How to take glucophage for weight loss. Tablets for weight loss Glucophage Glucophage instructions for weight loss

Glucophage for weight loss: how to take correctly
I started gaining weight after I turned 30. For a long time I couldn’t understand what was going on. I tried many diets and tried to play sports. The first did not help, the second did not have enough willpower. Recently I was admitted to the hospital with a common cold.

They gave me a referral for a blood test. It turned out that my sugar level was higher than normal. After talking with an endocrinologist, I learned that drugs such as Glucophage, if taken correctly, are ideal for weight loss.

I didn’t take any risks; I did everything according to the specialist’s instructions. The result appeared after about 2 months. So far, the weight continues to decrease slowly but steadily.

Glucophage, what kind of drug is this?

Glucophage is a drug intended to maintain the well-being of people with diabetes. It contains substances that reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, which leads to the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits. It is because of this property that this drug began to be used for weight loss.

Unlike other drugs that have the ability to burn fat cells, glucophage has very few side effects, and they only occur when the drug is taken incorrectly. The main goal of glucophage is to reduce the level of bad cholesterol and blood glucose, which are often elevated in obese people.

This drug also has the following abilities:

  • reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, which are the cause of excess weight;
  • oxidize for a short time fatty acids that enter the body when eating;
  • activate AMP kinase, which causes fat cells to be destroyed;
  • suppress glucose synthesis in the liver;
  • improve the process of delivering glucose to the muscles, thereby increasing their nutrition, which is very important when losing weight;
  • increase the level of sensitivity to insulin receptors.

Scientists have proven more than once that as soon as food enters the body, the level of glucose in the blood begins to increase sharply, as a result of which the pancreas begins to work, producing large amounts of insulin.

It is the appearance of a large amount of insulin in the body that leads to the fact that glucose begins to be deposited in tissues and form fat cells.

It is for this reason that nutritionists do not recommend eating foods high in sugar, which can cause a strong increase in blood glucose levels. Taking glucophage leads to a dulling of hunger and a decrease in appetite, which is caused by insulin. Taking Glucophage allows you to normalize all processes of metabolism and absorption of nutrients.

This drug reduces and controls the production of glucose and insulin, which means only one thing: fat deposits will stop being deposited and you will stop gaining weight.

And since the body will have nowhere to get energy from, it will begin to burn its own reserves, dissolving fat cells located in such problem areas of the body as the thighs and abdomen.

Taking glucophage for the purpose of weight loss is approved by doctors, and this is its peculiarity. However, they still advise observing at least some dietary restrictions during this period. This is especially true for easily digestible carbohydrates, which are found in chocolate, buns and other goodies. If you allow yourself to eat even one bun, then you will reduce the entire effect of the drug to zero and the process of glucose deposition will resume.


How does glucophage affect the body during weight loss?

Glucophage can truly be called the dream of all those losing weight. It consists of the active substance metformin, which prevents eaten carbohydrates from being absorbed from the intestines into the blood. As a result, carbohydrates leave the body in stools that are looser than usual, more frequent, and with an abundance of gas. If you overindulge in sweets, you may experience stomach pain.

If you follow a low-calorie diet, then losing weight on Glucophage goes even faster.

If glucose does not enter the blood, it means that the hormone insulin, which is responsible for its conversion into fat reserves in problem areas of our body, will not be produced. But that's not all. After all, the body constantly needs energy to live, but its most easily digestible source - carbohydrates - is not available. And then the accumulated fats begin to burn.

And one more feature of Glucophage: it reduces appetite. In this case, there may be nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth, but even these side effects do not stop those losing weight.


Useful properties of Metformin

Today, new properties of metformin are being discovered and its use is expanding quite significantly, using the drug not only in complex therapy for diabetes mellitus.

The drug Metformin has long been used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus in conjunction with diet therapy prescribed by a doctor. It allows not only to normalize blood glucose levels, but also helps to reduce excess weight, which is especially important for people with this diagnosis.

To date, other features of the drug have also been identified. It has been scientifically established that a person can take Metformin to achieve the following goals:

  1. Helps protect the brain from aging, which allows it to be used for preventive purposes against Alzheimer's disease.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and arteries. Thus, with the help of Metformin, the development of vascular atherosclerosis, heart failure, hypertension, and vascular calcification can be prevented.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  4. Actively affects the improvement of potency in men, which was impaired as a result of various senile diseases.
  5. Neutralizes the development of osteoporosis in diabetics. Women especially often suffer from brittle bones after menopause, as there is a significant decrease in hormones - estrogens.
  6. Has a beneficial effect on the performance of the thyroid gland.
  7. Shows a protective function in relation to the respiratory system.

Even though the drug has so many benefits, it cannot be said that it is healthy and can cure many diseases. Like other medications, Metformin can be used only as prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the possibility of all its side effects and contraindications.


Glucophage for weight loss - how to take it correctly? Types of the drug

The tablets are packaged in 30 and 60 pieces, in the form of oblong capsules. It is better to take the drug for weight loss, starting with small doses, gradually increasing to the required ones.

You need to start losing weight correctly with a dosage of 500-1000 per day; if the body reacts normally, you follow this initial regimen for several days, and then gradually increase its intake to the required norm.

Typically, Glucophage for weight loss is adjusted to a consumption of 1500 - 2000 mg per day, but not more than 3000 mg. The instructions recommend taking the tablets during meals or immediately after. A certain daily dose should be divided evenly into 3 doses - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You need to wash it down with a small amount of pure mineral water.

It is very comfortable to take tablets at a dosage of 500 mg; here you just need to take them 3 times a day, without making any calculations or divisions. Dosages of 850 and 1000 will be needed if you decide to take a more serious dosage - up to 3000 mg of the drug per day.

You need to carefully monitor your condition; if you feel discomfort or nausea, you need to reduce the dose by half and stay at this dosage for several days. When the condition returns to normal, gradually increase the dosage. If diarrhea occurs, one of the associated side effects of Glucophage, the first thing to do is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

Glucophage Long tablets for weight loss are characterized by a prolonged action, with a gradually releasing active ingredient.

The peculiarity is explained by the special property of the active components, which require more time to be absorbed. Ultimately, the absorption of Glucophage Long will continue throughout the day, and its use for weight loss is required in smaller quantities than standard tablets of 500, 850, or 1000 mg. It only needs to be taken once or twice a day, although the dosage is 500 and 750 mg.

But the advantage of such a prolonged action is the virtual absence of side effects, since there is a gradual release of the active component and, accordingly, the body gradually gets used to it.

Physical activity must be present, but light, aerobic. Leave intense training for later, otherwise it can be harmful to your health.

Another important feature of using Glucophage for weight loss is the need to adhere to a diet. Nutrition should be balanced, but for effective weight loss, provide the body with a daily calorie deficit.

It is unacceptable to consume refined foods containing fast carbohydrates. You need to eat fiber, fresh vegetables, protein, beans. But potatoes, sweets, flour, grapes and bananas should be excluded from your diet at least for the duration of the diet.


Glucophage Long

Glucophage Long is one of the varieties of the drug Gluconage. It has a longer action, since, unlike tablets, it has long-term absorption. This product is available in two forms: 500 mg and 850 mg. Glucophage Long should be taken with meals in the morning and evening.

My mother takes Glucophage Long as prescribed by an endocrinologist. She had high blood sugar (12). But she was also very worried about the problem of excess weight. After all, she weighed more than 100 kg with a height of 156. With the help of this drug, it was possible to reduce sugar to 7 units. Mom also lost 12 kg, and I think this is an excellent result.

Within a couple of hours, the level of active components in the blood will reach its level, which will help reduce appetite during lunchtime and at night. The peculiarity of this drug is also that it does not affect the liver. Its components are excreted from the body naturally through urine.

The price for this type of drug varies from 300 rubles. up to 750 rub. depending on the mass of the active substance.


Glucophage 1000

This is another type of the drug Glucophage, which is distinguished by its large dosage. It is used in different ways. For some, two tablets a day are enough to start the fat burning mechanism, while others need three.

Reviews of the drug Glucophage Long:

Elizaveta Pristina

My mother (56 years old) weighs 125 kg with a height of 165 cm. She is diagnosed with diabetes and obesity. Takes glucophage 1000 mg 2 times a day. I follow a diet and do cardio training 2 times a week. Sugar levels are now almost normal. The weight also went down (now it’s 118).

Glucophage 1000 is taken in the same way as other types of this drug: one tablet before or during meals. Drink plenty of water. Remember, for this drug to bring positive results, you should avoid eating various sweets, flour and all other foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates.

The price for this type of drug varies from 200 rubles. per pack of 30 tablets.


Dietary nutrition when taking glucophage for weight loss

A diet when taking Glucophage is required. Moreover, you will have to adhere to it even after completing the treatment course. The only consolation for those who like to snack from the heart is milder conditions than during fasting or express diets.

You can choose either a balanced or unbalanced menu. In the first case, the body will steadily receive all the necessary nutrients from food, while the number of calories consumed will be reduced. The second option focuses on dishes high in carbohydrates, but completely excludes lipids from the diet.

In both cases, your menu should include foods high in plant fiber (beans, grains, peas). But you will have to completely forget about sugar and sugar-containing products.

Glucophage is a potent drug and has a fairly extensive list of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, healthy people (who have no other indications other than being overweight) should not drink it as a means of losing weight. The achieved result will be short-lived, but the health consequences will be severe.


Contraindications for use

The drug should not be used if the patient has the following physiological or pathological conditions:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the active or any of the auxiliary components of the drug.
  • Age less than 18 years. This ban is due to the lack of sufficient information to judge the safety of the drug when used in patients of this category.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Following a low-calorie (up to 1000 kcal/day) diet.
  • Use within two days before or after X-ray or radioisotope studies involving the administration of an iodine-based contrast agent.
  • History or diagnosis of lactic acidosis.
  • Alcoholism in the chronic stage.
  • Alcohol poisoning in acute form.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Failure of kidney function.
  • The presence of injuries or surgical interventions involving insulin therapy.
  • Pronounced manifestations of diseases in chronic and acute forms that can provoke tissue hypoxia. Such diseases include myocardial infarction (acute form), respiratory failure, chronic heart failure, characterized by unstable hemodynamic parameters, acute heart failure.
  • Diseases that occur in an acute form and can provoke impaired renal function and dehydration (repeated bouts of vomiting, severe or chronic diarrhea), as well as severe diseases of infectious etymology and shock conditions.
  • Impaired renal function, insufficient renal function.
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis, coma, diabetic precoma.


Drug interactions

The correct dosage is far from the only indicator that affects the effectiveness of Glucophage. If you combine it with another drug, the result can often be unpredictable.

Prohibited combinations:

  1. Parallel use with alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs in the vast majority of cases ends in failure. The patient first develops hypoglycemia, then falls into a hypoglycemic coma and (in the absence of emergency help) dies.
  2. If you do not limit yourself to consuming foods high in glucose (for example, white sugar or sweets) while taking the drug, then your attempts to lose weight will be like fighting windmills.
  3. Iodine-containing radiocontrast agents are also absolutely incompatible with Glucophage. Therefore, if you do not want to develop lactic acidosis, you should stop taking the drug 2 days before radiological and x-ray examinations. The course should also be resumed no earlier than after 48 hours (provided that the examination did not reveal any abnormalities in the functioning of the internal organs).
  4. Eating on express diets in combination with taking this drug threatens to result in serious interruptions in the functioning of internal organs. During the course of treatment (weight loss), the body must receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Combinations requiring increased caution:

  • If you plan to combine this drug with diuretics and drugs with indirect hyperglycemic action, be prepared to check your blood glucose levels more carefully and frequently.
  • The combination of Glucophage + loop diuretics against the background of renal or functional liver failure threatens to result in lactic acidosis.
  • When trying to combine it with insulin, salicylates and sulfonylurea derivatives, the patient's disease with hypoglycemia has been identified more than once.
  • Cationic and antihypertensive drugs can contribute to significant adjustments in the dose of the drug and the course of its use.
  • Nifedipine, chlorpromazine and a number of beta2-adrenergic agonists increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, and therefore, at high dosages, can neutralize the effect of the drug aimed at reducing it and provoke the prescription of insulin.
  • You should not take Reduxin and Glucophage together without first consulting your doctor. Although these drugs have a similar principle of action, the result of their combination can be a double blow to the internal systems of the body.

The drug market is developing more and more dynamically every year. Therefore, if you do not find other medications you are taking on these lists, this does not mean that their use in conjunction with Glucophage will not have negative consequences.

You can also protect your body from unnecessary risks only by consulting a doctor. This way you won’t confuse the dosage, and you will learn about the nuances of complex administration known only to an experienced specialist.

Excess body weight causes a lot of significant troubles for those who have similar problems. The range of uncomfortable suffering ranges from an unsightly appearance to serious health problems, such as deep arthrosis of the joints, changes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, multiple trophic ulcers and hair loss.

Excess weight becomes a serious problem on the way to finding a solid job, success in your personal life and self-confidence and your capabilities against the backdrop of embarrassment about your own body.

To help people, modern medicine produces a wide range of drugs and medicines with instructions for weight correction, or, more simply, to lose weight. In this article we will take a closer look at one of these -

Glucophage Long and instructions for use

The drug Glucophage 750– a complex of pharmacological substances with hypoglycemic action aimed at lowering glucose levels in the bloodstream, as well as significantly improving the sensitivity of organ and tissue cells to insulin, a hormone that promotes the absorption of sugars at the molecular level.

It's no secret that a constant increase in blood sugar is a serious problem for human health.

It is due to the fact that certain areas of the pancreas, called the islets of Langerhans (anatomically, they constitute its tail part), which are responsible for the production of insulin due to factors that have not been fully studied, begin to gradually lose their function, the ducts in them are replaced by connective tissue, and the level of production insulin levels are significantly reduced.

If the sugar level is not adjusted in time, then over time such a destructive picture will lead to more serious consequences - often patients with advanced diabetes die from gangrenous lesions that turn into sepsis.

Composition and dosage of Glucophage Long

Excipients: carmellose sodium - 37.5 mg, hypromellose 2208 - 294.24 mg, magnesium stearate - 5.3 mg.

The drug is available in different dosages. The most common dosages are 500 and 750 mg; variations can also be found in 800, 850 and 1000 mg. The drug is produced in the form of small white-coated tablets, packed in a foil blister.

Packaging varies between 10–15 pieces, depending on the manufacturer. Total quantity 15, 30 60 pieces. Among analogues of the drug you can find packages of 120 pieces.

In addition, the drug is offered in different types of dosages:

  • 500 mg – mainly intended for the treatment of diabetes in children;
  • 750 mg – prolonged action: used both for the treatment of diabetes and as a complex for weight loss.

Indications for use Glucophage Long

Glucophage is a pharmacologically produced drug that should be used with caution, carefully considering all the pros and cons.

Indications for use:

  • As a combination treatment for diabetes mellitus. The drug combines well with other medicinal substances.
  • As one of the comprehensive measures for weight loss.

As a means to regulate blood glucose levels in other diseases and conditions:

  • surgical interventions on the stomach, gallbladder and pancreas;
  • after suffering a heart attack or stroke. The level of sugar in the blood plasma plays a decisive role in the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

Use with caution when:

  • Mild forms of renal failure, if a history of concomitant disease indicates diabetes mellitus;
  • Anorexia. It can be used for faster and deeper absorption of glucose compounds and other nutrients by cells.
  • In combination with other drugs, especially those regulating blood sugar levels;
  • If you suspect hypo and hyperglycemic comas.

Glucophage Long for weight loss

The assessment of the drug as a comprehensive method of weight correction and weight loss itself is undoubtedly high.

Since by regulating blood sugar levels, it automatically stabilizes metabolic processes in the body, which means it greatly affects the degree of fat deposition in organs and tissues, significantly slowing down this process.

Pros and cons of admission

Each gold medal has both a forward and reverse side:

How to take Glucophage Long for weight loss?

The drug must be prescribed by a doctor, and also given instructions on how and how much to drink per month:

  • In the process of losing weight, as well as to correct sugar levels, you need to take a sufficient amount of water.
  • It would be useful to undergo a medical examination for precise selection of treatment regimen and dosage.
  • The drug does not taste the most pleasant, Therefore, it is recommended for sensitive people, as well as children, to give it in combination with something sweet in order to slightly mask the characteristic bitter aftertaste.
  • During treatment or correction of sugar with metamorphine-type drugs, it is very important to prevent the development of colds, as well as the exacerbation of existing chronic forms. This is explained by a sharp increase in metabolic processes, and, accordingly, a more intense spread of infectious foci.

Does the drug help with weight loss?

The main active ingredient in this drug is metmorphine hydrochloride.

According to biochemical parameters, it belongs to the group of biguanines, which can reduce the concentration of active sugars in the blood plasma, and at the same time increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. It is thanks to these properties that the effect of settling the components is achieved.

At the same time, hypromellose (groups 2910 and 2208 Mkt), carmellose sodium, sodium stearate and cellulose compounds are used as additional substances to give shape and correct taste.

Cheaper preparations contain starch products. It is worth noting that this fact reduces the medicinal properties of the drug as a whole.

Metmorphine hydrochloride is a double guanide that lowers sugar levels in all blood components (primarily in the cytoplasm). As a result of its use, the overall sensitivity of cells to insulin increases, the synthesis of sugars in the liver is reduced, which significantly facilitates its work, and also reduces the concentration of sugar in the urine, which prevents the destruction of the kidneys.

Side effects of Glucophage Long

However, we must not forget about possible side effects:

Contraindications for use

The drug has the following contraindications:

Analogues of Glucophage Long

Pharmacology of the latest generation offers its buyer both different variations of Glucophage itself and a wide variety of its analogues. It is known that this drug is produced in its name by different manufacturing countries.

France and Norway are recognized as the main leaders in its production; French packaging is the most common and, as a rule, there are two types - glucophage - 500 mg and glucophage Long (extended action) - 750 mg. The Norwegian manufacturer, in addition to these packages, has Glucophage Long 800 mg - with a slightly increased dosage.

Among the analogues of Glucophage Long based on the leading active substance (metmorphine hydrochloride) on pharmacy counters you can find:

  • Gliformin.
  • Formitin.
  • Langerin.
  • Bagomed.
  • Sophamet.
  • Metmorphine hydrochloride.

Price for Glucophage Long

In pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region, Matmorphin preparations can be found at a price from 280 to 800 rubles .

Pricing policy is influenced by many factors, including:

  • Dosage of the drug and number of tablets in the package.
  • Manufacturer of the drug - imported analogues will cost much more in price than their representatives from Russia.
  • Delivery to remote regions, as a rule, includes many factors: the price of fuel, its cost, as well as various markups of intermediaries.
  • As a consequence of the previous point - the number of intermediaries - the smaller the retail network, the more expensive the cost of drugs in it.

The drug "Glucophage" is taken as prescribed by doctors for the prevention or treatment of diabetes mellitus, as well as for severe forms of obesity that develop against the background of this disease, if other methods do not allow weight loss.

It is for this reason that the drug has become so in demand and popular in recent years, because people often turn to it who do not have direct indications for taking it and start taking pills for the sole purpose of wanting to lose weight.

The mechanism of action of this pharmacological drug is based on the following processes:

  1. Normalization of lipid metabolism.
  2. Normalization of the chemical composition of the blood, regulation of the volume of glucose and cholesterol contained in it.
  3. Inhibition of carbohydrate breakdown, which prevents the formation of new fat deposits.
  4. Stimulation of insulin production, due to which the feeling of hunger is suppressed, allowing a person to reduce both the volume of consumed portions and the period of time between them.


before and after weight loss with Glucophage

Zhanna: “I planned to combine a course of taking Glucophage with active sports in order to achieve maximum results, but it didn’t work out. The pills made me feel weak, nauseous and have severe diarrhea; in such conditions there was no time for training at all. With difficulty I completed a 20-day weight course, during which time I lost 5.5 kg.”

Lyudmila: “My friend drank Glucophage for six months intermittently, and as a result she lost 20 kg in a year. Looking at her, I also decided to take a similar course, took pills for 18 days and had no positive results, although I tried to change my diet.”

Svetlana: “I tried taking Glucophage for weight loss, but metformin doesn’t work for me at all. No side effects, no positive results - nothing at all, not even a decrease in appetite. I took pills for 10 days, but then I became disillusioned with this method and completed the course, now they will look for other ways to get rid of excess weight.”

Evgeniy: “As an endocrinologist, I have an extremely negative attitude towards taking Glucophage by people who do not have direct indications. The drug is intended for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as well as the prevention of this disease in people at risk. When a healthy person takes the pills, unpredictable health problems can arise.”

Alexander: “I am a practicing nutritionist and my patients often ask various questions regarding the safety of a particular drug.

Over the past year, people have often asked me about Glucophage and, naturally, I advise them to refrain from such experiments, since the drug is not intended for healthy people. However, I can note that this is not the worst option; many people drink its analogues for weight loss, for example, Siofor 500, which is even much more dangerous.

If the decision has already been made and it is necessary to choose the lesser of two evils, then it is better to take Glucophage; at least it does not make changes to the hormonal balance.”

Composition and pharmacological action

The active ingredient, which is the basis of the composition of Glucophage tablets, is metformin hydrochloride. Each tablet contains 500 mg, 850 mg or 1000 mg, depending on the type of drug chosen.

In addition to it, the composition contains only components to maintain the structure of the tablet shell, as well as magnesium stearate and povidone, which are additional and auxiliary components.

"Glucophage" is a hypoglycemic pharmacological drug that has the following effects on the body:

  1. Immediately after taking the tablets, a number of receptors increase the degree of sensitivity to insulin, which provokes the process of glucose utilization at the cellular level.
  2. There is a slowdown in the production of glucose in the liver, as well as its absorption into the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Naturally, a number of processes are stimulated, increasing the volume of glycogen produced.
  4. The transport capacity of all glucose transporters increases significantly, which leads to the processes in which it takes part.
  5. Unlike most analogues, this drug does not have any effect on the production of insulin and other processes in the body in people without diabetes, which reduces the risk of side effects.

Instructions for use

Glucophage tablets are a potent pharmacological drug that must be taken in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with it.

The basic admission rules are given below:

  1. First of all, it is mandatory to follow a special diet, which consists of excluding foods high in glucose and any fast carbohydrates from the diet, while it is necessary to increase the amount of food consumed containing fiber.
  2. It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and also monitor the daily amount of calories consumed; their volume should not exceed 1800 kcal, otherwise the effect of the main active ingredient of the tablets will be neutralized.
  3. For weight loss, you can only take tablets with a concentration of no more than 500 mg.
  4. You need to take three Glucophage tablets a day, this is done before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  5. The maximum duration of the course is no more than three weeks.
  6. Between courses there should be a break of several months, otherwise the fat-burning properties of the drug will be noticeably reduced and the desired result will not be achieved.

Contraindications and side effects

Before taking the drug Glucophage, you must ensure that there are no direct contraindications, which may include the following:

  1. Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  2. Pregnancy at any stage.
  3. Breastfeeding period.
  4. Rehabilitation period after surgical interventions or serious illnesses.
  5. Cardiovascular failure.
  6. Chronic forms of alcohol dependence.
  7. Impaired functioning of the kidneys or liver.

In most cases, the drug "Glucophage" is well tolerated by the body, but in certain situations, as well as if the instructions for use are violated or taken in the presence of direct contraindications, the following side effects may occur:

  1. Lactic acidosis.
  2. Disturbances in the body's absorption of vitamin B 12.
  3. Complete lack of appetite for a long time.
  4. Loss of taste.
  5. Complex disorders of the digestive system, which include feelings of nausea, excessive vomiting, diarrhea, or the formation of excess gases, which leads to bloating and pain in the abdomen.
  6. Dermatological rashes.
  7. Impairment of certain liver functions.


The cost of the drug is in constant dynamics and may change over time.

Current approximate prices are given below:

  1. A package containing 60 tablets with a concentration of the main active ingredient of 500 mg costs about 150-170 rubles.
  2. A package containing 30 tablets with a concentration of the main active ingredient of 500 mg costs about 110-130 rubles.

How many kilograms can you lose?

The results are always individual, since they depend on other measures taken to lose weight, as well as on the characteristics of the body. On average, a person manages to lose 2 to 5 kg of weight in one course.

There are many reviews in which people write about losing 10-15 kg of weight: this effect can only be achieved by taking tablets with a higher concentration of metformin hydrochloride, but taking them without direct indications is unsafe for health and is strictly prohibited.

People who cannot or do not want to exercise and change their eating habits often resort to medication to solve the problem of excess weight. Having become convinced of the ineffectiveness of drugs for fat burning, people are increasingly resorting to certified drugs in which weight loss is a concomitant effect. One of these drugs is Glucophage for weight loss.

What is Glucophage for weight loss

The drug Glucophage is an effective treatment for diabetes mellitus. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, which allows you to naturally get rid of extra pounds. According to reviews from those losing weight, the drug gives good results without side effects. Before use, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist.

The opinions of experts regarding this drug are very contradictory. Some argue that this medicine is intended only for the treatment of diabetes, while others say that absolutely healthy people can take it for the purpose of losing weight. The same controversial issue arises when prescribing medication to women after childbirth. In this case, you definitely cannot do without consulting a specialist.


The main active ingredient of Glucophage is metformin hydrochloride. In addition to this, the drug contains the following auxiliary components:

  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • hypromellose.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of round, biconvex, white, film-coated tablets. Tablets are sorted into packages of 30, 50, 60 and 100 pieces. The medicine also differs in the dosage of the active substance: 500, 750, 850 and 1000. The main manufacturers are the companies Life Sante, Marc Sante (France) and Nycomed (Austria).

How it works

Glucophage reduces the level of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Its main task is to store energy in the form of fat reserves. This eliminates hypoglycemia. The medicine helps reduce the amount of glucose that is absorbed by the stomach, normalizes metabolic processes, activates fat burning, and prevents the accumulation of fat in fat cells. The drug also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulates the active processing of glucose by muscle tissue, and increases sensitivity to insulin.

This drug is not combined with medications that contain iodine-containing substances, chlorpromazine. Glucophage should not be combined with medications for hypertension and cationic drugs. Such combinations of drugs with alcoholic beverages can cause irreversible changes in the human body, including death.


Glucophage for weight loss is very popular due to several advantages that have been noted by those losing weight:

  • Helps process high-carbohydrate foods, which helps maintain your figure. But it is strictly not recommended to constantly consume such food. The drug will be most effective if you follow a diet.
  • The medicine enhances the effectiveness of any diet and shows the best results in combination with exercise.


Despite the good results in losing weight, taking Glucophage has a number of disadvantages, which are expressed by the following frequent discomfort:

  • extinction of natural cravings for food;
  • bloating;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • allergic rash;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • intestinal colic.

How to take for weight loss

The daily dosage of the active substance Glucophage ranges from 500 to 3000 mg, depending on the specific case of obesity. It is better to start using the medicine with a minimum amount and, if there are no side effects, gradually increase the dosage. Take tablets 3 times a day during or after meals with plenty of non-carbonated liquid.

The duration of continuous use is 10-21 days. If you take less of the medicine, the effect will be insignificant. With longer use, addiction occurs, which also reduces the therapeutic effect to almost zero. If the weight goal has not been achieved, then several courses of taking the drug should be taken. The break between courses should be at least two months.

Glucophage Long

There are several varieties of this medicine. One of them is Glucophage Long. Based on the name, it has a prolonged effect, unlike Glucophage. This medicine is produced in dosages of 500 and 850 mg of the active substance. The main distinguishing feature is long-lasting absorption. This type of medication is taken 2 times a day during or after meals. The maximum concentration occurs after 2.5 hours after administration. The medicine is practically not processed by the liver, but is excreted from the blood along with urine.

Glucophage 1000

Another popular version of the drug Glucophage 1000 is distinguished by a large amount of active ingredient. It is taken in cases where the recommended daily dosage is 2000-3000 mg, depending on the specific case. Take the drug according to the same regimen, one tablet 2 or 3 times a day with plenty of still water. While taking the medicine, to achieve better results, it is recommended to follow a diet and increase physical activity.

Diet when taking Glucophage

During the course of treatment, a low-carbohydrate diet is prohibited. The diet must be balanced and correspond to individual caloric intake. It is recommended to reduce or completely eliminate the consumption of store-bought sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and dried fruits in large quantities. Any physical activity or playing a suitable sport is not prohibited, but is even encouraged. Such an integrated approach will have a qualitative impact on your figure, skin condition and overall well-being.

Contraindications and side effects

Before you start taking Glucophage, you should carefully read the list of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to metformin or to excipients;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • diabetic precoma, coma;
  • acute conditions associated with kidney function;
  • liver, kidney failure;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • indications for insulin therapy;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • lactic acidosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • GW period.

The use of the drug, depending on a person’s individual sensitivity to its components, can cause a number of side effects:

  • metabolic disease;
  • decreased absorption of vitamin B12;
  • taste disturbance;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea,
  • stomach ache;
  • lack of hunger;
  • decreased appetite;
  • skin reactions;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

If any of the above side effects occur while taking the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor. He is obliged to adjust the dosage of the active substance or select a more suitable analogue. Do not delay consultation; prolonged side effects will lead to exhaustion of the body.


Glucophage can be bought in an online store, ordered in a catalog from the manufacturer, or purchased at a pharmacy. The cost of the product varies depending on the dosage of the active substance and the manufacturer. Average prices for the drug in Moscow:


Dosage, mg

Quantity per package, pcs.

Price, rubles


Mark Sante

Glucophage, tablets


It so happened that the drug, intended strictly for the treatment of diabetes, has become very popular among those losing weight. Endocrinologists constantly warn that Glucophage should not be used for weight loss, that it is a very serious medicine that can cause deadly side effects, including coma.

But when you can’t, but really want to, no prohibitions will stop those who want to lose weight. Therefore, we will tell you how to properly lose weight with Glucophage, and what precautions you need to take.

How Glucophage works for weight loss

Glucophage can truly be called the dream of all those losing weight. It consists of the active substance metformin, which prevents eaten carbohydrates from being absorbed from the intestines into the blood. As a result, carbohydrates leave the body in stools that are looser than usual, more frequent, and with an abundance of gas. If you overindulge in sweets, you may experience stomach pain.

If glucose does not enter the blood, it means that the hormone insulin, which is responsible for its conversion into fat reserves in problem areas of our body, will not be produced. But that's not all. After all, the body constantly needs energy to live, but its most easily digestible source - carbohydrates - is not available. And then the accumulated fats begin to burn. And if you also follow a low-calorie diet, then weight loss on Glucophage goes even faster.

And one more feature of Glucophage: it reduces appetite. In this case, there may be nausea and a metallic taste in the mouth, but even these side effects do not stop those losing weight.

How to take Glucophage for weight loss

If the person losing weight does not have diabetes (otherwise an endocrinologist would prescribe the medicine and dosage), it is enough to drink a Glucophage tablet with a minimum dose: 500 mg 2-3 times a day during main meals or immediately after meals. The tablet must be swallowed without chewing and washed down with at least half a glass of water. You can take Glucophage for no longer than 3 months, and repeating the course is allowed only after a 3-month break.

In order not to get dangerous complications from taking Glucophage, you need to remember:

You can’t fast (the daily calorie content of food should be at least 1000 kcal);

You cannot work hard physically or carry out exhausting sports training (a deadly complication may occur - lactic acidosis);

Do not take diuretics, as well as medications and vitamins containing iodine at the same time as Glucophage;

It is necessary to discontinue the drug during acute intestinal or cold infections accompanied by diarrhea or fever.

Finally, a small fly in the ointment for the lazy: you shouldn’t hope that you will be able to lose weight with Glucophage without doing sports or at least exercising. The body, without receiving glucose from food, still synthesizes it, and Glucophage will drive it into the muscles. If it is not burned there during exercise, it will turn into fat.

And remember, taking Glucophage to lose weight is an extreme that doctors do not approve of. Weight loss can be achieved by eliminating starchy, sweet and fatty foods, switching to diet foods, eating a lot of protein foods and moving. If you want to help your body lose weight, it is better to take natural dietary supplements for weight loss.

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