Buckwheat porridge with onions. Buckwheat porridge fried with onions

Of course, it’s very easy to cook buckwheat. But I doubt that you can eat just boiled buckwheat every day. And I had a situation in my life when I ate only buckwheat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At that time I lived in a boarding school. It would seem that after that, I wouldn’t even be able to look at her. And, nevertheless, I figured out how to cook buckwheat porridge deliciously. True, this is not my recipe. Buckwheat prepared in the way that I will now tell you is called “Old Russian buckwheat porridge.”

Ingredients for buckwheat porridge fried with onions:


bulb onions

vegetable oil

Preparation of buckwheat porridge with onions:

I already told you. And now how to cook delicious buckwheat porridge. This time I am helped by a frying pan that my daughter tore off with a knife. So.
Chop the onion. Fry it in sunflower oil until it begins to turn yellow.

When the onion is fried, add boiled buckwheat directly to it. If there is water left in the buckwheat, don’t worry, it will boil away. And we start frying.

When the water has boiled away, you need to pepper and salt the buckwheat porridge>. At the same time, we continue to fry until the porridge turns into crumbly buckwheat. This moment can only be caught with experience. To do this, you need to overcook the porridge several times and undercook it several times. But when you get the right consistency, you will understand how tasty fried buckwheat porridge is.

“Old Russian buckwheat” can be served with meat and fish dishes. My favorite is buckwheat porridge. Bon appetit!!!

There is hardly anything healthier than buckwheat. And when you’re tired of eating it with milk, it’s time to switch to unsweetened additions. Vegetables? Meat? Mushrooms? All this goes amazingly well with this cereal, but in fact does not require any skills. A good option for both breakfast and dinner.

  • 1 carrot;
  • 260 g buckwheat;
  • 45 ml oil;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 40 g butter.

Time: 45 min.

Calories: 151.

Method for preparing a side dish of buckwheat with onions and carrots:

  1. Sort out the cereal to remove dirt and pebbles, then rinse it well under running water;
  2. After this, pour the cereal into a saucepan and fill it with cold water, put on fire;
  3. The fire should be medium. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let the liquid boil, and then salt the cereal;
  4. Reduce heat and let the water evaporate completely with the lid slightly open. Then the buckwheat will be ready. Turn off the stove;
  5. Peeled carrots must be grated, but you can also cut them into small strips;
  6. Peel the onion and chop it finely;
  7. Pass the peeled garlic through a press;
  8. Pour oil into a frying pan and add onion, put on fire and fry for five minutes;
  9. Next, add the carrots and continue sautéing for another five minutes;
  10. Then cover with a lid and leave for another five minutes, without stirring;
  11. Open the lid after the time has elapsed and add buckwheat, garlic and a piece of butter at the same time, stir, close the lid;
  12. Cook for another three minutes, then turn off the stove. Serve with salted or fresh vegetables.

Fried buckwheat with onions and carrots in a frying pan

  • 2 onions;
  • spices;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 360 g buckwheat;
  • 45 ml oil.

Time: 30 min.

Calories: 236.

How to cook:

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots

  • 0.1 kg buckwheat;
  • 15 ml oil;
  • 40 g onion;
  • 5 g seeds;
  • 160 g champignons;
  • 60 g carrots.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 140.

Read also: How I lost 19 kg in a month and a half

Steps for preparing buckwheat:

  1. The champignons, cleared of debris, should be placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them, and then put on the stove;
  2. Place a frying pan nearby, heat it up and pour the cereal here;
  3. Constantly stir the buckwheat so that it dries thoroughly. We need a variety that does not require washing;
  4. Pour it into a bowl when it turns dark brown;
  5. Then pour a little oil into the frying pan and heat it up;
  6. The peeled onion should be finely chopped and the carrots should be grated. Place both products in a frying pan;
  7. Fry until golden;
  8. At this time, boiled mushrooms need to be removed from the broth using a spoon or sieve;
  9. Add the mushrooms to the onions and carrots, stir, fry everything together for three minutes;
  10. At this point, if desired, you can add spices. For example, bay leaf or cilantro;
  11. Pour the cereal into the frying pan and pour in the mushroom broth. You don’t need to pour in all of it, but in parts, so that the buckwheat has time to absorb;
  12. Cook for about seven minutes and add salt;
  13. Serve with sunflower seeds on top. You can warm them up a little in a frying pan in advance.

How to cook buckwheat with chicken and fried onions and carrots

  • 0.2 kg chicken;
  • 2 g coriander;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 0.2 kg buckwheat;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 15 ml oil;
  • 1 onion

Time: 1 hour

Calories: 117.

Cooking buckwheat:

  1. For meat, it is better to give preference to fillet. It needs to be washed and cut into small pieces, cutting off all excess films;
  2. The peeled onion should be finely chopped and placed in a frying pan, where oil should be poured. Turn on the stove;
  3. Start frying the onion until it becomes translucent;
  4. Wash the buckwheat thoroughly and sort it out, and then cook it with the specified amount of water. You also need to add a little salt;
  5. Peel the carrots and cut them into small strips, add them to the onion and sauté for three minutes;
  6. Then add chicken pieces here. Fry it over medium heat until done, covered. At the end add coriander and, if desired, paprika;
  7. Cooking will take approximately ten minutes, the chicken will change color twice;
  8. Arrange the prepared buckwheat in portions, add a piece of butter to it, and place the fried chicken on top. If desired, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Multicooker recipe

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 220 g buckwheat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 15 g flour;
  • 10 g of greens.

Time: 1 hour 25 minutes.

Read also: How I increased my breast size by 2 sizes in 1 week

Calories: 290.

Cooking buckwheat with onions and carrots in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse the cereal, and if it is loose, then soak it in cold water for fifteen minutes;
  2. Cut the peeled onion into cubes;
  3. Carrots should be cut into strips after peeling them;
  4. First turn on the multicooker in the “Heating” mode, and when the bowl heats up, select the “Frying” mode;
  5. Add the butter, and when it has melted, add the onions;
  6. Sprinkle a little flour on top;
  7. After two minutes, you can add the carrots and stir;
  8. Peeled onions need to be chopped and added to the rest of the ingredients;
  9. Fry all the products until uniformly golden brown, and then add the buckwheat;
  10. Pour in water to the 1 liter mark;
  11. Stir a little, add salt, close the lid;
  12. Select the “Stew” or “Porridge” mode and set the timer for thirty-five minutes. When the signal beeps, do not open it immediately, but wait another fifteen minutes. After this, you can serve it as a separate dish with herbs or as a side dish.

Buckwheat with carrots and onions in a pot

  • 0.5 pcs carrots;
  • 15 g sour cream;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 120 g buckwheat;
  • 220 ml broth;
  • 0.5 pcs of onion.

Time: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Calories: 127.

  1. Wash the pot, dry it, and put a piece of butter on the bottom. During fasting, you can use margarine or vegetable oil, just a spoon;
  2. Peeled carrots must be cut into thin circles or semi-circles;
  3. Finely chop the peeled onion;
  4. Rinse the cereals and mix with carrots and onions in a common bowl, and then transfer this mixture to a pot;
  5. Salt the broth and season it as you wish;
  6. If desired, you can chop any greens and add them to the broth. And then pour this liquid mixture onto the buckwheat in a pot;
  7. You can put a spoonful of sour cream on top, or you can grate a little cheese;
  8. Cover the pot with a lid and place it in a cold oven. Only after this can you turn it on to medium heat. Cook for about forty minutes, then serve directly in the pot.

Buckwheat with lamb and roasted carrots

  • 0.7 kg buckwheat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 kg lamb;
  • 1 onion;
  • spices for lamb.

Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Calories: 244.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the meat and trim off all excess fat. Remove all moisture and cut into pieces. Maybe not too small;
  2. Marinate the meat for half an hour in spices. It is better to use garlic, pepper, rosemary, coriander, cumin and salt;
  3. The peeled onion must be cut into half rings as thin as possible;
  4. Peeled carrots should be cut into fairly large slices;
  5. Take a saucepan, or better yet, a cast iron casserole, pour a little oil into it;
  6. When it's warmed up, add the onion and carrots. The first should become transparent, and the second should become soft;
  7. Then add lamb here and fry until all the liquid, that is, meat juice, has evaporated;
  8. Cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour, you can add a little oil;
  9. Rinse the buckwheat and add it to the rest of the products. Fill with water so that it is three centimeters higher than all the components;
  10. Simmer covered for another fifteen minutes until the cereal is completely cooked. Then you can serve immediately.

When buckwheat is cooked, it is advisable not to open or touch the lid. There should be twice as much water as the buckwheat itself. Then it will not burn, it will absorb everything, increase in volume and there is no need to stir it as it cooks.

Bay leaves should be added only at the end of cooking the dish. But you can add black peas, butter, and a clove of garlic right away. The same applies to other seasonings, but it is better not to add herbs.

A good option would be to add dried mushroom powder or simply put one dry mushroom into the porridge during cooking and then remove it. Of course, you can also try mushroom seasoning.

Healthy buckwheat can be varied. She won't get bored if you constantly try new dishes with her. Even a change in regular seasonings will bring out completely new flavors. Such food will also be useful for children, especially since in such tasty ways you can accustom them to porridge!

You can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes from buckwheat. Most often it is boiled or steamed with boiling water and used as a side dish. But today we want to talk about how fried buckwheat is prepared.

with carrots and onions

This simple dish can be used as a side dish or served as a main dish on fasting days.


  • Cereals - 300 grams.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • One carrot.
  • One onion.

How is fried buckwheat prepared? You will find the recipe with photos below:

  • Sort and rinse the cereal.
  • Heat the oil and then fry the cereal for a few minutes. After that, pour a glass of water into it.
  • Cover the pan with a lid. Don't forget to stir the porridge periodically, adding water as needed.
  • Peel the vegetables, chop and fry them until tender in a separate frying pan.

Combine ingredients and serve. Fried, which is about 108 kcal per 100 grams, turns out very tasty and perfectly complements meat and poultry dishes.

Boyar-style buckwheat

This simple dish will be the highlight of your family dinner. For it you will need the following products:

  • One glass of buckwheat.
  • 400 grams of minced meat.
  • 100 grams of mushrooms.
  • Two onions.
  • Green onions.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper mixture.

Fried buckwheat in a frying pan is prepared as follows:

  • Finely chop one onion and fry in a frying pan until translucent.
  • Peel fresh mushrooms, cut them as desired and add them to the onion. Fry the food until golden brown, add salt and remove from the stove.
  • Grind the second onion with a blender and mix with the minced meat. Add salt and pepper mixture to them. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Prepare using fried mushrooms and onions for the filling.
  • Fry the pieces on both sides until half cooked.
  • Pour the processed cereal into a frying pan between the meatballs and heat it for a while.
  • Pour water into the food and salt the dish. Bring the porridge to a boil, and then reduce the heat.

After 20 minutes, remove the pan from the stove, cover it with a clean towel and let it sit for about an hour. Serve the dish sprinkled with chopped green onions.

Buckwheat with nuts and lingonberries

An unusual combination of flavors allows you to create a new original dish. It can be served as a side dish on a regular day and cooked for dinner on a Lenten day.

  • One glass of dry buckwheat.
  • Two onions.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • Salt.
  • Two spoons of pine nuts.
  • Five tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Two spoons of lingonberries.

How to prepare delicious fried buckwheat? You can read the recipe here:

  • Turn on the multicooker and set the “Frying” mode. After this, place the nuts in the bowl. Dry them and then transfer them to a separate bowl.
  • Peel the onion and cut into rings.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the device. Fry on it and then put it on a plate.
  • Add buckwheat, fry it, and then cover with water. Set the “Porridge” mode for half an hour.

When the buckwheat is ready, mix it with nuts, onions and berries.

Fried buckwheat with onions and spices

Fragrant spices will give a familiar dish a new taste.

Required products:

  • Half a glass of buckwheat.
  • 300 grams of champignons.
  • A tablespoon of butter.
  • Salt.
  • Two onions.
  • A quarter teaspoon of cumin.
  • Two pinches of turmeric.
  • A pinch of red hot pepper.
  • Ginger and cinnamon to taste.
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Fried buckwheat with spices is prepared as follows:

  • Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices.
  • Fry the champignons in vegetable oil for several minutes, and then add buckwheat to them.
  • After another couple of minutes, pour one and a half glasses of water into the pan and cook the porridge until tender.
  • Peel the onion, cut into rings and fry until transparent. Add the necessary spices to it and fry until golden brown.

Place the porridge with mushrooms on plates and place the onions on top.

Fried buckwheat with chanterelles in Polish

This seasonal dish can be served on weekdays and holidays. For it you will need the following products:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat.
  • 100 grams of chanterelles.
  • One chicken egg.
  • Half an onion.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • 100 grams of sour cream.

Recipe of dish:

  • Wash the grains, sort them and fry them in a frying pan for a few minutes. Fill it with water and boil until half cooked.
  • Beat the chicken egg with sour cream, add salt and ground pepper.
  • Pour the sour cream dressing into the buckwheat and stir. Simmer the dish until done.
  • Peel the onions and mushrooms, chop them finely and place in a separate frying pan. Fry the food until golden brown.

Place food in layers on plates. First porridge, then mushrooms, buckwheat again and at the very end a layer of chanterelles.


This Ukrainian dish turns out to be very filling and tasty. This time we will use buckwheat as minced cutlet.


  • 300 grams
  • 200 grams of minced meat.
  • Two glasses of buckwheat.
  • Two onions.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Butter and vegetable oil.
  • Boil the cereal until tender and mix it with fried onions.
  • Mix the cooled porridge with minced meat, butter, eggs, salt and spices.
  • Form cutlets from the resulting mixture and roll them in flour.

Fry the buckwheat in vegetable oil until cooked. Serve the dish with salad or stewed vegetables.

As you can see, fried buckwheat is prepared in different ways and is suitable for preparing delicious and satisfying dishes. Choose the recipes you like and feel free to start culinary experiments.

Step 1: prepare the buckwheat.

Pour the buckwheat onto a piece of newspaper or a clean sheet of paper and remove the spoiled cereal, pebbles and dirt. Then carefully move the component into a sieve and rinse thoroughly under running water until the liquid becomes clear.

Immediately after this, pour the buckwheat into a medium saucepan and fill with clean cold water. Attention: the ratio of cereal to liquid should be 1 to 2. Place the container on medium heat and cover with a lid. When the water starts to boil, add salt to taste and mix everything well with a tablespoon. Reduce the heat and cook the buckwheat until the liquid has completely evaporated, with the lid slightly open. Then turn off the burner and set the pan aside.

Step 2: prepare the carrots.

Using a knife, peel the carrots and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Using a coarse grater, grind the component directly on the cutting board. Then immediately pour the carrot shavings into a clean plate.

Step 3: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion and rinse well under running water. Place the component on a cutting board and finely chop into squares. Pour the chopped onion into a free plate and leave aside for a while.

Step 4: prepare the garlic.

Place the garlic on a cutting board and press lightly with the tip of a knife. This way we can easily peel the husk from the clove. Now we rinse the component a little under running water and put it back on a flat surface. Finely chop the garlic and pour into an empty saucer.

Step 5: prepare a side dish of buckwheat with carrots and onions.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and place on medium heat. When the container with the contents is well warmed up, pour in the chopped onion. Stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula, fry it for 5 minutes. Then add carrot shavings to the pan. Mix everything well again using available equipment and continue frying the vegetables some more. 5 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, cover the container with a lid and simmer the frying additionally. 5 minutes. Attention: There is no need to mix carrots and onions anymore, as the vegetables should release more juice and become soft.

Now remove the lid and pour boiled buckwheat into the pan, and immediately add finely chopped garlic and butter. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula until smooth. Reduce heat, cover the container with a lid and let the side dish stand 3 more minutes. During this time, buckwheat will absorb vegetable juice and become aromatic and very tasty. Immediately after this, turn off the burner and set the pan aside.

Step 6: serve a side dish of buckwheat with carrots and onions.

Using a wooden spatula or tablespoon, pour the hot side dish of buckwheat with carrots and onions onto a special plate and serve to the dinner table along with fried or boiled meat. By the way, cutlets and fresh vegetables are ideal for this dish.
Enjoy your meal!

To save time allotted for preparing the side dish, you can fry vegetables in parallel with cooking buckwheat, and at the end combine everything;

The side dish will turn out very tasty if you add high-quality buckwheat to it. To do this, it is best to purchase the component from trusted brands and packaged in bags;

You can add any spices to the dish to suit your taste. For example, it could be ground black pepper, a mixture of dried bell peppers, “khmeli-suneli” seasoning and much more.

Buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots in a frying pan is the best solution when you need to cook something quick, tasty and satisfying from a minimal, very budget set of products and a limited amount of time. Everything is prepared in literally 20-30 minutes. Crumbly and very aromatic buckwheat with carrots and onions in a frying pan will be an excellent addition to, say, cutlets or salad. Or it can be served on its own - a complete and completely self-sufficient dish. If you are looking for a lean version of the dish, feel free to replace butter with margarine or vegetable oil. Rest assured, such a replacement will not make the dish worse.

Taste Info Second: cereals


  • buckwheat – 1 tbsp. (250 grams),
  • water (for cooking buckwheat) – 550 ml,
  • carrots – 1 pc. (large),
  • onion – 1 head (large),
  • garlic – 5 cloves,
  • salt – 2/3 tbsp. l. (or to your taste)
  • ground pepper, seasonings, spices - at the discretion of the cook,
  • butter (or margarine) – about 100 g.

How to cook delicious buckwheat with carrots and onions in a frying pan

Let's start with buckwheat. We measure out the required amount of cereal and sort it out. The process is not as long and tedious as it might seem. Just a couple of minutes - and the buckwheat is ready for further cooking. If you don’t want to (or don’t have time) to sort through the grains, you can take buckwheat in bags. This buckwheat does not require any pre-treatment - just add water and cook.

Afterwards, clean the cereal and immediately place it in a saucepan for cooking. It is advisable to take a pan that is suitable for cooking porridge - thick-walled or with a double bottom. Fill the cereal with water and place it on the stove.

Immediately add salt to the pan and close the lid. First, cook the porridge on the maximum heat of the stove, after boiling, reduce it to medium and cook until done (until the water has completely evaporated). As a rule, this takes about 20 minutes.

At the same time, prepare the frying for the buckwheat. Onions, carrots and garlic will go there. We peel the vegetables, rinse them and dry them.

Now we chop the vegetables: cut the carrots into strips (the size of the strip is at your discretion), cut the onion into cubes, finely chop the garlic or put it through a press.

Heat up the frying pan, add butter, and let it melt. Then we send only the onions and carrots for re-cooking.

Next, add seasonings, spices, ground pepper to the vegetables - everything to taste and desire.

Close the lid and cook until soft for (about) 10-13 minutes, then add the garlic to the pan.

By this time, the buckwheat porridge should already be cooked. Warm up the vegetables with the garlic added to them for 3 minutes, then add the prepared buckwheat to the frying pan.

Mix the buckwheat and vegetables thoroughly, taste and add more salt if necessary, close the lid again and let the porridge brew for at least 10 minutes on the stove turned off. Afterwards, the porridge can be served.

As an alternative to the above method, you can use an even more simplified version. In this option, raw buckwheat (pre-selected and washed, of course) is added to the onion-carrot overcooking, which is filled with water (the same volume - 550 ml) and simmered under the lid until the cereal is ready on medium heat on the stove. So buckwheat with onions and carrots is cooked in a frying pan for an average of 20-25 minutes. In this case, garlic is added 10 minutes before readiness. Then we also let the porridge brew for about 10 minutes - and you can serve the buckwheat with onions and carrots.

Whatever method of preparing buckwheat with vegetables you choose, you will always end up with a very tasty, aromatic and crumbly porridge. Bon appetit!

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