Cloves have medicinal qualities. beneficial properties of cloves

Cloves – a spice, beneficial properties and contraindications, that’s what the article is about today. Every home has a jar of spice from the buds of the clove tree in the kitchen, but not everyone understands how cloves are beneficial for the body, believing that this spice has no benefit other than a pungent taste in culinary dishes. It's not like that at all. Cloves are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, dentistry, folk recipes, and how useful the spice is, and how to use it correctly in different cases, read below.

Clove spice: description of where it grows

Clove is a spice that is the buds (buds) of the clove tree, a plant of the myrtle family, has a bright aroma and a strong pungent taste.

The homeland of the clove tree is the Southeast part of Asia, where these trees have always been grown without sharing their seeds with other peoples of the world. Currently, the spice is grown not only in Asia; clove trees can be found in Brazil, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Guinea. In all these states, cloves are grown, collected, processed, sold and used for their intended purpose - in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

Cloves, spice, photo:

Why is it useful?

How is clove beneficial for the body? This question worries many, and we will answer it. Scientific studies have shown that the exotic spice can solve a number of health problems. If you use clove tinctures and teas, and constantly add the spice to your dishes, it will affect the body:

  • - analgesic and sedative effect;
  • - antiseptic and healing effect;
  • - antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Unopened flowers of the clove tree give the body a refreshing and rejuvenating effect, support the functioning of organs normally, remove excess liquid, relieve spasms, give tone and vitality.

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Clove seasoning, medicinal properties

The properties of spice on the human body are simply priceless. In many countries of the world, including the homeland of this seasoning, it is included in the list of medicinal plants on the basis of which they produce medical supplies. Traditional healers also use cloves in their recipes, claiming that this spice can heal the body from the inside, give youth to the skin, strength to the hair, healthy color face.

The medicinal properties of cloves are as follows:

  • - Cures viruses and serves as a preventive measure for pathogens such as diphtheria bacillus, staphylococcus, etc.
  • — Has an anthelmintic effect, kills and removes helminths (worms) from the body.
  • — Prevents the spread of tuberculosis, destroys the tuberculosis bacillus.
  • — It is an antispasmodic, analgesic, bactericidal, diuretic, anticarcinogenic and wound healing agent.
  • — Cloves are effective for flu, colds, and sore throat.
  • - Increases production gastric juice, promotes good digestion.
  • — Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colon, rectum and liver.
  • – Relieves inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, toothache, has a good dental effect - quickly heals wounds after dental treatment, prevents reproduction dangerous bacteria in the mouth.
  • — Thanks to the eugenol content in the spice, cloves help fight the growth and development of cancer cells.

Many people are wondering if cloves are a spice, is it good to chew it? Let's just say that dried clove buds are a wonderful alternative to mint gum. Clove neutralizes harmful bacteria present in the mouth after eating, plus eliminates bad smell from the mouth. Traditional healers It is recommended to chew the spice for a sore throat or toothache. They claim this action quickly removes pain syndrome, and saturates the body useful vitamins and microelements.

Medicinal uses of cloves

The spice clove is widely used in medicine. It produces tonic and relaxing, antiseptic and analgesic, strengthening and other medicines. A lot of ointments, tinctures, and medicines with clove spice are produced. All of them can cure specific diseases, have a preventive effect, or simply encourage and improve the health of the body.

Traditional recipes:

For diabetes

Traditional healers actively use clove buds in recipes against symptoms diabetes mellitus. The spice, as experts note, regulates sugar levels, affects the patient’s weight loss, and neutralizes the effects of the harmful substance histamine.

For diabetes, take cloves as follows:

  • Take 20 buds of the spice, pour 250 milliliters of hot water, close the lid, leave for a day. Then the tincture is filtered and taken orally a few minutes, but not less than 10, before meals, half a glass (75-85 ml, depending on the person’s body weight) three times a day.

For pancreatitis

Traditional medicine advises taking clove tincture for pancreatitis. This tincture can even cure chronic form diseases, the main thing is to follow a proper diet during illness and use a remedy.

  • To prepare a medicine for pancreatitis, pour 20 clove buds into 100 ml. boiled cold water(note, the water should be cooled, not hot) and let the products brew for about 10 hours. Next, the product is filtered and taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. The first dose of medication is best taken on an empty stomach. The course of such treatment can last several months.


Cloves are also used to improve women's health; the spice is effective in treating a number of very serious gynecological diseases.

  • To improve the tone of the uterus, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry, unopened clove flowers with a glass of boiling water, close the product and leave for 3 hours in any dark place, but not in the cold. Drink a tablespoon of the cooled drink 20 minutes before meals (morning, evening and lunch). The course of such therapy will depend on the woman’s health and the condition of the uterus.

For women, blood vessels

The spice clove has a very positive effect on the female body, it normalizes the functioning of the genital organs of representatives of the better half of humanity, improves the condition of blood vessels, brain function, and minimizes uterine bleeding, normalizes menstruation, increases women's libido, increases women's sexual satisfaction, and is a stimulant during childbirth.

During menopause, cloves improve mood, normalize sleep, and relieve nervousness and irritability.

To prevent health, women should take infusions from the spice, one spoon every day before bed or before dinner.

Treatment of throat with cloves

Cloves help with sore throat, a recipe for which there are only positive reviews is described below.

  • So, treatment of sore throat with cloves. To do this, make a tincture by pouring a glass of boiling water over 4 buds of the spice or a teaspoon of clove powder. After an hour and a half, the medicine is ready, it needs to be filtered and then used to gargle. Cooked quantity medicine One rinse is enough. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with a sore throat as often as possible, preferably four or five times a day.

If the sore throat progresses, gargle with this infusion and take it orally in small sips of 50 ml. every two hours throughout the day.

On a note! You shouldn’t brew a lot of spice at once; it’s better if the tincture is fresh, just prepared; the effect of the product is almost doubled after 18 hours of storing the medicine.

Tea with cloves

A few words about tea drink with spice. This drink, worth replacing, can replace a person’s regular black or green tea, and at the same time bring a good healing effect to the body.

Tea with cloves, beneficial properties:

  • - general strengthening effect;
  • - helps normalize blood pressure;
  • - improves brain function and memory;
  • - invigorates, energizes;
  • - stimulates mental capacity;
  • — increases performance, relieves fatigue;
  • - prevention of ARVI.

How to brew healing tea

  • Anyone can prepare tea with spices at home and you don’t need any skills at all. You need to take 2-3 small unblown clove flowers, put them in a cup, pour freshly prepared boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. The tea is ready, you can drink it with honey, baked goods, adding lemon to the cup. Experts do not recommend adding sugar to this tea.

How to store seasoning

The clove spice can be found in two forms - in buds or ground. Each of these products is good in its own way, but you need to know that cloves are stored longer in buds and retain their beneficial healing properties longer. Meanwhile, if stored incorrectly, the product can not only lose its useful qualities, but also lose the spicy aroma. How to properly store seasoning at home?

Dried clove buds should be stored in a glass container that is tightly closed and in a cool, dark place. Sun rays and increased heat should not enter the jar. A good option for storing cloves is a pantry on the balcony or a refrigerator.

Contraindications, possible harm

Cloves, benefits and harm... We have already talked about the benefits of the spice, we will tell you about the harm that can occur when consuming the spice.

  1. It is worth remembering that clove buds are a powerful stimulant, and therefore the spice should be excluded from the diet of children under three years of age.
  2. It is not recommended to use cloves in tinctures to treat illness for pregnant women; this can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the condition of the woman carrying the child. It is important to know that the spice has abortifacient properties, and early stages it can cause miscarriage.
  3. Spicy hot spice is also contraindicated for hypertensive patients. IN pure form and in tinctures, cloves can be very short term raise blood pressure.
  4. And lastly, harm from cloves can occur if there is individual intolerance. There is no need to include or use spice-based medications in the menu for allergy sufferers and those who have noticed symptoms. allergic reaction for flowering plants and spices.

I would like to add, when deciding to use a folk remedy based on herbs, consult a doctor first, follow the principle of “do no harm,” and you can only benefit from cloves.

Watch the video - clove spice: beneficial properties and contraindications

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How much do we know about the spices we have at home? We know the smell, taste, but don’t think about it beneficial properties Oh. Spices are used in cooking, medicine and as incense.

Historically, they have been used in cooking for their medicinal properties. As Wikipedia says, ginger is for disinfection - increasing potency, coriander - as a diuretic. Sweet cloves are no exception. Many medicinal properties are hidden in this seasoning.

What is the seasoning and how is it grown?

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Sold in every stall or seasoning department. Cooking, medicine or perfumery use the spice.

Dried - a spice made from unopened buds.

The seeds are easy to grow. The tree grows in Tanzania. Grown in Madagascar, Indonesia, Malaysia. Same in Ceylon. Blooms 2 times a year. The crop is harvested and dried in the sun. Packed and sent around the world.

Beneficial properties of cloves for the health of the body

What are the beneficial properties of cloves?

The health effects come from the multi-component composition.

Chemical composition

Its impressive chemical composition and properties have popularized it. From ancient medicine up to now use medicinal properties.

Lots of vitamins, minerals. Also irreplaceable fatty acid, oils:

  • vitamin A;
  • b1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9;
  • potassium - K;
  • magnesium - Mg;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • calcium - Ca;
  • sodium - Na;
  • phosphorus - P;
  • iron - Fe;
  • manganese - Mn;
  • vitamin K;
  • copper - Cu;
  • selenium - Selenium;
  • zinc - Zn;
  • omega 3;
  • omega 6;
  • eugenol - Eugenia;
  • Langen - Langen.

There are so many components that it allows us to call the spice medicine.

Clove spice: benefits and harm

Spice in a marinade or soup once a month will not cause any visible benefit or harm.

When taking a couple of dry buds every day as a medicine, remember the contraindications:

  1. Ulcer or gastritis. Increases acidity in the body. In the case of a slow metabolism, this quality is positive. Gastritis or ulcers will get worse after taking it every day.
  2. Hypertension. The seasoning has properties similar to caffeine. Increases blood pressure. This is a plus for hypertension, but is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.
  3. Pregnancy. The spice stimulates the muscles of the uterus.
  4. Infants under 3 years old.

Indications for use in medicine

Guided by its antibacterial and analgesic properties, it is used as a preventive measure. infectious diseases. Influenza influenza and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Chew seasoning for toothache. It relieves inflammation from the gums.

Diuretic properties are used in the treatment of stones or relieving swelling in kidney diseases.

For worms, it is recommended to chew a couple of buds 30 minutes before meals. Then harmful bacteria will not appear.

Used to improve digestion. The acidity of the body increases - the process goes much faster.

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Scientists have conducted a number of experiments that prove the ability to prevent the development of cancer cells.

B vitamins improve the functioning of the nervous system. Treat neuroses, depression and other disorders.

The seasoning increases blood pressure - prescribed for hypotension.

In combination with other herbs, it is prescribed to improve blood circulation in case of varicose veins and hemorrhoids.


Contraindications for women and men are diseases gastrointestinal tract. Stomach ulcer, colitis, gastritis does not accept the increase acidity in organism.

Do not use by people with high blood pressure.

Refrain from medicinal herbs and seasonings if pregnant. It threatens miscarriage by toning the muscles.

What is useful for men

Men after a certain age suffer from reduced potency. This causes a lot of unpleasant moments for the psyche and lowers self-esteem.

Cloves are used as an aphrodisiac.

Increases reproductive function. Prevents rapid ejaculation. Tones and restores muscles after exercise.

Men often use the property of cloves to freshen their breath. Remove the smell of last night or the aftertaste of tobacco before a date.

It has been proven to help cope with nicotine addiction. The spice has its own characteristic smell and calms the nerves. When you want to smoke, you can chew a bud a couple of times a day and it will feel easier.

If there are no contraindications, then you can chew a couple of buds a day without fear of consequences.

Traditional medicine treatment at home

Traditional methods of treatment use healing spices.

A couple of recipes from improvised means:

  1. Tea for upper respiratory tract diseases. Put a couple of pieces of ginger root, 1 bud and 1 tsp into the teapot. black tea. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 10 minutes. Then drink with milk.
  2. For digestion. Chew a couple of buds with honey 15 minutes before meals.
  3. For potency. 1 tbsp. l. buds pour a glass of hot milk into a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Strain. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.
  4. Oil for varicose veins. Add 7 drops to massage oil essential oil. Rub your feet before going to bed.

Another option is to grind 3-5 pieces of flowers in a coffee grinder. Pour 250 ml. boiling water Let it sit for an hour. Divide into 3 even parts. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

How does chewing affect worms?

The plant kills harmful bacteria and organisms and removes them from the body. For prevention, you can chew 1 piece per day on an empty stomach, keeping in mind the contraindications.

For weight loss

For weight loss, cloves are used in combination: tea and oil for self-massage.

For tea, the required dosage is: 0.5 tsp. grated mixture + 0.5 tsp. ginger + 1 tsp. green tea + 0.3 l. boiling water Leave for 40 minutes. The tea infuser can be used throughout the day. The grass is better absorbed without sugar.

The oil recipe is simple: Massage oil + 2 tbsp. l. ground composition. Leave for a day. Rub to problem areas.

In gynecology

Antibacterial and antifungal agent. In gynecology, it is used in the treatment of thrush and other fungal diseases.

For diabetes

With diabetes, patients often experience digestive problems, increased pain and obesity. Cloves will help you cope with these problems.

The seasoning has the function of reducing sugar and healing wounds.

It is recommended to take the remedy 3 times a day for six months: 20 buds + 200 g of boiling water - mix and leave overnight. Divide into 3 doses.

The oil has wound healing effect. Apply on wounds and cracks. Recipe: 0.1 l olive oil + 1 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant. Boil, when cool, keep in the refrigerator.

For children cough

Dry or wet cough- tea with added spices will help. Also treatment of sore throat.

Medicinal spices are anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, remove phlegm. The recipe for this tea is not exact. Mix ginger with a pinch of cinnamon and a couple of spice buds.

There is a remedy for runny nose and throat. Add 7 buds to 100 grams of boiling water. Leave for about an hour. Drop a couple of drops into your nose and rinse your throat.

Throughout the day, you can crush the bud with honey and dissolve it like a tablet.

Remember, it is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. Consult your doctor. The pediatrician will recommend herbs that can be used in treating the baby.

For prostatitis

For prostatitis folk way, based on medicinal plants and spices. Relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation.

The spice is effective for prostatitis. About 20 buds are thrown per liter of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Drink 4 times a day, 100 grams. The course of treatment is 10 days.

For varicose veins

At varicose veins veins are used clove oil. Do massage with his help. Drink tea or tincture from crushed buds. The recipe is the same as for prostatitis.

Cooking recipes

There are many proven recipes. With alcohol, water or olive oil It all depends on the disease.

For headaches they make a tincture - vodka with buds. 7 such parts per 300 g of vodka. Take half a teaspoon.

A tincture of water helps. 20-25 buds per 1 liter of water. Half an hour before meals. Improves all processes in the body: blood circulation, digestion.

For local treatment oil is used for abrasions or wounds. IN olive oil per 100 g add about 10 drops of clove or 1 tablespoon of crushed ingredient.

For toothache, chew dry spice.

For weight loss or colds, add ginger to tea or coffee.

In cooking

Culinary skills are also highly valued. The specific taste and smell plus the antibacterial properties of cloves. The spice is used for marinade in preservation. The barbecue marinade also contains this spice.

Some soups and soups are flavored with dried spices.

Punches, mousses, mulled wine and other drinks contain spice. It is customary to throw it into jellied meat, pate and mayonnaise.

Knowing its taste, experiment in the kitchen, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Green tea

Green tea with cloves and ginger acts as an effective diuretic. This tea is drunk for indigestion, obesity or swelling. Drink without sugar.


Coffee lovers cannot imagine the morning without an aromatic drink. How to turn harmful coffee into... healing drink. YouTube and Wikipedia will tell you many recipes for delicious coffee.

Add to Turk healthy spices. Cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, cardamom or 2 spice buds. Each spice has pros and cons.

Cinnamon – reduces sugar. Ginger has an antiviral and calming effect. Cardamom - soothes. Black pepper – cleanses the stomach. It tones the body and improves blood microcirculation.

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The famous coffee with milk and cinnamon will brighten your morning with new aromas.

Most of us are familiar with cloves as an aromatic herb. However, few people know about the medicinal properties of the spice, which is the dried, unopened buds of the clove tree, shaped like small cloves with caps.

It turns out that medicine in many countries has long ago adopted the use of cloves for medicinal purposes. Thus, in the USA and Europe it is recommended for use by people with digestive problems.

In India, it is prescribed to patients to relieve spastic pain. Clove oil is used in dentistry, surgery and gynecology. The spice is also used in cooking and cosmetology.

Did you know? About 60 medicines have been produced based on cloves.

As you can see, cloves are popular in the world due to their therapeutic effect, and such a variety of beneficial properties of this plant is explained by its rich chemical composition.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of cloves

In my own way chemical composition Cloves have no equal among spices. It contains:

The nutritional value of cloves is also great, it is explained high content proteins (6 g/100 g), fats (20 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (27 g/100 g). 33% of cloves is fiber. It also contains ash and water.

Useful properties of cloves for humans

The range of beneficial effects of cloves on the human body is very wide. It has analgesic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, wound healing, antiviral, diaphoretic and diuretic effects. Its anthelmintic and antifungal effects are also known.

Cloves are used to prevent influenza and other viral diseases. Spices are afraid of golden and white staphylococcus.

The vitamin B complex contained in clove buds relieves stress, tension, improves memory, and stimulates brain function.

Decoctions are made from cloves to treat eye diseases, in particular to get rid of stye. Adding it to food improves appetite, normalizes food digestion, improves acidity, and eliminates gas formation.

The spice has a beneficial effect on normalizing blood pressure.

IN traditional medicine Clove oil is included in healing and anti-inflammatory ointments and balms. Preparations based on cloves are used for sprains and sprains in athletes.

Cloves are used in cancer drug research, which shows that it can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The medicinal properties of food cloves have found application in dentistry and gynecology.

Areas of application of cloves

In one article it is hardly possible to consider the features of using cloves in various fields. Let's look at just a few of them, where the spice is used most often.

Use of cloves in dentistry

Cloves are used to solve a number of dental problems. Its anti-inflammatory effect has been proven for periodontal disease, pulpitis, caries and diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, pharyngitis, sore throat).

To relieve toothache, it is recommended to use food decoction of cloves, known for its medicinal properties. To do this, boil five buds in one glass of any vegetable oil(olive, sesame, sea buckthorn). The broth is allowed to brew and cool. Tampons with three drops of decoction are applied to the diseased tooth.

Also, to get rid of pain, you can rub clove powder into your gums, drip clove oil onto a sore tooth, or simply chew whole buds.

Important! If you follow this advice, then you must be aware that the application folk remedies will only lead to short-term pain relief, but not to a solution to the problem. To treat a diseased tooth, you must consult a specialist.

Decoctions and tinctures of cloves are also used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. Thus, rinsing with clove decoctions is recommended for aphthous stomatitis.

The spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid healing of ulcers. For sore throat and tonsillitis, it is recommended to chew cloves. Gargles have worked well for sore throats. warm water With sea ​​salt and clove powder.

In addition, dry clove inflorescences can be used instead of harmful digestive tract chewing gum– it remarkably eliminates bad breath and maintains normal microflora of the mucous membrane after eating.

Did you know? The spice is added when making chewing gum in Thailand and India.

Using cloves for headaches

There are several recipes to get rid of headaches:

  1. Prepare a paste of 5 g ground cloves, cinnamon, almonds and water. Apply the mixture to your temples.
  2. Apply a paste mixture of camphor oil and ground cloves (5 g).
  3. A similar mixture is prepared from cloves, salt and milk.
  4. Massage the forehead and temples with a mixture of essential oils of clove (1 drop), chamomile (1 drop), lavender (3 drops), almond (1 teaspoon).

Used to treat frequent headaches alcohol tincture : Add 5 teaspoons of ground cloves to 100 g of vodka, heat and drink half a tablespoon.

How to take cloves

We have already talked about several ways to take cloves for medicinal and preventive purposes - prepare tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, drops, clove-based oil.

You can also brew clove tea. Its daily use can enrich the human body with missing vitamins, elevate mood, improve vitality, strengthen the immune system.

It can also help with diarrhea, bloating and nausea. Teas can be prepared from cloves alone or with the addition of other ingredients: cinnamon, ginger, orange, etc.

Important! You should not add more than one or two inflorescences per cup to tea, otherwise the drink may be bitter.

For frequent colds, you can take it before meals. a mixture of a pinch of ground cloves, black pepper and a teaspoon of honey, her medicinal properties will help you survive autumn-winter period without ARVI.

Also antiviral effect provide inhalation with clove essential oil. They help in treating colds, coughs and nasal congestion. To do this, add a few drops to hot water and breathe these vapors.

Clove oil is also used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system, for stress and depression. Also, oil (2 drops) can be added to the bath when bathing.

But to strengthen the heart, they advise drinking mulled wine. And with therapeutic purpose It is better not to boil mulled wine, but to leave it for several weeks. To do this, add five clove inflorescences to 0.5 liters of red wine. You need to insist on dark place three weeks.

Add one teaspoon to tea up to three times a day. You can also prepare mulled wine in the following way: In 0.3 liters of red wine, add sliced ​​orange and half a lemon, 5 cloves, cinnamon, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Drink one tablespoon.

To get rid of cough you can use it before bedtime a mixture of five drops of essential clove oil, one clove of garlic and honey. For pain in the ears in each auricle instill three drops of prepared clove oil.

Cloves have proven themselves well in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. It is added to massage oil (4-5 drops/10 ml) and used to make a healing mixture.

Tampons soaked in clove decoction are used to heal wounds and acute conjunctivitis.

This spicy plant has a positive effect on women Health. Even in ancient times it was used to stimulate childbirth, with postpartum hemorrhage and as an abortifacient.

Clove essential oil can increase the tone of the uterus and normalize menstrual cycle And hormonal background. Cloves are also a good aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and prolongs sexual pleasure.

How cosmetologists use cloves

Clove essential oil is used in cosmetology. Its main component, eugenol, is included in creams, ointments, and balms. It is also used in perfumery.

Clove oil effectively acts on oily and prone to acne skin. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation and dries the skin. To solve skin problems, it is recommended to prepare mixtures based on creams.

Yes, on the face with oily skin apply mixed cream or oil base (10 ml), 2 drops essential clove oil and 2 drops lemon juice.

For acne use a mask from cream or oil (10 ml), 1 drop of clove oil, 2 drops of geranium oil and 1 drop of chamomile oil.

Mix to tighten pores one egg white, 1 drop of clove oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, 1 drop of sage oil.

You can fight rashes with 15-minute masks containing: wheat germ oil (10 ml), clove oil (2 drops), lavender oil (3 drops).

Also, clove essential oil helps strengthen hair growth and nutritious nutrition hair follicles. For weakened hair prone to hair loss, masks with the addition of clove oil are recommended.

One of simple options masks that stimulate hair growth - Add 5 drops of clove oil to 30 ml of any vegetable oil. Rub into hair roots and scalp. Leave for 40 minutes.

It is important to know that clove oil has a very strong effect and in undiluted form can lead to burns and skin irritation, therefore there are contraindications for its use, in particular, it is prohibited for children and adolescents under 15 years of age.

Cloves and cooking

To give a unique taste and aroma in cooking, cloves are widely used:

  • when preparing fried and stewed meat, minced meat;
  • in bakery and confectionery products;
  • when preparing broths and first courses;
  • in fish canning and sausage production;
  • for cooking compotes, mulled wine, punch;
  • as an additive to marinades (meat, fish, vegetable, mushroom, berry);
  • in sauces, mayonnaise.
Cloves impart their pungent taste to both hot and cold dishes. With prolonged heating, the taste of the spice intensifies, but the aroma high temperatures evaporates. Therefore, in dishes where the smell of cloves should come first, the spice should be added as late as possible.

It is important not to overdo it with adding spices, since an excessive amount of it in a dish can clog the taste of the main products and give a very strong specific aroma.

What are the benefits of cloves for the body, because it is so popular in cooking, folk medicine, cosmetology? One bud contains an incredible amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, ash, essential oil, minerals and polyunsaturated acids.

Beneficial features

For the human body, unopened buds of the clove tree bring wide range benefits:

  • destroy pathogenic bacteria and have an antimicrobial effect;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • excite, raise tone;
  • have a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • eliminate pain;
  • struggling with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • restore strength after physical activity;
  • have a diuretic effect.

What else does spice help with? The smell of cloves has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and can relieve nervous tension, light headache.

For men

How is it beneficial for the male body? The spice relieves the condition alcohol intoxication, promoting the removal of toxins and ethanol breakdown products.

Interesting fact! A morning drink with the addition of cloves will enhance the body's metabolic processes, invigorate and give a good, cheerful mood.

Regular intake of clove decoctions will help increase libido and improve potency. They are also used in for preventive purposes.

Cloves in gynecology

How is it beneficial for a woman’s body? For the health of the fair half of humanity, spice helps:

  1. In the treatment of infertility. Regular use spices will increase reproductive function and for this you do not need to prepare complex decoctions and monitor the correct preparation: 4 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the crushed buds, strain after cooling. Consume 3 tbsp before meals. l. (4 receptions). The infusion from the plant should be fresh every day.
  2. During menopause. After 45-50 years, natural aging begins female body when the production of sex hormones decreases and slows down metabolic process. This causes a lot of inconvenience: hot flashes, excessive sweating, irritability, painful sensations lower abdomen. You can eliminate the symptoms of hormonal changes using the following recipe: 15 buds are poured lightly hot water(40-50 °C) and leave overnight to brew. Drink ½ before breakfast, the remaining infusion before dinner.

Interesting! What are the benefits of clove decoction? When the spice interacts with hot water, it softens and releases all its vitamins, microelements, essential oil, but the medicinal properties do not last long, so it is important to use the decoction fresh.

  1. At labor activity. If you drink tea or chew a few buds before giving birth, the tone of the uterus will increase, which will help you endure labor more easily.

On a note! Classic recipe spice decoction - the basis of all folk recipes, but you can get by with a one-component product: 1 tbsp. l. buds, grind in a coffee grinder, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to steep for 4 hours. Recommended intake: 20 minutes before meals, 1/3 glass.

Hypertension - indications for taking cloves

Is clove good for high blood pressure? Yes, but treatment must be started with small doses, as it may have the opposite effect. Dried cloves, brewed as tea (4-5 buds are poured with a glass of boiling water), are consumed on an empty stomach in the morning.

Cloves for hypertension in the form of meal are also useful, but initial stages diseases when the pressure does not exceed 150 mm Hg. Art. Dosage regimen: 7 days - on the tip of a knife, then the amount of concentrate is increased, but not more than 2 times. Take once a day, in the morning. After 21 days they switch to a 2-time dose. If the condition worsens after taking the meal, reduce the dose or cancel one dose.

What are the benefits of seasoning in cosmetology?

The antiseptic effect of cloves is used by cosmetologists at home. Essential oil is added to creams, masks, and skin tonics. This helps to cope with epithelial problems, smooth out wrinkles, and restore a healthy complexion.

The fragrant volatile substance affects the internal organs, so it has a good therapeutic effect (in the form of a massage agent). It is applied to sore spot and rub into the skin with smooth movements.

Good to know! It is not necessary to purchase massage essential oil at the pharmacy. You can make it yourself by grinding 2 tbsp. l. fresh and high-quality cloves in a coffee grinder and adding it to 200 g of vegetable or sesame oil.

For weight loss, mixtures are prepared for wrapping. A few drops of essential oil are added to the clay, applied to problem areas, wrapped in cling film and left for half an hour, additionally warming the cosmetic layers with a blanket.

The action of cloves is aimed at improving digestive process Therefore, during a diet, it is recommended to season light salads and meat dishes with this spice, despite its high calorie content.

Cloves with honey and crushed coffee beans help get rid of cellulite and even out the skin. To prepare the scrub you need 1/3 cup of crushed coffee beans, 2 tbsp. l. spices and 1/3 cup liquid honey. Rub your body after taking a shower.

Cloves for oral health

This property of cloves, such as neutralizing pathogenic bacteria, makes it suitable for use in dentistry for gingivitis and periodontitis. The spice is used instead of chewing gum to freshen breath and prevent the development of caries. Chewing cloves is beneficial for teeth whitening.

How should children take the spice, since it causes a burning sensation on the tongue and has a pronounced aroma? The dosage in one dose differs significantly from that for adults. It should be smaller for a reason organoleptic properties bud, but because of a possible overdose.

The medicinal composition is effective in the fight against helminths. Seeds of cloves (not only buds are used in folk medicine) and flax are mixed in a ratio of 1:10 and ground in a coffee grinder. Application: 3 g per 7 kg of child’s weight.

Important! Essential oil is used to repel insects by applying it to certain areas of the child’s body. The advantages of a folk anti-mosquito drug are the absence of contraindications and side effects after use.

Harm to health

The spice can also have a negative effect if taken for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A person who has hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid, will feel heartburn, pain after eating spicy foods, nausea, in rare cases vomiting is observed.

Health benefits and harms are the therapeutic factors of cloves as a natural raw material in folk medicine and cosmetology, which any person should know about. If cloves are added to tea, small quantities she has a lung therapeutic effect, but chewing is recommended only for people who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with diseases of the oral cavity, alcohol intoxication, to stimulate labor.

Clove spice is the unopened dried flower buds of the clove tree. It is one of the common seasonings found in Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, East Africa and others. Since ancient times, it has been a popular flavoring agent for various culinary dishes. Many people know it as one of the ingredients in gingerbread dough or mulled wine. But few people know about the medicinal properties of clove tree buds.

Clove spice description where it grows

It belongs to a family of plants called Myrtleaceae, genus Syzygum. It is an evergreen tree growing in tropical and subtropical climates. The Moluccas Islands are considered its homeland. According to scientists, it was from there that it came to India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and other regions.

The clove tree itself is a shrub or low tree with leathery, elliptical, dark green leaves.

It blooms with small purple-red flowers collected in half-umbrellas. From a botanical point of view, the fruit is considered a false berry.

Flowering occurs twice a year, giving a good harvest each time. The collected buds are dried in the sun until the smell appears. Drying stops when the buds lose 50 percent of their moisture content. When grinding such buds, a characteristic cracking sound is heard.

The seasoning was brought to Europe by Arab traders in the fourth century. But only in the seventh and eighth centuries they began to use it as a preservative for food products. Although the cost of growing and producing cloves is not very high, traders, in order to maintain high prices, kept the origin of the spice a strictly secret.

Only in the Middle Ages did the Portuguese discover the growing region, and from the 17th century the Dutch gained main control over the clove growing areas. They destroyed plantations of the plant on other islands in order to control the price and maintain control over production and sale.

But in the 18th century, the French managed to export clove seeds and seedlings from the Moluccas to their territories in Mauritania.

Today, the largest suppliers of the spice are Indonesia, Tanzania and Madagascar.

What are the benefits of clove spice?

Despite his small size clove buds are rich in many useful substances. It contains:

Vitamins: K, C, E, group B;

Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and others;


Essential oil;


Fiber can prevent constipation and improve bowel function,

Vitamin C will help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin K is important for normalizing blood clotting.

Manganese is important element to maintain the functions of the brain and skeletal system.

Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the oxidative effect of free radicals, thereby preventing the development of certain chronic diseases.

A special place is occupied by the presence of essential oil in the buds. More than 50 percent of it is a compound called evengol, which can also act as an antioxidant.

Together with other biochemical substances, evengol gives cloves many properties, including:




Clove spice medicinal properties

In addition to their pleasant aroma Cloves are known for their powerful medicinal properties. Earliest recorded use of cloves with medicinal purpose recorded back in 240 BC. Local peoples use all parts of the plant for treatment: buds, stems and leaves of the plant.

It has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine in India and China.

The main medicinal properties of this spice include the following:










It is used for diseases associated with the respiratory system, infections digestive system and urinary tract.

One of the few conducted scientific research has shown that the essential oil is effective against bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci.

Cloves are believed to have a slight antihistamine effect. Tea prepared with cloves was used to treat hay fever, nasal congestion and sinusitis.

She is providing positive influence on the nervous system, reduces tension, anxiety, relieves anxiety.

The presence of tannins imparts astringent properties, which can be very beneficial for diarrhea.

The analgesic properties of evengol are used for pain of various origins, including dental.

Although no studies have been conducted, it is believed that this property of the spice can be used to prevent premature ejaculation.

Medicinal uses of cloves

Greater interest scientific medicine cause antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Few tests so far have shown that it may be useful in the fight against early-stage lung cancer.

These same properties are ideal for protecting organs from free radical damage, especially the liver.

One of serious illnesses is diabetes, a disease in which the amount of insulin produced by the body is insufficient or not produced at all. Since controlling blood sugar through diet is the starting point for these patients, the inclusion of foods that can control glucose is of particular interest. Research has shown that cloves may have an effect on blood sugar control.

Cloves use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, cloves were used for various diseases, including hernia and diarrhea. It was chewed to prevent bad breath, against bloating and to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general.


Oral diseases;

Muscle and joint pain, including pain from arthritis and injuries;

For eye diseases;

Low blood pressure;

Poor digestion and liver dysfunction.

It improves digestion by stimulating secretion digestive enzymes, reduces gas formation, stomach irritation, dyspepsia and nausea. Clove buds should be crushed, mixed with honey and taken for digestive disorders.

In gynecology, it is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

To overcome the desire for alcohol, you need to put two buds of cloves in your mouth and hold them in your mouth without chewing or swallowing.

There is no scientific evidence to support health benefits for many uses. But it has a centuries-old history of use among many peoples. One way to do this is to chew one or two buds.

For toothache, essential oil is often used, which should be dropped onto a cotton pad and placed on the sore tooth or gum.

You can rub the gums around the sore tooth with ground cloves.

At respiratory diseases For colds and flu, cloves are added to tea. It is also used as an expectorant for coughs with phlegm.

Clove oil is used to rub and massage sore joints for rheumatism and arthritis.

For wounds and bruises, apply compresses with oil, after diluting it with carrier oil.

To get rid of headaches, grind a few buds and mix with rock salt. Add this mixture to a glass of milk. It will quickly and effectively reduce headaches.

To relieve headaches in climbers, drink 2 cups of clove tea before climbing. This tea will thin the blood and improve oxygen delivery to the brain.

IN Asian countries Cloves are considered an aphrodisiac and prevent early orgasm in men.

A mask with cloves, honey and a few drops of lemon juice can help treat acne. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Instead of store-bought mouth freshener, use cloves. Infuse the buds and other herbs, such as rosemary or mint. This rinse aid will prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To make a homemade natural air freshener for your home, boil an orange peel with a few cloves, cool and pour into a spray bottle.

To refresh and add a pleasant smell to your linen closet, place the buds on the shelves, wrapping them in fabric.

Clove infusion

For treatment in folk medicine, not only whole or ground clove buds are used, but also infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, and in the form of tea.

To prepare the infusion, take several bottles (about 0.5 teaspoon) and brew a glass of boiling water. Cover with a saucer and let sit for one hour.

The infusion is drunk for digestive disorders, flatulence, bloating, and low blood pressure, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

You can use it as a lotion for:

Add to water when taking baths and gargling for colds.

Cloves for asthma

Pour 6 buds of spice into 30 ml of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and add no more than one teaspoon of honey. Drink this decoction three times a day.

For vomiting and nausea

Mix ground cloves on the tip of a knife with a small amount of natural honey (about 1 teaspoon) and keep in your mouth until the whole mixture dissolves.

Alcohol tincture of cloves

To make an alcohol tincture, you need to pour 25 buds with 250 ml of vodka and leave for a week in a dark place.

The tincture is used for rubbing or in the form of compresses for pain in muscles and joints, neuralgia. After use, the sore spot should be wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf. The compress can be kept for 30 minutes to one hour.

Headache tincture

A tincture of cloves in dry red wine will help with headaches. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of buds with one liter of wine and leave for one month and a half. Shake the bottle periodically during the infusion process. Strain the finished tincture and drink 30-50 ml. it will help cope with insomnia.

How to store cloves

Cloves can be bought in buds or ground. The buds retain their freshness and beneficial properties longer. Unfortunately, if stored improperly, it can lose its aroma and properties. Therefore, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place. If storing in a glass jar, make sure it is not exposed to sunlight.

Use of cloves in cooking

Cloves have a unique aroma that is different from other spices. It cannot be confused with any other. It is widely used in Food Industry, adding to flour products, sauces, ketchups, alcoholic drinks, various mixtures of seasonings.

It should be used in very small quantities, since in large doses it will overwhelm the aroma of other herbs and spices.

In a home forge it is added to:

Homemade syrups;

An orange stuffed with buds is a traditional decoration for Christmas and New Year's table in many countries.

Contraindications for use

Carnation in large quantities contraindicated in high blood pressure. Clove oil should be handled with extreme caution. If undiluted, it can cause burns and irritation to the skin. Always dilute it with a carrier oil.

The use of essential oils during pregnancy, breastfeeding and small children is prohibited.

Cloves may slow platelet activity, which may interfere with the action of anticoagulant medications. It is phototoxic. Therefore, do not go out into the sun immediately after using the oil.

In large quantities it is contraindicated for:

Exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;

Exacerbation of gastritis, especially with high acidity.

Particular care should be taken when treating people with mental disorders and individual intolerance.

If you adhere to these rules and take all precautions, then this spice will become not only a culinary seasoning, but also a medicine.

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