Restoration of tooth enamel. Is it possible to restore tooth enamel?

Our teeth are exposed to destructive forces every day. Their condition is affected environment, food consumed, bad habits, poor hygiene and much more.

Knowing the main reasons, you can protect your teeth from negative effects and keep them healthy.


Tooth decay occurs in several stages, each characterized by its own symptoms. Without going into details, we can highlight the main symptoms of destruction:

  • the crown in places or entirely acquires a brown or gray tint. This occurs due to the thinning of the enamel, through which dentin appears, which has a darker color. The thinner the enamel layer, the more pronounced yellow crowns;
  • the enamel, at the site of destruction, becomes rough, which indicates its softening;
  • teeth begin to react strongly to hot and cold. Expressiveness this symptom also depends on the degree of thinning of the enamel;
  • Chips or cracks progressively appear on the surface. Pain in response to external stimuli does not go away for a long time;
  • in the coronal part, erosions with beveled edges are formed, opening the dentin;
  • voids appear in the dentin exposing the pulp and nerve canals. Severe pain is observed during eating, as well as at rest;
  • the shape of the tooth changes. A roundness of the surface and some shortening or narrowing of the crown may appear.

Main influencing factors

The destruction of enamel is influenced by many factors, which are divided into 2 groups: external and internal.


There are several types of external factors, which are classified depending on the nature of their origin. Main types of external factors:

  • temperature. Very often, it is this type of factor that is fundamental to the destruction of enamel. The contrast in operating temperatures leads to the formation of cracks in the enamel, leading to the penetration of microbes into the deep layers of the tooth and its subsequent destruction;
  • mechanical. Basically these are impacts, strong pressure, etc. leading to abrasion or deformation of the tooth;
  • chemical. Factors of chemical origin are considered the most aggressive and harmful, leading to rapid tooth destruction, especially if the enamel is weakened;
  • hygienic. The main factors influencing the condition of hard tissues are improperly selected methods of oral hygiene or lack thereof.


Internal factors include:

  • metabolic disorders associated with nutrition. Mainly lead to demineralization of enamel and dentin;
  • heredity. The manifestation of this factor can be observed in both early age, and in adulthood. Moreover, despite the work to eliminate the destruction, the pathology will still progress, only more slowly;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • impact medicines or therapeutic procedures.

General factors

Photo: incorrect bite inevitably leads to tooth decay

Tooth decay is common to people of different ages and genders. There are reasons that are unique to children, only men or women. But in 70% of cases the reasons are the same for both.

Common reasons include:

  • malocclusion. In the presence of a butt bite, the load on the surface is unevenly distributed, which leads to severe thinning of the enamel. Most often, incisors are susceptible to destruction in this case. lower jaw;
  • . With this disease, not only thinning of the enamel is possible, but also the appearance of chips on the cutting surface;
  • genetic predisposition. The quality of the enamel also depends on what kind of enamel the parents had. Moreover, dental heredity can manifest itself both at an early age at the stage of formation of milk teeth, and in adulthood;
  • lack of microelements. It doesn't always depend on unbalanced diet. The quality of enamel is affected by a lack of calcium and phosphorus, which are not absorbed in the body for various reasons (endocrine and immune diseases, deficiency, for example D);
  • dental diseases. Untreated dental diseases always lead to destruction;
  • poor quality oral care. The condition of the enamel worsens with irregular or untimely care. The quality of the enamel is greatly influenced by the correct cleaning procedure (cleaning time, pressure, procedure). Properly selected paste and brush play an important role;
  • unbalanced diet. A diet of this nature causes an acute shortage of microelements, which directly affect the composition of enamel and dentin. If they are deficient, the condition of the teeth worsens, up to total loss.

In children

The destruction of enamel is typical not only for adults, but also for children. Active destruction is already observed in children of two years of age.

An examination of children aged 10 years showed the presence of destruction in 60%. Dentists have identified the main causes of the development of pathologies in which tooth tissue is destroyed.

Let's consider the causes of destruction of enamel and dentin, which are characteristic only of children.

Artificial nutrition

If it is impossible to provide the child breast-feeding, use artificial milk substitutes. Such mixtures are not always highly adaptable and contain a large amount of carbohydrates.

IN oral cavity In a child, carbohydrates are broken down and form organic acids. IN at a young age The child's enamel is still too weak; acids easily demineralize it, which contributes to early destruction.

It is quite difficult to detect demineralization, since the process takes place in the subsurface part of the enamel.

Unfavorable conditions of intrauterine development

When metabolic disorders occur during pregnancy, not only the mother but also the child suffers. Teeth are no exception, since the rudiments of temporary teeth are formed precisely during intrauterine development.

The most common causes of violations: poor nutrition pregnant, past illness, pronounced early toxicosis. Unfavourable conditions intrauterine development cause underdevelopment or complete absence of enamel and abnormal development of the normal crown.

Poor hygiene

A common cause of dental pathologies is transfer of certain types of streptococcus bacteria from parents to child. Children under two years of age do not have the required amount of protective immunoglobulins, so the bacteria takes root instantly and causes not only serious diseases of the teeth, but also of the gums.

Main methods of infection: licking pacifiers, sharing cutlery.

Saliva buffer capacity

Unlike adults, a child’s saliva has a weak alkaline value, that is, it lacks elements responsible for the condition of hard tissues. This prevents saliva from performing its mineralizing function, which can lead to early damage to the enamel.

In men

Active destruction of hard dental tissues in men continues until about 40 years of age, after which a significant decline is observed. In addition to the general reasons listed above, there are those that are most often found in men.

Destruction due to mechanical damage

With such damage, microcracks and chips form, in which pathogenic microorganisms accumulate, leading to tissue deformation. Such injuries are explained by the specifics of the profession, passion for certain sports, and in some cases aggressive behavior.

Also common cause is the habit of opening lids, gnawing seeds or nuts.

Smoking and drinking alcohol

When smoking and drinking drinks containing alcohol, the balance of saliva is disrupted, making it more acidic.

This demineralizes the enamel, increases the porosity of hard tissues and promotes the accumulation of solid deposits in the cervical and subgingival zone. This aspect guarantees the gradual destruction of the enamel.

Among women

In women, dental tissues are destroyed much more often than in men.. There are not only general reasons for this, but also individual ones, unique to women. There are several such reasons.


During pregnancy, a colossal restructuring of the body occurs. All processes are aimed at the full development of the fetus. During the formation of the fetus, all trace elements found in female body, come to the child from the mother’s blood.

If these elements are not enough in the blood, then they are washed out from other systems of the body. One of these systems is the dentition.

During pregnancy, enamel is lost important microelements– magnesium and phosphorus, which leads to a softening of the surface of the crown and makes it more fragile. The acidity of saliva during pregnancy increases and provokes active destruction of hard tissues.

If before pregnancy a woman had oral pathologies that she did not cure, they progress sharply. This applies not only to dental diseases, but also to gum diseases.

Tooth erosion

This disease most often occurs in women. Mostly these are middle-aged women. If left untreated, the upper layers of enamel are first affected, then the deeper ones, exposing the dentin. A pronounced crown defect is revealed.

Uncontrolled sudden weight loss

This mainly happens with regular diets and their advanced stages (anorexia). In this case, metabolism is disrupted, which leads to partial destruction or complete loss of teeth.

Endocrine cause

Occurs during menopause and increased function thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis). In these cases, serious hormonal changes occur that disrupt the functioning of the salivary glands, metabolism and immune system.

All of these aspects lead to increased fragility of enamel and dentin.

Consequences and prevention

The presence of decaying teeth in the oral cavity has many consequences. Firstly, the aesthetic appearance is lost. Secondly, the decaying area is a breeding ground for pathogenic organisms leading to complications (pathologies of teeth and gums).

Complications can cause damage to the entire oral cavity, instability of the root system of the tooth or its complete loss.

To avoid the destruction of enamel and maintain its strength, it is necessary to carry out prevention.

Basic Rules:

  • maintain oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly;
  • relieve your teeth from unnecessary mechanical stress (biting thread, cracking nuts, opening corks or lids, etc.);
  • If the first symptoms of destruction appear, contact your dentist immediately.

Despite the strength of the enamel, it turns out that there are many reasons for its destruction. To maintain dental health, you need to take them into account and try to avoid them. Since it is easier to prevent “decrease in the quality of teeth” than to treat it.

And several more reasons for tooth decay are voiced in the following video:

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Tooth enamel- This is a tissue that protects each tooth. It is believed that this is very hard fabric. The content of inorganic substances in enamel can exceed 95%. Thanks to this hard tissue, we can chew and bite food without problems. Also, thanks to it, the teeth do not overheat or become overcooled. However, there is such a problem as loss (destruction) of enamel.

Reasons for loss

At the moment, there are a number of reasons for the destruction of the tooth coating. They will be listed below:

Recently, a myth has become popular that a poor choice of toothbrush leads to the loss of dental “shield”. However, due to a “bad” brush, the soft protective layer of the teeth, and not the enamel, can only be damaged. This is because the load on the shell will be short-lived, compared to a malocclusion (where the friction will be almost constant).

Every year the risk of developing problems with the dental “shield” increases. Children especially often suffer from destruction of tooth enamel. Their constant craving for sweets may turn out badly for them in the future or in the near future.

External factors

There are several external reasons destruction of enamel, which are divided into several groups.

Also important factor is non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. If the banal rules are not followed, the enamel can become inflamed, which in turn will lead to caries.

Diseases in which the deterioration of enamel increases

Such diseases include: chronic diseases internal organs, poor functioning of the endocrine (hormonal) system. Organ diseases include gastritis and hypertension.


With gastritis, the acid-forming function of the stomach increases, which impairs the absorption of chemical elements such as phosphorus and calcium. Their deficiency, in turn, leads to a decrease in the strength of the dental “shield”. And high acidity negatively affects the entire digestive tract.

For this disease, the patient is prescribed drugs that negatively affect the secretion of saliva. This leads to dry mouth. Due to the fact that bacteria are no longer washed off by saliva, they begin to actively multiply and penetrate into the microcracks of the tooth.

When the release of hormones into the blood is disrupted, all organs begin to suffer. The effect on teeth is also important. Therefore, these changes can lead to changes in enamel (thickness and strength).

An important role in the activity of tooth enamel is played by the calcium content in the body. Because of this, places on the teeth begin to appear that are susceptible to pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.


The development of this problem will depend not only on a person’s lifestyle, but also on his physiology and genetics. The individual thickness of the protective shell of the tooth is also of great importance. If a person contacts a dentist in time, it will be easier to fix the problem. Treatment will be effective if symptoms are identified in time, such as:

It is especially important to remember that only the attending physician can prescribe treatment.

Enamel treatment

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment, depending on the severity of the problems with the enamel. In case of slight damage, procedures such as fluoridation and remineralization of teeth will be prescribed.


Fluoride is essential for enamel chemical element. Some people experience problems with enamel due to low levels of this element in food. With normal fluoride levels, the risk of caries decreases. That is why toothpaste manufacturers often add it to the composition.

There are regions in Russia where, instead of chlorinating water, it is fluoridated. Therefore, such regions have sixty percent less caries. But a large amount of fluoride is undesirable. If you neglect this, consequences such as dark enamel and yellow spots will appear.


Its purpose is to apply a special coating in the form of varnish to the tooth. Constituent elements of varnish: calcium and fluorine. For application, a brush or a special tray can be used (based on a preliminary impression).

This treatment is used if the enamel is not severely damaged. In more severe cases, they resort to methods such as implantation, restoration and veneering.


This recovery method is considered by many to be the most effective. Enamel implantation is the augmentation of enamel through tissue augmentation. Occurs at the cellular level. The essence is to apply a certain substance, which in its composition is ninety percent close to the composition of enamel. A huge plus is that this substance can be applied to any damaged area.

Thanks to this procedure, you can correct the bite, change the shape, change the color of the enamel, and so on. The disadvantages include its high price and complexity of the procedure. Not every dentist can perform this procedure efficiently and professionally.

Composite restoration

For minor damage to the enamel, a restoration method is used. To do this, layer-by-layer application of the composite material to the desired surface is used. After application, the material must be allowed to harden. A special lamp is used for this. The disadvantage of this method is damage to the enamel itself.

Veneers are thin plates. They are installed on the front part of the tooth, hiding defects. The disadvantages include the high price and the risk of compromising the strength of the enamel.

What should we do to preserve our strong dental tissue?

There are several tips for maintaining your dental shield. These include:

  • visit the dentist within six months. It can also save money. After all, it is better to treat the problem only at first rather than in an advanced state;

  • maintain oral hygiene;

  • choose the right brush and toothpaste (try not to use fluoride-containing toothpaste so often);

  • add to diet more vitamins, especially in autumn and winter;

  • try to drink less alcohol and sour foods;

  • do not open bottles with your teeth;

  • stop biting your nails.

It is important to do everything consistently. And not so that one day a person brushes his teeth twice a day. And the next time not even once. It shouldn't be this way.

Some foods can also strengthen tooth enamel.

ProductWhat does it contain

Contains huge amounts of fluorine and calcium.

Meat contains a lot of protein, which will have a good effect on the immune system. And phosphorus contained in fish restores tooth enamel.

Contains vitamin D, which has a positive effect on bones. Also contain protein.

Saturation of the body with vitamins and self-cleaning of the oral cavity.

Many people mistakenly believe that enamel is durable and should not be taken care of. Although, as was clear from the article, there are a huge number of factors that can destroy it.

The main thing is to remember that taking care of your oral cavity will be much cheaper than treating broken teeth or restoring enamel.

Video - Strengthening enamel

Under the influence of external and internal factors the enamel may lose its density and become thinner. Most often, this leads to a painful reaction of the tooth to irritants.

To restore it, there are many methods that are used not only in clinics, but also at home.

What it is?

The enamel is translucent hard shell width up to 2.5 mm, having a crystalline homogeneous structure. Its purpose is to protect dentin and the pulp chamber. The main part of the enamel consists of inorganic minerals, supplemented by an organic matrix and water.

When minerals are washed out, the enamel structure becomes loose and susceptible to rapid destruction.

Methods for self-treatment

Most people try to avoid visiting the dentist until the last minute and, when the sensitivity of the enamel increases, they try to fix the problem on their own. For this purpose, manufacturers have developed special means in the form of gels and pastes, the action of which is aimed at restoring tooth tissue.


Oral care products are available in a wide range. You can find a large number of different pastes that have restorative properties. The most popular types include:

  • Sensodyne Repair & Protect– effectively restores tooth tissue and protects them from exposure to microbes. The product contains a unique NovaMin formula, which includes highly concentrated calcium and phosphates.

    The recovery effect can only be observed with daily use at least 2 times a day. Cost of pasta – 180 rubles.

  • Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief– paste with a mineralizing effect, designed for quick relief pain syndrome with high enamel sensitivity.

    The main component is calcium, which seals the dentinal canals. Can be used no more than 1 time per day. The analgesic effect occurs within 1 minute. The cost of the paste is 170 rubles.

  • Silcamed "Biocalcium". Thanks to the content of hydroxyapatite and phosphate complex, the enamel is saturated with minerals and leveled. The paste is suitable for frequent use up to 3 times a day or more. The price for this product is within 100 rubles.
  • President Unique– aimed at fast recovery enamel, which occurs due to three calcium compounds included in the composition: pantothenate, lactate and glycerophosphate.

    With daily use at least 2 times a day, the recovery effect will be visible within a month. The cost of one package of this paste is 190 rubles.

  • SPLAT "Biocalcium". Serves to eliminate micropores and cracks in tooth tissue. In the role active substances calcium lactate and hydroxyapatite are present. With twice daily use, results can be seen within a few weeks. Pasta price – 170 rubles.
  • Wunderdent– designed to restore damaged enamel due to its remineralizing properties. The paste contains an active complex, which includes ions of potassium, calcium and other minerals.

    The product is intended for twice daily use and can be used for application. The price of one package of paste is 200 rubles.

Special means

If the pastes are not satisfied with their results or there is a desire to achieve a restorative effect in short time, you can additionally use special tools:

  1. R.O.C.S.MedicalMinerals. The gel contains a complex of minerals, including calcium. Serves as a good mild remineralizing agent and helps restore the color of crowns.

    The application is permanent - the gel is applied after each teeth cleaning. The cost of one package of the drug is 400 rubles.

  2. Elmex Gelee– restores crown tissue by saturating the enamel with fluoride. Well suited for weekly one-time application for both adults and children. The price of the gel varies in the range 250 – 320 rubles.
  3. LACALUT fluor Gel. Designed to protect enamel from damage by strengthening it. The active substances here are fluorine and magnesium. The drug is used no more than once every 7 days. Its cost is about 200 rubles.

Folk remedies

If there is no opportunity or desire to use special means, they will come to the rescue traditional methods restoration of the tooth surface.

Among the many recipes, the following are considered the most effective:

  • 1 spoon solution salt and a glass of water, rinse your mouth for 3 minutes once a day. The rinsing procedure is recommended to be carried out before bedtime. In order to speed up the process of penetration of minerals into tooth tissue, you can add 3 drops of any essential oil;
  • Relieves pain due to tooth sensitivity ground wheatgrass, which is applied to the affected crowns in the form of an applique;
  • You can strengthen the enamel structure with cloves and soda. Mix both components in equal parts, pour boiling water and leave. Rinse your mouth with the resulting product several times a day;
  • Propolis has excellent remineralizing characteristics. It is used both as an independent product and in combination with other components. Good effect Apply propolis to problem areas for 5 minutes.

    You can achieve good results by rinsing your mouth frequently and for a long time with a decoction. calamus swamp, mixed with propolis. To do this, the components are taken in a ratio of 2:1;

  • gradual restoration of enamel can be observed when brushing teeth with a special mixture prepared from ground ginger root and mustard. The only drawback of this recipe is the strong burning sensation during use.

Therapeutic treatment

Most often, home methods for restoring enamel provide only a minor or temporary effect. In addition, they require consistency and duration during application, which is not always possible to control.

To get a high-quality restoration of the crown surface, it would be best to contact a dentist, who will select the most optimal restoration method from all available.

Fluoride varnish

The use of fluoride varnish is indicated for slight sensitivity of crowns or as a prophylactic agent in childhood. Compared to other methods, this method is considered less effective, but at the same time the most cost-effective.

The essence of the method is to apply fluoride varnish to the surface of the crowns, where it forms protective film. During the entire time the film is on the crown, release of fluoride into her tissue.

The procedure requires multiple visits and most often only provides minor temporary Effect.


Unlike fluoridation, this technique involves saturating the enamel with a whole complex minerals, which included calcium and fluorine ions. It is designed to eliminate microdefects and pronounced sensitivity of the enamel during abrasion.

For remineralization, preparations are used, the formula of which allows you to saturate the crown with these components so that they do not interfere with each other. During the procedure there is a rapid replacement of voids and defects minerals.

Due to this, the enamel is compacted and restored. Remineralization gives quick effect and maintains it for a long time thanks to the protective film formed on the surface of the crowns.

Deep fluoridation

This technique is considered innovative. It allows you to solve the problem of pathological abrasion of enamel, effectively eliminates cracks and smoothes the surface of the crown.

The operating principle is to apply combination drugs based on minerals that penetrate into the deepest layers enamels and seals dentinal canals and pores, preventing the leaching of beneficial components.

This procedure allows you to obtain strengthened enamel immediately after the procedure and maintain the result for a long time.

Baby teeth

For most parents, children's milk teeth act as a temporary phenomenon that does not require attention. special attention. But this is a misconception. It is from the health of baby teeth depends proper development bite child in the future.

Therefore, enamel restoration procedures are also indicated for baby teeth. Exactly the same medications are used for children as for adults. The only difference may be in the time of the procedure.

At a very young age up to 5 years preference is given to a short procedure - applying fluoride varnish. With good perseverance, any technique can be used.


The result of strengthening the crown surface will directly depend on the chosen method. Dental practice has shown that the use home remedies gives little effect.

The minimum result can only be achieved in 2 – 3 months regular use. After cessation of exposure folk remedies, as a rule, the condition of the crown getting worse again.

Therapeutic techniques have shown maximum effectiveness. Using fluoride varnish for a month there is a steady recovery effect around 4 – 6 months.

At remineralization the enamel is quickly restored and resists the aggressive effects of irritants and bacteria well during 6 – 12 months. The most top scores shows deep fluoridation. His actions are enough for 1 – 2 years.


Special care is required not only for teeth that are subject to deterioration in the quality of enamel, but also for those that have undergone remineralization and fluoridation procedures. Prevention in this case is as follows:

  1. Minimize inclusion in the diet of foods containing acids and carbohydrates, which have an aggressive effect on crowns.
  2. Use for cleansing soft bristle brushes and pastes based fluoride and calcium.
  3. Produce regularly gum massage, improving blood circulation and nutrition of dental tissue.
  4. Introduce foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and others into your diet minerals.
  5. Get rid of bad habits that provoke the risk of developing dental pathologies and lead to enamel deformation.

Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, and all because it consists of 95% inorganic substances. However bad habits and poor nutrition lead to thinning and wear of tooth enamel. How can I restore it?

The surface of the teeth has a porous structure; ions of various microelements (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, strontium, zinc) easily pass through it. There is only one way out - to use drugs that contain these ions.

Is it possible to restore tooth enamel?

Enamel covers dentin ( bone tissue teeth), performing protective function. Its main components are calcium (up to 99%) and phosphates (up to 18%). Under the influence of various negative impacts(mechanical, chemical, temperature) there is a loss of these minerals. As a result - increased sensitivity for cold and hot.

Tooth enamel is not capable of self-repair. This means that special methods of influencing it will be required. Most effective method– mineralization is the strengthening of enamel due to its saturation with minerals.

Professional methods for restoring tooth enamel


The most popular method. It involves treating the enamel with fluoride-containing gels and varnishes, which hermetically “seal” all cracks and increase resistance to food acids. Fluoridation is carried out in 2 ways:

  • mouth guard method (application restoration) - the dentist makes a reusable mouth guard, it should be filled with fluoride gel and worn daily for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy is 7-10 days;
  • express method ( deep fluoridation) – the doctor applies fluoride varnish with a brush, then the enamel is dried with a stream of warm air. After this, you need to wipe your teeth with a swab moistened with a solution of calcium hydroxide. The procedure is carried out every six months.

Dental enamel implantation

This is a new and expensive method developed in Australia. It allows you to completely restore lost enamel, improve the color and shape of the dental crown, and even correct minor malocclusions. A synthetic material is used as an implant, which in its composition is as close as possible to natural dental tissue.

The implant connects with dentin at the molecular level, this allows you to achieve lasting results for almost a lifetime.

Building up

The method is used in the most severe cases (large chips, cracks). This is a standard dental filling; photopolymer composites, which have high strength and excellent aesthetics, are used as a filling material.

Ceramic veneers are also used to build up front teeth. These are plates 0.5 mm thick. They are glued to the vestibular (outer) surface of the tooth to correct aesthetic defects.

Home Remedies

Home remedies will be effective only at the initial stage of erosion. They are also suitable for caries prevention.


It is best to choose fluoride-containing pastes without abrasive components. An important point: such products must have a safe concentration of sodium fluoride - 0.11-0.76%. It may also contain calcium gluconate, zinc oxide, and triclosan. These components are known for their antimicrobial and strengthening properties.

Dental teeth are very popular Rocs pastes, President Unique, Biorepair.

Remineralizing effect of toothpaste


Remineralizing gel is also an effective and convenient product designed for home use. All you need to do is brush your teeth with regular toothpaste and apply a thin layer of gel to the surface of your teeth. The course of application is 1-2 months.

Fluoridation of teeth in children can be performed from 2 years of age. Home remedies must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, because an excessive amount of fluoride in the body negatively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and other organs.

Children's toothpastes for dental restoration have a reduced concentration of fluoride - up to 0.023%.

It is also important for children to eat foods rich in calcium: milk, cheese, green vegetables, legumes, nuts. It is worth limiting the intake of sweets, soda, and acidic foods, as they provoke the destruction of the enamel of children's teeth.


Cost of procedures in private dentistry:

  • express fluoridation – from 2,000 rubles;
  • cap fluoridation – 1,000–1,500 rubles;
  • tooth augmentation with photopolymer – about 4,000 rubles;
  • ceramic veneer – 25,000 rub.

We advise you to make an appointment with a dentist, the doctor will tell you which method of restoring tooth enamel is suitable for you. If you are looking for dentistry with reasonable prices, use the search engine on our website.

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