High estrogen levels in women: causes, symptoms and treatment. What pills should you take to normalize estrogen levels?

As menopause approaches, many women develop hormonal imbalances. The ovaries produce less female sex hormones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and the general state, obesity develops, and the risk of a tumor process increases.

To stabilize the level steroid hormones Doctors prescribe estrogens in tablets. The correct HRT regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of a woman, allows you to preserve women’s health for a long time and wellness. Using synthetic analogues of estrogen and progesterone, you can get rid of hot flashes, nervousness, high pressure, tachycardia, insomnia, and other signs of menopausal syndrome.

What are estrogens

In the female body, estradiol, estrone, and estriol are produced by the ovaries. The optimal level of steroid hormones is a factor that directly affects fertility, sexual development, weight, health, emotional condition.

It has the greatest activity and pronounced effect on the reproductive system, central nervous system, blood vessels, and metabolism. During pregnancy, the ovaries secrete estriol for the proper formation of the placenta. As menopause approaches, the level of estradiol drops, estrone secretion continues as usual, which increases the likelihood of tumor formation in the ovaries and mammary glands.

Role in the body

Estrogens affect many processes:

  • under the influence of hormones, characteristic “feminine” smooth lines appear in the outline of the figure;
  • V optimal timing the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and the growth of mammary glands begins;
  • stability menstrual cycle depends on the optimal secretion of steroid hormones, including estrogens;
  • with a sufficient level of female sex regulators there are no sharp changes mood, the woman feels cheerful, there is no lethargy, apathy;
  • estrogens have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and prevent the accumulation of dangerous cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • at sufficient quantity female hormones the optimal condition of the mucous membranes of the genital tract is maintained, libido is at a sufficient level, the woman receives satisfaction from sexual contacts;
  • An important point is the effect of estrogen on bone density. Hormonal imbalance, weaker absorption of calcium ions, decreased secretion of sex regulators in premenopause and menopause increases the risk of developing dangerous pathology- osteoporosis. If left untreated, bones become brittle and brittle, and the incidence of fractures increases even with a slight fall or blow.

What are hormonal pills for?

After 40-45 years, negative changes begin in the female body, ovarian function gradually fades, and the secretion of estradiol decreases. Many people think that it is impossible to avoid severe course transition process, but this is fundamentally wrong. Some women calmly endure the transition to menopause, others face painful hot flashes, sudden weight gain, increased irritability, pressure fluctuations, oily or dry skin, increased sweating. What is the reason for the significant differences in well-being?

Degree of manifestation negative signs The approaching menopause depends on many factors. Gym training, proper nutrition, healthy sleep, peace of mind, optimal body weight, a positive microclimate in the family, hobbies, a wide circle of friends - elements that have a positive effect on hormonal levels and women's health.

Estrogen-based drugs for HRT are used to stabilize the level of female sex hormones. Regular receipt of synthetic estrogen analogs relieves women from dryness of the genital tract, discomfort during sexual intercourse, hot flashes, irritability, and other manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Hormonal drugs (OCs) are also used as contraceptives.

Note! For positive impact on the body, to prevent conception, you must strictly follow the dosage regimen. Each tablet has its own number and a certain concentration of the bioactive substance. Skipping one or two units, taking the fifth tablet instead of the sixth, or starting from the middle of the pack rather than from the beginning of the blister can lead to hormonal imbalance, uterine bleeding, and contraceptive ineffectiveness.

Indications for use

Estrogens in tablets are prescribed:

  • as an element of hormone replacement therapy for severe autonomic disorders during menopause and against the background of endocrine diseases;
  • how effective and safe remedy contraception.

Other indications:

  • development of osteoporosis during premenopause and menopause;
  • iatrogenic or physiological menopause;
  • hypogonadism in the background pathological changes in chromosomes;
  • certain forms of endocrine infertility;
  • post-castration syndrome after radical treatment or upon detection of a malignant tumor;
  • severe forms of acne, if other types of therapy do not bring positive results;
  • infantilism (underdevelopment) of the internal and external genital organs in adolescent girls and young women;
  • contraception after surgical intervention on the elements reproductive system, medical abortion or frozen pregnancy;
  • with weak labor;
  • against the background of post-term pregnancy;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the urogenital area during menopause;
  • to reduce the strength of negative manifestations associated with damage to the heart and blood vessels during menopause (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • irregular menstruation due to malfunction of the ovaries;
  • tumor process in the organs of the reproductive system.

A “softer” version of the effect on the reproductive and endocrine glands, pelvic organs, central nervous system, metabolism, vascular system, but for long-term use synthetic-based drugs are often prescribed. The best option- take phytohormones to prevent premenstrual and menopausal syndrome; if pathologies develop due to hormonal imbalance, use synthetic substitutes. The appropriate type of estrogen-containing tablets is selected by a gynecologist or based on test results.


Hormonal estrogen-containing drugs are not prescribed to women if there are restrictions:

  • severe varicose veins;
  • the patient's age is more than 60 years;
  • development of vaginal bleeding;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • deep vein thrombosis.

Side effects

Estrogens in the new generation tablets contain an optimal concentration of sex hormones, which reduces the likelihood of negative reactions. Cannot be completely excluded side effect estrogen-containing items, but with strict adherence to the application regimen, following recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, motor activity the risk of unwanted effects is minimal. Sometimes it is necessary to replace one hormonal drug with another type when negative reaction for certain components.

Possible adverse reactions:

  • painful sensations in the mammary glands;
  • slight weight gain;
  • flatulence;
  • fluid retention, swelling;
  • meager bloody issues from the vagina;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • mood swings for no apparent reason.

Learn about the norm, as well as the causes and methods of treating abnormalities.

On what day of the cycle it is necessary to take a blood test to determine FSH levels is written on the page.

Go to the address and read about beneficial properties and application features aspen bark for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Effective estrogen-based drugs

Manufacturers supply various categories of estrogen-containing tablets to the pharmaceutical market:

  • preparations based on estradiol: Klimara, Estrofem, or ethinyl estradiol: Microfollin;
  • all combined OCs (two-three-phase, monophasic, with low estrogen concentrations);
  • synthetic estriol substitute and analogues: Ovepol, Ovestin.

The drugs Estradiol, Presomen, Tephastrol, and Premarin also received positive reviews. All estrogen-containing products for contraception and HRT are selected by a specialized specialist.

When choosing a hormonal drug, you need to consider:

  • woman's age;
  • objectives of specific therapy;
  • the level of hormones that the body produces;
  • secretion of other regulators: , ;
  • functionality of target organs sensitive to the action of estrogens;
  • background pathologies of a chronic nature;
  • contraindications;
  • which hormonal compounds The patient has taken it previously, what is the effectiveness of either contraception.

Why do you need estrogen in tablets? Beautiful ladies, women, mothers and grandmothers - everyone wants to be beautiful and healthy. Therefore, scientists carefully studied the female body and identified the main substances that it needs so much. Among them, we cannot ignore sex hormones, which play a vital role in the life of every woman.

It is on them that the emotional and physical state the beautiful half of humanity. There are 2 main types of hormones: estrogens and progesterones. They are produced in the ovaries and are fully responsible for the health and well-being of women from the onset of puberty until the onset of menopause.

Problems with hormones

Over time, hormones begin to be produced in smaller quantities. Their deficiency affects the woman’s condition; she feels hot flashes, regular mood swings, lethargy and weakness. When the level of hormones is balanced, everything happens exactly the opposite: a great mood, appearance and figure please not only the owner, but also her loved ones.

When problems with hormonal imbalance are identified in a woman, specialists often prescribe pharmaceutical medications that contain estrogens. You can make a choice of medicine by familiarizing yourself with several of their types.

In what cases do doctors use artificial appearance estrogen? Sex hormone imbalance is a common problem modern women By various reasons. To balance the condition of patients, doctors prescribe, which is available in tablets. WITH medical point This is explained by its high content in combination with progesterone.

Taking hormonal pills is aimed at restoring the menstrual cycle, regulating blood pressure, elimination of headaches and chronic fatigue. Their action can also be used to maintain pregnancy or as contraceptives.

The role of estrogens

Menopause is a test for the female body. Estrogens, which are in tablets, can help with this problem, significantly reducing unpleasant symptoms during this period. After 40 years, insufficient ovarian function is noticed. Hormone therapy is indicated for menopausal disorders, for the prevention of osteoporosis and is necessary to eliminate spasms of peripheral vessels.

Medicines containing estrogen can act in the body to initiate the process of lowering cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It should also be noted that these drugs, which contain the necessary hormones, help in the treatment of certain types of breast cancer. In medicine, this process is called hormone therapy. It is widely used and produces positive results.

Keeps the body youthful. A sufficient amount of them controls collagen production and provides correct exchange substances. Work is stimulated nervous system, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

Studies have shown that young women are 20 times less likely to have a heart attack than men. But after the onset of menopause, this figure becomes the same. Therefore, hormonal drugs come to the rescue. They will help restore regular sex life, eliminate vaginal problems and genitourinary organs that occur after menopause.

Estrogens in tablets are used as contraception; this method is the most common. The advantages are the effectiveness and ease of use of the tablets.

It is important to know that the use of drugs has its own characteristics. Each tablet has its own amount of hormone, so you need to take them by number. In the process, a hormonal background is formed, which is necessary for the female body.

There are several medications that should be taken regularly. This also applies to those days when the active substances are normal, but the patient needs to take a pill. Thus, manufacturers resort to a trick. The woman takes the pills every day, but some of them do not contain estrogen. We need such a scheme in order for a reflex or routine to develop. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you can forget about little things, but you should always remember about health.

Reviews about the application

Taking hormonal drugs causes fear in women more than the possibility of developing diseases due to their lack. Some decide to replenish their daily diet products that contain phytoestrogens, others start taking medications. It is worth noting that the choice in favor of tablets is considered the most correct. This is explained by the fact that you cannot completely rely on phytoestrogens. They are capable of maintaining a small amount of time and are unstable.

Estrogens in tablets can be plant origin or synthetic. Preference is given to female hormone substitutes that are obtained from plants. They are considered milder than animal estrogens. Although in some cases their use is inevitable.

In order to determine the benefit medicines, you can see women's reviews on the forums and make your choice. Most often observed positive influence on the body as a result of taking hormonal drugs. To determine the most suitable remedy you should consult a doctor. He, in turn, will help determine the required dose in accordance with individual characteristics women.

The most terrible myth about hormonal pills is an increase in body weight. But this result is associated with an incorrectly selected dosage of estrogen and the patient’s sedentary lifestyle.

Types of funds

There are estrogen preparations that have served the female body faithfully for many years. There are several of the most effective:

  1. Premarin. These are tablets that contain conjugated estrogens used in hormonal therapy, for menopause syndromes, uterine bleeding, osteoporosis during menopause.
  2. Estradiol. The pills contain active substances that are as close as possible to female hormones. Prescribed for improvement hormonal levels in blood.
  3. Microfollin. Gynecologists use this drug for the treatment of ovarian function, dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and hypomenorrhea.
  4. Presomen. Tablets widely used in hormone therapy. Therapeutic effect aimed at preserving the function of the female reproductive system.
  5. Tephastrol. A drug that restores the vaginal mucosa and stimulates the development of the uterus.
  6. Chlorotrianisene. Synthetic estrogen that has antitumor effects. Used when malignant neoplasms mammary gland.

The health and emotional state of women directly depends on sex hormones. But if you self-medicate and take pills without medical supervision, blood clotting may decrease and lactation may decrease. There is also the possibility of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Side effects of drugs

Estrogens in tablets are used for hormonal imbalance and are considered an integral part in the treatment of certain diseases. They are recognized as safe for both young girls and older women. But there are side effects:

  1. Bloating and water retention in the body.
  2. IN in rare cases nausea and dizziness. In this case, you need to reduce the amount of hormones used.
  3. Chest pain. This symptom occurs in women with hypersensitivity breasts Feels like constant pain in the chest area, and when pressed it can intensify.
  4. Frequent mood swings. Depending on the amount of hormone that enters the body, a woman’s mood can change dramatically several times a day.
  5. Bloody issues. Some ladies noted that after taking the pills for a long time they developed bleeding. In such cases, you should seek help from a specialist.

There are a number of contraindications to taking hormones:

  • with vein thrombosis;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • for vaginal bleeding;
  • with cardiac ischemia and strokes;
  • age over 60 years.

Consequences of overdose

In cases of estrogen overdose, nausea and vomiting may occur. It is necessary to stop taking the drug for a while and immediately go to the hospital for examination. There is no threat to life from an overdose of the drug.

If you are taking other medications at the same time as hormonal medications, you should consult your doctor. For example, vitamin C significantly enhances the effect of estrogen, and calcium supplements with a combination of hormones improve its absorption.

Every fair half of humanity needs to know what substances should be in sufficient quantities in order to be beautiful, slim and healthy. You should not rely only on medications; you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. And remember that hormonal drugs are not able to restore youth and prevent menopause. They will only help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Estrogens are the main hormones in the female body. These substances are responsible for feminine beauty, reproductive function, the health status of the fairer sex.

Lack of estrogen leads to serious metabolic disorders, worsens appearance of a woman, makes her infertile. How to increase estrogen levels? First, it’s worth understanding what the hormone estrogen is responsible for.


To begin with, it is worth saying that estrogens are a group of biologically active substances. These include the following metabolites:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

These protein molecules are produced in a woman's ovaries reproductive age. IN Not large quantities synthesis also occurs in another endocrine gland - the adrenal glands. However, the contribution of this organ to the production of substances is very small.

Estrogens undergo a number of biochemical changes before becoming an active metabolite.

The substances are directly synthesized from androgens - male sex hormones, and those, in turn, from cholesterol.

As a result of the production of glands biological substances the normal level of hormones in the blood is formed. In an adult, healthy woman the indicator is 15–190 pg/ml. The range in which the norm lies depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, previous births and other physiological processes. If serious deviations from the norm are detected in the blood, the doctor begins to look for the cause of the pathology.


What is estrogen responsible for in women? It is not possible to answer this question in monosyllables, since estrogens play a large role in the body. The functions of substances in this group include:

  1. Reproductive. Big number The effects that estrogens have on the genitals allow a woman to become pregnant and safely give birth to a child. Under the influence of estrogen, cells are produced inner shell uterus, the egg matures, blood is delivered to reproductive organs, the mammary glands function correctly.
  2. Differentiation of secondary sexual characteristics - it is under the influence of these biological substances that a woman acquires her special appearance. Hormones are responsible for the formation of breasts, the silhouettes of a woman’s body, and the development of the genital organs.
  3. Effect on metabolism. Estrogens have an active effect on many organ systems. In particular, they regulate blood pressure, cholesterol and calcium metabolism, liver and bone function, and the state of the nervous system.

From the above, it becomes clear that estrogen deficiency in the body leads to serious disruptions in its functioning. Why does a lack of the hormone occur, and how to increase estrogen levels? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Lack of estrogen

Estrogen deficiency is formed in the female body as a result of the action pathological processes, and in the absence of diseases in the postmenopausal period.

These two factors in the development of deficiency have fundamentally different mechanisms and methods of correction.

Pathological causes

There are conditions that are not related to a woman’s age that lead to pathological hormone production. Pathological estrogen deficiency occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Congenital underdevelopment of the ovaries.
  2. Disorders of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - tumors of the nervous system, traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage, strokes.
  3. Poor nutrition of women serious violations diets.
  4. Cachexia, weight loss, sudden loss body weight.
  5. Excessive physical and mental stress, stress.

Symptoms of these pathological conditions occur faster and are more pronounced than with a lack of estrogen during menopause. Therefore, such reasons should be corrected when first detected.


Estrogens in the blood of women decrease even in the absence of pathology. This is most typical during menopause.

During menopause, a woman experiences a natural decrease in estrogen levels.

This condition is a protective natural mechanism that ensures the birth of healthy offspring in the population of women of young, reproductive age.

To avoid unpleasant consequences deficiency, some women gynecologists prescribe replacement hormonal therapy contraceptive drugs.


The problems a woman faces with low estrogen levels affect many body systems. Symptoms are associated with a restructuring of metabolism in organs and tissues due to a deficiency of biological substances. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations if you find the cause in time and start treatment.

Symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency:

  1. Premature aging.
  2. Increased fragility of hair and nails, dry skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Body hair growth male type, increasing the length of body hair.
  4. Symptoms from the genital organs – dry mucous membranes, vaginal dysbiosis, decreased libido.
  5. Menstrual irregularities.
  6. Pain during menstruation.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Damage to the nervous system - headaches, increased weakness and irritability, decreased memory and intellectual abilities.
  9. Symptoms of calcium deficiency are osteoporosis, high risk of fractures.
  10. Sweating, insomnia.

Numerous manifestations of hormone deficiency lead a woman to the question: “How to increase estrogen in the body?” Only an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can give a complete answer to the question.


Eliminating the cause pathological condition not always possible. To find the source of hormone deficiency, doctors perform a number of diagnostic procedures that do not always indicate a problem.

For therapy purposes, changes in the patient’s lifestyle, including her diet, are used. In addition, hormonal drugs are widely used.

Sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention to remove a tumor that prevents the gland from functioning properly.

Impact folk remedies widely used by most women, but has questionable effectiveness.


It is quite difficult to identify foods that directly increase hormone levels. However, by changing your diet, you can increase the production of the hormone in the endocrine glands.

Foods that are helpful in eliminating deficiency:

  1. Vegetables, raw and steamed. Estrogen precursors are found in large quantities in cabbage.
  2. Products containing fiber. These include fruits and vegetables, beans, and plant seeds. By normalizing the digestive process, these products contribute to the proper absorption of substances.
  3. Flax seeds contain lignins; these metabolites are converted in the body into enterodiol, which has a beneficial effect on the exchange of hormones in the glands.
  4. Soybeans and other legume products. In addition to protein molecules, they contain vitamins and microelements that normalize metabolism.

Eating foods that increase the level of female hormones is often not enough. It is necessary to fill the diet with vitamin components, eliminate alcohol consumption, lead healthy image life.

Drug treatment

If they are used to increase estrogen in women, the use of the medicine should be monitored by a gynecologist. He will select the dosage, as well as the drug itself, suitable for woman according to indications and her age.

The remedies are also used in the event of menopause when pathological symptoms lack of hormone. In this case, the prescription regimen is called hormone replacement therapy.

Folk remedies

The norm of hormones in the body according to adherents traditional medicine can also be achieved using folk remedies. However professional doctors treat this method with caution. In order for estrogens to reach the required values, the following are used:

  • Plantain seeds in the form of a decoction.
  • Raspberry leaves in a steam bath.
  • Prutnyak fruits in boiling water.

Before use, you should consult your doctor to determine

Many women in their lives have faced such a problem as a lack of the hormone estrogen in the body. Most often, this deficiency is discovered by doctors during the next examination.

In addition to many important functions of the body, where this hormone is present, it is responsible for the beauty of women. Thanks to estrogen, a woman looks beautiful. This is why it is important to increase the production of the hormone estrogen when there is a lack of it in the body.

What does a lack or excess of estrogen lead to?

Although estrogen is a female sex hormone, it is present in the body in minimal quantities in men. This hormone affects the entire body of men. And its lack leads to many health problems and in such cases it needs to be increased.

If there is a lack of estrogen in the female body, everything is much more complicated for a woman.

Symptoms when there is little estrogen in the body:

  • painful periods;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • decreased libido;
  • decreased performance;
  • fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • change in mood;
  • insomnia, etc.

If in most cases women begin to feel a lack of estrogen during menopause, then men may experience a lack of estrogen when:

  • poor nutrition;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

And only then, like the fair half, during the period of “the onset of autumn in sexual life.”

Thanks to this estrogen, male body maintains normal cholesterol levels. Estrogen + testosterone complex helps the growth of external muscle forms. Another benefit of estrogen is that it supports a man’s libido. You can increase hormone production by medication and with a balanced diet.

An excess of estrogen is also fraught with consequences. With age, testosterone in the body decreases, and the level of estrogen, on the contrary, increases, and then the following begins:

  • obesity,
  • a round belly is growing,
  • stress,
  • depression
  • decreased libido.

For supporting normal level hormones, everything needs to be controlled active image life, correct healthy eating and get rid of everyone bad habits. Then man's health will remain fine for a long time.

Increasing estrogen with medication

You can increase estrogen in a woman’s body to normal levels with the help of medications. But you shouldn’t take them on your own, focusing only on the symptoms described above. The lack of estrogen in the body can only be determined by a specialist after a thorough examination and tests and prescribe medications that help increase estrogen.

The most common medications prescribed by doctors are:

  1. Tocopherol acetate– vitamin E. Used in complex treatment With hormonal drugs, contraception, thanks to its normalization of the function of the genital organs.
  2. Premarinactive substance drug, conjugated estrogens. It is considered one of the best in the treatment of estrogen deficiency.
  3. Proginovahormonal agent, which is prescribed to women to replace hormone therapy. This remedy regulates hormonal balance women during menopause.
  4. Hemafemin– medical combination drug from the blood of female deer, vitamin E, vitamin C. Serves for the prevention, replenishment and treatment of many women's problems associated with increased estrogen levels.

In the fight for your health, all methods are good. There is no need to give up grandma's methods treatment, even if it is necessary to increase estrogen. Of course, the result will not be so fast, but still, these methods, in addition to medicinal purposes, are very tasty.

For example, the following products will help increase estrogen:

  • all types of dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts, sour cream, butter);
  • all types of cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats, etc.);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, soybeans);
  • nuts;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables (cabbage, tomato, carrots, etc.);
  • fruits.

All this can saturate the body with the necessary and nutrients and increase estrogen production, and most importantly without chemicals, which is very important in our time. But in this way you can not only increase an important hormone, but also overdo it, so you need to observe moderation everywhere. After all, excess estrogen will also not lead to anything good.

What about without herbs? This is the source of everything useful substances that nature gives us.

The following will help increase estrogen in women:

  • sage;
  • plantain;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • hop;
  • Red clover;
  • hibiscus etc.

All these herbs can be alternated and enjoyed pleasant aroma and the taste of tea. To take herbal teas, it is also important to follow the rules for taking it. Here are some of them that all women should remember:

  • not to drink herbal teas during the arrival of menstruation;
  • do not drink together with oral contraceptives;
  • if undesirable symptoms appear, stop taking tea;
  • Herbal tea is taken in cycles.

In order to increase the level of estrogen in a woman’s body, first of all this issue should be discussed with a doctor. Success in recovery women's health and appearance depends on many factors, for example:

  1. woman's age;
  2. individuality of the organism.

Low estrogen levels can have strong impact on the body, and any woman can experience menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Estrogens are a group of hormones that are present in the body of humans and animals. In the human body, they are significantly more prevalent in women than in men, unlike the hormone testosterone, with which the opposite is true.

In women, estrogens are produced primarily by the ovaries, while in men they are produced by the Sertoli cells of the testes, which prevents apoptosis (programmed death) of male sperm, which is a good thing. But although excess estrogen, due to the prevention of apoptosis of other cells, can cause prostate cancer.

Find out how to lower estrogen.

  • Estrone (E1) – produced during menopause;
  • Estradiol (E2) – present in sexually mature women (before menopause);
  • Estriol (E3) – produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

The importance of estrogens in the body

Why are they needed? Estrogens perform different functions in a woman's body. For example, when they are used in the most effective at the moment oral contraceptives, then they provide positive effect. Their presence in these preparations helps in enhancing vaginal lubrication, increasing fat accumulation, stimulating vaginal thickness, libido and endometrial growth.

Estrogens also speed up metabolism, stimulate proper growth of the uterus, and increase the formation of bone tissue and reduce muscle mass to make the appearance more feminine. When a woman's estrogen levels begin to decline, usually between the ages of 40 and 58, she will experience certain symptoms of low levels of these hormones, listed below.

Symptoms of low estrogen levels in women

Common symptoms of menopause and decreased estrogen levels include:

  • weight gain;
  • hot flashes (sharp periodic sensations of heat);
  • continuous headaches;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • mood swings.

Other possible symptoms decreased estrogen in the body:

  • sweating;
  • sleep problems;
  • vaginal wall thinning;
  • decreased amount of vaginal lubrication (vaginal dryness);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • bloating;
  • wrinkles as a result of loss of skin elasticity.

Possible causes of low estrogen levels

1. Pituitary gland infection and menopause

The pituitary gland is responsible for regulating the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries. When it becomes infected, and when a woman reaches menopause (ovulation stops), her estrogen levels decline.

2. Poor nutrition and excessive physical activity

These are two lifestyle nuances that are also the reasons for low estrogen production in the body. Eating the wrong foods leads to a deterioration in the body's production of estrogen, which in turn is accompanied by the symptoms listed above. Physical exercise also help reduce estrogen levels in the body. Estrogen in women reduces muscle mass to create desirable body features. Thus, woman's body A person who exercises regularly to increase muscle size usually produces less estrogen in order to support muscle growth.

How to increase estrogen levels without resorting to medications

Foods and herbs are the safest way to increase estrogen production. However, there are other ways, such as:

Estrogen replacement therapy;

Hormone replacement therapy.

These methods almost always have side effects, so before using any of them forms of treatment, you should consult a qualified physician.

Foods that increase estrogen and help with menopause

Such products include:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • seeds;
  • grains

They are considered the best sources of additional natural estrogens, the so-called “phytoestrogens”. These phytoestrogens are analogues of estrogens. According to some data, a diet balanced with these foods helps to increase the amount of estrogen produced by the body. But in fact, phytoestrogens act as substitutes for natural estrogens produced by the body, irritating the same receptors, and have little effect on the production itself. But still, to improve the body’s production of its own estrogens, proper nutrition plays a key role.

Although vegetables and fruits do not contain such a high amount of phytoestrogens compared to other products (for example, soybeans and flax seeds), they are an important element proper nutrition. A 100g serving of vegetables (whether broccoli, green beans, winter squash or garlic) contains between 94 and 604 mcg of phytoestrogens. Sweet potatoes, yams and cassava also contain good amounts of phytoestrogens that the body needs.

100 g of dried dates contain 330 mcg of phytoestrogens, while 100 g of dried apricots contain 445 mcg. Also fruits containing phytoestrogens include raspberries, strawberries and peaches. A 100-gram serving of these fruits contains 48 to 65 mcg of phytoestrogens.

Seeds and grains

The seeds of plants such as flax, sesame, and other oilseeds contain phytoestrogens. Flaxseed oil provides human body phytoestrogens three times more than soybeans. 100 g of flax seeds contain 379.380 mcg of phytoestrogens, while sesame seeds contain 8.008 mcg. Rice, wheat, hops, oats and barley are also grains that help increase estrogen levels.

Legumes and nuts:

Among legumes, soy is the richest source of phytoestrogens. 100 g of soy provides about 103,920 mcg of phytoestrogens. Soy products, such as soy yogurt and tofu, increase estrogen levels.

Among nuts, pistachios are the richest source of phytoestrogens. 100 g of product contains 382.5 µg. For comparison, 100 g of cashew nuts contains 121.9 mcg, chestnuts - 210.2 mcg, hazelnuts - 107.5 mcg, walnuts– 139.5 mcg of phytoestrogens.

Herbs for menopause

black cohosh is the most common herb used to increase estrogen levels and reduce menopausal symptoms. Black cohosh has been used for many centuries to treat many female diseases, incl. menstrual cycle disorders. This plant is used differently in each culture; in our country, in general, it is used for almost any disease. But this grass in any case has good effect, because in the east it is even used by official medicine.

Black cohosh is sold in the form of dry and liquid extracts, which is more convenient and effective than brewing this herb in the form of tea.

Mint is an herb that is also used by women as a remedy for excess body hair growth. The substances it contains significantly reduce testosterone levels in the blood. Two cups of mint tea are enough to increase estrogen production female body with the help of this herb, as far as it is capable of doing this.

Licorice (licorice) contains a significant amount of phytoestrogens, which stimulate the adrenal glands and support their function endocrine system, which is most important for adjusting the production of natural estrogens by the body. The herb is also used to treat menopause and menstrual irregularities. However, you should not consume licorice for a long period of time, especially while taking medications that normalize blood pressure.

Clover contains a type of phytoestrogens called isoflavones. They are very similar to natural estrogens produced by the female body, and therefore can be used to treat menopausal symptoms, such as:

  • bone loss;
  • heart diseases;
  • tides.

Turnera spreading (Damiana)- a natural aphrodisiac containing phytoestrogens. It promotes ovulation and also balances the levels of both female and male hormones. Damiana is widely used in the treatment of hot flashes before and during menopause, also helping to increase sexual activity.

Common fennel rich in anethole (a natural estrogenic compound), and it alleviates the symptoms of menopause, thanks to the balance of hormones, normalizes the menstrual cycle in women, promotes milk production in lactating women.

Dong Quai, also called "female ginseng". It is used in the treatment of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as hot flashes,, rapid heartbeat, feeling of anxiety, sudden feeling of heat on the face, neck, chest. It is also good to lure it to normalize the menstrual cycle, with amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), PMS and during menopause.

Vitamins for low estrogen levels

Vitamin C. It plays a role in normalizing and increasing estrogen levels. According to a popular foreign resource (EarlyMenopause.com) dedicated to early menopause, vitamin C helps improve adrenal function. After menopause, the adrenal glands are the main site where estrogens are produced. Thus, vitamin C provides the conditions for the normal production and maintenance of these hormones. Another foreign site (Botanical-Online.com) states that vitamin C can be used in combination with bioflavonoids to increase estrogen levels in the body. This vitamin can be found in many foods, including apples, oranges, limes, grapefruits, broccoli, and spinach. It can also be taken in the form of a synthetic analogue - ascorbic acid.
Vitamin E. A 2009 study found that vitamin E can stimulate the body's production of estrogen. According to this study, women who took active additives with this vitamin, an increase in the production of this group of hormones was observed. It is also prescribed to patients by specialists when estrogen levels are low. Therefore, it should also be included in your diet. Good sources are olive oil, avocado, almonds and spinach.
B vitamins. They are playing important role in preventing vaginal dryness, and also help maintain the health of the adrenal glands, in the cortex of which the hormone estrone is produced. And it is the second most important hormone in the body, part of the group of estrogens. After menopause, when the ovaries produce significantly less estradiol (the first most important among estrogens), the role of estrone increases to compensate for the lack of female hormones in the body. B vitamins are found in meat, eggs, poultry, whole grains, beans, nuts and flax seeds.

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