Vitamin E in foods. Vitamin E (tocopherol): why it is needed and in what products it is found


What role do these substances play in the human body? Why is their deficiency dangerous? Daily dosages and a list of products containing them.

Many of us have heard about the benefits of certain vitamins. But here's where they are contained in sufficient quantity, not everyone knows.

Let's figure out which foods contain the most vitamins B and E, why tocopherol is useful and what the danger of its deficiency is. We will also pay attention to the daily dosage, without which the body is not able to function normally.

general information

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is the main element that is involved in virtually all chemical processes, improves the functioning of the heart and other organs. He is recommended as a preventive and antioxidant agent. The ability of a substance to fight free radicals is what determines its miraculous qualities. It has been scientifically proven that the more this element is in the diet, the lower the content of radicals.

Generally speaking, tocopherol is understood as a group of substances that have a similar structure and have the same effect on the main systems of the body. However, few people know that “tocopherol” is a word of Greek origin. Translated, it means “giver of fertility.” It is easy to explain such an original name - scientists were one of the first to identify this property of the vitamin.

Main purpose

The main function of tocopherol is to protect cell membranes from negative impact free radicals. That's why it's worth knowing which foods contain vitamin E and adding them to your diet. daily ration. But in addition to antioxidant, the element has a number of additional functions, including:

  • reducing the risk of scars and cicatrices on the skin;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • reduction of general fatigue;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • improved absorption of vitamin A;
  • normalization of the functioning of the genital organs (plays main role during pregnancy).

If you figure out where vitamin E is found and regularly eat the “right” foods, you can avoid many diseases.

Why is deficiency dangerous?

Lack of tocopherol is dangerous for the body. A deficiency of such a useful element leads to rapid aging of cells, their excessive susceptibility to dangerous viruses or toxins. In addition, an acute shortage of the substance causes:

  • heart disease;
  • development of tumor diseases;
  • skin problems and damage to muscle cells.

If you do not saturate your diet with it, the consequences can be disastrous. Of the most dangerous, it is worth highlighting:

  • anemia;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • skin problems and obesity.

Deterioration is common immune system, atrophy of the heart muscles, possible infertility and miscarriages.

This compound is classified as fat-soluble and can accumulate in the body. The deficiency of the substance does not appear immediately, but after some time (after the available reserves have been exhausted). People who do not consume foods containing vitamin E often complain of:

  • hair fragility;
  • detachment of nail plates;
  • dullness of strands;
  • rapid appearance of wrinkles;
  • dry skin and other problems.

To eliminate problems associated with a lack of substance, you need to add foods containing animal and vegetable fats to your diet. This is why women who go on a diet and completely eliminate fatty foods, are at risk.

Main sources of tocopherol

It is worth noting that the distribution of the vitamin in food is unusual. Most of the food is taken away plant origin. As for animal fats, they contain the beneficial element in a smaller volume.

The richest product in content is wheat germ. They are recommended to be consumed when symptoms of deficiency appear and as a preventive measure. In addition, experienced dermatologists often recommend germs for skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis). Beneficial for the body and vegetable oils high in tocopherol:

  • corn;
  • sunflower;
  • peanut;
  • olive

But they should not be abused. The diet should also include other foods with vitamin E. Otherwise, the “lion’s” share of the reserves is used to protect polysaturated acids from harmful radicals.

If we take a closer look at foods rich in vitamin E, there are two main categories worth highlighting:

  • Plant based sources. This category includes nuts (cashews, almonds, hazelnuts and others), legumes (peas and beans), and various cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat). Vegetables are also rich in tocopherol - Brussels sprouts, parsley, onions, carrots, tomatoes, spinach and others. The diet should contain more healthy fruits, including oranges, pears, bananas. As already mentioned, the main source remains sprouted grains, which must become part of the daily diet.
  • Animal sources. Here the list of products is smaller. The most useful include hard cheese, milk, veal liver, sea and river fish, eggs (quail and chicken), cottage cheese. In addition, lard is rich in tocopherol, butter and margarine.

Daily norm

Knowledge healthy products few. It is worth considering one more factor - the daily norm of the element, which should be covered in in full. So, the daily portion of vitamin E is:

  • 7-8 mg (men);
  • 5-7 mg (women);
  • 3-5 mg (children).

The need for tocopherol is higher in women who are carrying or breastfeeding a child. In the first case, the body needs 10 mg per day, and in the second - 15 mg. If the diet includes a large amount of oils, meat or seafood, then the amount of vitamin intake should be increased.

It is not recommended to take the daily portion at one time - it is worth distributing it throughout the day. Only this approach ensures better digestibility. It is worth considering that taking synthetic vitamins requires increasing the dosage by 40-50%, because not all incoming components are absorbed by the body.

Knowing which foods contain vitamin E, it is easier to correctly formulate a daily diet and enjoy good health.

Vitamin B to help

Nutritionists often recommend combine intake of vitamins E and group B. No wonder. Group B elements ensure normal functioning of the body, participate in many physiological and biochemical processes, and guarantee the functionality of key systems and organs.

These substances are often found in the same foods:

  • For example, IN 1 found in sufficient quantities in nuts, beans, liver and yeast.
  • Riboflavin ( AT 2) can be obtained from poultry meat, dairy products (milk, cheese), eggs.
  • Niacin ( AT 3) is found in abundance in seeds, yeast, meat and offal.
  • Concerning B5 and B6, then the body receives them from fermented milk products, eggs, milk, green peppers and vegetables.
  • Important for the body and folic acid (AT 9), which is found in abundance in egg whites, mushrooms, liver, onions, yeast and other products.
  • It should also be noted AT 12(cobalamin), which helps in the processing of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is easily found in eggs, soy and poultry.

Vitamin E is one of the essential natural substances, without which normal functioning of the human body impossible. The natural compound is directly involved in the processes of reproduction, growth of tissues and cells, supports the protective qualities of cell membranes, and creates immunity. Vitamin E enters the body through food, so it is important to make up a diet of foods that contain these substances. What foods contain vitamin E? How does it affect the body?

Tocopherol is natural antioxidant, preserving youth, tone of all tissues and muscles. When there is a shortage, there is a decrease reproductive function or lack thereof. Products containing vitamin E are always on store shelves, you just need to know which ones contain it the most. A table of the content of substances in food will help you understand which beneficial components are contained in large quantities.

When there are not enough tocopherols

Tocopherol deficiency in the human body develops rapid aging of cells, making them susceptible to toxins and viruses.

Deficiency increases the risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, causes a decrease in skin turgor and muscle damage. Consequences of tocopherol deficiency and the diseases it causes:

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound - it tends to accumulate in fat deposits in the body. The deficit does not appear immediately, but gradually, when natural reserves are exhausted. With a deficiency, increased fragility of hair and nails is observed. Hair becomes dull, falls out easily, nails peel and do not grow. Wrinkles quickly form on the skin, sagging, dryness, changes in shade, exacerbation of dermatitis, and eczema are observed.

When can vitamin starvation occur? A deficiency can occur when there is a lack of vegetable and animal fats in the diet. As a rule, women who sit on the strict diet, eliminating fatty foods completely.

An unbalanced diet for weight loss can cause accelerated wear and tear of the body, decreased performance, libido, and immunity.

What are tocopherols and tocotrienols

Under the concept " vitamin E» brings together a group of complex organic compounds soluble in fats – tocopherols and tocotrienols. Distinguish groups of substances with designations according to the letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha (?), beta (?), gamma (?), delta (?). Increased activity have?- and? – tocopherols. Active substance found in all vegetable oils.

Vitamin A (retinol) promotes good absorption of tocopherol; it is also fat-soluble. Vitamins A and E are found in combination in foods. Products containing vitamins A and E are most often of plant origin.

According to the norm, a person should receive at least 10 mg of tocopherol daily from food. This is the minimum required for normal operation body. Retinol intake should be at least 1.5 mg. For pregnant women, the norms are doubled.


Vital important products foods containing tocopherol in large quantities are vegetable oils without heat treatment. It is useful to eat 1-2 tbsp daily. spoons olive unrefined oil. Under Tocopherols are destroyed by high temperature, so it is a mistake to say that foods fried in oil are healthy and contain useful substances.

Detrimental to tocopherol Sun rays– it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the same way as during heat treatment. Therefore, you should not store oil on a windowsill or in the sun. It is not advisable to keep any food in open sunny places.

Foods that contain vitamin E should be included in daily diet nutrition – it stimulates the body and allows you to always stay in shape:

  • vegetable oils (wheat germ oil, corn germ oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, pumpkin seeds);
  • eggs;
  • nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts);
  • dairy products (milk, cream, butter, kefir);
  • beef liver;
  • cereals ( cereals, wheat, bran, wheat germ, muesli, buckwheat, etc.).

So that beneficial components are better absorbed gastrointestinal tract, you need to eat foods that contain vitamins A and C. Vitamins A and C are found in large quantities in the following foods:

Products containing vitamin E and A are most preferable for proper nutrition, since the substances mutually enhance each other’s effects.

Vitamin E stabilizes the form of retinol, it protects vitamin A from premature breakdown. Retinol promotes good absorption tocopherol. Therefore, they are considered partner substances. Products containing vitamins A, E, C should be consumed daily.

It is important to know which vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, give them preference, add them to salads and eat them raw. Tocopherol is found in large quantities in plant products– from green mass it is best absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract:

Tables of substance content in food products

To know which foods contain a lot of useful vitamins, you should use this convenient table. The tocopherol content table will help you create the most healthy diet nutrition. From the values ​​it is clear that in sunflower oil contains more vitamin E.

The values ​​in the second table show that the leaders among vegetables are pumpkin, carrots, Bell pepper, celery – they contain greatest number beta-carotene – a derivative of retinol.

Proper nutrition has crucial for the proper functioning of the human body. A balanced diet including proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the key good health, strong immunity.

In order to always stay in shape, it is important to combine foods containing vitamins E, A, C and others.

Once you know which foods contain vitamin E, you can create your diet in such a way that it will not only be nutritious and tasty, but also healthy. Vitamins of this group are one of the most important and strong antioxidants, which prevent the development of cancerous diseases and also slow down the aging process.

What is vitamin E and what is your daily requirement?

Tocopherol, the second name for vitamin E, is a substance that is involved in the most important biochemical processes in our body:
  • Positively affects work vascular system.
  • Normalizes menstrual cycle, as well as reproductive function.
  • Slows down the formation of blood clots, which can cause heart attacks or strokes.
  • Has antioxidant properties. By fighting free radicals, this substance protects the body from the slow stop of vital functions.

Those macro- and microelements that are called free radicals are chemical compounds that can contribute to the development cancer diseases and pathologies. A significant increase in vitamin E intake will reduce the risk of cell damage.

The daily norm of E-group vitamins for the body is 0.3 mg per 1 kg of body weight in adults, as well as 0.5 mg per 1 kg in children. Often, children receive the required rate vitamin with mother's milk, and adults - only from food. About the benefits of vitamin E -.

What foods are high in vitamin E?

IN natural conditions Vitamin E is produced only in plants; sometimes it is synthesized by bacteria, but this is a very rare species that is difficult to obtain. Plant seeds are richest in E-group vitamins. This is explained by the fact that embryos need this element for growth. Based on this, grains, nuts and products synthesized from them are most rich in vitamin E.

Table of vegetable oils - the main sources of vitamin E

So, plant seeds have a high content of vitamin E, especially for oilseeds, which will become clear from the following table:

To get the required dose of vitamin E, an adult needs to eat about 25 g of oil made from plant based or its analogues. Since it is highly resistant to high temperatures, cooking in vegetable oil occurs without loss of tocopherol content.

It is also worth noting that eating raw seeds, such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds, which contain 21.8 mg of vitamin E per 100 g, is healthier than eating foods high in refined oil. This is due to the fact that a person receives not only vitamins, but also various fats, which have a bad effect on metabolism, physique and heart function.

E-group vitamins are also found in excess amounts in coconut and palm oils. However, you should not overuse them in your diet, as they contain many elements that can negatively affect the human metabolic process.

Butter - advantages over vegetable oil

100 grams of butter contains 1 mg of tocopherol. Relatively less than with a similar volume of vegetable oils, and the product itself cannot be used as a main dish in the diet, however, it only has a positive effect on your diet if you add it to your food.

Table of Nuts Rich in Vitamin E

All nuts contain vitamin E, but which ones have more, you will find out from the table:

What fruits and vegetables contain vitamin E?

Fruits and vegetables are the daily sources useful substances, including vitamin E:

It is known that different cereals contain different amounts of E-group vitamins. They are contained maximum in buckwheat – up to 6.6 mg per 100 mg of product.

Important: The more intensively the cereal has been processed, the less nutrients it contains. Thus, unpolished rice contains 20 times more tocopherol than the polished product.

Bread baked from high-grade flour (without grain shells and bran) contains virtually no tocopherols, however, when using whole grain flour, its content can increase to 0.9 mg per 100g. When buckwheat is processed into flour, a product with 2.1 mg of vitamin E per 100 g is obtained.

Milk and dairy products

Natural milk is a real storehouse of vitamins, including the E-group. This is due to the fact that growing mammals need this substance for development and healthy work vascular system. Products derived from it also contain vitamin E:
  • cream contains 0.2 mg per 100 g of product;
  • whole milk - 0.1 mg per 100 g;
  • sour cream - 0.13 mg per 100 g.

Video: What foods contain vitamin E?

The video will help you learn in more detail which foods contain vitamin E and why you should consume it:

Foods containing vitamin E are very beneficial. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, therefore it does not dissolve in water, and in fact does not respond to high temperatures, acids, or alkalis. When boiling, it does not actually collapse, but nevertheless in the light, in the open air, under the influence chemical substances or ultraviolet radiation it cannot be stored in products for a long time.

What foods contain vitamin E? ?

Vitamin E is virtually completely absent from animal products; it is found only in liver, egg yolks and milk. Let's look at what foods contain vitamin E. The source of active alpha-tocopherol is fresh vegetables, frozen vegetables contain 2 times less of this vitamin, and canned vegetables actually do not contain it. Alpha-tocopherol is present in small amounts in margarine, but it is not as active as in other products.

The largest amount of vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, as well as nuts, seeds, whole grains, spinach and broccoli. Foods containing vitamin E include carrots, radishes, cucumbers, oatmeal, potatoes, green leafy vegetables or onions.

Herbs are also products containing vitamin E. Herbs rich in vitamin E include alfalfa, raspberry leaves, dandelion, nettle, rose hips, and flax seeds.

Let's continue listing foods that contain vitamin E. Refined flour actually does not contain vitamin E, but vegetable oils, which contain a lot of it, can cause the opposite reaction in the body. During the production of refined oils, as well as when they are heated, an oxidation process occurs, therefore free radicals are released that destroy our cells. And it is this vitamin that protects cells and also prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body, but it is consumed to no avail if it is cooked incorrectly, that is, overcooked. So, we will gradually learn which foods contain vitamin E.

Tocopherols can withstand high temperatures(up to 200°C), however, when the oil is overcooked in a frying pan, little vitamin E remains. For this reason, cold-pressed vegetable oils retain a much larger amount of vitamin E, even when cooked.

The role and importance of vitamin

Let’s determine why we described products containing vitamin E. Main function Vitamin E in the body is to protect cell membranes. When cell membranes in the room, then through them all the required substances fully pass into the cells and back, but free radicals also do not sleep, they strive to destroy the cell membrane, and therefore disrupt the entire metabolic process.

We can say that there is a constant confrontation between free radicals and the cells of the body; for example, free radicals often attack red blood cells, which carry oxygen to organ cells. And damaged red blood cells change their structure, therefore the cells do not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The molecules of this vitamin surround red blood cells, thus protecting them from attack and helping them act even more actively. If there is not enough vitamin E, red blood cells lose activity.

For this reason, if you know that not everything is in order in your body, eat some product rich in tocopherol. Example: if after a party with a lot of alcoholic drinks and cigarettes a person feels overwhelmed, this means that many red blood cells have died in his body. In this case, you should drink a tablespoon of olive oil or linseed oil. So, products containing vitamin E perform an important function.

Daily requirement of vitamin E

Next, let's talk about what foods contain vitamin E. The daily requirement is from 6 to 12 mcg for children under fourteen years of age, an adult needs 12 mg per day, and pregnant and lactating women need 16 mg or more. Therefore, it is worth knowing which foods contain vitamin E.

According to recent studies, this amount of vitamin E is not enough for effective protection against free radicals. In addition, each person has their own concentration of tocopherols in their cells, and it directly depends on many factors: the external environmental situation, the presence bad habits, and from nutrition in general.

People who eat a lot of fat and little complex carbohydrates, significantly more tocopherol is required. Those who receive little selenium also require additional doses of tocopherol, and today its deficiency has become very common.

People who consume vegetable oil, vegetables, salads often need vitamin E in higher doses, since vitamins in modern foods have long been below normal levels. Many qualified nutritionists recommend adding vitamin E to your diet every day.

In principle, you can resort to pharmaceutical supplements, but they do not contain the variety of molecules mentioned above. The best products for replenishing vitamin E are products containing the vitamin; these are cold-pressed vegetable oils such as flaxseed, olive, corn, sunflower, sesame, and soybean. You need to take at least a tablespoon of oil daily and then your cells will receive effective protection. Eat foods containing vitamin E.

From the table below you will learn about which products contain E.

Vitamin E content in foods

The product's name Amount of vitamin E
in mg per 100g of product
The product's name Amount of vitamin E
in mg per 100g of product
Soybean oil 120 Corn oil 100
Cottonseed oil 90 Oil
Sprouted grains
25 Sprouted grains
Oat grains 18-20 Rye 10
Corn 10 Wheat 6,5-7,5
Legumes 5 Butter 1,5-2,5
Vegetables 1,5-2,0 Beef 2
Cod 1,5 Halibut 1,5
Herring 1,5 Milk 0,1-0,5

Vitamin E or as it is popularly called: “elixir of youth and fertility”

What is vitamin E: it is fat-soluble, is not formed in the human body and is not stored for long, and is not dangerous in large doses.

The meaning and role of vitamin E

Vitamin E is the main antioxidant (anti-oxidant substances), fighting free radicals that have a harmful effect on the body's cells. Scientists have found that each cell is attacked by free radicals about 10 thousand times a day. Special attention People who lead an active and sporty lifestyle, and people who want to have children, should use this vitamin to replenish their reserves.

Vitamin E: prevents or eliminates circulatory disorders, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and therefore prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the possibility of scar formation, reduces blood pressure. Beneficial influence the vitamin has an effect on sore eyes, provides very good metabolism in skeletal muscles, muscles of the heart, liver and nervous system, delays the development of heart failure. Properly ensures the functioning of the sex glands (in the absence of the vitamin, a woman cannot become pregnant, and a man cannot have offspring). Also, the vitamin best slows down the aging process, prevents the occurrence of muscle weakness and fatigue. Vitamin E is widely used in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Daily requirement of vitamin E

Recommended daily norm vitamin E is:
  • children under 1 year - 0.5 mg/kg;
  • adults - 0.3 mg/kg.

Pregnant, nursing mothers, and athletes are recommended to increase this dose.
Please note that the calculation is based on the person's weight.

What foods contain vitamin E (sources)

Plant foods containing vitamin E:

Sunflower oil, sunflower seeds, soybean oil, almonds, margarine, cereals and legumes, walnuts, peanuts, butter, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, rowan, rose hips, apple and pear seeds.

Vitamin E is found in foods of animal origin:

Chicken egg, milk and dairy products, beef, lard, liver.

Interaction and compatibility (contraindications) of vitamin E

Vitamin E works closely with selenium to protect against free radicals, so they should be taken together. Microelements iron and vitamin E should not be taken together. B various organs, primarily in the retina of the eye, thanks to electrons, oxidized and deteriorated vitamin E molecules can be restored. Tocopherol deficiency can lead to decreased magnesium levels in the body. Zinc deficiency also aggravates the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.

Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

Possible symptoms of vitamin E deficiency:
  • dry skin;
  • weakened visual acuity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • brittle nails;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • sexual apathy;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • body fat on the muscles;
  • heart diseases;
  • age spots on the skin.

Symptoms of E overdose

Possible symptoms of vitamin E overdose:

Vitamin E is practically safe and non-toxic, but in large doses it can cause side effects: nausea, upset stomach, diarrhea, blood pressure.

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