Full meaning of the name Igor. The meaning of the name Igor

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Igor.

What does the name Igor mean?

The name Igor means warlike (other scand.)

The meaning of the name Igor is character and destiny

A man named Igor is a stubborn and contradictory person. At the same time, he is very sociable, finds a common language with everyone, and is charming.

Easily makes promises that he then fails to keep. Tends to overestimate his capabilities. Igor seems to be woven from contradictions: he is stubborn; At the same time, he easily adapts to circumstances, quickly gets along with people and just as quickly breaks up, prudent in deeds and actions, although he can fantasize. A man named Igor is easy-going. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance, is gallant, and has good taste. Being jealous, he makes scandals without any reason. Doesn't forgive betrayal. Leader in the family, proud and vulnerable. Requires complete obedience, unquestioning submission from the wife. However, he is not cruel, knows how to repay good with good, is noble in his actions, honest and sincere in his friendly relations. Igor is jealous to the highest degree, in marriage he always strives to be a leader and demands from his wife that she do everything as he considers it necessary to do. It happens more than once in a marriage. Despite the divorce, she continues to maintain close relationships with her children, takes care of them, takes part in their lives, and does not forget about her parents. He is especially close in spirit to his mother. A man named Igor adores beautiful women, is not very faithful to his wife, but he cannot be called a hero-lover. Igor does not always manage to fully realize his abilities, so in his old age he becomes capricious, intractable, always dissatisfied with something, and grumpy. Loves to teach, give advice, is annoying and boring.

The meaning of the name Igor for sex

Igor is an idealist and romantic when it comes to sex, and values ​​constancy. In intimate relationships, a man named Igor seeks perfection and rushes from one mistress to another. “December” Igor is passionate, he is very different, for example, from “July”, who is more moderate in his sexual needs.

The “winter” Igor needs a certain level of comfort in love; he is sensitive to the external environment, various smells (this is more true of the “February” Igor).

The character and fate of the name Igor, taking into account the patronymic

First name Igor and patronymic....

Igor Alekseevich, Igor Andreevich, Igor Artemovich, Igor Valentinovich, Igor Vasilievich, Igor Viktorovich, Igor Vitalievich, Igor Vladimirovich, Igor Evgenievich, Igor Ivanovich, Igor Ilyich, Igor Mikhailovich, Igor Petrovich, Igor Sergeevich, Igor Yurievich idealist and romantic. Proud and generous, has a positive attitude towards others. He is sexy, loves women, chooses the most stately, brightest of them, rushes from one to another - he likes many. Emotional, energetic. He loves comfort, luxury, expensive things, is elegant and knows how to show off, pretending to be someone other than who he really is. However, he skillfully avoids conflicts and does not like to complicate his life with them. A good diplomat, he knows where and how to behave. Loves art, nature, admires everything beautiful. He marries in adulthood, takes his choice of wife seriously, and takes into account not only her appearance, but also her inner content. In the family - independent, uncontrollable, domineering, manages his wife. Does not adhere to generally accepted rules, lives by his own laws. Values ​​his principles above all else. More often boys are born.

First name Igor and patronymic....

Igor Alexandrovich, Igor Arkadyevich, Igor Borisovich, Igor Vadimovich, Igor Grigorievich, Igor Kirillovich, Igor Maksimovich, Igor Nikitich, Igor Pavlovich, Igor Romanovich, Igor Tarasovich, Igor Timofeevich, Igor Fedorovich, Igor Eduardovich, Igor Matveevich, Igor Yakovle hiv very vulnerable, tactful, correct, helpful with women. Knows how to care. He is calm and moderate in his expressions of feelings in public, and in sexual relationships he is passionate and unbridled. Hides his sensuality, considering it a weakness. Hates scenes and scandals, strives to establish equal, harmonious relationships in the family. He is sociable, easily adapts to new circumstances, can live in his wife’s house with her parents and becomes their favorite son-in-law. He does not strive for wealth, but cares about the well-being of the family and its future. Thrifty and economical. Unpretentious. In a first marriage, intimate relationships with your wife do not always go well. Igor will not marry for the second time soon. There remains a child from his first marriage, whom he loves no less than the children from his second marriage, and pays him a lot of attention. The second time he marries more successfully, he takes a woman much younger than himself as his wife. In the first marriage he usually has a son, in the second he has children of different sexes.

First name Igor and patronymic....

Igor Bogdanovich, Igor Vilenovich, Igor Vyacheslavovich, Igor Vladislavovich, Igor Gennadievich, Igor Georgievich, Igor Danilovich, Igor Egorovich, Igor Konstantinovich, Igor Robertovich, Igor Svyatoslavovich, Igor Yanovich, Igor Yaroslavovich witty, emotional, energetic. His character is combative and warlike. He often enters into various kinds of polemics, is passionate, and stubbornly defends his opinion, even if he understands that he is wrong. Too independent, rebels against any restrictions. Experiences deep affection for family and home. Behavior and actions are always coordinated with his wife and close people. Easily adapts to any environment. He understands people well, is impartial, and does not find fault with their shortcomings. When he falls in love, he often suffers from unrequited feelings, but if he marries for love, he becomes the most tender and devoted spouse. In marriage he is flexible and compliant, but he is jealous of his spouse, although it is his wife who has reason to be jealous of him. Has sons.

First name Igor and patronymic....

Igor Antonovich, Igor Arturovich, Igor Valerievich, Igor Germanovich, Igor Glebovich, Igor Denisovich, Igor Igorevich, Igor Leonidovich, Igor Lvovich, Igor Mironovich, Igor Olegovich, Igor Ruslanovich, Igor Semenovich, Igor Filippovich, Igor Emmanuilovich vain, proud, selfish. He desperately needs a friend who would support him in everything. This person most often becomes his wife. In family relationships, he values ​​stability most of all. He must be sure that he has a reliable rear, that his family will not betray him. This Igor is highly sexual, attaches great importance to intimate relationships in family life, and may have connections on the side, but they are purely physiological. This Igor’s second marriage is more successful; he tries to suppress his wife with authority, but he has absolutely no idea that everything in the house, including him, is controlled by his wife. Unlike his namesakes with other patronymics, he does not like to work with children. He pays attention to them only in adolescence, begins to teach and admonish. Igor gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often daughters.

First name Igor and patronymic....

Igor Alanovich, Igor Albertovich, Igor Anatolyevich, Igor Veniaminovich, Igor Vladlenovich, Igor Dmitrievich, Igor Nikolaevich, Igor Rostislavovich, Igor Stanislavovich, Igor Stepanovich, Igor Feliksovich, as a rule, an intellectual, witty, resourceful. Fussy, restless. Doesn't tolerate monotony. He has golden hands, but it is impossible to force him to do anything around the house - he is lazy. But when he himself is interested in something, he does it quickly and deftly. He is too independent, so he often has conflicts with his parents, then with his wife. He chooses a wife who is somewhat similar to his mother. He does not strive for power in the family, is completely dependent on his wife, is not involved in raising children, but is attached to them. Igor is cheerful and cheerful, but very hot-tempered and emotional. He likes to sleep longer in the morning and gets angry when he is disturbed. Igor is not looking for love affairs on the side, but he will take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. He is jealous of his wife, but hides this feeling, considering it a manifestation of his weakness. She loves her daughter very much.

Numerology of the name Igor

While you are young, honor him who is weak and gray,

So that they respect you in your declining years.

Attar Farid ad-din

Meaning of the name Igor: This is a Slavic name borrowed from the Scandinavian language.

There are several days of remembrance, including 18.06, 02.10.

Personality. Initiated into a prince.

Characteristics of the name Igor by letters:

And - love for everything beautiful;

G - the ability to sacrifice oneself;

O - mission;

P - professionalism;

b - softness, oscillatory tendencies.

What does the name Igor mean in numerology:

IGOR = 14793 = 6 (Venus).

The goal of a person’s life with the name Igor is to find harmony and love. Part of the line of the past is revealed, taking into account the past in present life. A line of communication with the past, with roots is involved. There is no generational curse.

Part of the future line is also involved; the search for harmony balances this line. It is fully used.

Characteristics of the name Igor, taking into account the analysis

Igor is guided from above, but the likelihood of a true search for himself in this incarnation is high. He is fair, smart, but often gets lost in the bustle of earthly existence. Realizing the futility of his chosen field, he can dramatically change his worldview, being by nature a spiritual leader, a seer, a winner.

He generally strives for well-being and wealth, but he conquers his flesh with a higher spirit, and he succeeds!

Sexuality is very high. He is a great lover, generous, gentle. Family is honored as the highest value. He adores his wife. The names of his women: Yaroslava, Svetlana, Gerda, Raisa, Rufina, Anna, Irina, Iraida, Christina.

Since ancient times, people have known that a name greatly influences a person’s character, appearance, and even fate. The meaning of the name was studied by psychologists, numerologists and astrologers, using various methods and theories.


Igor is an Old Norse name meaning "warlike". According to legend, a person with this name is protected by the god of abundance and has strength.

The origin of the name Igor also has an interesting version. It sounds princely, and it emanates a certain antiquity. Many Russian princes bore this name. Therefore, we can talk about the Slavic origin of the word “igr”, which means “fun”, “fun”.

general characteristics

A person with this name is very courageous, stubborn and explosive. But at the same time, he is very sociable and charming, finding common topics of conversation with everyone. Always thinks everything ahead. He moves towards the goal slowly, thinking everything through, but confidently. Diversely passionate.

The meaning of the name Igor indicates that this person is outwardly dry, but at heart he is very friendly. Those who are called that have a very complex character. But if you get to know such a person better, you will undoubtedly like him.

Igor quickly adapts to circumstances, is very calculating and loves to fantasize. He has good taste, is polite and handsome in appearance. The meaning of the name Igor has many contradictions. Such a man has a good memory, as well as a tendency to narcissism.

Most often, such people are sanguine by temperament. Igor always has a huge number of friends, with whom he usually maintains relationships for quite a long time.

Can become a good scientist or leader.

Loves pets very much. She will be happy to have a dog and will pay enough attention to it. Small and medium-sized breeds (sheltie, collie, miniature schnauzer) are suitable.

Name days are October 2 and June 18 according to the Orthodox calendar, and October 1 and 5 according to the Catholic calendar.


The secret - what is it? The little bearer of this name is a very ambiguous personality. This is a stubborn, cheerful, cocky child. Such children are very close to their mothers. Sociable with other children.

Very capable and good students. They are best at mathematics. But because of the son’s too restless character, parents are often called to school.

Often babies who look like their mother are named Igor. Their character, as a rule, is that of their father. They are actively involved in sports and often achieve considerable success.


Igor has no problems with this. Health has been good since childhood. As an adult, Igor usually adheres to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, he can afford not to worry too much about his physical form. But in adulthood, Igor may have problems with digestion.

The secret of the name Igor (by letters)

And - kind, spiritual, sensual, romantic.

G - knowledge, attention to detail, ability to understand everything quickly and correctly.

O - correct handling of money, realization of desires, intuition.

R - self-confidence, risk in business.

b - the ability to put everything in its place.

Igor in love

This person treats his soul mate very tenderly. But at the same time it requires attention. If it so happens that the first love was unsuccessful, then he will suffer and remember it for a long time.

Expressing feelings and compliments is not for him. Igor will demand obedience and obedience from his other half. Dominates relationships.

He is not particularly trusting of women because he is afraid of rejection. In sex, Igor is a romantic and seeks constancy. In bed, he demands dedication from a girl. Such people are very jealous and always watch over their chosen one.

Is your chosen one's name Igor? Characteristics of the name will help you find the shortest path to the heart of your beloved man. If a woman is special for Igor, he will become soft and attentive.

Igor in the family

For people with this name, their opinion is very important. Igor is often overly strict with children, loves to teach them, but this is to their benefit. She is especially worried about children when they reach adolescence.

He may cheat on his wife, but he is unlikely to leave her. The other half will always be surrounded by the care of her husband.

For Igor, stability in the family is of great importance. Fixing or repairing something in the house is not a problem at all.

Business and career

If an acquaintance breaks a given word or promise, Igor avoids him. He does not need fame, and he always criticizes all advice given. He decides everything on his own and doesn’t like to be taught.

Igor, whose name characteristics are quite interesting, may well become a successful businessman or entrepreneur. If the chosen profession gives Igor pleasure, he becomes a master of his craft. Always honest and hardworking.

Open and trusting with strangers. This quality sometimes interferes with becoming a leader. But he walks the steps of his career with confident, quick steps. If he really wants to, he will achieve his goal in the shortest possible time. The main thing is not to force Igor to work at a job he doesn’t like. He will immediately find an excuse and quit.

with patronymic. Option 1

Patronymics such as Andreevich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Vladimirovich, Artemovich, Viktorovich, Yuryevich give the name Igor the qualities of a romantic and idealist. Such people love comfort and a rich luxurious life. Elegant and emotional. They love women, choose bright, passionate ones, but rush from one to another.

They know how to skillfully lie and skillfully avoid conflicts. Excellent diplomats, they always know how to behave. They like art.

Most often they marry only in adulthood, having achieved their goals. They are powerful in the family and manage all matters. They live by their own rules.

Option 2

Igor Romanovich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Alexandrovich, Yakovlevich, Maksimovich, Pavlovich, Tarasovich, Nikitich are very vulnerable and correct. This is a calm and reasonable person.

He knows how to look after girls beautifully, but is unbridled in bed. Hides his feelings, considering them a weakness.

He avoids scandals and quarrels and tries to achieve harmony in the family. Very sociable, easily communicates with other people.

Igor does not strive for wealth, but the family will not be poor. Wasteful and thrifty. He often takes girls younger than himself as his wife.

Option 3

Bogdanovich, Konstantinovich, Yaroslavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Georgievich, Danilovich are energetic, intelligent and very emotional. They have a fighting, courageous character. They are too passionate, have their own point of view on everything, and are independent. They do not like restrictions and rebel against them.

Igor with one of the above patronymics is often attached to family and home. He coordinates everything with his wife and those closest to him. He understands people well, but does not find fault with their shortcomings. Very jealous in marriage.

Option 4

Igor Olegovich, Semenovich, Arturovich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Antonovich is very proud and selfish. Needs a best friend for support. Often this person becomes his wife.

He values ​​stability in the family; he needs a reliable rear. The wife is in charge of the house, not Igor, although the latter is trying with all his might to show that he is the head of the family.

He doesn’t really like to take care of children, but takes great care of them with the onset of adolescence. He likes to teach them.

Option 5

To reveal the secret of the name Igor and its compatibility with other patronymics, read on. Albertovich, Stepanovich, Dmitrievich, Rostislavovich, Anatolyevich, Stanislavovich is intellectual, resourceful and witty.

Igor has such a middle name, but it’s very difficult to force him to repair something at home unless he wants to.

Independent, so conflicts with parents are frequent. He often chooses a wife who is similar to his mother. Depends on his wife and does not strive for power in the family.

Igor is always cheerful and positive, but at the same time he is very hot-tempered and emotional. He is often jealous of his wife, but hides it, considering feelings a sign of weakness.

Character according to numerology

I-1, G-4, O-7, R-9, L-3; 1 + 4 + 7 + 9 + 3 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6.

The meaning of Igor's life is to find love and harmony. Considers the past and learns from mistakes.

6 is the number of the Soul.

Igor with Soul number 6 shows interest in science and always looks for a scientific approach to everything. These are, as a rule, good engineers and designers. Reliable and stable people. They have many friends and colleagues.

The meaning of the name Igor indicates that these people do not like to quarrel and avoid it. But one should not expect surprises and creative expressions from them. Your whole life has already been written out, and it is almost impossible to move such a person off the path.

They do not show emotions and are outwardly cold. They are obedient in childhood, but become strict parents in the future.

Mystical characteristics of the name

1. Igor’s planet is Jupiter.

2. Air is the element of this name, symbolizing warmth and serenity.

3. According to the zodiac, it is more likely Gemini, Pisces or Sagittarius.

4. Suitable color is blue and crimson red.

5. A lucky day is Thursday.

6. Suitable metal is tin.

7. Minerals - hyacinth and sapphire.

8. Plants symbolizing the name Igor are jasmine, oak, apricot, lavender, mint, pear, apple.

9. Animal symbols - elephant, dolphin, deer, swallow.

Compatibility with female names

If the girl’s name is Anna, Lydia or Elena, and her middle name is Anatolyevna, Borisovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna, then this is the best option for the role of the second half. Especially if Igor has a middle name such as Borisovich, Fedorovich, Nikitich, Matveevich, Kirillovich.

There will also be a good marriage if the girl’s name is Olesya, Veronica or Irina with patronymics Pavlovna, Romanovna, Fedorovna, Grigorievna, Anatolyevna.

The compatibility of the name Igor with the female names Galina, Christina, Larisa and Oksana is especially successful.

Bonds of marriage

The most successful marriages develop if Igor was born in June, July, December, and the future wife - in March or February.

The meaning of the name Igor indicates that if a man was born in August, September and December, and his chosen one was born in July, December and May, the marriage will be quite difficult.

And divorces are possible in cases where Igor celebrates his birthday in February, April and December, and the second half in January, March.

with the name Igor

Igor Krutoy - producer, composer, People's Artist of Russia.

Igor Matvienko is the creator of popular groups, producer, composer.

Igor Petrenko is a theater and film actor.

And finally

If your chosen one or child’s name is Igor, the meaning of the name and character will tell you how to love and raise such a person.

What does the name Igor mean? This ancient name literally translates as “God of abundance, strength.” It is derived from the Norman Ingvar and came into the Old Russian language in the 9th century from the Varangian tribe. Igor is the name of a person, a collective image of this northern people as the Slavs saw them. For them, Igor personified courage, fearlessness, physical strength and endurance, as well as an intelligent and fair ruler.

Such a name of noble origin had a magical property for the Slavs, because it was used to name children exclusively of a princely family.

Saints with this name are also known in Russia, for example, the holy noble prince Igor of Chernigov. The history of the appearance of this name indicates that there is love and respect for it among the people.


This name will bring great power to the owner, but at the same time make him bear responsibility for it. The fate of a person with this name is complex and multifaceted, because Igor is the owner of all kinds of abilities. He is used to achieving his intended goal, and he strives to achieve it persistently and persistently. At the same time, his actions can be rash, his character is hot-tempered, but mentally he is soft and easy-going.

The origin of the name Igor sheds light on his external qualities. He is a charming, open, friendly guy. If you try to bring him out of balance, he can sharply pull back the pester, and his speech will have imperious notes, but he will not allow it to go into open conflict. Igor will not “show character”, he will take the initiative into his own hands, provide a calm, friendly conversation and put everything in its place.

This description of the line of behavior is inherent in the owner of this name at any age, because the masculine principle predominates in this child from childhood.

The mystery of what is happening in the personality of the child named Igor can be solved like this. From birth, he has enormous opportunities, gifts of fate and a prosperous childhood, so he does not waste much of his energy. Everything that rebels inside this boy and asks to come out is usually considered by adults as childish courage and whims, as well as stubbornness and self-will. But if you remember what the history of the name Igor is and what the secret of its origin tells, then everything will fall into place. This is a person who, at any cost, strives to provide loved ones with all the benefits and stands guard so that they are inexhaustible and provided with righteous actions. After all, then the interpretation of the meaning of the name will reveal its essence - “the power of the God of abundance.”

What does this name mean for a child?

Have you decided to name your baby Igor? The meaning of the name for him is the point of application of his developing forces. Your child will be capable, smart, persistent, hardworking. He will try to study well and complete all the tasks of adults, while Igor will not make them worry and worry about his behavior, since responsibility for the business and the “brand” of the family is pride for him, and this is not discussed.

At the same time, it is necessary to create conditions for the child where his abilities will be supported by activities, to teach him to be responsible for its results. Respect for Igor, communication from childhood at the level of partnership, the development of will in him and complete trust in him - these are the guarantees that the ancient power of the name, upon awakening, will allow him to reveal all the innate talents of the boy.

Worthy features - a legacy of a glorious past

The influence of honored ancestors is also proven by the fact that the baby tries to achieve success, no matter how it manifests itself. This includes studying, and fulfilling complex family assignments, and participation in all household chores, and excellent relationships with peers, and a wise choice of profession. And at the same time, he always looks like a reserved and well-mannered person. His character, upon closer examination, turns out to be both persistent and flexible. The name given to him by his ancestors certainly carries a meaning « a warrior guarding God,” so Igor will not allow others to quarrel and behave incorrectly.

But there is another interpretation of this derivative from the Varangian name. It is associated with the Norman spirit, and with Slavic roots, so its meaning is twofold. On the one hand, these are the strong and domineering actions of the owner, showing cold calculation, and on the other hand, relaxation and connivance. Of course, the Norman side of the name is expressed more significantly in its owner, but there is no point in denying the existence of the other side and what it means. At the same time, Igor is aware of the presence of internal opposites, but does not try to reconcile them, but fights against sloppiness - he eradicates it in himself and in those around him. This is his inner strength and fortitude.


In his personal life, Igor is monogamous, he is known not only as a constant, but also as an affectionate and tender friend. The secret of his happy marriage is that he is ready to take on all the problems of his loved one, so the description of his relationship is most correctly formulated as follows: long and trusting, providing a reliable rear and prosperity.

To be an exemplary family man for Igor means serious dedication, which looks like constant help and care for loved ones, sometimes at the cost of his own rest and well-being. The patronymic Igorevich gives his heir firmness and confidence, as well as masculine, rolling shades. The heiress can boast of a pleasant velvety middle name, while it means that its owner is under the protection of a strong father.

Thus, the characteristics of the future name are extremely important for the baby, because if you know its history and origin, understand the hidden meaning, then you will know where certain qualities come from in your son. If you try to think deeply about the interpretation that accompanies the chosen name and listen to it, you will understand that through long-gone times, our ancestors tell us how to avoid troubles and be happy.

Stories from our readers

    It happened that way. There are five of us. Almost all of us are the same age. And we are all different. From one city, from one district. Briefly, the situation looks like this: Two live in the same marriage, play on the side. One is married for the second time. One is seventh. One was single. Three worked in law enforcement. Two were in hot spots. Two were sailors. One businessman. Three are pensioners.

    Four love their children and grandchildren. Alone, he doesn’t remember about the child.

    He mixed it into a pile on purpose so that no one would tie anything to anyone. But the point is that we are completely different. Both in character and intellect. In devotion and betrayal.

    And the conclusion is simple. Everyone sees what he wants. And the name has nothing to do with it. A nickname says much more about a person. In many civilizations, a man was given a name (nickname) several times in his life. The first time was on the day he came of age (from 7 to 14 years old). And only a few who received a name on the day they became a man carried him to death.

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    Almost everything fits. I am a summer person, but I drink alcohol very rarely (in life I am confident in myself without additional bonuses, rare sorrows - through the gym to release emotions, but not in a glass), because... I've been involved in sports since childhood, and I'm still in great shape.

    Regarding girls, it is partially true: at the stage of natural selection, simultaneous meetings take place (there were several per day), but when you get serious and choose your only one, others cease to exist.

    “too fair and suffers greatly from someone’s meanness and dishonest actions.” - 100%!

    “They usually have several women in parallel, so as not to be lonely and never lose something irreplaceable, precious.” - by the way, the weak are afraid of being lonely... and the only and precious thing should be nearby... and the desire to look elsewhere will disappear. The name really leaves an imprint) Good luck to all namesakes!


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    My common-law husband's name is Igor. We have been together for more than two years, and I’ll tell you straight: no man has ever evoked such a wide range of emotions in me: from incredible tenderness to the desire to simply kill on the spot! I agree one hundred percent about stubbornness, masculinity, and perseverance. These are all wonderful masculine qualities, which I really appreciate in my beloved. But sometimes, because of this stubbornness, it is impossible to simply reach out to a person, like talking to a wall. I agree that you feel completely safe next to him, he can be very gentle and soft. And I also have him in winter, so everything about his childhood fits right here: my Igor’s mother did not leave the director’s office, constant fights, truancy, hooligan antics. I was also actively interested in sports. So my verdict is 95% true))

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    My favorite person is Igor)) Stubborn, proud, wayward, distrustful. When we met him, on the very first date he managed to show his complex character and almost pushed me away, but I myself went to meet him halfway and tried to gain his trust. And for good reason))) My Igor turned out to be a vulnerable, affectionate, kind and sensitive guy, with whom I really feel good. He had a difficult story with his first love, who cheated on him and he could not forget it, he began to suspect all the girls of insincerity, but he believed me, albeit not without hesitation and doubt. Now I have a reliable and honest man with me, I have never had a chance to doubt his loyalty. True, I myself don’t give him any reason to be jealous. I adore my Igor and thank fate for meeting him.

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    I don’t seem to believe in this crap, but how did they know that I always have a sore throat? :) And I recently damaged my spine - I overdid it with heavy lifting. Amazing coincidence. :)

    As for lack of will, I don’t agree. An excess of will even interferes with life and does not allow you to stop in time. Because of this, there were injuries in sports. And in conflict situations, you should stop earlier, otherwise those around you will then be afraid. It's not true about alcohol either. It relaxes, and I love it when my body is toned.

    The women's list was a little disappointing. According to him, my “other half” does not suit me. But I don’t believe in this crap, and I don’t see other women for myself, so, as usual, I’ll go ahead. :)

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    All this is psychology, everything that is written here will fit any name with the same 90% reliability, incl. don’t flatter yourself... but the fact that they are very faithful, it all depends on what kind of woman is nearby, most of us have trouble with the throat and the spine is the most loaded part, which makes itself felt over the years, don’t be naive, don’t think that you’ve found the answers here ...we are all much more complex, which cannot be described in one page of printed text...

    They went crazy about one, the other, 100%, 90%, 70%, and not even a hundredth part of the whole truth! Whoever recognizes himself, but doesn’t stand in front of the mirror for hours, who loves his beloved, kisses his feet... ugh, it’s hard to listen to.

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    • NO-GA-TIV-CHIK!!! Just change your name - it's not for you and you don't deserve to wear it!!! Be happy. And everything (almost everything) is pure TRUE!!!

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      Oh, I have a boyfriend Igor!, how rarely do I fall in love, then I disappeared at the second meeting! Very gentle in attitude, gentle, affectionate!, cheerful, generously helped during a difficult time, yes, maybe at the same time he went to the left, he was jealous himself, was not quick-tempered, maybe he didn’t have to? Why waste time with your beloved, though you hid your feelings, you could only see them in your eyes! A positive attitude towards Igor, somehow warm and dear, thank you for being with me!)

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      Much is true, but some are also lies. I am a year old, not an alcoholic, I can’t stand alcohol myself and I don’t like it when people close to me drink.

      As for cheating, it’s different for everyone. Here I have a wife and 2 children. I didn’t cheat on her until I found my soul mate Svetlasha. With Svetlasha it’s not at all the same with me as with my wife. For me, she is a star, the soul of May. Svetlasha and I simply fly on wings. Unfortunately, I was mistaken with my wife.

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      In general, everything is 95% correct, uncertainty is present, but only temporarily!

      Regarding the fact that they can have several relationships, I will say this:

      They can if they are not dating or living with a woman.

      And if Igor is already moving on to a relationship with a girl, then he will always be faithful only to this girl and will not beat Igor off, and will not pay attention to anyone!

      In relationships we are faithful and this is 100%!!!

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      Everything may be true, but I am vengeful, I do not forgive betrayals, and I am capable of deceiving. Strange as it may seem... Having a girlfriend I loved and living with her, I betrayed her with another. Moreover, the other one found out about this and it turns out that he betrayed both of them. It turns out I deceived two people, she left me when she found out everything. And my first one is pregnant and I don’t know what to do?????? I want a child and my conscience torments me for revealing this. I'm a scumbag.

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      It suits a lot, but as for betrayal - amen, I’m disgusted with myself when I think about it. Something is wrong about “summer”, summer itself is not suitable. I will do a lot for the sake of an idea :) I am demanding in relationships with people, rarely does anyone manage to be included in the list of close friends, but I communicate with everyone! In general, I like my name - I’m glad that I’m Igor! Igoryokhas are cool guys! Respect to all Igors and peace in life!

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      I played a double game, and I still do. My girlfriend, who I lived with, did not forgive me for cheating. Now I don’t even know what to do... I’m still the owner, and I can’t let her go, and I haven’t ended my second relationship. My girlfriend, who I lived with, was driven to the point of nervousness, I’m still probably a coward and couldn’t decide who to stay with. Maybe I’m the only one who doesn’t understand my dual feelings at all?????

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      Everything that is written is true, I am autumnal Igor, 95% coincidence, but the fact that some Igors write here that half is not the same also depends on the zodiac sign. your name plus your zodiac sign and that’s you. And so everything is right, I almost didn’t even see the reflection)) as for the girls, in general, a hundred percent hit) Only one will burn like a star in the heart)) but we still need to find her))

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      Igor really loves to do everything with his own hands, he thinks and ponders for a long time, but the result is QUALITY. Loyal, not jealous, does not strive to be a leader in the family. He loves to fool around with children. Sole of company. He finds language with any people, tries to be useful to everyone (even to the detriment of his family). Faithful, devoted friend. He is super my husband for 23 years!!!

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      I read that some things are suitable, some are not, about convergence with people, in my case it is suitable, as soon as one of my friends does something wrong, it will lower their authority in my eyes, I can’t communicate with them anymore .whoever has a desire, we can meet either in contact (Igor (don’t drink the sting in the human) Semyonov, or call 89616592821

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      I just can’t understand about women! Are all the angels around? Or are your girls nearby? You say I’m not cheating, I’m not brought up like that, I can’t! Why have I been walking all my life? I can’t be faithful to my wife for long! As for alcohol, it’s true that summer Igors can sleep! I'm an autumn person, but I can't stand alcohol, but I won't miss a single skirt! And I’m proud of my name!!!

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      Igor is a worthy, beautiful name and not as common as, for example, wherever you poke it, Shurik or Seryozha. That’s the name of my older brother, that’s the name of my first conscious love. And how handsome they all are! Those that I have encountered are very courteous, cultured, pleasant to talk to. Good luck to everyone, happiness in life from the heart!

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      I’m Igor Autumn, everything is so true... except for women... I’ve never lived on two fronts... so far there’s no place on the other... I’m divorced right now... I don’t have a woman and... I’m not going to while my wife was the best of them... the children live with her... I adore the children so much... if her new one tries to play dad with my eldest (15 years old), I’ll kill him... and don’t give a shit that he’s a creep...

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      I have been Igor for 20 years...

      I want to say that each variant of the meaning of the name “Igor” seems to complement each other...

      There are a lot of similarities...

      But I can add a lot...

      Isn’t that right, Igor..?!)

      60% max of what was said!!! Until we ourselves open up, no one will completely “KNOW” us...


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      “Summer” Igor - usually with an unbalanced nervous system, weak-willed, any stress can lead to alcoholism. => I read that I looked in the mirror. Five years of drinking, from evening to evening. I agree in many respects, but naturally there are some BUTs. Namesakes, keep your fingers crossed for me, I’m rising from the very bottom...

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      It looks like his character is quite difficult: quick-tempered, jealous, loves to have it his way. He doesn’t accept betrayal and he won’t take sides, but only if he loves you and takes you seriously, and not just when he’s another passion... And you also feel completely safe with him. Caring

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      I met with Igor. Surprisingly, everything that is not written is all true. It's as if they wrote from it. And about mistresses, and about the mirror, about aggression and ambition. It's like that. It’s also true about painful jealousy, as well as about the desire to subjugate everyone. The name sounds beautiful, but the character is - sorry, complete G.!

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      The name Igor has haunted me all my life. My son, my beloved man and sister's husband - IGORI! And it's cool, I love them very much. They are the best boys in the world. Characterful, assertive and loyal. And by the way, my first boy (still at school) was also Igor. This is destiny)))

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      I dated Igor for 3 years, an adult serious man, very rich and everything that is said is 98% true, I just don’t know about fidelity, although we lived happily all the time, and now after breaking up we got back together because he still turned out to be a monogamous person) ))))

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      everything is almost correct... where t is 95 percent))) I won’t say that I’m a fan of going on the side... but it happens... I had three girls... then I thought about which one to choose, spat on everyone and found another one)))) the best))) ) and maybe it’s all true))) who knows)


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      Almost everything is very true, 95%! I have met many Igors in my life, and everyone has practically all of the above qualities. This is my favorite male name, I named my son Igor, because I believe in the meaning and power of this worthy name!

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      • Answer

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        Vika, if you had problems with Igor, this does not mean that we are womanizers and cheaters! If we find (our beloved), we never change, we are very faithful. I’m not afraid to answer for all the Igors! And the rest is 95% true

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        Girls Igor, if they had another one, you think they would say so

        “my boyfriend doesn’t have a second one” - of course, he just doesn’t singe her)))

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        • Yes, we don’t have a “second front”, we are monogamous. And the depraved Irishki think that we are like lustful animals.

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          I dated Igor for three years! I DON'T KNOW THE PERSON! Almost everything is written correctly - including about some weakness of character...

          All the Igors I know are very honest and loyal people!!!

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          And I fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world and the next week I divorced my wife, who actually never loved me. Even if she doesn’t love me, I won’t be able to be with both my wife and my girlfriend at the same time.

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          I’m dating a boy named Igoryushka... I read that a lot of things agree... it’s true about summers. I was even a little offended about the betrayal... but he’s very handsome and I love him! But he’s silent about his feelings:(

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          85%. As for relationships, I take them very seriously, even too much. If I’m not sure that this is necessary, then in general I don’t start relationships with anyone... I can’t stand it when they play around and lie, especially when I see it!

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          I fell in love with Igor half a block before I actually met... 3 years ago. Zimny ​​Igor, probably 95% of the same character... but my name is not there at all... but I would like to keep him close

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          I'm winter, I've never had a high opinion of myself and I've never stood in front of the mirror for 3 hours!!!))))) and everything is almost true!!)))) The Igors are generally cool weirdos and we are faithful to our girls don't run to the left

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          A lot of things are true - except that he has a lot of women in parallel. I agree that there are many of them while communication and selection are ongoing - but when the choice is made, he, or rather I, or rather we, will never change her!!!

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          I AM NOW DATING Igor for a long time and he is very faithful to me and loves me!

          And what is written about two fronts is complete nonsense!

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          • I have been dating Igor (about six months). Almost all descriptions of the name are suitable, except that... every day it is different in some way). He has been married for a long time. I mean that two fronts are not nonsense. But here you need to look much deeper. His wife’s name, alas, does not fit, but marriage is marriage

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            I have a son Igor (year-old), while he is 12, I hope about women and alcohol this is nonsense, but otherwise he fits the above description. I don’t regret at all that I chose this name for my child.

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Career, business and money

Igor is able to prove himself in an area where he can completely control the process; he is not a person who is used to relying on colleagues. Has a good imagination, allowing him to express himself in the creative field. He is persistent and hardworking, so he will become a successful banker, lawyer, and teacher.

Igor is ready to devote all his time to his work; he wants his abilities to be recognized. He doesn't like unnecessary people, he always keeps his word. He likes to be a leader, but his subordinates do not like working with such a boss - all because of his peculiar manner of communication and excessive demands on employees.

He will try to create his own business; independence will be a plus in this matter. Igor is not afraid of difficulties, he perceives the black streaks he encounters steadfastly, stubbornly overcomes obstacles, without stopping for a second. A conscientious, practical and sensible man will be able to develop his business and achieve success in life.

Marriage and family

Igor is the real head of the family; he chooses his wife, and not vice versa. He will choose as his wife the one to whom he can entrust all his most intimate secrets. When choosing, pays attention to different aspects. The spouse should be a housewife - one who can provide comfort, warmth and coziness.

Igor’s life partner is a patient and wise woman; if it were otherwise, he would not be happy. She should not forget that this man does not forgive infidelity, even if he treats his wife very warmly. Igor may get married early, but in this case the marriage is sometimes unsuccessful.

Such a person is capable of becoming a reliable husband who supports the family in any situation. He will be devoted to his loved ones, will try to do everything so that they do not need anything, but will not pay special attention to raising children.

These responsibilities and other household chores will be transferred to the wife. At the same time, all family members are obliged to recognize Igor’s authority. He is a jealous person who tries to reduce his wife’s communication with other men to a minimum, and may try to make her a housewife who devotes her time to the family. By old age he will turn into a capricious and grumpy grumbler who loves to give advice to everyone, it’s worth keeping this in mind.

Sex and love

Igor enjoys increased attention from the ladies. At first, he can start a lot of short-term and frivolous romances. The partner may think otherwise, but if Igor doesn’t like something, he will easily break off relations with her.

This man can only be truly interested in a woman who is close to him emotionally and in terms of intelligence. Igor is afraid of powerful and strong ladies, trying to avoid them. A soft and calm woman may bore him, and this will become a reason for separation.

Igor is temperamental, his feigned coldness should not deceive anyone, a passionate lover is hidden behind it. He quickly gains experience and is easily able to get what he wants from a woman, but he will never lose his head; common sense plays the greatest role for him.

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