Causes of a big belly in a dog. Causes and remedies for bloating in dogs

Stomach bloating is not uncommon for dogs. However, this is quite dangerous condition due to the fact that stretching by gases leads to obstruction of the esophagus, or even torsion of the stomach and its further displacement.

As a result, the functioning of the lungs and venous outflow are disrupted, cardiovascular failure occurs, the animal experiences rapid shock and dies literally within one to two hours. Bloating in a dog is called flatulence.

  • Gases are always formed in the intestines as a result of digestion. But in a normal situation they move through the intestines and are pushed out.
  • Often, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs when air is swallowed while eating, when the dog eats too quickly, swallowing food whole.
  • The most common cause of flatulence is deep disturbances digestive system. They cause congestion in the stomach large quantity gases, which occurs due to rotting food debris. This occurs when the intestines have difficulty digesting certain foods.
  • Flatulence may also accompany food allergies and intestinal diseases that disrupt its normal functioning.


Flatulence can be acute, delayed and chronic. At chronic course it does not particularly manifest itself as a disease, but over time the animal experiences disturbances in the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which increasingly lead to improper digestion of food.

Veterinarians are often blamed for the development of this condition.

Much more dangerous acute form diseases. At the same time, the dog whines and worries, its stomach is swollen and tense, diarrhea and vomiting may develop, its appetite decreases, and its gums become bluish or gray. An urgent visit to a veterinarian is required, who will conduct the necessary tests to rule out deficiency. digestive enzymes and intestinal diseases. As a rule, stool and blood tests are taken.

Treatment of bloating in dogs

The main task in the treatment of flatulence is to relieve bloating. To do this, it is necessary to rinse the stomach using an oroesophageal tube and introduce sorbents into it. Sometimes veterinarians pierce abdominal wall a special needle - a trocar, to remove gases.

In severe cases it is carried out intensive therapy peristalsis stimulants with support for the cardiovascular system.

Preventive measures for flatulence

  • In order to avoid intensive care, it is best to feed the animal properly so that it does not have flatulence. This is especially true for large breeds of dogs, which most often experience bloating.
  • The diet of a dog prone to flatulence should consist of easily digestible food, divided into small pieces to avoid swallowing air. It is better to feed three times a day after a walk. You should not give your dog water to drink immediately after active play.
  • It is also better not to experiment with food, but to make any transition to a new diet gradually.

Bloating in a dog is a symptom of problems in the animal’s body. Bloating occurs due to too much gas in the stomach, causing it to expand and begin to interfere with the normal functioning of the rest. internal organs. Blood pressure decreases, blood does not reach the heart. It is important to understand that this is fraught with rupture of the walls or volvulus of the stomach. If you notice that your dog has a swollen or gurgling stomach, it is advisable to immediately take it to a veterinarian, who will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Bloating in a dog and the main symptoms

Symptoms do not always appear all at once. Even one characteristic feature the swelling is enough to immediately begin to act. Vomiting in the animal (every 5-30 minutes), especially with the release of foam - bad sign. Instead of a urge, a cough may appear.

If the dog whines, squeals, walks restlessly, cannot sit in one place, curls up, arches his back, then there are problems with his stomach. serious problems. The abdomen tenses, spasms form, swells and stretches, the heartbeat quickens, it becomes difficult for the animal to breathe, and shortness of breath appears. The dog is unable to defecate, observed loose stool. She swallows stones and other solid objects and refuses to eat partially or completely. Often, a dog's bloating is accompanied by blue gums.

Causes of flatulence in dogs

One of the most common causes of bloating is wrong diet nutrition, especially overfeeding. Dogs, like other predators, should not eat flour and sweet foods, as well as vegetables containing fast carbohydrates. Every time you feed your pet a cookie or a piece of pie, you are violating it natural exchange substances. Fermentation begins. The bacteria that cause this unpleasant process feed on sugar and produce gas, which accumulates in bubbles. The longer the process of food digestion occurs, the more gas bubbles form in the animal's stomach.

Another reason for bloating is eating too quickly. This happens when the owner feeds two dogs at once, and each of them tries to eat as much as possible.

Stress associated with moving, participating in an exhibition, changing lifestyle or excessive physical exercise before meals adversely affect its digestion. Too small physical activity also has a detrimental effect on the animal's stomach.

Some dogs are genetically predisposed to these problems. Possibly from a pet congenital disease pancreas. Bloating is observed in males, less often in females. Large dogs suffer from such problems more often than small ones.


If your dog has a swollen belly, is breathing heavily and whining, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. The specialist will conduct a blood and feces test of the animal, perform an ultrasound or x-ray of the internal organs.

In emergency cases, operations are performed under anesthesia: the dog’s stomach is pierced with a needle, gases are removed and, if a bloat has occurred, the stomach is fixed in the correct position. A probe is inserted for emptying. After the operation, the animal is rehabilitated for 10 days, it is stitched. If the situation is not critical, the veterinarian determines the cause of the swelling and prescribes special medications, for example, adsorbents. Sometimes treatment does not help, and then the specialist flushes the animal’s stomach.

The veterinarian must prescribe a diet for the dog. After surgery, the animal should not be fed solid food for several days. It is recommended to exclude dry food from the diet and replace it with homemade food. An alternative is to soak it in water. The dog is forbidden to give flour foods, sweets and spices; this can lead to the fact that it starts drinking a lot of water.

After giving birth, the dog has a different diet

A good treatment option is chamomile infusion. Chamomile should be brewed and given to your pet (if its weight does not exceed 15 kg) half a teaspoon per day. Large animals are given a tablespoon of decoction once a day. If your pet refuses to drink, you can inject the infusion with a syringe (without a needle) into the food or into the oral cavity.

Doctors say that animals that are fed food homemade are undergoing a rehabilitation process better than dogs eating prepared food.

If your dog has a swollen belly and sides, under no circumstances should you give it Activated carbon, a laxative or an enema. You should also not put pressure on your stomach: this will only make it worse.


If your pet is prone to bloating and other stomach problems, you need to provide him correct image life. Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Walk your dog at least once a day.
  2. If you have already had problems with bloating, purchase medications for gas formation and those medications prescribed by your veterinarian. Always have them on hand.
  3. Do not overfeed your dog, even if it begs for it. Adult dog 3 meals a day are enough, for a puppy – 4-5.
  4. Feed your dog after a walk.
  5. To prevent air from entering the stomach, do not give the animal water immediately after a walk. The dog should also not consume liquid before eating.
  6. Include in natural diet about 30% meat and other products containing fiber.
  7. Purchase special herbs intended for dogs at a pet store.
  8. Choose food that contains a minimum amount of grains and carbohydrates.
  9. If you are switching your dog from one food to another, do it gradually.
  10. Allow the animal to eat food slowly and calmly.
  11. Keep your pet away from all situations that may cause stress.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 7426 votes

    Dry food only 26%, 4165 votes

Hello. I'm in a panic! Dachshund, 7.5 years old. 2 years ago I had surgery to remove intervertebral hernia- successfully! She quickly recovered. Now it’s been 3 months of incomprehensible symptoms, doctors contradict each other, they’re infuriating! The symptoms are absolutely different from those with a hernia 2 years ago. We took him to the doctor who performed the operation, the doctor prescribed Prednisolone and observation - we have been observing for three months, there are no specifics! Symptoms: she began to walk barely, in order to go outside, she had to pace, then her walking began to worsen, she could not lie down at night, she whines, growls, gets to her feet and cannot move her paws, leans on her nose. They introduced Prednisolone, injected it 3 times at intervals, it felt better for a week... Then again, again. You can’t keep your dog on Prednisone all the time! I started breathing poorly, my nose is dry and sometimes coughs, it happened before, but I didn’t pay attention, my stomach is swollen, gassy, ​​the lymph nodes on my neck are large! The other day we donated blood and they said the protein was slightly elevated. It was recommended to buy food with a reduced protein content. What to do? Can Prednisolone 0.5 affect breathing and heart?


Bloating may be accompanied by severe pain, severe weakness, anxiety of the animal and refusal to eat. The main reason improper feeding of the pet becomes. Feeding disorders lead to the formation of gases in the intestines, stretching of the walls, and ultimately to obstruction of the stomach and intestines. Gastric volvulus can cause acute deterioration of the condition.

Constant bloating provokes disorders in the functioning of a number of organs, leading to heart failure. Severe forms Gastric bloating can lead to the rapid death of the animal. Often, disorders are caused by swallowing air when the animal swallows food too quickly during a meal.

Bloating is acute or chronic. The chronic course of the disease can for a long time do not appear. Gradually appear inflammatory processes in the liver and pancreas. This leads to the formation of a “vicious circle” - liver diseases further aggravate digestive disorders.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

In the acute form of gastric volvulus, the pet's health is in serious danger. The animal's behavior changes dramatically - the dog begins to whine and squeal, cannot stand on its paws, arches its back, and rubs its belly on the floor surface. The dog's abdomen swells, increases in size, is tense and sharply painful upon palpation. Side effects include frequent difficulty shallow breathing, wheezing, dry cough, disturbances heart rate. The pet refuses food and water, becomes lethargic and weak. If the cause of bloating is infection, possibly enlarged lymph nodes.

To clarify the diagnosis, you will have to undergo the following types of studies:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis of stool for coprogram.
  • Biochemical blood tests.
  • Serological tests for the presence of antibodies to viruses and bacteria in the blood.
  • X-ray of organs abdominal cavity and chest.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Puncture of lymph nodes.

Analysis may be required gastric juice to determine the amount of enzymes.

Nutritional Features

You will need to analyze and adjust your pet’s diet. This will be the main recommendation for bloating. Make sure your dog eats in a calm, quiet environment. Don't bother her when she starts eating, don't try to stroke or caress her. Warn children not to disturb pet. In the process of feeding, the dog differs hypersensitivity and the slightest irritation can lead to injury.

The place where the dog eats is arranged separately, away from strangers. The dog usually swallows food in large chunks without chewing. If there are other animals in the house, this can be a concern. If the dog does not swallow food too quickly, there will be no accumulation of gases in the stomach.

For a pet with bloated belly it is necessary to provide liquid boiled food. Dry food will have to be completely excluded from the dog’s diet. The food actively absorbs water in the pet’s stomach and aggravates the symptoms of bloating. If it is not possible to prepare natural products, soak dry food with plenty of water.

It is preferable to prepare homemade food for your pet from natural products. Dogs that eat pets natural products, recover faster from gastrointestinal disorders.

Treatment of bloating

When the stomach is bloated, it is useful to give your dog a chamomile decoction. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect. Chamomile has a detrimental effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Offer your dog a tablespoon of chamomile tea three times a day.

If you cannot force the animal to take the medicine voluntarily, it is possible to add the decoction to the food or pour it into the mouth using a plastic syringe.

It is possible to eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestines using homeopathic remedies.

From medicines give the animal enzymes, myotropic antispasmodics, sorbents.

If helminthiasis is suspected, the dog must undergo appropriate therapy.

In a veterinary clinic, a doctor can rinse the animal’s stomach using a special probe or puncture the dog’s belly with a special puncturing needle.

Intensive therapy is prescribed to correct the functioning of the heart. Based on the examination results, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Preventive actions

To prevent intestinal bloating, first of all, it is necessary to organize the dog fractional meals, do not allow large pieces of food to be quickly swallowed. An hour before meals and for an hour afterward, limit the animal’s drinking so that water does not reduce the concentration. of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and did not lead to increased gas formation. You should not give your dog intense physical activity an hour before meals and an hour after.

If you are switching your pet from one type of food to another, proceed carefully and gradually. If you plan to feed your dog dry food, choose low-fat varieties. The carbohydrates contained in cereals cause intense fermentation processes; it is better to choose a reduced amount of cereals in the feed.

Bloating in a dog is a dangerous condition in which, if not treated promptly, the dog can die in just a couple of hours.

Most often, bloating occurs in older animals, also in dogs of large and giant sizes with a deep chest (Doberman, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Bobtail), but dogs of all sizes are prone to such problems.

A properly functioning stomach ensures the timely release of gases from the animal’s body, and if the digestion process is disrupted, this leads to their excessive formation and stagnation.

Causes of bloating

  1. Excessively abundant feeding, especially with foods prone to fermentation;
  2. Lack or insufficient physical activity after feeding;
  3. Feeding several animals at the same time, when the dog, trying to eat more, swallows a large amount of air along with the food, which will cause flatulence.
  4. Stress caused by childbirth, changes in place of residence, changes in the dog’s lifestyle.
  5. Diseases of the pancreas or hereditary predisposition.

Bloating can be of two forms - acute and chronic.

Acute form

At acute course Symptoms of the disease develop rapidly and most often in the evening after feeding. The animal becomes restless, whines, and walks with an arched back. Shortness of breath and unproductive vomiting appear every half hour. Sometimes, with such urges, foam may be released. The abdomen becomes enlarged, tense and painful. The dog may try to go to the toilet, but to no avail. But sometimes loose stools may occur.

As a result, due to increased gas formation and, as a consequence, obstruction of the esophagus, such conditions end closure and even displacement of the stomach. And in especially severe cases, the accumulation of gases in the intestines can lead to the death of the animal due to cardiovascular failure caused by impaired lung function. Therefore, as soon as an animal develops symptoms of acute bloating, it must be urgently taken to veterinary clinic, where the doctor will conduct an examination, take blood and stool tests, and perform an x-ray to rule out other diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic form

In the chronic course of the disease, gas formation in digestive tract dogs is permanent. This condition, although it manifests itself without painful and dangerous symptoms, still requires treatment. The causes of chronic bloating can be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, such as diseases of the liver and pancreas. In addition, the cause may be unsuitable food or lack of enzymes in it for proper operation stomach.

To identify the chronic form of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes blood and stool tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs and x-rays. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is prescribed. Usually this means choosing a balanced diet, taking adsorbents and medications for bloating and to improve stomach function.


To provide qualified assistance sick animal, veterinarians first of all carry out manipulations on relieve stomach tension. To relieve pain and reduce stress, the dog is given special medications and antibiotics. This procedure is done using sorbents, or a gas outlet tube, which must be inserted into the dog’s esophagus through the throat.

For acute and critical conditions can be applied emergency methods, such as puncturing the stomach with a hollow needle, under general anesthesia, to remove gases or restore and fix it correct position(gastropexy) if volvulus occurs. In order to prevent re-bloating, the stomach must be attached to the right wall of the abdominal cavity. A tube is then inserted into the stomach to empty it. Sometimes for successful implementation Surgery may require drainage or removal of the spleen. After completion of treatment there occurs postoperative period, during which the animal is given IVs for 10 days and the sutures are treated.

During and after treatment, the dog is prescribed liquid food. Veterinarians often advise giving up dry food for a while or pre-soaking it in water, because... it absorbs a lot of moisture in the stomach, which can lead to sudden bloating.

You can completely refuse food by replacing dry food with homemade food. healthy eating. It is useful to brew chamomile and give it chilled, half a teaspoon per day. Can be mixed chamomile tea with food or injected with a syringe.


Prevention of bloating includes:

  1. If the dog is prone to bloating, the owner should always have medications available to prevent gas formation.
  2. Proper nutrition, eliminating the possibility of flatulence. In order not to provoke the formation of gases by improper digestion of food, the dog should not be given water an hour before meals. The diet should include food that is easily digestible. It is recommended to feed the animal three times a day after a walk. After active physical activity, you should not give your dog water to drink immediately to prevent swallowing air.
  3. The transition to a new diet should be made gradually. It is preferable to feed your dog food with a low grain content.
  4. If the food is natural, then the diet should include at least 30% raw meat and fiber. It will also be useful to give your dog special herbs for pets, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  5. Provide adequate exercise for the dog
  6. Avoid stressful situations when feeding animals.

(also known as flatulence) is a lesion that causes many problems for both the owner and the pet itself. In most cases, a dog's stomach becomes bloated due to poor nutrition. If this happens, then it becomes dangerous for her, since in the future it can lead to obstruction of the esophagus, and in some cases to volvulus of the stomach and its further displacement from its usual position.

Causes of trouble

Many factors can lead to flatulence. If your dog has a bloated stomach, the reasons may be:

  • incorrectly selected food and food for the dog;
  • poor care;
  • pancreatic insufficiency;
  • problems with liver function;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal diseases.

Poor feeding of your pet may include excessive amounts of carbohydrates, grains and legumes. A dog's digestive system can cope well with meat products, some cottage cheese, well-cooked porridge and vegetables. Most cheap pet food formulas replace some of the meat with soy. In carnivores, such a product is poorly absorbed and provokes strong gas formation.

Flatulence can occur in any animal due to constant consumption of too hot or cold food, or a sudden change in the usual diet. In addition, mixing canned and dry food from different manufacturers can lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines of dogs.

Incorrect content

It implies limiting the pet's activity. IN in good condition with active movement, the dog's abdominal muscles press on the intestines. This process significantly speeds up the activity of the intestines, which is responsible for pushing food out, which helps achieve normal emptying, including getting rid of accumulated gases.

With low mobility, this mechanism does not work, which is why gases accumulate in the intestines.

Digestive problems

Pancreatic insufficiency leads to problems with the production of important enzymes that help digest incoming food. This particularly affects the digestion of proteins and the synthesis of enzymes that break down carbohydrates. As a result of such deficiency, digestion does not occur in in full. Such disorders are characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes mellitus and other defeats.

Difficulties with the functioning of the liver lead to changes in the amount of bile and its constituent components. As a result, the stomach suffers and the absorption of components worsens. The substances remaining in the intestines begin to ferment and produce gas.

Dysbacteriosis is described by a violation of the composition of microorganisms in the intestines. This impairs the digestion of fiber and carbohydrates by microorganisms. With dysbiosis, a large amount of toxins and gases accumulate in the body.

Intestinal disease is characterized by dysbiosis and problems with the absorption of components. Against the background of digestive disorders, the process of carbohydrate absorption also worsens.

Consequences of digestive problems

Because of possible violations With digestion, the animal’s intestines begin to fill with a large amount of gases and increase significantly in size. As a result, the dog's stomach swells and pain occurs. Gases begin to be slowly absorbed and lead to intoxication. The negative load on the liver increases significantly.

The expansion of the intestines leads to increased work, which speeds up the movement of digested food. The dog begins to have diarrhea. At the same time, a large amount of gases continues to remain in the intestines, moving closer to the sphincter of the rectum and accumulating in this place. After the accumulation of a certain amount of gases, emissions with an unpleasant odor begin.

One release of excess gases through anus not enough to empty the intestines. Its walls continue to expand, and the pain only increases. In this case, there is a danger of the dog developing stomach diseases, increased flatulence and impaired liver function.

Main symptoms

Bloating can be acute as well as chronic form. If it chronic type, then it can occur hidden. But over time, the animal will begin to develop difficulties with the pancreas and liver. It is important to remember that together with the disruption of the functioning of the described organs, the condition of the digestive system and all processes occurring in it significantly worsens.

As with other diseases, the acute form brings the greatest threat. With such a violation, the pet begins to get very nervous and whine. The dog's belly swells and its muscles tense. TO side effects bloating can include indigestion, nausea, complete or partial refusal to eat, Blue colour gums, difficulty breathing, increased pain in the abdominal area.

Identifying the problem

If your dog's stomach is very bloated after eating food, then abdominal area can be measured using a measuring tape. It is recommended to take measurements in the widest part of the abdomen. Such a simple procedure will help track the progression of the disease and accurately understand whether there is a threat to the animal’s condition.

If the symptoms are quite serious, then it is important to immediately consult a veterinarian. At the clinic, doctors will be able to carry out everything necessary examinations, including stool, blood and x-ray analysis. The main goal of the doctor is to exclude a disease with similar symptoms, for example, intestinal disease or a lack of enzymes in the body.

Selection of treatment

What should you do if your dog has a bloated stomach? Largely therapeutic measures will be related to the pet’s nutrition. To begin with, it is important to provide the animal proper nutrition in a quiet environment. There is no need to distract the dog while feeding, and it is also prohibited to allow children to do this. This behavior can end badly, as dogs become especially sensitive when eating food.

The feeding area should also be separate, since dogs are accustomed to swallowing food in whole pieces without chewing (this especially applies to houses where there are other animals). Eating too quickly can cause a lot of gas to accumulate, which will only make the situation worse.

If your dog has a bloated stomach, it is important to buy liquid food for him. Veterinarians recommend giving your pet, who often gets bloated from plain food, liquid or almost liquid food. Dry food is prohibited in this case, as it absorbs a large volume of liquid in the stomach itself, leading to bloating. If the owner does not have time to prepare food for the animal, then he can make dry food much softer by adding liquid to it. This method will help absorb water before it enters the stomach.

It is important to remember that nothing can be better for digestion than home-cooked food, which will help avoid any difficulties with the dog’s stomach. Experts were able to prove that dogs that eat homemade food recover much faster than animals that continue to be given store-bought food.

Herbal tincture

What should I do if my dog ​​has a bloated stomach? One more in an effective way Chamomile tincture is considered. Such a plant is a good helper when fighting various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile not only helps relieve stomach problems, but also avoids possible bloating.

Small breeds dogs whose weight is less than 15 kilograms are allowed to be given half a teaspoon of decoction every day. Large breeds can take a tablespoon of the product daily. If the animal is stubborn and does not want to consume the prepared broth, then it can be mixed with food or poured into the pet’s mouth using a simple syringe.

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