Features of registration of regional maternity capital. Maternal regional capital: how to get it and what can it be spent on? Agencies that work with regional capital

In Russia, a program to support families with children through the issuance of maternity (family) capital is successfully developing. Families who have given birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children can use maternity capital funds. In total, more than 6 million families.

At the end of 2011, the president of the country addressed the heads of the constituent entities of the federation with a proposal to consider the possibility of additional assistance to families with children. Some federal subjects have developed their own projects.

It is worth saying that this program is not available in all regions. For example, it is not available in Tatarstan. The main difference between regional programs and the federal one is that the financing of the regional program is carried out at the expense of the subjects themselves.

In addition, in contrast to federal support, regional maternity capital is allocated primarily when the third or subsequent child is born (adopted).

In Altai, money is given for the fourth child, in the Moscow region - for the second, and in Bashkortostan, regional maternity capital is given only to families who have adopted a child. The heads of the subjects are free to independently determine the criteria according to which the certificate will be issued.

What can regional family capital be spent on?

In the case of using regional family capital, the family has the opportunity to improve living conditions, spend money on education, remodeling a house or apartment, treating children or parents.

The specific list of purposes according to which capital can be spent is different in each region. In some regions, for example, in the Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Ulyanovsk, and Oryol regions, you can purchase a car using funds from regional maternity capital.

In the Altai Territory, expand your subsidiary farm and purchase equipment for agricultural work. By the way, all participants in this program have the opportunity to use funds to improve their living conditions, while the remaining goals in each region are defined differently.

Combining all possible ways of using capital, we get:

  • Improving living conditions (purchase, construction, restoration);
  • Purchasing a plot of land;
  • Purchase of vehicles (cars);
  • Treatment (including sanatorium-resort treatment) for children and, in some regions, parents;
  • Children's education;
  • Mother's pension contributions;
  • Expansion of subsidiary farming;

Maternity capital in the regions of Russia and its average value

The amount of Regional Maternity Capital allocated to families, as already mentioned, is decided by the subjects independently. Typically this amount is equal to 100,000-150,000 rubles. In some areas it is 50,000 rubles(Ivanovskaya, Vladimirskaya). There are regions in which the amount of regional capital is close to the federal one (Republic of Bashkortostan- 429,000 rubles, Khabarovsk Territory - more 200,000 rubles).

IN Moscow There is no regional maternity capital, but it operates in Moscow region. You can also purchase real estate using funds from regional maternity capital only in Moscow region. In some areas, capital is not subject to indexation and is paid in the amount determined by local legislation.

Regional capital is issued in the form of a certificate; its cashing is excluded. But in the Ivanovo region, maternity capital in the amount of 50,000 rubles issued to the mother, you can receive it in your hands and spend it on the urgent needs of the family.

It is worth saying that funds from regional maternity capital can be used not only by the mother of children, but also by single fathers and, in a number of regions, by children who are left without parents. You can use the received certificate under the RMK program in the same way as under the federal one. The child for whom the capital is issued must be three years old.

Table of conditions for obtaining regional maternity capital

The rules for acquiring regional maternity capital, the amount and purpose for which it can be spent are presented in the table. Only some regions are indicated.

Region Conditions How can I spend it?
Moscow region - Issued to a family where a second or subsequent child appeared (must be born or adopted later than 2011). - Not valid within the city of Moscow. - Amount 100,000 rubles, not indexed - education of children - improvement of living conditions. conditions - mother's pension contributions
Leningrad region - issued after birth 3 or subsequent children - amount 100 000 . - education of children - purchase of an apartment or house
Altai region - issued at birth 3 and subsequent children - the amount 50,000 rubles,- a mandatory condition is that the family must be registered in the region for more than 10 years - teaching children - buying a house or apartment or renovating
Kemerovo region - issued to families where 3 and more children - amount 100,000 rubles- permanent residence in the region - more than 1 year — building a house, — buying real estate (apartment or house)
Novosibirsk region — capital is issued at the birth of the third and subsequent children; Mandatory residence in the region for more than three years. Amount of capital 100,000 rubles - repaying the mortgage - building and renovating housing - mother's pension contributions - buying a car - educating children
Samara Region - capital is issued at the birth of the third and subsequent children - amount 100,000 rubles— a prerequisite is permanent registration in the region - repaying the mortgage - buying a house or apartment and repairs - education and treatment of children - purchasing a vehicle (car)
Sakhalin region - capital is received at the birth of the second and subsequent children - the amount of capital is about 200,000 rubles, constantly indexed - a mandatory condition is residence in the region for more than 1 year before the birth of the second child - buying an apartment or house, renovations - mortgage payment - treatment for children - education for children
Sverdlovsk region - capital is received at the birth of the third and subsequent children - amount 150,000 rubles- permanent residence in the region more than 1 year - purchasing a house or apartment, renovation - purchasing a plot of land - educating children - treating children
Khabarovsk region - capital is received by families where there is 3 and more children - capital amount 200,000 rubles— a mandatory condition is permanent residence of the family in the region - improvement of living conditions - treatment of children and parents - education of children

Where to go when applying for a mat. capital?

Issues of Federal Maternity Capital are dealt with by the Pension Fund at the place of residence of the family. To obtain Regional Maternity Capital, you should contact the social protection authorities.

Conditions of receipt

Local governments determine the conditions that a family applying for payment must meet. Thus, in the Rostov region, large families permanently residing in this area and belonging to the poor receive a certificate.

Most regions of Russia have implemented regional maternity capital programs(MK) - measures to support families with children. They complement the current federal family capital program. Unlike state maternity capital (in 2019, a certificate is provided in the amount 453026 rubles) rarely exceed 150 thousand rubles. As a rule, regional maternity capital upon entry into the family third child.

The permitted ones also differ, for example, in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation it is impossible to form a mother’s pension at the expense of MK. On the other hand, it is often possible to renovate your home or buy a car.

Maternity capital can be issued by mothers (adoptive mothers) and sole adoptive parents of a second or subsequent child, if the birth (adoption) occurred during from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016.

Conditions for obtaining regional maternity capital

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the right to regional maternity capital appears at birth or adoption third child. In some regions, other conditions apply, for example, maternity capital can be issued when:

  • the second and subsequent child - in;
  • fourth child - in, ;
  • fifth child - in .

The family should live in the territory of this subject(republic, territory, federal city, autonomous district or autonomous region).

As a rule, regional maternity capital can be issued once, but not always - you can get maternity capital for each of the children at:

  • (starting from the first child, subject to certain conditions being met);
  • (from the third);
  • (from the third);
  • (from the second child).

Rules for managing maternity capital are established by regional regulations. In general, to use maternity capital, you must:

  • receive a personal document confirming the right to MK (certificate, letter of guarantee, etc.);
  • submit an application to the authorized bodies (usually the social security department).

The size of regional maternity capital

The size of regional maternity capital, as a rule, is from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. In 2019, the highest amount of local maternity capital is in the Ulyanovsk region; families in the region can receive 700 thousand for the seventh and each subsequent child. The highest amount of capital for a third child is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where families can obtain a certificate for 366,356 rubles(Part 2 of Article 11 of the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On the District Budget...”).

Lowest value in - 25 000 rubles for the second (subsequent) child born or adopted during the period from September 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016 (Part 1, Article 8.6 of Regional Law No. 130-Z). At the birth of a third child, the family will be able to receive only 40 000 rubles (clause 4 of the regulations on regional maternity capital).

In many regions, maternity capital is indexed every year and its actual value may differ from that specified in the law.

In some regions the size of maternity capital depends on the number of children. For example, in Mordovia (Article 6 of the Law of the Republic No. 66-Z) it is:

  • 125,270 rubles for the third child;
  • 150,324 rubles for the fourth child;
  • 187,906 rubles for the birth (adoption), fifth and subsequent children.

In some regions, payments at birth have been established several children at once. For example, mothers who give birth to three children at the same time receive 205,669 rubles(paragraph 2, part 1, article 5 of law No. 86-OZ).

What can regional maternity capital be spent on in 2019?

Directions for using regional maternity capital not very different from the directions of the federal program. Many of the purposes for which maternity capital may be spent are the same. In most regions, using MK tools you can:

  • Improve living conditions. You can buy a home, build or reconstruct a private home, pay off a debt, or make a down payment on a loan (including a mortgage). In some regions, you can carry out repairs and pay for building materials using MK funds.
  • Pay for children's education. Some regions also allow you to pay for study-related expenses - accommodation in a dormitory or the purchase of necessary equipment.
  • Pay for children's treatment.

In the Novosibirsk region (Clause 3, Part 3, Article 6 of Law No. 125-OZ) and Mordovia (Article 9.2 of Law No. 66-Z), you can direct maternity capital to the mother’s pension. In other regions this possibility is not available.

Regional maternity capital can be used in almost twenty regions for adaptation of disabled children, for example, in (clause 5, part 11, article 7.2 of law No. 206-KZ) and (clause 3, part 1, article 7 of law No. 101-OZ).

Some regional laws allow the use of maternity capital for the purchase of transport:

  • You can buy a car in (clause 4, part 1, article 11 of the Rostov region law No. 727-ZS).
  • Local maternity capital can be used to purchase a car or agricultural machinery (clause e) part 18 of the procedure for disposing of regional maternity capital).

Regional maternity capital in the Moscow region in 2019

In the Moscow region there is a program established by regional law No. 1/2006-OZ dated January 12, 2006 on measures of social support for families. The right to local maternity capital arose at the birth or adoption of a second child from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016.

Regional capital differs from state capital in size and conditions of receipt. In many regions, a subsidy is issued only at the birth of a third child; in addition, requirements are established for family income or time of residence in the territory of the subject. Spending methods may vary; some areas provide the opportunity to buy a car, others allow funds to be spent only on improving living conditions.

The federal program to increase the birth rate has been operating in the country for 10 years. In addition to this, each region has introduced its own measures to support families with children. However, if the state allocates funds strictly at the birth of the second or subsequent children, then the subjects can set their own rules.

Maternity capital or regional capital is a measure of family support carried out by regional authorities, serving as an addition to a similar state program.

Regional version of maternity capital

The right of a region to issue its own regulations is implemented in different ways: for example, in Dagestan the amount of payment is established by decree, in the Rostov region - by law, in the Leningrad and Belgorod regions - by the social code. Therefore, the names of the documents will be different.

When creating their own areas of family support, regions are based on their financial capabilities, because the incomes of different entities differ greatly from each other. There are also regions that cannot fully cover expenses with income, so subsidies are allocated to them.

In addition to the amount of the subsidy paid to families, regional authorities determine the conditions for its provision, the procedure and directions of spending. There are also many differences in this regard. This is especially true for the order of use: in some regions, you can receive money when the child reaches the age of one and a half, not three years.

Regarding the number of children in a family, we can state almost complete unanimity: most regions pay money for the third child, rarely for the second.

Note! In addition to regional maternity capital, there are other measures to support large families in the regions.

How does regional capital differ from state capital?

Maternity capital issued to families by the state and the region differs. These are two complementary programs that cannot be interchanged:

  1. The difference lies in the source of funds and the amount. For the federal family support program, money is allocated from the country’s budget, and for the regional one, from the budget of a specific region. The amounts also differ: the state allocates 453,026 rubles, the regions are several times less. Basically, the amount of payment to the subject is no more than 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Directions for spending funds. If we talk about family capital allocated by the state, they are determined by federal law. With regard to regional assistance, such areas are determined by the subjects themselves and can be supplemented or reduced. For example, in some regions the funds received can be used to install gas, electricity, water or sewerage, while in others it can be spent only on improving living conditions. However, most of the directions coincide.
  3. The time period after which the family can dispose of the allocated funds also varies. For federal maternity capital, the period is set at three years, for regional capital it depends on the characteristics of the subject. Mostly also three years, but there are exceptions.
  4. The conditions for receipt are also different. A regional subsidy can only be issued to families that have a certain level of income or live on its territory for a specified amount of time.

Important! Regional family capital, like state capital, is issued to a family only once.

Maternity capital in the regions

Subjects of the Russian Federation also support large families. Within the framework of their powers, legislative bodies adopt local laws with a social orientation. Regarding regional capital or maternity capital, it can be noted that it is issued almost everywhere. The program does not operate, but other measures to support families are used there.

All benefits assigned by the region have a single basis - the birth of a child in the family. However, the terms of provision, size and method of spending will differ. The table selectively presents information on regional capital assigned in individual regions of the country.

Table 1. Information on regional maternity capital in individual regions

Subject Period of birth (adoption) of the third child Benefit amount in 2017 Terms of service When can I use it up?
Republic of Kalmykia From 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2018; RUB 62,348.88 Special conditions apply only to families in which children were born in 2017: average per capita income is not more than 1.5 times the subsistence level 3 years later
Belgorod region after 01/01/2012 55388 rub. A woman must officially reside in the region for at least three years 3 years later
Kaliningrad region after 01/01/2011 The third or fourth child - 100,000 rubles, the fifth and subsequent ones - 200,000 rubles. at the birth of triplets - 1,000,000 rubles. The average per capita family income is no more than 3.5 times the subsistence minimum After 1 year
Leningrad region The period is not specified. The adopted child must not be older than three months 117360 rub. Russian citizenship After 1.5 years
Pskov region No period specified 100,000 rub. Average per capita income is not more than the subsistence level 3 years later
Rostov region after 01/01/2012 RUR 117,754 The average per capita family income is not more than the subsistence level 3 years later

You can get acquainted with information about regional maternity capital in relation to all constituent entities of Russia.

Important! Many regions provide financial support to families only upon the birth of a third child. In addition, this assistance is conditional, that is, in order to receive funds, certain criteria must be met: family income, registration in the region.

What can regional capital be used for?

The directions for using regional subsidies in most regions are the same. The most popular ways to spend regional benefits are:

  • Improving the family’s living conditions, including purchase, construction, renovation, payment of the first or subsequent installments, . In the Belgorod region, according to the Social Code, funds can only be spent on housing.
  • Acquisition of land for or summer cottage. This method is not available in all regions, but it is possible, for example in Kalmykia.
  • Education of the child, and he can receive education at any level, from a music school to a higher educational institution.
  • Treatment or rehabilitation of a disabled child; in addition, the funds received can be used to purchase special vehicles or devices.
  • Purchasing a car or household appliance that has a long service life. This direction is not available in all regions; for example, in the Leningrad region, a family can purchase this equipment if one of the children is disabled or the number of children is more than five.
  • Some regions allow you to spend benefits on installing utilities. This includes: gasification, electrification, water supply, sewerage, construction of wells and boreholes. Such conditions have been observed in the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia.

Note! Improved living conditions, treatment and education for children are available in almost all regions. To obtain more accurate information, you need to refer to the law of the subject.

Video on the topic:

Table 2. What regional maternity capital can be spent on (full list of regions).

Subject Size, rub How to spend When to use Conditions and features
Altai region 55387,5
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education
after 3 years
Amur region 100000* improvement of living conditions no limits valid until 12/31/2016
Arhangelsk region 50000 personal needs can be used after 2 months from birth or 1 year from adoption having Russian citizenship;

residence in the region for at least 3 years;

obtaining the status of a large family

Astrakhan region 58764 methods are not limited in 2 years large families subject to registered marriage or single mothers living in the region for more than 3 years;

income below the subsistence level

Belgorod region 55388 improvement of living conditions 3 years later permanent residence in the region for at least 3 years
Bryansk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • pension
3 years later You can use the money to pay interest and loan installments earlier
Vladimir region 50000 not limited in 1.5 years permanent residence in the region
Volgograd region 70000 determined by social protection centers 3 years later valid from 01/01/2016
Vologda Region 100000 not installed in 1.5 years when twins are born, benefits are given for each
Voronezh region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • paid medical services;
  • improvement of living conditions (gasification, electrification);
in 2 years residence in the region for at least 1 year
Jewish Autonomous Region 120000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • buying a car for families with a disabled child;
  • purchasing goods and services for a disabled child
3 years later accommodation in the region
Transbaikal region 50000 for family needs not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • residence in the region for at least 3 years.
  • The program is valid until December 31, 2017
Ivanovo region 50000 any goals from birth to 3 years residence in the region for at least 3 years
Irkutsk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
3 years later valid until 12/31/2018
Kabardino-Balkaria 250000 improvement of living conditions within a year after receiving the certificate The subsidy is given only for 5 children
Kaliningrad region 3 and 4 – 100000

Triplets – 1,000,000

  • improvement of living conditions
  • buying a car, household appliances, furniture
  • treatment and examination
after 1 year
  • birth of 3 children
  • accommodation in the region
  • income no more than 3.5 subsistence minimum
Kaluga region 50000 not installed during a year accommodation in the region
Kamchatka Krai 1st – 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • buying a car
  • residential renovation
no restrictions set the program is valid until 2015, the subsidy is also provided for the birth of the first child by a woman aged 19 to 24 years
Karachay-Cherkessia 100000 not limited 3 years later subsidy is provided for the 4th child
Kemerovo region 130000 improvement of living conditions not installed accommodation in the region
Kirov region 3rd – 75000 not installed for children born before December 31, 2016, payments are provided for the period from 6 months to 1 year;

for children born after this date, payments are made after 1 year until the child reaches 2 years of age

residence in the region for at least 1 year
Kostroma region in the amount of the down payment, but not more than 200,000 improvement of living conditions not installed
  • mortgage registration;
  • obtaining the status of a needy family;
  • buying a home in the region
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • gasification
3 years later accommodation in the region
Krasnoyarsk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • buying a car
  • receiving payment (12,000 per year)
  • purchase of rehabilitation equipment
  • repair of furnace heating or electrical wiring
3 years later accommodation in the region
Kurgan region in the amount of the cost of 18 sq.m. housing improvement of living conditions undefined
  • parents' age is less than 35;
  • participation in a regional housing program;
  • availability of credit;
  • accommodation in the region
Kursk region 75000

For triplets – 100,000

  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • connecting the house to utilities
3 years later accommodation in the region
Leningrad region 117360
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • medical services
  • treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child
  • buying a car for families with more than 5 children
in 1.5 years
  • birth of 3 children (adoption of 3 children under 3 months old);
  • accommodation in the region
Lipetsk region 50000

For twins – 100,000

For triplets 120,000

not installed not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Magadan Region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
not installed benefits are also given for the first child born to women under 25 years of age
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • pension
3 years later birth of a second child
Murmansk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • buying a car, furniture, equipment
  • repair
  • treatment
not installed accommodation in the region
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 300000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • treatment
  • purchase of transport, furniture, household appliances
  • buying a garage
  • development of subsidiary farming
  • construction of a bathhouse
in a year residence in the district for at least 1 year
For the 2nd – 25,000

For the 3rd – 100,000

  • improvement of living conditions
  • gasification, repair
  • education
  • treatment
  • wellness and relaxation
  • purchasing goods for the disabled
from birth for the 3rd;

After 1.5 years for the 2nd child

accommodation in the region
Novgorod region 100000

200,000 – if the family improves their living conditions

  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • treatment
not installed residence in the region for at least 2 years
Omsk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • gasification
3 years later
Orenburg region 116 866
  • improvement of housing or living conditions
  • education
  • pension
3 years later birth of 3 children and residence in the region
Perm region 100000
  • housing improvement, repairs, gasification
  • education
  • rest and wellness
  • buying a car
  • treatment
in 2 years birth of 3 children and residence in the region for 5 years
Primorsky Krai 150000
  • home improvement, renovation,
  • education
  • purchase of rehabilitation means for disabled people
in a year birth of 3 children and residence in the region, citizenship
Pskov region 100000
  • home improvement, renovation,
  • education
  • purchase of rehabilitation means for disabled people
3 years later family income is below the subsistence level
Republic of Adygea 50000 not installed not installed birth of 3 children and residence in the Republic
Altai Republic 50000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education
3 years later birth of 4 children and residence in the Republic for at least 1 year
Republic of Bashkortostan 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • recovery
not installed subsidy is paid for the adoption of a child
The Republic of Buryatia 50000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • buying a car or household appliances, animals, items for a newborn
not installed
  • family income is less than 1.5 times the subsistence level;
  • birth of 3 children;
  • residence in the region for at least 1 year
The Republic of Dagestan for 5 – 10000

For 10 – 300000

For twins – 20,000

For triplets 100,000

not installed within a year after birth accommodation in the Republic
Republic of Kalmykia RUB 62,348.88
  • improvement of living conditions
  • purchase of land
  • education
  • treatment
  • carrying out engineering communications
3 years later special conditions apply only to families in which children were born in 2017: average per capita income is not more than 1.5 times the subsistence level
Republic of Karelia 105500
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • purchase of rehabilitation equipment for the disabled
in a year Residence in the Republic, birth of 3 children
Komi Republic 150000
  • improvement of living conditions
  • education
  • partially: payment of utilities, taxes, insurance, kindergarten or school, vacation
in six months Permanent residence in the Republic, birth of 3 children
Mari El Republic 50000 not installed not installed
  • citizenship;
  • residence in the republic for 3 years;
  • having the status of a large family;
  • birth of 4 children
The Republic of Mordovia For the 3rd – 125270

For the 4th – 150324

For the 5th 187906

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • pension
3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the Republic
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • buying a car;
  • economic development;
  • treatment and rehabilitation
not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the Republic
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 50000 for family needs 3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the Republic
Tyva Republic 50000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • loan repayment
3 years later
  • birth of 5th child;
  • accommodation in the Republic
The Republic of Khakassia 100000

For small villages – 200,000

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education (secondary or higher);
  • treatment
it's installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the Republic
Rostov region 117754
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • buying a car
3 years later family income below the subsistence level
Ryazan Oblast 61173,57
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • conducting communications
after 1 year
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Samara Region 100000
  • loan repayment;
  • repair;
  • education (kindergarten, vocational education);
  • treatment;
  • buying a car;
  • baby care items
after 1 year
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • construction of a summer house;
  • education;
  • rehabilitation and wellness;
  • buying a car
3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the city
Saratov region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • loan repayment
3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Sakhalin region 204263
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • purchase of rehabilitation means for disabled people
3 years later
  • birth of 2 children;
  • residence in the region for at least 1 year
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • buying a summer house;
  • acquisition of funds
in 2 years

Regardless of the period, if money is needed to repay a loan or rehabilitate a disabled child

  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Smolensk region 163 300
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • buying a car
3 years later
  • birth of 2 children;
  • residence in the region for at least a year
Stavropol region
Tambov Region 100000 purchasing a house, gasification, renovation not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Tver region 50000 improvement of living conditions;

carrying out engineering communications;

purchase of furniture and household appliances;

purchase of a car and agricultural machinery or animals

in a year
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Tomsk region 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • rehabilitation of a disabled child
3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • residence in the region for at least 1.5 years
Tula region 50000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • Spa treatment;
  • repair, gasification, electrification
  • buying a car
not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • residence in the region for at least 1 year
Tyumen region 40000 for family needs not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Udmurt republic 300000 to repay debt under a loan agreement not installed
  • Loan requirements are established:
  • the rate is not more than 14%;
  • period not exceeding 30 years;
  • down payment of at least 10%
Ulyanovsk region On the 2nd – 50000

On the 3rd – 100,000

On the 4th – 150,000

On the 5th 200000

On the 6th – 250 00

On the 7th 700000

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment;
  • insurance;
  • rest and wellness
in 1.5 years accommodation in the region
Khabarovsk region 200000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment
in 2 years
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the region
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • treatment
after 1 year
  • birth of 3 children;
  • accommodation in the area
Chelyabinsk region 50000
  • education;
  • treatment
Not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • family income below the subsistence level
Chuvash Republic 100000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • purchase of goods and services for the rehabilitation of disabled people
3 years later
  • birth of 3 children;
  • permanent residence on the territory of the Republic
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 100000 for family needs in 2 years
  • birth of 3 children;
  • permanent residence in the district
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 350000
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • health care
after 1 year
  • birth of 3 children;
  • permanent residence in the district for at least 5 years
Yaroslavl region 56606 for family needs not installed
  • birth of 3 children;
  • permanent residence in the region for at least 1.5 years

*The amount of capital is indexed. Please refer to your local regulations for exact amounts.

Accepted abbreviations: PP – Government resolution, PA – Administration resolution.

Author: . Higher legal education: North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (St. Petersburg) Work experience since 2010. Contract law, consulting on taxation and accounting, representation of interests in government agencies, banks, and notaries.
June 24, 2017.

How to receive and spend regional mat capital in 2019? What is the amount of regional payments at the birth of a child? Is it possible to legally cash out regional family capital in Moscow?

Welcome to the site “HeatherBober.ru”! You are welcomed again by Eduard Stembolsky, economist and regular site expert.

We continue our selection of articles on maternity capital. The topic of the new publication is regional family capital, its acquisition and use.

The material will be of interest to all parents who are having a second, third or subsequent child, as well as families who are just planning to have children.

Friends, we are starting!

1. What is regional maternity capital

Parents (citizens of Russia) who gave birth or adopted a second or subsequent child later than 01/01/2007 are entitled to receive state support at the federal level.

The benefit amount is 453,026 rubles. The amount is not issued in person and can only be spent on specific needs..

Step 2. Submitting an application

The application is drawn up in accordance with the established form. It is important to provide complete and reliable information regarding family composition, place of residence and registration, and the applicant’s status.

The application is submitted along with copies of documents. The signatures on the application must belong directly to the person to whom the personal certificate is issued.

Step 3. Waiting for a decision and receiving a certificate

Verifying the authenticity of documents and facts provided by the applicant takes an average of 3-4 weeks.

During this time, the fund’s employees are required to check whether the applicant has been held accountable for unlawful acts against the child, or whether parental rights have been deprived. Information about other data provided in the application is also checked.

In accordance with the results of the inspection, employees make a decision on issuing a certificate. You need to understand that the document itself only provides the right to dispose of regional funds, but does not imply receiving cash.

4. What to spend regional payments upon the birth of a child - TOP 5 popular ways

Where should regional mat capital funds be directed? A question that is relevant for all families who have received the right to receive benefits.

Usually, when a third child appears, the issue of expanding living space becomes especially relevant.

Housing needs are the most common area for using budget funds. This is not surprising given the lack of affordable and comfortable housing for families in major cities.

In addition to the acquisition (construction or reconstruction) of apartments and houses, the “governor’s” money is spent on education, development and training of children. In some regions, you can purchase a car using regional family assets, buy furniture and appliances for the whole family.

Let's look at the five most popular ways to manage regional mat capital.

Method 1. Improving living conditions

As mentioned above, this is the most popular way to use budget funds.

There are several ways to improve your living situation with the help of regional money:

  • buy an apartment, a house or your own cottage;
  • build a house on your own or with the help of contractors;
  • carry out reconstruction of the house;
  • take out a loan (mortgage) against mat capital to buy an apartment in a new building or purchase housing on the secondary market.

In some regions of Russia you can get money for housing needs for up to 3 years.

Buying an apartment on the secondary market has certain nuances: not every property owner agrees to receive part of the funds through deductions from the local regional budget.

The situation is complicated by the fact that social security officials do not make a decision on transferring money immediately, but after 1-2 months. Detailed instructions on how to do this are already on our website.

The same difficulties arise when buying a home. Some certificate holders resolve the issue by taking a one-time loan from a bank: with these funds they pay off the seller, after which they return the debt to the financial company from the capital account.

During construction and reconstruction, there are two options for using state assistance:

  1. Transfer funds before work begins.
  2. Cover the costs of building construction or reconstruction retroactively.

Read more about this in a special magazine article.

Method 2. Payment for education

Regional MK funds are accepted as payment in most educational institutions in Russia - both public and private. The main condition is that the child’s age should not exceed 25 years.

You can pay not only for university education, but also for classes in music and art schools, extracurricular education, services of private kindergartens and other educational and development organizations, if they have the appropriate license.

Method 3. Land acquisition

You won’t be able to buy land with federal capital, but you can do it with regional subsidies. True, not all regions of the Russian Federation provide families with this opportunity.

Typically, the purchase of a plot of land involves the further construction of a house or cottage on it. I will warn readers that purchasing a dacha with budget money is not easy.

A building purchased with funds from regional maternity capital must be a full-fledged residential facility with all amenities and communications. So, most likely, it will not be possible to buy a summer cottage.

Method 4. Treatment of a child

The law provides for the use of federal budget funds only for the rehabilitation of disabled children. Regional and regional money can be used for other types of treatment, including high-tech methods of therapy in specialized medical centers.

It is not possible to transfer funds for paid medical procedures and services in all regions of the Russian Federation. Among the subjects that allow such use of finance are Kalmykia, Komi, Khakassia, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, Voronezh, Novgorod, Rostov regions and several dozen other territories and districts.


It is noteworthy that in some areas (for example, in Yakutia), funds can be used for high-tech and sanatorium-resort treatment outside the region.

In the Komi Republic, parents and children have the right to receive one-time payments of 25,000 rubles each year for sanatorium treatment (including travel to the place of service).

Assistance is provided in the presence of official medical indications provided to employees of social protection authorities in the prescribed form.

Method 5. Buying a car

You can buy a car with money from the regional (district or regional) budget only in some regions. In particular, residents of the Kaliningrad and Novosibirsk regions have this opportunity.

Families in which the third (or subsequent child) was born after 01/01/2011 have the right to purchase a domestically produced car with regional money. At the same time, the total family income should not exceed the regional subsistence level by more than 3.5 times.

In these areas, with regional subsidies you can buy not only cars, but also furniture, as well as other durable goods - for example, household appliances, computers and electronics.

5. Is it possible to legally cash out regional mat capital in Moscow?

The rules for using the certificate are the same for the capital and settlements with regional status. These rules do not allow turning regional capital into real money.

In other words, funds secured by the certificate can only be spent on needs established by law. Redirection of funds is carried out by bank transfer.

You can transfer money to the following accounts:

  • banking institutions;
  • sellers of apartments and houses;
  • construction organizations;
  • medical, preventive, educational institutions.

Transfers in other areas provided for by law are allowed. All other transactions are considered criminal: both the owners of the certificate and the initiators of illegal cash withdrawal are held accountable for their implementation.

6. Fraud with regional mat capital - how to avoid becoming a victim of deception

Although regional maternity capital is non-cash funds, there are plenty of people who want to illegally take advantage of budget assets.

Frauds with regional (regional) money are just as common as scams with the federal MSC. The most common method of deception is fictitious intermediary services for obtaining a mortgage (loan) from a bank or “assistance” in cashing out RCCs.

To avoid becoming victims of scammers, I advise you to follow simple recommendations:

  • carry out all operations with maternity capital with the direct participation of social security authorities;
  • do not enter into transactions with companies with dubious status, as well as with companies about which there is no clear information in official sources of information;
  • do not use the services of private individuals offering to cash out maternity capital for a certain percentage.

Often, certificate holders themselves become the initiators of criminal operations. In particular, with the money of regional capital, housing is purchased from friends and relatives, apartments are purchased at a deliberately inflated price or living space unsuitable for living.

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