with a loose, grayish structure on the cut (in the photo, the initial 1st stage).

It is impossible to differentiate tumors from each other on your own. Sometimes they are impossible to even notice.

There are other manifestations, it all depends on the location of the tumor.

If the indicated symptoms in the amount of one or two or more are noticed by the patient himself, he should urgently run to the doctor.

Throat cancer staging

The tumor can be staged as follows:

Stage 1. Characterized by minimum size neoplasms. Neoplasia does not grow beyond the mucous and submucosal layer. Only one part of the larynx is affected.

Stage 2. The neoplasm grows throughout the entire part of the larynx, there are no metastases. Germination beyond the submucosal layer too.

Stage 3a. The tumor begins to grow through other structures and spreads beyond the submucosal layer.

Stage 3b. There are still no metastases. The tumor affects neighboring parts of the larynx.

Stage 4a. Characterized by metastases in regional lymph nodes. The tumor itself grows through all layers of the wall of the anatomical structure.

Stage 4b. Metastases are found in distant organs and systems. They most often form in the chest, brain, intestines, and liver.

Symptoms occur progressively. The larger the tumor and the more developed it is, the richer clinical picture. You need to listen carefully to your own body.

Causes and predisposing factors

There are at least a dozen possible causes of laryngeal cancer. They all play the same role and can become the triggers that will determine pathological process.

Among the reasons are the following:

  • Scarring of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. There can be many reasons for the development of epithelial replacement. Most often we have to talk about inept endoscopic and surgical manipulations. As practice shows, this factor causes the onset of the neoplastic process relatively rarely. Requires prolonged mechanical impact.
  • Thermal lesions of the larynx, pharynx and other anatomical structures. Especially with the professional factor. Workers of thermal enterprises (metallurgists and others) are at greatest risk.
  • Chemical lesions of the larynx. Alkalis, acid fumes and other hazardous substances. Workers in chemical and textile industrial structures are especially at risk.
  • Acute and chronic course of the tuberculosis process. Causes gradual tissue destruction.
  • Syphilis in subacute or chronic phase. It provokes the development of special infiltrates - gumma, which open and form scars after healing.
  • Consumption of spicy, salty foods. They constantly irritate the mucous membranes of the larynx, so it is recommended to reduce the amount of such foods. Is it dangerous.
  • Poor oral hygiene, caries. There is no evidence of a clear correlation. It is assumed that bacterial, viral and fungal agents are to blame, which poison the body with toxins and cause irritation of the pharyngeal epithelium.
  • Smoking. It is especially dangerous after 5-10 years of “experience”. Some people may develop cancer earlier, depending on individual characteristics the patient's body. Both active and passive smokers are at risk, which refutes the theory of the influence high temperatures on mucous membranes. Apparently, not only hot smoke is to blame, but also toxins contained in tobacco products.
  • Having a history of chronic infectious lesions organs of the oropharynx and nasopharynx. Sinusitis is more dangerous of various origins, sore throats (tonsillitis) of a chronic nature, also pharyngitis, laryngitis.
  • Alcohol abuse. Alcohol burns the mucous membranes of the throat and provokes constant inflammation. When combined with smoking, the risk increases by almost 200%, this is extremely dangerous.
  • The presence of precancerous conditions of the oropharynx, such as papillomatosis, leukoplakia. These neoplasms themselves are prone to malignant transformation, so you should not neglect preventive examinations by an otolaryngologist.
  • Significant age. Elderly patients (over 50 years old) are at risk. This is not an axiom, young people also get sick, however, it is older patients who suffer especially often.
  • The presence of human papillomavirus on the mucous membranes in the active or passive phase.
  • The presence of unfavorable heredity. The genetic factor should not be ignored. Of course, cancer is not transmitted, only a predisposition is transmitted. It is dangerous to relax, especially for those who have a family history of patients with laryngeal cancer.
  • Mononucleosis. In other words, defeat Epstein-Barr virus. Provokes an increase in the risk of developing cancer of the specified localization by 50-100%.
  • Presence of industrial hazards. Inhalation of asbestos, coal dust, etc. is especially dangerous.
  • The correlation has not been proven, however, such assumptions have been made.
  • Presence of tumors in nearby locations. Perhaps we are talking about secondary neoplasia or metastases.
  • The presence of gastritis, reflux esophagitis.

In all cases, it is necessary to understand separately.


Throat cancer is diagnosed less often in women than in men. The vast majority (70%) of patients are adults over 40.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis presents certain difficulties. Otolaryngology specialists deal with the issue of cancer.

At the initial appointment, anamnesis is collected and the patient’s complaints are assessed. It is also important to record everything in writing in order to later analyze the information received.

  • Taking a swab from the throat.
  • Examination of the larynx using a special laryngoscope (device for endoscopic examination). Required in all cases, although it is an unpleasant procedure. Gives you the opportunity to see the tumor with your own eyes.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Biopsy.
  • Histological examination of the obtained tissues.
  • In extreme cases, contract-enhanced MRI and CT are indicated.

The system of these measures is sufficient. The staging of the process is carried out based on visual data and histological results. In the early stages, the disease is diagnosed by scraping the larynx and laryngoscopy (usually both studies are performed simultaneously).

Therapeutic measures

Treatment is standard. Involves the use of three methods.

Surgery has been and remains the classic, preferred treatment option. Consists of total excision of the tumor. Unfortunately, complete removal of the neoplasm is possible only in the early stages; later it is necessary to limit oneself to a subtotal procedure. Because the tumor grows infiltratively, it is necessary to understand where healthy tissue, and where not, it is impossible.

The second stage of therapy is radiation exposure. It starts with minimal doses of radiation, then more aggressive treatment is carried out.

Finally, the third stage is taking cytostatics (chemotherapy). The use of such drugs is a necessary measure. The course is determined by the doctor.

All three techniques are practiced in the system. A careful, comprehensive approach is needed.


Once the cancer has begun to form, the countdown begins. The prognosis directly depends on the stage of the pathological process.

Accordingly, 5-year survival rate is determined by the following numbers:

  • Stage 0. When the tumor just started. Survival rate 100%
  • Stage 1. 80% survival rate.
  • Stage 2. 75% or a little less.
  • Stage 3 of any type. About half survive (50%).
  • Stage 4. Up to a quarter of patients (25%) survive.

The longer the process goes on, the more likely it is to die.

Throat cancer - dangerous pathology with very vague prospects for cure in later stages. It is necessary to diagnose this disease at the first symptoms. Otherwise, there is a high risk of death.

In contact with

Laryngeal cancer, in terms of frequency of diagnosis, is one of the second ten oncological diseases. At the same time, every year the number of sick people decreases significantly.

Malignant lesions of the larynx include several types of cancer localized in different departments organ. Each department is characterized by its own set of symptoms and the time of their manifestation.

Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the mucous membrane of the organ, during the growth of which, healthy tissue begins to be replaced pathological.

The disease is divided into types and forms, depending on the affected area. Most of them are characterized by a rapid pace of development with active metastasis to nearby organs and tissues.

Common initial symptoms

This pathology is characterized by the early manifestation of symptoms that resemble common colds. In 80% of cases, a malignant lesion is most often diagnosed already at later stages.

Basically, laryngeal cancer manifests itself as follows: first signs:

  • discomfort in the throat while talking or swallowing food, which is manifested by soreness, a feeling of inflammation or a foreign object;
  • white plaques covering the area of ​​the vault, tonsils and laryngeal wall;
  • changes in the structure of the surface of the walls of the throat and larynx. They become heterogeneous with a pronounced increase in tubercles;
  • the presence of long-term non-healing wounds or small ulcers located in the larynx;
  • change in voice timbre due to damage to the ligamentous apparatus and disruption of its elasticity. Dysphonia or hoarseness is most common;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • cough that becomes chronic;
  • painful manifestations of a cutting nature that occur during meals and radiate to the ear area on the affected side;
  • severe anemia, as a result of which a person becomes exhausted and drowsy;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • constant feeling of dry throat;
  • heat;
  • nausea resulting from poisoning of the body with decay products of cells affected by cancer.


The first manifestations of pathology will primarily depend on the type of cancer. There are 3 groups of initial signs.

The first symptoms of squamous cell non-keratinizing laryngeal cancer

This type cancer develops in cells of the mucous epithelium of the larynx, which are not capable of keratinization. Pathology is different swift the pace of its development and a large area of ​​growth, in which adjacent tissues are deeply affected.

Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma is characterized by primary metastasis to the oral cavity and lymph nodes. Today, this type of cancer is considered the most common.

The pathology mainly affects the ventricle of the larynx or the epiglottis. During the growth period, the tumor is localized on one side of the section, but gradually moves to its second half. This species can be identified at the initial stages by certain signs.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the appearance of a small but constant soreness, which is accompanied by dryness of the mucous surfaces of the throat. Swallowing is accompanied by a sensation discomfort and lump in the throat.

Due to disruption of trophic processes, multiple erosions and ulcerations small size. As they grow, the discomfort develops into pain, in which it becomes difficult or impossible to swallow. In addition, a strong shortness of breath, associated with swelling of the throat tissue and narrowing of its lumen.

The first symptoms of squamous cell keratinizing laryngeal cancer

Squamous cell carcinoma of the keratinizing type is the least dangerous look pathology, which is characterized by slow spread and single metastasis to nearby organs and tissues.

Most often, the pathology affects the lower part of the larynx, and primarily the vocal cords. This is reflected change voice timbre. During the onset of the tumor, the pathology is manifested by a slight violation of elasticity, which is reflected by a rare change in voice: the appearance hoarseness or dysphonia.

As the tumor grows, the change in voice timbre becomes permanent. Subsequently, partial or complete absence vote. Also, it is observed swelling adjacent tissues, which narrows the lumen of the throat. This leads to a constant lack of air, shortness of breath.

In addition to these symptoms, keratinizing cancer in the early stages of its development is practically not visible, which in most cases leads to late diagnosis.

The first symptoms of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx

A highly differentiated type refers to the most dangerous cancer, in which healthy tissues of all parts of the larynx are gradually involved in the pathological process. Most often, the pathology begins in the upper part, with lesions of the supraglottic region.

This is characterized by a change in the shade of the mucous wall of the throat, which becomes hyperemic and painful. At the same time, its excessive dryness, causing soreness and constant coughing.

In the lower parts of the visible zone and below it, formation is noted white painful plaques that may cover the tonsils and surrounding areas. Subsequently, small plaques form in place of the plaques. erosion.

As a rule, their healing is difficult and the use of medications does not help positive results. Erosion gradually degenerates into deep sores. As a result, food intake is disrupted, since swallowing is accompanied, first by severe discomfort, then by acute pain.

During the period of soft tissue damage, swelling may occur, which causes a narrowing of the lumen and violation respiratory process . As it spreads to the lower sections, a change in the mobility of the vocal cords occurs, manifested by constant dysphonia or hoarseness.

Symptoms of the initial stage

For malignant tumor The first stage is characterized by damage to the mucous layer of the larynx and spread beyond it. Most often at this stage only the submucosal tissue. In isolated cases, germination into the muscle layer is observed.

This stage is characterized by the growth of a limited localization, covering a small area of ​​the affected area. Due to the small size of the tumor, it is almost impossible to detect it during instrumental examination.

The spread of the neoplasm to another part is not observed. Surrounding tissues, lymph nodes and adjacent organs in the pathological process don't get involved. This period is characterized by a complete absence of the metastasis process and smoothed symptoms or its complete absence.

Determine the onset of the disease At this stage of growth, you can look at the following symptoms:

  • sensation in the affected area foreign body, due to inflammation of the mucosal area;
  • discomfort or pain when swallowing. This symptom can be especially pronounced when the tumor is localized in the epiglottis;
  • voice disorder that occurs when the ligaments are damaged. In this case, there is only a slight rare manifestation hoarseness, as the elasticity of only one ligament is impaired. The second, still healthy, compensates for this factor;
  • A cough appears if the site of primary localization is the subpharyngeal canal. With constant irritation of the affected mucous membrane, a frequent but not severe chronic cough is observed.

Symptoms of the second stage

The second stage is characterized by more pronounced symptoms, due to the growth of the tumor throughout the entire region and beyond. As a rule, at the end of the second stage it is affected the entire larynx. At this stage, the neoplasm is also located in the submucosal and mucous layer, without spreading to the surrounding tissues.

The exception is a tumor localized in the supraglottic region, which can spread to adjacent muscle tissue walls larynx and root of tongue. But at the same time there is a reaction of the lymph nodes, which increase in size and become painful when palpated.

There is no metastasis during this period.

Laryngeal cancer of the second stage is detected by the appearance the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of noisy breathing, which is formed due to incomplete opening of the ligaments;
  • a pronounced change in voice, characterized by severe hoarseness or hoarseness. This symptom becomes permanent, as both ligaments are damaged;
  • severe acute pain that occurs not only when swallowing, but also during conversation;
  • instrumental examination reveals the presence of small seals growing into the lumen of the larynx;
  • when the area of ​​the supraglottic space is affected, severe swelling and lumpy walls covered with a white coating are observed;
  • when spreading to the tongue area, there is an increase in its root and uneven surface.

Listed symptoms not necessary should signal the onset of cancer. The combination of their manifestations is also characteristic of other pathologies affecting the upper Airways. But, if with intensive treatment, within 2 weeks, the symptoms do not smooth out, but only worsen, then in most cases this is a sign of malignant organ damage.

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Oncology is a serious problem, however, this is not a death sentence. Early diagnosis and properly selected treatment gives a good chance of a full recovery. The article will discuss the initial signs of throat cancer and the actions that need to be taken when characteristic symptoms are detected.

What is throat cancer

Throat cancer- This cancer, accompanied by the formation of a tumor of malignant origin, as a result of which the tissues of the larynx, ligaments, and lymph nodes are affected.

This type of oncology is considered the most common (up to 60% of all cases). Most often, the disease is diagnosed in men whose age is 40-60 years. The vast majority of patients belong to the group of heavy smokers and fans of strong drinks.

Provoke development serious illness may also external factors and other reasons:

  • work in difficult conditions (dust, harmful fumes, elevated temperature etc.);
  • increased content of toxins in the air (benzenes, petroleum products, soot, phenolic resins).

Hereditary predisposition is also a risk factor.

The precursor to cancer is often chronic laryngitis or other diseases that create a favorable environment for the development and growth of malignant cells:

  • papilloma;
  • dyskeratosis;
  • leukoplakia of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • cyst of the laryngeal ventricles;
  • broad-based fibroma;
  • pachydermia;
  • inflammatory processes(in chronic form).

Over time, the tumor grows and spreads, affecting other parts of the throat - lymph nodes, ligaments and other tissues.

First signs to look out for

Coughing and blood when coughing up are some of the signs to look out for.

Oncology when used modern techniques treatable, but an important factor for achieving successful results is early diagnosis of throat cancer. The main thing is not to miss the first signs and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The first signs of the disease in women appear as follows:

  • hoarseness, hoarse voice;
  • causeless cough (more than two weeks);
  • pain when swallowing food or saliva;
  • blood threads or clots when coughing up;
  • headache;
  • enlarged lymph nodes (in the neck);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • rapid weight loss.

Men should be wary following changes in health:

  • disruption of the speech apparatus;
  • pain when speaking loudly;
  • swelling in the neck area;
  • problematic swallowing;
  • labored breathing;
  • the formation of white spots, ulcers in the throat cavity.

Some manifestations of the primary signs of throat cancer disappear or become dull after some time, but this is only a lull due to the transition of the disease to another stage.

Throat cancer symptoms

The symptoms of throat cancer manifest themselves differently in each individual case, which is explained by the location of the tumor and the form of its development.

Symptoms at cancer throat
Name Description
Dyspnea This symptom is observed with cancer of the larynx in the lower part or in the later stages of other types of disease. Difficulty breathing appears first when physical activity, and then at rest.
Feeling of a foreign body When a tumor affects the epiglottis or arytenoid cartilages, a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the throat occurs. After some time, choking and difficulty passing food through the esophagus appears.
Dulling of sensation The taste of food is lost, swallowed pieces of food are practically not felt.
Pain when swallowing Observed during the development of cancer of the supraglottic region. The phenomenon is associated with the decay cancerous tumor or its expression.
Earache Pain when swallowing radiates to the ear. This symptomatology is observed in the later stages.
Hoarseness One of the first symptoms appears as a result of damage to the vocal cords by a neoplasm.
Hemoptysis When the cancer disintegrates, blood clots are released with saliva when coughing.
Putrid odor from the mouth A decaying neoplasm of a malignant nature provokes the appearance of stench from the oral cavity.
Weight loss Painful swallowing reduces appetite, which is reflected in weight over time.

In addition, there are general symptoms associated with the spread of the tumor process:

  • fatigue;
  • pallor skin;
  • physical weakness;
  • anemia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • headache;
  • weight loss

What kind of pain is felt

In the later stages, even anesthetics cannot relieve the pain.

During the growth of the tumor the patient experiences pain when swallowing food or even saliva. Unpleasant sensations so great that the desire to eat food disappears, resulting in a decrease in body weight.

Pain syndrome manifests itself in the ears, which is explained by the relationship of the inner ear with the pharynx. Often the patient feels toothache, but this symptom has nothing to do with dentistry.

With throat cancer, the passage of food through the esophagus is also difficult to tolerate. And in the later stages of the disease, the pain syndrome is so severe that anesthetics do not cope with their task.

In the secreted sputum, at a certain stage, blood is observed in the form of a clot or threads. But among other things, a complication such as bleeding may occur, which appears during the process of disintegration of the neoplasm from the affected vessels. During sleep, there is a high risk of suffocation due to blood entering the respiratory tract.

Types of throat cancer and differences in their symptoms

The classification of throat cancer divides diseases into three main types.

  • Squamous nonkeratinizing characterized by the development of a tumor from non-keratinizing cells of the oral mucosa. A feature of this type of cancer is its rapid growth deep into the tissue, spreading metastases to neighboring organs. This form of damage is observed most often. The site where cancer cells develop is located in the upper part of the throat (epiglottis) or in the ventricular tissues. The tumor grows rapidly from one part of the pharynx to another. The lumen of the patient's larynx is significantly reduced, as a result of which the voice changes or is completely lost, severe shortness of breath.
  • Squamous cell keratinizing formed on cells that have the ability to keratinize. This type of cancer is characterized by slow development and very rare release of metastases. The danger is posed by a tumor localized in the lower parts of the throat. In this form, the disease progresses rapidly with significant metastasis. Early diagnosis is difficult due to the lack of obvious symptoms. Only in advanced forms do pain and shortness of breath appear.
  • Well differentiated squamous Cancer is the most difficult to treat due to the involvement of a huge number of healthy tissue areas. Often the focus is localized in the supraglottic part of the throat, where any type of cancer grows quite actively with the release of many metastases.


Basic stages cancer throat
Stage Characteristic symptoms
Zero The tumor has small sizes, limited to the mucous membrane covering the inside of the larynx, no obvious symptoms are observed.
First (I) During this period, the tumor grows beyond the focal areas of the laryngeal mucosa, but nearby tissues, lymph nodes and other organs are not affected. Voice disturbance, vibration, and sound generation are noted.
Second (II) The tumor located in the subglottic region migrates to neighboring areas (for example, the vocal cords). Voice disturbances are accompanied by hoarseness and heavy breathing.
Third (III) The tumor grows to all the walls of the larynx, severe hoarseness or loss of voice is noted. There is a disturbance in the mobility of the tissues of the pharynx, pain radiating to the ear.
Fourth (IV) The tumor spreads to other organs and lymph nodes, which is explained by the growth of metastases.

Localization of tumors

The third and fourth stages of throat cancer are divided into different periods, which reflect the vastness of the affected area.

  • III(a)– the neoplasm moves to neighboring tissues, which is accompanied by immobility of the affected part of the larynx, but beyond focal department the tumor does not come out;
  • III (b)– spread of malignancy to neighboring areas, detection of one or more metastases;
  • IV(a)– extensive area affected by cancer cells, compaction of underlying tissues;
  • IV (b)– migration of the tumor to organs located nearby;
  • IV (c)– lymph nodes of the neck are affected by fixed metastases;
  • IV (g)– distant metastases, tumor formation acquires any parameters.

How to recognize throat cancer at an early stage

Do not delay visiting a doctor so as not to worsen the situation!

Many of the primary signs of throat cancer can easily be confused with manifestations of various diseases, even a simple cold.

However, causeless symptoms should alert you if:

  • cough does not go away for more than 2 weeks;
  • voice distortion appeared;
  • pain is felt radiating to the ear;
  • unmotivated toothache;
  • difficulty swallowing food or saliva;
  • white spots or ulcers have formed on different areas larynx.

You should not postpone going to the clinic if you notice these symptoms, characteristic of throat cancer. Lost time reduces the chances of a full recovery.

What to do if the first symptoms of cancer are detected

Initial signs, indicating throat cancer, are very similar to the symptoms of other respiratory and infectious diseases, so the patient often turns to a therapist or otolaryngologist. After a visual examination of the oral cavity, the doctor refers the patient to an oncologist, where, using various methods, the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed or removed.

Laryngeal cancer is diagnosed using:

Is it curable or not?

The sooner you see a doctor, the higher the chances of a full recovery!

Throat cancer, if diagnosed early, is considered a curable disease, but the chances of full recovery depend on several important factors:

  • location of the tumor;
  • the nature and structure of cancer cells, the intensity of tumor development;
  • characteristics of the body;
  • stage of the disease when a problem is identified;
  • correct choice of treatment strategy.

The treatment method for throat cancer is selected based on the examination picture and the nature of the tumor. Modern approach includes the following types of impact on the focal zone:

  • surgery;
  • chemotherapy;
  • neoplasm irradiation procedure.

Surgery for cancer, it involves removing a fragment of the throat where the tumor is concentrated, or the entire organ ( total operation).

Chemotherapy is a treatment method in which the patient is prescribed one or more drugs. Advantage this method is the possibility of combining the technique medicines with surgery or radiation.

Radiotherapy (irradiation) is a procedure for treating a tumor with X-ray radiation. Due to exposure to radio waves, cancer cells die or their growth is significantly slowed down. The duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. Radiation is used both as an independent method and in addition to other approaches used in the treatment of throat cancer.

The patient has the greatest chance of recovery (100%) with early detection of throat cancer (at initial stage tumor development). When diagnosing the problem at the 1st stage of oncology development, the prognosis for cure is 90%, at the 2nd stage the chances are reduced to 80-85%, at the 3rd stage - to 65-70% (for 5 years of life after treatment), at 4th – up to 25%.

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