Inflammation of the salivary glands: causes, symptoms and treatment. What causes inflammation of the salivary gland and how to treat sialadenitis

Inflammation salivary gland or mumps is a viral disease that is accompanied by severe swelling. Most often, it is the parotid salivary glands that become inflamed.

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of inflammation of the parotid salivary glands and ways to get rid of this disease.

Causes of inflammation of the parotid salivary gland

The following factors and diseases can provoke mumps:

2. Scarlet fever.

3. Pneumonia.

4. Measles and other infectious diseases.

5. Previously carried out surgical intervention, which led to severe disfigurement of a person.

6. Professional wind playing musical instruments.

7. Arterial hypertension.

8. Narrowing of the duct of Stenon (duct of the parotid salivary gland).

Symptoms of inflammation of the parotid salivary gland

In case of acute mumps, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

1. Severe dry mouth. It develops due to a decrease in the amount of saliva produced.

2. Appearance discomfort and pain in the area of ​​the inflamed gland that was affected. Wherein painful sensations may radiate to the ears, nose or back of the head.

3. Pain when chewing.

4. Pain when swallowing food.

5. Severe swelling or redness of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed gland.

6. Unpleasant smell from mouth.

7. Appearance purulent discharge.

8. Unpleasant taste in the mouth.

9. Headaches.

10. Sleep disturbance.

11. Nausea.

12. Loss of appetite.

13. Muscle pain.

14. Weakness.

15. The appearance of a dense formation on the neck.

16. Feeling of pressure and fullness at the site of the inflamed gland.

17. Increased body temperature.

18. Fever.

19. Ear pain.

General symptoms mumps depend on the severity of the disease, which can be mild, moderate or severe.

1. For mumps mild form the symptoms will not be very pronounced. Swelling of the salivary glands will be moderate, usually localized to only one side. The patient's condition itself is classified as satisfactory. His fever goes away after a few days. No hospitalization required.

2. With mumps of moderate neglect, the patient suffers from more severe symptoms. At first he will feel unwell, with pain in the ears and head. Then you may lose your appetite and develop dry mouth.

On palpation, the inflamed gland is dense. There is poor salivation, but there is no pus.

3. In severe forms of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced. The inflamed glands are greatly enlarged and painful. The patient's condition is unsatisfactory: he has heat, severe pain in the ears, weakness and hyperemia of the salivary glands.

Sometimes purulent discharge may also appear.

Diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland

When the first signs of illness appear, you should consult a therapist. He will identify the type of disease and prescribe necessary procedures.

Traditionally, to identify mumps, the patient must undergo the following tests:

1. CT scan will make it possible to obtain detailed images of the salivary glands.

2. An MRI will show the condition of the salivary glands and their inflammation.

3. Ultrasound of the salivary glands.

Treatment of mumps is prescribed based on the form and complexity of the disease.

If the patient has been diagnosed with acute mumps, then he will be prescribed drug therapy. It involves taking the following groups of drugs:

1. Antibiotics.

2. Painkillers.

3. Drugs to enhance salivation.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

The patient may also be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, UHF therapy).

Surgical treatment is carried out when the inflamed glands fester and cause many unpleasant symptoms in the patient, which increase the risk of complications.

If a patient is diagnosed with chronic mumps, then complete cure is impossible. Despite this, the right therapy can greatly improve general state person. Thus, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient should take antibiotics and drugs to increase salivation.

Also, the treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland has the following features:

1. It is best to be in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor during the acute period of the disease. This way you can avoid complications. This is especially true for young children who cannot clearly explain what and where they hurt.

2. If mumps is detected in a person for the first time, then with correctly selected drug therapy he has every chance of a speedy recovery even without surgical treatment.

3. Even if the patient feels well, it is better for him to remain in bed for several days.

4. When a person has pain in swallowing, he should eat ground food. It will be easier for him this way. In addition, the dishes themselves should not be spicy, hot or too cold.

5. To reduce intoxication of the body, doctors advise drinking plenty of fluids. This can be water, milk, rosehip infusion, herbal or green tea. Also, such drinks should not be hot. You can add a little honey to them.

6. Following a salivary diet is considered very useful. It is needed to stimulate salivation. In this case, the patient should keep a small slice of lemon in his mouth before each meal. You can also eat the following foods:


Sour juices;

Sour berries and fruits;

This food will not only promote salivation, but will also remove bacterial breakdown products from the gland. Despite this, people with gastrointestinal diseases are prohibited from following such a diet, since sour foods will irritate the intestinal mucosa.

7. If the patient has a high temperature, he is prescribed antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).

8. When severe pain Painkillers and antispasmodics may be used. At the same time, it is important to prevent exhaustion of the child’s body, who refuses to eat due to pain when swallowing. In this case, it is better to give your baby painkillers than to skip meals.

In general, treatment of inflammation of the glands is carried out based on the observed symptoms. There is no special scheme here, since in each specific case the patient suffers from different manifestations. This therapy is aimed primarily at relieving inflammation, swelling and redness.

9. If the patient’s salivary glands are severely festered, then drainage is installed. He will pump out the pus. In addition, the person must be injected with antibiotics (at least seven days in a row).

10. Due to the fact that mumps is considered a very contagious disease, at its first manifestations it is necessary to limit the patient’s contact with healthy people.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the course of this disease during pregnancy. Mumps itself is not so terrible, but it requires long-term drug treatment, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

For this reason, a woman should not take medications on her own during pregnancy. She should see a doctor who will select approved medications (they will not harm the fetus). However, you can drink them only in the second and third trimester and no longer than seven days in a row.

Inflammation of the salivary gland: treatment, complications, prevention

Mumps, or as people call it “mumps,” despite its apparent harmlessness, can cause serious complications.

Most often, patients develop the following complications:

1. Orchitis occurs in boys. At the same time, their testicle becomes inflamed. This condition is accompanied by high fever and pain. It develops a few days after inflammation of the salivary gland.

2. Suppuration of the salivary gland.

3. Necrosis of the salivary gland.

4. Mastitis.

5. Arthritis.

6. Illness or hearing impairment.

7. Pancreatitis.

Complications usually arise when care is not provided in a timely manner. medical care when the patient's condition is already very advanced.

To prevent the development of mumps, you should follow these recommendations:

1. Maintain oral hygiene regularly (brush your teeth, rinse your mouth).

2. It is important to monitor the condition of your gums and teeth.

3. Treat acute viral or colds in a timely manner. They should not be allowed to become chronic. For this reason, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

Acute purulent inflammation of the parotid gland is of surgical interest. The disease may be caused by a complication after infectious diseases, for example, after smallpox, scarlet fever or typhoid fever. Treatment of inflammation of the parotid gland It is carried out both in the hospital and at home.

Symptoms of inflammation of the parotid gland

Inflammation of the parotid gland originates in the oral cavity. The cause of the disease may be purulent stomatitis. In such diseases, the infection can penetrate through the lymphatic tract or hematogenously, as well as directly through the ducts of the gland, but this is rare. In addition to the inflammation described above, postoperative parotitis may occur in patients after surgery. Such symptoms of inflammation of the parotid gland occur only after peritonitis and transection. If a pure transsection is performed, the mumps will not suppurate.

Characteristic symptoms inflammation of the parotid gland

  • sharp pain
  • swelling in the gland area,
  • voltage.

Body temperature can rise to a critical point - 40°C. As the disease progresses, it becomes very difficult for the patient to open his mouth. Very often, both glands are affected at once. Since the gland is completely covered with dense fascia, it can be quite difficult to establish a correct diagnosis of inflammation of the parotid gland in a timely manner.

Symptoms of purulent inflammation of the parotid gland

Approximately 7 days after the onset of inflammation, with gradual redness of the skin, the abscess opens on its own directly into the outer ear canal or near the corner lower jaw. There may be such severe inflammation of the parotid gland when a timely incision is not made and the pus spreads to the neck, and sometimes into the cranial cavity.

Acute purulent inflammation of the parotid gland often has complications in the form of paresis and further paralysis facial nerve. The disease may be accompanied by general purulent infection (septicemia, pyaemia). Purulent inflammation parotid gland is also observed in depleted and seriously ill people.

When the salivary gland greatly increases in size, the patient's face takes on a characteristic appearance like mumps: the face is widened downward and has a pear-shaped shape. Due to stretching and inflammation, the skin acquires a painful sheen.

How to diagnose inflammation of the parotid gland?

Diagnosis of a viral type disease is carried out using smears of the oropharynx or analysis of the secretions of the parotid gland. You can also do general analysis blood. The possible virus is then isolated from this material. Modern method Diagnosis of this type of inflammation is the study of paired blood sera, as well as the detection of antibodies to the mumps virus in the serum.

Treatment of inflammation of the parotid gland

Patients with severe inflammation of the parotid gland should be provided with very careful care, which requires sanitation of the oral cavity. It includes: tooth filling, root removal, full treatment chronic diseases associated with the oral mucosa. This should be mandatory, especially before surgery.

Treatment of inflammation of the parotid gland at the initial stage is limited to the use of heat (heating pads and compresses). If the high temperature still persists and does not fall, the patient’s general condition worsens, the symptoms of inflammation become increasingly apparent, then the doctor prescribes surgery inflammation of the parotid gland: an urgent incision of the fascia is performed. This will cause less tension and will encourage the release of pus.

Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland is called sialadenitis. The cause of the development of pathology is an inflammatory process that involves internal tissues. Sialadenitis of the parotid salivary gland is most often diagnosed; the sublingual and submandibular glands are affected much less frequently.

Types of inflammation

Depending on the infectious agency, two types of sialadenitis are distinguished. This:

  • viral;
  • bacterial.

Viral sialadenitis

The disease is formed as a result of the penetration of a virus into the human body. mumps. The disease is known as "mumps". Transfer is carried out by airborne droplets. After entering the body, the virus penetrates the tissue of the parotid salivary gland, causing inflammation. In the generalized form of mumps in men, the testicles are affected, which can subsequently cause infertility.

Important! In some cases, viral sialadenitis develops against the background cytomegalo viral infection.

Bacterial (nonspecific) sialadenitis

Formed as a result of infection through the oral cavity. Provoking factors may be:

  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Reactive obturation. The resulting narrowing of the duct causes a reduced volume of saliva secreted. The accumulated secretion becomes a convenient environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which is constantly present in the oral cavity.
  • Mechanical obturation. Develops as a result of blocking the lumen of the duct. Pathogens actively multiply in the collected saliva, causing inflammation.

The bacterial form of sialadenitis develops as a result of infection of the ducts of the oral cavity

The second option for infection is transmission through the blood. The cause may be severe infectious pathologies, in particular, scarlet fever. The third way of infection of the salivary gland is through the lymph. The cause is inflammatory pathologies of the face, oral mucosa and pharynx. To be honest, periodontitis, furunculosis or tonsillitis.

The chronic form of sialadenitis develops as an independent disease. The reasons may lie at the genetic level. Sometimes inflammation is a response to autoimmune pathology or any general disease. Quite often, a chronic form of inflammation is recorded in the category of elderly patients, which is due to a deterioration in the blood supply to the organ.

Symptoms of inflammation of the salivary glands

The general symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • dryness of the oral mucosa due to lack of salivary fluid;
  • shooting pains;
  • pain accompanying chewing, swallowing food and opening the mouth;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the skin in the projection of the salivary gland;
  • bad taste saliva;
  • possible appearance of purulent contents;
  • painful formation in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • a feeling of fullness, which indicates the accumulation of pus;
  • promotion general temperature body and weakness.

The most severe inflammation of the parotid salivary gland is caused by the mumps virus entering the body.

Mumps - mumps - is especially dangerous, since other glands of the body, for example, the pancreas, can be involved in the pathological process. Symptoms of inflammation include: acute onset with an increase in body temperature to 39–40 degrees, swelling in the area of ​​the parotid salivary gland, pain that intensifies during chewing.

Acute sialadenitis of the parotid salivary gland occurs in several stages, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms.

  • Serous sialadenitis. It is typically characterized by dryness of the oral mucosa, soreness in the ear area, and the development of slight swelling. The lobe is slightly raised upward. Increased pain is recorded during eating. The increase in body temperature is slight.
  • Purulent stage. Characterized by increased pain. There is an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees, increased swelling, and restriction when opening the mouth. When pressing on the area of ​​inflammation, purulent masses flow. The gland is dense and painful.
  • Gangrenous inflammation. An abscess forms over the inflamed gland, serving as an outlet for dead tissue.

In the absence of adequate drug therapy, it cannot be excluded death due to the development of sepsis. The reason may be internal bleeding, caused by the melting of the walls of large blood vessels in the neck.

Symptoms chronic inflammation depends on the current form of the disease:

  • Chronic interstitial sialadenitis. Most often it develops in the parotid glands (about 85%). It is diagnosed in most cases in elderly patients. For a long time is asymptomatic. Development clinical picture caused by a deterioration of the condition caused by a narrowing of the ductal lumen. A sign of exacerbation is the appearance of a feeling of dry mouth and an increase in the size of the gland. It becomes painful when touched.
  • Chronic parenchymal sialadenitis. Mostly women suffer from it. IN initial stage development, when pressure is applied to the gland, a significant volume of salty-tasting liquid is released. Later, a feeling of heaviness and compaction develops. It is possible that saliva may be released with admixtures of pus and mucous lumps. On late stages The gland is painless, lumpy, and discharge of pus is observed.
  • Sialodochitis is inflammation of the ducts. A typical symptom is increased production of salivary fluid during eating and talking, as well as the formation of congestion in the corners of the mouth. During the period of exacerbation of the pathology, impurities of pus are present in the saliva, the gland becomes swollen and dense.


Acute sialadenitis is diagnosed by examining the patient and collecting existing complaints. The sialography procedure is used in in rare cases, since the introduction of a contrast agent causes increased pain syndrome.

Differential diagnosis necessary for the right choice treatment method

To confirm chronic sialoadenitis of the parotid salivary gland, contrast sialography is used. It allows you to determine the current form of the pathology. Narrowing of the lumen of the duct is typical for the interstitial form of inflammation. At the same time, the volume contrast agent, penetrated into the tissue of the gland, does not exceed 0.8 ml.

Healthy organ holds approximately 2-3 ml. In the parenchymal format of sialadenitis, numerous cavities with a diameter of up to 10 mm are recorded. The tissues of the gland and the ducts themselves are not determined. The capacity of the cavities is 6...8 ml of contrast.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of sialadenitis should be carried out by a specialized specialist. Incorrectly selected therapy can cause complications. Uncomplicated forms of inflammation are treated on an outpatient basis (at home). The patient will be advised to:

  • compliance bed rest;
  • gentle diet - food should be crushed, which reduces pain when swallowing and chewing;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

Gives excellent results local treatment. Any dry bandages with a warming effect can be applied to the area of ​​the inflamed parotid salivary gland. Compresses based on alcohol and camphor oil. In addition, the patient will be recommended to visit a physiotherapy room. The most commonly prescribed procedures are UHF and Sollux.

To ensure the outflow of saliva from the inflamed gland, artificial stimulation is necessary. Any foods with a sour taste help with this, for example, lemon slices, cranberries, sauerkraut. The body responds to irritation taste buds automatically enhances saliva production.

In order to activate the process of salivation, you can use medical supplies, in particular, a solution of pilocarpine hydrochloride. At what point the patient should stimulate the secretion of saliva will be decided by the attending physician, based on the current symptoms.

Important! Stimulating the secretion of saliva helps to avoid stagnation and promotes the removal of dead tissue cells from the inflamed gland.

When the body temperature rises and the pain accompanying sialadenitis is relieved, the patient is allowed to take drugs from the NSAID group - Analgin, Pentalgin, Baralgin, Ibuprofen and others. The drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

In the absence of a therapeutic result and a deterioration in general health - there are no improvements within 3 days - or signs of suppuration of the gland appear, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

If necessary, surgical therapy is performed: opening and draining the inflamed gland, in the presence of a significant volume of purulent masses. Antibacterial drugs injected directly into the site of inflammation.

If suppuration develops, the patient is recommended surgical treatment– opening and drainage of the gland

Treatment of inflammation of the parotid salivary gland is long-term and difficult process. In case of exacerbation, the patient is prescribed drugs from the group of antibiotics and medications that stimulate the production and discharge of saliva.

Good therapeutic result with chronic form Sialadenitis is indicated by x-ray therapy. When diagnosing stones in the ducts of the gland - calculous form sialadenitis - surgical treatment is prescribed.

Prevention of the development of sialadenitis

Specific prevention– introduction of a specialized vaccine – sialadenitis does not exist. The exception is mumps. Vaccination is carried out with a three-component drug that is effective against three diseases at once - mumps, measles and rubella. All children aged 1.5 years are vaccinated. Lasting immunity is developed in approximately 96% of vaccinated children.

Nonspecific prevention is as follows:

  • regular oral hygiene;
  • sanitization of all foci of inflammation in the mouth;
  • prevention of saliva stagnation;
  • rinsing the mouth during infectious pathologies.

Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland is treated by a dentist. If there are signs of mumps development, the child should be shown to a pediatrician. In this case, adult patients turn to a therapist.

It develops and is called mumps.

The main factor that provokes the development of this problem is the activity of infection in the human body.

Dangerous bacteria enter the gland through its main ducts, causing inflammatory processes varying degrees of severity.

For successful treatment This disease should be familiarized in detail with all its causes, symptoms and types.

  • play one of the leading roles in the process of food digestion;
  • have an effect on protein metabolism;
  • affect the exchange minerals, occurring in the human body.

Depending on their location, the salivary glands are of several types - sublingual, submandibular, and parotid.

The parotid is a complex alveolar serous paired salivary gland, which is characterized by an irregular shape, grayish-pink color, and also insignificant weight, which, according to experienced specialists, reaches only 20-30 grams.

The parotid salivary gland is located on the lateral lower part of the jaw near the posterior edge of the masticatory muscle, in the parotid-masticatory part of the face.

Location of the salivary glands on the face

The inflammatory processes occurring in the salivary glands are not at all harmless, as it may mistakenly seem at first glance. If at the slightest symptoms mumps, if timely measures are not taken, this can lead to a serious consequence - the formation of salivary stones, characterized by significant suppuration.

In addition, it is important to consider that the risk of serious complications of inflammation of the salivary glands increases significantly in the presence of a certain number of concomitant conditions, which include:

  • general exhaustion and dehydration of the body;
  • increased levels of calcium in the patient's blood (hypercalcemia);
  • various diseases of an infectious nature;
  • fever;
  • injuries to the salivary flow, which led to its blockage and stagnation of saliva (they could arise as a result of eating too hard food, or improper and careless brushing of teeth);
  • performing surgical operations on the abdominal organs.

It is very important to begin treatment of the inflammatory process that has developed in the parotid salivary glands as early as possible.

Lack of treatment can lead to very serious and dangerous complications which include:

  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • necrosis of the salivary gland;
  • the development of inflammatory processes affecting the cranial and spinal nerves;
  • defeats urinary tract and kidneys;
  • orchitis (an inflammatory process in the testicles that can lead to infertility);
  • transition of the inflammatory process into the form of a chronic disease.

Even the slightest manifestations of mumps should not be ignored - competent and timely treatment will prevent dangerous consequences.


In total, there are three pairs of large glands in the human mouth, which are responsible for the process of saliva production. When mumps occurs (a disease popularly known as mumps), the salivary glands, which are located in the parotid region, are most often affected.

Most often prescribed for this disease drug treatment with the use of antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Also at this stage, medications are prescribed to increase salivation.

In order to consolidate a positive therapeutic result, effective physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed in parallel, which include ultra-high-frequency therapy, electrophoresis, and exposure to laser beams.

In later stages, when purulent discharge appears, treatment is carried out through surgery.

Useful video

Find out how to influence acupuncture points relieve inflammation of the parotid gland:

Inflammation of the parotid duct is characterized by significant swelling and painful sensations. To completely get rid of this disease, timely comprehensive treatment is required.

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Salivary glands - paired organ, without which normal metabolism does not occur, digestive processes in organism. Violation of their excretory activity under the influence various kinds infections leads to the development of inflammation, fraught negative consequences, complications in the absence timely treatment. Why the glands become inflamed, how to treat them and what you need to know for prevention purposes, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Inflammation of the salivary gland, description, types

Inflammation of the salivary glands is an infectious disease that begins its development due to the penetration of pathogenic viruses and microorganisms through the oral cavity. It is saliva that helps moisturize the oral cavity, break down complex carbohydrates on simple ones, mineralization of proteins and fats, as well as the removal of toxic substances from the body.

They are distinguished by types:

  • Sublingual;
  • Submandibular;
  • Parotid glands, capable of secreting concentrated saliva composed of sodium and potassium chloride. Thanks to them, fluid in the mouth is produced up to 2.5 liters per day. Of course, this prevents pathogenic microflora from entering deeper. The parotid glands, composed of parotonin (a hormone-like substance), are designed to provide internal secretion digestive processes, participating in protein and mineral metabolism substances.

Any pair of glands can become inflamed. Occurs and develops mumps. When stones form in the salivary ducts - sialadenitis. Exposure to a bacterial or viral infection leads to painful, swollen glands, and obstructed ducts.

Symptoms of inflammation of the salivary gland

The symptoms are quite pronounced. It is not difficult to notice them even visually when an inflammatory process develops in one of the pairs of glands.


  1. There is soreness in the mouth, in the neck area with impact on the head, ears, and temporal part. The symptoms are similar to otitis media. The areas around the ears swell and are painful on palpation.
  2. The glands increase in size, become large, dense, hyperemic, hot, which is easy to notice when palpated. Possible increase in body temperature.
  3. There is heaviness, a feeling of fullness(tension) in the mouth, in the area of ​​inflamed areas. It can be assumed that under the influence of inflammation, masses of pus have accumulated in the glands.
  4. There is a pulling stabbing pain , a feeling of twitching at the site of inflammation with the accumulation of purulent exudate, which can come out when it breaks through, forming a hole in the skin. This is an abscess that is inevitable when the glands become infected if you do not consult a doctor in time.

Depending on the form and stage of the disease, the patient develops:

  • Chills;
  • Weakness, nausea;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Headache;
  • Increase in temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • Swelling on the face, neck, in places of bulging glands, accumulations of purulent contents in cavities;
  • Dry mouth up to complete dehydration;
  • Muscle aches;
  • Feeling tired, overwhelmed;
  • Difficulty salivating;
  • Pain when swallowing;
  • Hyperemia of the oral cavity with decreased salivation;
  • Swelling of the neck with damage to the submandibular gland;
  • Change in skin color;
  • Inflammation due to damage to the gland ducts, for example, against the background of stomatitis due to gum disease;
  • Breakthrough of pus as the disease progresses;
  • Signs of paralysis, meningitis, encephalitis with complications, i.e. twitching of the eyelids and eyes when nerves are involved.

Symptoms usually progress 4-5 days after the viruses become active in the glands. Then the symptoms gradually decline and become less pronounced. When the inflammation process spreads to the brain, central nervous system the condition becomes dangerous and death is possible.

If such signs of illness occur, calling an ambulance or consulting a doctor on your own should be done immediately.

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Causes of inflammation of the salivary gland

The main reason is a viral infection (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci), leading to inflammation of the mandibular glands located under the tongue. occurs in children due to unformed, unstable immunity during the off-season, colds, and general epidemics against the background pneumonia, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.

The development of inflammation is possible at the birth of babies, when infection as a result of penetration through the placenta occurs in the womb. In adults, the disease is rare, but tolerance is extremely difficult. The inflammatory process gives complications to other vital important systems and organs.

Can provoke the development of inflammation malignancy in organism, surgical intervention or poor-quality non-sterile manipulations by a dentist for the treatment or removal of a tooth, which led to a decrease in the functioning of the glands, infection and the development of inflammation in them.

The consequence in men can be infertility due to inflammation of the testicles, leading to atrophy.

With the discharge of pus, manifestations severe form of mumps possible development of necrotic processes that can lead to lesions hearing aid, kidneys, nerves, in spinal cord or in the skull area, also to meningitis, encephalitis, orchitis, mastitis in women, infertility, and mental disorders.

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Diagnosis of inflammation of the salivary gland

If inflammation of the glands is suspected, the therapist or dentist will suggest undergoing a series of diagnostic procedures: CT scan, MRI ultrasound. A preliminary conclusion may well be made during a routine examination. The glands are painful, enlarged, hyperemic. Changes are visible to the naked eye.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect, it does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

Treatment of inflammation

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication at home with folk remedies such as “warming” the swollen area is unacceptable. All activities must be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. The main direction of treatment is to relieve inflammation, eliminate pathological processes, normalization of all salivation processes, cleaning of the ducts from purulent accumulations.

Medicines, in particular antibiotics: streptomycin, benzylpenicillin with novocaine are prescribed by injection directly into the ducts of the glands.

Applicable at the initial stage of the disease in acute form, also with mumps, the development of purulent processes in the ducts of the glands. Aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process, relieving pain, and relieving swelling in the glands.

At acute course illnesses it is possible to carry out novocaine blockade (intramuscularly). Only the attending physician decides the dose of drugs. A solution of pilocarpine and potassium iodide are used to enhance the processes of salivary secretion. Antipyretics: paracetamol, ibuprofen at elevated temperatures.

Effective in relieving inflammation with heat, prescribed to patients physiotherapy, electrophoresis, solux, UHF.

If the salivary glands are at the melting stage under the influence of purulent necrotic processes, then without surgical operation by autopsy and cavity drainage, emptying the ulcers is no longer possible. The operation is also prescribed based on the results of ultrasound if stones are detected in the ducts that interfere with normal salivation, or if there is an abscess of the glands due to damage by pus.

Only when inflammation is subsiding or applicable for prevention purposes folk remedies to treat this disease at home. Herbal medicine using eucalyptus oils, pine needles, cypress, mint, elderberry, and veronica oils is effective.

Also soda inhalations, poultices, lotions to eliminate signs of inflammation:

  • Brew calendula, marigolds (flowers), leave. Soak a gauze bandage in the solution and apply to the affected area;
  • Prepare a mixture of raspberries (500g), honey (500g), sugar (1kg), pine shoots (1kg). Pour boiling water, leave for up to 5 hours, keep in a water bath for up to 1 hour. Add vodka in a ratio of 1x10, take 1-2 tbsp orally. l. shortly before meals. The infusion is useful for enlarged lymph nodes, also in the off-season for preventive purposes;
  • Pour boiling water (1 cup) over Yartyshnik (root), leave for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth;
  • Lemon juice (1 tsp) mixed with a glass warm water. Rinse your mouth up to 5 times a day. On the 3rd day, the inflammation of the glands will noticeably decline;
  • Prepare a composition of immortelle (flowers), horsetail and raspberries, leave, rinse the mouth. For the same purposes, you can use chamomile, sage, eucalyptus leaves, oak root, and yarrow.


It is difficult, especially in the off-season, to protect yourself from colds viral diseases. Children and the elderly are susceptible to them, since the immune system is unstable and oral cavity- open gates for the entry and spread of any kind of infection. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Inflammatory processes lead to serious complications. The salivary glands are adjacent to the brain and if it is damaged, the consequences can be very sad.

It is important to minimize the risk of infection:

  • Reinforce the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • Establish a balanced diet;
  • Walk outdoors more often;
  • Play active sports;
  • Maintain personal hygiene (often coli causes inflammation of the glands);
  • Every day, not only brush your teeth, but also rinse them with antibacterial healing solutions.

Through saliva is the easiest way to transmit and spread viruses. It is easy to infect others, so if you suspect an illness It is better to use separate utensils and hygiene products. If the inflammation did not pass by, then compliance with all the doctor’s instructions should be clear and complete.

The spread of infection is possible through hematogenous and lymphogenous routes. Damage to the parotid glands is dangerous. If the disease is not treated, then as inflammation progresses, necrotic processes in the glands and death of cells and tissues will begin. Purulent lesions will eventually lead to abscesses in the retropharyngeal space.

In advanced cases, even surgical intervention may become ineffective. It is important to remember that inflammatory processes need to be treated immediately. initial stages manifestations. The consequences are always severe, sometimes irreversible.

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