Fractional meal menu for weight loss. Advice from nutritionists

), but there are still a lot of questions, so we’ll continue to look into it.

In this article I will talk about how to choose the right foods for fractional meals.

The article turned out to be lengthy, so please be patient :)

To begin with, let me remind you that before switching to fractional meals in order to lose weight, you need to calculate your daily calorie intake, which will allow you to safely lose weight. This issue is presented in detail.

You should also remember that weight loss will take place without harm to your health, provided that the following proportions of the main nutritional components are observed:

  • no more than 20% of daily calories, preference for fats plant origin;
  • at the rate of 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of your current weight;
  • about 60% of the daily caloric intake, while the share simple carbohydrates(chocolate, sugar, honey) should account for up to 10% of daily calories.

If everything seems very complicated to you now, don’t rush to get upset, just read on and everything will become clear!

Fractional meals. Learning to select products

Fractional meals involves a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates good quality. In order for you to better understand the principles of food selection, I will tell you a little more about the main components of nutrition and give some tips.

Proteins in fractional meals

– a vital component of food. Our body has virtually no reserves of protein, and new proteins can only be formed from amino acids that enter our body with food.

The importance of proteins for our health cannot be overestimated - enzymes, hormones, the immune system- these are all proteins, now think for yourself: what consequences will a lack of protein in the body lead to?

However, excess protein is just as dangerous as its deficiency. Excess protein leads to increased stress on the kidneys, liver, poisoning of the body with decay products, and as a result, to edema, drowsiness, fatigue, and delayed weight loss.

To fully provide the body with proteins, its daily intake should be 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of your current body weight (not the ideal one you are striving for, but the current one). For example, for a woman weighing 80 kg, the ideal amount of protein per day will be 80 X 1.5 = 120 grams.

For anyone losing weight, proteins are a must special attention. Why?

  • protein gives a feeling of sustained satiety that lasts up to 5 hours;
  • required for protein absorption a large number of energy, which is taken precisely from fat reserves;
  • proteins in our food help speed up metabolic processes, which means that accumulated fat will be consumed faster.

What products should be used to meet the body's protein needs:

  • Seafood - squid, mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops. All these products have low calorie content; in addition to good quality protein, they also contain important microelements;
  • Fish - pike perch, cod, herring, trout, salmon, hake, capelin, telapia, sole, sprat, saury, crucian carp, perch, silver carp, mullet, pike. These products contain not only protein, but also essential fatty acids (herring, all types of red fish), which contribute to the breakdown of animal fat.
  • Poultry – turkey, chicken, quail, goose, duck. Poultry meat is considered dietary and contains a minimal amount of fat (with the exception of goose, duck and poultry skin). White meat contains the least amount of calories.
  • Meat - beef, pork, rabbit, nutria, lamb, horse meat - is a good source of protein. preference should be given to lean types of meat (beef, rabbit, nutria) and during cooking, always try to remove all visible fat.
  • Eggs are a good source of protein and contain small amounts of saturated fatty acids. Only 3-4 eggs a week will benefit your body.
  • Dairy– in addition to protein, they contain calcium, which is very important for the body. Preference should be given to low-fat dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat varieties cheese. Please note that industrially produced yoghurts and cheese curds are not at all beneficial for slimming - they contain a huge amount of sugar and very little milk protein.
  • Plant proteins- soybeans, lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, nuts - in addition to protein, they also contain necessary for the body fiber, which promotes rapid satiety, regulates intestinal function.

My tips:

An excellent way to cook fish is to bake it without oil (in the oven, in foil) and boil it. Smoked, salted and dried fish may contain an excessive amount of salt; canned food may contain not very healthy preservatives and flavor enhancers.

To make poultry dishes lower in calories, remove the skin;

When cooking meat, remove all visible fat; this will not spoil the taste of the food; the meat contains hidden fat, which compensates for the taste of the removed visible fat;

Sausage, frankfurters, and semi-finished meat products can only be called a source of protein with a very big stretch. These products contain almost everything except the meat itself.

If you often buy ready-made minced meat, then give preference to dark-colored minced meat; the lighter the minced meat, the more fat it contains.

Carbohydrates in fractional meals

All carbohydrates are an irreplaceable source of energy for our body. Complex and simple carbohydrates enter our body with food. TO complex carbohydrates includes starch, glycogen, fiber and pectin. The simple ones are glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose.

Carbohydrates play a role in weight loss important role. Why?

  • carbohydrates prevent weakness, loss of strength, and drowsiness.
  • Carbohydrates are the fuel that the body needs during weight loss. It’s not for nothing that they say that fats burn in the flames of carbohydrates.

The daily dose of carbohydrates during the period of weight loss should be at least 50-60% of the daily diet, including simple carbohydrates should account for up to 10%.

What products should be used to satisfy the body's need for carbohydrates:

  • Cereals – oatmeal, buckwheat, rolled oats, pearl barley, barley, dark rice. Almost all cereals are an excellent product for anyone who is losing weight. They contain a large amount of fiber and provide good saturation. The exception is cereals that have undergone deep technological processing - semolina and white rice.
  • Wholemeal or wholemeal bread contains a large amount of fiber and microelements.
  • Vegetables – cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, sea cabbage, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, spinach, eggplant, green beans, peas, bell pepper. All of them are low-calorie, rich in fiber, voluminous, due to which they quickly saturate. They contain a huge amount of microelements and vitamins, most of which are preserved in sufficient quantities during gentle heat treatment.
  • Fruits and berries - strawberries, sea buckthorn, pear, raspberries, apples, oranges, tangerines, gooseberries, bananas, melon, watermelons, cherries, sweet cherries, currants, cranberries. Rich in vitamins and minerals. With fractional meals, they are great for quick snacks.
  • Potatoes are a product containing a large amount of starch and have excellent saturating properties. Most useful for baking without oil and boiling.
  • Pasta– rich in starch, well digestible, but due to the lack of fiber they do not saturate very well.
  • Dried fruits - apricots, prunes - are easily digestible carbohydrates. Due to dehydration, they have a fairly high calorie content, but at the same time they are very useful due to vitamins, microelements and fiber. With fractional meals, it is good to use for snacks and as an alternative to industrially produced sweets.
  • Honey and sugar are simple carbohydrates that are essential in the process of weight loss. High in calories, if there is no allergy, then preference should be given to honey.
  • Chocolate is a high-calorie product that belongs to the group of easily digestible carbohydrates. Contains substances that promote the production of seratonin, which is also called the hormone of joy. Preference should be given to dark varieties of chocolate containing less fat and sugar.
  • Industrially produced sweets - cakes, pastries, candies, pastries, ice cream, cookies, gingerbread. They have a high calorie content due to their high fat content. They do not contain fiber, due to which the sugar from these products enters the blood very quickly. In quantities not exceeding 10% of the daily diet, these products will not harm your slimness.

My tips:

Give preference to fresh fruits rather than juices. There is practically no fiber in juices, due to this equal amount calories with fresh fruits, they are much less satiating;

When choosing bread, give preference to dark varieties made from wholemeal flour;

If you like sweets, choose marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows - they have a lot of pectin and little fat (more about sweet cravings);

When choosing pasta, give preference to varieties made from durum wheat, and do not go too overboard with mayonnaise-based sauces. It is better to use vegetables and tomato-based sauces as pasta sauces;

If you don't really like vegetables, you don't need to dramatically increase the amount of them in your diet. Do this gradually, try to find a new way to prepare them, for example, baking with spices and herbs or steaming.

Fats in fractional meals

Friends, no matter how much we strive to get rid of our own fat, we still cannot do without food fats.

Fat in mandatory should be present in the diet of any person, especially those striving for slimness. Why?

  • lack of fat in food leads to skin problems;
  • fats ensure the absorption of a number of important vitamins;
  • fat deposits participate in physiologically important processes of thermoregulation;
  • regulate blood pressure and improve immunity.

In our body, fats can be formed from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Moreover, this process occurs very quickly and without large energy costs. That is why every extra drop of fat that enters our body with food very quickly enters adipose tissue.

As I already said, you cannot do without fat in food, but if you are trying to lose weight, then you need to limit animal fats in your diet. It is to limit, but not to exclude, and it is better to give preference to vegetable fats and fats contained in fatty fish.

When losing weight, “healthy” fats should make up up to 20% of the daily calorie intake.

What products should be used to meet the body's need for fats:

  • Vegetable oils– sunflower, olive, corn, pumpkin, hemp, sesame, walnut oil;
  • Nuts, seeds;
  • Fatty fish– trout, salmon, mackerel, herring, salmon. These foods are rich in healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which prevent thrombosis, enhance immunity, and help prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • Lard, very fatty meat, semi-finished meat products- contain very high amounts of saturated (bad) fats. During the period of weight loss, the amount of these products should be reduced to a minimum;
  • Margarine and sandwich butters– contain trans fats (very harmful). It is better to avoid these products completely during the period of weight loss.

My tips:

Please note that trans fats are found in large quantities in chips, waffles, chocolate bars, and “long-lasting” baked goods (muffins, rolls). Keep this in mind when shopping.

As a healthy source of vegetable fat, in addition to vegetable oils, I recommend the avocado vegetable. This is not yet a very common product in Russia, but you can buy it in most large supermarkets. This vegetable is great for salads and sandwiches. A little imagination and you have a tasty and healthy snack at your disposal.

Remember that vegetable oils completely lose their beneficial properties when heated; moreover, they become harmful to the body. Therefore, you will get the maximum benefit from vegetable oil by simply adding it to vegetable salad or porridge.

Friends, a reasonable combination of basic components daily diet together with fractional meals will make the weight loss process correct and safe.

Now you know everything you need about the basic rules for choosing foods for fractional nutrition, you understand which foods are more beneficial for slimming and which are not, and in what proportions they should be present in your diet.

I told you about the “ideal” ratio of nutrients in the diet. Please understand correctly, I do not encourage you to manically calculate the amount of protein or fat in your diet down to the milligram. Believe me, this is impossible, besides, how can such an approach to weight loss be called comfortable?

Of course not!

But, in order to approach weight loss correctly and finally solve this problem, have an idea of ​​the basics balanced nutrition definitely necessary.

In the next article, I'll teach you how to use what you've learned today to quickly and easily create your own proper diet nutrition for the period of weight loss.

Don't miss the release of this article and receive all new materials directly to your inbox.

That's all, see you again on the blog

The question of what to eat in order to lose at least a little weight has occupied many people for a long time.It would probably be quite fair to add one more question to this question - what diet will help get rid of excess weight, and at the same time from a considerable number of other problems that are very closely related to weight.

There are many sad jokes and no less sad anecdotes about this, since excess weight has long ceased to be a reason for joy, but is known as the basis of a huge number of troubles, both in personal life and at work, and, naturally, with health. Just look at the recommendation (joking, of course) to stick to the “Russian style” diet and eat only once a day, but from the very morning until the evening...

But this is really a joke, since neither study nor work will “fit” into such a schedule. But another food option has long become not only popular, but, unfortunately, widespread - coffee in the morning, nothing at all in the afternoon or some snacks on the run, and in the evening - a lot of everything in a row to compensate for everything not eaten during the day. IN Lately As a life-saving way to get rid of both kilograms and many health problems, you can increasingly hear about fractional meals.

You can often find seemingly impeccable information on the issue of “fractional nutrition: for andagainst." However, is this information really as impeccable as it seems at first glance?

What is fractional nutrition?

Fans and fans of diets should immediately understand that fractional meals are not a diet, and certainly not a treatment course. In fact, fractional nutrition is the principle of distributing food throughout the day. To make it clearer, consider the classic version daily menu: in the morning a person should have breakfast, in the afternoon he will have lunch, and the evening is the traditional time for dinner.

Total - three meals a day, and this does not count tea at work, coffee with clients or with friends, snacks on the go and small snacks “whatever God sends”, which has become quite common in recent decades. That is, a person may well chew and swallow throughout the whole day without noticing it. And why not “diet in Russian”?

But, returning to the classic three meals a day, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, we can say that today this is very often not the best option either.

Why? But because modern people very rarely manage to correctly distribute the calorie content of the daily menu. Breakfast is a cup of coffee or a sandwich, which is swallowed almost on the run. Lunch - how it turns out: either a business lunch in a nearby cafe, or a hamburger and fries from a restaurant fast food, then a pack of waffles with tea right at the workplace...

But in any case, only the mentioned business lunch can claim the name “lunch” from this list. How many people can afford this? Tea with a sandwich, chips and the same hamburger... But it can be even cooler: in the morning - coffee (if you have time), in the afternoon there is no time even for any memories of food, but in the evening you can “break away” and make up for everything not eaten during the day.

And what in this case should be called fractional nutrition? Traditionally, fractional meals mean frequent meals in small portions. What does "frequent" mean?

This means that you should eat fractional meals up to six times a day. Yes exactly! But the portions should be very small. Many people don’t even imagine how you can eat six times in one day. In fact, it is not so difficult: Breakfast at 8 am, second breakfast at 11 am, lunch at 2 pm, afternoon tea at 5 pm, tea at 8 pm light dinner, and before bed, half a glass of kefir or herbal tea.

In a word, the schedule is clear, but how to implement it and what should you eat during each meal?

Attention! When switching to fractional meals, you should definitely consult a nutritionist or gastroenterologist and get the necessary recommendations.

Benefits of fractional meals

To talk about the benefits of fractional nutrition, that is, about its “pluses,” we should remember a little about human physiology, or more precisely, about what happens to the body if food is not supplied for too long.

It's no secret that long breaks between meals cause increased activity endocrine system, which begins to intensively produce appetite-stimulating hormones, for example, ghrelin, the person feels hungry. And the more time passes after eating, the more actively the hormones work and the more stronger appetite. It should be noted here that a hungry person can eat much more food than is needed for normal operation body. This is how overeating occurs, which not only causes excess weight and/or obesity, but also causes many diseases of various systems and organs of the body, including diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! A hungry person eats a large amount of food because it is very difficult for him to stop - the brain sends signals of satiety not immediately after food enters the stomach, but only after some time.

It becomes clear that the less the feeling of hunger, that is, the less hunger hormones are produced, especially ghrelin and neuropeptide Y, which is known as a powerful stimulator of food activity, the less people eats during meals. As for ghrelin, it stabilizes existing fat deposits in the body, since increasing the level of this hormone activates enzymes that promote fat storage and practically prevents the consumption of fat deposits.

According to scientists, if the body does not experience hunger, then it requires less energy, and accordingly, fewer calories are required (by about 15%, and sometimes up to 20%).

Attention! Huge benefit fractional nutrition is that a person with this diet is not hungry, so he does not have to eat more than what the body requires.

It is very important that with fractional meals, that is, when a person eats often, but in small portions, food is absorbed by the body much better and the gastrointestinal tract is not overloaded.

Attention! The constant intake of small portions of food into the body helps maintain stable levels of many vital substances in the blood, especially regarding sugar levels. It is known that one of the reasons for the appearance and intensification of the feeling of hunger is a decreasein blood sugar levels, which may well become another reason for overeating.

It is important to note that fractional meals are very important for those people who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known that in the treatment of diseases such as gastritis of any etiology, colitis and peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, whatever their nature, is not simply assigned dietary food, but it is necessary to eat fractional meals, in which food will enter the stomach in small portions and often.

Fractional nutrition and weight loss

It is known and has been repeatedly proven in many studies that the body perceives fasting as a danger and therefore tries to store as much fat as possible in reserve, that is, after any period of hunger, the regulation of fat metabolism is significantly disrupted, since the body tries to accumulate as many reserves as possible in case of new force. majors. But what if there is no hunger? And what kind of hunger is there with regular six or even eight meals a day? An organism that constantly receives some useful material, some kind of food, does not feel hungry, and therefore does not put aside supplies - there is no need for this.

Moreover, if fractional nutrition is organized correctly, then the metabolism accelerates, and all the nutrients necessary for the body are absorbed not only faster, but also in the right way, that is, they are converted into energy, and not into fat deposits.

During research, it was found that small portions of food that the body receives with fractional nutrition are digested by the stomach and absorbed by the entire digestive system much faster, in addition, everything necessary substances, including those that are irreplaceable for the body, are also absorbed faster and more efficiently, that is, more completely.

It is very important that with fractional meals it will be very difficult to have a full lunch during each meal - it will never fit in. Therefore, almost always next to the fractional power supply there is also a separate power supply. In any case, the question of the compatibility of foods that should be eaten in one meal becomes very important, and almost everyone comes to this.

What is the result? And as a result, if you monitor the compatibility of products on the menu, all the nutrients in their food, including fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, will be processed in the gastrointestinal tract even faster and more thoroughly, that is, they will be absorbed even better .

It’s interesting that if split meals are organized correctly, that is, you don’t have to cram full plates into yourself through “I can’t” every time you eat (and such “times,” as you know, with split meals there are at least six, or even eight, per meal). day), then split meals can really help proper weight loss- I don’t feel like eating, and every time I eat a mere trifle.

It is very important, especially for losing weight, and for the functioning of any body in general, that fractional nutrition helps the entire body cleanse itself and get rid of toxins.

An equally important advantage of fractional nutrition is that this method of eating food significantly improves the intestinal microflora, eliminates putrefactive processes that can begin in the intestines, including as a result of constipation, which is much easier to combat with fractional nutrition. In a word, fractional meals are a great way to facilitate and, accordingly, improve digestion.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that fractional meals are an excellent way to naturally cleanse the entire digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

As a consequence of this cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body, intoxication of the body decreases and then goes away, since harmful toxic substances are not retained in the body.

And, finally, as a result of more active metabolism (metabolic processes of the body), as a result of bringing the intestinal microflora into proper order, as well as as a result of the absence of intoxication processes, a person’s weight and, accordingly, volume begin to return to normal.

Attention! You should not make a fairly common mistake and excessively reduce the caloric content of your daily diet - in this case, the body may decide that it should replenish its reserves at the first opportunity, and weight loss may not work.

As for fractional nutrition and weight loss, it is appropriate to make a few more remarks. To lose weight correctly, without causing damage to your health, you need to distribute your daily calorie intake over the number of meals.

Suppose a person needs 1800 kcal per day (sedentary work in an office). If you divide this amount of calories into 6 meals, you get an average of 300 kcal per meal, and if there are 9 meals, then, accordingly, the average calorie content of one meal will be equal to 200 kcal. However, this does not mean that in the morning, in the morning and at lunch, the calorie content of a serving should be the same as in the evening.

And the products should be different. In the morning and in the first half of the day, it is better to eat slow carbohydrates, for example, porridge, which provide energy for a fairly long period of time.

And after lunch, it is best to eat something light and low-calorie and give preference to vegetables and fruits, as well as light dairy products.

It is very important that short pauses between meals will not allow hormones such as ghrelin and neuropeptide Y to become active, so the feeling of hunger will not have time to arise. As a result, overeating is practically excluded.

It is equally important that by receiving food in extremely small volumes, the stomach will gradually return to its normal state. normal size(as you know, the size of the stomach does not exceed the size of a handful), so the feeling of fullness will come much faster and much less will be eaten.

Scientists have found that fat cells are deposited in fat depots approximately two and a half hours after eating. But if food enters the body quite often and in very small quantities, then nothing gets into the fat depots - first weight gain stops, and then the accumulated reserves begin to be used up. It turns out that the shorter the intervals between meals, the greater the chances of not gaining weight.

It is very important that with fractional nutrition, metabolic (metabolic) processes in the body improve, so the body is gradually cleansed of toxins, which is also important for maintaining normal weight and for losing weight.

Attention! Even with fractional meals, it is very important to carefully monitor the calorie intake.

Established disadvantages of fractional nutrition

At the annual conference of the International Society of Endocrinology, which was held in Liverpool (UK) at the end of March, fractional nutrition researchers presented their findings to the medical community and talked about their observations.

It turned out that fractional nutrition has not only some advantages, but also some disadvantages. As follows from the results obtained, only those calories that the body receives with food are truly important for losing weight. The researchers concluded that fractional meals, which are often recommended for overweight and obesity and are used to reduce body weight, may not only be unhealthy, but also dangerous.

24 women with different body weights were invited to conduct the study - some had normal weight, and some suffered from overweight and obesity.

A menu was developed for all participants in the experiment, the energy value of which was exactly the same for everyone. However, some participants ate two meals a day; others received the opportunity to eat in fractions, and their daily regimen included five meals. During the experiment, careful monitoring of the daily energy expenditure of each participant was carried out.

It turned out that the frequency of meals does not have any effect on energy expenditure, that is, on how many calories the body burns. Energy consumption was approximately the same for those who ate twice a day, that is, they ate rarely but a lot; and those who ate often and little by little.

But the saddest thing was that for the participants in the experiment who were obese and wanted to lose weight with the help of fractional nutrition, this was simply dangerous, since those participants in the experiment who adhered to the principles of fractional nutrition, but had overweight body or obesity, a significantly higher level of endotoxins was found in the blood, which pose a significant danger to the body.

What are they, endotoxins? From the name itself it already becomes clear that these are some toxic substances. And this is true: endotoxins are toxic substances that are formed in the body during and as a result of the breakdown of many bacterial cells. It has long been proven that it is endocytokines that become a provoking factor in the body for the formation of inflammatory cytokines (very small signaling hormone-like proteins), which trigger inflammatory processes.

Several earlier studies have concluded that endotoxin levels in the blood increase when eating high-fat foods. And, as you know, it is the consumption of fatty foods that causes serious inflammatory reactions and the cause of type 2 diabetes, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the same study, it turned out that if a person is diagnosed with obesity, then a dangerous level of endocytokines in the blood can be provoked, among other things, by partial nutrition.

Head research work There was Milan Kumar Piya, who represented the clinic at the University of Coventry (UK). In her report, she named two main facts that were revealed during the study.

  1. The first fact is that neither the frequency of meals nor the amount of food consumed during the day has the slightest effect on calorie burning and weight loss. In fact, for weight loss, only the number of calories that the body receives during the day is important.
  2. The second fact is that obesity itself is already associated with an obligatory increased level of substances such as endotoxins in the blood, and increased levels of endotoxins provoke inflammatory reactions in the body and causes disruption of metabolic processes in the body (metabolic disorders), then fractional nutrition only significantly increases this risk. However, the reasons for this effect of fractional nutrition on the level of endotoxins have not yet been identified. But it is absolutely clear that fractional meals for obesity, and, possibly, for other diseases, are contraindicated.

As it became known, research in this direction will continue.

Several important rules of fractional nutrition

It is believed that fractional meals make it possible to better control both the amount of food eaten and the menu itself. However, in any diet and with any nutrition, it is very important to take into account some of the features of each eating style and the advice of nutritionists.

The first thing to remember when switching to fractional meals is the need to reduce the amount of sugar and so-called saturated fats. However, reducing does not mean eliminating completely. For example, why not indulge in a small piece of dark chocolate every now and then? Or not use quality from time to time butter in small quantities?

But still, when eating fractionally (in principle, as with any healthy way of eating), it is better to use high-quality vegetable fats: olive, sunflower or, for example, corn oil, which are perfect for dressing a wide variety of salads.

It is also very important to give up excess salt, which in large quantities becomes a very serious enemy to health. Not so long ago, nutritionists recommended limiting daily consumption of kitchen salt to four grams, but modern recommendations reduce this amount even more and suggest stopping at two grams. Some may find it too bland? But, firstly, this is a matter of habit, and secondly, the lack of salt can often be compensated for lemon juice or fragrant herbs. By the way, children under three years of age do not need additional salt from the outside at all, because most products contain the necessary chemical elements.

The next rule of fractional nutrition is the presence of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains in the diet, which are rich in fiber and, in addition, are very useful for intestinal function and maintain a feeling of fullness for quite a long time.

Attention! With fractional meals, a very important role is played by the psychology of a person who knows that in just three hours (or a little more) he will eat again. So why overeat? But the result of overeating is decreased performance, lethargy and drowsiness, not to mention various diseases and about being overweight.

The most important rule of fractional nutrition is constant monitoring of the energy value of the foods eaten, since this number should not exceed the daily energy requirement. If we're talking about about the need to lose weight, then in this case the energy value of the daily menu should be slightly less than the daily energy requirement.

It is important to remember that the serving size during a meal should not exceed the volume of one standard glass, which holds 250 ml of water.

An undoubted advantage of fractional meals is that with this regimen, heavy dinners are completely eliminated, so sleep returns to normal very quickly.

Attention! If the body is not overloaded with food, then its tone increases, and the calories received, that is, energy, are spent much more efficiently and with greater benefit for the whole body.

Another important rule split meals - be sure to have breakfast, and breakfast should be complete and contain all the necessary substances, including carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, the main amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning in order to feel full and energized. But during lunch or dinner they are better suited protein products and foods containing fiber.

Attention! The feeling of hunger knows how to disguise itself: often a person who thinks he is hungry is actually just thirsty. In addition, a feeling of hunger, which in fact will be false, can be provoked stressful situations or even tiredness.

With fractional meals, it is very important to ensure the correct drinking regime and drink at least one and a half liters per day clean water, although in some cases it won't hurt to drink even more.

With fractional meals, you will have to give up such dear and familiar snacks as crackers, chips, nuts, candies, and replace them with fruits or vegetables, for example, raw carrots or cucumbers.

As for dairy products, you should only choose natural products with a low percentage of fat content and without preservatives, sweeteners, or flavor enhancers.

Attention! Before switching to fractional meals, you need to consult with your doctor or nutritionist, who will be able to give the most detailed individual recommendations, because fractionated meals are not suitable for everyone.


What is fractional nutrition? In no case is this a cup of coffee in the morning, a cake at work, a snack of a pie or a hamburger, a couple of packs of chips (so that you don’t feel dizzy from hunger), and only then a five-course dinner.

Fractional meals are small portions healthy food, which should be consumed strictly according to schedule. Is it better to eat five, six, or even eight times a day, and not three times, as everyone (well, most) do? This is exactly the question to ask your doctor, because some people are much more suitable for a traditional diet, although for some, split meals are simply necessary. And the point here is not at all about losing weight - you can effectively lose weight without fractional meals. The fact is that each organism is very individual and has its own needs.

However, in any case, the main thing is not to overeat and monitor the caloric content of your daily diet. It is quite natural and completely unsurprising that fractional nutrition has its advantages, its disadvantages, and its immutable rules. And that is why it is better not to consult on this issue with fashion magazine, not with a TV program or even with girlfriends, but exclusively with a doctor.

Proper nutrition is the basis wellness human, helps maintain health, promotes weight loss. Some time ago, doctors came to the conclusion that a healthy diet, in which foods are distributed into small, frequent portions, has a beneficial effect on the body - it helps to cure gastritis, stomach ulcers, and prevents their occurrence. This system of food consumption is called fractional nutrition. After some time, it began to be successfully used not only during treatment, becoming an important part of the management healthy image life.

What is fractional nutrition?

The essence of this diet is to eat 5-6 times throughout the day, not exceeding daily norm calorie content (up to 1600 kilocalories). Nutritionists recommend taking breaks between meals for no more than 3 hours, dividing the daily diet into 6 main meals: main breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, snack an hour before bedtime. A second breakfast with an afternoon snack should be perceived as a snack between main courses, and you can generally refuse a fractional portion of a low-calorie product before bed.

  • Fractional meals help reduce the number of calories consumed by reducing the feeling of hunger. This occurs due to the fact that when frequent appointments food does not have time to produce the hormone responsible for appetite. If you take long breaks, as happens with the breakfast-lunch-dinner food system, you feel much more hungry. This forces a person to eat much more than the body actually needs, which contributes to the accumulation of fat, overload in the gastrointestinal tract, and an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Although split meals involve snacks between main meals, they should not consist of unhealthy dishes: fried, sweet, salty, spicy, so it’s better to forget about chips and cakes. You need to choose tasty, healthy foods, for example, a large green apple, a glass of natural yogurt or freshly squeezed juice, a little cottage cheese. It would be ideal to completely switch to healthy eating. However, beginners do not have to strictly adhere to all the rules, especially if the goal is not to lose a lot of weight or cure a disease.
  • The fractional nutrition system will help avoid the feeling of drowsiness and heaviness after eating. Surely many have noticed how after hearty lunch performance decreases, you want to lie down to rest, but you can’t think at all. This occurs due to the fact that blood rushes to the stomach to digest food, flowing away from the brain, muscles, and heart. By dividing food fractionally, it will be possible to avoid lethargy, because... the stomach will not be overloaded with food, the body will receive natural saturation, so tone and strength will not leave a person after a delicious meal.

Fractional nutrition is a system of food consumption in which the number of calories eaten per day is reduced, metabolism is improved, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, thanks to the frequent intake of food in small portions, a stable weight is maintained or weight loss occurs, and constant energy support for the body is provided.

The benefits of fractional nutrition for weight loss

The fractional nutrition regimen is perfect for losing weight. This system promotes slow but steady weight loss. If you don’t adjust your diet, your weight can drop to 1-3 kg in a month, and if you follow proper nutrition and the right combination of foods, a person can lose approximately 5 to 8 kilograms. It is recommended to combine fractional meals with physical exercise to further promote weight loss and increase muscle mass, avoid the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin. Benefits of the nutrition system for weight loss:

  • You don’t have to limit yourself in foods - the main thing is to give up fried, too spicy and salty foods, sweets, flour products, alcohol. It is acceptable to drink one glass of dry red wine per week with a fractional division of food.
  • Calorie content decreases gradually. If you initially consume more than 1600 calories, then when switching to fractional meals you will not feel a sharp change.
  • Decreased appetite. Due to the fact that the hunger hormone will no longer have time to be produced, those losing weight will not feel desire eat, as is usually the case with low-calorie diets.
  • Consolidation of results. Thanks to the “acceleration” of metabolism, the result of losing weight will last much longer if you do not switch to the previous type of diet.
  • The usefulness of fractional meals gives a person the opportunity to follow such a diet even in the presence of chronic diseases, diabetes, because the sugar level decreases. However, it is important to consult with your doctor.
  • Each person creates a regimen of split meals for himself, taking into account the busyness of the day, the main condition is a break in nutrition from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Psychological effect. Thanks to short breaks between dishes, those losing weight will not experience discomfort.

There are several rules that must be followed by those who are losing weight and those who are obese and follow a fractional meal system. Firstly, you cannot reduce the number of calories; the lower limit is 1200. Secondly, it is important to constantly replenish water balance body by drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of pure filtered water (a glass half an hour before meals). Thirdly, it is necessary to maintain the correct distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day, and it is better to avoid simple carbohydrates. Do not forget about taking vitamins necessary for diets.

Basic principles of fractional nutrition

To improve the health of the body, it is important to follow the basic principles of fractional nutrition. The right approach to the system will allow you to achieve maximum quick results. It is worth understanding that not all products are suitable for fractional consumption. If you eat a bag of chips for 6 servings, there will be no benefit from such a meal. Fractional nutrition primarily implies dishes containing all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of body systems. Other principles:

  • Even if you do not feel hungry, it is imperative to eat.
  • Snacks when splitting food should consist of healthy, non-fatty foods.
  • Drawing up a daily menu and an approximate meal schedule will help you adhere to the nutritional system.
  • The fractional portion size should be small, otherwise there is a chance of overloading the stomach.

Serving Size

To saturate the body, you need a small fractional portion of food every 3 hours. The optimal volume is one glass, the size of which fits in the palm of your hand. It is recommended to abandon ordinary dinner plates, giving preference to small bowls with saucers, and replace cutlery with dessert forks and teaspoons. This will not only help you stick to the volume of your meals, but will also promote high-quality chewing of food, and as a result, better absorption. Watch the video, which explains why you need to eat in fractional portions and how this type of nutrition is beneficial:


Correct mode nutrition implies the presence of all the necessary microelements for the normal functioning of the body:

  • Breakfast of the fractional system should contain greatest number carbohydrates to give you energy throughout the day;
  • For second breakfast (as in the afternoon snack and before bedtime), you should eat light, low-fat foods rich in nutrients;
  • Lunch is served hot, during which you are allowed to consume carbohydrates (but less than during breakfast), but it is better to give preference to proteins, as well as foods rich in fiber;
  • Dinner should be made up of protein foods.

Sample menu for the week

A clear example of a menu compiled specifically for fractional meals will help you navigate the transition to this type of meal. Don’t forget to drink water half an hour before a split meal or half an hour after. If fulfilled physical exercise, the break from food should be at least an hour. Correct fractional division of food throughout the week:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal/muesli with milk/bran porridge, whole grain bread with butter, apple/orange, tea/weak natural coffee.
  2. Second breakfast: one large apple/a glass of natural yogurt/70 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey/a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.
  3. Lunch: a piece of meat with a salad of green vegetables/a portion of soup with a piece bran bread, lean fish/small piece of chicken fillet with baked vegetables, serving vegetable soup.
  4. Afternoon snack: some dried fruit of one type/muesli bar with tea/low-fat cottage cheese/freshly squeezed juice/fruit.
  5. Dinner: baked or boiled fish, meat, boiled egg, cheese with vegetable salad or a portion of baked vegetables.
  6. At night (1 hour before bedtime): a glass of kefir or half a glass of natural yogurt.

Recipes with photos

The first recipe is mashed potatoes with dill and cauliflower. For this delicious dish You will need 200 g of boiled young potatoes, the same amount of cauliflower, a tablespoon of cottage cheese and milk, dill. Mix everything in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass. After reaching the desired consistency, serve. Delicious, low calorie, hearty dish proper nutrition is ready!

  • Cold cucumber soup is an excellent dish for lunch if you follow proper split meals. Grind in a blender one kilogram of peeled fresh cucumbers, one lemon cut into slices, and a bunch of lemon balm herb. When the consistency becomes homogeneous, pour the soup into bowls, add boiled small shrimp (200 grams), lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds.

  • Cabbage salad. Chop the white cabbage, pour over one teaspoon of rice vinegar, and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for up to two hours. When time will pass, take out the almost finished dish, season the portion with soy sauce (1 tablespoon), sesame oil(1 teaspoon) and serve. For beauty, sprinkle with fresh sesame seeds. Ideal for an evening split meal.

  • Salad with cherry tomatoes. Take a little basil, oregano, put it on the bottom of a bowl, pound with a wooden mortar, pour in a tablespoon olive oil and a little vinegar. Tear your hands (do not cut!) a bunch of green salad, add 200 g of chopped cherry tomatoes, 4 finely chopped olives, mix. Season lightly with sea salt. It's good to eat in the evening or with lunch in a fractional portion of meat.

The dangers of such a diet for health

The fractional type of diet is good for health, even pregnant women can follow it to maintain weight. It is worth considering that during pregnancy you cannot experiment with a strong reduction in calories, because future mom must provide the child with the necessary nutrients. Frequently eating small portions can damage your teeth because a large amount of gastric juice– this causes caries. Otherwise, fractional distribution of food requires solely responsibility, without which the appearance of unpleasant consequences.

Fractional meals are an ideal food consumption system for people suffering from chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, those who want to lose weight and those who want to feel good every day. By combining split meals with the consumption of only healthy foods that contain all the substances a person needs, you can improve your body’s health and improve your health. correct work its systems.

In the hope of getting a stunning result, do not think that small portions will make you feel hungry and you will constantly want to eat, feel free to switch to fractional meals for weight loss - the menu for a week can be five or even six meals a day. If your regime consists of a traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, then there are too many breaks between them, which awakens the desire to eat half the contents of the refrigerator. Portioned meals do not allow a person to experience the unpleasant feeling of an empty stomach.

What is fractional nutrition

Most people trying to lose unnecessary pounds resort to dieting, hoping that this will rid them of the problem forever. However, to maintain weight, you need to completely reconsider your regimen. Fractional nutrition is a method of reducing body weight, in which the number of meals increases several times, but the portions themselves, containing useful to the body products are being reduced. Often a person needs much less food than he intends to eat.


Eating small portions for weight loss is very effective because it prevents the production of hormones responsible for appetite. For patients with gastrointestinal problems, doctors prescribe this method of eating. Blood sugar levels are maintained, which also affects the lack of constant feeling hunger. The principles of fractional nutrition are as follows:

  • Eat at least 5 times a day. If you can’t eat at home, prepare food and sort it into containers.
  • Portions should not be substantial.
  • You need to create a menu based on daily requirement in calories and not exceed it.


Oddly enough, you can overcome your appetite by increasing your meals. The menu, however, must be correct. However, this method of eating cannot be transformed into continuous eating of something. Digestive system in the absence of rest, it simply will not be able to absorb nutrients. The rules for fractional meals for weight loss look like this:

  • Create a menu for yourself and write it down in detail. Breaks should be no more than 3 hours.
  • Calculate calories. Besides total number, you need to divide the daily portions into equal calorie contents.
  • Use product compatibility tables when writing menus. Avoid harmful things.

Portion weight

If there are a lot of meals, then they should not be large, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. You can visually determine the amount using a regular glass: it should be filled almost to the end. The weight of a portion for fractional meals does not exceed 250 g, but it may be less. This includes all the foods on the plate in front of you. This is enough to satisfy your hunger and not eat too much. You also need to drink large volumes of water throughout the day.

Fractional food menu

An unhealthy appetite, which rules a person’s desire to look into the refrigerator again and again in search of something tasty, haunts us in summer and winter, on any day and month. You can overcome it only by giving what it requires - food! The fractional meal menu for the week is compiled for the purpose of convenience: you don’t have to think every day about what to eat to lose weight. Some meals in the diet can be one-time meals, while others can be repeated over 7 days.

Six meals a day for weight loss

Those who want to lose weight will have to make a choice: eat a couple of times a day or eat often, but in modest portions. Six meals a day for weight loss are designed for those who prefer the second option. With this scheme, you simply won’t have time to get hungry. An approximate menu of fractional meals for weight loss for a week looks like this:

  • Breakfast: apple, 200 ml low-fat milk, 25 g cereal.
  • Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese, banana, unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, 120 g boiled buckwheat, 2 chicken cutlets, 200 ml kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: 30 g low-fat cheese, a slice of grain bread, fruit.
  • Dinner: sorrel soup, fresh vegetables, 200 ml of water, a slice of bread.
  • Snack: cucumber, 250 ml kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with a handful of berries, fruit, 250 ml of low-fat milk.
  • Lunch: 120 g yoghurt, 25 g cheese, coffee with 2 oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes, white chicken meat, fresh vegetables, 250 ml of kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: 120 g low-fat yoghurt with fruit, tea.
  • Dinner: salad of vegetables, cheese, bulgur and herbs, 60 g bread.
  • Snack: tomato, 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: pancakes with raisins and whipped cream, unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: 100 g cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Lunch: potatoes boiled until soft - 2 pcs., chicken meatballs - 2 pcs., vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: grain bread sandwich with ham and tomatoes, orange, tea.
  • Dinner: 2 sandwiches with cheese and tomato, cold cucumber soup.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Breakfast: rolled oats with 0.5% milk, coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch: sandwich with lettuce, tomato and paprika.
  • Lunch: fish baked in foil with cheese, 125 g of rice, vegetables, kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad with the addition of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with couscous, a slice of bread, a handful of berries, tea.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Breakfast: hard-boiled egg, slice of bread, coffee with 1 tsp. Sahara.
  • Lunch: 30 g cheese, 120 g natural yoghurt, tea with 2 oatmeal cookies.
  • Lunch: vegetable lasagna, apple, 250 ml of water.
  • Afternoon snack: raspberry ice cream, coffee.
  • Dinner: a piece of ham pie, vegetable salad, 250 ml of wine.
  • Snack: kefir, pear.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, coffee.
  • Lunch: yogurt, apple.
  • Lunch: baked turkey with rice, tomato, cucumber, bread, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: dessert of strawberries and low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Caesar salad with chicken breast, bread, tea.
  • Snack: kefir.
  • Breakfast: yogurt, tea.
  • Lunch: 30 g cheese, a slice of bread.
  • Lunch: broccoli soup, beef stew, 250 ml of water.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: baked fish, tomato, cucumber, tea.
  • Snack: milk 0.5%, berries.

Five meals a day for weight loss

To lose weight, drink and eat in sufficient quantities, but not in excess. Five meals a day for weight loss would also be an excellent option, and creating a menu for it is not difficult. Rely on a six-meal diet, removing one meal from it and slightly shifting the time. Don't reduce calories, but don't exceed them either. Don’t be afraid to supplement your usual tomatoes and cucumbers with cauliflower, broccoli, celery and other less popular vegetables. However, you should not get carried away with such a product as beets: due to the excessive sugar content, they can increase your appetite.

Fractional meal recipes

When you are too lazy to cook, ready-made yoghurts and cottage cheese come to the rescue. A fractional diet for weight loss allows the use of fermented milk products low fat content. However, for lunch and dinner you still have to work hard. Fractional meal recipes involve baking or boiling foods. Eating, for example, baked fish will be healthier and tastier than trying its fried version.


Date of publication: 07-06-2017

Fractional meals are often also called fractional diets. In fact, it refers more to a special eating regimen that allows you to reduce food portions, adjust your diet and, in addition, lose weight well.

The most important thing is that it’s easy to stick to: you need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

Fractional nutrition has many advantages over other diets.

You don't have to stick to a rigid set of products. You can eat what you like, just in slightly smaller quantities.
You won’t feel hungry all the time, because you need to eat frequently when eating in small portions. This means that you will be less likely to lapse and eat beyond what is permitted.
Regular split meals 5-6 times a day will speed up your metabolism, which means your body will start burning more calories.
You can stick to fractional meals at any time. Usually in 2-3 weeks the diet is formed good habit eat right, which allows you to not gain back the lost kilograms in the future.

Fractional nutrition can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 – addiction;
  • Stage 2 – weight loss.

First stage

If you decide to stick to fractional meals, then first of all prepare for yourself a miniature set of dishes from which you will eat. WITH psychological point vision, this will help you get used to the diet faster, because you will see that the plate is full, which means there will be less temptation to add more food.

At this stage you do not need to reduce your caloric intake, you first need to get used to small size servings. The serving should not exceed the volume of a regular glass, i.e. about 200g.

Fractional meals should consist of dishes, foods and drinks that are familiar to you. Even sweet or high-calorie foods are allowed, but in small quantities. During the day, you need to eat 3 hot meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and make 2-3 snacks 3 hours after the main meals.

Key points you should remember:

It is advisable to devote at least a week to the first stage. Don’t worry, during the “acclimation” you will already begin to lose weight by reducing portions.

Second phase

It is proposed to start this stage of weight loss by reducing the calorie intake to 1300-1600 kcal, depending on your weight and lifestyle. Remember: the more active you are, the more calories you should consume.

One more point: you will have to give up fatty, sweet, flour, smoked and canned (that is, harmful) foods in favor of healthy foods. If you think this is too difficult, start gradually: replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream; Replace sweets with fruits, dried fruits, nuts; White bread on whole grain; pork for lean poultry or fish. Try to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, cereals, and low-fat dairy products.

But you will have to give up alcohol, preferably completely. As a last resort, you can drink half a glass of dry wine.

At this stage of fractional nutrition, your weight will continue to decrease. Most importantly, don’t forget about water and continue doing exercises at home or doing fitness at a sports club.

Sample menu for fractional meals

  • Breakfast: omelet of 2 eggs and a small amount of milk, tea without sugar.
  • Snack: any fruit.
  • Lunch: a small piece of cod, rice, a small cucumber, tea.
  • Snack: sandwich from rye bread with cheese and ham.
  • Dinner: salad fresh vegetables with lemon-oil dressing, 100 g of stewed meat.
  • Snack: a glass of kefir and a piece of low-fat cheese.
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