Compatibility: Sagittarius woman, Scorpio man - a nightmare of family relationships. Compatibility: Scorpio and Sagittarius - similarity of characters

This may turn out to be one of those few cases when completely different people successfully complement each other. Compatibility between Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman has every chance of existing. He will restrain her impulses and thirst for adventure, and she will be able to stand up for herself in an argument with the harsh Scorpio.

Scorpio Man

A man born under the sign of Scorpio knows exactly what he wants from this life and is ready to go towards his goal, overcoming any difficulties. The will of this sign is not so easy to break.
Each Scorpio decides for himself what to do in life and is not going to consult with anyone; arguing with his point of view is not a rewarding task, and it is almost impossible to convince him that he is right. Such a bright trait acquires greater significance in the character of men of this sign, and can become fatal. Regardless of the opinions of others, Scorpio forgets about the people close to him, thereby offending them. Well, what, this man doesn’t know how to ask for forgiveness.

He is not fussy and calm in difficult matters, he perceives life’s adversities as the most ordinary Tuesday, it seems that it is unrealistic to unsettle such a man. A true fighter, in battle with the world, he is invincible.

A seducer by nature, he is created for love and pleasure, being surrounded by ladies, he feels at ease. Conquering with just one glance, he always, as in everything else, gets his way. He has a passionate nature, he loves sex and knows how to please his partner.

In family life he is strict and sometimes even rude, but at the same time he is an ideal father and mentor for his sons. Boys raised by such a father receive a lot from him and adopt the best traits.

Sagittarius Woman

Independent and freedom-loving, she may well remain lonely because of her ardent disposition, but at the same time, the Sagittarius lady is unlikely to be very upset; there are already many adventures in her life. Sagittarians are one of those signs that do not put family above all else and do not feel the need to get married; self-improvement and the fulfillment of their plans are much more important to them.

Not very economical, she will cook and wash only for a person close to her in spirit. In general, the surest way to achieve something from a Sagittarius woman is to ask her to do it. She will never refuse a friendly request and will do everything in her power. But if you suddenly show rudeness, rest assured, the proud girl will respond in her own sarcastic manner, and you risk ruining your relationship with her.

But the Sagittarius woman loves to receive guests, even those who come without an invitation. She will always have something for the table, and Sagittarius will always be happy to entertain her friends with an interesting and funny story. In her house everyone will feel comfortable, warmth and cordiality create the most favorable atmosphere.


Such an alliance is quite common, but not particularly strong. Having a lot of common traits, both partners are too freedom-loving and independent to make concessions. The romance between Scorpio and Sagittarius will be bright and passionate, but it will probably end as quickly and unexpectedly as it began. In order for them to realize the need for each other and take a closer look at their partner, it will take too much time, which neither of them simply has.

Moreover, in life together, a headstrong Sagittarius woman can give too many reasons for jealousy to the wild and unpredictable Scorpio. By and large, the duration of the relationship between these two will depend on the patience of the man trying to convey to his chosen one the benefits of marriage.

When a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman meet, he will try his best to impress her - while she will hide the fact that she likes him with equal persistence. Oh, this eternal confrontation between ice and fire!

Sagittarius is a conqueror by nature. He perceives the coldness of his beloved as a challenge. A man of this sign will not have the thought that he might be rejected - no, he is not used to rejection. Firstly, because it is popular. People themselves are drawn to an open, sociable, positive guy, including girls. Secondly, Sagittarius is stubborn, if not stubborn, and is used to going to the end in everything, being absolutely confident in his victory. Does Scorpio have a chance to survive?.. Sooner or later, white flags will be raised on the towers of her castle. And the fairy tale will end - real life will begin.

What is the fundamental difference between our two signs? In everything that concerns obligations in a relationship. Sagittarius is as direct and swift as a spear blow: if he wants to say or do something, he will say and do it, and only then think. Scorpio can be compared to a bullet with a displaced center of gravity - this woman hits you in the back, pierces the heart, and on the way to it a couple of more vital organs, and at the end also blows out your brains. Conflicts for this couple will begin from the very day when Scorpio decides for himself that Sagittarius is her man, and he is obliged to live up to this honorary title.

“You are mine, but I am not yours” - this is the position the poisonous lady wants to adhere to. She is ready to fight for her independence from her partner, while she will try hard to put him on a short leash. And what will be Scorpio’s amazement when she discovers that Sagittarius is not at all going to limit her freedom... but at the same time, she won’t let her fasten the collar on her own throat either. He is a sociable guy, he has a dozen best friends and a whole legion of friends, and spending time with them is the best vacation for Sagittarius.

On a fishing trip, in a nightclub or in the gym, but not at the throne of Her Majesty Scorpio. Moreover, fighting this circumstance is obviously the wrong strategy. Yes, a woman can force her man to sit sedately at home, protecting her vulnerable soul from jealousy and other stresses... but do you know what happens to songbirds if you put them in a cage? They get bored, get sick and die much earlier than they would have lived in freedom.

Should Scorpio be afraid of betrayal if she nevertheless gives in to her husband and allows him to lead a “bachelor” lifestyle? Men of the Sagittarius sign are absolutely incapable of hiding and pretending. You can absolutely be sure that he will not have a permanent mistress on the side. But on the other hand, there may also be “girlfriends” among his friends. Where there is a cheerful company, there is alcohol, a relaxed, casual atmosphere... do you know what a Sagittarius does when he likes a girl flirting with him? He comes home and tells his wife about her. Not out of boasting, and certainly not out of a desire to hurt her. You can take this as a subtle hint: they say, know that you have a rival, so try to make me choose you out of the two of you. And then Scorpio can start to panic. And it’s better to go for a walk with your husband, so that a possible rival can see that she won’t get this tidbit easily.

We need to give this couple good advice: never resolve conflict situations with scandals. You are both too freedom-loving, you equally stubbornly resist pressure. It is useless to shout and demand; it is better to approach problems creatively. The union of Sagittarius and Scorpio can only become successful if you both find the keys to each other. Respecting your partner’s needs and taking care of him is what you should learn, and not try to re-educate him.

Sagittarius Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility

“A kettle on fire” - this is how one can figuratively call the union of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman, remembering that they are controlled by the elements of Fire and Water. Such couples are formed quite often - although the relationships that develop between partners cannot be called anything other than strange. They will stimulate each other to certain actions, trying to manipulate. But, at the same time, these partners treat each other with great respect, because the position of each of them, the attitude towards life is very attractive and interesting for the other.

A couple of a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman has every chance of building a deep, personal relationship full of feelings and emotions that will remain vibrant for many years of life together. Outwardly, these partners even look alike, but their overall brightness and openness turn out to be different in essence. If the Sagittarius man is actually so easy-going and cheerful in communication, then for the Scorpio woman it is a mask behind which she skillfully hides her stubbornness, some conservatism and the desire to observe. Partners themselves cannot even suspect into what abyss of relationships their passion for each other will plunge them.

The character of a Sagittarius man can change beyond recognition under the influence of circumstances, but the essence of a Scorpio woman manifests itself gradually, step by step, always from an unexpected direction. They can play with each other, turning this game into the meaning of their lives. The only difference is that the Sagittarius man plays openly, as openly as possible, while the Scorpio woman plays her games secretly, trying not to show them to others. The quarrel between these partners is also interesting and instructive. If the Scorpio man, when his pride is hurt, is ready for an open, honest blow, he expresses everything in his face, without hiding anything in his bosom, then the Scorpio woman, accumulating a critical mass of her grievances, strives to strike on the sly when her partner least expects it.

One happiness is that this couple will have almost no reasons to quarrel and strike, or they will together reflect external problems without directing their aggression against each other. In fact, the Sagittarius man and the Scorpio woman, possessing deep worldly wisdom, will very soon learn to understand each other well. If the fire element of the partner heats up the water element of the partner too much, then a flash will form, a short-term release of steam - and this will be enough for the Sagittarius man and the Scorpio woman to return to their peaceful relationship, forgetting about grievances. The relationship between these two partners will be filled with love and passion for each other. But the main secret of their peaceful and happy coexistence lies in their truly friendly affection for each other. A Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman can understand and help even in business and career, helping each other out in any situation.

In order not to bring their relationship “teapot” to a violent boil, a Sagittarius man and a Scorpio woman should focus on those character traits of each other that are similar, and respect the personality traits of their partner that they themselves do not have. This couple will always try to restore their relationship peacefully, because both he and she really need this union, which gives them harmony and peace.

The pair of Scorpio women and Sagittarius men is distinguished by unique stability and strength. This is a permanent duet. In it, the Sagittarius man is under the rule of Jupiter. At the same time, the Scorpio woman is ruled by the planet Pluto. This planet is characterized by secrecy and sophistication. As for Jupiter, it turns out to be the embodiment of expansiveness, expression and openness. The Sagittarius man was born under the sign of Fire. The young lady was born under the power of a water symbol. It would seem, how can these polarly different personalities be together? In fact, if a given young man is passionately in love with a Scorpio woman, nothing is scary and nothing bothers him. This person ignores astrological problems and obstacles. Moreover, the Sagittarius man likes these kinds of obstacles. Intrigue, complexity, secrets, a little danger, riddles - all this only provokes him and even fascinates him a little.

Every Sagittarius man has an unbridled passion. Some people are attracted to hunting or fishing. Other representatives are fond of horse riding or dogs. Some “archers” are “sick” of travel or career heights. Other representatives of this fire sign are interested in some kind of hobby. A Sagittarius man can be immersed in philosophy, religion, homeopathy and just dreams. It is not surprising that he is fully prepared for a meeting with a Scorpio woman. A Sagittarius man can start any conversation with ease and ease, making the conversation exciting and rich. A young man is able to instantly melt the ice that is inherent in the Scorpio woman.

Young ladies born under this sign have a unique habit. They act coldly and distantly with anyone they don't know well. However, even this cannot suppress the Sagittarius man. He easily and unobtrusively stays close to the Scorpio woman, showing her his optimism, logic, sharp mind and charm. The young man is never upset by this behavior, because he attributes it to honesty, which he values ​​highly. A man born under this zodiac sign is not afraid of criticism. He simply knows how to wait and accepts everything as it is, without unnecessary complications and tragedies.

The Scorpio woman, secretive and suspicious by nature, at first is extremely wary of accepting such open, childishly naive optimism. The lady is inclined to believe that the Sagittarius man is simply mocking her. The young lady does not take him seriously. The Scorpio woman is sure that the Sagittarius man plays a role that is beneficial to him at a given moment in time. However, this is not a clownery at all. A man born under this sign may well be calm and serious. The Scorpio woman, with her unique insight, may be one of the first to notice this.

In addition to the merits of her chosen one, this young lady will immediately note some of his shortcomings. First of all, the Scorpio woman immediately discovers the excessive sociability of the Sagittarius man. The young man cannot imagine his life without strangers. He likes to talk, play, socialize, and visit. Also, the Scorpio woman will note with displeasure the wide range of women who are close to her chosen one. She is amazingly suspicious, jealous, scrupulous.

However, she will not be able to be the only one in the life of a Sagittarius man if she denies him freedom, joy, the opportunity to communicate and travel. The Scorpio woman must be prepared for the fact that her lover needs freedom like air and like life itself. At the same time, a typical Sagittarius man will never hide his intentions. If treason comes into his head, he will directly declare it. He always gives his chosen one the opportunity to return everything to normal, to rehabilitate, to achieve balance and harmony.

Also, the Scorpio woman should take into account that the Sagittarius man prefers to relax and travel with a person he knows well. That is why he will call her with him every time. To achieve balance, each person in a couple will have to make compromises. Not only the young lady must learn to give in. The Sagittarius man is also forced to make concessions. He must earn loyalty. A young man needs to realize the amazing degree of sensitivity of his chosen one. The Scorpio woman is very receptive to words. Any remark or caustic word hurts her. At the same time, she knows how to forever harbor a grudge in the depths of her soul. On top of everything else, the Scorpio woman not only endures the offense for a long time at first, but over time the lady begins to take terribly revenge. People around you, including the Sagittarius man, cannot predict what sauce this cold “dish” will be served with.

The Sagittarius man must come to his senses in time. He will need to learn a complex science - to appreciate the love and devotion of his chosen one. He must also understand one thing from the first days of communication: if a Scorpio woman leaves once, it is forever. Any decision she makes is firm and final. Since the Sagittarius man is essentially extremely impulsive and careless, he should be a little more gentle, reverent, and sensitive next to his chosen one.

The compatibility of such a difficult couple at the level of physical attraction deserves special attention. The Sagittarius man and the Scorpio woman have radically different views on this side of life. However, it cannot be said that they are incompatible. Not at all! Guys born under this Fire sign are passionate and touching at the same time. Their feelings are naive and idealistic. That is why the love that comes from a Sagittarius man turns out to be deep and comprehensive.

At the same time, he is always ready to talk about his emotions. It is important for him to express them. This is precisely the main problem in the couple. After all, the Scorpio woman prefers to remain silent about high feelings. For her they are sacred and inviolable. To punish her irrepressible chosen one, a lady can use sex. At the same time, the Scorpio woman becomes deliberately cold, passive, and unapproachable with him. This extinguishes his ardor and fuse. However, it is worth remembering that between the signs of Fire and Water, relationships often develop in this vein.

To be together, a young man must take into account the characteristics of the Scorpio woman. He needs to appreciate her love and not take it lightly. This will awaken her unique softness, hidden behind coldness, calmness and inaccessibility.

Astrological neighbors Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman celebrate their birthdays one after another, but this does not make them closer. It’s just that neighboring zodiac signs in most cases do not have a great chance of compatibility in a love relationship, and this couple is no exception.

The compatibility horoscope of a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman is complicated not only by the fact that their constellations are adjacent in the sky. Another pebble in the garden is the opposite elements that they represent. Scorpio is water, and Sagittarius is fire. Water, as you know, extinguishes fire, and fire begins to hiss from water. It is on confrontation that the relationships of our heroes are most often built.

Indeed, their life may outwardly look stable, peaceful and harmonious. It’s just that a Scorpio man never reveals his emotions in front of strangers. And even if the shooter speaks too carelessly about him, he will arrange a debriefing only in private, and then not right away. Anyone who has had a relationship with Scorpios has probably had to deal with the outright vindictiveness of representatives of this zodiac sign. But more on that later.

A typical Scorpio guy always attracts women's attention with his mysteriousness. Yes, he is still a charmer. This man is literally closed from our world. His deep gaze and somewhat detached behavior never give you peace - it’s simply unclear what’s on his mind. It seems that Scorpio is here, next to us, and seems to listen very carefully, and nods his head, smiles and occasionally inserts his valuable remarks, but in reality, no, he is clearly on the other side of the universe.

A straightforward Sagittarius girl simply cannot understand this manner of behavior. Why hide when you can say everything straight out front? Why speak in general phrases or suddenly change the topic of conversation, when it is better to dot all the i's and move on with a calm heart? Yes, these questions visited the curious archer more than once. And they will visit her for a long time.

But on the other hand, it is precisely this mystery of the Scorpio guy, the almost mystical shade of his personality that will attract her attention. It's just that the typical Sagittarius woman is incredibly curious by nature. She absorbs tons of information she needs and simply cannot live without constant feeding with fresh emotions. And then suddenly such an amazing source of inspiration appears. And it is not surprising that she will throw all her strength into clarifying the circumstances (read: revealing his secrets).

And Sagittarius has plenty of strength. This fiery lady never seems to back down at all. Perhaps only in one case - when she simply lost interest in the object of her dreams. And this, I must say, happens quite often. A typical Sagittarius girl shuffles the deck several times because she is looking for exactly what she likes. Even if it is not the best, she has no empty ambitions at all. The main thing is that it matches her inner world.

And the inner world of a Sagittarius is incredibly interesting. This woman is focused exclusively on the future. She makes her own plans and implements them herself. She makes mistakes herself, and corrects mistakes herself. And again she does everything herself, herself, herself. In a word, this is an undeniably strong lady who has a truly masculine grasp and will never miss her chance. What can I say, Sagittarius is truly fire.

And it is this light that will attract Scorpio. After all, this man has a really strong character. He is moderately restrained, courteous, even gallant. The typical Scorpio guy will always give in to a lady simply because she is a lady. And moreover, thanks to his external restraint, one feels great inner strength, which Sagittarius can intuitively determine even at the first meetings.

Yes, our heroes will really have fun together, because their compatibility in love is based on a simple principle: they respect each other for those qualities that they themselves lack a little. Judge for yourself. Scorpio's restraint and patience are what Sagittarius should learn. And the active position of this lady, her ability to quickly change her decision, if necessary, will be quite useful for the slow Scorpio. And quite a lot of similar comparisons can be made. Although in general the idea is clear: love through respect.

But there is another, no less significant basis for compatibility, which will subsequently manifest itself in family relationships. Scorpio and Sagittarius are incredibly passionate people. Moreover, they are simply drawn to each other. They will certainly experience what is called love at first sight. Apparently, the interest that initially arose between them, the very spark with which everything began, will turn into a real volcano of love. And for these zodiac signs the picture is quite typical. Scorpio water is the element of feelings, emotions, sentimentality. And the fire of Sagittarius is the energy of passion, desires, pleasures.

It is not surprising that partners will simply dissolve into each other. Their romance will generally be bright and memorable. Yes, maybe it will pass very quickly. Or maybe it will last a lifetime. But in any case, it will make a strong impression on both the Scorpio guy and the Sagittarius girl. They will remember their love story for a long time simply because this time they felt that same sensual love. So we can definitely say: no matter how their story ends, the partners will still win.

Marriage Compatibility: Change Your Methods

The compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman in marriage has some basis. It’s just that if our heroes manage to go through a rather difficult period of adaptation, when conflicts and mutual reproaches literally destroy the peaceful course of life, this is a very good sign and even proof. Proof that, despite all the contradictions, there is a powerful connecting force between them, the effect of which is very noticeable. Yes, today they are fighting, raising dust, sorting things out. The archer can even openly insult her beloved. But he, most likely, will refrain from doing this. But he will harbor a grudge. But tomorrow they make peace and feel as if the storm has now passed and will never return.

That's why couples who have lived through the whole gamut of emotions, but still stayed together, have more than a good chance of getting married. It must be said that the Scorpio man will turn out to be a very caring spouse who will meekly and meaningfully take on all the hardships of life. Sagittarius can count on the fact that she will simply do what she loves, and everything related to raising funds will fall on the shoulders of her husband.

However, this lady is so active that she definitely won’t sit idle for long. Scorpio, of course, knows about this, although he does not particularly count on her help. And in vain. Sagittarius is convinced that marriage is a team consisting of two like-minded people. And the more friendly this small team is, the more victories it will win. And the strength of two people at least doubles this probability.

So it turns out that only under one roof will our heroes be able to appreciate all the benefits of living together. Indeed, the fiery archer will constantly inspire her beloved to exploits, and will also actively help him in word and deed. And a reliable Scorpio will take on almost all the difficult responsibilities, as long as the family is wealthy and truly happy.

Therefore, comments are unnecessary. But the stars simply have to give their advice. From the very beginning, Scorpio and Sagittarius can make a lot of attempts to adjust the partner to their own way. Both of these people are quite powerful and assertive; they really are not used to giving in. Moreover, they can apply those methods that allow them to achieve very much in everyday life in family life. That is why real military epics and confrontations with varying success will often be observed between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Partners need to immediately understand that the tactics of battle, slowly pushing through one’s will (this is more typical of Scorpio) in this case, not only will not work - it is simply dangerous. Neither the scorpion, nor even the archer, can be changed. They should be approached completely differently. And direct methods of influence are an outright mistake.

Sexual compatibility: pleasure and reconciliation

As for bed, here the passion of a Scorpio man and the fiery ardor of a Sagittarius girl can literally work wonders. It is no secret that it is on the marriage bed that our heroes will most often find themselves at the moment of reconciliation. They are so passionate, so real that it is not surprising that passionate embraces after the next cycle of wars turn into hot nights.

In addition, night adventures for our heroes are a source of eternal inspiration. Indeed, sex is of key importance to them. This is why intimate fun becomes an element of pleasure and reconciliation for Scorpio and Sagittarius at the same time.

Compatibility at work: at neutral speed

In work, a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman do not have a very high chance of compatibility. They are very different emotionally. And if at home these differences can be compensated for through close communication during the day and therapy sessions at night, then at work there are no such opportunities.

Therefore, in professional matters, our heroes are more likely to prefer a policy of non-intervention. Scorpio is too mysterious for a Sagittarius, but she doesn't have time to delve into his soul. And the archer for Scorpio is, perhaps, very fussy, but he is not going to argue with her - it’s more expensive for himself. Therefore, it will not be possible to gain a particular speed of business movement - the leverage of the partners will constantly remain at a neutral level.

A Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman are people who are in many ways alien to each other. If they can get past this stretch of separation and make it to the serious stage of the relationship, the chances of compatibility increase. Otherwise, the tandem will inevitably cease to exist.

“You never know what to expect from him” - this is how Sagittarius women describe their relationships with Scorpio men. Do you know what description Scorpios usually give? The same! These signs can never predict each other, and that's the beauty of their relationship.

Sagittarius-Scorpio compatibility: how to seduce a Scorpio man

In social and friendly relationships, the Scorpio man is cautious and does not show his true colors. Therefore, it would not be the best move to start seducing Scorpio by searching for common topics or discussing interesting news, with friendly meetings or a joint business. Scorpio will remain on guard; the pressure of Sagittarius may scare him away. But this is what this man definitely cannot resist - the sexuality, fiery temperament and sincerity in the intimate sphere inherent in the Sagittarius woman. To catch a Scorpio, you need to catch him with the bait that is interesting to him as a man. He himself has a strong temperament and loves sex. A Sagittarius woman has the best chance of winning him over if he evaluates her as a potential lover. But if there is nothing else to offer besides sex, he will quickly lose interest or give Sagittarius a place in his life that is unlikely to suit her. Fortunately, the Sagittarius woman has a lot of means in stock for Scorpio to see in her not only a sex object. She is smart, active, and different adventures often happen to her. Despite her sincerity, Scorpio is not given the opportunity to fully understand her character - they are very different. So a woman of this sign will always remain full of surprises for him and thereby fuel his interest.

What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman – Scorpio man?

The ideal couples of Sagittarius and Scorpio come in two types. The first is a couple where complete trust reigns. The Scorpio owner has learned to control his jealousy and allows Sagittarius to spend time with friends, on walks, and relax separately from him. Sagittarius, in turn, does not want Scorpio to socialize in company and invites friends to the house less often, knowing that Scorpio needs more privacy than she does. They will never be bored with each other. They constantly give each other surprises. This feeds both the restless nature of Scorpio and the movement-loving Sagittarius. The second ideal couple looks very comical at first glance. In company, he is a silent man, sullenly and sluggishly reacting to the constant teasing of his noisy, active wife. She does not hesitate to reprimand or ridicule him in front of strangers, but you can be sure that at home he will fully recoup for this. “Some kind of horror, not an ideal couple,” you say. However, such couples are in no hurry to break up; the people in them have been living together for years, which means that such a relationship is ideal for them. This happens when Scorpio has an overly developed suspicion of the world and a desire for self-destruction, and Sagittarius has formed an anti-ideal instead of an ideal. Well, people found each other.

What are the difficulties in a union between Sagittarius women and Scorpio men?

At the initial stage, Scorpio's possessive streak is dangerous for relationships. The Sagittarius woman does not like restrictions. She is sensible and capable of making the right choices herself. She doesn't like being controlled and her freedom limited. And Scorpio finds it unpleasant when he cannot control his partner’s actions. The shooter will not report where she was, what she did and who she is going to meet. She is sincere, makes no secrets about her life, but she is not going to sit at home, going out in public only under the supervision of Scorpio. She needs movement, fire, events, she does not like boredom. Scorpio's suspicion, his habit of seeing betrayal where there is none, offend Sagittarius, and the desire to control and manage does not suit her lifestyle at all. The second problem is for couples living together. This is a different attitude towards money. The Sagittarius woman is generous, sometimes spends more than is reasonable, and Scorpio is thrifty. That's why they have arguments about the family budget.

Scorpio will never change: suspicion and authority are an important part of his character. The archer is pliable, she tries to adapt to circumstances to the last, so it is possible that Scorpio will suppress her love of life. This seems like a solution only at first glance. Neither the Sagittarius woman herself nor the man next to the extinguished Sagittarius will be happy. Therefore, it is very dangerous to agree with Scorpio’s manipulations and succumb to them. This won't solve the problem. The true solution is to cultivate respect for each other and mutual trust. It will come with time. Scorpio is patient, let him use his patience to benefit the relationship - learn to restrain his instincts, do not rush to conclusions, let him learn to trust. Sagittarius also needs to learn respect, for example, it is necessary to respect Scorpio’s right to privacy and not re-educate the “beech” through constant friendly gatherings with a large group in his house. The way out of financial contradictions will be a separate budget, or at least part of the money, which everyone can manage in their own way. Disagreement in money matters occurs when a couple already lives together and the partners have learned to respect each other. Respect will not allow Scorpio to control Sagittarius' spending, and Sagittarius will not allow Scorpio to ridicule Scorpio's tight-fistedness.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man at work

This is a neutral alliance, not particularly successful, but not entirely bad either. Sagittarius and Scorpio have different working methods, different communication styles and different goals. The advantage of working together is their competition among themselves: by competing, they try to achieve the best results possible.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Scorpio man - colleagues or partners

If a Sagittarius woman and a Scorpio man are in the same team, they rarely work in pairs. They are very different for this. If we are talking about a voluntary partnership, cooperation that they themselves chose, then everything depends on external factors: how beneficial the partner’s money, connections or knowledge of the partner are. Psychologically they are not a cohesive team.

When a Sagittarius woman is a boss and a Scorpio man is a subordinate

This is an unfortunate combination. Scorpio generally does not like to be in subordinate roles, and the Sagittarius woman is not the boss he recognizes. Such a balance of power is possible only if the Strelchikha has the necessary connections. Scorpio himself does not know how to find the right people in such numbers as Sagittarius is lucky with this.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Scorpio man is a boss

This is an average combination. It will be easy for Sagittarius to work well with a Scorpio boss thanks to their natural optimism, although the Scorpio boss has a difficult character. And how he himself will relate to Strelchikha depends on the results of her work. Scorpio often evaluates people not by their work style or ability to get along with the team, but by the outcome. His motto is “The end justifies the means”, and if Sagittarius shows good results, she will not have problems with him.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man in friendship

There is rarely a close friendship between a Sagittarius woman and a Scorpio man, usually in cases where they are connected by life circumstances. And so they are in a relationship of good friends, and sometimes they don’t like each other. Sagittarius is uncomfortable with Scorpio's constant mask and secrecy, but sometimes she herself does not behave very well: her sincerity and directness can develop into pressure and tactlessness, which Scorpio does not tolerate. Their “halves” should not be afraid of betrayal. Often bringing Sagittarius and Scorpio together, if they themselves do not show such a desire, is dangerous not because of a possible romance, but because of a more than likely quarrel between them. Allow Sagittarius and Scorpio to keep from each other at the distance they choose, and do not insist on their communication.

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