What is globalization and how does it manifest itself? What is globalization in simple words? What is globalization in your own words

a complex system of global interrelations, resulting in the fact that events that occurred in one region and political decisions made in one region affect people living on the other side of the globe.

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from lat. globus - ball, French. global - universal), an objective process of formation, functioning and development of a fundamentally new world system of relations between countries and peoples based on deepening interconnection and interdependence in all spheres of life of the international community. The content of G. is the development of national and regional problems into global ones and the formation of a new economic, social, and natural-biological environment for humans. In a more specific understanding, it comes down to the transformation of national economic and economic structures into a holistic and unified global geo-economic reality. Specific areas of government also include production and scientific technologies, moral and ethical values, new threats to international security and stability (international terrorism, transnational crime, the global proliferation of weapons of mass destruction), etc. Processes of government at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. are caused by a number of objective factors, including new qualitative trends in economic development (including mechanisms for the accumulation of capital and profit); increased resource and technological interdependence of the world and internationalization of all aspects of life of the world community; the development of computer technologies, which marked the entry of humanity into a new technical revolution; creation of a unified information space; increased interaction of material and spiritual cultures; the growth of transnational structures as factors in the global social process and the partial “denationalization” of international relations. Compared to 1950, global export volumes increased by the beginning of the 21st century. 10 times and continues to grow at a much faster rate than global GDP. The volume of foreign investment is increasing at an even faster rate. G. has both positive and negative consequences. Among the first: the acceleration of the introduction and dissemination of technical innovations and modern management methods, new economic opportunities for both individuals and states, the possibility of ensuring a higher standard of living, etc. The negative consequences of government include: the inequality it generates, when the benefits received and opportunities are concentrated in a relatively small number of countries and distributed unevenly within those countries; the associated increase in vulnerability and marginalization of many states and peoples; the discrepancy between successful efforts to expand global markets and insufficient activity to support equally important social networks. goals; the increased vulnerability of the international community from the impact of unpredictable factors (such as the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998); standardization leading to the leveling of the spiritual diversity of the world community; increased threats to the integrity of cultures and the sovereignty of states. The contradiction also lies in the fact that the post-war international system, which created the conditions for the development of the process of globalization, under its influence itself gradually began to become obsolete, and the formed post-war institutions of the international community turned out to be not ready to function effectively in a global world. The priority areas of the current stage of climate change generally come down to 3 broad groups of tasks: eliminating poverty, ignorance and disease, getting rid of violence and terror, and ensuring an environmentally sustainable future for subsequent generations. Lit.: Zaidenvarg V.E., Podolyak I.V., Saraev V.N., Chudinov A.Yu., Yakunin O.A. Analysis of the impact of globalization on mineral resources. M.: INES, 2003. 180 pp.; Beck U. What is globalization. M., 2001; Globalization and post-Soviet society: “Aspects 2001” / Ed. A. Sogomonova, S. Kukhterina. M., 2001; Post-industrial world and Russia: Sat. M., 2001. See p. 25-440; Martin G.-P., Schumann H. The trap of globalization. M., 2001; Popov A.K., Yurtaev V.I. Globalization: a battle of two paradigms. M.: INES, 2000. 48 p.; Delyagin M. General theory of globalization // Society and Economics. 1998. No. 10-11; Russia in the global world / Ed. IN AND. Tolstykh. M., 1997; Leibin V.M. Global issues: scientific research and discussions. M., 1991; Kokoshin A.A. Russia's national security policy in the context of globalization: (Short essay). M.: IPMB, 2001; Ovchinsky V.S. 21st century against the mafia: Crime. globalization and the UN Convention against transnational org. crime. M.: INFRA-M, 2001; Strelets I.A. The impact of information changes on the process of globalization of the world economy. M.: MAKS-press, 2001; Kochetov E.G. Global studies as geo-economics, as reality, as the universe. M., 2001; “Globalistics: international, interdisciplinary encyclopedic dictionary” / Ch. ed. I.I. Mazur, A.N. Chumakov. M.; St. Petersburg; New York, 2006.

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0 From the moment when humanity began to invent more and more new technical devices that reduced the time of delivery of goods from one country to another, the era of Globalization began. What means Globalization, we will talk briefly in this short article.
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So let's continue what does Globalization mean?, briefly? The era of Globalization began with the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when wooden caravels sailed between continents, engaging in trade, while willingly or unwillingly borrowing elements of foreign culture. The first transnational company appeared at that time, the Dutch East India Company, which was founded in 1602.

Globalization- this is the process of rapprochement or unification of cultural, social and economic habits and norms in those states where previously the society and economy had pronounced national characteristics

Globalization- this is a system in which cultural, social and economic ties of different countries are united and intertwined into one big “tangle”

In fact, globalization today is the imposition of their values ​​by Western countries, when with the help of total propaganda, through the media and Hollywood The minds of residents of different countries are pumped with dogmas and rules of a culture alien to them. Thus, there is a destruction of the centuries-old ways of life of peoples, the familiar cultural and social environment, and systems of order and law built up over centuries.

Globalization has brought poverty and injustice to the world, caused by a marked increase in unemployment as labor flows to high-income countries. In some states, the concept of national sovereignty is noticeably dying, for example in Ukraine.

Beneficiary, as you understand, these are the countries of Western Europe, the USA, Australia and Japan, they are the ones who received the maximum number of preferences from the new world order. Problems arising from globalization are solved by organizations such as the IMF, WTO, and UN. These structures, as you understand, are flesh and blood of the Western world, and act only in its interests.

As a result, the USA and Great Britain have created a world order where they are the pinnacle pyramids, and all countries turned out to be their colonies, to one degree or another.

I would like to note that although globalization has developed over the centuries, it was given impetus by the end of World War II, when in 1947 the main capitalist countries concluded an agreement on trade and tariffs. After this, a common market emerged, which over several decades transformed into the European Union, and in parallel, structures such as World Bank, International Monetary Fund, WTO.

Globalization, as such, serves as a means to exploit workers in Third World countries, and small local companies are forced out of the market by huge corporations. We seem to be living in a time where we can see the cultural diversity of countries being replaced by the American way of life. It manifests itself in everything from fashion, film production, to fast food restaurants.

Such a poisonous spread of democracy can only be stopped by nuclear bombing or large-scale natural disasters, such as hurricanes and severe earthquakes, when the entire US infrastructure will be destroyed by a tsunami and destroyed by awakened volcanoes.

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”, which began to be used not only by scientists, but also by everyone - from politicians to the media. This word literally contains a paradigm, including an understanding of the processes and epochal changes taking place in the world. The concept of globalization is a short designation for a set of complex processes, the essence of which is that they seem to “compress” the world in time and space and make all existing territorial boundaries conditional and permeable.

Globalization - This is the historical process of transforming the world into a single system with common characteristics and characteristics. Historically, such a system is generated by the action of globalization factors:

  • electronic means of communication capable of compressing the time and space separating people to a minimum;
  • technological changes that make it possible to distribute manufactured products throughout the world;
  • the formation of global ideologies, such as the environmental or human rights movement.

Characteristics and trends of globalization

At the end of the 90s. last century, the term “globalization” entered scientific circulation. Under globalization understand the process of uniting the economies of the world. creation of a unified legal, economic and information space.

The characteristic features of globalization are:

Strengthening the role of TNCs

Transnational companies(TNK) - business enterprises operating in two or more countries, and whose operations contain a certain foreign component. As a rule, they are national in capital and international in location. Currently, there are more than 7 thousand TNCs in the world, whose activities include about 700 thousand subsidiaries. The main countries of origin of almost all the largest TNCs are the USA, Great Britain, and Japan.

Currently, 80% of the latest technologies are created by TNCs, whose income in some cases exceeds the gross national income of some fairly large countries. Suffice it to say that in the list of the 100 largest economies in the world, TNCs occupy 51st position. It should be noted that the scope of activity of most of them is related to the development of hypertechnologies (or meta-technologies), which include innovative technologies, network computers, the latest computer programs, technologies for forming public opinion and mass consciousness, etc. Today, it is the developers and owners of such technologies that control financial markets determine the shape of the global economy.

Creation of a computer network Internet

Internet - worldwide computer network, created in the United States as a Department of Defense resource in 1969 and declassified for worldwide access in the early 1990s. Give a chance:

  • instantly come into contact with any user anywhere in the world, conduct Internet conferences, meetings in real time in multimedia mode;
  • gain access to an unlimited amount of information;
  • communicate with any reference groups and representatives of various elites, thereby eliminating the factor of status differences;
  • use as a means of leisure and entertainment;
  • act as a teaching tool;
  • conduct business;
  • advertise goods and services;
  • provide mobile communications and comfortable living;
  • significantly increase the efficiency of interaction between citizens and government;
  • organize media in real time.

The presence and development of the Internet is an indicator of the inclusion of countries in the global space.

Growth of megacities

Megacities— large cities with developed infrastructure. numbering several million inhabitants. They can be considered new forms of urbanization.

The metropolitan areas for countries are:

  • mediators of entry into the global space;
  • centers of economic, technological, political, cultural development.

A metropolis very often becomes like a “state within a state” and even determines the fate of the country. Unfortunately, the growth of megacities leads to negative consequences - overpopulation; a sharp stratification of society (“Brazilification” - the emergence of the very rich and the very poor); loss of national identity; increasing crime rates; decrease in social control.

Currently largest cities are: Mexico City - Shigi: New York; Greater Tokyo - Yokohama (merging into one city); Greater London (with suburbs). Each of them has a population of more than or about 20 million people.

Standardization and unification

Important features of globalization are:

  • standardization industrial products;
  • unification maintaining reports, documentation, international legislation, etc.

Standardization— a set of rules designed to ensure cooperation and unambiguous interpretation of production conditions, commercial activities, controls and safety requirements. Standardization makes it possible to:

  • coordinate various developments of independent corporations;
  • use unified data exchange protocols;
  • provide protection, encoding and decoding of information:
  • carry out the coordination necessary for the globalization process.

Along with the development of a system of world standards, mandatory certification of goods and services is carried out.

Certificate is a document confirming the quality of a product or service. The certificate allows you to:

  • protect the market from poor quality products;
  • limit the ability of developing countries to enter rich markets.

Standardization moves in two directions: coding of goods and unification of goods and services. At the same time, the barcode is the global language of trade.

Spread of the English language around the world.

In a global society, there is a need for a language that everyone can understand. Highlighting English as the language of world globalization The following factors contributed:

  • the political and military power of countries speaking a given language;
  • strong economy and TY K action on a global scale;
  • scientific and technological revolution and the presence of a high level of scientific and technical research;
  • a large number of former English colonies;
  • victory of Great Britain and the USA in the First and Second World Wars; dominance in the post-war era;
  • media distribution;
  • advertising distribution;
  • success of native speakers;
  • distribution of the Internet.

It should be noted that modern processes of globalization, according to experts, are contradictory. Thus, on the one hand, new opportunities are opening up for economic, scientific and technological progress, the development of high technologies and new means of communication, expanding and deepening international cooperation, and on the other hand, the gap between rich and poor countries is widening, national currencies and economies are being undermined, and economic problems, conditions are created for manipulating mass consciousness with the help of the latest information technologies.

Manipulation of mass consciousness

Manipulation of mass consciousness is a type of psychological influence, the result of which is hidden excitement and the emergence of intentions in the recipient that do not coincide with his actual desires.

Manipulation is created by: using behavioral stereotypes; substitution of concepts; creating metaphors; mythologization; distractions.

With the development of mass communications, it became possible to influence the consciousness of the masses around the world. Technologies for changing mass consciousness are called high- hume. They rely on tools such as: television, cinema, mass art, global network.

Television is capable of shaping consciousness or creating in the viewer a required reality that has no connection with reality.

Mass art creates a virtual life simulating reality, the so-called simulacra - a means of recording the experienced state,“the generation, with the help of models, of the real without source and reality: hyperreality” (J. Baudrillard). The real is replaced by signs of the real.

The danger of manipulation of consciousness lies in such factors as:

  • loss of adequate perception of reality on a global scale;
  • leveling of human personality;
  • the use of the masses in various “dirty” political processes.

XX century gave rise to a specific phenomenon called by the Spanish philosopher X. Ortega y Gassega “The Revolt of the Masses”, the essence of which is that the relatively ordered life of society is being replaced by its massification. In such a mass society, the majority of the population accepts the standards, preferences and stereotypes imposed by the media, as a result of which a “mass person” enters the historical arena, who feels “the same as everyone else” and does not strive for self-improvement. The world seems to him a wide field of activity for applying his energy and enterprise.

It is on the waves of manipulation mass consciousness, loss of traditional values ​​by people, separation from historical roots, the most gullible, unprincipled people can take the path of extremism and terrorism.

Therefore, peculiar negative response to globalization there is an increase in terrorist activities. At the beginning of the 21st century. terrorism started Also acquire global features:

  • becomes international in character;
  • has an extensive financial base;
  • uses the latest technologies;
  • expands the scope of activities.

The world community is fighting international terrorism. Laws are being tightened and force actions are being carried out, but this has not yet led to the elimination of terrorist organizations.

In conclusion, we note that globalization, no matter how we evaluate it, is a fact of modern existence. Globalization is an irreversible process, a natural course of world development with all its pros and cons.

Social consequences of the globalization process

In reality, the results of the globalization process can be seen in the fact that the boundaries for economic, cultural and even political activity are becoming more and more transparent and conditional. Translocal and transnational networks - industrial monopolies, the Internet, student and professional exchange, service industries, green organizations and the human rights movement - contribute to the creation of a truly global cultural and economic system. Due to the action of all these factors, the traditional for the 20th century was shaken. “geopolitical imagination”, which boiled down to the perception of the world as divided into spatial, territorial and ideological blocks. Globalization entails the formation of a new geopolitics and a new vision of the world, increasingly acquiring the image of a single whole, consisting of “flows” and “networks.”

The complexity of the perception of globalization is also evidenced by the data of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, obtained in the course of a study of Russian society’s understanding of the specifics and essence of globalization. The identified differences in the opinions of respondents and experts are due to the different content of the information channel regarding the problem presented, as a result of which the consequences will be perceived differently. Thus, over a quarter of respondents (28%) and almost half of experts (44%) believe that, in general, globalization processes open up positive prospects for the development of humanity; 18% of respondents and 27% of experts are pessimistic about the future; 54% of respondents and 29% of experts found it difficult to determine their opinion. Thus, while globalization creates a prevailing mood of uncertainty and weak optimistic expectations in the mass consciousness; experts are more optimistic about the future, but in general there is a lack of positive expectations regarding this process.

In the process of globalization, opposite trends are emerging - towards increasing interconnections on a global scale and further fragmentation. Globalization establishes various types of connections, creating what W. Hannerz called a “global ecumene” devoid of borders. The systematicity or unity of this global formation is the result of the interaction of local subjects with global structures.

It is impossible to hide from globalization. Global processes increasingly influence local ones, and even the most soil-based regimes, despite obvious resistance, are forced to one degree or another to identify with the global system.

Globalization brings changes not only to social organization, but also to the awareness of the world. J. Arrigi considers globalization to be one of the links in the process of evolutionary change in the world capitalist system. However, such an understanding is clearly insufficient, since it reduces all the richness and complexity of world history to one systemic formation - capitalism.

Globalization is a deeply contradictory phenomenon. It not only connects, but also separates, not only enriches, but also significantly limits. Globalization entails a contraction, a clash of local cultures, which must be redefined in this clash of localities. The absence of borders for financial, trade and information flows results in increased fixation of the place of life and activity for numerous groups of the population. For many people, this brings social degradation and loss of public spaces: the remoteness of their places of residence from unified global centers deprives them of the opportunity to participate in the development of social meanings and decision-making. They become passive recipients of meanings and meanings produced somewhere far away. We can talk about a kind of spatial segregation, about the establishment and progressive growth of a distance between global elites and the population of countries. J. Soros writes: “The global capitalist system has placed the countries of the world in unequal conditions. The gap between rich and poor is widening. And a system that gives no hope and does not support the losers pushes them to commit destructive acts dictated by despair and therefore risks being undermined from within.”

Globalization, no matter how you evaluate it, is a fact of modern existence, “an irreversible process, an inevitable fate of world development; globalization cannot be good or bad.”

The concept of “globalization” is very multifaceted. Its value for social science is that it focuses attention on the processes that transform the world into a single whole - a global system.

Many people are interested in the question, what is globalization? Globalization is the process of cultural, political, economic, religious unification and integration.

The process of globalization represents structural changes in the entire world economy. On this basis, a unified global market network economy and its infrastructure will be formed. And there is also a collapse of national state sovereignty, which has been the protagonist of international relations for many centuries. Globalization is the evolutionary consequence of formalized state market systems.

Globalization has entailed the following consequences:

  • Migration of labor, capital, production resources, legislative standardization.
  • Division of labor.
  • Merger and rapprochement of cultural relations of different countries.

The process of globalization is an objective move that is systemic in nature, that is, it affects all areas of social life. The result of globalization is the dependence of the world on all its subjects. The presence of problems common to government groups is increasing, and the types and numbers of integrating entities are expanding.

Globalization in simple words

In simple words, globalization is a process of structural changes in the world economy, which most recently bore the concept of a national economy, which linked together a system of international labor division, political and economic relations, including a cohesive intersection of economies based on regionalization and transnationalization of the world market.

The origins of globalization are subject to debate. Historians designate this process as a stage in the development of capitalism. The economy is driven by financial markets and transnationalization. Political scientists, on the other hand, focus on the spread of democratic organizations. Culturologists associate this process with the Westernization of culture. The globalization process is divided into economic and political globalization. The subject of globalization is regionalization, which gives a strong effect to the cumulative formation of the world's parts of technological and economic development.

The word globalization itself makes it clear about the leading role in this process played by the enormous growth of international trade at certain stages of historical development. For the first time, the concept of the globalization process (in the designation international intensive trade) was mentioned by Karl Marx, who wrote in one of his letters to Engels in the late 1850s: “Now the world market actually exists. With the advent of Japan and California, globalization was realized.” This factor in international trade is also indicated by globalization, which began during the time of Marx and ended in the 1930s. At that time, globalization came to an end due to the transition to a strict policy of protectionism in all developed countries, which entailed a sharp cessation of international trade.

What does globalization mean? This is an inevitable factor in human history, which lies in the fact that humanity around the world, as a result of the exchange of information, cultural values, products, goods, becomes more united. However, in recent years, this process has achieved a colossal rise in connection with the successes achieved in the fields of science, communications, industry, technology, and transport.

Despite the fact that such rapid stages of human development are achieving certain successes on a global scale, this process cannot be called easy. It is necessary to find a special approach to it so that it does not create serious difficulties and problems. The rapid pace of change due to globalization can be threatening. Most countries are trying to control this process as much as possible or manage it.

Definition of globalization

A manifestation of globalization is the development in depth and breadth of international processes of labor division, as well as the growth of the overall dependence of the economic world economy. At the micro level, dependence manifests itself among enterprises that carry out foreign economic activity, at the macro level – between national economies. The globalization of the world economy is active, which entails the process of unification of regional, sectoral, and national markets.

By the end of the twentieth century, globalization processes began to have a significant impact on the functions and development of the world economy. In addition, these processes began to affect all areas of human activity: humanitarian, economic, social. Globalization, which occurs in any direction of life relating to the life of society, affects processes in other areas and is global in nature.

There are definitely enough methods to analyze the processes of globalization based on this, and many attempts to give it the most accurate definition.

Many scientists agree with the definition of a systematic process, manifested in the following formulations:

  • Globalization is a historical process that has developed over many centuries, interacting and causing economic and cultural interactions in the world.
  • Globalization, as a broad and close relationship between all nations, to solve generally pressing problems related to the impact of the viability of the biosphere and the security of all humanity.
  • Globalization, as the highest level of internationalization, in a broad sense, is a set of phenomena and processes such as flows of cross-border services and goods, information, technology, and capital.

Based on this, scientific literature is characterized by consideration of such areas of globalization as globalization of political relations, communication and information globalization, economic globalization, globalization of the legal space, ethnic globalization, etc.

The process of globalization represents integration and unification, which relate to the most diverse spheres of life of all states (economics, culture, politics, religion).

Globalization has seriously influenced changes in the structure of the world economy. The consequence of the changes was the division of labor. Also, the consequences of changes in the structure of the world economy include the process of migration. Thanks to the intensification of the globalization process, cultures from different countries are emerging.

The worldwide process of unification and integration is not chaotic, but systematized. Globalization is gradually covering all spheres of human life. Thus, all countries of the world are gradually connected with each other.

The emergence of such a concept as globalization still causes controversy among scientists. Some historians believe that the worldwide process of unification and integration is just one of the main stages on the path to capitalism. Economists say that the origin of globalization lies in the transnationalization of financial markets. According to cultural experts, globalization is nothing more than American economic emancipation.

According to the origin of the word globalization itself, the leading role in it has been occupied from the very beginning, which was known at all the most significant historical stages.

The history of the concept of globalization

The first features of globalization have been known since antiquity. One example of ancient globalization is the assertion of its hegemony in the Mediterranean by the Roman Empire. This in turn led to the interweaving of many cultures that previously did not border each other. In addition, at this stage there was an interregional division of labor.

Scientists believe that the origin of globalization lies in the 12th-13th centuries. At this time, intermarket relations between countries had just begun to develop in Western Europe, and the process of forming the European economy had also begun. The decline in the formation of the European economy occurred in the 14th-15th centuries. After which the intensification of globalization began again. This process occurred in the 16th-17th centuries. At that time, the priority was not only economic growth, which each state was trying to achieve, but also geographical discoveries that coexisted with navigation. Traders from Spain and Portugal gradually occupied the whole world. With Spanish and Portuguese traders occupying much of the world, the colonization of America began.

One of the first international companies was the Dutch East India Company. The seventeenth century marked the peak of its trade with all Asian countries.

In the nineteenth century, active industrialization began, which gradually led to the fact that the growth of trade between European countries, their colonies and the United States increased significantly.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the processes of worldwide globalization could not even be hindered by the First World War. European exports continued to grow. Based on the results of 1915, over the past hundred years it has grown more than forty times. Trade growth continued even into 1920, while the trade of Western European countries underwent a process of liberalization.

The process of globalization began to decline in 1930. The reason lay in the Great Depression and the introduction of high import duties. After the end of World War II, globalization began to develop in its previous mode, which was the process that characterized the process until 1930. It was facilitated by a number of positive factors, one of which was the rapid transportation of products thanks to the active construction of sea and railway routes. Accessible international communications have also led to increased globalization.

The main objective of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was the elimination of all currently existing barriers to international trade. The agreement was adopted in 1947 between several countries with a capitalist structure, as well as between several actively developing states at that time.

The GATT international conferences in 1964-1967 were a real breakthrough in this direction. After a series of international conferences, the World Trade Organization was formed (1995). Modern globalization begins its countdown with the formation of the World Trade Organization.

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