Galina Lazarevalesnaya pharmacy. Choleretic herbs: list, application features, properties and reviews

Often, when treating the digestive system, they resort to help choleretic drugs from plant components. The benefits of these medicinal herbs great. Many of the plants grow in large quantities in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. therefore, you can collect them yourself. The procurement period generally lasts from May to mid-September. You need to dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated place, protected from sun rays, indoors. You can also purchase ready-made choleretic preparations and medications at the pharmacy, which are based on dry or aqueous natural ingredients.

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    Mechanism of action of herbs

    The mechanism of action of choleretic herbs is based on stimulating the formation of bile in liver cells.

    Bile is a bitter liquid (secretion) that is yellow, dark green or Brown. The role of bile in the body is difficult to overestimate. It is mainly related to digestion. Bile acids promote the transition of gastric to intestinal digestion, emulsify organic matter, improve motor function small intestine, promote the formation of mucus, hormones endocrine system, secretin, prevents cell adhesion to bacteria, viruses, and ribosomes. Bilirubin, cholesterol, and steroids are excreted through bile. Bile is involved in the process of activating enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins.

    The gallbladder is an organ of the digestive system, a reservoir into which secretions from the liver enter. The bile released from the bladder is needed by the intestines to break down fats, activate enzymes and for further absorption of important nutrients. But sometimes it happens that the outflow of secretions is difficult. Lithogenic (unbalanced) bile causes the formation of stones, infectious diseases, toxic liver damage, metabolic disorders. There is a need to stimulate the choleretic function of the internal organ.

    In folk and traditional medicine, to stabilize disorders of the digestive system, it is recommended to take choleretic herbs, herbal mixtures and ready-made preparations based on plant extracts. Their effects on the body can be as follows:

    • antibacterial;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • painkillers;
    • antispasmodic;
    • diuretic;
    • choleretic;
    • liquefying.

    Medicinal plants and herbs are used for the following pathological conditions and diseases:

    They are also used to cleanse the body of toxins and prevention after removal of the gallbladder.

    Thick bile in the gallbladder - causes and treatment

    List of choleretic medicinal plants

    Herbs recommended for stagnation of bile, lack or deficiency of certain acids, come in two types of action. The first group includes plants that stimulate the production of this greenish, bitter liquid by liver hepatocytes. The second is choleretic agents, which promote the excretion of bile, since it has a long-term effect on the mucous surface of the digestive tract. bile acids causes chronic diseases stomach and esophagus.

    List medicinal plants, which have a variety of choleretic properties, is very extensive. Therefore, herbs with the same properties are conventionally divided into several subgroups.


    They stimulate the outflow of bile, increase the reflex mechanism of bladder duct cells with dyskinesia and atony internal organs:

    • corn silk;
    • cassia;
    • birch leaf;
    • yellow gentian;
    • buckthorn;
    • fumaria officinalis;
    • artichoke;
    • garlic;
    • burdock;
    • nettle;
    • sagebrush;
    • three-leaf watch;
    • calendula (flowers);
    • coriander fruits.


    They protect liver cells from damage of various properties, and also contribute to its restoration:

    • milk thistle (seeds);
    • fumaria officinalis;
    • Sophora;
    • pumpkin;
    • wheatgrass;
    • parsley;
    • osbekia thorny;
    • licorice;
    • thistle:
    • dandelion;
    • dog-rose fruit;
    • calamus root;
    • white cinquefoil.

    Herbal analgesics

    These herbs relieve pain:

    • common flax;
    • the wrestler is tall;
    • oregano;
    • anise;
    • immortelle;
    • black nightshade;
    • tamarisk;
    • rough cornflower;
    • meadow geranium;
    • knotweed;
    • chamomile;
    • St. John's wort;
    • red clover.


    Relaxes the muscles of the bladder and bile ducts, improves the removal of bile secretion:

    • lemon balm;
    • fennel;
    • chicory;
    • tansy;
    • tricolor violet;
    • Bay leaf;
    • St. John's wort;
    • calendula (flowers);
    • sage;
    • dope;
    • belladonna;
    • elecampane tall (roots);
    • valerian (roots).

    Herbs against gallstones

    These are plants that prevent the appearance gallstones, dissolve those already formed, promote their fragmentation and removal:

    • sunflower (root);
    • dandelion (yellow flowers);
    • echinacea;
    • thyme;
    • catnip;
    • peppermint;
    • strawberries (berries);
    • celandine;
    • dill;
    • knotweed;
    • lingonberry (leaves).

    Herbal treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. He will select individual choleretic components for each specific situation, taking into account concomitant diseases.

    When not to take medicinal herbs

    Improper preparation and uncontrolled ingestion of these drugs can cause harm to health and lead to negative consequences. Therefore, preparations from choleretic herbs have a number of contraindications.. These include:

    • individual intolerance to the plant and drugs based on it in adults and children;
    • acute medicinal or alcohol intoxication liver, poisoning;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • biliary colic (when the ducts are blocked);
    • acute cholecystitis;
    • pregnancy, breast-feeding(GW).

    It is not recommended to give herbal preparations with a strong choleretic effect to children under 12 years of age. It is better to use choleretic herbs, that is, a set of herbs in which the effect of some active components is softened by others. But such a fee should be selected by a pediatrician after the diagnosis has been established. With gallbladder dysfunction, young children benefit from daily consumption of foods with a biliary effect: carrots, cabbage (cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli), tomatoes, onions, dill, parsley, vegetable oils. After consultation with the doctor, children are allowed to take tea drinks based on rose hips, peppermint, dill, chamomile and cinquefoil.

    The first symptoms indicating improper gallbladder function are pain under the right rib, bloating, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, and belching. Untimely treatment can lead to the formation of calculi (stones) in the gall bladder - that is why it is so important to early stage identify pathology in the functioning of the organ and begin treatment.

    Preparations based on choleretic herbs are prescribed by doctors for the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases. This is due to the properties of medicinal herbs to relieve attacks of pain, alleviate the symptoms of an ongoing disease, and stop the emergence of new complications and pathologies.

    Liver diseases

    Types of liver diseases

    Herbs have long been known to help treat diseases of internal organs. In traditional medicine recipes, preparations for the liver necessarily include:

    1. 1. Pumpkin seeds - contain linoleic and oleic fatty acids, essential oils, vitamins B, C.
    2. 2. Milk thistle fruits - accelerate the process of formation of liver cells, prevent the destruction of cell membranes; it contains a complex of microelements, vitamins, and various unique effective biological substances.
    3. 3. Artichoke seeds - improve metabolism, reduce bad cholesterol, reduce the viscosity of bile. They contain a large number of vitamins, organic acids, vegetable fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

    Extracts of some plants are used in modern preparations. These medications have few contraindications, have a positive effect on digestion, thin bile, and improve the production of protein from amino acids. Such medicines with herbal active ingredients include:

    • Karsil - biological extracts from the fruits of milk thistle;
    • Gepabene - fumifera, milk thistle;
    • Hofitol - field artichoke;
    • Tykveol - pumpkin seed oil;
    • Galstena - milk thistle, celandine.

    While breastfeeding

    Women during breastfeeding should closely monitor not only their diet, but also their intake. medicinal drugs. This also applies to herbal natural medicines. Relatively safe herbs for breastfeeding are:

    • nettle - increases immunity and hemoglobin, increases prolactin levels, helps improve nutritional qualities breast milk, saturates it with vitamins, stops bleeding, eliminates constipation;
    • chamomile - normalizes digestion, soothes, lowers body temperature;
    • fennel - relieves spasms, improves digestion, lactation;
    • calendula - has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Holemaks - rosehip (fruit);
    • Kholosas - rose hips;
    • Hepaphytol - artichoke.

    After gallbladder removal

    When the gallbladder is removed, the patient experiences postcholecystectomy syndrome. This is due to disruption of the functioning of all organs, since after removal of the bladder - the reservoir in which the bile was stored - the secretion is constantly thrown into the duodenum, which leads to an exacerbation of all chronic diseases. For the first six months after removal, you must adhere to a strict diet. After time, the patient is recommended to take herbal infusions of choleretic herbs:

    • Collection No. 1: coriander (dried fruits), peppermint, immortelle (flowers), trifoliate.
    • Collection No. 2: yarrow, chamomile, mint, calendula, tansy (flowers).

    If desired, can be used for treatment medical supplies based on herbal extracts:

    • Tanacehol - tansy flowers;
    • Flamin - flowers of sandy immortelle;
    • LIV-52 - common chicory, Gallic tamarisk, black nightshade, yarrow, western cassia;
    • Allohol - garlic.


    With stones in the gall bladder and bile ducts, the outflow of secretion is disrupted, which causes infections and inflammatory processes in the organ. If large stones exist, blockage of the bile ducts is possible, and then without surgical treatment not enough.

    But if surgery is contraindicated, ready-made herbal mixtures are used to dissolve the stones: knotweed, celandine, dandelion (root), corn silk, tricolor violet, St. John's wort, anise (fruit), coriander (fruit). Three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials need to be poured into 600 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Filter. Take 200 ml of warm infusion three times a day.

    Also, for gallstones, it is useful to drink infusions and decoctions: parsley (herb, root), dill (fruit), mint, wheatgrass, liquid extract corn silk, buckthorn (root), bay leaf, chamomile.

    Bubble bend

    A bend in the gallbladder appears due to inflammatory processes in the organ or as a result of other chronic diseases. It leads to the occurrence of adhesions, changes in the composition of secretion and deformation of the organ itself.

    When the gallbladder is bent, it is useful to take strong decoctions and infusions: yellow gentian(rhizomes, roots), calendula flowers, peppermint, corn “hairs”. It is useful to drink from 100 to 200 ml of pumpkin juice and eat it in any form.

    Other recipes

    For the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases in folk medicine effective recipes are used. They help to quickly cope with the symptoms that appear and alleviate the patient’s condition:

    1. 1. Infusion of birch leaves: grind into powder. You should get 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. Let it brew for 10 minutes and then strain. This is a daily dose - take four times a day. The decoction is effective for chronic cholecystitis.
    2. 2. Effective choleretic infusion: take three tablespoons of immortelle, corn silk, and peppermint. Herbal collection pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes, filter. Take 50 ml four times a day. The infusion is recommended for any disease of the gallbladder and liver (except those indicated as contraindications).
    3. 3. Water infusion: 40 g of immortelle, 30 g of trefoil (watch), 10 g of peppermint, 10 g of coriander fruit, pour boiling water (400 g) and leave for 30 minutes. Course - three times a day, 125 ml. The infusion promotes the outflow of bile secretion.
    4. 4. Cold infusion of immortelle flowers: pour 15 g of immortelle flowers with boiled, cooled water. Let it brew for 8 hours, take 125 ml four times a day. The infusion is effective for various liver diseases.
    5. 5. Decoction of corn silk: pour 3 teaspoons of raw material into 250 ml of boiling water, heat for 30 minutes over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Add boiled, cooled water to the broth in a 1:1 ratio. Take 50 ml four times a day. The decoction has an effective choleretic effect.
    6. 6. Universal decoction of dandelion roots: pour one tablespoon of dried plant roots into 250 ml of boiling water, boil for about one minute. Let it brew for one hour, filter. Drink 125 ml twice a day.
    7. 7. Decoction of knotweed: simmer one tablespoon of the herb in a water bath for about 30 minutes, let it brew for 20 minutes. Drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. The drug is effective for the inflammatory process in the gallbladder.

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Medicinal plants with choleretic action

Choleretic are plants that can increase the secretion of bile, activating and accelerating its entry into the duodenum. Such plants and herbs have been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years in the treatment of gallbladder diseases, in particular cholelithiasis, cholecystitis.

Most often, such plants are included in a variety of choleretic herbal mixtures, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Traditional medicine uses medicines based on these plants. For example, in treatment it is often prescribed herbal preparations: cholenzyme, allohol, lyobil, as well as nicodin, liv-52, flamin and many others.

Today we will get acquainted with some highly effective choleretic herbs, we will talk about medicinal plants that help activate the production and removal of bile:

Sandy immortelle

WITH therapeutic purpose Dried buds of immortelle flowers are used. They contain flavonoids and their glycosides. It also contains some tannins, bitterness, essential oil, as well as vitamin K and sterols. These substances cause choleretic effect plants.

Decoctions are prepared from immortelle flowers, which are used in the treatment of cholelithiasis. Preparations based on immortelle are taken for the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, and in the treatment of dyskinesia biliary tract. Flowers are often included in pharmaceutical choleretic preparations.

Corn silk

Traditional medicine uses medicinal extract based on corn silk for treatment various diseases liver, gall bladder, accompanied by insufficient bile secretion. Medicines prepared from them are included in the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, and hepatitis. In addition, they are used to eliminate bleeding, since the stigmas contain vitamin K, which increases the level of prothrombin in the blood, enhancing its coagulability. Corn silk is also used in the treatment of kidneys, as they have a diuretic effect.

Golden volodushka

This plant takes an honorable third place in providing a choleretic effect after immortelle flowers and corn silk. Therapeutic effect associated with the composition of its leaves. Volodushka contains a number of flavonoids, saponins and tannins. There is a lot of essential oil, ascorbic acid, which is essential for health.


Prepared from the plant water infusion, which is used as an effective diuretic. The infusion actively removes excess water from the body along with salts. Therefore, goldenrod is used to treat kidney inflammation, Bladder. Goldenrod-based products are used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, and edema. In addition, the plant is effectively used in the treatment of gallstone disease.

choleretic medicinal plant


The plant is rich in alkaloids (methylcytisine, sparteine, cytisine), as well as flavone glycosides (genestein, luteolin). Contains valuable essential oil and many other substances. All of them contribute to the treatment of many diseases, as they have choleretic, hemostatic, and laxative properties.

Cornflower blue

Traditional medicine recommends products based on it for the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary and gall bladder, and liver. Cornflower has diuretic and choleretic properties. The plant is used in treatment poor digestion, as a tonic, bitter remedy that improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Common barberry

The root system and leaves of the bush are used for medicinal purposes. They contain the valuable substance berberine, which is used to produce the drug “berberine sulfate”, which has the property of activating the secretion of bile. This drug is taken to treat chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, as well as hepatocholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Barberry is also used to reduce blood pressure and increase heart rate. Products prepared on its basis are used in the postpartum period to enhance uterine contractions. A choleretic alcohol tincture is prepared from Far Eastern barberry.


The yellow flowers of the plant are often included in choleretic preparations, which are used in the treatment of cholecystitis, cholongitis, and used for cholelithiasis. In addition, an infusion of dried flowers and tansy herb powder are used to get rid of certain types of worms, for example, roundworms and pinworms. Tansy is used for jaundice and epilepsy. Tansy is also a well-known laxative.

It is impossible to immediately describe in detail all the known medicinal plants with choleretic effects, since there are a lot of them. For example, they have the properties of activating the secretion of bile Birch buds, milk thistle grass, buckthorn bark, rose hips. Mackerel leaves, lily of the valley herb, as well as turmeric and calamus roots are used.

In recent years, herbal medicine traditional treatment herbs, application medicinal plants received well-deserved recognition. The success of this approach to the treatment of diseases is scientifically proven, confirmed by numerous studies, and substantiated by centuries of experience in herbal treatment.

The principles of action of choleretic herbs on the body can be as follows:

1. Plants increase the tone of the gallbladder muscles, and as a result of their contraction, bile is “squeezed out” into the intestines. These properties are possessed by herbs such as tansy, corn silk, plants that have the most pronounced choleretic properties. As a result of an increase in the tone of the bile ducts, their lumen is reduced. Accordingly, these herbs should not be used by those who have stones in their gallbladder that can clog bile duct. In this case, surgical intervention will not be possible.

2. Herbs improve the composition of bile and thin it. As a result, its outflow is normalized. These properties are possessed by: initial cap, celandine, agrimony. The action of these plants improves the general condition of the gallbladder, as well as the liver, and regulates their functions.

3. When taking herbs, increased pressure is created in the digestive system. As a result, a large amount of water enters the gallbladder, diluting the bile, which regulates its outflow. Plants with these properties include, for example, birch leaves.

4. Herbs have antispasmodic properties, that is, they relax the muscles of the bile ducts, increasing their capacity. Thus, more bile comes from the gallbladder. The most common plant with these properties is dandelion. Moreover, both leaves and roots are used for medicinal purposes. Dandelion also has analgesic properties and is widely used to treat hepatic colic.

Indications and contraindications

Choleretic drugs are prescribed in many cases, for example, to maintain the normal functionality of the bile ducts, in case of insufficient bile, indigestion and problems in the digestive system (for example, when there is difficulty in absorbing fat-soluble substances).

In addition, choleretic herbs are prescribed in cases where the body contains too many toxins and the liver needs help in removing them.

Despite the fact that choleretic herbs are a completely natural, natural product, there are some contraindications when taking these drugs can cause harm to the body. Contraindications include:

§ Presence of stones in the gall bladder. Application choleretic drugs can cause their movement, and, as a result, blockage of the bile ducts. This leads to stagnation of bile, severe pain. The problem can only be resolved surgically.

§ Choleretic herbs should not be taken in case of some diseases, such as viral hepatitis, biliary colic (acute form), cholecystitis (acute form). Choleretic herbs for cholecystitis can be taken only if the form of the disease is non-calculous. Diseases for which the use of choleretic herbs is contraindicated include viral hepatitis.

§ In the event that the liver has undergone very severe intoxication, taking these medications can only worsen the situation.

Choleretic herbs for children

Is it possible to give choleretic drugs to children? The fact is that a child’s body is structured somewhat differently than an adult’s body, therefore, the reaction to a particular drug or remedy in children can be completely different.

One thing is for sure, it is not recommended to give strong choleretic herbs to children under 12 years of age. At a younger age, if there are problems with the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to include in the child’s diet foods that have bile-excreting properties. Such products include vegetable oils, herbs, cabbage (white, cauliflower), tomatoes, carrots, etc.

Properties and principle of operation

Choleretic herbs can be divided into four groups according to their mechanism of action:

· Promoting increased tone of the gallbladder muscles, due to which bile flows more actively into the intestines;

· Changing the composition of bile, diluting it, as a result of which the outflow of bile into the duodenum is also activated;

· Promoting the filling of the gallbladder with water and thus accelerating its entry into the intestines;

· Relaxes the muscles of the bile flow, as a result of which bile is evacuated more easily and in greater volume from the gallbladder.

The first group of plants includes corn silk and tansy. Representatives of the second group are celandine, capitula, ivy-shaped budra and others. The third group includes birch leaves, and the fourth group includes dandelion.

Each of these plants can be used for treatment, either alone or in combination with others.

Most popular herbs

Corn silk is one of the most effective herbal remedies, used for bile stagnation. They are very effective at the very beginning of cholelithiasis (when the bile has just begun to thicken, and there is also a little “sand” in the gallbladder), but in the presence of calculi (stones) they are strictly contraindicated for use.

To prepare the decoction, take 3 teaspoons of stigmas and pour boiling water over them. Next, the dishes with the infusion should be placed in a wider container and kept on low heat for half an hour. Make sure that the liquid does not boil. Then remove the resulting broth from the heat and dilute boiled water double and take 1/4 cup before meals.

Taking the drug is prohibited in case of thrombosis, varicose veins veins and during pregnancy.

Dandelion is a widely used remedy for bile stagnation. The roots of this plant are used to prepare a decoction. When harvesting roots, you should choose plants that have not yet flowered.

Prepare a decoction in next order: one tablespoon of pre-crushed dandelion roots is poured into one glass of boiling water, then the bowl is kept on low heat for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes and then filtered. You need to take the decoction 1/2 cup three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Dandelion has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties, so a decoction of the roots of this plant is recommended for bile stagnation and cholecystitis.

But this plant is contraindicated in the presence of medium and large gallstones, gastritis, colitis and hemorrhoids. In case of overdose, diarrhea may occur, since dandelion has a laxative effect.

Immortelle is also widely used in medicine for bile stagnation. This plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. Due to the presence of many essential microelements, it has an antispasmodic effect, which facilitates the unhindered release of bile from the gallbladder.

To prepare the decoction, 1 tbsp. Leaves are poured on top with 2 glasses hot water and then boil for about 10 minutes. Subsequently, take 1/2 or 1/4 cup three times a day, warm.

Contraindicated immortelle at hypertension And increased acidity gastric juice. Also should have V I mean, What decoction this plants it is forbidden accept longer three months. In time pregnancy reception this facilities should approve With doctor.

Birch leaves have an antiseptic and choleretic effect. Due to the presence of tannins, they have anti-inflammatory properties. Widely used in cases of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, cholecystitis and bile stagnation.

To prepare the infusion, birch leaves are washed (if they are fresh), crushed, poured with boiling water and left for 4 hours. Then the leaves are removed from the infusion, squeezing them out, and the infusion is left to stand for another 6 hours.

An easier way to prepare: pour 2 tbsp. Leaves 0.5 liters of boiled water and leave for one hour. Subsequently, take 1/4 cup 20-25 minutes before meals.

The drug is contraindicated in certain kidney diseases (in particular, glomerulonephritis). Use during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.

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The middle flowers are numerous, small, 1.5 - 2 times smaller than the marginal ones; bisexual, the tubes of their corollas are 5-toothed and with 3 to 4 additional less pronounced teeth, usually yellow or orange.

The color of the involucre leaves is lemon yellow, sometimes with reddish-orange tips, the flower corollas are lemon yellow or orange; peduncles and leaves – gray, greenish or brownish-gray. The smell is weak, aromatic. The taste of the water extract is spicy-bitter.

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Columns with corn silks GF XI, vol. 2, art. 31


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Color brown, brown-red, light yellow. The smell is weak and peculiar. Taste with mucilaginous sensation.

Chitotel's grass GF XI, vol. 2, art. 47


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External signs. Whole raw materials. Whole or partially crushed leafy stems with flowers and fruits of varying degrees of development, pieces of stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. The stems are slightly ribbed, sometimes branched, hollow at the internodes, slightly pubescent, up to 50 cm long. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, pinnately dissected with 3-4 pairs of crenate-lobed segments. The buds are obovate with two pubescent sepals that fall off when the flower opens. Flowers 4-8 in axillary umbellate inflorescences on peduncles that lengthen during fruiting. Corolla of 4 obovate petals, many stamens. The fruit is an oblong, pod-shaped, bivalve capsule. The seeds are numerous, small, ovoid with a pitted surface.

If a malfunction of the gallbladder occurs in the body, when bile is synthesized in small volumes or it does not enter the digestive tract in a timely manner, one cannot do without the use of medicinal plants. can be called one of the most effective natural remedies.

The gallbladder is one of the organs of the digestive system. It is in it that the bile synthesized by the liver accumulates, which is so necessary for the breakdown of lipids, activation digestive enzymes and assimilation important elements coming from food products. In addition, bile has an antibacterial effect, so it is a kind of “sterilizer” of the intestines.

A lack of secretion in the bladder or stagnation of bile in it, as well as desynchronization of bile secretion with food intake, lead to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances in the absorption of necessary substances, provoke cholestasis (stagnation) and create suitable conditions for the life of bacteria. To solve all these problems, experts tend to recommend medicinal plants.

But before using biliary herbs, you need to figure out which plants have a similar effect, and what is the principle of their effect on human body.

The most effective herbs for secretion stagnation: tansy, immortelle, barberry and corn silk.

However, this is not the entire list of such plants - it is much longer. It is also worth noting that the effect of different herbal remedies is somewhat different.

List of choleretic herbs

If we imagine a more detailed list of herbs that can expel bile from the body, then it should include the following choleretic plants:

  • tansy;
  • knotweed;
  • elecampane;
  • nettle;
  • celandine;
  • rose hip;
  • calamus root;
  • birch leaf;
  • mountain arnica;
  • Potentilla gossamer;
  • corn silk;
  • sand immortelle;
  • common dandelion.

Choleretic herbal medicines

Not everyone is impressed by drinking herbal infusion and using folk remedies to stimulate the secretion of bile, so medications for plant based. Choleretic drugs of this type are presented in tablets and capsules. For most people, taking such a drug for ailments such as cholestasis and other disorders of this type is much more pleasant and convenient.

Treatment is usually carried out with one of the following drugs:

  • Allohol;
  • Insadol;
  • Peridol;
  • Sibektan;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Holagol;
  • Hofitol.

Whatever name attracts attention, it is important not to forget that treatment with herbal remedies (regardless of whether the patient is diagnosed with cholestasis or another pathology of the gallbladder) is carried out only after agreement with the doctor. Taking them, like choleretic herbs, in case of bile stagnation is allowed only under his supervision and in the dosage specified by a specialist.

Mechanism of action of biliary plants

Any choleretic herb may have one of the following mechanisms of action on the human body. The muscle tone of the bladder increases, and as a result of its contractions, bile is “squeezed out” into the duct. Tansy and corn silk have a similar effect on the gallbladder. These are herbs endowed with a particularly pronounced bile-excreting property.

It is worth noting: against the background of increasing tone of the bile ducts, their diameter decreases. Therefore, removing bile from the body with such herbs is prohibited for people who have been diagnosed with stones in the gallbladder that can block the duct. In a situation like this surgical intervention, alas, cannot be avoided.

Some choleretic herbs during stagnation (cholestasis) help stabilize chemical composition bile, and also make it more fluid.

Thanks to this, the outflow of bile from the bladder improves. A similar property is demonstrated by plants such as agrimony, capitol and celandine. Positive effect of these herbs is that they improve general state bladder and normalize liver function.

When taking certain biliary herbs, it is noted high blood pressure V digestive organs. Because of this, a considerable amount of water enters the gall bladder. By diluting bile, it helps its outflow better. If we talk about plants that have this effect, we should remember the birch leaf.

There are herbs endowed with antispasmodic properties. They help relax the muscles of the biliary tract, thereby increasing their capacity. Thanks to this effect, bile is released from the bladder in a larger volume. The most common medicinal plant with a similar effect is considered to be dandelion. The roots and leaves of the plant are used for treatment. In addition, dandelion has an analgesic effect, so it is also used to relieve colic.

All herbs have different properties. In situations where more than one problem needs to be solved, they are often used together, creating multi-component charges.

Indications and contraindications

Use folk remedies for stagnation of bile it is possible for treatment various pathologies. They are prescribed to maintain the normal function of the bile ducts, with small volumes of bile, with indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems. Choleretic herbs also help if a large number of toxins have accumulated in the body, and the liver needs support to remove them.

(non-calculous form) – inflammation of the bile reservoir. Against the background of this disease, the outflow of bile is hampered and both its stagnation and the development of pathogenic microflora are observed. A mandatory indication for taking herbs is cholestasis. As a rule, this condition is characterized by a decrease in the flow of bile into the duodenum due to problems in its formation or worsening of excretion due to certain pathological processes. But choleretic herbs are no less useful for pancreatitis and giardiasis.

Although any fruit or herb is a natural product, it can cause harm. The following conditions are contraindications to taking biliary plants:

  • colic;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • acute type of cholecystitis;
  • gallstones;
  • excessive liver toxicity.

In the latter situation, use herbal infusions will only make the problem worse. The same picture is observed with the growth of gallstones. If you treat stagnation in this way, you can cause uncontrolled movement of stones, which often leads to blockage of the ducts. In this case, only a surgeon can help. The prognosis will directly depend on the timely detection of the problem and the provision of medical care.

Children's biliary products

A child’s body is different from an adult’s body, so the reaction to the same plant can be unpredictable. Before starting treatment, you need to consult with your doctor about how safe choleretic herbs are for children and whether children are allowed to take them. Most experts do not advise giving herbs that have a strong choleretic effect to girls and boys under 12 years of age.

For young children, a regular diet that includes choleretic foods such as tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and vegetable fats is much more beneficial. If the need for bile ducts has not disappeared, then before you start using them, you need to consult with your children’s doctor. He will determine the cause of the disease and choose a remedy that will most effectively and safely eliminate the problem.

Alas, it is quite difficult to find out in advance which remedy will be effective in a particular situation. That is why it is advised to opt for bile ducts, which have a multifaceted effect. This will help resolve the problem quickly. But it is worth remembering that the choleretic tea is not ordinary tea. They drink it in small quantity shortly before meals. Also, do not forget that taking even such a harmless drug should be previously agreed with the treating doctor.

Choleretic drugs are drugs that enhance bile formation or promote the release of bile into the duodenum.

Bile ( bilis- lat., fel- English) - a secret produced by hepatocytes. Bile production occurs continuously in the body. Bile produced in the liver is secreted into the extrahepatic bile ducts, which collect it into the common bile duct. Excess bile accumulates in the gallbladder, where it is concentrated 4-10 times as a result of the absorption of water by the mucous membrane of the gallbladder. During the digestion process, bile from the gallbladder is released into the duodenum, where it is included in the processes of digestion and absorption of lipids. The flow of bile into the intestines is regulated by neuro-reflex mechanisms. From humoral factors in the process of bile secretion highest value has cholecystokinin (pancreozymin), which is produced by the mucous membrane duodenum when gastric contents enter it and stimulates contraction and emptying of the gallbladder. As it moves through the intestines, the main part of the bile is absorbed through its walls along with nutrients, the rest (about a third) is removed with feces.

The main components of bile are bile acids (BAs) - 67%, about 50% are primary FAs: cholic, chenodeoxycholic (1:1), the remaining 50% are secondary and tertiary FAs: deoxycholic, lithocholic, ursodeoxycholic, sulfolitocholic. The composition of bile also includes phospholipids (22%), proteins (immunoglobulins - 4.5%), cholesterol (4%), bilirubin (0.3%).

By chemical structure FAs are derivatives of cholanic acid and represent the main end product of cholesterol metabolism. Most of the FAs are conjugated to glycine and taurine, which makes them stable at low pH values. Bile acids facilitate the emulsification and absorption of fats, inhibit cholesterol synthesis via a feedback mechanism, and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) depends on their presence. In addition, bile acids increase the activity of pancreatic enzymes.

Disturbances in the formation or outflow of bile into the duodenum can be of different nature: liver disease, biliary dyskinesia, increased lithogenicity of bile, etc. When choosing a rational choleretic agent, it is necessary to take into account the pharmacodynamics of choleretic drugs.

Depending on the leading mechanism of action, choleretic agents are divided into two subgroups: agents that enhance the formation of bile and bile acids ( Choleretica, Cholesecretica), and means that promote its release from the gallbladder into the duodenum ( Cholagoga, or Cholekinetica). This division is quite arbitrary, because Most choleretic drugs simultaneously enhance the secretion of bile and facilitate its entry into the intestines.

The mechanism of action of choleretics is due to reflexes from the intestinal mucosa (especially when using drugs containing bile, bile acids, essential oils), as well as their effect on liver exocretion. They increase the amount of secreted bile and the content of cholates in it, increase the osmotic gradient between bile and blood, which enhances the filtration of water and electrolytes into the bile capillaries, accelerate the flow of bile through the bile ducts, reduce the possibility of cholesterol precipitation, that is, they prevent the formation of gallstones, enhance digestive and motor activity small intestine.

Drugs that promote bile secretion may act by stimulating contractions of the gallbladder (cholekinetics) or by relaxing the muscles of the biliary tract and sphincter of Oddi (cholespasmolytics).

Clinical classification of choleretic agents

(see Belousov Yu.B., Moiseev V.S., Lepakhin V.K., 1997)

[* - drugs or additives are marked, the drugs of which do not currently have valid registration in the Russian Federation.]

I. Drugs that stimulate bile formation - choleretics

A. Increasing the secretion of bile and the formation of bile acids (true choleretics):

1) preparations containing bile acids: Allohol, Cholenzym, Vigeratin, dehydrocholic acid (Hologon*) and sodium salt of dehydrocholic acid (Decholin*), Liobil*, etc.;

2) synthetic drugs: hydroxymethylnicotinamide (Nicodin), osalmide (Oxafenamide), cyclovalone (Cyqualon), hymecromone (Odeston, Holonerton*, Cholestil*);

3) drugs plant origin: sandy immortelle flowers, corn silk, tansy (Tanacehol), rose hips (Holosas), Berberine bisulfate, birch buds, blue cornflower flowers, oregano herb, calamus oil, turpentine oil, peppermint oil, mackerel leaves (Flacumin), herb Far Eastern lily of the valley (Convaflavin), turmeric root (Phebihol*), buckthorn, etc.

B. Drugs that increase the secretion of bile due to the water component (hydrocholeretics): mineral waters, sodium salicylate, valerian preparations.

II. Drugs that stimulate bile secretion

A. Cholekinetics - increase the tone of the gallbladder and reduce the tone of the bile ducts: cholecystokinin*, magnesium sulfate, pituitrin*, choleritin*, barberry preparations, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol.

B. Cholespasmolytics - cause relaxation of the biliary tract: atropine, platiphylline, methocinium iodide (Metacin), belladonna extract, papaverine, drotaverine (No-shpa), mebeverine (Duspatalin), aminophylline (Eufillin), Olimethine.

I.A.1) Preparations containing bile acids and bile- these are drugs containing either bile acids themselves, or combined drugs, which, in addition to lyophilized animal bile, may include extracts of medicinal plants, extracts of liver tissue, pancreatic tissue and mucous membranes of the small intestine of cattle, and activated carbon.

Bile acids, absorbed into the blood, stimulate the bile-forming function of hepatocytes, the unabsorbed part performs a replacement function. In this group, drugs that are bile acids increase the volume of bile to a greater extent, and drugs containing animal bile increase the content of cholates (bile salts) to a greater extent.

I.A.2) Synthetic choleretics have a pronounced choleretic effect, but do not significantly change the excretion of cholates and phospholipids into the bile. After entering hepatocytes from the blood, these drugs are secreted into bile and dissociate, forming organic anions. The high concentration of anions creates an osmotic gradient between bile and blood and causes osmotic filtration of water and electrolytes into the bile capillaries. In addition to choleretic, synthetic choleretics have a number of other effects: antispasmodic (oxaphenamide, hymecromone), hypolipidemic (oxaphenamide), antibacterial (hydroxymethylnicotinamide), anti-inflammatory (cyclovalone), and also suppress the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines (especially hydroxymethylnicotinamide).

I.A.3) Effect herbal preparations associated with the influence of a complex of components included in their composition, incl. such as essential oils, resins, flavones, phytosterols, phytoncides, some vitamins and other substances. Drugs in this group increase the functional capacity of the liver, increase the secretion of bile, increase the content of cholates in bile (for example, immortelle, rose hips, Cholagol), and reduce the viscosity of bile. Along with increasing bile secretion, most herbal remedies in this group increase the tone of the gallbladder while simultaneously relaxing the smooth muscles of the biliary tract and sphincters of Oddi and Lutkens. Choleretic herbal remedies also have a significant effect on other functions of the body - they normalize and stimulate the secretion of the glands of the stomach and pancreas, and increase enzymatic activity gastric juice, enhance intestinal motility during atony. They also have antimicrobial (for example, immortelle, tansy, mint), anti-inflammatory (Olimethin, Cholagol, rosehip), diuretic, antimicrobial effects.

As medicines From plants, in addition to extracts and tinctures, infusions and decoctions from herbal collections are prepared. Usually take herbal medicines 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

I.B. Hydrocholeretics. This group includes mineral waters - “Essentuki” No. 17 (highly mineralized) and No. 4 (weakly mineralized), “Jermuk”, “Izhevskaya”, “Naftusya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya”, etc.

Mineral waters increase the amount of secreted bile and make it less viscous. The mechanism of action of choleretic drugs of this group is due to the fact that, being absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, they are secreted by hepatocytes into primary bile, creating increased osmotic pressure in the bile capillaries and contributing to an increase in the aqueous phase. In addition, the reabsorption of water and electrolytes in the gallbladder and bile ducts decreases, which significantly reduces the viscosity of bile.

Effect mineral waters depends on the content of sulfate anions (SO 4 2-) associated with magnesium (Mg 2+) and sodium (Na +) cations, which have a choleretic effect. Mineral salts They also help to increase the colloidal stability of bile and its fluidity. For example, Ca 2+ ions, forming a complex with bile acids, reduce the likelihood of a sparingly soluble precipitate.

Mineral waters are usually consumed warm 20-30 minutes before meals.

Hydrocholeretics also include salicylates (sodium salicylate) and valerian preparations.

II.A. TO cholekinetics include drugs that increase the tone and motor function of the gallbladder and reduce the tone of the common bile duct.

The cholekinetic effect is associated with irritation of the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. This leads to a reflex increase in the release of endogenous cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin is a polypeptide produced by the cells of the duodenal mucosa. Basic physiological functions cholecystokinin - stimulates contraction of the gallbladder and the secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. Cholecystokinin enters the blood, is captured by liver cells and secreted into the bile capillaries, while exerting a direct activating effect on the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and relaxing the sphincter of Oddi. As a result, bile enters the duodenum and its stagnation is eliminated.

Magnesium sulfate has a choleretic effect when taken orally. A solution of magnesium sulfate (20-25%) is prescribed orally on an empty stomach, and is also administered through a probe (for duodenal intubation). In addition, magnesium sulfate also has a cholespasmolytic effect.

Polyhydric alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol) have both cholekinetic and choleretic effects. They have a beneficial effect on liver function, help normalize carbohydrate, lipid and other types of metabolism, stimulate bile secretion, cause the release of cholecystokinin, and relax the sphincter of Oddi. Polyhydric alcohols are used when performing duodenal intubation.

Olive and sunflower oil, plants containing bitterness (including dandelion, yarrow, wormwood, etc.), essential oils (juniper, caraway, coriander, etc.), extract and juice of cranberries, lingonberries, etc.

II.B. TO cholespasmolytics include drugs with different mechanisms of action. The main effect of their use is the weakening of spastic phenomena in the biliary tract. m-Cholinolytics (atropine, platifillin), blocking m-cholinergic receptors, have a non-selective antispasmodic effect on various departments Gastrointestinal tract, incl. in relation to the biliary tract.

Papaverine, drotaverine, aminophylline - have a direct (myotropic) effect on smooth muscle tone.

Other drugs also have a cholespasmolytic effect. However, they are rarely used as choleretic agents. Thus, nitrates relax the sphincter of Oddi, the lower esophageal sphincter, and reduce the tone of the biliary tract and esophagus. Nitrates are not suitable for long-term therapy, because have pronounced systemic side effects. Glucagon may temporarily decrease the tone of the sphincter of Oddi. But both nitrates and glucagon have a short-term effect.

Indications Choleretics are prescribed for chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract, incl. chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis, they are used for biliary dyskinesia, in the treatment of constipation. If necessary, choleretics are combined with antibiotics, analgesics and antispasmodics, and laxatives.

Unlike other choleretic drugs, drugs containing bile acids and bile are means replacement therapy with endogenous bile acid deficiency.

Cholekinetics cause an increase in the tone of the gallbladder and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi, so they are prescribed mainly for the hypotonic form of biliary dyskinesia. Indications for their use are atony of the gallbladder with stagnation of bile with dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, in anacid and strong hypoacid conditions. They are also used during duodenal intubation.

Cholespasmolytics are prescribed for the hyperkinetic form of biliary dyskinesia and for cholelithiasis. They are used to relieve pain of moderate intensity, often accompanying pathology of the biliary tract.

Choleretics contraindicated at acute hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, with cholelithiasis with blockage of the excretory ducts, with obstructive jaundice, as well as with dystrophic lesions liver parenchyma.

Cholekinetics are contraindicated in acute diseases liver, in the presence of gallstones, with exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness and safety of the use of drugs used for impaired bile secretion:

- Laboratory: determination of bile acids in the blood and gallbladder bile (with pathology, the amount of bile acids in the blood increases, and in bile - decreases, the ratio between their three main forms - cholic, chenodeoxycholic, deoxycholic - and glycine and taurine conjugates changes), blood test (increased bile acids in blood leads to hemolysis, leukopenia, disrupts blood coagulation processes), determination of indirect and direct bilirubin, ALT, AST, bile pigments, etc.

- Paraclinical, incl. duodenal intubation, contrast cholecystography, ultrasound.

- Clinical: high concentrations Cholates in the blood cause bradycardia, arterial hypertension, itchy skin, jaundice; symptoms of neurosis appear; pain in the right hypochondrium or epigastrium, enlarged liver.

TO drugs used for increased lithogenicity of bile(in the absence of stones), include Allohol, Cholenzym, hydroxymethylnicotinamide (Nicodin), sorbitol, Olimethine. The drugs in this group have different mechanisms of action, since the lithogenicity of bile depends on many factors.

Cholelitholytic agents(cm. ). A number of derivatives of deoxycholic acid, in particular ursodeoxycholic acid, isomeric chenodeoxycholic acid, can not only prevent the formation of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder, but also dissolve existing ones.

Cholesterol, which forms the basis of most gallstones, is normally found in a dissolved state in the center of micelles, the outer layer of which is formed by bile acids (cholic, deoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic). Phospholipids concentrated in the center of the micelle increase its ability to prevent cholesterol crystallization. A decrease in the content of bile acids in bile or an imbalance between the concentrations of phospholipids and cholesterol and a supersaturation of bile with cholesterol can lead to the fact that the bile becomes lithogenic, i.e. capable of forming cholesterol stones. Change physical and chemical properties bile leads to the precipitation of cholesterol crystals, which then form a nucleus to form cholesterol gallstones.

Both ursodeoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids change the ratio of bile acids, reduce the secretion of lipids into bile and lower the cholesterol content in bile, reduce the cholate-cholesterol index (the ratio between the content of acids and cholesterol in bile), thereby reducing the lithogenicity of bile. They are prescribed as cholelitholytic agents in the presence of small cholesterol stones as an addition to surgical or shock wave treatments for cholelithiasis.


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