Redistribution of bisha lumps. Massage using a terry towel

Before the operation, the patient undergoes the necessary examinations and tests. During a detailed consultation, the plastic surgeon finds out the characteristics of the patient’s body, examines the areas of treatment and tells how much the resection costs. To carry out the procedure, the patient is given anesthesia.

You can cut out Bisha's lumps in two ways:

  • A cut in the mouth - they pump out through it body fat. The incision is stitched with self-absorbing sutures that do not need to be removed.
  • Incision on the face - through a small incision in the cheek area, the surgeon removes the fat from the lumps and sutures the skin.

The goal of a plastic surgeon is not always to remove excess fat. He can also move it to areas where volume needs to be increased. The operation lasts about half an hour, and the patient can go home the same day.

Result of removing Bisha lumps (before and after photos)


It is worth remembering that Bisha's bags are not a pathology, and the main indication for its elimination can only be the patient's dissatisfaction with his appearance. People with the following cosmetic defects turn to a plastic surgeon:

  • round face with large fat deposits on the cheeks,
  • drooping cheeks, deep nasolabial folds,
  • heavy lower jaw with pronounced jowls.

Pros and cons of removing Bisha's lumps and rehabilitation

Are Bish's lumps necessary and why are they removed? frequent subject dispute between plastic surgeons.

Experts' opinions are divided on this matter. Everyone gives arguments in their favor, but the decision is still made by the patient and his attending physician.

Pros of removal

Resection of fatty lumps has its pros and cons. Among the advantages are a visible reduction in the lower part of the face, the appearance of chiseled cheekbones, the appearance of nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks with age can be prevented, and the operation itself is quick and with a minimum of consequences.

In addition, the bags do not perform a special function in the adult body, but only give softness and roundness to the face, which contradicts modern standard beauty.

Disadvantages of deletion

Opponents of the correction also mention the disadvantages of removing Bisha's lumps: as you age, the face already loses its fat layer, and removing the lumps can accelerate the aging of the face.

In some cases, the loss of fat deposits on the cheeks does not stop, but on the contrary, provokes sagging skin. The effect of the operation on full face and may be completely absent. After the procedure, the lower jaw may appear wider, which makes the face heavier and older.

If desired, you can find unsuccessful cases of resection of fat bags on the Internet. The decision to remove Bisha's lumps will be more effective in combination with other rejuvenation methods: cheekbone correction, cheek lifting and neck lifting.

Rehabilitation period

After resection of the fatty lumps, the patient comes to his senses and can go home the same day. The doctor gives necessary recommendations for speedy healing and recovery. Usually it is enough to limit the load on the facial muscles, including facial muscles, sleep on a high pillow, on your back, do not overwork and cancel sports activities.

For the first few weeks, you will have to reconsider your diet: do not eat solid foods that need to be chewed for a long time. Do not eat or drink very hot or very cold foods; rinse your mouth after each meal. Swelling on the face will remain for 2-3 days, which is why many patients feel that their cheeks have become much fuller than they were before surgery.

The sutures are removed after 5 days; if the material for the sutures tends to dissolve on its own, then this will not be necessary at all. The first results will become clear within two weeks, and the full effect of the operation will appear in 2-3 months.

Possible complications

After surgery, complications sometimes occur in the form of:

  • infected cuts,
  • facial asymmetry,
  • inflammation of the buccal mucosa.

As you can see, due to the simple technology of the operation and its low invasiveness, serious complications are extremely rare.

Result of the operation

As a result of the operation, the patient receives a clear oval face without sagging, compliance with proportions in the face due to a decrease in the volume of its lower part, smoothed nasolabial folds and chiseled cheekbones.

To maintain this result throughout your life, you must adhere to proper nutrition, monitor your weight, use as recommended by a doctor various techniques hardware cosmetology.

How much the operation costs depends on the type of procedure, type of anesthesia and other features. Is it possible to cut out fatty deposits on the cheeks or is it worth it? alternative methods- only an experienced surgeon will say.

There are few people who would be completely satisfied with their appearance. This is especially true for the face - someone dreams of a different eye shape, someone wants to remove wrinkles and tighten the oval, and someone wants to make it visually thinner.

One of the most popular aesthetic operations in this area today is removal of Bisha's lumps - a fatty body that is located below the cheekbone, between the skin of the face and the buccal mucosa. It is these lumps, located between the chewing and cheek muscles, that form additional volume in the lower part of the face.

This operation is often resorted to by patients who are unable to lose weight naturally - fat deposits from the face disappear extremely slowly and even after achieving slim figure you can be left with overly plump cheeks. Removal of fatty lumps is no less in demand among people whose skin tone has weakened with age and facial muscles, which led to their sagging and the formation of “jowls” - unesthetic folds descending on both sides lower jaw.

What are Bisha's lumps?

The fatty tissues in the cheeks are called Bichat's lumps (lumps) after the French anatomist who first described their characteristics and properties. In the body they perform two main functions:

  • make it easier for babies to suck (that’s why almost all children have such chubby cheeks)
  • ensure smooth gliding of the chewing and cheek muscles while eating, and also protect them from possible external injuries.

With age, the need for lumps disappears; they gradually decrease in size, or rather, they do not grow against the background of the development of other tissues. Childhood swelling disappears from the cheeks, dimples appear, and cheekbones stand out more clearly.

Indications for surgery

Fat deposits under the skin of the cheeks can cause patients exclusively aesthetic inconvenience, with medical point vision they are not a pathology, regardless of size and shape. As a rule, they are removed, reduced or moved if the patient:

  • there are obvious excess fat on the cheeks;
  • initially round face shape, reinforced by fat deposits;
  • with age, the cheeks sank, “jowls” formed and the nasolabial folds deepened;
  • other aesthetically sound prerequisites for .

It is important to understand that by excision of lumps it is impossible to form a completely new oval of the face - however, you can significantly correct its lower part, visually rejuvenate and smooth it out.

The operation can be carried out either under local anesthesia, and under general anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method is at the discretion of the doctor. The surgeon makes a small (1-2 cm) incision on the inner surface of the cheeks, through which he gains access to excess fat. Exactly how many to remove is determined depending on the wishes of the patient and the characteristics of the face shape.

In some cases, fat is not extracted, but is moved to the cheekbone area to create additional volume. After completing all planned actions, cut into inside cheeks are sutured cosmetic stitch.

How the operation is performed. Photo 1 - making an incision to access Bisha's lumps:

Photo 2 - removal of lumps and suturing:

The rehabilitation period is quite short. Already on the day of the operation, having recovered from anesthesia, the patient can go home. Swelling of the tissues on the face persists for 2-3 days, which is why visually the cheeks may appear even wider than they were. Sutures (if self-absorbable material is not used) are removed after 5-8 days.

As with any other surgery, patients will need to cancel physical activity for 2-3 weeks, avoid visiting the sauna and prolonged swimming. Also, during this period, it is not recommended to put excessive stress directly on the facial muscles (writhing, laughing, screaming, etc.), and you will have to sleep on a high pillow to avoid swelling, and mainly in a position on your back, so as not to accidentally injure operated areas.

After removal of Bisha's lumps, special requirements are placed on the patient's diet: for the first 3 days a liquid diet is indicated, for the next 2-3 weeks it is necessary to avoid solid food, which must be chewed for a long time and with effort. All food should be at medium temperature - nothing hot or cold. After every meal oral cavity You need to rinse thoroughly and brush your teeth if possible. Additionally, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics or alternative drugs to avoid inflammatory processes in the internal tissues of the face.

It will be possible to evaluate the results of the operation in a couple of weeks, when the swelling subsides, and the final appearance of the face will take place in 5-6 months, after complete healing and settling of the tissues.

Photos before and after operations to remove Bisha's lumps:

Contraindications and possible complications

Removal of fat from the cheeks is not recommended for patients whose body weight deviates significantly from the norm, up or down, or if a significant decrease or gain is planned. Like any other plastic surgery, removal of Bish's lumps must be carried out after stabilizing the weight. Besides, Other general surgical contraindications also apply: problems with blood clotting, infectious diseases, exacerbations chronic diseases and so on.

Also, it is not recommended to perform plastic surgery before the age of 25, since it continues until approximately this age. natural reduction thickness of the fat layer, and a previously operated face may end up looking thin or emaciated - and it will be very difficult to restore the lost fat volume.

The likelihood of complications developing is minimal. IN in rare cases the development of an inflammatory process in the internal tissues of the cheeks is possible - if the patient initially had foci of inflammation in the body or soft fabrics the mucous membranes were injured (for example, involuntarily during sleep, playing sports or chewing solid foods).

How much does it cost to remove Bisha's lumps? Current prices

Costs to the patient will depend on the amount of fat removed, the technique used by the surgeon, and the anesthesia method chosen. Average prices for removing Bisha lumps in Moscow are 25-50 thousand rubles. As with other operations, this figure may vary (mostly upward) depending on the status of the specialist and the clinic.

Despite the fact that the procedure is considered quite simple, it is not worth saving on it. The fact is that all manipulations are carried out in close proximity to facial nerves and an inexperienced surgeon has a chance of damaging them. In addition, there are cases where fat from different cheeks was removed unevenly, and as a result the face looked asymmetrical.

Removing Bish's lumps allows you to make facial features more expressive. Many women are willing to undergo procedures of varying complexity in order to achieve the desired refined facial features and thin cheekbones. You can evaluate the results using reviews with photos before and after using various techniques.

Bisha's lumps are deposits of fat reserves in the form of lumps inside the cheeks, consisting of 3 lobes: anterior, posterior, middle.

These fat accumulations visually enlarge the lower part of the face, which is especially noticeable in young children. It is thanks to such swellings that babies have such plump cheeks. Scientist Marie Bisha discovered and substantiated her theory about the fatty tissues of the cheeks, their characteristics and functional significance; in honor of his name, the name Bisha's lumps appeared.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of fat bodies in the lower part of the face is due to the following reasons:

  • Lumps of fatty tissue perform important shock-absorbing functions for the developing muscles of the child's jaw.
  • Helps develop sucking and chewing skills in infancy.
  • Execute protective function from possible external damage.

Over time, the need for fat reserves in this area decreases, and the lumps decrease in size.

Reasons for removal

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after various procedures will be presented below) of any size and shape are not a sign of pathology , removal occurs solely for aesthetic reasons. The specificity of lumps lies in the special density of adipose tissue, even after general weight loss lumps do not decrease in size.

Common indications for surgery:

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after removal):


Possible danger of removing Bisha's lumps

The most dangerous outcome of removing Bisha's lumps is associated with possible consequences general anesthesia. Among them are additional stress on the heart, the emergence of susceptibility to weather changes, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Risk of receiving postoperative complications is not always justified, since there is a possibility complete absence correction effect.

With age, changes in the structure of the skin occur; the lack of fat reserves can make the face look tired and unhealthy.

Surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

Preparing for surgery

At the stage when a clinic and a doctor have already been selected, it is necessary to undergo preparatory preoperative measures:

Stages of surgery on the inside of the cheeks

One of the methods of performing the operation is removal from the inner surface of the cheeks, which is considered the safest due to the close proximity of the lumps to the inside of the cheek wall.

Correction stages:

Total time procedures no more than 30 minutes. Approximate cost: 25,000-50,000 rubles . Such a wide range of prices is due to the popularity of the clinic and the reputation of the doctor.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after surgery, what lumps look like):

Surgery through incisions on the face

This technique is used in addition to any other surgical correction that involves cutting the skin on the face. A more complex and traumatic method requires special surgical skill, since the incisions are concentrated nerve endings And salivary glands.

Sequence of actions during the operation:

  1. Choice of anesthesia.
  2. The surgical site is delimited by surgical material.
  3. Treatment of the operating area antiseptics.
  4. An incision is made in the cheek through which fatty lumps are removed and cut off.
  5. In case of damage, small vessels are cauterized.
  6. The incisions are sewn together with a special cosmetic suture.
  7. At first, the mark from the suture will be noticeable, but upon completion of rehabilitation it will become invisible.

Approximate price: 30000-60000 rub.

Rehabilitation and recovery

After completion of the operation and complete recovery from anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic. The duration of rehabilitation is approximately 2-3 weeks.

Basic principles rehabilitation period:

Consequences and possible complications after surgery

Negative consequences are rare.

Sometimes a surgeon’s mistake or failure to follow the rules of preparation for surgery can lead to the following consequences:

  • Allergic manifestations in the form of a rash, breathing problems or heart function. Also common signs include pressure changes and bouts of vomiting.
  • Due to the carelessness of the surgeon, the integrity of the tissues located next to the operated area (muscles, glands, nerves) may be compromised.
  • Expressed pain syndrome. On average, the pain subsides completely within one week.

Possible complications:

  • The development of inflammation on the inside of the cheek as a result of injury to soft tissues by hard food or accidentally during sleep, can also be caused by the presence of foci of replenishment in the body before surgery.
  • Facial asymmetry.
  • Infection of incisions.

You should not save on your own health by choosing a dubious clinic or agreeing to the experiments of an inexperienced surgeon.

It is important to monitor weight gain, the return of extra pounds is fraught with the resumption of fatty deposits in the cheeks .

Using a laser

Removal of fatty tissue from the cheeks with a laser beam is called bishectomy. Main feature is minimal trauma, significantly reducing the risk of complications. Laser exposure promotes rapid tissue regeneration, cutting back recovery period. The coagulative properties of the rays ensure instant sealing of blood vessels.

Main stages:

  1. Once the local anesthetic begins to take effect, a laser incision is made on the inside of the buccal mucosa.
  2. The fat body is separated and removed.
  3. Self-absorbing sutures are applied.
  4. You need to wear an elastic bandage on your face for some time.

Average price of the procedure: 45,000 rubles.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after removal using a laser beam):

Methods for removing fatty lumps at home


Various techniques are known to remove fatty lumps without surgery.

For home use you can use a set of exercises:

After training, you should perform stretching and muscle relaxation exercises. Gently tilt your head from side to side to stretch the muscles of your neck and face to the maximum possible amplitude.

The first noticeable results of using facial fitness will be noticeable after a month of regular exercise.

But don't expect big changes. Without integrated approach in combination with nutrition, massages and hardware techniques, it is difficult to achieve obvious success.

Oil and masks

Good effect can be achieved by performing facial massage using various oils. Oils have a wide range beneficial properties, thanks to which the skin becomes elastic, tightened and fresh. Massage improves blood circulation in problem areas, fills cells with oxygen and starts accelerated exchange substances.

Using improvised means at home is economical and affordable way care

Sunflower or olive oil are better suited for normal skin; St. John's wort and jojoba oil are best for oily skin; almond oil has a pronounced tightening effect.

Examples of recipes for preparing oils:

  • Add a little honey to the almond oil and massage your face in a circular motion for about 5 minutes. This composition ensures smoothing of unevenness and fine wrinkles.
  • IN sunflower oil add lemon, bergamot and cypress oils.
  • With a base of almond oil Rose, jasmine and cedar oils are mixed.

Prepared mixtures should be stored in the refrigerator, but before use it is better to take it out and leave it to stand for a while to reach room temperature. It is recommended to massage with oil in courses, if necessary, repeat 1-2 times a week to maintain skin tone. In addition to oils, the use of masks in various variations is common.

Several recipes for masks used in combination with other techniques to reduce the volume of curvy faces:

  • 1 tbsp. yeast dissolves in small quantity milk. The resulting solution must be evenly distributed over the surface of the face in several layers. You need to wait until one layer dries, then start applying the next one. The mask is suitable for daily use.
  • Mix a couple of spoons of oatmeal with natural yogurt and leave for 20 minutes until the flakes become voluminous enough. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer over the entire face, rinse thoroughly after 30 minutes. You can repeat the procedure every other day.
  • Stir blue clay with water until you obtain a consistency similar to sour cream. Apply to face and let dry, which will take about 15 minutes. It is recommended to use twice a week.
  • How to use suppositories to treat hemorrhoids emergency method in the fight against puffiness on the face. This drug known for its calming properties fast action. To prepare the mask, you need to melt a candle and apply it to the skin of your cheeks at night. This method not intended for regular use. Only one-time application is allowed for special occasions.

Treatment without surgery

Lymphatic drainage massage

The essence of the procedure is to stimulate lymph outflow (excess liquid, containing decay products and other substances from the intercellular space). Carrying out a massage once a week will help you gain a pronounced oval face, get clearer cheekbones and smooth out wrinkles in the lip area.

Technician lymphatic drainage massage a lot, there is the possibility of doing it yourself or in the salon.

Description of the basics of the technique:

  1. You need to cleanse the skin; fruit peeling or a honey mask are good for this purpose.
  2. Preparing the skin with a warming massage.
  3. Strengthening the forehead - the palms located at the temples should be brought to the middle of the forehead and moved back, repeat three times. Important point– It is the muscles that should be massaged, not the skin.
  4. Puffiness of the eyes is relieved by finger movements inner corner eye to the outside. It is necessary to perform 5 repetitions and change the direction of the massage.
  5. Smooth out wrinkles near the lips - find the middle of the chin and press on this point with your fingers. With this pressure, move your fingers to the middle of the nasolabial fold, the number of repetitions is 5 times.
  6. To lift your cheeks, open your mouth and relax your muscles. Using both hands, lift the lower jaw towards the upper jaw about 3 times. Next, from the point in the corners of the lips, draw a line to the outer corner of the eye with moderate pressure, then to the earlobe and back to the lips. As you reach each point, you need to stop for a couple of seconds. and keep moving. The number of repetitions is approximately 5 times on each side.
  7. The cheeks are taken with your fingers and using force, but at the same time gently, the skin is pulled in different directions. Perform several repetitions.
  8. Folded hands, palm to palm, are placed towards the nose. Then the face is smoothed under pressure.
  9. With three fingers, grab your cheeks and stretch the skin; at the end point you need to twist the skin and release. Repeat three times.

In a salon setting, lymphatic drainage equipment is supplemented with special equipment (lpg), cupping massage or exposure to cosmetic electrodes.

In the presence of inflammation, after plastic reconstructions, with nearby vessels, this technique is not recommended.

Bisha's lumps (photos before and after a course of lymphatic drainage massage):

RF lifting

RF lifting (the second name of the thermolifting procedure) is an electromagnetic effect on the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Provides fat burning and skin tightening.

Description of the stages of the radio frequency method:

The first results of lifting are noticeable immediately, the tightening effect gradually increases over about 2 months after the procedure.


It is one of the methods of injection correction. Special solutions are injected under the skin into problem areas. The basis of meso cocktails is always hyaluronic acid– the main source of elastin and collagen production, stimulates metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on burning fat. Other components include amino acids, vitamins, enzymes.

Step by step description techniques:

  1. Preliminary consultation with a doctor and collection of information about the patient, possible contraindications, availability allergic manifestations.
  2. Cleansing procedures for facial skin.
  3. The drug is administered either manually or by machine.
  4. A soothing mask is applied.
  5. You should follow your doctor’s recommendations for about a week, do not touch your face with your hands, and treat your skin with antiseptic agents.
  6. The redness disappears after a few days.

The effectiveness of mesotherapy depends on the patient’s initial data (age, tissue condition, individual characteristics), the level of professionalism of the cosmetologist and the correctly selected composition of the substances administered. Noticeable changes appear after the second procedure.

The average course number is 7 procedures with an interval of one week. It is recommended to repeat the course every six months.

Bisha's lumps with an example of the result after a course of mesotherapy (photos before and after):

Surgeons' opinions on the effectiveness of the operation

Many surgeons agree that changes in facial contour operative method is appropriate. The main reason for this opinion is that removing Bish's lumps helps to achieve the correct proportions of the face.

The fact remains undeniable that surgery is the most effective method getting rid of excess fat in the cheeks. Other techniques can only partially reduce tissue. This adjustment in combination with a facelift gives the maximum effect in the fight against age-related changes.

Unlike other correction methods, the results after surgery last a lifetime.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that surgery is not the only option, or rather, a last resort. After all, there is big choice less radical manipulations to visually reduce chubby cheeks (injections, cosmetic threads, fillers). A competent surgeon will always offer an alternative to surgery, if possible.

Modern cosmetology provides a wide range of techniques for combating Bish's lumps. It’s not difficult to get acquainted and decide on an acceptable option. All the necessary information is available with photographs before and after using any of the techniques.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Bisha's lumps

What are Bisha's lumps? Photos before and after removal:

Bisha's lumps: removal surgery, before and after photos:

The fashion for bohemian thinness of the face and sculpted features did not arise today. To make her cheeks appear sunken and her cheekbones high, Marlene Dietrich had four molars removed.

In the 21st century, the shape of the cheeks is corrected differently - with lipofilling, plastic surgery, fillers. And all in order to remove infantile outlines from the face and implant a dramatic experience on it.

Chubby cheeks are touching only in one case - if they belong to a baby. Mothers of babies do not want to put up with chubby cheeks on their faces.

One of the most simple ways to give the oval an aristocratic appearance - resection of Bisha's lumps. What is this? If about Bish's lumps on his face you hear it for the first time, and the “puffy” cheeks make you nervous for a long time, get ready to learn a lot of new things.

Removing Bisha's bags: V is for V Shape Face

European standard beautiful face“V Shape Face” requires the cheekbones to be high, the cheeks to be sunken, and the chin to be pronounced. Sometimes three problems can be solved simultaneously by an operation to remove Bisha's lumps - a manipulation that allows you to achieve a sculptural contour with minimal intervention.

Bisha's lumps are fatty formations located in the cheek area under the cheekbones. They were discovered and described at the end of the 18th century by the French physiologist Marie Francois Xavier Bichat.

These lumps are the “culprits” for the chubby cheeks of babies. It is generally accepted that nature endowed them with babies to facilitate sucking and protect sensitive facial muscles from injury.

The hypothesis is controversial, but most experts prefer to adhere to it. One way or another, with age, the size of Bisha's lumps decreases or, at least, does not increase, which, against the background of the development of facial tissues, creates the effect of “cheeks have fallen, cheekbones remain.”

“Fat” in the cheek area is an aesthetic problem. Regardless of their size, they are not pathological, but can be removed. The basis is the client's requirement. The reason does not matter and may be subjective in nature: “I don’t like it.”

Although plastic surgery to remove Bisha's lumps is not, since it does not change the anatomical shape of the face, like any other surgical intervention, resection has a number of contraindications. These include infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor blood clotting, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, age under 25 and after 40 years, unstable weight.

As for age, surgery is not recommended before 25 years of age, since the process of oval formation has not yet been completed, and after 40, resection can cause sagging tissue.

How is the operation performed?

Removing Bisha's lumps is a simple operation, but it lasts 30-40 minutes. It allows the use of local anesthesia, but general anesthesia provides the patient (and the surgeon - in case of psycho-emotional instability of the patient) greater comfort.

Bisha's bags are removed through small (1-2 cm) incisions in the oral mucosa. Resection can be performed with a scalpel, endoscopically or using a laser.

Sometimes lumps are not removed, but are moved to the cheekbone area to increase their volume. Upon completion of the manipulations, self-absorbing sutures are placed on the incisions. On the day of surgery, the patient goes home.

How is the rehabilitation going?

Moderate swelling as a result surgical intervention, may be present for several weeks. You shouldn't expect dramatic hollows on your cheeks during this period. Healing occurs quickly if you follow medical instructions.

For three weeks after surgery, the patient must:

  • avoid general physical activity;
  • take all medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • eat liquid and semi-liquid food at a comfortable temperature;
  • After each meal, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth;
  • protect the facial muscles from stress (do not grimace, do not scream, do not chew);
  • Avoid visiting the sauna, swimming in ponds, and taking long baths.

The first results are assessed after three weeks. The final verdict is made after six months. The result lasts for life, which, as practice shows, is not always an advantage.

Consequences of removing Bisha's lumps: irrevocably gone

Bisha's lumps are permanently removed, and the consequences of the operation are irreversible. This is the only case when fat does not return to problem areas. And if the operated face looks too aristocratic, and the depressions resemble craters, restoring the volume will be problematic. Implants cannot be fixed in this area, and fillers will dissolve at the speed of light.

But even the most masterly operation is a topic of heated debate among surgeons, since not everyone shares the enthusiasm for removing Bisha’s lumps.

And here are the arguments “against” that lovers of plump female cheeks put forward:

  • after 10 years, girls who have removed Bisha's bags look older than their friends - instead of a slight retraction of their cheeks, a mask of soreness appears on their face;
  • the operation has no aesthetic justification, since it is only a tribute to subjective fashion, while chubby cheeks are objectively beautiful, and volumes will “shrink” in old age;
  • uneven scarring of tissues can disrupt the harmonious symmetry of the face, and their injury during the healing stage (for example, during sleep) threatens the development of inflammatory foci;
  • the risks of damage to the facial nerves and muscle fibers are present, even if a professional takes on the matter, and they increase as the surgeon’s qualifications decrease;
  • and, finally, general anesthesia does not leave its mark on health and primarily threatens the heart, which should not be exposed to such risks for the sake of fashion.

The skepticism of opposition-minded surgeons is justified. But how, if not with a scalpel, can we fight “moon-facedness”?


Bisha's lumps: how to remove without surgery?

How to reduce Bish's lumps without surgery is of interest to many. Alas, massage and diets are powerless against them. But if we're talking about about reducing volumes, the cause of which is not only Bisha's lumps, but also excessive thickness of fatty tissue, it is possible to achieve the hollow effect in a non-surgical way. For example, losing weight. Or using laser lipolysis.

In the end, excess volume in the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks and lower jaw can be corrected by contouring and distracting maneuvers - for example, focusing on the eyes, while remembering a sense of proportion.

Star "bish-boom": stars who removed Bish's lumps?

Plastic surgeons tell us which celebrities had Bisha's lumps removed and whose cheeks became hollow thanks to diets.

Among the celebrities who emphasized their cheekbones by resection of Bisha's lumps is Kim Kardashian. The volume that Kim got rid of was not unnecessary in her case - her face became too elongated.

Angelina Jolie, in addition to the series plastic surgery, corrected the oval by aesthetic resection of the cheeks. Alas, against the backdrop of excessive weight loss sculpted face turned into exhausted.

The beauty Megan Fox also lost weight in the cheek area. Other metamorphoses of her face are also visible to the naked eye - the shape of her nose has been significantly changed and her lips have been corrected.

Volumetric bottom of the face early photos Kate Winslet points to Bisha's large pouches, which the actress later removed. Losing weight also contributed to facial sculpting, but to a lesser extent than aesthetic resection.

There are more than a dozen names in the foreign star echelon of “persons without lumps of Bisha”. The epidemic has not yet covered the Russian stage, but plastic surgeons are sure that the effect of Polina Gagarina, Alsou, Irina Shayk and Victoria Lopyreva’s sunken cheeks is not due to diets.

If an ordinary woman is worth aesthetic restoration cheeks can be stopped, the “star” has no such barrier, and the need to look attractive (and be in trend) is much higher.

The answer to the question is how much does it cost to remove Bisha's lumps, we can only give an approximate one. Costs will depend on the technique (laser resection will cost more), the method of pain relief, the volume and complexity of the work, the status of the clinic and the qualifications of the specialist. As a result, the cost of the operation can reach up to 80,000-100,000 rubles with a starting price of 25,000.

Every woman has the right to “remove or leave”, remind surgeons who, for obvious reasons, do not like to sit idle. And if the childish roundness of features interferes with “adult” intentions, the problem needs to be solved. In an adult way.

Most often, when communicating with another person, we pay attention to his face. That's why people pay attention to facial beauty great value. Some try to correct imperfections through plastic surgery. Women do not really like the plumpness of their cheeks and they, as a rule, strive to remove these so-called Bisha lumps.

What are Bisha's lumps?

Pay attention to the cheeks of small children. If there is no child nearby, look at the cute chubby cheeks in the photo on the Internet. For adults, such swelling on their face causes irritation. Exactly these fat deposits on the cheeks called Bisha's lumps.

Everything in nature was created not in vain, but for some purpose. There is an opinion among scientists that Bisha's lumps play important role in sucking and chewing. In addition, they create a soft “airbag” in case of cheek injury.

With age, Bisha's lumps lose their aesthetics. The skin loses its elasticity and the cheeks sag. This can be seen very clearly if you look at your photos at a young age, and then at adult life. It was during this period that women begin to think about surgery to remove Bish’s lumps.

Surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

First of all, you should consult a specialist whether you need this operation. Study all the indications and contraindications for this procedure. You need to ask your doctor about all the nuances of removing Bish’s lumps, so as not to worry later. Look at the photo of Bisha's lumps before and after the operation, which has already been done in the clinic of your choice.

The procedure is carried out when using anesthesia. Anesthesia can be either local or general. The doctor himself prescribes the desired method of anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision on the inner surface of the cheeks, no more than 2 cm. Here the specialist gets full access to the fat deposits. The doctor determines the volume of tissue that needs to be removed based on the patient’s wishes, as well as based on the specific structure of the face shape.

At the request of the client, the fat can not be extracted, but lowered to the cheekbone area. That is, in this way the face is modeled and given an aesthetic appearance.

This operation has no effect negative influence on the patient's health. The whole procedure does not last long, about half an hour.

Most clinics take photographs before and after surgery. Looking at your photo, you will immediately be able to notice some changes in your appearance in better side. Fully restored skin and giving the desired face shape will happen in six months.

Indications and contraindications for removing Bisha's lumps

Before surgery, be sure to consider whether you need to undergo this procedure. Look critically at your photos, maybe you still don’t have fatty deposits on your cheeks.

  • When a person has round shape with the presence of fatty deposits in the cheek area.
  • At age-related changes face shapes. The cheeks sag and deep wrinkles appear.
  • During plastic surgery surgical operation for face lifting, wrinkle removal, implantation. Removing Bish's lumps is a "bonus".

There are some contraindications, in the presence of which, this operation is not recommended.

Postoperative care and complications

The operation itself has no effect negative influence per patient. Problems can only arise with the wrong choice of anesthesia drug or its dosage. Some people experience allergic reactions And individual intolerance anesthesia

  • As soon as a person recovers from anesthesia, you can go home and lead a normal life.
  • 3-4 days after the operation, the wound heals. Some swelling and redness may last for a couple of weeks.
  • The sutures are removed a week after this operation.

Patient reviews

I've always been skinny, but my cheeks were as plump as a hamster's. Since I was 18 years old I have been thinking about surgery. But the doctor explained that up to the age of 25, a person can lose weight on its own. No miracle happened. Then there were a lot of problems. And now I decided to have surgery. I'm happy with the result. Now I look at my photos with pleasure, otherwise I used to consider my face ugly.


I had an operation to remove Bisha's lumps in a well-known clinic. I liked everything, but it turned out that I was allergic to the anesthesia chosen by the doctor. I never had any allergies before. After the operation there was severe irritation on my face. Now everything has passed, and I can admire my face. People around me also noticed positive changes in my appearance.

I'm shocked! I recently had surgery to remove Bisha's lumps. On one cheek the cheekbones became smaller, while the other remained almost unchanged. Now I have terrible asymmetry on my face. I’ll have to go under the knife again, but I’ll go to another clinic. Now I can’t look at myself in the mirror at all.

Bish's lumps do not cause any harm to human health. An operation to remove them is carried out just to improve appearance. The procedure is simple. Therefore, if you think that for your beauty and improvement emotional state such an operation is necessary, then any beauty clinic will help you.

Lumps of Bisha

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