Fortune telling of angels for singles. Fortune telling with Tarot cards "Guardian Angel"

Your Guardian angel with his messages and tips he is able to help you in all your endeavors and in all areas of life. The magical power of your Guardian Angel will allow you to communicate with the angels and receive answers and instructions from them on all questions that interest you. Fortune telling on cards by Doreen Virtue - “The magical power of your Guardian Angel” is more like an ordinary conversation between a person and his heavenly patrons. In such a conversation, the angels give advice on how to cope with difficulties and how to act correctly in a given situation. Angel cards not only lift the veil of the future, but help a person understand himself, and also teach him to notice divine messages. Your Guardian angel, is always next to you, protecting you and helping you with her advice.

Free online fortune telling "The magical power of the Guardian Angel" will help you find out what your Guardian Angel wants to tell you. By turning to Guardian Angel fortune-telling, you will receive wise advice, find out what is most important for you and what needs to be done first.

You can also get advice of the day from your Guardian Angel by using online fortune telling tarot of Angels "Tip of the day" .

To start fortune telling The magical power of the Guardian Angel


  • Fortune telling online tarot of Angels "Cross of the Way"
  • Angel Tarot Fortune Telling for free "Angel Wing"
  • Free online fortune telling by Angels "Heart"
  • Fortune telling "Three cards" on the Angels tarot cards

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Many people want to know their future or ask questions regarding certain facts that took place However, they are stopped by the fact that fortune telling is considered sinful, since the Church prohibits any contacts with the other world, considering them connections with Satan, this applies to those methods that involve performing sacrifices or calling the spirits of the dead.

However, there is fortune telling Guardian Angel, which refers to white magic, and by definition cannot be connected in any way with serving evil forces.

So, if there is a desire to lift the veil of the future and receive benefits from this knowledge, using it wisely, and at the same time not take a sin on your soul, you will definitely need to listen to the voice of an angel for the near future - by the way, it gives valuable advice, by listening to which you can radically change your life.

Technique for fortune telling Guardian Angel online - benefits and recommendations

Initially, special cards were invented that helped the fortuneteller receive advice from an angel (and only the person himself could guess, since the guardian angel would not communicate with strangers). In order to correctly interpret the magical message received from your invisible protector, it was necessary to have certain paranormal abilities that only select people could boast of.

However, now everything has become much simpler - thanks to the development of information technology, online fortune telling has appeared, which has many advantages compared to conventional ones, among which the most significant are the following:

  • Anyone can use the proposed method of fortune-telling (mystical guardian) - all you have to do is ask the question you are interested in and click on the data calculation button. After some time, you will receive a ready-made result, which will only have to be correctly projected onto your question, your life situation and circumstances that take place.
  • Virtual fortune telling with a Guardian Angel is the best way to get a prediction and recommendation for performing certain actions for today, to the situation, for a day. The recommendation received from the angel will not concern your life at all (this is not a fortune telling that will indicate what profession you should choose or how long you have left to live in this world). Everything is much simpler - this technique allows you to ask and receive a relatively accurate answer to the fortuneteller’s question regarding the near future. And only him, and not relatives, friends and acquaintances, as well as all the other people close to you - they have their own Guardian Angels, let them do online fortune telling themselves. Moreover, it is in fact available to everyone.
  • Guess on Guardian Angel online - free of charge, and there is no need to seek advice from “knowledgeable people” who will demand a substantial monetary reward for interpreting the advice of your keeper. Anyone can tell fortunes, and fortune telling can be done on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon, zodiac sign or any other moments. Your guardian angel is always with you, no matter what you have done, what life circumstances you have found yourself in, and how you plan to get out of this situation.
  • Online fortune telling gives very accurate clues that do not require additional interpretation. In fact, you already receive a ready-made recommendation for taking certain actions that will need to be taken to obtain the desired result. Fortune telling about a guardian angel is the best way to help spread the word to your loved one, but only from the perspective of how you can track the role of this person in your life (the question needs to be formulated exclusively - ask how I will need to behave in order to build a relationship with this person maximally harmonious
    relationships). Guardian Angel Don't forget that magic

focused only on you, and not on third parties. You will not be able to tell fortunes with your guardian angel for the future of your chosen one (more precisely, for those events that will concern him exclusively and not your relationship) due to the latter’s individuality. At the same time, no one is trying to challenge the relevance of the predictions received - angelic appeals will be the real advice of the day.
It remains only to find out how the conversation with the guardian angel is carried out through online resources. Tips from Guardian Angel Guardian Angel have one more feature: your patron will never recommend choosing a model of behavior that is in one way or another associated with risks specific to you. First of all, he will think about your safety, and not about achieving results. You definitely need to make allowances for this, and if you are a risky person in life who makes you

Each of us has a guardian angel at birth; he does not forget even the most soulless and callous people. He always strives to help people. The thirst to know your future pushes you to turn to it. Despite the fact that everyone has forgotten about him, he will not suggest anything bad and will always guide you on the right bright path. Everyone chooses for themselves how to reveal the secret of the fate ahead of them. Be it fortune telling with cards or magical rituals.

While waiting for a person to turn to his guardian and remember him in the captivity of worldly vanity, he still does not abandon the person to the mercy of fate. It is not worth mentioning that the use of dark methods associated with sacrifice and blood does not always lead to the desired result. However, answers can be obtained in different ways; now there are quite a lot of them. Often a guardian angel is seen in a dream, usually he comes in the form of a person, most often a relative, exactly the one you think your benefactor. You can talk to him, ask him what worries you most at the moment or tell him about something.

Fortune telling by guardian angels online

If there are you want to know the answers to yours internal issues, you should turn to online fortune telling. A fortuneteller will receive answers to the questions asked for free. After formulating your questions and pressing a button, you will get a card on which there will be recommendations and answers from higher powers.

In the world of modern technology and the Internet, you do not need any knowledge or skills to tell fortunes. If you are sad and have some anxiety or fear in your soul, then virtual fortune telling will help you. Cards that will lift your spirits, charge you with a cheerful spirit and good mood, fill you up positive.

  • you can guess every day;
  • you get a prediction for every day;
  • you get a hint on how to behave in a difficult life situation.

Such a system was created by a clairvoyant and parapsychologist. In the field of psychological counseling, they were leading experts. Successfully selected cards that were capable of telling true and inspiring predictions. The cards emit the softest and most positive energy, without any negative messages. One of the main concepts of the action is the desire for self-development and self-improvement.

In order to achieve a solution to a problem, you should not rely only on searching for answers in the outside world. Fortune telling advice "Guardian Angel" online will be a good guide on an amazing journey called take a look for yourself In the soul. However, you can guess every day, especially for those people who:

  • experience separation from loved ones;
  • got confused in a difficult situation;
  • trying to start a new life;
  • are at a crossroads.

Having gathered your courage and decided to seek advice from your angel, first of all you need to correctly and correctly formulate for yourself the question that you plan to ask the angel. After which you need to get comfortable in a soft chair, imagining in front of you a bright stream of light that is directed only at you and say, “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you." And then you can conduct online fortune telling. The main thing: you need tune in on the right wave, concentrate, forget about the bustle of the world and try not to get nervous. After which you will enter a semi-meditative state.

As practice shows, you will not be required to spend any emotional or energy expenditure. A fortuneteller who believes in the existence of angels will definitely receive an answer to the question he has formulated as clearly as possible.

Most of the world is invisible, we cannot see it with our eyes. In the largest part of the world, the mind lives, it cannot be touched or felt, much less seen or heard. The universe as a whole has an energy field, just like the earth, the moon, or a community of people. Angels, spirits and other spiritual beings reside precisely in the energy sector universe. Pure light that does not cast shadows is invisible to people. But material objects that do not transmit light are perfectly visible to the human eye.

  • Angels exist and are always ready to help.
  • We don't see them, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
  • They will always be able to advise and guide you on the path to get out of the crisis and come to a full, happy life;
  • We need to train ourselves to thank them for the fact that they are always with us and at any second we can turn to them with our request or problem.

To properly honor the cards of the angels of light, you need to be in a focused state and let go of the vanity of your soul. Otherwise, the answers will be inaccurate and may disappoint you. To enhance the capabilities of the cards, bless them, prayer and supplication will help the angels more easily tune in to your problems and give more good advice. To do this you may need:

  • meditate well;
  • pacify your fussy thoughts;
  • take a deep breath;
  • relax a little.

You need to listen more carefully and take a closer look at the answers you receive. The best thing to do is sit in silence and think about it some more.

Fortune telling "Card for the Guardian"

The constant presence of an angel next to a person helps him to seek help or advice at any time in difficult times. Most often, we worry about what we are about to experience at one point or another, in a segment of our lives. And more than ever at such a moment, we want to get a hint. To do this, you can perform a small ritual; in the evening we need to prepare twenty-one strips of paper of the same length and size, the following statements must be written on them:

  • work hard and then you can get great benefits;
  • you can count on the help of a kind person;
  • It’s worth taking a better look at your surroundings;
  • you will be able to have fun with your loved ones;
  • some person is gossiping behind your back;
  • take better care of your health;
  • a road or journey is expected;
  • expect good news;
  • you may be able to make unexpected profits that you need to spend wisely;
  • lonely people will get to know each other, and lovers will have a pleasant meeting;
  • New perspectives will open up before you;
  • don't let things go;
  • changes will soon occur where you don’t expect them;
  • visit your loved ones, because they need help;
  • spend an evening with close friends;
  • do not give in to temptation;
  • Luck is with you, so don’t miss your chance;
  • today you will be the center of attention;
  • the day will be tense and boring;
  • dedicate the day to your loved one;
  • the day will pass calmly.

So that you cannot distinguish them from each other, roll them into a tube. Place an opaque container near your bed, put all your straws there, and leave them overnight. In the morning, without getting out of bed, just opening your eyes, you need to immediately contact to the guardian with the words: “Does sadness await me today or is joy prepared for me?” Now, closing your eyes, you can take out one of the fortune sheets, rolled into a tube.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Fortune telling using Tarot cards is considered one of the most beautiful; the best layout is called “Angel Wing”. For the ritual you need to take a deck of cards and mix it thoroughly. Having let go of all your thoughts from your head, think while shuffling the cards only about those questions that interest you. Having laid out the cards on the table according to the indicated figures, you can proceed to the interpretation:

  • 1 - the main thing you should pay attention to;
  • 2 - useful information;
  • 3 - issues that should be resolved immediately;
  • 4 - events that affect the present;
  • 5 - changes that will happen soon;
  • 6 - future impacts;
  • 7 - existing secrets;
  • 8 - useful advice;
  • 9 - summing up;
  • 10 - possible prospects.

Just take fortune telling seriously; according to the advice of professionals, you should not unnecessarily resort to using predictions due to the fact that an Angel may simply become offended by a person and stop listening to him, and as a result, stop helping him. Try to perform the ritual with precision and with great respect relate to everything that happens. To perform the ritual correctly, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Conduct the ritual while completely alone.
  • Use only blessed church candles.
  • Don't laugh or smile, show humility.
  • Take fortune telling seriously.

Taking into account all the above points, you can be confident about the result of fortune telling and the consequences that follow after it in case of failure.

Often you need an answer to a question regarding love. There is a good fortune telling for this called “Three Questions for Lovers.” The narrowly focused specificity of this fortune telling allows you to ask only three questions that relate to the relationship of lovers. Even in the most difficult situations, you can clarify its outcome thanks to fortune telling with three questions. Even though you have not met your soulmate, with the help of fortune telling you can find hope and turn to Higher powers to speed up the course of events.

You shouldn’t treat fortune-telling about your guardian angel online as a funny joke. Even with strong mistrust, fortune telling carries serious meaning and correctly describes the state of mind of the fortuneteller.

It is necessary to comply with the established rules and framework for conducting any of the possible rituals. This will help you carry out the ritual safely and get the most accurate result. The main hint for carrying out the ritual will be love, and you should also treat your angel with respect and trepidation, who will help you open the veil of secrecy.

  • Fortune telling should only be done alone.
  • You need to be serious during the entire session.
  • You need to concentrate on the questions being asked.
  • It is advisable that there are no other people at home at this moment.
  • You should not leave the room or interrupt the ceremony.

You should not laugh at the fortune telling process and take everything not seriously, because higher powers do not like this and may even punish you for such behavior. Use lit church candles to illuminate the room and attributes for the ritual. But other types of lighting in the room should be turned off so as not to violate the integrity.

Angels in our lives

Your guardian is ready to help at any moment of your destiny and give advice in difficult times. Possessing magical powers, he is able to communicate with you at any time when you need it. You may get the impression that you are talking with an ordinary person, through whom the angel can give you messages and give advice on how to cope in difficult times. Thinking that you are communicating with a friend, you convey your requests and desires through him to your guardian.

Watching his charge, the angel does this extremely unnoticed. Every minute it takes you away from all kinds of temptations, giving you various opportunities and chances, unknown twists of fate. It concerns everyone whether they should believe in it, but one way or another, they hint to us about their existence. Correct reading of signs helps us in life. Whether it's a broken heel or losing something, getting splashed with mud. More than once it happened that at an important moment, for example, when signing an important and fateful document for us, a pen fell, none of us even thought about whether this was a sign. You just have to believe in it and everything will be as it should be.

Over the long period of his existence on this earth, man found a way to ask questions to his guardian and receive answers to them. For example:

  • Fortune telling on cards.
  • Prayers and amulets.
  • Calling an Angel.
  • Online fortune telling.

Under no circumstances should you fall into despair if you do not receive the desired answer or advice to the question you ask, because everything is done according to the will of a higher power. This is just fortune telling and prediction, and the mirror of your destiny is you for yourself. You shouldn’t rub the cards again, lay them out, asking your questions again and again; apparently, this is necessary so that you do not receive answers to them at the moment.

Attention, TODAY only!

Sometimes situations arise in life when it is not easy to make a decision. The desire to do the right thing, to make the right choice, pushes us to seek help from people around us. But sometimes even the advice of relatives and friends cannot dispel doubts. In this case, you can turn to higher powers, or rather, to your Guardian.

Magical messages for every day

The most famous way to establish contact with your protector is through angel cards. Their creator is writer and psychologist Doreen Virtue. She is the author of a unique method of healing with the help of angelic powers, as well as numerous books and trainings. To communicate with Angels, she has developed several types of fortune telling cards. The most famous of them is called “The Magical Message of Archangel Michael.”

There are 44 cards in the deck. Each symbolizes an angel and has its own name and meaning. The author recommends using them in difficult life situations to get an answer to an exciting question or find out the state of affairs at the current time.

Doreen Virtue's cards not only give advice on how to behave in a given situation and what decision to make, but also indicate which angel to contact to solve your problem.

Unlike Tarot cards or other fortune-telling cards, Archangel Michael cards do not predict the future, but give advice and guide a person in the right direction. In addition, Doreen Virtue's cards indicate the missing character qualities to achieve your goals.

It is easy to interpret these cards - just look at the image and name of the symbol and read the interpretation in the book that comes with the cards.

Another main difference from other cards is that there are no symbols with a negative meaning in the deck. The layout with the cards of Archangel Michael will not indicate illness, will not predict future troubles, and will not warn of impending danger. The purpose of these maps is to show the right path and give advice.

Fortune telling video

Interpretation of cards

The “Magic Message” cards are unusual both in appearance and in interpretation. If in the Tarot each card has a specific name (“Empress”, “Jester”, etc.), then the names of these cards are phrases that contain advice.

  • "Angels of Love Help You"– this card indicates that you are under the protection of higher powers. Your problems will be resolved.
  • "Move forward without fear"– don’t doubt your abilities, everything will work out in the best way for you.
  • "Favourable outcome"– in the end everything will work out well.
  • "God takes care of everything"– despite God’s help, do not forget to make efforts to achieve your plans.
  • "Be attentive to yourself"– trust your heart.
  • "Rest assured"– if you want to realize your plans, believe in yourself and your own strengths, do not deviate from your principles and ideas.
  • "Your home is protected by angels"– the Guardian Angel protects you, turn to him in difficult times.
  • "Believe and trust"– listen to your own intuition, it will tell you the right decision.
  • "Eternal love"– a favorable period is coming in your personal life.
  • “Internal instructions should be trusted”– follow your inner instinct, follow the dictates of your heart.
  • "Time to end the problem"– the period has come when you are able to complete what you started and pass all the tests.
  • “You have the power to change the situation you created”- the angels will help you solve the problem.
  • "You and your loved ones are safe"– your family is not in danger.
  • "You are on the right track"– this card confirms the correctness of your intentions and desires.
  • "Trust your feelings"- only your heart will tell you what to do in this situation.
  • "Angels are watching over your children"– don’t worry about your children, they are protected by higher powers.
  • "Write down your thoughts and feelings"– remember your inner feelings and ideas that come to mind. This will help clarify the situation and understand yourself.
  • "Protect yourself"– you should protect yourself from negative emotions and ill-wishers.
  • “Use your imagination to get answers.”– start reading the signs sent to you from above. They may appear to you in the form of repeating numbers, a phrase you accidentally heard on the street, a picture you saw, etc. Use your imagination.
  • "Explore all options"– think through your every step before making a decision.
  • "Energy Healing"– do good, and it will be returned to you threefold.
  • “Prayer will help in any situation”- turn to the Angel for help.
  • "Start"– a favorable time for new things and endeavors.
  • "Don't rush to make a decision"– don’t rush, take your time.
  • "Innocence"- the person is not guilty of anything.
  • "Pay attention to your dreams"- look for the answer to your question.
  • "Move away from the problem"– look at the situation from the other side. Abstract yourself.
  • "Release the fear now"– don’t be afraid of anything, your angel is watching over you.
  • "Under guard and protection"- you are protected by higher powers.
  • “Positive thinking leads to the same results.”– think only about the good.
  • "Trust in God and the Angels"- higher powers will help you, turn to them in prayer.
  • "Dedicate yourself to the goal"– start actively achieving your goal.
  • “Accept your inner truth and act on it.”- Understand yourself, don’t betray your inner self.
  • "Spend more time in nature"– walks in the fresh air will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • "Forgive yourself"– let go of negative thoughts, free yourself from guilt. You haven't done anything wrong.
  • “Ask Archangel Michael to help you”– address your requests and prayers to this angel.
  • "Decide to be happy now"– your well-being directly depends on your way of thinking. Don’t wait for good weather by the sea, don’t hesitate in making decisions and undertakings. If you want to be happy, be it!
  • "Self-Respect"– take care of your loved ones, but don’t forget about yourself.
  • “The situation has already been resolved”– you needn’t worry, everything has already happened.
  • "Focus on spirituality and health"– the time has come to develop the spiritual side of life.
  • "Focus on achieving your goal"– your concentration will actually help you achieve the desired result.
  • "Your Life's Purpose"– you should spend more time on what you want to achieve.
  • "The person is trustworthy"- you can completely trust the person for whom the alignment is made.
  • "Sense of humor"– don’t take everything that happens in life seriously.

On the situation today

The simplest layout for the situation is “Three Cards”. This method of fortune telling will help clarify the current problem, identify causes and consequences, and also give practical advice on how to get out of a difficult situation.

Stir, mentally ask the Angels about what is bothering you. Try to ask a specific question. After this, remove any three cards from the deck.

  • First card symbolizes what you are asking about. This could be a specific person, yourself, or the nature of the situation.
  • Second card tells you what is hidden from your understanding. It reveals the essence of the problem and clarifies it.
  • Third card gives advice and recommendations on what you should do in your situation.

For love

The layout with the Archangel cards will help you learn how to solve problems in relationships, and will also provide comprehensive information about how your loved one feels towards you.

Shuffle the deck, ask a question and pull out any five cards with your left hand. Place the first in the center, the second on top of it, the third down, the fourth on the left, the fifth on the right. As a result, the cards should lie in the shape of a diamond.

  • First card represents your relationship, as well as the problems that bother you.
  • Second card- obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want.
  • Third card- this is what your other half is hiding from you.
  • Fourth card gives advice on what to do in the current situation.
  • Fifth card gives information about how your relationship may develop in the future if you listen to the advice of your Guardian Angel.

For the future

In a scenario for the future, Angels can help you choose the true path and make a decision that will change your life for the better.

Shuffle the cards and lay out the first nine cards from the deck in the shape of a cross. Place the first one in the center of the table. The second is above it, the third is down, the fourth is on the left, the fifth is on the right, the sixth is at the very top, the seventh is next to the fourth, the eighth is next to the fifth, and the last one is under the third. The result should be a cross.

  • First central card describes you, what plays a key role in life.
  • Second card- these are your thoughts and.
  • Third card- what you need to do. This is Angel's advice for the future.
  • Fourth card– these are your attachments: family, loved one.
  • Fifth card- something that hinders your achievements.
  • Sixth card- the result of your aspirations and desires.
  • Seventh card– the influence of the people around you.
  • Eighth card indicates what will help you get rid of problems.
  • Ninth card this is the result, the result of your actions and decisions.

You should resort to the help of Doreen Virtue cards only in difficult situations when you yourself are not able to make a decision. There is no point in resorting to the fortune-telling of Angels over trifles.

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Every person needs heavenly protection, even those who do not believe in anything. We do not see the one who protects us, who is nearby every minute. Someone who makes our life happier, and happiness is an important aspect of it for everyone. How would life turn out if we could hear and see them, could we avoid all the troubles? Advice from a guardian angel at the right time and support are possible, you just have to ask for it.

Guardian angels in our lives

A guardian angel quietly watches over his charges, giving them chances and various opportunities. Every day they lead us away from temptations and unknown twists of fate. To believe or not to believe is everyone’s business, but, one way or another, they give us their signs. The main thing is to read them on time. We don't pay attention to the little things in everyday life. They communicate with us through things like: splashing with mud, losing something, breaking something. Even dropping a pen while signing documents is important, but do we notice it? Most often not, but you just have to believe for a minute and everything immediately falls into place.

During their existence on earth, people found the opportunity to turn to their guardian angels, prayers and amulets appeared. We learned to ask questions through fortune telling, communicate and ask for advice in this or that matter. Especially for such cases, they even came up with ways to call your guardian angel and how to do it easier and faster. True fortune telling with their help is available to absolutely everyone today. You can turn to professionals or do it yourself, at home and for free.

How to ask a question correctly?

You can communicate with your guardian angel every day, but you should not repeat the same thing several times. To find out something, ask or seek advice in one area or another, a hint from an angel will not keep you waiting.

Before contact, you should not swear or scold someone. During “communication” you need to maintain a good mood and a kind, positive message to the world. It is advisable to read a prayer before embarking on this action, in which you ask for forgiveness for all your sins. In the process, observe all the rules of etiquette and subordination, because you will communicate with heavenly messengers.

This fortune telling by Angels is suitable for daily use before a trip, a deal, or in the morning as a layout for the day. You will need tarot cards and 12 red candles and one brown.

Arrange 12 candles in a semicircle, and place the entire deck in the center in the same way, starting from the left side. Place a brown candle inside. When laying out, repeat these words:

“My guardian angel, be with me, open the door for me. Tell me what awaits me today if: ... (question).”

After this, mentally asking your guardian angel to guide you, slowly and intently move your hand over the cards. One of them should tell you the answer itself. It happens like this: you will feel a craving for it, a tingling or burning sensation in your palm. Perhaps something will happen: a spoon will fall, a branch will hit the window, or something else that can be regarded as a sign. After selecting, you can view the meaning of the card.

How to get an angel's answer using playing cards

Everyday ritual is suitable for everyone. You will need a regular, new deck of cards. First of all, you should establish contact with your guardian angel. Take a comfortable position, concentrate, and closing your eyes, mentally imagine it. Be sure to say hello and invite them to communicate, to help you with advice. Then shuffle the deck, focusing on the problem.

Layout on the cards "Angel's Prediction"

During the fortune telling process, you do not need to ask any questions, but simply ask for advice:

“My guardian angel, be with me today! Tell me what awaits me in the near future?

Lay out the entire deck on the fortune telling table, pictures down, 9 pieces each, in 4 rows. Calculate your birthday number. For example, you were born on December 29, 1989. You will need to add all the numbers together and get the exact solution: 2+9+1+2+1+9+8+9= 41. Count out 41: after the deck ends at 36, start again from the first until you reach to the number you need. The card symbolizing the desired number will be the information carrier that will point you to the answer.


6 - you have a road or trip:

♠ – distant is not always good;

♣ – confused, unnecessary;

♦ – boring, unproductive;

- with adventures, perhaps love.

7 – some kind of meeting, date:

♠ – unpleasant, overly emotional;

♣ – at work, responsible;

♦ – extra;

- with your loved one, family.

8 - conversation:

♠ – unpleasant, nervous;

♣ – productive;

♦ – confusing, long;

- clarifying relationships, love.

9 – love date, acquaintance:

♠ – you shouldn’t come to it;

♣ – a person with serious intentions;

♦ – time wasted, but you can go so as not to offend the person;

- pleasant, interesting, exciting.

10 – your interests for the near future:

♠ – be afraid to do or start anything;

♣ – you should focus on yourself;

♦ – favorable time for new ideas;

Jack - chores:

♠ – empty, heavy;

♣ – with obstacles, confused;

♦ — best outcome;

– about love, about relationships.

Lady - friend, lover, perhaps mother:

♠ – unpleasant, help that will cause more harm;

♣ – you cannot trust secrets to an older woman;

♦ – care from a woman will help;

- love of a friend.

The king is the man in life:

♠ – run without looking back;

♣ – selfish intentions of a more mature man;

♦ – the whims of a young man;

- sincere confession.

Ace - home, family hearth:

♠ – tip up – official duties, partying; tip down - unpleasant, discouraging news;

♣ – there are many issues in a career, but all can be resolved at the workplace;

♦ – take care of papers.

– devote yourself to home and family.

Fortune telling "Question and answer"

If you are interested in something specific, make this arrangement:

  • Mentally connecting with your angel.
  • Write down your question succinctly.
  • Count the letters.
  • Count out the number you need on the deck. If it is more than 36, repeat the count in a circle.
  • Interpretation of the result.

Peaks - The Guardian Angel tells you that an obstacle course awaits you, the task will be difficult and almost impossible. Don’t waste your energy on this, he advises.

Cross - your guardian angel recommends changing direction and looking in the other direction. Perhaps it will be better to return to this in a couple of months.

Diamonds - the result will come, but will it satisfy you, the angel asks? In order not to waste time and nerves, it is better to weigh the pros and cons and then make a decision. Hint: ask your loved ones for help.

Worms - the one who takes care of you is simply confident in the positive outcome of the matter, but with one condition: purity of heart and good intentions. A truthful attitude to the matter will also give a positive outcome.

During this fortune telling, you can ask three questions in a row, but no more. Fortune telling on tarot cards or simple ones with the help of guardian angels will definitely prompt you, give advice and help you make a decision. But if suddenly the answer is sad or ineffective, there is no need to fall into despair, much less repeat the actions again and again. This is just fortune telling, a mirror of your destiny - you yourself.

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