Plus, he's a walker. White fluffy What's with Korotchenko's eye

but it turns out that to believe the words of Igor Korotchenko You can only as the words of any scribbler! He is not a professional, and understands little about the issues he talks about!
And I, in my naivety, even referred to his words earlier. To my regret, reality is always different from rainbow illusions!
Here are the confirmations, because of which it is impossible to refer to the words of Igor Korotchenko and take it seriously...

The reasons for the dismissal of Igor Korotchenko from the post of editor-in-chief of the Military Industrial Courier newspaper are practically unknown to the public. He himself explains what happened by holding
some kind of journalistic investigation, which allegedly aroused the anger of the leadership of the media holding, in whose staff he was, which ultimately made him a victim of his own truth-seeking and
principles. In fact, this version has nothing to do with reality. Igor Korotchenko was fired for banal absenteeism. He tried to challenge this decision in court.

However, on May 31, 2011, the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow
refused to satisfy the claim of I. Yu. Korotchenko for the restoration to
work as editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Military-industrial
courier" of the limited liability company "Editorial office of the newspaper
"Russia" (it was this LLC that carried out the issue of
newspaper "VPK"), the recovery of wages during the forced
absenteeism and compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Determination of the Judicial Board
on civil cases of the Moscow City Court of September 26, 2011
year, the said decision of the court was left unchanged, and the cassation
I. Yu. Korotchenko's complaint was not satisfied.

"One Actor Theater"

Leaving aside subjective questions
character, such as, for example, an assessment of the degree of humiliation of such
shameful grounds for termination of employment. Also not worth it
dwell in this case on issues of journalistic ethics. IN
after all, I. Yu. Korotchenko has no journalistic education and was
it would be unfair in such a situation to recall the requirements, usually
presented to a professional journalist. They are clearly for Mr.
Korotchenko are overpriced. We propose to dwell only on the facts.

In particular, the court found that from 11
January to February 24, 2010 I. Yu. Korotchenko did not show up at the office
LLC "Editorial office of the newspaper" Rossiya ". Daily Demands of Management
society about the need to come to the workplace and give explanations about
reasons for the absence of I. Yu. Korotchenko ignored. The maximum I could
to achieve the employer in the current situation is an appearance in the office
lawyer I. Yu. Korotchenko, who practically in an ultimatum form
offered to terminate the employment relationship by agreement of the parties with payment
I. Yu. Korotchenko monetary compensation.

After that, it became obvious that
demarche I. Yu. Korotchenko was associated solely with his desire
get money without putting much effort into it. He followed
pre-designed plan, step by step, relying on the fact that
time is in his favor. After all, sooner or later the employer will
must make a decision. Or pay him wages
pay or be fired. None of these decisions I. Yu.
Korotchenko did not lose anything, since he devoted all his working time
development of its own magazine "National Defense". Compensation
for forced absenteeism, the luminary is significant, given the size of its
monthly income in LLC "Editorial office of the newspaper" Rossiya ".

“ One of Igor Korotchenko's favorite activities is to give out comments
printed electronic media. And he is ready to comment on everything that
everything from bird flu to barracks hooliganism”

It's no secret that, according to disputes
between employers and employees, the courts in the vast majority
cases, decisions are made in favor of the latter. Yes and participation
prosecutor in such cases in order to additionally protect the interests
workers is a must. In this regard, the calculation of I. Yu. Korotchenko
seemed to him true and the game started was worth the candle.

Meanwhile, during the trial
story invented by I. Yu. Korotchenko about his alleged removal from
work, which, in fairness, we note, from meeting to meeting
acquired more and more details, in particular in some
moment in this story, an armed private security company appeared, then a version arose
about blocking his magnetic pass to the office, etc., etc.,
collapsed like a house of cards. None of the indicated I. Yu.
Korotchenko's arguments, including that "he, like a dog, was
thrown out of the office”, did not find its confirmation and was recognized by the court
inconsistent with the actual circumstances.

I did not consider the arguments of I. Yu.
Korotchenko and the prosecutor who took part in the court session. In his
In conclusion, he asked the court to dismiss the claim.

Thus, "the theater of one actor",
organized, by the way, by reserve lieutenant colonel Igor Yuryevich
Korotchenko, did not make the proper impression. Assessment of evidence
the court was impartial. The court's conclusions were as follows:
the employer should not be liable for adverse consequences,
resulting from dishonest actions on the part of the employee.

But the position taken by Igor Korotchenko
can be partly explained (and even understood) if we take into account
some facts and features of his biography. Incidentally, they have become
known relatively recently. Korotchenko himself carefully concealed them. On
He had his reasons, of course.

Nondescript biography with dark

According to the Ukrainian portal, the military service of Igor Korotchenko is as follows

« Born in 1960, drafted in 1977
Moscow, graduated in 1982 from the Tambov Higher Engineering
aviation school. Igor Korotchenko himself begins to talk about himself
like this: “He served in parts of the Air Force (1982-1984),
Air Force Main Staff (1984-1987), General Staff of the Armed Forces
(1987-1994)". Sounds impressive at first glance. Remains
to clarify what positions Igor Korotchenko held in real life
military service and why he served as an officer in all
twelve years old.

In 1982-1985 Igor Korotchenko
served in the Air Force repair shop in the village of Velyaminovo
Moscow region. In Igor Korotchenko's own stories, this
a small repair shop grows to the scale of a large aircraft repair
factory, and his insignificant position (primary officer, it is necessary
notice) - to the head of the leading department of this plant. And about this
Korotchenko tells so sincerely and with conviction that, apparently,
believes in it himself.

Then (in 1985-1989) Igor
Korotchenko served at the complex technical control unit,
406th laboratory of the Air Force Main Staff. Sounds solid, but UKTK is very
a small division responsible for communications security. Of course
and in this military team, the position of Igor Korotchenko was by no means
node head.

First significant increase
happened in 1989 - Korotchenko was appointed head of the group of the 1st
Department of the 992nd Center for Comprehensive Technical Control of the General
headquarters (it is possible that at that time 1-2
military personnel). Igor Korotchenko remained in this position until 1991.

In 1991 he was moved to
the position of the head of the technical control group (this is not a promotion, but
sideways movement). At the zenith of his officer career, Korotchenko sat in
headphones and listen to what others are saying on the phone. It is his
a kind of service maximum.

What else should be noted in
official biography of Korotchenko. Usually in the sixth or seventh year
officer service, a promising graduate of a military school enters
military academy of the type of the Armed Forces. With Korotchenko this is not
happened. And this only says one thing - the officer was considered
unpromising and in the service was generally characterized negatively.

Finally, in 1994, the officer
Igor Korotchenko's service ended abruptly. He was fired at the rank
lieutenant colonel under subparagraph 2 D of paragraph 2 of article 49 of the federal law
On military duty and military service. In 1994, this meant:
“If a serviceman ceases to meet the law established for him
requirements." In other words, this is the most damaging article
which only an officer from the Armed Forces could be fired. About moral
appearance of Igor Korotchenko as an officer of the Armed Forces is more expressive
probably says the fact that fellow officers for
unseemly acts pretty beat Korotchenko in the face. To the service
Major Korotchenko was forced to walk around with bruises under his eyes.

To ignorant people, Korotchenko usually
appears to be a colonel in the reserve of the General Staff. Or a colonel in the reserve of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Probably like the mood. If good - Colonel of the General Staff reserve.
If so-so - a colonel in the reserve of the Strategic Missile Forces. Periodically (also, apparently, under
mood) declares himself a graduate of the Military Academy. M.V.
Frunze (which, of course, he never graduated from). "Fly
fantasy" is also facilitated by the fact that the Air Force repair shop and the node (center)
complex technical control - subdivisions of extremely
insignificant in number. It can be said that colleagues
meeting Korotchenko is very difficult. This gives him
additional opportunities for fables and ballads about one's own service in
Armed Force

Fake Colonel

Who is Igor Korotchenko really?
military rank? In his blog, Mr. Korotchenko posted an extract from
order to confer on him the military rank of "Colonel". Then he
added: " Assigning the military rank of "Colonel" is an important stage
in any military career. Colonel's epaulettes for me February 23, 1999
handed over by the chief of staff of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General V.
Meleshko, who conveyed warm congratulations from the head
Russian military department Marshal I. Sergeev (in an extract from
order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation personal data on accounting retouched)

The question arises: what is retouched
Mr Korotchenko? What kind of secret is this? And here's what - his
last position and personal number.

« Here's what his position looks like on
in fact: head of the technical control group of the 992nd Center
complex technical control of the General Staff of the Armed Forces
Russian Federation. Personal number - P-388114. Position, right
to say, not famous, petty, there is nothing to be proud of. So mister
Korotchenko smeared it shamefully.

Korotchenko in 1997-1999 wrote
laudatory odes and panegyrics to the Minister of Defense I. Sergeev. rubbed myself into
confidence in the head of the apparatus of the minister V. Meleshko. Persuaded the last
include yourself in the draft order on the assignment of regular military ranks
reserve officers. His past (namely, that he was expelled from
Armed Forces under a defamatory article) Mr. Korotchenko,
Naturally, he concealed it from Meleshko. And there was no time to check.

Why is it necessary to deprive Mr.
Korotchenko military rank "Colonel"?

First, us from the office
Nezavisimaya Gazeta received data that in 1998-1999. to the military
charges Korotchenko was not called up.

Secondly, citizens staying
in the reserve, the next military ranks can be awarded according to
representation of the official in charge of military training,
only after passing military training and passing the tests established
defense minister. Such a representation could not be found on that
the simple reason that it simply did not exist. No credits for
Korotchenko did not pass the completion of non-existent military training. Such
The document could not be found either. And in what specialty (high school) is he
could you retrain? Therefore, false colonel Korotchenko should be
stripped of military rank

Plus forgery

Igor Korotchenko loves to trump
one of his papers. About him he proudly writes as follows:
way: " My service certificate during the years of work in
General Staff, according to which I was granted the right to check
any military unit, organization and institution of the Armed Forces of the USSR.
Such "crusts" (mine are signed by the Deputy Chief of the General
headquarters by Colonel General Kleimenov) for the entire General Staff had no more than
50 generals and officers. Although 20 years have passed, the tasks that I
engaged, constitute a state secret, therefore the powers are retouched

Now we quote
: « We showed this document to the head of the General
headquarters (general of the army), who, during the period of his alleged extradition to Mr.
Korotchenko led the "brain of the army."

After a long study
certificate, the Chief of the General Staff said that he never
I saw such documents and it is unlikely that they could exist at all. How
chief of the General Staff, the general of the army emphasized, he
never signed or issued any such certificates to anyone. Nothing
the commander did not know about such certificates from those NGSH who
came to replace him. The Chief of the General Staff concluded that
that such a document could not exist in nature.

Why on this pseudo-document
Korotchenko retouched his alleged powers? Yes, because he
invented them. And shaking, probably, with this fake ID in
airports, shops, hotels, in front of saleswomen in the era
deficit. Before us is an undeniable fake. That is, this is already the case. If
not criminal, then about an administrative offense for sure

The figure of Igor Korotchenko in the Ukrainian media environment, working with industry experts, is still little known. Although he is much more popular in the neighboring country, nevertheless, his attention is attracted by the so-called. "Ukrainian issues".

For example, Mr. Korotchenko is firmly convinced that the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation should always remain in Sevastopol.

But next to statements that are openly chauvinistic for the Ukrainian side, there can be directly opposite ones. For example, the Center for Analysis of the World Arms Trade, headed by him, “suddenly” recently announced Ukraine in the top three in the export of armored personnel carriers. This was done at a time when a scandal with a possible failure of the Iraqi contract was raging in full swing. And from such a frankly servile position of representatives of a competitive country - after all, no one has canceled the struggle for export contracts - it smelled of a frank order or an attempt to get this order. So who is Igor Kortchenko, and should we trust his statements on the Ukrainian defense industry?

Strokes for a portrait

There are two biographies of Korotchenko. One is written in his own hand, the other is real.

Igor Yuryevich KOROTCHENKO - aka Vasily Kasarin, aka Igor Yuryev, aka Vadim Egorov, aka Maxim Isaev, aka Igor Lensky, aka Gennady Pulin, aka Boris Vyatkin (other pseudonyms under which Korotchenko usually performs in in mass media).

Born in 1960, called up in 1977, Moscow, graduated in 1982 from the Tambov Higher Engineering Aviation School.

Igor Korotchenko himself begins to talk about himself like this:

He served in parts of the Air Force (1982-1984), the General Staff of the Air Force (1984-1987), the General Staff of the Armed Forces (1987-1994).

Sounds impressive at first glance. It remains to be clarified in what positions Igor Korotchenko served in active military service and why he served in officer positions for only twelve years.

In 1982-1985 Igor Korotchenko served in the Air Force repair shop in the village of Velyaminovo, Moscow Region (the years of his tenure in various positions, by the way, do not quite coincide with his official biography). In Igor Korotchenko's own stories, this small repair workshop grows to the scale of a large aircraft repair plant, and his insignificant position (primary officer, it should be noted) - to the head of the leading department of this plant. Moreover, Korotchenko talks about this so sincerely and with conviction that, apparently, he himself believes in it.

Then (in 1985-1989) Igor Korotchenko served at the Comprehensive Technical Control Unit, 406th Laboratory of the Air Force Main Staff. Sounds solid, but UCTC is a very small unit responsible for communications security. Of course, in this military team, the position of Igor Korotchenko was by no means the head of the unit.

The first significant increase occurred in 1989 - Korotchenko was appointed head of the group of the 1st department of the 992nd Center for Comprehensive Technical Control of the General Staff (it is possible that 1-2 military personnel were under his command at that time). Igor Korotchenko remained in this position until 1991.

In 1991, he was moved to the position of head of the technical control group (this is not a promotion, but a sideways movement). At the zenith of his officer career, Korotchenko sat in headphones and listened to what others were talking on the phone. This is his kind of official maximum.

What else should be noted in the official biography of Korotchenko. Usually, in the sixth or seventh year of officer service, a promising graduate of a military school enters the military academy of the type of the Armed Forces. This did not happen with Korotchenko. And this only says one thing - the officer was considered unpromising and was generally characterized negatively in his service.

Finally, in 1994, Igor Korotchenko's officer service came to an abrupt end.

He was fired at the rank lieutenant colonel (according to other sources - major) under subparagraph 2D of paragraph 2 of Article 49 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service". In 1994, this meant (it should be noted that there were later editions of this law): "If a serviceman ceased to meet the requirements established for him by the Law." In other words, this is the most discrediting article under which an officer from the Armed Forces could be fired. The moral character of Igor Korotchenko as an officer of the Armed Forces is most expressive of all, probably, by the fact that fellow officers beat Korotchenko in the face for unseemly acts. Major Korotchenko was forced to go to work with bruises under his eyes.

After his dismissal from the Armed Forces, they did not want to give him a foreign passport for a long time. Chief of Electronic Warfare of the General Staff in the mid-1990s. (to whom the Central Control Commission was subordinate), shaking a stack of papers, which described the unseemly actions of Igor Korotchenko, shouted: “And you want to give this bastard a passport?!” Naturally, Korotchenko carefully hides such details of his own service. By the way, they explain a lot in his character.

To ignorant people, Korotchenko usually appears as a colonel in the reserve of the General Staff. Or a colonel in the reserve of the Strategic Missile Forces. Probably like the mood. If good - Colonel of the General Staff reserve. If so-so - a colonel in the reserve of the Strategic Missile Forces. Periodically (also, apparently, also in the mood) declares himself a graduate of the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze (which, of course, he never finished). The “flight of fantasy” is also facilitated by the fact that the Air Force repair workshop and the unit (center) of integrated technical control are extremely small units in their numbers. It can be said that it is very difficult to meet Korotchenko's colleagues. This provides him with additional opportunities for fables and ballads about his own service in the Armed Forces.

For example, Igor Korotchenko still likes to talk about himself like this:

“In 2003, protesting against the anti-state information policy of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, owned by oligarch Boris Berezovsky, he turned to the journalists of Nezavisimye Voyennoye Obozreniye with a proposal to leave the editorial office, and was fully supported by the team.” However, the veterans of Nezavisimaya Gazeta know that Igor Korotchenko never expressed any protest to anyone in the newspaper. In the "Independent" he mainly bred with the money of the general directors of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which earned him the nickname Mr. "Thousand Dollars". For Korotchenko did not take on a single issue related to the defense industry complex until at least this amount was promised to him (a thousand dollars, by the way, is not at all small money for the second half of the 1990s).

In 2003, Sergei Sokut, deputy editor-in-chief of the Independent Military Review, left for a new job. Igor Korotchenko hoped that this position would be offered to him. However, this did not happen and Korotchenko held a grudge. And then, by the way, came the “Military-Industrial Courier”, where Igor Korotchenko ate the editor-in-chief Anatoly Dokuchaev in a matter of days and, through intrigue and sleight of hand, was approved as editor-in-chief. The overall result of being the editor-in-chief of the "VPK" for our hero was unsuccessful. He was never able to make the newspaper really interesting and in demand by readers (unless, for personal gain, he demonstrated devotion and loyalty to the leadership of the military department).

This was partly due to the fact that the main goal of Korotchenko's work in the Military Industrial Courier newspaper (at one time) was all kinds of glorification of Sergei Ivanov as a possible president of Russia. In fact, everything was subordinated to this in the activities of Igor Korotchenko. In narrow circles in those days, Korotchenko used to say that he thinks of his future in the following way: Sergei Ivanov - the president, Korotchenko for the services rendered - the minister of defense. According to another version, set out by Korotchenko himself, he was promised the post of general director of TV Channel 1 for his assistance in the election campaign of Sergei Ivanov.

The National Defense magazine was subordinated to the same goals, which Korotchenko began publishing under the pseudonym Vasily Kasarin (by the way, many of the editorial staff of this magazine are fictitious people, there are no journalists with such names in Moscow). The case, even for our time, is unique - the publication of the journal (in the early stages of its existence) under a pseudonym. At one time the magazine was closed. But recently it has been relaunched. And again, on the pages of this publication, someone is glorified, and only for the purpose of solving the personal problems of Igor Korotchenko (some of those glorified probably don’t even know about it).

The same task - PR of Sergei Ivanov - was once subordinated to the portal, created under the leadership of Igor Korotchenko. The personalities in the editorial office are the same as in the "National Defense". At the head - of course, the mysterious Vasily Kasarin. After Ivanov was not elected president, the portal (quite stupid content, I must say frankly) ceased to exist.

And here is a characteristic touch - as soon as Sergei Ivanov left the race as a potential president of Russia, Igor Korotchenko instantly lost interest in his overlord. And this is the whole Korotchenko. And in fact - why does he need Ivanov now, especially since he did not live up to his expectations and aspirations with such a bang.

For offenses that are diametrically opposed to the generally accepted norms of morality and morality, Igor Korotchenko was expelled from the post of editor-in-chief of the Military Industrial Courier newspaper at the end of 2009. Extremely embittered by what happened, Korotchenko unleashed a real information war against his former employer. And this time, he decided for all the good that the boss had done for him in his time, to repay him with an eruption of streams of dirt and shit. And it becomes clear why Korotchenko's colleagues at the Center for Comprehensive Technical Control hit him in the face with such frenzy at the time. By the way, as soon as Korotchenko was kicked out of the "Military-Industrial Courier", he immediately signed up for the irreconcilable fighters against corruption in the military-industrial complex. Moreover, he understands this struggle exclusively in his own way - splashing out slops on his former employer.

Separately, mention should be made of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a member of which, as a result of multi-way combinations and various kinds of offerings, Korotchenko became. This, frankly, is possible only in Russia - a person with a very mediocre military career and expelled from the Armed Forces under a discrediting article advises to equip the army.

Apparently, Korotchenko is a mentally inadequate person (apparently, he has not passed a qualified medical commission for a long time). He suffers from severe narcissism: Korotchenko quite sincerely considers himself someone like Churchill. Presumably, from one of his reflections in the mirror, he is able to get excited and experience multiple orgasms right in public.

As a conclusion. It is curious, nevertheless, on what basis do some people tend to consider this subject with a very obscure biography and education in the volume of a secondary military school as well-versed in certain issues of the life of the Armed Forces or the country's defense-industrial complex?

In the army, Korotchenko did not even command a platoon, he never worked in the defense industry (and even in ordinary positions). Heard something somewhere. Looked at something somewhere. In general, he judges everything on a whim.

For troubled times and for modern Russian reality, this is probably enough to be an expert-analyst of the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation on defense industry issues.

Such a thing: if you were able to be in the right place at the right time, if relations with the heads of the military department were set, if you do not get tired of glorifying the successes of the leadership of the ministry, then effective managers from the army will easily spit on all sorts of mothballed traditions there, if only your past sins did not spoil the current picture of the "new look" too much. This is how the example of the head of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense Igor Korotchenko, who illegally received the title of "colonel in the reserve", shows.

MK is already wrote about an unpleasant story from the past of a famous military expert. In short, in 1994, Igor Korotchenko was dismissed from the center of complex technical control of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the post of head of the TC group on the basis of clause “d” of Article 49 of the then edition of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” due to the following circumstances: “The officer does not corresponds to the position in terms of moral and psychological qualities. Translating into human from the military state: Korotchenko was expelled from the army in disgrace.

It would seem that a person who has tarnished the honor of a uniform should not even be allowed on the threshold of military institutions. However, in 1999, Korotchenko received the title of "Reserve Colonel". And he gets it for a reason, but in violation of the law, without passing the mandatory fees in such cases.

For some time, this discrepancy remained out of sight of the general public, until last year the relevant information became known to State Duma deputy Sergei Sobko. He made relevant requests to the Ministry of Defense and the Prosecutor General's Office. At first, the Ministry of Defense made round eyes: they say that everything complies with the existing law, you can do without fees, with one decision of the attestation commission. But the law changed only in January 2007.

As a result, the Chief Military Prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky had to make an official submission to the Deputy Minister of Defense, Secretary of State Nikolai Pankov to eliminate the violation of the law, and Vladimir Komoyedov, who recently headed the State Duma Defense Committee, also made a deputy request. In it, the admiral raises the question not only of why the title was received by Korotchenko, but also how a person who tarnished the honor of the uniform could get it.

The answer to this was given in the inimitable manner of the current leadership of the Ministry of Defense. In February, the chairman of the Public Council of the military department, Igor Korotchenko, was re-certified. According to her results Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation issued an order by which the military rank of "Reserve Colonel" was assigned to a prominent figure this time not from 1999, but from January 21, 2007. Wipe yourself, gentlemen Fridinsky, Sobko, Komoyedov.

The point here is not even an obvious logical inconsistency: how can a person be in a certain rank five years before the certification, according to the results of which this title was received? The fact is that, no matter how modern cynics and pragmatists think, military traditions and officer honor are not empty words, but real variables in the formula on which the morale of the army depends. [...]

the site traced the path of Igor Korotchenko from dismissal from the army to a well-known "expert"-telepropagandist.

Igor Korotchenko has two biographies. One - official - crystal clear. But the second compromises and forces to sue, especially on those points that are already difficult to prove today.

Dismissed under article

Igor Korotchenko gave the army 12 years of his life. He served in the Air Force repair shop, ensured the security of communications in the General Staff. There were not enough stars from the sky - apparently, the stars on shoulder straps were more important to him. A sharp turn in the life of Lieutenant Colonel Korotchenko happened in 1994. The officer was dismissed from the army under the discrediting Article 49 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" as a serviceman who ceased to "meet the requirements established for him by law." At one reminder of this fact, Korotchenko begins a real hysteria, which the whole country witnessed during the debates before the 2016 State Duma elections (Gennady Onishchenko lost them). Oleg Mitvol faked his opponent - Korotchenko began to yell at the leader of the Greens, called him a "traitor to the Motherland" and threatened to put him "on NATO machine guns."

Why was the officer pointed to the door? According to his opponents, he was dopek: he cheated with rations of colleagues, scribbled denunciations, for which he allegedly was repeatedly beaten. However, the Military Industrial Courier newspaper (from where Korotchenko was also exiled with a scandal, but more on that below) failed to prove this information in court. The bruises, if any, had healed long ago, so I had to give a refutation.

Kicked out of the newspaper

In the same 1994, Korotchenko got a job at Nezavisimaya Gazeta. They say that the newly minted military commander found an approach to the then owner of the media, Boris Berezovsky, and, using his proximity to the body, weaved intrigues against the editor-in-chief. Korotchenko is also blamed for writing custom articles (allegedly, the nickname Mister Thousand Dollars came from there), but this is all backstage talk. Was it or not? Vitaly Tretyakov knows this for sure. But the former head of Nezavisimaya, having only heard the name of the ex-employee from us, flatly refused to talk about him.

After NG, Korotchenko got a job at the Military Industrial Courier weekly, where he did everything he could to praise Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, in whom many saw Vladimir Putin's successor. At the same time, an officer who flew out of the ranks of the Russian army with a bang ... suddenly received the rank of colonel! Moreover, in violation of the procedure: Korotchenko did not pass the military training prescribed in this case. When the illegality of obtaining the title was discovered, a new law had already been passed, which allowed for promotion on the basis of one attestation. Korotchenko came out of this story with minimal losses (only the date of the order changed), but the sediment remained.

And then another trouble came. Korotchenko, who by that time had become the editor-in-chief of the VPK, disagreed with the owner of the newspaper, Igor Ashurbeyli. Someone in such cases leaves on his own, someone butts, and the colonel just began ... to play truant. According to this article, he was fired. Even the court, where Korotchenko, as usual, applied, did not help him.

Appointed to the Ministry of Defense

In 2012, a man with a tainted military past received a new position: chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense (instead of Nikita Mikhalkov, who was disgraced with a flasher). This happened when the ministry was still headed by Anatoly Serdyukov, whose reforms, as in his time to Ivanov, were praised by Igor Yuryevich.

Korotchenko found himself not only in a new position, but also on the budget. Under him, 150 million rubles allocated for the formation of a positive image of the military department disappeared without a trace. The accusations of misuse of funds by the ex-head of the OS (now in this position Pavel Gusev) managed to challenge. But where the money went is unknown.

They feed on government orders

Korotchenko is like a modern Khlestakov. You already figured out which warrior from him. Calling him a journalist is also not a good idea. Military expert? Colleagues of Korotchenko laugh at his "competence" and recall the story of how he, who graduated from the Tambov school, when he headed the Public Council, also indicated the diploma of the Military Academy. Frunze. Journalists made a request: it turned out that Igor Korotchenko never studied there.

All this does not prevent the screen star from being a successful businessman. Korotchenko lives well on the millions of government orders that his three companies receive from enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

- I assume that finances this Mr. VPK. Perhaps also Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin, - admits Andrey Karaulov, who devoted a separate issue of the Moment of Truth to Korotchenko.

According to another version, Korotchenko enjoys the patronage of Sergei Ivanov, with whom he has maintained relations since the time of the joint, but unsuccessful campaign against the Kremlin.

Who is he - Mr. Korotchenko? Disabled person. Yes, disabled. So says Oleg Mitvol. Until they let them into the machine guns, he recalls:

- Before the very debate, when Korotchenko broke down on me, I was standing at the Mosfilm pavilion. I thought over my speech about how to help people with disabilities living in Russia (such was the topic). At that moment, a car with a yellow badge of a disabled person drove up to the entrance, and a hefty man solemnly stepped out of the back seat. It reminded me of Operation Y. "Do not be noisy! I am disabled!" Morgunov says. And then he easily lifts the car, turning it around. So, that “disabled person” at Mosfilm was Igor Korotchenko.

Will Korotchenko suffer a well-deserved punishment?

Igor Korotchenko is a shameful squalor and a crook. The Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation agrees with this. Everyone who gave an interview for an investigation about this scandalous public figure, a fighter against the NATO bloc, agrees with this. Film under the cut.

His title and positions are fake. Korotchenko is neither a colonel, nor an editor, nor a director. It's funny, but there's also a part that isn't funny. There are still serious questions about the huge amounts of money that disappeared and about control over the activities of the Russian Defense Ministry.

General facts:

1. Korotchenko is not a colonel. Back in 2011, the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation ruled that the assignment of the title was illegal. The prosecutor has been trying for 5 years to deprive Korotchenko of the title obtained by deceit, but the crook continues to be the Chairman of the Public Council under the Minister of Defense.

My comments disappear at this point, and then I just silently swallow the air.

If the Chief Military Prosecutor of the country cannot deprive a crook of his rank, punish him and conduct an investigation, who gave this rank and why, then how do the Laws work in the Armed Forces?

2. The Public Council was allocated 150 million rubles to "improve the public image of the Armed Forces." The money came at the disposal of Korotchenko, what they spent is unknown, there is no report.

A great excuse sounds in the movie about it, " 150 million have disappeared - but this is such a trifle compared to what is happening in the Armed Forces ...". And then the story about military camps that were built, demolished, and then rebuilt in the same place.

3. Korotchenko introduces herself as Editor-in-Chief of the National Defense magazine and Director of the Center for Analysis of the World Arms Trade. Both organizations do not exist. At the address of the Analysis Center there is a kindergarten. At the address of the editorial office of the Defense magazine - a swimming pool.

The film raises the question - does the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Russian Federation know that there is a kindergarten at the address of the Korotchenkov Center for Analysis of the World Arms Trade? And the answer is " Apparently he doesn't know". It is suggested that fake organizations are used to steal money, and that Korotchenko shares the stolen goods with those in the MO who do not allow him to be punished for a false title.

Andrei Karaulov greatly underestimates the degree of what is happening. In Karaulov's version, Korotchenko is a miserable squalor, a swindler who crawled into a warm position by deceit and (probably) stealing money there. The entire second half of the film says that Korotchenko cannot be the Chairman of the Council, because he does not have a sufficiently wide authority. What kind of broad authority are we talking about when he was expelled from the army in disgrace for his immoral appearance [according to a number of data - Korotchenko was beaten - I assumed that this was for theft in the locker rooms, but it turned out that for sexual intercourse with men during office hours] , and now continues to walk with a military rank, which he does not have?

The situation is much more serious:

- The Chairman of the Public Council is a person with social weight, fame, who could and should have ensured public control over the Defense Ministry, over the Minister of Defense himself.

For example, ask Shoigu a question about his $20 million house. And such a person would need to answer! Korotchenko, a crook with a false title, who is under pressure from the Prosecutor's Office and was previously expelled from the Armed Forces, is taken to the position. Korotchenko is unlikely to ask uncomfortable questions. Formed serious systemic problem.

- The amazing impotence of the Prosecutor's Office. We have all the documents about the scam, they are simple and transparent. And within 5 can not do anything? Lawlessness in its ultimate form.

“Finally, the theft of money, fake organizations located in the pool and kindergarten. Korotchenko is completely caught. However, there is no liability. It is impossible to see the expenses of the Public Council. And this is only 150 million rubles, about which it accidentally became known that they had evaporated.

In this story - absolutely all of Putin's Russia. Theft, complete legal chaos, which causes insanity.

But, most importantly, the destruction of control systems. There is a rogue in the high post of control over the MO, who knows that he can be thrown out of there at any moment. Can you imagine how convenient it is to have such a controller?

How can you somehow interrupt such a total system of lawlessness? The Chief Military Prosecutor is powerless. Do you understand what the problem is? All normal methods have been exhausted. What's left?

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