Viscous yellow mucus in a newborn girl. Green discharge from baby girl

In the first days after birth, parents may notice discharge in newborn girls. Of course, this is often scary, since many mothers believe that this is not normal phenomenon. This is wrong. Let's find out what is normal and when you should contact a specialist.

Bloody discharge in a newborn girl

Bloody discharge in a newborn can be of two types:

  • bloody grayish-white;
  • bloody yellowish.

Discharge of this kind appears in 5-8% of newborns in the first week of life and lasts 1-2 days. In this case, the same condition of the cervix, uterus and vaginal mucous membranes is observed as in the period before menstruation.

The cause of spotting that appears in newborn girls is the sudden cessation of the action of the maternal hormone estrogen in the baby’s body, which she received during pregnancy.

Does not require treatment and goes away on its own. The mother needs to wash the baby warm boiled water to prevent accidental infection.

The most important thing is the baby’s health

What is a hormonal crisis?

Infants may experience leucorrhoea in the folds of the labia. They are usually whitish mucous membranes and stop by the end of the first or second month of life. This is a consequence of the action of maternal hormones, as well as their active release from the child’s body during the first weeks of life.

This phenomenon is called a hormonal crisis or sexual crisis. It is characteristic that it can manifest itself not only in girls, but also in boys. During this period, it is important for young parents to maintain hygiene of the baby’s genital organs.

Why does sticky mucous discharge appear from the vagina?

Discharge from the genital tract of a newborn girl in the first days of life can manifest itself in different ways, but usually it is white, yellow, light and transparent, bloody. Usually this phenomenon is extremely frightening for the mother and father. Adults who know nothing begin to make various assumptions, wondering why they arise. Some even think that this is menstruation, but children's age is an unnatural problem.

White (resembling leucorrhoea)

If you notice cheesy white accumulations in the folds of the labia on a girl, do not be alarmed. This natural reaction body. The vaginal walls react this way to the hormones prolactin and progesterone. Large amounts of these hormones are found in breast milk.
You should not try to remove plaque or somehow specifically get rid of it. Normal hygiene measures are sufficient. Usually by the end of the first month of life genital slit cleared.

Yellowish from the genitals

Discharge yellow color are a consequence of a uric acid crisis, which occurs when the body tries to get rid of excess salts. The phenomenon occurs in newborns regardless of gender.

Outwardly they are yellow, even orange. After some time they go away on their own and do not require special treatment.


Green discharge is classified as pathological and requires consultation with a doctor. They can be abundant, mixed with pus, blood, and accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor. Indicate an inflammatory process occurring in the mucous membranes of the vagina or pelvic organs.

The reason is physiological characteristics children's organs. The mucous membrane lining the vagina in infants has a loose structure and is extremely tender. Moreover, there is no necessary environment for the development of lactic fermentation, which prevents reproduction pathogenic bacteria. In this regard, favorable conditions for pathogenic microorganisms are created in the children's vagina.

Unhealthy discharge may appear due to decreased immunity, allergic diseases, non-compliance with hygiene rules. Most often, yellowish-green discharge indicates bacterial vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).

Competent pediatrician

The following symptoms appear:

  • redness and swelling of the vagina;
  • severe itching and burning, which can be suspected if the child begins to cry after urinating.

Gray color

When the balance of microflora is disturbed, secretions may appear in little girls gray creamy consistency. Basically, it's not dangerous phenomenon, if the color of the discharge does not change, it does not have unpleasant odor and do not last more than three days.
If they are grayish and liquid, this is characteristic of desquamative vulvovaginitis, which occurs in 60-70% of very young children in the first 3 days after birth.

Light and transparent

Transparent foamy discharge indicates the presence of a trichomonas infection in the baby. And light watery ones appear when the mucous membrane becomes very thin and dry, indicating allergic vulvovaginitis.

What kind of discharge can a baby girl have?

If you notice discharge from your newborn daughter, pay attention to the baby’s age.

In the first days of life

The first days of life are characterized by:

  • bloody issues in a newborn girl. They go away on their own within 2-3 days;
  • orange, yellow, pink. Characteristic for early period life uric acid crisis, disappears by the end of the first week after birth, as soon as the mother establishes breastfeeding;
  • ordinary mucous membranes resembling leucorrhoea. These are remnants of the original lubricant, which will clear up on its own over time.

Clean and dry

At 1 month

At 1 month of age, a girl's leucorrhoea, resembling a white sticky coating between the folds of the labia, is considered normal. This is a condition that does not require treatment and usually goes away on its own by 6-8 weeks of life.

2 month

By the second month, the discharge in infants should go away. If the white, cheesy buildup does not go away by week 8, your baby should be taken to the doctor.

3 month

Discharge found in a 3 month old baby may indicate ongoing inflammatory processes, therefore, require consultation with a pediatric gynecologist. It could be:

  • bacterial vulvovaginitis. Accompanied by redness and not abundant yellow discharge;
  • vulvovaginitis provoked by enterobiasis. Worms bring pathogenic microbes from the intestines into the vagina - enterococcus and E. coli;
  • foreign body in the vagina - toilet paper, threads, etc. As a result, the walls of the vagina are damaged and inflammation develops;
  • exudative diathesis. This chronic illness can provoke vulvar hyperemia and dry mucous membranes;
  • candidiasis - curdled white discharge may appear against the background of herpes, trichomoniasis;
  • Trichomonas. Infection is possible by everyday means or during childbirth. Accompanied by copious foamy discharge.

Restless babe

Is it necessary and how to clean and rinse?

Frightened mothers about the corresponding changes are wondering what to do with the child? The main rules for how to act when dealing with discharge:

  1. Maintain hygiene. Wash your girl daily and after each urination with warm water. You can use chamomile decoction. After washing, you need to cover the child with a towel. Let your baby's skin breathe for a few minutes. If the weather is warm, you should spend as much time as possible without clothes or a diaper.
  2. Keep out. Do not try to remove it yourself white coating from the uterus, cervix and vagina. Do not use soap or gel while washing. This can disrupt the very delicate mucous layer.
  3. Prevent splicing. Hygiene for newborn girls involves carefully spreading the labia after almost every wash. This will prevent their possible fusion.

How to care for your baby's vagina

Proper intimate hygiene for a breastfeeding baby - important point For further development organs and women's health. Caring for the baby should take place in the following sequence:

  1. Wash your hands with soap to avoid infection in your baby's vagina during the procedure.
  2. Wash your baby every time you change her diaper (about every 3-4 hours during the day). Hygiene procedures are required after waking up in the morning and before going to bed in the evening.
  3. Do not wash the girl in the bath; the water should be running and the pressure should not be strong.
  4. You need to wash the baby towards the anus. This is necessary for leftovers feces did not get into the vagina and did not cause inflammation.
  5. Practice hygiene anus and vaginas separately. After washing anus Wash your hands with soap, then wash the girl. This will avoid getting into the genitals. coli, which leads to inflammation of the genitourinary area.
  6. Use only plain water or water with chamomile infusion added. Use baby soap or gel to wash after bowel movements.
  7. Do not use a washcloth so as not to injure the baby’s delicate mucous membranes.
  8. Remove any remaining powder and cream from the labia with a cotton swab and sterilized oil in the morning and evening.

If in the first weeks of your baby's life you notice white or bloody discharge from the vagina, do not be alarmed, but keep an eye on it. This is a hormonal or sexual crisis that will pass in a few days.

Comfortable position

When should you contact a pediatric gynecologist?

Usually, discharge in girls that lasts up to 6-8 weeks is considered normal and does not cause any discomfort. If they last longer, this is a reason to contact a specialist to rule out possible problems.

Contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • the baby feels pain and stinging after urination, which is signaled by loud screaming and crying;
  • greenish purulent discharge;
  • The girl’s discharge has a strong, unpleasant odor;
  • lasts more than 3 days, is released profusely in the form of red bloody spots, as in menstrual period. The phenomenon of nosebleeds is observed;
  • the genitals appear to be inflamed (redness, swelling);
  • the urine of a newborn is of an unnatural color (normally it is very light and does not change its color);
  • bloody urine;
  • there are signs of anatomical disorders of the organs.

Feels good

Main rules and prevention

Caring for newborns is not difficult if you follow all the rules of hygiene and do not forget about prevention:

  1. Provide airing after swimming. This will protect the baby's skin and it will not be susceptible to diaper rash.
  2. The water temperature should be comfortable: not too hot and not too cold.
  3. Hold the girl correctly when washing. Place the baby, back down, on your arm so that it is comfortable for both you and the baby. Wash with your other hand.
  4. In the first 2 weeks of the baby's life, use boiled water, then can switch to regular flow. Take care of water quality by installing purification and filtration systems.
  5. Use a personal towel for intimate hygiene. Wipe your crotch first, then your butt. Movements should be delicate, blotting. Do not wipe the inside of the labia to prevent drying and disruption of normal microflora.
  6. Yes

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Sometimes, after discharge from the hospital, mothers may notice white discharge in newborn girls. In such cases, should you worry and run to the doctor, or can you get by with simple hygiene procedures? Next, we will tell you how to determine the signs of normal and pathological discharge in newborn babies in order to make a timely decision about the need for treatment.

What causes white discharge in newborn girls?

After the birth of a child, he undergoes very intensive processes of adaptation, restructuring of the body, and he adapts to the conditions of existence in completely different conditions than during intrauterine development. This is already a fully formed little man, with all the systems inherent in adults. Including sexual (although it is not yet fully functional and only reacts to biological input from the mother) active substances- hormones).

It is the hormonal crisis that explains the appearance or increase in the amount of white discharge in newborn girls. The release of hormones in the mother during childbirth, in early postpartum period leads to their entry through the placenta or with milk into the girl’s blood. During this period, swelling of the nipples may appear. White discharge also becomes abundant.

In newborn girls, this is considered a completely normal, physiological phenomenon.

The symptoms go away quite quickly (usually within 2-3 weeks).

How to distinguish the signs of normal vaginal secretion from pathological one in girls in the first days of life?

White discharge in newborn girls should not have an unpleasant odor; it is mucous in nature and opaque. Sometimes mucous threads and crumbly inclusions are noticeable in the physiological secretion. Normally, such secretions are not abundant; they may contain:

  • Slime(this is a normal secretion secreted by the cells of the cervix);
  • Epithelial cells. Like skin cells, when they renew themselves, they are exfoliated and excreted along with mucus;
  • Microorganisms. Normal microflora in the vagina adult woman and a newborn girl are similar - these are mainly fermented milk sticks and lactobacilli. After three weeks and before puberty, predominantly coccal microorganisms are detected in the vagina;
  • Blood cells. Leukocytes and erythrocytes. Sometimes, during a hormonal crisis in newborns, the number of red blood cells increases and can even turn the vaginal secretion red or pink color. This is very scary for moms. But everything is explained by the same sex hormones - estrogens, does not harm the baby’s health in any way and goes away quickly.

What should alert a mother about white discharge in newborn girls?

Pathological vaginal secretion has its own characteristics:

  • Its quantity is, as a rule, very plentiful;
  • An unpleasant, sometimes quite pungent odor appears;
  • The mucous composition changes, the discharge may become more liquid;
  • Small streaks of blood may appear in the secretion;
  • The color of the discharge may change (it changes to yellowish or greenish).

The listed signs indicate a violation of the processes of self-cleaning of the vagina, inflammatory processes in it. Hyperemia (redness) and swelling (edema) of the external genitalia appear. The child may become very restless due to itching and burning. A baby with such manifestations should definitely be shown to a doctor; there is no need to treat it yourself.

5 hygiene rules for newborn girls

The most important basics of hygiene are caution and moderation. Newborns are very “loud” but fragile creatures. Following simple principles will help preserve the natural protective barriers of the skin and vaginal mucosa:

  1. Use soap to wash only after defecation in contaminated areas; you do not need to “wash” the baby every time. Soap is necessary for newborns, without fragrances and dyes.
  2. Wash the baby by placing her back on a bent arm, holding her with your palm. The head is placed on the elbow. The water should wash the perineum from front to back (top to bottom), towards the anal area. Excess white discharge in newborn girls is removed with such a simple, delicate procedure.
  3. Before the “big” bath, you first need to wash the girl.
  4. Do not use soap when bathing newborns more than 1-2 times a week! Enough warm water, without adding strings, potassium permanganate, etc., so beloved by grandmothers. All of these additives dry out the skin and can cause allergic reactions in young people.
  5. After water procedures Before drying the baby, carefully wrap it in a soft towel, blotting off any remaining water.

Don’t be afraid of white discharge in newborn girls - in most cases this is a completely physiological process. Objectively assess the nature of the discharge and, if you notice signs of painful changes, do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician.

Wet diapers (diapers). Urine should be clear (The first time a newborn urinates in a newborn's life, yellow urine is usually produced. Yellow tint urine can also be observed with physiological jaundice.) and odorless at least 8 times a day (usually during the day, urination occurs every 30 minutes). This is evidence that the baby has enough fluid (If you do not give the baby water yet (“the baby does not need to be given additional fluids before introducing complementary foods), then he has enough fluid contained in milk or colostrum.). If you use disposable diapers, change them at least every 2 hours. After changing the diaper, perform “air baths,” that is, let the baby’s bottom “breathe” for 10 minutes (if the room temperature allows).
Dirty diapers (diapers). In the first few days (Usually until the mother’s colostrum is replaced by milk (3-5 days after birth).) the newborn will pass meconium from 1 to several times a day. The stool changes its color gradually: at first it is black or greenish-black, then greenish-brown, brown or brownish-yellow, and finally yellow. If, a week after your baby is born, your stool is any shade other than yellow, contact your pediatrician immediately.

Normal “baby” stool is yellow, liquid (but not water), almost homogeneous (small white inclusions are allowed) “ pea soup"with a sour milk smell.

Infant babies poop from 10 times a day to once every few days (usually poop occurs after almost every feeding).
A grown-up baby, who already eats quite a lot of solid food (complementary foods), empties his intestines once every 1-2 days. At good set weight is the norm. Stool less than 2-3 times a day until 3 months of age in a breastfed child should raise suspicion (although the baby may not be bothered by a week-long absence of stool: breast milk completely absorbed). There are periods after 3 months when stool occurs only once every few days, but in large quantities (i.e., at one time - the “norm” for all days of “delay”) (If the child behaves as usual during such periods, then there are reasons for There is no concern. However, it is always better to consult a pediatrician than to guess about the presence/absence of the disease.).

Don't worry if your newborn grunts and strains during release at first. digestive tract. It’s just that his muscles are weak and he needs to work hard to poop (some babies grunt and strain at first even while urinating). If the stool is soft, then this is normal.

For a baby, his tummy is a “barometer” of his mood. The tummy doesn’t hurt - “life is good”: you can calmly relax and “talk” with your parents. And if it hurts... Do not rush to immediately do an enema or give laxatives.
Many mothers and their babies who faced such a problem were “rescued” by homeopathy. The homeopathic medicine cabinet contains such remedies as arnica, belladonna, bryonia, carbo vegetabilis, croton, nux vomica, chamomilla, etc. If something is suitable for your baby, consult a specialist.

If your baby is worried about his tummy, massage helps. To carry it out, you can take any vegetable oil (for example, almond or olive), it’s a good idea to add a base oil to this essential oil blue chamomile (Perhaps lavender or peppermint oil would work for you.). The massage is carried out in a circular motion clockwise. If this “topic” is relevant for your baby, look for a specialist who will teach you how to do preventative tummy massage.
Sometimes it is really difficult for a child to go to the toilet “for a long time”, while he does not fart or does it with great difficulty. The baby may have spasm (compression) of the anus muscles. Help him. Turn to homeopathy. And hold the baby in weight as if you were putting him on a potty, first lubricate his anus generously vegetable oil. If this does not help, generously lubricate your finger with vegetable oil and gently massage the anus lightly (only from the outside!).
If the baby's tummy is still bothering him, a gas outlet tube or a rubber canister No. 1, cut so that it can be used, can help. appearance resembled a funnel. Remember to generously lubricate the anus and the tube or can with oil to avoid damaging your baby's anus. Make no more than 5-6 small forward movements. It is better to do this procedure again after some time.
As a last resort, give an enema. The enema water should be warm, chamomile infusion should be added to it, sea ​​salt and vegetable oil.
The very last remedy that only a doctor prescribes is a laxative.

A girl's bloody discharge often creates panic among her parents. But they are not always danger signs. The human body performs an excretory function. Discharge in girls begins at birth and continues for the rest of their lives. However, there are times when you should be wary. This occurs at the moment when spotting appears. They can occur as a result of many factors. Sometimes they become a symptom of a disease. Depending on the age at which secretions from the genitals appear, the degree of danger of their manifestations is noted.

Discharge in a newborn girl appears during a sexual crisis. It occurs 7–14 days after birth. For many moms and dads, the appearance of strange discharge becomes frightening. The secretion may be yellowish or reddish. Its appearance is associated with the entry of maternal hormones into the fetus during intrauterine development. After birth, a girl begins to develop various body functions. At this point, unnecessary hormones are excreted in the form of secretions.

Bloody discharge in a newborn is called metrorrhagia. They occur in 6-8% of girls in the first days of life. Their duration ranges from 1 to 3-4 days. They are characterized by certain characteristics.
1. During the process of discharge from the genital tract, the mucous membranes of the vagina, uterus and cervix are in the same state as observed in women before menstruation.
2. When bloody discharge appears, the cells of the uterine mucosa are rejected due to the cessation of estrogen entering the girl’s body.
3. Treatment for the appearance of red discharge in a newborn girl is not required. In this case, it is enough to wash with boiled water to eliminate the risk of infection of the genitals.

Secretion in girls under 9 years of age

A girl older than one year may also experience spotting. In this case, this condition is not considered normal. After a year, immunity is established in the girl’s body. At this point, the discharge may be different character. However, the appearance of a secret with bloody spots from one to 9 years may indicate:
infection of the girl’s genitals;
transfer of an infectious pathogen from the anus to the vaginal area.

Infection can spread to organs genitourinary system through dirty hands. In girls under 11 years of age, the infection process is inflammatory nature. It is characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge. In medicine, this process is called vulvovaginitis.

Girls under 8 years of age are susceptible to frequent disturbances of the vaginal microflora. This is due to the lack of lactic acid bacteria to protect the body. After this age (approximately 9 years), the incidence of vulvovaginitis decreases if the rules of genital hygiene are followed. Moreover, any pathological discharge, especially bloody ones, before the age of 11 is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge in girls under 11 years of age

Bloody discharge in girls under 11 years of age is considered pathological. In this case, the secretion should not be released from the genital organs in principle until the onset of puberty. During this period hormonal background has not yet been established, and the structure of the genital organs has not reached its final development. The girl’s body is not yet configured to perform menstrual function. Therefore, the eggs do not mature, and hormones are produced in negligible quantities. In this case, there is no hormonal effect on the child’s body.

The period up to 11 years is considered the age of physiological rest. Therefore, the appearance of bloody discharge - serious reason consult a doctor. It will help identify factors influencing the occurrence of the problem. Basically, doctors identify three reasons that can cause secretions from the genitals.

1. Sometimes they can indicate early puberty in a girl. It is not considered normal, so if the girl has not yet entered the puberty stage, then a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory.
2. Doctors often diagnose infectious lesion organs of the genitourinary system.
3. Sometimes the appearance of bloody discharge indicates infection of the gastrointestinal tract.


After 11 years, girls begin puberty. During this period, which is also called puberty, bleeding may occur. They indicate the onset of menarche - the first menstruation, which indicates the beginning of puberty in a girl. Discharge is not considered dangerous and requires treatment, because this period is important for every girl. During the restructuring of the body, the production of eggs begins. If fertilization does not occur, the mature egg leaves the body along with top layer endometrium. This rejection is a monthly process in a girl’s body – menstruation.

Sometimes bleeding in girls from 11 to 18 years old can be pathological. This occurs at the time of the appearance of juvenile uterine bleeding. They are dysfunctional in nature. During this period, a failure may occur menstrual cycle, as well as dysfunction of the ovaries. These bleedings are considered complex pathology, which is gaining momentum from year to year, increasingly appearing in girls. Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose, since the bleeding may coincide in timing with the onset of the next menstruation. However, there is an important symptom that characterizes this particular type of pathology - large blood loss.

Often juvenile spotting appears during the year between the onset of the next menstruation. They can begin within two to three years after menarche. Symptoms of manifestation dangerous bleeding the following:
excessive bleeding;
irregular menstruation;

It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of juvenile bleeding in a girl: blood spots are found in the smear between menstruation. They may occur for the first time after a missed period. In this case, the bleeding lasts for more than a week.

If any of these manifestations occur, you should consult a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis. Most often they are caused by dysfunction of the organs of the reproductive system.
Women's health should be under special control, starting from the very early age. Indeed, in the future this may affect reproductive function body, causing its disturbances.

Newborn babies are extremely vulnerable to influence external factors, so they need time to adapt to new conditions of existence outside the mother’s womb. Thus, infants in the first month of life require especially careful care and daily hygiene. The child should be washed, changed, his eyes washed and his nose cleaned. Doctors recommend that young mothers carefully examine the baby every day, paying attention Special attention genital area, skin folds and perineum, both in girls and boys.

Carrying out daily care for the baby, the mother may notice some discharge. For example, in a newborn girl, they may be of different nature, have different consistency and color. In the vast majority of cases, these discharges are physiological norm and do not pose any danger. But there are also exceptions. In addition, discharge in newborn boys is also common. We suggest we talk about what you should pay attention to if children of both sexes have discharge of a different nature.

Bloody discharge in newborn girls

Most babies experience a so-called sexual or hormonal crisis in the first days of their lives. It can manifest itself in different ways, for example:

  • skin rash;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands and the release of fluid similar to colostrum from them;
  • inflammation of the genital organs (both girls and boys).

In some cases, signs of a pubertal crisis in babies disappear within a few days, while others can appear for weeks. This condition does not require any therapy and goes away on its own. Doctors explain it as a hormonal “cleansing” child's body. During its intrauterine development, the fetus receives very a large number of its sex hormones - estrogens. But after birth, the child’s body experiences a sharp decline concentrations of these substances, which causes a hormonal crisis. Pediatricians note that the peak of this state occurs on days 6-8 of a baby’s life.

Around this time, and sometimes even earlier, newborn girls may experience spotting, which is also one of the symptoms of a sexual crisis. This discharge may be beige, brown, pinkish or even red. Experienced pediatricians say that the condition of the surface of the baby’s genital organs (the cervix and the mucous membrane of her vagina) is as close as possible to the condition observed in an adult woman before menstruation. These discharges are called metrorrhagia of newborns and occur in approximately 4-9% of all babies.

Bloody discharge in girls disappears on its own after about 1-2 days. All that mother needs to do during this period is to carefully care for her genitals.

Discharge in newborn boys

Sometimes when caring for newborn boys, mothers may notice a white discharge with a specific odor. This is smegma, which is a mixture of moisture, secretion sebaceous glands and dead epithelial cells collecting in the sac foreskin baby. According to pediatricians, this discharge is an absolutely natural and natural process, therefore a small amount of Smegma in a baby is the norm, although there are exceptions.

At heavy discharge a newborn boy is at risk of developing infectious process, resulting from the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the area of ​​his foreskin.

It is important to note that it is not the discharge itself that should alert parents, but other signs, such as swelling of the skin of the penis during urination, redness or swelling of the foreskin. In these cases, the baby should be shown to a specialist.

In addition to newborn discharge, parents may also be wary of their baby's urine, which often takes on a brick or orange tint. There is no need to worry about this, since this phenomenon is called “uric acid infarction”, and, despite the terrible term, it does not pose any danger. This color is given to a child’s urine by urates, the salts it contains. With the establishment of lactation in a young mother and with the beginning breastfeeding Your baby's urine will lighten and take on a natural color.

Mucous discharge from the vagina of newborn girls

Much more often than bloody discharge, normal mucous discharge can be observed in newborns. white. They are remnants of vernix lubricant and resemble a sticky coating in the vagina and between the baby’s labia. Over time, they will disappear on their own, so under no circumstances should you try to remove them.

But in addition to this white discharge, newborn girls in the first days of their life may experience a condition called vulvovaginitis, which is a reaction to hormonal changes occurring in their body. In this case, the discharge may be gray, yellowish or transparent. But often this condition is characterized by white discharge in newborns. Sometimes they are accompanied by slight swelling of the external genitalia and, as a rule, disappear quite quickly - after a few days.

At the same time, parents should receive mandatory consultation with a pediatrician about their daughter’s health in the following cases:

  • if vaginal discharge has a putrid odor;
  • with copious amounts of mucus;
  • if the discharge has been observed for quite a long time;
  • if the discharge in a newborn is accompanied by inflammation of her genital organs;
  • if the baby expresses obvious discomfort and anxiety, especially when urinating (screams, winces, cries, arches);
  • in a situation where vaginal discharge occur in girls over two months of age;
  • if your child's urine is very dark or contains blood;
  • in case of suspected pathology in the structure of the baby’s genital organs.
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