How not to gain weight due to sedentary work. What to snack on to avoid gaining weight

Every person works a significant part of his life. Proper maintenance of the body’s vital processes, healthy eating habits, and an optimal balance of work and rest are an important part of a person’s responsible attitude towards their health. Many workers do not have a uniform diet, that is, they eat snacks in their spare time or when they get nervous.

If you eat without following a regimen, then nutrients, contained in food, the consumption of which is necessary for normal well-being, will not bring benefit, no matter how complete the food is. Eating food outside of the diet, rest and work schedule disrupts the digestive processes, keeps the body under excessive stress, which can result in various functional disorders and diseases. We would like to give you some tips and tell you how to eat healthy at work so as not to gain weight.

How and what is the best way to eat at work?

Currently, fashion trends have emerged to maintain your health; people invest a lot of money in fitness classes, dieting, cosmetic procedures. At the same time, combining maintaining health and the need to work long hours is not easy, but it is possible.

For example, take a more responsible approach to complying with the principles healthy eating during the working day.

Never start your work day without breakfast. Even if you don’t feel like eating, at least a few spoons of muesli with milk or juice, a small portion oatmeal, a cheese sandwich, boiled eggs, even a plate of broth - something you should definitely eat.

You can't smoke in the morning on an empty stomach! Harmful effects tobacco in this case is enhanced tenfold.

1. How to eat when working sedentarily

Try to combine your eating schedule with your work schedule. Moreover, this is not so difficult if your company usually has lunch at the same time. If lunch is “floating”, control your meal time yourself. You need to eat at the same time during your lunch break at work. Therefore, set your “time” and strictly adhere to it, accustoming your body to the schedule.

Lunch at work should not make you drowsy. Give preference to the principles " separate power supply": Do not eat protein foods with foods rich in carbohydrates. For example, eat vegetable soup and a salad or a piece of fish with broccoli. Protein food leads to excitement nervous system. On the other hand, at lunchtime you should consume at least 1/2 of your daily food and calorie intake.

You should have at least two snacks at work. “Second breakfast” - when a couple of hours pass from the start of the working day. Take with you an apple, kefir, tea, coffee, curd dessert, a sandwich (if you don’t have problems with excess weight), if you have it, then a light salad, .

“Five o'clock – Five o'clock tea” - 2 hours before the end of the working day - fruits, tea, coffee, jelly, salad. If you don’t eat at this time, you will return home so hungry that dinner can turn from pleasure into gluttony and night sleep will be heavy, the next day you will suffer from a headache, unpleasant sensations in the mouth and epigastric region- stomach.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to consume instant soups as a “work food”, finished products for heating in the microwave? If we're talking about healthy person– sometimes you can cook these products and even fast-food occasionally is not harmful to the human body. But if you have internal illnesses, then in order to eat properly at work, you must determine what is best to take with you, taking into account your diet. An excellent solution can be baby puree food - nourishing, high-calorie and completely safe for any digestive problems.

For people engaged in intellectual work who do not suffer from diabetes, moderate consumption of chocolate is recommended to stimulate brain activity. A cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate - best alternative a cigarette to make your brain come alive and work.

If the work involves shift work, especially night work, after a month of such a life, human body makes self-regulatory adjustments to “new” ones The biological clock. Therefore, eating properly when working at night means doing it the same way as during the day.

If possible, take breaks from work to study breathing exercises according to the Qigong system. Several exercises will restore your vigor within 3-5 minutes.
Drink at least 5 glasses during the working day clean water(not counting other drinks). With reduced or normal acidity stomach, you can drink water with lemon.

2. How to eat at work that involves physical activity

If your work involves physical labor, then during the lunch break it is necessary to consume so-called “long-term” carbohydrates, which maintain a person’s energy for a long time: pasta, cereals, potato products, rice. If you do not suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver or stomach, feel free to eat fatty foods, especially in winter time. After all, on vegetable salad a worker who works physically will not last long. He will begin to experience a loss of strength and a decrease in labor productivity. The release of high energy output by fats supports normal temperature body and increases endurance.

Eat right healthy food, after work, take a walk in the fresh air and then you will definitely not gain weight at work.

Cooking recipes dietary dishes to improve your figure. Options for light snacks at work and at home are considered.

Almost any job, especially in the office, involves stressful situations. Many workers “eat up” depression with high-calorie foods. Usually this simple carbohydrates: rolls, sweets and chocolate. There are few benefits from such products; in addition, they lead to extra pounds. What to eat to avoid gaining weight?

Products without harm to your figure

The most interesting thing is that you don’t have to give up your favorite sweets. Scientists have proven that thanks to the presence of theobromine and caffeine in cocoa beans, you can quickly cope with stress. Just one piece of chocolate is enough to improve your mood. There is even a chocolate diet, of which models are fans. They can rarely afford to eat sweets.

TO useful products can be attributed:

  • Dried fruits. They contain a lot of fructose, so they gradually increase blood sugar levels. This promotes a long-lasting feeling of fullness. To get rid of hunger, eat 2-3 dried apricots or prunes
  • Dairy products. This is especially true for kefir and cottage cheese. Be careful with hard cheese, because 100 g of this product contains 40-60% fat. Drink no more than 0.5 liters of milk per day, preferably skim milk. This product causes fermentation in the intestines and can cause dysbiosis or skin rashes
  • Seafood. IN they contain unsaturated fatty acid. They take part in metabolic processes and help improve the body's resistance to viruses and infections
  • Bananas. This is a source of the happiness hormone - serotonin. Don’t overuse it, it’s a fairly high-calorie fruit.
  • Lean meat and offal. Eat skinless chicken and lean organ meats. You can eat chicken liver and stomachs

Snacking at work without harming your figure

Usually at work they snack on sandwiches and fast food. This should absolutely not be done. And most importantly, do not drink Coca-Cola, sweet tea, coffee or milkshake. These are liquid carbohydrates that you quietly saturate your body with. Throw snacks in the trash too.

List of figure-safe snacks:

  • Cottage cheese. You can buy children's sweet cheese. Do not buy desserts with chocolate filling or jam. Such additives increase the calorie content of food. It is best to eat low-fat cottage cheese
  • Yogurt. It's best if you can cook it at home yourself. Buy a bacterial starter and use a thermos or yogurt maker. Sugar may not be added. If desired, sweeten with a spoonful of honey
  • Fruits. You can eat any fruit except grapes. Give preference to citrus fruits and apples
  • Dried fruits, marmalade and marshmallows. These products can easily be classified as low-calorie sweets
  • Whole grain sandwich with red fish. Cereals - source complex carbohydrates, which contribute to a long-term feeling of fullness. Fish contains a lot of healthy fats. Do not butter bread; use soft cheese or cottage cheese
  • Muesli. This is also a source of complex carbohydrates. Buy muesli with nuts and dried fruits

What to eat in the evening without harming your figure?

You should not go to bed on an empty stomach. You wake up at 3 am from hunger and go to the refrigerator. To prevent this from happening, have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Dinner should be light. Here are some good dinner options:

  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Boiled fish with salad
  • Baked chicken breast with cabbage
  • Curd dessert
  • Fruit salad with yogurt

As you can see, the food list does not include side dishes, i.e. rice, potatoes and pasta. These are simple carbohydrates that will lead to the appearance of a “lifeline” around your waist.

Fish and chicken breast are protein foods that take a long time to break down and consume a large number of energy for processing.

What to eat after dinner:

  • A glass of kefir
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • handful of berries
  • Boiled beets
  • Orange
  • You can make coleslaw with a drizzle of olive oil.

What to eat at night without harming your figure?

The body must rest at night, so no food at night. But, if you regularly wake up in the middle of the night and are terribly hungry, there is a way out:

  • Be sure to have breakfast. Night walks in the kitchen are triggered by a lack of food that you ate during the day. Start your morning with oatmeal or an egg omelet with salad. Never skip breakfast
  • For lunch, eat soup and main course. It’s best if you have porridge as a side dish
  • Dinner should be low in calories and consist of fruits, vegetables and protein foods
  • By eating right and not skipping meals during the day, you will forget about night hunger

While your body gets used to the new routine, you will still wake up at night for some time.

To avoid gaining excess weight, eat these foods

  • Kefir, low-fat cottage cheese
  • Warm tea with honey
  • A piece of boiled chicken without skin
  • Apple
  • Almonds, dried apricots, prunes
  • Be sure to drink a glass of water
  • Egg white omelette with bell pepper and tomatoes

How to eat sweets without harming your figure?

Remember, the main thing is the time at which you consume sweets. Chocolate, sweets and cakes should be eaten in the first half of the day. This is the basic rule. But don’t stuff yourself with handfuls of sweets and biscuits. No more than 70-100 g of cake and a couple of chocolates are allowed.

Pay attention to the composition of sweets. If you think that a sugar substitute helps you lose weight, then you are mistaken. By eating such foods, you risk getting diabetes and autoimmune disease.

Sweets allowed in the morning

  • Marshmallow
  • Marmalade
  • Paste
  • Lollipops, caramel
  • bitter chocolate
  • Nut sweets

Baking recipes without harming your figure

Do you want cookies for tea, but are you afraid of gaining weight? Prepare delicious and healthy recipes.

Curd dessert according to Dukan

  • Take 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and place it in a blender
  • Add some fructose instead of sugar
  • Mix 2 tablespoons oat bran with an egg and a tablespoon of milk
  • Place the dough in a muffin tin and place cottage cheese on top of the dough.
  • Bake for 20 minutes

Diet oatmeal cookies

  • Take a glass of Hercules oatmeal and pour 200 ml of kefir over it
  • Let the mixture stand for 1 hour
  • Grate 3 apples and drain the juice
  • Add to oat mixture apples and a teaspoon of cottage cheese
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment and place the cookies with wet hands.
  • Bake for 20 minutes

Bran pancakes

  • Mix 2 eggs and 50 ml milk in a bowl
  • Add a spoonful of sugar or fructose
  • Add 2 tablespoons of flour
  • Stir and fry in a greased frying pan

Cheesecakes without harm to your figure

Cheesecakes are a delicious and favorite breakfast. This is a great option if you want to maintain your figure.

Recipe for dietary cheesecakes:

  • Grind half a cup of oatmeal in a blender
  • Mix 500 g of cottage cheese with 2 yolks and half of the crushed flakes
  • Beat the whites into a fluffy foam
  • Add 50 g sugar and beat again
  • Add the whites to the cheese mixture and stir gently
  • Roll the cheesecakes in the remaining oatmeal and place on a baking sheet
  • Bake for 20 minutes

This dish is low in calories due to the absence wheat flour and oils for frying. You can complement the dessert with candied fruits or raisins.

Cottage cheese casserole without harm to your figure

To prepare the dish, use low-fat cottage cheese. Here is the detailed recipe

  • Core the apples and cut into thin slices
  • Place the apples on the bottom of the pan so that there are no gaps
  • Grind a pack of cottage cheese with one egg and fructose
  • Post it curd mass on apples and bake for 30 minutes
  • Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole
  • Grate the pumpkin and apples. Pumpkins need 400 g, apples 2 pcs.
  • Mix 500 g of cottage cheese with 2 eggs and sugar
  • Add apples and pumpkin to the curd mixture
  • Pour mixture into pan and bake for 30 minutes
  • Leave to cool in the oven

Desserts and sweets without harm to your figure

Surprisingly, to lose weight, you don’t have to eat only lean and low-fat foods. With the right selection of foods, you can eat tasty and balanced.

Dietary cottage cheese dessert

  • Grind 500 g of cottage cheese and 100 ml of kefir in a blender
  • Add fructose to milk mass
  • Soak the gelatin packet in cold water
  • After it swells, put the saucepan on the fire until the grains are completely dissolved
  • Pour gelatin liquid into curd mixture
  • Add banana and beat until smooth
  • Pour into bowls and place in the freezer for 2 hours

Caramel pumpkin

  • Cut the pumpkin into thin slices and place it tightly on a baking sheet
  • Mix fructose with cinnamon
  • Sprinkle cinnamon mixture over pumpkin
  • Sprinkle the mixture with lemon juice
  • Bake for 30 minutes

Recipes without harm to your figure

Remember, your enemies are fat and simple carbohydrates. Therefore, exclude products made from premium flour and sugar from the menu. Replace these products oatmeal, bran, flaxseed and fructose. Here are a few delicious recipes that will help you lose weight.

Chicken soup

  • Fill in chicken breast cold water and bring to a boil
  • Skim off the foam and add the onions and carrots
  • Cook for 40 minutes
  • Add celery and broccoli
  • Cook until done, add salt and spices
  • Grind in a blender, serve with sour cream

Stuffed eggplants

  • Grind chicken breast in a blender
  • Add chopped mushrooms and tomatoes
  • Salt the mixture
  • Cut the eggplants in half lengthwise
  • Scoop out the center with a spoon, you should have boats
  • Stuff the eggplants with minced meat and pour natural yoghurt with crushed garlic on top
  • Bake for 40 minutes

You can eat tasty and healthy. These foods will help you lose weight and become healthier.

VIDEO: Healthy snacks at work

Busy work schedule, lack of time to prepare healthy food, fast food right next to the office and other temptations often prevent people from maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

However, there are effective life hacks that will help you proper nutrition at work will not seem like such a difficult task.

American nutritionist Dawn Lerman told how to eat at work so as not to gain excess weight.

1. Add more spices. Adding different seasonings allows you to better taste your food and eat more mindfully, controlling your portion size. Hot spices such as ginger, red pepper, turmeric can speed up metabolism and allow a person to burn more calories.

2. Take photos of your lunch. Documenting food on camera makes people more responsible for what they eat. Photographing food motivates people to evaluate their diet, understand at what point they ate too much and how many calories will be enough to satisfy them.

3. Order food before you get hungry. If you do not prepare lunch at home, but order through online services, place your order in advance. When a person is hungry, he is ready to eat much more food than he needs. It is better to order lunch while you are able to soberly assess your needs.

4. Order food from children's menu. Food ordering services often create food portions that are too large. Try ordering main courses and sides from the children's menu. So the portion size will be smaller and the food will be cheaper.

5. Have a small snack before your main lunch. Most people feel hungry every three to four hours. To avoid making poor food choices for lunch, break up your day with light, healthy snacks. This could be vegetables, hummus, nuts or dried fruits.

6. Eat with chopsticks. To eat more slowly and consume fewer calories, it is helpful to replace the fork or spoon with chopsticks.

7. Drink before meals. Dehydration creates the illusion of hunger, and a person eats more than he should eat. Drink one or two glasses of water before meals. This will help control the amount you eat and will promote gradual loss weight.

8. Sandwich with one piece of bread. If you don't think a salad will be as filling as a tasty sandwich, go with the sandwich. Just remove the top bun from it. One slice of bread is still lower in calories than two.

9. For dessert - fruit. Don't end your meal with cookies or candy. Choose apples, pears or berries as dessert. Fruits can saturate the body for several hours.

10. Ask a colleague to order you lunch. If you're unsure about choosing a healthy, low-calorie lunch, ask someone else to make the choice. Let someone choose the food for you, healthy image life for which it has long become familiar. Even if it seems to you that there is nothing nutritious on your plate, there will be no point in complaining, you will have to eat.

If you work in an office, this is not a reason to gain weight. Follow simple rules and stay slim! Just always follow these rules of healthy eating, which directly affect not only your figure, but also your performance.

15:46 3.11.2015

The most substantial meals are breakfast and lunch. It is optimal if breakfast accounts for 25% daily calorie content, for lunch - 35%, for dinner (no later than three hours before bedtime) - 25%, and the remaining 15% will be taken by snacks.

But if in the morning it is recommended to indulge in hard-to-digest carbohydrates (porridge, whole grain bread), seasoning them a small amount proteins (eggs, dairy products), then in the middle of the day there are different priorities: proteins (meat, poultry, fish) and fiber (vegetables and whole grains) come to the fore.

It is best to take lunch from home, and from the food in the canteen you can choose soup or salad.

For lunch, the best options are meat, poultry, fish and eggs, which it is advisable to alternate (it is optimal to eat them once a week), because each of these types of food has its own advantages and disadvantages. Frozen vegetables are quite suitable as a side dish. They should be prepared immediately before use (for example, in the microwave): this way the beneficial substances will not be lost, and time will be saved. Remember that frozen foods cannot be kept warm: as the ice crystals melt, the vitamins also disappear.

By the way, the traditional lunch break time - from 13:00 to 14:00 - was not set by chance. Around this period, a person’s physical and mental strength begins to approach zero, requiring urgent reinforcement!

Eating in the office: 3 rules

If your office has a kitchenette, you can rejoice: you have every opportunity to prepare fresh and healthy lunches! But before considering the “tasty” options, you should understand some rules of behavior at the corporate table.

1. Non-toxic. Products with a strong smell (with spices, garlic, some types of fish, pickles, etc.) are completely unsuitable for “corporate” food.

2. Hygiene. Leaking and smearing sauces, dressings, peelings, peelings, and skins can cause a lot of trouble for both you and your colleagues, including going to an expensive dry cleaner.

3. Correctness. If your colleagues decide to fast, follow a certain diet, or fasting days, refrain from open display of treats.

Lunch from the supermarket: should I take it or not?

Let's make a reservation right away: all kinds of culinary products sold in stores can only be called healthy food as a joke. That's why we'll talk about ordinary products, the choice of which must be approached with all responsibility.

Chips, crackers and cookies are high in calories and low in calories. useful substances. Replace them with muesli topped with yogurt or kefir. Corn flakes and other healthy ready-made breakfasts are also suitable. Instead of chocolate bars, buy muesli bars containing honey and fructose (if you are not allergic).

Replace sausage with cheese, which does not go well with bread and contains many extraneous additives (soy protein, dextrose, maltose, etc.) and low-quality meat, and replace regular bread with whole grain bread, which contains a lot of vitamin B and calcium.

And instead of instant soups and purees, eat porridge and dried fruits (by the way, in dried dates ten times more nutrients than in fresh fruits). Milk chocolate with a lot of artificial additives is noticeably inferior to bitter black chocolate. The latter improves mood, normalizes blood pressure and is approved for allergy sufferers. High-calorie crackers, replete with synthetic ingredients and flavorings, are no competitor to regular nuts. Walnuts strengthen the immune system, hazelnuts improve brain function, and just two Brazil nuts contain the daily requirement of selenium, which your skin and hair cannot do without.

What to do if you can’t cope with hunger at work

You've probably noticed that sometimes it's simply impossible to cope with the feeling of hunger. Neither switching thoughts nor distracted conversations help calm him down. You are not alone! All this is due to the fact that representatives of the fairer sex are not able to suppress the feeling of hunger, even if they try to do so. And this has been proven by scientists!

A woman's brain cannot suppress the feeling of hunger, even if she really wants it. US scientists came to this disappointing conclusion.

23 women and 23 men of average build did not eat anything for 17 hours. After that, plates of food were placed in front of them, asking them to suppress the feeling of hunger through an effort of will. Special sensors recorded brain activity.

It turned out that in women, the areas of the brain responsible for appetite continued to work actively. For men, these rates decreased.
“We understand why diets are not always effective and many women fail to maintain weight,” said study leader Joseph Merovsky, commenting on the results of the experiment.

In this case, there is nothing left but snacks. Only useful ones. It doesn't have to be chips or cookies. Always take an apple, a banana, a pack of nuts or dried fruits with you, or keep them in your desk drawer.

Here are some more tips to help you lose weight in the office:

1. Be sure to have a nutritious breakfast. Otherwise, by lunchtime you’ll be hungry and have to pass it on.

2. Take an exercise break every hour: walk up the stairs, do a few exercises, etc.

3. Spend your lunch break actively: first, walk along the fresh air and then start eating. This way you activate the digestion process.

4. Drink water constantly. And at least once a day - water with lemon, this drink speeds up your metabolism. Or choose.

5. Eat healthy: bring food from home. Even in the best public catering establishments, food can be harmful to your figure and health because it is prepared, for example, with old oil.

6. Come up with healthy snacks so you don't want to eat a cookie or chocolate.

8. When preparing lunch for the office, use

9. Watch your thoughts - many.

In the left hand there is a fork, in the right hand there is a mouse... A similar norm of table etiquette is increasingly taking root in offices. Many employees have a snack right at work, and some even refuse a lunch break. Doctors and competent managers are against

At the cost of sacrifices, threats and strikes, previous generations managed to win the right to an 8-hour working day. You cannot work too hard - this was understood not only by representatives of the working class, but also by reasonable employers. Thus, on the gates of Henry Ford's factories it was written: “Remember that God created man without spare parts.” Of course, the working conditions of today's office workers cannot be compared with hard work on an assembly line. We live in fairly prosperous conditions, but we make many small mistakes that can significantly harm our health and affect our performance. Among them are incorrect approaches to nutrition and time management.

I'll eat at home

Excess weight and gastrointestinal problems are a natural result of rare meals. When a large portion enters the stomach, its walls are greatly stretched, and the processing of food juices worsens. The shock load falls on the pancreas. He tries his best and gallbladder, but after a surge of its activity there follows a long period of inactivity. This can lead to stagnation of bile and the diagnosis of “cholecystitis” in the medical record. Finally, if the intervals between meals reach 7-8 hours, your appetite has time to become so intense that you will probably eat too much. Conclusion: having lunch in the middle of the working day is necessary for normal operation internal organs, and also in the name of harmony.

Advice: if there is nowhere to eat nearby and there is no kitchen in the office, even a non-diet sandwich is an alternative to a daytime hunger strike. It’s good if it consists of whole grain bread and a piece of lean chicken or fish. Don't forget about yogurt and cottage cheese - they will not smell fragrant throughout the office, will diversify your diet and will bring undoubted benefits to the body. “I am a supporter of eating dairy products every day,” says Oleg Shvets, chief nutritionist of Ukraine. - Besides being one of the best sources of calcium, regular use low-fat dairy products normalize blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes.”

I'll have a snack on the spot

The large IT company where Alexander works has excellent catering. Several companies supply food for every taste - from homemade soups to sushi and Thai dishes. The only problem: at lunchtime there is not enough space in the room for everyone to eat, so most employees eat at their desks.

If it doesn't bother your colleagues, then why not? However, there are nuances. Let's be honest: what are we doing while eating lunch at our desk? That's right: we stare at the monitor, check our personal email, surf the web, which is prohibited in work time. Tired eyes don't get the rest they need. Food, even the most delicious and healthy, turns into banal fuel for the body - after all, we absorb it automatically, without feeling the taste. And this is another way to overeating. The brain is busy liking cats and not controlling satiety, so in front of the screen portions that exceed the norm fly away in the blink of an eye.

Tip: If your desk is the only possible place for a snack, at least turn off your computer. By the way, do you wipe your monitor regularly? Do the same with your desk, using disinfectant wipes, or it will harbor 400 times more bacteria than a toilet, warns Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona.

I'll go to the cafe

Having settled down on new job, website editor Marina went exploring during her lunch break, each time trying to get acquainted with a new catering establishment - fortunately there were many cafes around. As a result of long field research, the choice fell on a chain establishment fast food: it’s delicious, just like at home, all the food is displayed in the window - you can see what you choose, and the prices cannot be compared with restaurant prices. “But several times I returned to work, wanting only to take a nap. At lunch, we clearly ate more than we needed,” the young lady complained.

Contemplation and inhalation of the smell of food actively stimulates appetite. Have you ever noticed how, as you stood in line at the food counter, you were tempted by more and more snacks? From portion fried potatoes it's easy to refuse just until you feel its tantalizing aroma. There are a few more pitfalls waiting for us in fast food restaurants. A joint study by Georgia and New York scientists, published in Psychological Reports, proves: bright colors in the interior, noise and upbeat music promote overeating. People who changed similar establishments restaurants with a similar menu but a more relaxed atmosphere received an average of 174 kcal less.

Advice: choose quiet establishments. And try to follow this rule: instead of first, second and dessert, order only two items. For example, soup and salad, salad and side dish, salad and meat. Standard servings are enough to fill you up; moreover, successful combinations will help you avoid the difficult-to-digest combination of protein and simple carbohydrates.

7 lunch break ideas

In order to slowly and tastefully eat a lunch brought from home or bought nearby, you really don’t need a whole hour. What else can you do in your legal free time?

Just relax, take a walk or read in the park. The good old truth that the brain needs to switch to other tasks from time to time has been confirmed in research from the University of California. It has been observed that a short break to solve simple problems increases performance by about 40%.

See friends who work nearby. There is never enough time to meet with loved ones, right? And social networks cannot replace live communication. Based on surveys by Psychological Science, it was found that the more often people look at their pages on the Internet, the more gloomy their mood becomes. But conversations on the phone or meetings had a positive effect on the participants in the experiment.

Go on a date. Lunch break - good time for the first meeting. If you don’t like the person, you won’t need to come up with a reason to leave quickly. It's really time for you to go to work! Is your chosen one to your liking? Great, arrange your next full date.

Do fitness. You can do a set of exercises right in the office or visit the nearest sports club. In this case, you need to have a snack in advance so that the food has time to digest.

Visit the dentist. Preventive visits are a guarantee that you will not have to rush to the dentist with unbearable pain. Removing tartar (in unadvanced cases), whitening, strengthening tooth enamel - such procedures can be carried out during lunch.

Visit a cosmetologist. In 40 minutes you can do a lot of beauty treatments, from masks to Botox. Some beauty salons even have a separate item in the list of services - lunch break procedures.

Try to do what you don’t have time for in the morning or evening. Going to work when the bank is still closed? Pay your utilities during the day. Well, shopping connoisseurs don’t need to be persuaded - they know perfectly well where the next sale is taking place.

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