Proper, healthy, balanced nutrition. The concept of “diet mode” includes - Document

In order for you to pay attention to your diet, it is worth understanding what it means proper nutrition and what is the mode. Scientists have been racking their brains over this issue for a long time, developing various diets, modes, systems for rational food intake. At the same time, it is clear to everyone that to ensure mental and physical activity, rhythmic and efficient work digestion, the body must maintain a certain diet. What exactly should be the diet of a healthy person, let us look at the meaning of diet today on our website

Unfortunately, there is no diet that suits everyone. Each person adapts to his or her individual meal schedule depending on gender, age, nature of work, lifestyle and other factors. If he adheres to his diet day after day, then the processes of digestion and assimilation of food proceed normally. This mode tunes the body to salivation, separation of digestive juices and metabolic processes on certain time.

But the concept of a diet is not only food by the hour, but also the distribution of the number of calories, food products by meal time, the duration of the meal itself, the time intervals between meals and, of course, the number of meals.

We take vital energy for ourselves from the food we take, and spend it on maintaining body temperature and on work. internal organs, muscles, on various metabolic processes occurring in our body. Take note of some rules of rational “regime” nutrition:

1. Remember that our energy consumption should not exceed energy supply, and, accordingly, in the opposite direction too.
2. It is necessary to accurately determine the need for nutrients, the qualitative and quantitative composition of food.
3. You need to give the body time to digest and rest.

By adhering to a diet, we can prevent overeating. It is always important to remember that you need to eat just enough to not be hungry, and no more than that. This approach should become the norm for eating. Overeating, as is known, leads to obesity, deterioration of health, the development of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and myocardial infarction.

The energy entering our body comes from solid food and liquid. Physiologists insist that this list of products include fish, meat, eggs, vegetable oils, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals. Sometimes, some of them are excluded, which is due to the prescribed diet due to some disease, or due to religious fasts. Also forming your own diet to relieve the body.

Scientists, in an experiment, have proven that the most optimal is three to four meals a day at intervals of about 4-5 hours. In this case, the person does not have a feeling of hunger, wellness, and protein digestibility at the level of 80-85%. However, there may be a larger number of feedings (up to 6 times a day) during myocardial infarction, after operations, during diets, in diseases gastrointestinal tract.

The distribution of calories among meals depends on national characteristics and food traditions of the people. When eating three times a day, people with average energy expenditure need to devote Special attention breakfast. It should be satisfying (25-30% of the total calories per day). Such breakfast is the key to the body’s performance. Lunch is the main meal time, and therefore it should also be filling (35-40% of calories). In this case, dinner accounts for 15-20% of the daily caloric content of food.

The importance of eating four meals a day is to reduce the load on the stomach. With four meals a day, 10-15% of the diet is separated from lunch and breakfast and redistributed for an afternoon snack or second breakfast. Reducing the load on digestion relieves afternoon drowsiness and increases performance after lunch. At the same time, it is important that each meal at the expense of chewing thoroughly lasted about 25 minutes. During this time, the brain will begin to send satiety signals even from less food.

The diet must be designed in such a way that our performance does not decrease, our resistance to various diseases. Imbalance useful substances leads to rapid fatigue, apathy, as a result of which vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis, anemia, and protein-energy deficiency can develop.

Including daily menu With a variety of products, we provide ourselves with all the microelements, vitamins, and amino acids we need.

By eating meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and dairy products, we get the necessary protein (participates in metabolism, cell renewal); a protein involved in muscle formation and growth. In addition, fish contains not only proteins, but also fatty acid, reducing in the body inflammatory processes, these are Omega-3 and Omega-6.; They contain vitamins A, B, E, and various fatty acids. With their help, the body can absorb fat-soluble vitamins and minerals from the intestines.

Fiber - needed to remove from the body bile acids, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent constipation, speed up the process of removing toxins. Contained in vegetables - asparagus, zucchini, cauliflower, garlic, sprouted seeds; in fruits - apples, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, watermelon.

In order to prevent the metabolism of proteins and fats from being disrupted, we need carbohydrates. In tandem with proteins, they form enzymes and hormones. This is bran bread cereals, wholemeal pasta, green vegetables, brown rice, dark chocolate, mushrooms. To avoid becoming obese, do not overdo it with extra calories.

Regarding fluid intake. To cleanse your body, drink herbal infusions, those that will give you pleasure. Healthy teas, non-carbonated mineral water (gases may swell and discomfort may appear), natural juices. Regarding drinking during meals, allegedly causing harm. This fact has not been proven. Also in Ancient India It was believed that if you drink before a meal, your appetite will decrease, while you eat, your digestion will improve, and if you drink it after a meal, it will weaken. The question is, in what quantity?


As a result of a questionnaire survey of 514 children from 7 to 18 years old studying in different types educational institutions Tashkent ( comprehensive school, academic lyceum and vocational college) it was determined that the diet of children in terms of frequency of meals was rational. Three and, much less often, four hot meals a day are typical for only 25% of students. A significant number of children prefer fried, salty, fatty, smoked and spicy food. 15% of students constantly and often take biologically active food supplements (BAA), and 39% take vitamins, most of whom are children adolescence involved in any sport.

frequency and eating habits


biologically active food additives (BAA).

1. Barenboim G.M., Malenkov A.G. Biologically active substances. New search principles. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 368 p.

2. Baturin A.K. Development of a system for assessing the nutritional patterns of the Russian population: abstract of thesis. dis. ...Dr. med. Sci. – M., 1998. – 47 p.

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9. Khudayberganov A.S. To the study of the vitamin content of some food products of Uzbekistan, taking into account the conditions of their production // Current problems of food hygiene in Uzbekistan: collection. scientific tr. – Tashkent, 1991. – pp. 76-78.

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The correct diet is integral part the child's general daily routine. The diet of children should be harmoniously combined with the regimen of classes, work and rest. For child's body important has proper nutrition that promotes harmonious growth and development, high performance, increased adaptive capabilities, prevention of the development of nutrition-related diseases, resistance to infections and others unfavorable factors external environment.

One of the factors that has a significant negative impact the health status of children is due to improperly organized eating behavior and irrational nutrition caused by low level knowledge of the rules rational nutrition: balanced diet; diet, including the frequency of meals during the day, certain intervals between meals and proper distribution daily ration(stages of nutrition); foods rich in essential nutrients and necessary for good nutrition; drinks and drinking regime. In this regard, eating behavior, in the form of regular and balanced nutrition, must be formed with early childhood, because it characterizes not only children’s attitude towards their health, but also their desire to comply with the principles healthy image life. Violation eating behavior, in the form of overeating some and undereating other foods, uncontrolled intake of biological active additives(dietary supplements) to food and vitamins can also cause various kinds of health problems. According to international standards, dietary supplements are natural (or identical to natural) biologically active substances (BAS), intended for consumption simultaneously with food or for inclusion in food products. In the diet, the lack of essential elements for ensuring health is an inevitable pattern, which, in turn, requires adjustments to the usual diets, in the form of additional intake of vitamins and microelements. In connection with the above, the main goal of the work was a comparative assessment of compliance with the diet and eating behavior of children involved in and not involved in sports.

Materials and research methods

Using a questionnaire method, the frequency and some dietary habits, the frequency of consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins were studied. 514 students from 7 to 18 years old (237 girls and 277 boys) studying in different types of educational institutions in Tashkent (secondary school, academic lyceum and vocational college) were surveyed. Depending on the level motor activity, all examined children were divided into 2 groups: 1st group - student-athletes and 2nd group - children not involved in sports.

Statistical processing of the obtained material was carried out using the package Excel programs, arithmetic averages (M) and errors of averages were calculated arithmetic quantities(m). The reliability of the compared values ​​was assessed by calculating the t-Student coefficient.

The work was carried out within the framework of the State grant project ADSS-15.17.1 “Development of a system of hygienic standardization of conditions and organization educational activities, physical activity and nutrition with tracking of the social gradient and health status of children in Uzbekistan involved in physical education and sports.”

Research results and discussion

It was revealed that the diet of all examined children was quite rational: in 94.2% of students in group 1 and, to a slightly lesser extent, in children in group 2 (93.1%) total number meals ranged from 3 to 5 times a day. But on average, only 27.6% of student-athletes and 24% of children in group 2 consumed hot meals 3-4 times a day. For more than 60% of the students surveyed, the frequency of hot meals was only 2 times a day, usually lunch and dinner (Table 1). The number of children whose number of meals was 1 time per day was slightly less in group 1 than in group 2 (9.9±2.09 versus 16.4±2.18%). In this case, the difference between the indicators of the compared groups was significant (P<0,05). Основной причиной неупотребления горячего питания, в подавляющем большинстве случаев, учащиеся указывали на отсутствие времени и условий в учебном заведении.

Table 1

Frequency of hot meals and some student eating habits


number of hot meals per day, %

preferred food, % of cases


Among the examined children, there was a tendency towards non-compliance with healthy eating rules. Thus, on average, in 52.5% of cases, student-athletes and children who do not play sports prefer to have fried foods in their diet, in 10.8% - sweet, in 9.3% - fatty, in 8.3% - smoked and in 7.7% of cases - spicy food, as well as in 9.8% of cases - pickles. A comparative analysis of the number of students in groups 1 and 2 showed that children who do not engage in sports largely prefer foods high in fat, sugar, salt and spicy seasonings.

More than 65% of high school girls, lyceum and college girls have tried or followed various diets to lose excess weight. Moreover, the number of such girls in group 2 was 1.2 times greater than among their peers involved in sports. About 4% of students adhered to the diet as recommended by the doctor. In the vast majority of cases, the diet was prescribed for excess body weight, anemia and allergies associated with nutrition, as well as after illnesses (infectious hepatitis, diseases of the digestive or genitourinary system).

To the survey question “How often do you take vitamins and dietary supplements?” 24.8% of children answered that they do not take vitamins and 60.7% do not use dietary supplements (Table 2). At the same time, 39% of surveyed students “constantly” and “often” take vitamins and 14.9% take dietary supplements; the rest of the children occasionally consume these drugs. It was determined that children involved in sports take vitamins 1.1 times more often and dietary supplements 1.2 times more often, but no significant differences were found between the quantitative composition of children involved in sports and those not involved in sports consuming vitamins and dietary supplements.

It was determined that the reasons shaping the consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins were practically the same among the students surveyed. Thus, the main purpose of their use by student-athletes was to “increase physical performance,” “improve health status,” “improve the functioning of the respiratory system,” and “improve the functioning of the nervous system.” Students of the 2nd group used dietary supplements for the same purpose as their peer athletes, and also in order to increase muscle mass (Table 3).

The data obtained from the survey also indicate that vitamins were consumed to a much greater extent by frequently ill children from among students who did not engage in sports. Often, taking vitamins was an additional treatment to antibacterial therapy, i.e. prescribed by a doctor while taking anti-inflammatory drugs, usually for acute respiratory and intestinal infections or exacerbations of a chronic disease.

table 2

Frequency of consumption of vitamins and biologically active food additives, %


vitamin intake


doesn't use

dietary supplement consumption


doesn't use

Table 3

Reasons for students' consumption of dietary supplements, %


purpose of dietary supplement consumption

reduce body weight

increase body weight

build muscle mass

improve health

increase physical performance

improve respiratory function

improve cardiovascular function

improve nervous system function

remove toxins

other reasons

I don't know, it's difficult to answer


I don't know, it's difficult to answer

In this regard, the question of who prescribed dietary supplements and vitamins to children was considered important. An analysis of the answers to this question showed that in 50% of cases, the consumption of dietary supplements and vitamins was carried out according to the recommendations of doctors, and almost 15% of parents independently chose dietary supplements and vitamin complexes for their children.

Analysis of the quantitative composition of children by age group showed that most often children took vitamins and dietary supplements at the age of 11-15, i.e. during a period of intensive growth and development of the body.

It is known that one of the properties of the effectiveness of dietary supplements and vitamin complexes is the dose, frequency and duration of their intake. An analysis of the survey results showed that in the vast majority of cases, children involved and not involved in sports consumed dietary supplements and vitamins under the supervision of their parents, with an average of 88% of them only as prescribed by a doctor, and about 6% according to the instructions for use.

1. For 95% of students, the diet is rational, because The frequency of meals they had was from 3 to 5 times a day, but hot meals 3-4 times a day were typical for an average of 25% of students. Due to the fact that a large number of children prefer fried, salty, fatty, smoked and spicy foods in their diet, parents’ attention should be paid to a gentle method of cooking (limiting fried and fatty foods) and the chemical composition of food consumed (limiting salt , spices and sugar).

2. Almost 15% of students “constantly” and “often” take dietary supplements, and 39% take vitamins, and student athletes take them 1.2 times more often than children who do not play sports. The largest number of children take dietary supplements and vitamins during adolescence, i.e. during a period of active growth and hormonal changes in the body. Of the students who consume dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, the majority comply with the dosage, frequency and duration of intake.

3. The research results served as the basis for the development of methodological recommendations for organizing healthy nutrition for school-age children.

Bibliographic link

Kamilova R.T., Abdusamatova B.E., Kamilov Zh.A. RATE AND NUTRITION HABITS OF CHILDREN WHO ARE AND ARE NOT PLAYED IN SPORTS // Rational nutrition, food additives and biostimulants. – 2016. – No. 2. – P. 51-55;
URL: (access date: 03/12/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The concept of “diet mode” includes:

    1) the number of meals during the day (multiplicity of meals);

    2) distribution of the daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into individual meals;

    3) time of meals during the day;

    4) intervals between meals;

    5) time spent on eating.

A proper diet ensures the efficiency of the digestive system, normal absorption of food and metabolism, and good health. For healthy people, 3-4 meals a day are recommended at 4-5 hour intervals. Eating 4 meals a day is most conducive to mental and physical work. The intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. Eating food earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. Eating between main meals interrupts the appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs. When eating quickly, food is poorly chewed and crushed, and is not sufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to excessive stress on the stomach, worsening digestion and absorption of food. When you eat in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating. The duration of meals during lunch is at least 30 minutes. In the first hour after eating a large meal, drowsiness occurs and performance decreases. Therefore, during a break from work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and weight of the daily diet, and should not include difficult-to-digest foods (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). The dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, bloating (flatulence) and nighttime gastric secretion (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, sodium chloride - table salt). The last meal should be taken no later than 1½ - 2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices, and baked goods.

Systematic eating disorders (dry food, rare and heavy meals, disordered eating, etc.) worsen metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of digestive diseases, in particular gastritis. Eating a lot of food at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and other diseases.

7.30 - 8.00 - breakfast;
10.00 - 10.30 - school breakfast;
13.00 - 13.30 - lunch;
16.00 - 16.30 - afternoon tea;
19.00 - 19.30

One of the main requirements for preparing hot breakfasts is a variety of menus and products.
It is recommended that hot breakfast menus be prepared for the week and posted so that children can copy it down for parents, who can combine the home menu with the meals children receive at school.

The concept of “diet mode” includes:

  • 1) the number of meals during the day (multiplicity of meals);
  • 2) distribution of the daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into individual meals;
  • 3) time of meals during the day;
  • 4) intervals between meals;
  • 5) time spent on eating.

A proper diet ensures the efficiency of the digestive system, normal absorption of food and metabolism, and good health. For healthy people, 3-4 meals a day are recommended at 4-5 hour intervals. Eating 4 meals a day is most conducive to mental and physical work. The intervals between small meals can be 2-3 hours. Eating food earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal is not advisable. Eating between main meals interrupts the appetite and disrupts the rhythmic activity of the digestive organs. When eating quickly, food is poorly chewed and crushed, and is not sufficiently processed by saliva. This leads to excessive stress on the stomach, worsening digestion and absorption of food. When you eat in a hurry, the feeling of fullness comes more slowly, which contributes to overeating. Duration of meals during lunch is at least 30 minutes. In the first hour after eating a large meal, drowsiness occurs and performance decreases. Therefore, during a break from work, the food consumed should not exceed 35% of the energy value and weight of the daily diet, and should not include difficult-to-digest foods (fatty meat, legumes, etc.). The dinner should not contain foods that burden the secretory and motor functions of the digestive organs, causing increased gas formation, bloating (flatulence) and nighttime gastric secretion (fried foods, foods rich in fat, coarse fiber, extractives, sodium chloride - table salt). The last meal should be taken no later than 1½ - 2 hours before bedtime. It should be 5-10% of the daily energy value of the diet and include products such as milk, fermented milk drinks, fruits, juices, and baked goods.

Systematic eating disorders (dry food, rare and heavy meals, disordered eating, etc.) worsen metabolism and contribute to the occurrence of digestive diseases, in particular gastritis. Eating a lot of food at night increases the possibility (serves as a risk factor) of myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers and other diseases.

Changes can be made to the considered basic requirements for the diet, taking into account the nature and time (shift work) of work, climate, and individual characteristics of a person. At high air temperatures, appetite decreases, the secretion of the digestive glands is inhibited, and the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired. Under these conditions, you can increase the energy value of breakfast and dinner, and reduce the energy value of lunch to 25-30% of the daily value. It has been established that the need for food intake is related to the individual characteristics of the daily biorhythm of body functions. For most people, an increase in the level of these functions is observed in the first half of the day (“morning type”). These people normally accept a hearty breakfast. For other people, the level of body functions is reduced in the morning, and it increases in the second half of the day. For them, a hearty breakfast and dinner should be shifted to later hours.

In sick people, the diet may change depending on the nature of the disease and the type of treatment procedures. The Ministry of Health has established at least 4 meals a day for treatment and prevention and sanatorium-resort institutions. The same regime is desirable in sanatoriums. Eating 5-6 times a day is necessary in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, circulatory insufficiency, condition after gastrectomy, in the postoperative period, etc. With frequent, fractional meals, a more even distribution of the energy value of the diet for breakfast is necessary , dinner and supper. With 4 meals a day, a light 2nd dinner is preferable to an afternoon snack, since the night break between meals should not exceed 10-11 hours. With 5 meals a day, an additional 2nd breakfast or afternoon snack is included, with 6 meals a day - both of these meals food. Some patients may receive a small amount of food at night (in the case of “hungry” night pain due to peptic ulcer disease). Patients whose temperature rises in the evening and their health worsens should receive at least 70% of the daily energy value in the morning and afternoon hours. In hot weather, you can increase the energy value of dinner by 5-10% at the expense of lunch. An approximate distribution of the energy value of daily rations in hospitals is presented in.

Features of the diet in sanatoriums are associated with drinking mineral waters and balneological (mineral and sea baths) procedures. Balneological and mud procedures are better tolerated 2-3 hours after a meal, somewhat worse on an empty stomach, and worst of all after a meal, especially a massive one (after lunch it is worse than after breakfast). Thus, an interval between meals and procedures or a reduction in the amount of food eaten before procedures is desirable. Therefore, at balneological resorts, the 1st breakfast before taking the procedures should be light - 5-10% of the energy value of the diet (tea, bun), and the 2nd breakfast should be 20-25% of the energy value of the diet. The diet in sanatoriums can be either 4 times a day or 5-6 times a day. It depends on the profile of the sanatorium and local conditions. For example, in sanatoriums for diseases of the digestive system, 5-6 meals should be organized.

In sanatoriums and dietary canteens, it is necessary to link work and nutrition regimes. In the “Recommendations on the principles of organizing dietary (therapeutic) nutrition at the place of work, study and residence of the population in the public catering system” (given by the Ministries of Trade and Health of the USSR on 17.12.79 and 24.01.80, respectively, and the Department of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions according to state social insurance 02/11/80), an approximate distribution of dietary rations is given for a 4-meal regimen (). These recommendations also apply to sanatoriums.

) quantitative and qualitative characteristics of nutrition, including frequency, time of food intake and its distribution by caloric content and chemical composition, as well as human behavior while eating.

Large medical dictionary. 2000 .

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