Dyslexia correction exercises. Correction of dyslexia in a child

Corrective work.

Elimination of phonemic dyslexia.

Phonemic dyslexia is associated with underdevelopment of the basic functions of the phonemic system:
Phonemic awareness;
Phonemic analysis and synthesis of words;
Isolation of sounds by ear in the stream of speech and differentiation of sounds;
Determining the number of sounds in a word, naming them in order.

Exercises to develop phonemic awareness and
syllabic-letter analysis.

1. Identification of a vowel sound among other vowels: (u) ay, eua, ayo, iou, etc.
2. Name and show the first vowel sound in vowel combinations: uia, aio, eoy, oiu...
3. Repeat after the speech therapist the combinations of vowel sounds: uiu, uiua, aiuo...
4. Isolating vowel sounds from words (the beginning of a word):
Impact position:
Perch, knot, stork, windows, corner, name, dinner, echo, vacation.
Unstressed position:
Pharmacy, raisins, watermelon, snail...
If children already know the letters, then raise the corresponding letter.
Isolation of a vowel sound in any position.
5. Identification of a consonant sound by ear in a stream of speech (beginning of a word, end of a word, in any position). You can raise the corresponding letter. (Game “Border Guards”. Select the first sounds, make up a word),
6. Determining the place of sound in a word.
7. Repetition of syllable series after the speech therapist.
Vowel combination (formerly);
So-so-sho, shu-su-shu
8. Exercises for developing the rhythmic structure of words:
Tata - tatatata...
Ta-tatatata, ta-tatata...

9. Select pictures or write down only those words that contain the desired sound.
10. Differentiation of sounds. Arrange the pictures (or write down the words) in 2 columns (Game “Load the Trucks”).
11. Name the pictures, highlight the sound, and label them with a letter.
12. Come up with words with the given sound (or find these words in the plot picture).
13. Arrange the pictures (or words, or write down the words) in 3 columns.
14. Arrange the pictures (or words on cards) in 2 columns - two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable, with stress on the second syllable.
15. Make up words
Or choose from a variety of pictures and words, or find words in a story picture.
Game “In the garden”, “In the forest”, etc.
The children went to the garden, and a lot of different vegetables grew there. Here is a red tomato... (You need to find from many diagrams the one that matches the word, tomato, and here are peas...
16. Determine by ear the count of the sound (t) in the word parta...
17. It is even more difficult to conduct a complete analysis of words, i.e. name by ear how many syllables, sounds, vowels, consonants, hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless are in a word.
18. If children know letters, then the next stage of word analysis is to designate sounds with letters. To do this, it is better to select words where the number of sounds does not coincide with the number of letters (salt), where the sound does not correspond to the letter, in order to immediately develop spelling vigilance in children (oak, cow).
19. Conduct games like “Field of Miracles”.
20. Game “Who can make up the most words from a given word: drill - village, ditch, thief, sowing, weight...”.
21. Make words from these letters: t, s, o, m, i, z, a. “What’s in Kiryusha’s basket.”
22. Game “Who can come up with the most words with the letters ol in the middle”?

o l

23. What words can there be here?

24. Game "Cryptor". The cryptographer comes up with a word and encrypts it. Encryption options will include omissions of letters, permutations of letters in a word: zhyil - skis, anski - sled, nols - elephant. Make up and write down words. Children remove unnecessary items from decoded words.
25. Game "Lost and Found". Zone - umbrella, iron - iron.
26. Game “The letter got lost.” (So ​​that children understand the meaning of what they read).
Mom with the kidneys (barrels) walked along the road along the village.
The sea turns blue in front of us, T-shirts (seagulls) fly above the waves.

27. Game “Make a word”. The children have cards with syllables, and the speech therapist does too. The speech therapist reads his syllable, and the children write a syllable that, together with the named one, will form a word (ko-sy, my-lo), or connect the syllables written on the board:
So sy
Ro wok
Oh yeah

28. Game “Cook cabbage soup”

Let's cook cabbage soup today!
Find such words
So that everyone has a little cabbage soup!
There's already a pan on the stove,
Take only those letters
What they look from a basket.

S, e, i, k, i, p, l, sch, c - tongs, box, pliers.

29. Converting words.

a) Changing one letter: mouse-midge-fly...,

b) building up words with one or more letters:
- turn the word floor into regiment, mouth into mole, ox into trunk.
c) Rearrangements of letters and words:
Vein skis.

30. Working with the syllabic table

A) The speech therapist points to letters and syllables, the children read the words.
B) Students make up the words themselves: “Who is bigger?” (of 3 letters, 4, 5...).

31. The speech therapist composes a word from the letters of the split alphabet. Then he says: “One, two, three! Go to sleep!” and rearranges letters or syllables in a word. “One, two...” children read a new word and say what has changed. (Oil-resin).
32. Put the letters in the given order.

II. With optical dyslexia, there are difficulties in learning letters, replacing, and mixing in the reading process. Optical dyslexia is based on difficulties in optical and optical-spatial analysis, undifferentiated ideas about forms that are optically similar, disturbances in visual perception and memory; underdevelopment of spatial perception and spatial concepts.
Therefore, when eliminating this violation, work is carried out according to the following plan:
1. formation of visual perception;
2. development of visual memory;
3. formation of spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis.

Exercises, games.

1. Find the letter among other letters in the text.
2. Place a written letter next to a printed letter and vice versa (you can use it as a game).
3. Identify letters in the wrong position (different colors), turn them over, read.
4. Trace the outlines of the letters (printed and written). Shade the letters. Cut from sandpaper.
5. Add missing letter elements.
6. Select letters superimposed on each other
7. Game: “What has changed?” (on objects, pictures, letters, words).
8. The speech therapist momentarily shows pictures (letters, words). Then he names them in order, or lays out letters from the alphabet or writes them. (The most difficult are graphically similar letters).
9. Game "Alphabet". Who can name all the letters of the alphabet faster? All the letters are written randomly on the table. Children must name and show them in alphabetical order. The one who spends the least time on this will win. Games "Treasured bag".
10. Game “Make no mistake!” Read letters and letter combinations:
a) a, and, and, a – ai-ai
b) and, a, a, and – ia-ia
c) and, and, a, a – ai-ia-ai
d) a, a, a, i - ia-ia-ai

11. Reading various syllabic tables:
- table in the book “Read it yourself.”
- direct reverse syllables
- graphically similar letters
- with a consonant cluster
- with increasing
- on differentiation.

12. Color perception of a syllable as a technique for teaching reading:
December - December
13. Reading words written backwards: lobtoof - football
14. Read it so that you get the word: s ka kal ka, tyu s la.
15. Read. How many words have you read?
The fuckers went for mushrooms.
16. Read. Find and correct errors.
There is smoke on the street
The house made of pipes is knocking him down.
17. Reading with different tasks (first in words, then in texts):
- read only with the letter “a” (u, and...).
- words with one syllable...
- read words with stress on the first syllable...
18. Comparison of sentences containing 1-2 identical words: Pasha hit the fish - the children hit the fish.
Children read the first sentence and find a similar sentence, but still somehow different from the first. Read both sentences.
19. Reading words that differ in prefixes, suffixes, endings: bathed - bathed.
20. Reading sentences where there are words that differ in endings, prefixes, suffixes:
Petya planted a birch tree
Petya planted a birch tree
Petya will plant birch trees.

They read and compare.

21. Reading syllables with constant building up to a word:
22. Reading with constant opening of syllables.
23. Show the word on the card for a moment; the children must reconstruct it from the letters of the cut alphabet. (Bird) starling.
24. To expand the “field of vision” it is useful to read sentences written like this:
A) Lara
B) Lara herself
I washed the frame.
C) Lara washed the frame herself.

25. Reading texts where sentences are divided into syntagms and written in poetic sequence:
Squirrel's nest
Like a bird, it’s structured:
From twigs
From branches.

26. I would like to tell you about one more method. Many years of teacher practice have shown the high effectiveness of the spelling reading method. It is based on articulatory memory. But at the same time, another type of memory is connected - auditory.
Based on articulatory memory, orthographic reading opens up a wide path for enriching students' vocabulary. In the process of working on the book, the student himself will recognize the different shades of each word. When it is necessary to reproduce the word graphically, the follower’s articulatory memory will suggest the word, without even translating it into sounds, and the student will write it down correctly.
When reading orthographically, a word should not be broken down into syllables, otherwise it will lose its integrity, individuality and will not remain in the memory of the movements of the articulatory apparatus.
Children easily master 2 types of reading: read as we write, read as we speak.
By teaching two types of reading, we pursue 2 goals:
1.Transmission of thoughts and feelings by spelling reading;
2. Practicing the sound graphic form through spelling reading.

III. Semantic dyslexia manifests itself in impaired understanding of words, sentences, and text read.
Impaired reading comprehension is observed in children with very late development of speech, with agrammatic speech, in whom underdevelopment of both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech is revealed.
I will give several exercises to develop the lexical side of speech (understanding the meaning of words).
1. Expanding and activating the vocabulary on topics of the conceptual vocabulary (vegetables, fruits...) and generalizing words. When working on this, the games “Odd Four” (logical exercises) are useful.
2. Logic exercises. Arrange the pictures or words in 2 columns:
Tools transport
Color of objects shape of objects
First Name Last Name

3. Explanation of the meaning of the words of paronyms:
squirrel-stick, nose-carrying, bank-bank.

4. Connect the words with their explanation:
The reader is the one who invents
The builder is the one who reads
The voter is the one who builds

5. Complete the explanations of the words:
A knitter is someone who……
A welder is someone who…….

6. Based on this explanation, name the word:
Very strong -...
Very kind -…
Very healthy -…
Very clever …..
Words for reference: big man, cunning man, strong man, good man.

7. Explain the meanings of related words orally (or select appropriate pictures): watch, watchmaker, watchmaker.
8. Game “Did Dunno correctly explain the formation of his words?”
Gorisny - grief,
Cheesecake - raw,
Swimming - to swim.

9. Selection of synonyms:
A) Old - ...
Funny - …
Diligent - ...
Words for reference: lively, joyful, funny, decrepit, dilapidated, ancient, diligent.
B) Game “Same thing”.
Children read the word, and on the back of the card they write down a synonym: eyes - eyes, grimy - dirty.

10. Game “Everything is the other way around.” (Orally from pictures, from word cards).
For example: with a ball, or children read words and put them under the corresponding pictures (long - short).
11. Game: “What can be hard? Red?”….
12. Name the item by description (or picture)
- red-haired, cunning, fluffy...
13. Some cards have riddles written on them, others have answers in the form of words or pictures. Children read riddles and present answers.
14. Logical stress. So, the elimination of dyslexia is differentiated. The methodology for eliminating reading disorders is based on the manifestations of reading disorders, the nature of the disorder, and the mechanisms of dyslexia.

L.B. Ulyantseva - teacher-speech therapist of the State Medical and Pedagogical University, specialist of the highest qualification category;

E.B. Pletneva - teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, methodologist of the highest qualification category


The educational (correctional and developmental) program was developed to provide speech therapy assistance to primary school students who have mild dyslexia and have difficulty developing reading skills. The program is based on an understanding of the complex psychophysiological structure of the normal reading process and the characteristics of children’s acquisition of this skill and is compiled in accordance with the state standard for reading in elementary school and in accordance with the definition of dyslexia in modern correctional pedagogy. The program reflects scientific data on the theory and methodology of correctional work, as well as achievements in the field of psychology, psycholinguistics, and speech therapy.

The theoretical basis of the program is the provisions on the relationship between correction and development, developed by L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin.

The program also reflected the ideas of a number of scientists (R.I. Lalaeva, L.G. Paramonova, L.N. Efimenkova) on the problems of forming and overcoming reading impairments in children.

When compiling the curriculum, the following were used:

Systems of correctional work at the phonetic, lexical and syntactic levels, proposed in the works of I. N. Sadovnikova, V. I. Gorodilova, M. Z. Kudryavtseva, L. N. Efimenkova, G. Misirenko;

A system for working with syllable tables proposed by A. N. Kornev;

A system of psychological exercises and tasks proposed by S. N. Kostromina and L. G. Nagaeva;

A system of tasks aimed at improving diction and expressiveness of reading, proposed by T. I. Kondranina and L. M. Kozyreva.

When drawing up the program, we also used the experience of speech therapists from the State Medical and Pedagogical School with primary schoolchildren on the problems of developing reading skills.

The programs involve determining the topics of the content of correctional and developmental classes to obtain positive dynamics in correcting the reading process; selection and systematization of material for the development of correctional and developmental classes; determining the range of issues of competence of a speech therapist when conducting consulting and methodological work with parents and specialists of educational institutions.

The program is designed to work with children of primary school age studying in general education

basic program and having the following features of the reading process:

Temporary delay in the development of reading skills and difficulty in moving to a higher level;

The presence of reading errors characteristic of various types of dyslexia;

Slow reading pace.

As a rule, reading disorders in children are accompanied by non-speech disorders: disturbances of visual attention, spatial concepts, disorders of eye movements when reading, etc.

The curriculum includes four blocks: diagnostics; formation of non-speech mental functions involved in the reading process; correction of imperfect reading skills; improving reading skills.

In the process of planning training sessions according to the program, it is necessary to take into account the individual personal characteristics and level of speech development of each child, and to consider individual planning of classes in more depth.

The time required to master the content of each section of the program is individual. In this regard, selective use of program sections is allowed. Each section can be used independently, varying the number of lessons to master it.

The total duration of classes in the program may

range from 42 to 60 hours depending on the complexity of the violation.

Admission to classes is carried out based on the results of a speech therapy examination conducted at the State University of Medical and Pedagogical Training. Principles embedded in the program:

Unity of diagnosis, correction and development;

Ontogenetic approach;

Active nature of classes;

Co-education with parents;


Differentiated individual approach. Program objectives:

Improving non-speech mental functions involved in the reading process;

Correction of imperfect reading skills;

Improving reading skills.

A special feature of the program is the implementation of an individual-oriented approach in the use of psychological and pedagogical technologies, the widespread use of entertaining, game material, and visual and practical methods. The full implementation of the program is possible only if there is close interaction and cooperation with the family and educational institutions. In accordance with this, the program provides for joint classes between parents and children and speech therapist classes with parents.

The effectiveness of the work is determined based on the results of a comparative analysis of data from the initial speech therapy examination and the state of reading skills at the final testing.

Any positive change in a child’s developed reading skill, noticed by parents or a teacher, is recorded as success in learning.

Ability to independently organize one’s activities;

Ability to exercise control over one's own reading;

Ability to use acquired skills in new conditions.


Types of work


Number of hours




Reflected speech;

Speech cards

states of oral speech

sound pronunciation;

phonemic perception;

Answers to questions;

vy material;

subject and

sound and syllabic analysis, synthesis, representations;

Isolation of sounds from syllables,

story pictures;


Story series

development of coherent speech

Dividing words into


Retelling the text

Research on the state of writing

Identifying the presence of specific errors in written work; study of the state of reading skills (method, correctness, expressiveness, understanding, presence of specific errors) Working with cut alphabet letters; writing down letters from dictation; dictation; copying letters and text (with print Split alphabet; texts


cheating; dictation texts;

reading texts; texts with propu

written and handwritten);

whelped endings;

Reading text

Two short

text is the same

Reading short texts to yourself

level of difficulty

Study of the state of non-speech mental functions

Study of the state of: visual functions (volume and concentration of attention, memory, field of vision);

Types of work


Number of hours


Corrective test “Catch and catch the letter”;

Proofreading tables;


Auditory functions (attention,

Ifa "Remember"

Table with 10

states of non-speech


Hand-eye coordination

"Number Feast"


numerical feast

Graphomotor skills;

Drawing doro

States of natural tempo

zhek, labyrinths,

Paper, pencil


arrow, diagrams;

Study of personality traits

Condition Analysis

Writing samples

writing skill;

permanent work

teppicg test;



Formation of non-speech mental functions necessary to improve reading skills

Improving Perception

Development of selectivity of perception;

teaching text comprehension with

Color marking of letters, syllables, words;

Cards with words and sentences with

taking into account individual elements against the background of the whole;

Crossing out specified letters

highlighted in black and red

Expanding the field of view;

from the text;

in a different color Development of visual-spatial orientation and hand-eye coordination

Division into syllables; game "What's around?";

numeric and beech

syllables; texts;

Didactic games (board-printed)

Improving attention

Development of visual and auditory attention;

Journey through labyrinths;


cards with demon

Concentration and stability;



Expanding the scope of attention;


Cards with

Memorization and


drawing by


memory of the subject

Speech mother

comrade with several

our details;

Arithm texts


tic dick

words, proposal

niy in a given

Speech cards

pace, volume

vym material

ty, with different


Tables with numbers


Memorization and

4Х4,Х5 different

memory recording



you are meaningless

famous words


what words and

Numeric tables


tsy 4X4, 5X5 s

Search on


square tabs

different faces

Letter tech

complexity of numbers

what words and

ok by age

Reading before


getting married with one

temporary service

Study of the state of: visual functions (volume and concentration of attention, memory, field of vision);

Types of work


Number of hours

Khovoy is noisy


Development of distribution, re

different faces

Calculation from


attention switches

number tabs

what words and

no persons

current numbers;

Being in

rows of letters tse

bad words;

Chi arrangement

sat down in age

in good order;

Searching in

black tables

nykh and white chi

Khovoy is noisy

sat down in order

Visual memory training;

Compilation of fi


memory loss

RAM training

stick gur;


Custom images;

drawing by


Texts suggested




Reading and writing

flashing before

Khovoy is noisy

different positions


Training the ability to create


Words and words


create a mental image;


Training the ability to set

various images

Rows of pictures;

make logical connections between

call and states;

Analysis and mouth

innovation is logical

illogical and illogical

nal associations;


Khovoy is noisy

text viewer

different images

Creating a positive self

Drawing emo

Rating scales;


assessments during improvement

national social

Result screen

but-volitional sphere

reading skill;

The child's self-assessment

Self-esteem by

reading speed;

Assessing your own mood

learning in class;

Assessing what has been achieved in training

results Correction is imperfect


reading skill

Language development

Development of structure analysis


Texts without dots;

th analysis and


boundaries of the proposal

Subject and

words in the text

story cars

without dots;

Making up

Cards with

proposals for

picture, with

story cars

Custom images;

Making up

Schemes offered

without dots;

given word;

syllables, words


mi, letters;


Study of the state of: visual functions (volume and concentration of attention, memory, field of vision);

Types of work


Number of hours


Development of syllabic analysis and

Drawing up a graph

Chips, diagrams;


physical circuits

Cards and diagrams

Development of complex phoneme forms

proposals and

we have different words

analytical analysis and synthesis

Making up

noah syllabic and

sound knock

Definition of me

one hundred given

words in a sentence

Voice selection

nykh from the syllable,

Analysis and synthesis

syllables with pomo

I have chips;

Layer composition

gov and words from time

carved alphabet;


leadership, after


sounds in words

with and without support

supports on auxiliary



Development of morpho

Differentiation is grammatical

Exercises for

Cards with times


skies meaning;


personal kind

language systems

Improving your speaking skills

tion of parts

mi exercises;

modifications of nouns,


adjectives, verbs;

Game "Around the World"

Unit differentiation and many more numbers;

new travel

Punch cards with

Consolidation of non-prepositional con


Search on



Consolidation of prepositional case-


creature names

ny designs;


tel., adj.

Agreement of adjectives with

laziness exists


nouns in units and many more


Cards with od

number in various cases;



Agreement of verbs with nouns

exercises on

nouns in number and gender; differentiation of perfective and imperfective verbs;

determination of gender, number, case of a creature

Images; isographers;

Improving word formation skills of diminutive

noun, adjective;

Cards with deformed

affectionate forms of nouns

time, type

in my words

nouns, adjectives from

nouns, verbs with



games for agreement


parts of speech;

Selection of gender

real words;

Game "Name


given word;


Working with images

Game "Make

Study of the state of: visual functions (volume and concentration of attention, memory, field of vision);

Types of work


Number of hours

Khovoy is noisy

Improving skills



understanding the syntactic structure of speech

make two-part common sentences; complex sentences

two-part sentences based on supporting words, pictures;

supporting words;

Exercises for

Pictures; scheme

Numeric tables

Exercises for



complex sentences with

help Sochi

informative and


nal unions;

Working with the diagram

Improving lexical

Work on expanding, clarifying and systematizing the dictionary

Word selection exercises

Pictures for different lek

sides of speech

lexical topics, antonyms, synonyms, words

heads and attachments


adjectives to nouns (and vice versa), on

ranks to text

(and vice versa)

Khovoy is noisy

Working on reading comprehension

Answers to questions



nykh: words, sentences, texts

dew on other things

plot China-

sides of speech

tannoy text;

Selection of pictures

Texts (neocon

Working with defor

dented, deformed




without dots;


story cars

words, before


beginning and end

Improving reading skills

Technique training

Step-by-step teaching of reading techniques

Reading syllables

Syllables and layers

reading (way,

nia (syllable-by-syllable, whole words

(direct, reverse

spring tables,

clear diction

mi, syntactic);

nykh, from the confluence


correct, you

Reading syllables, words and sentences

eat consonants);

Offers and


tions using various

Reading words once

methodological techniques for

personal letter

"pyramids" and

reading speed readings;

new filling

“ladders” of words;

Work on diction, articulation

Dialogue texts

ok by age

her and spelling correct


marriages, tests;

Developing the skill of correct races

Exercises for

placement of logical stress;

reading "according to kru"

Developing the correct intonation

gu", "lightning",

tions, compliance with logical



use of various

Choral reading;

reading techniques for the purpose of:

Reading "ladders"

combating regressions,

and “pyramids”;

fighting the wrong anti



rock, soon

improving the rules

rock, one word

no anticipation

different and different

Types of work


Number of hours

Improving reading skills

no structure;

Syllables and layers



accents in words

tempo, clear

diction is correct

Individual reading

ity, expressiveness

dual and by

Reading with "eye"

"shechkom" (le

you, right),


Reading nesura

Dyslexia is a disorder in which a person can read and understand letters and numbers, but has difficulty differentiating them.

To treat dyslexia, there are special programs, corrective exercises and teaching methods. Teachers and parents must master all these methods and apply them in the classroom and at home.






TEACHERS – Speech therapist

At the moment, it is too early to talk about a clear system for using NLP techniques in domestic pedagogy, but the use of elements of this technique in lessons is possible and realistic. Taking into account the neurolinguistic characteristics of children, it is important for the teacher to present the material in a language accessible to children, based on auditory, visual and kinesthetic memorization. To do this, the teacher needs to learn to vary the presentation of the material in all three modalities. This not only helps build on the child's developed modality, but also teaches how to use less developed modalities in the learning process.

When teaching children, it is necessary to provide information through several channels of perception,teach multisensory. Multisensory perception of information in the lesson helps students receive it using their leading channel of perception. In addition, multisensory learning develops students' other sensory channels.

Working with a visual student, use words that describe color, size, shape, location, and highlight different points or aspects of the content. Record actions, use diagrams, tables, visual aids.

Working with an audit student, use voice variations (volume, pauses, pitch), reflect the rhythm of speech with your body.

Working with a kinesthetic student, use gestures, touches and the typical slow speed of thought processes. Remember that kinesthetic learning is through muscle memory. Let them play the role of different pieces of your information.

If you seriously analyze the results of learning, then special attention should be paid to the memory process.

An auditory learner uses his brain as a tape recorder. Having received a question, he selects the answer tape and scrolls through all the information until he receives the answer.

A student with visual memory is able to “see words with the eyes of the brain.” Visualization of information is the main key to academic success.

A student with kinesthetic memory is able to remember through physical activity.

It is necessary to take into account the manifestations of the leading modality of each individual student. For example, you should not force a kinesthetic learner to sit still during a lesson, since during movement he or she will memorize the material more firmly. The visual learner must be allowed to have a piece of paper in the lesson on which he can draw, shade, draw, etc., in the process of memorizing. The auditor must not make comments when he makes sounds or moves his lips while performing a task. Without this, he may not be able to complete the task.

The student must also make comments in his own language: for the visualist, shake his head, shake his finger; kinesthetics - put your hand on your shoulder, pat it; to the auditor - say in a whisper: “Sh - sh - sh,”

As an example of the possible use of knowledge about a person’s internal strategies, we will describe the NLP technique “Strategy of competent writing (spelling).”

It is based on the phenomenon of so-called “innate literacy,” which helps people who possess it to write accurately without resorting to existing rules of grammar. These people have a special strategy that allows them not to make mistakes: they remember words in the form of visual images (the leading system is the visual modality).

This strategy can be taught to a child. Moreover, the effectiveness of learning is much higher than when memorizing grammar rules. The strategy operates automatically, on an unconscious level.

The essence of the method is that the student is presented with standard words on cards to memorize, so that he can recognize them later.


Right hemisphere

Left hemisphere




Words used:

look, see,

watch, picture,

clear, etc.

Words used:

grab, feel,

stick to,

touch, etc.

Words used:

listen, rhythm, sounds,

similar speeches, etc.

Basic movements

around the eyes, blinking,

squinting, furrowed eyebrows, etc.

Basic movements from the neck and below.

Basic movements around the mouth and ears

Observant. Focused on appearance. Have difficulty remembering verbal instructions. They remember in images. Less distracted by noise. Experience confusion when reading words they have not seen before.

When communicating, they stand close, touching people. Lots of movement. Early physical development. High coordination of movements. Learn by doing.

When reading, move your finger along the line. Remember the general impression. Strong intuition.

They talk to themselves. They speak rhythmically. Easily distracted by noise. They prefer counting and writing. They learn languages ​​easily. Learn by listening. They read new words well. Talkative. They love discussions.

They are strong in reading, successful, quick. They remember what they saw. Living figurative fantasy.

Weak in details. They are concise and use strong words and movements. They gesticulate a lot.

They easily repeat what they hear. They move their lips, pronouncing words when reading.




Relieving emotional stress. Improved performance. Development of interhemispheric connections. Development of attention and thinking.


The top letter of each line is spoken out loud. The lower letter indicates the movement of the hands: L - the left hand rises to the left side, P - the right hand rises to the right side, V - both hands rise up.

The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, and then from the last letter to the first.













Municipal educational institution GYMNASIUM No. 9




To treat dyslexia, there are special programs, corrective exercises and teaching methods. Teachers and parents must master all these methods and apply them in the classroom and at home.

Dyslexia is a disorder in which a person can read and understand letters and numbers, but has difficulty differentiating them. The IQ of these people is normal, and this is what distinguishes this disorder from, for example, brain damage, in which people have a low IQ.

Dyslexia is not usually diagnosed. The disorder comes in a variety of forms, from an inability to distinguish between the numbers 6 and 9, for example, to a more severe form in which letters and numbers are confused, such as E and 3. These people's speech is normal, but written words or letters may be rearranged.

Dyslexia itself is not a problem, but its social consequences can be quite serious. The child may be ridiculed in class or develop a hatred of letters and numbers. Not only does this affect a child's academic performance, but it can also lead to social withdrawal and an inability to make friends. For this reason, the child may refuse to master any physical skills, which further develops his sense of inferiority.

Parents who find that their child is too shy, withdrawn, unwilling to participate in group activities, afraid of school, or avoids reading and math should immediately raise the possibility of dyslexia. These children are very adaptable and often find defense mechanisms, such as becoming unruly at school. For this reason, the diagnosis of dyslexia can be made when the child is already grown. I mention this because it is never too late to use available treatments and have significant success in overcoming this problem.

Deficiencies in certain nutrients can cause or worsen dyslexia. Use a multivitamin that contains more zinc, lecithin and amino acids, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, and most of all, beware of dehydration.

Any child who is reluctant to learn letters and numbers, is very shy, unsociable, or has poor school performance should be assessed for dyslexia. If all of these characteristics are combined with awkwardness, this is another reason to suspect a diagnosis of dyslexia.

To treat dyslexia, there are special programs, corrective exercises and teaching methods. Parents should also master all these methods and apply them at home.

Dyslexics are quite easy to identify among other schoolchildren!

A dyslexic person openly manifests himself in writing and reading through the presence of specific errors and problems with handwriting. To identify a dyslexic or a student with dysgraphia, it is enough to look at the student’s school notebook. And the analysis of errors that a schoolchild makes in reading and writing will allow us to determine the specific manifestations of dyslexia in a schoolchild.


1. Work with the ball.

Buy a rubber ball with spikes.

Reading words syllable by syllable, with each syllable - we squeeze the ball with all fingers, watch the ring and little fingers - this is very important!!! These fingers are not developed!!!

Complication - transfer from one hand to the other.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

a) warm-up

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth;

Inhale, hold your breath, exhale;

Inhale, exhale in portions.

b) exercises to develop clarity of pronunciation:

Planes take off: ooh-ooh.

The cars are moving: w-w-w.

The horses galloped: clop-clop-clop.

A snake crawls nearby: shhhh.

A fly hits the glass: s-z-z-z.

c) reading pure phrases in a whisper and slowly:

ra-ra-ra - the game begins,

ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands,

ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand.

d) reading quietly and moderately:

Arch of Arts

arta arda

arla archa

Arsa Arja

e) reading loudly and quickly:

burn - steam - fry

door - beast - worm

e) reading tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings

1. A water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.

2. Speak, speak, but don’t talk.

3. Geese are cackling on the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain.

4. Our head will out-head your head, out-head your head.

5. Our duda is both here and there.

6. A tree is planted soon, but not soon the fruits are eaten.

7. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

8. Near the hill on the hill stood 33 Egorkas: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas, etc.

9. Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

10. In one, Klim, stab the wedge.

11. Like the fiber, like the fabric

12. He pecks the trigger and smokes a Turkish pipe.

13. Libretto “Rigoletto”.

14. Have you watered the lily, have you seen Lydia?

15. The fox runs along the six, lick, fox, sand.

16. The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

g) reading consonants

The student takes a deep breath and as he exhales reads 15 consonants of the same row:







Reading a consonant with a vowel using the same table.

After this exercise, students practice reading a series of vowels with an emphasis on one of them: a o u y and e.

4. Training exercises to develop reading skills and techniques.


The essence of the “Tug” exercise is reading in pairs. The adult reads “to himself” and follows the book with his finger. And the child reads aloud, but from the finger of an adult. Thus, he must keep up with his reading.


consists of reading aloud to an adult and a child at the same time. An adult reads within the speed limits of a child, who must adjust to his pace. Then the adult becomes silent and continues to read “to himself,” and the child follows his example. Then read aloud again. And if the child correctly “caught” the pace of reading, then he will “meet” him on one word.

Repeated reading.

The student is asked to start reading and continue for one minute. After this, the student notes to what point he has read. Then follows a re-reading of the same passage of text. After this, the student again notices which word he has read and compares with the results of the first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more (some by 2 words, some by 5, and some by 15). Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in the child, he wants to read again. However, you should not do this more than three times! Avoid fatigue. Strengthen the situation of success. Praise your child.

Reading at the pace of a tongue twister.

Children practice clear and correct, and most importantly, fast reading of text. The endings of words should not be “swallowed” by the child, but should be clearly pronounced. The exercise lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Expressive reading with transition to an unfamiliar part of the text

The student reads a passage of text, then we explain to the child this way: “Now, read the text again, but a little slower, but beautifully, expressively.” Your student reads the passage to the end, but the adult does not stop him. The child moves on to an unfamiliar part of the text. And here a small miracle happens. It consists in the fact that a child who has read the same passage of text several times and has already developed an increased reading pace, when moving to an unfamiliar part of the text, continues to read it at the same increased pace. Its capabilities are not enough for a long time, but if you carry out such exercises daily, the duration of reading at an increased pace will increase. After two to three weeks, your child's reading will improve noticeably.

“Throw - notch.”

Its goal is to develop the visual ability to navigate the text. It consists of the following:

The child puts his hands on his knees and begins to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the “Notch” command is heard, the reader lifts his head from the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds, while his hands remain on his knees. On the command “Throw”, the child must find with his eyes the place in the book where he stopped and continue reading aloud. This exercise can last about 5 minutes.

To increase the upper limit of the individual reading speed range, an exercise is used"Lightning".

Its meaning is to alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed accessible to the child, reading silently and reading aloud. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out at the command of the teacher “Lightning!” and lasts from 20 seconds /at the beginning/ to 2 minutes /after mastering the exercise/. Training can be carried out several times during each reading lesson, and a metronome can be used as an additional stimulant.

Children always want to compete to see who can read faster. In this case, the exercise is useful"Sprint".

If your child’s classmates come to see you, invite them to find the same passage in the book and, on command, begin to read out loud at the same time, whoever is faster, correctly pronouncing the endings of the words. At the signal - “Stop”, the children show with their fingers who has stopped where.

With this exercise, little readers also learn attention and concentration. After all, there are other children nearby reading aloud and making it difficult to concentrate. The child needs to be attentive and not be distracted by extraneous noise. And this skill needs to be developed.

Students’ favorite type of reading is role-playing reading, which evokes a lot of feelings and emotions. Arrange"Radio play".

Reading text with the top of the line covered:

There is a secret in this exercise - an exercise with a trick. The fact is that any intelligent child will notice that when the top line is read in half letters, at this time the bottom line is completely open, and will realize that it is much more profitable to have time to quickly read it while it is open, so that later, when it is closed quickly produce the finished result. Many children quickly adopt this strategy, and this is exactly what is needed to increase their reading speed!

This exercise is formed by several significant educational qualities:

* Reading to yourself (because it needs to be hidden);

* Verbal-logical memory (since it is necessary to retain several words in memory at once and retain them for several seconds).

* Distribution of attention and the ability to perform at least 2 tasks simultaneously (reading a given line out loud and reading the underlying line silently). Most of the time, the student should read “to himself,” silently. This is understandable. It is difficult to read aloud, fatigue comes earlier.


When given the command “Lips,” the child places the finger of his left hand on his tightly compressed lips, which reinforces the psychological attitude towards silent reading. When given the command “Aloud,” he removes his finger and reads the text aloud.

As the student gets used to reading without external signs of pronunciation, the command “Lips” is given less and less often and, finally, is canceled completely.

Thus, the less pronunciation, the higher the speed!

The main goal of the next group of exercises- improving reading skills, since poor reading technique invariably affects reading comprehension. For a beginning reader, understanding a word read often does not come along with reading, but after it, when he traces the entire letter sequence.

Gradually the eye gains the opportunity to run ahead and understanding occurs along with reading. We list the most significant exercises in this set:

1. Correct mistakes.

It hits like a fish hitting honey.

A lazy person and a scoundrel are two native gates.

A horn to the ears - even sewn strings.

In the absence of fish, the tank is fish.

Fashion does not flow under a lying stone.

Buy a whale in a bag.

2. Find and write five words that are hidden in these syllables:



3.Find a name on each line and write it next to it.


SASHAITEUBLT _____________

ONMAKNGTANYA _________________

The names of animals were hidden among the letters. Find and underline.





3. Read the words and find among them those that can be read backwards.



4. Cross out the letters that are repeated twice. What is written?


MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School"

Master class on the topic:

"Practical use of effective methods in the correction of dyslexia"

Teacher-speech therapist Morozova O.V.

Practical use of effective teaching methods in the correction of dyslexia

In recent years, the number of children encountering various learning difficulties in primary school has increased significantly. According to psychologists, more than 200 factors influence academic performance. The most important of them is mastering the skill of reading. The problem of reading disorders is one of the most pressing for school education, since reading turns from a goal into a means of further acquisition of knowledge by students. More than half (55.5%) of children of senior preschool age are not ready to start school and, therefore, are doomed in advance to failure in the Russian language. Psychologists and teachers have identified a pattern: if a child reads fluently by the end of first grade, then he will succeed in all subjects, and vice versa. The reading speed of lagging, underachieving children is much lower than normal, and this causes a negative attitude towards the reading process itself, since information is poorly absorbed and reading, as a rule, becomes mechanical, without understanding the material. It is difficult for such children to master the curriculum in all subjects, especially the Russian language.

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, the need for preventive work to prevent reading and writing errors with preschoolers is obvious to everyone today.

The system of work to prevent reading disorders: consists of several areas:

– development of the oculomotor analyzer;
– improvement of visual-spatial perception;
– development of auditory perception;
– and work on reading technique.

Work to prevent specific reading errors should be carried out with children aged 5-7 years, both with and without various speech pathologies.

Early diagnosis, prediction of school problems and correction of difficulties are the key to successful education of children at school.

So, we set a problematic task: effective teaching of reading, increasing reading speed, effective correction of reading impairment.

In addition to the traditionally used methods, we included in the work plan for the prevention of dyslexia with primary schoolchildren and in the plan for teaching literacy to preschoolers new methods of effective teaching of S.G. Zotova. In the process of work, real changes in reading among schoolchildren and preschool children were already visible. Since the newly used means had an impact not only on reading speed, but also had a positive effect on processes that are the basis: attention, perception, visual memory, speed of glance along a line, visual memory capacity, ability to concentrate on the task at hand. The memorization process began to improve, the volume of memorized material gradually began to increase, and the time it took the child to reproduce printed material decreased. The vector of perception was also gradually normalized (from left to right). That is, an integrated approach to the problem began to be implemented, as recommended by neuropsychologists.

Having applied the above methodology in practice, the results improved:

1. On learning to read (children who do not want to read have become interested and become more active; in children who are slow to read, their reading speed has increased from 12 to 23 words per minute).
2. For the prevention of dyslexia (for schoolchildren with reading difficulties, classes became competitive in nature, they easily coped with large volumes, and their reading speed actually increased - from 23 to 64 words per minute).

Combining our accumulated experience, we have identified the main ways to increase efficiency in learning to read and overcoming dyslexia:

1) The most important thing is to motivate the child in such a way that he himself wants to improve his results. For this purpose, control measurements with a time indication and the construction of a graph after passing the next stage are used. Then the results at each stage become clearly visible.
2) Development of the oculomotor analyzer (a series of special exercises for tracking, isolating a given shape, moving in a given direction (from left to right) through exercises: “Notes”, “Rings”, Schulte tables, labyrinths).
3) Development of visual perception through exercises aimed at reducing the time for memorizing images: “Hide and Seek”, “Titles”, “Elevator”, “Windows”.
4) Use of syllable tables (syllables and a set of letters in the form of words to avoid “guessing” familiar words).
5) Use of special helper characters for continuous reading and isolated reading of letters (according to Kalinina).
6) Gradual increase in volume to reproduce what was read from memory.

The named methods were used in our professional activities and had tangible results. As a result of targeted exercises in children:

– learning ability increases, attention and perception improve – children learn to see, hear, reason;
– the volume of RAM increases, and therefore the material to be remembered, interest in the reading process is awakened, emotional stress and anxiety are relieved, and correct, meaningful reading is formed;
– the ability to transfer acquired skills to unfamiliar material develops.

Thus, the practical application of effective methods leads to real results: the processes of learning to read and preventing reading disorders become more effective and efficient. Correction of dyslexia involves specially designed exercises that gradually restore oral and written speech. When working with a child, do not overload him with a large flow of information, because he will not be able to absorb everything at once. The exercises presented below have a gentle and relaxed effect on the child’s consciousness.

The following exercises are most effective:

    Finger motor skills training using a spiked ball (for each syllable, invite the baby to squeeze the ball with his fingers, especially the thumb and little finger);

    Reading words backwards;

    Learning memos (“Planes take off: ooh-ooh. Cars are driving: zh-zh-zh. The horses galloped: tsk-tsk-tsk. A snake crawls nearby: sh-sh-sh. A fly hits the glass: z-z- z-z");

    Slow pronunciation of pure phrases (“ra-ra-ra - the game begins, ry-ry-ry - we have balls in our hands, ru-ru-ru - I hit the ball with my hand”);

    Learning tongue twisters (“The water carrier was carrying water from under the waterfall.” “Speak, speak, but don’t start talking.” “Geese are cackling on the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain.” “Our head will out-head your head, out-head your head.” “Our duda and hither and thither");

    Reading 15 consonants while exhaling, gradually adding one vowel in a row (KVMSPLBSHGRDBBLST, PRLGNTVSCHTSFBHNM);

    "Tow". The adult reads “to himself” and runs his finger along the text, the child’s task is to read according to this pointer, but out loud;

    "In unison". This is a variation of the previous exercise, only the adult and the child must both read aloud;

    "Repeat." Invite your child to read the text in 1 minute and note which word he has read, and then let the child repeat the same passage in the same time - he will probably read a couple of words more! In this exercise, the main thing is not to overdo it - you shouldn’t read it more than three times, and don’t forget to praise the child even for small progress;

    "Serif". On command, the child begins to read the text aloud, holding his hands on his knees. At the command “notch,” the little reader closes his eyes, raises his head, leaving his hands on his knees. In a minute, he needs to use his eyes to find the place in the book where he stopped.

    "Lightning". The essence of the exercise is to alternate reading aloud, silently, at a fast and slow pace, with and without expression for a certain time (start with 20 seconds, end with 2 minutes);

    "Sprinters". This game is great for a group of kids. On command, the guys begin to read out loud at the same time, and then, when they hear the word “stop,” they point with their fingers to the place where they stopped;

    "Correct mistakes". Offer to correct mistakes in catchphrases known to the child (“In the absence of fish, Buck is a fish.” “Fashion does not flow under a lying stone”);

    “Write down the words.” Write 6 syllables to your child and offer to write down 5 words that are hidden in them (la-pa-ra-no-sha-lun);

    "Find a name." In a series of letters, the child needs to find the name (ONMAKNGTANYA) or the name of the animal (YACHBEAR).

    "Identical words." In a series of words, ask your child to find those that are read the same from left to right and right to left.

    “Crossing out repetitions.” Write the letters and ask your child to cross out those that are repeated twice.

Exercises to correct dyslexia in children

Exercise “Corrective test”

Every day, for 5 minutes, provide your child with any text and ask him to cross out the letters you named in it. First the consonants “a, o, etc.” Then the consonants. When the child can clearly cross out the necessary letters, complicate the task and offer to circle the vowels (name any), and underline the consonants. For example, circle all the “o”s and underline all the “vs”. Focus on those consonants and vowels that are most difficult for your child. This exercise will allow your child to remember letters and will protect him from mistakes in reading and writing in the future. You should exercise every day for 2 months.

Exercise "Ring"

This educational game will help develop fine motor skills memory, attention, speech and eliminates signs of dyslexia. Show your baby the following action: move your fingers one by one, locking each finger into a ring with your thumb. Start from the index finger, ending with the little finger. Then start the countdown. First, the exercise is performed with one hand, and then with both. You need to work with your child for 10-15 minutes in the morning and afternoon for two months.

Exercise “Mirror drawing”

This exercise actively affects the brain, improving its overall functioning. Place a blank sheet of paper in front of your child. Give him his favorite markers or pencils. Start drawing mirror-symmetrical designs or letters with both hands. First, start drawing with your child so that he understands the principle of the exercise, and then let him try to draw something on his own. The exercise should be done daily, without missing a single day.

Games to prevent dyslexia

    Offer your child this game: write an easy sentence so that each word is written on different cards. Voice a sentence to your child and ask him to make it up from the available words.

    You can also use the “Write Out Loud” technique. Dictate to your child a short excerpt from his favorite fairy tale and watch how he writes. The main thing is that the child likes the text that you dictate to him.

    To develop phonetic abilities, play the Find the Word game with your child. You must prepare different pictures and label them on the back. When calling a word, the child must find the corresponding picture. For example, a tree or the sun. You can also collect syllables. Write the names of the animals syllable by syllable and ask the baby to put the words together. For example, “so-va” or “so-ba-ka”.

With such games you will teach your child not only to read correctly, but also to write, because children’s visual memory is very developed, so it is easier for them to remember everything “by eye,” so to speak.

So, it's time to talk about exercises that help combat dyslexia. They are effective, and if you work with your child every day, you can achieve good results:

 Tongue twisters. Yes, pronouncing them helps the child a lot. The fact is that tongue twisters themselves are a sequence of words that sound similar. Thanks to this, the child can feel the difference. You can also try reading words in reverse order.

 Pronouncing various sounds. Parents should explain to the child that he must pronounce first consonants and then vowels in absolutely any order. And this must be done while exhaling. After some time, it is necessary to mix vowels and consonants.

 Gymnastics for articulation. Various breathing exercises are performed. They are a warm-up before correcting dyslexia.

 Rubber ball. Here it is necessary to teach the child to read syllable by syllable. The ball is needed so that when the child pronounces a syllable, he squeezes it with all his fingers.

 Exercise “Tug”. Its meaning is that one of the parents should read the text together with the child. First, the child and the adult read aloud together, and then each read to himself. It is important to remember that parents must adapt to the child’s reading speed, because... he may not be able to keep up with the adults.

 The last exercise is to read the text repeatedly. The child is given a passage and reads it for a minute. When a minute has passed, a mark is placed where the child stopped. Then, after a short period of time, he must read the same piece again. Parents, in turn, should monitor the dynamics of reading, whether the child understood more or less this time. It is important to remember that you need to read the text many times a day, but with breaks.

These exercises can and should be done at home every day. There will be no immediate results, but improvements in development will become increasingly evident over time.

Annex 1

    “Labyrinth” for exercises on the movement of the oculomotor analyzer without using your hands.

    Schulte tables for increasing the speed of movement of the oculomotor analyzer and expanding the field of vision.

Exercise “Rings” to increase the speed of sliding along the line and attention.

3. Exercise “Syllabic tables” with symbols that help to correctly merge letters into a word.

    Column reading exercise

A) “Hide and Seek” - The read word is shown for a few seconds, then the entire column is closed, the child reproduces the word from memory; and so on with each word in the column;

B) “Elevator” - The column gradually closes words from top to bottom, which encourages people to quickly read the words before they disappear.

A) Without a whip bash sconce

Carried visa type

All the elm leaves are year old

Div dick for souls

Zhen zgi Zeya is angry

Yoa Yog Yom York

Forehead climbed bream

Fierce between the measures of me

NEP both years

Pan par pass rush

Pusch peer five roar

Ter CHPP Uzhi Ule

B) Boxing board borscht bust

Gong disk Yeysk bison

Louvre backlash clang march

Nerp port post punch

Fact fort pound trunnions

Act acre bars bolt

Coat of arms Gorgon GOST

Probe umbrella court walrus

Empty putsch ring diamond

Fort zinc scarf foundation

Squeak seats sheet anthem

Nedra Berg ping pong

Ruble temp father-in-law Fund


Particular attention in teaching primary schoolchildren to read should be given to reading silently, “to oneself” - reading with the eyes, without external speech movements. Practice shows that teachers offering such reading to students do not always teach children to read silently correctly. Meanwhile, reading aloud, which has long been given paramount importance in school, is gradually losing this importance. And this is not surprising, because reading aloud, as a rule, serves primarily the listener, not the reader. It contributes to the development of orthoepic literacy in the child, the formation of skills in perceiving and reproducing the intonation and rhythmic-melodic structure of speech, enriching the vocabulary, and therefore improving the child’s oral and written speech.

Silent reading enhances the semantic processing of the information being read, as it eliminates the need for oral reproduction of what is read and helps to accelerate the pace of visual perception by approximately two times. In order for a student to study well, quickly and consciously assimilate the text of a mathematical problem, an artistic or scientific text in a textbook, and be able to freely read a book outside of class time, it is necessary to teach him to read silently.

In fact, teaching a primary school student to read silently correctly, consciously and fluently can begin from the first year of study (second half of the year), using reading syllables, words, sentences, short texts, and entertaining material for work. To wean a child from moving his lips during such reading, it is recommended to use exercise “Lips”. When instructed by the teacher to read silently, children press their lips tightly and place the finger of their left hand on them - this reinforces the psychological attitude towards silent reading. The work is carried out from the front until the movement of the lips in most children stops. In the future, the exercise could be done individually with individual students.

If a teacher immediately tries to get children to read quickly in silence, this may cause errors in mastering the content of what they read. To prevent such mistakes, while at the same time working on developing children's attention while reading, offer children tasks of the following type:

1.Read silently. Think about what you wrote can be called words and what cannot. Why?


    Read the task again, saying only the words out loud. The students complete the task again, and the teacher uses a pointer to set the pace of reading for the children (aloud and silently).

2. Read the words with your eyes, saying out loud only the children’s names.

Rose, birch, Lelya, earring, cornflower, Fields, Tolya, field, tree, spring, Cornflower, ours, Natasha, Rose, Alena, apple, Yasha, Earring, spinning top, Julia.

3. Read the words silently.
Whale, tiger, goose, catfish, wolf, horse, badger, raccoon, fox, crayfish, bear, grass snake, hedgehog, ruff, bream, tit, sheep, perch, rooster, duck, cow, goat, seal, deer, pike, turkey, snake.

    Read the task again silently, saying out loud only the names of the pets.

    Read the words silently, name (count) out loud only those who live in the water.

4. Read silently.

Body, cabin, leaves, wheels, steering wheel, seat, beak, torso, leg, wings, headlights, head, neck, twig, tail, trunk, roots, motor, fruits.

    How many groups can these words be divided into? Explain.

    Find and read aloud only words about the car (trees, birds).

5. Read the task silently, think about who you read about.

Purrs, barks, hisses, squeaks, howls, snorts, croaks, cackles, crows, sings, croaks, growls, quacks, coos, chirps, moos.

    Who did you read about?

    Read the words out loud again and name each one: purrs (cat), etc.

In the next lesson, the teacher can use a more complex task such as: read the text silently, find errors in it and correct them.


    Galya read a story to her little brother Vanya about how birds sing. However, Vanya forgot who sings what and got everything mixed up. This is what he did.

The crow cackles, the sparrow sings, the dove cackles, the lark quacks, the cuckoo crows, the crane croaks, the chicken chirps, the goose coos, the duck coos.

To develop students' sense making while silently reading, it can be helpful. "Guess" exercise , which can be used in working with students of the first and second years of study.

The exercise can be carried out in various options:

When doing the exercise, keep in mind that students can form several words by changing only the last letter. At the same time, work is being done to develop children's attention while reading.

2. Help the letters meet (find friends).
Read them silently to form words.

3. Exercise “Letters are lost” You can also suggest reading silently:

¶alva, ¶rava, ¶well done, student¶, doro¶a, karanda¶, mortar¶¶ka, store¶¶, yellow¶¶ leaf, cowardly¶¶ behind¶¶.

In the future, children may be offered tasks using connected texts in which individual letters, endings, parts of words or individual parts of the text are obscured. For example:


Oh, how I love nature! –
Gov+rit Ser+zha. –
+very much I l+blue the sirens+
And rowan+ too!
And I would like++ to ask+
Quiet + Ser+zhi:
– Who broke++ into the garden+ sirens+
And ryab+u too?

Considering that children of the first and second grades perform unusual, entertaining tasks with interest and pleasure, the same exercise for them can be prepared and carried out in a playful way.

"Help Cheburashka"

Like an old woman
Once upon a time there would be Lamki.
The morning will rise early,
Lamki follows him,
I guard the women everywhere.

To develop children’s ability to read silently already in the second grade, children can be offered coherent prose and poetic texts, in which, to develop semantic guesses, individual letters, endings, and entire parts of words are obscured (covered).


Lada got sick. The guy standing silently next to her nGGa, she turned away. Posed me.
“Lada,” I said, “he’ll eat on Go.”
She pulled up her head and wagged her tail.
I'll stroke her. From the lasGi life began to play in her eye.
“Eat, Lord,” I repeated and moved the saucer closer.
She pulled him to the milk and began to cry.
This means that through my help she gained more strength. Maybe it was these few sips of young people that saved her life?

M. Prishvin


In the non-poseGG proteins, the GG proteins come to the end of the autumnGG - oreGG, shiGGG, and zhelGG. She sits on suGG, fluffyGG tailGGG coveredGGG, conceivedGGG...
Suddenly something smacked under the tree. I look GG whiteGG down, and at the fields GG, from under the canopy leaf GG the morel GG showed GG.
BelGG ears pricked up and quickly to griGG: as if no one gets ahead of GG. Grab the sharp GG morel GG toothGGG and take it to the branch again GGG. He just eats GG, doesn’t rush GG, as if he’s bragging GG: “Look, lads GG, what a gift for me GG weight GG prepare GG!”

A. Barkov

Little Frog

(In this text, the entire lower part is shaded or covered)

A green frog crawled out from under a stone. I looked around and was delighted: mosquitoes were dancing in the air. There will be something to profit from!
She croaked contentedly and hopped towards the lake. I sat on the shore and then plunged into the water. She dove under the snag and came back up again. She stuck her big-eyed head out of the mud, smiled at the sun and muttered, singing with pleasure: “Mosquitoes are good in spring!”

1. Help the word find the last letter, read only with your eyes.


Oh, how I love nature! –
Gov+rit Ser+zha. –
+very much I l+blue the sirens+
And rowan+ too!
And I would like++ to ask+
Quiet + Ser+zhi:
– Who broke++ into the garden+ sirens+
And ryab+u too?

"Help Cheburashka"

Like an old woman
Once upon a time there would be Lamki.
The morning will rise early,
Go out to the cellar for smtana -
Lamki follows him,
I guard the women everywhere.

Dyslexia is a speech disorder characterized by a persistent selective inability to master reading while maintaining intelligence and hearing.

The main problem is the inability to master letters, the ability to read syllables, words, sentences and texts. Often misreading words leads to misunderstanding of the meaning

These problems create serious obstacles to a child’s schooling, since solving problems and completing test tasks requires the ability to read correctly and quickly. Reading disorders arise due to the immaturity of the higher mental functions involved in this process.

Reading disorders are eliminated by a specific specialist - a speech therapist. Let's consider what dyslexia is in children, what types and signs of this speech disorder can be identified independently.

Symptoms of dyslexia

The symptoms of the disorder consist of manifestations that are directly related to the reading disorder. It also includes a complex of disorders of sensorimotor and cognitive functions, which are the basis of the psychological aspects of difficulties in the reading process.

Characteristic manifestations of dyslexia are the following:

  1. Failure to assimilate letters, an inaccurate relationship of sounds with their graphic images, manifested in replacements or mixtures (several replacements) of phonemes when reading (p-t, ts-s, t, a-o, i, e, i).
  2. Letter-by-letter reading is the incorrect combination of letters into syllables or words. The letters are simply listed sequentially.
  3. Errors in reproducing the sound-syllable structure of a word.
  4. Incorrect reading comprehension at the level of a single word, sentence, or text.
  5. Agrammatisms. The most popular errors are the agreement of a noun with an adjective, verb (for example, a beautiful book, the sun rose, the children were walking), violation of case endings (on the trees) and others.

To check a child for this speech disorder, it is enough to undergo a speech therapy examination, which is very similar to testing. Any good speech therapist can do it.

Dysgraphia (persistent and specific spelling errors in writing) is often diagnosed along with dyslexia, although these problems can arise in some cases in isolation from each other.

It is believed that dyslexia is a mental illness. It is fundamentally incorrect, as is the term treatment of dyslexia. From a psychological point of view, with dyslexia, the mental functions necessary for the reading process are impaired or partially underdeveloped.

In the process of reading, children quickly get tired and have difficulty perceiving what they read aurally. The psycho-emotional state of a dyslexic is depressed due to awareness of his defect.

A violation of fine and gross motor skills may be diagnosed; the child is poorly oriented in space and on a sheet of paper. If dyslexia is not associated with mental fatigue, it can be diagnosed against the background of a sufficient or high level of intellectual development in children.

Causes of dyslexia

The causes of dyslexia are varied - they can be organic, functional, biological, social. The history of children with this speech disorder includes many factors that influence throughout different periods of the child’s development.

Dyslexic disorders are often caused by organic damage to the speech centers of the cerebral cortex involved in organizing reading, delays in the maturation of these areas of the brain, and their improper functioning. Reading difficulties are often caused by long-term somatic illnesses in young children.

A special place in the appearance of the disorder is occupied by social factors that create an unfavorable background that provokes the emergence of problems. This includes incorrect speech of loved ones, bilingualism (bilingualism), insufficient attention of parents to the speech development of children, limited, poor communication with the child, and an unfavorable situation in the family.

If a child has oral speech pathologies (FFN, OSR), it is more likely that he will suffer from dyslexia and dysgraphia.

In complex cases, dyslexic disorders may appear as part of a severe complex disorder. For example, with mental retardation, mental retardation, minimal brain dysfunction, in persons with visual or auditory defects, cerebral palsy.

Essentially, there are two global causes of dyslexia: congenital and acquired. According to research by specialists, heredity plays a large role in its appearance - yes, dyslexia is inherited.

Common etiologies of dyslexia:

  • Minimal brain dysfunction;
  • Fetal hypoxia and asphyxia during childbirth;
  • Premature placental abruption;
  • Jaundice in newborns;
  • Hemolytic disease of the fetus;
  • Toxic effects on the fetus of alcohol, nicotine and medications;
  • Infectious diseases suffered by the child or mother during pregnancy (influenza, measles, rubella, chicken pox, herpes, polio), neuroinfections;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • Organic damage to the speech areas of the brain.

Also, the development of dyslexia can be affected by bilingualism in the family, pedagogical neglect of the child, lack of communication, thoughtless adherence by parents to early development methods, too early literacy training, or an incorrectly chosen method of reading development.

Expert opinion

Buynova Nadezhda Valerievna

Pediatric speech therapist, experience over 20 years

There is no such thing as dyslexia in preschoolers! To make this diagnosis, you must first try to teach the child to read, and this is done from the age of 7. It doesn't count before. If you were diagnosed with this in preschool age, you should contact another specialist. Normally, it is appropriate for the end of the 2nd grade of primary school.

The acquired form is more common in adults, as a consequence of a stroke. People have to learn to read and write again. We will talk about it a little below.

Types of dyslexia

Speech disorders can be classified into several types. Classification according to leading manifestations:

  1. Verbal form – difficulties with reading words are noted.
  2. Literal form - there are problems with the assimilation of letters (letters).

Classification is also made according to defective mechanisms of the reading process and symptoms. There are six forms of dyslexia:


The processes of synthesis and analysis, and the perception of phonemes are disrupted. The disorder is characterized by letter-by-letter reading, the child replaces or mixes dull and voiced, hissing and whistling sounds, adds, skips and rearranges sounds and syllables (instead of writing - squeaks, instead of butterfly - daddy, shovel - lotapa, duck - tuka). He can skip consonants when they come together (marka - mara), insert extra vowels where they are not provided (legla - legala).

When correcting phonemic dyslexia, a speech therapist develops all aspects of speech in the child, as well as memory, attention, and verbal thinking. A dyslexic person learns to conduct sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis of words.


Semantic dyslexia manifests itself in unformed syllable synthesis: the child has a poor vocabulary and cannot learn syntactic connections in a sentence. Reading is “mechanical” in nature; the reader may have good reading technique, but does not understand the meaning of what he read. He does not establish any connection between words, perceiving them as a set of individual words.

The same thing happens with adding syllables into a word - the child cannot recognize the word, perceives it as a set of syllables or sounds. It occurs in children with mental retardation, mental retardation (MDD), and minimal brain dysfunction (MCD).

In the case of the semantic form of speech disorders, they fill the vocabulary of a junior schoolchild, help him master the grammar of his native language and syllabic synthesis.


The grammatical structure of speech is underdeveloped; when reading, the child makes mistakes in agreeing words by gender, case and number, retaining them in writing and in ordinary speech, incorrectly reads parts of words (suffixes, prefixes, endings), incorrectly agrees words in sentences (in stores, five woodpeckers, forest clearing, fallen leaves).

Correction of agrammatic dyslexia includes the formation of correct language norms, the ability to form and change words. With mnestic dyslexia, visual gnosis and auditory-sound memory are formed.


With mnestic dyslexia, speech memory is impaired; the child has difficulty relating letters and sounds to each other and does not remember them. As a result, he shifts and replaces letters when reading, reduces the number of letters in a word, and cannot reproduce 3-5 consecutively pronounced sounds or syllables.


The reader replaces or mixes letters that are similar to each other (p-d, b-d, z-v), and while reading he slips from line to line. May manifest as “mirror reading” of letters from right to left.


Tactile dyslexia occurs in visually impaired and blind people who miss letters and syllables when reading Braille, slip from line to line, and distort the meaning of what they read when retelling. If a child suffers from the tactile type, he develops spatial orientation and tactile perception of objects and patterns.

The oral speech of children with dyslexia is often far from ideal, has many grammatical errors, defects in sound pronunciation, and contains unrelated statements and incorrectly used words.

Prognosis of dyslexia with organic brain damage - diligent corrective work is required to form missing stages of the reading process.

If dyslexia in younger schoolchildren is caused by pedagogical neglect, bilingualism, early learning to read, or a deficit in verbal communication, you can count on complete correction of the defect when the child’s parents work together with a speech therapist or psychologist.

Diagnosis of dyslexia

Often, this speech disorder is recognized late: in the 3rd or 4th grade of primary school. Unfortunately, if a child confuses syllables in a word, not all teachers and parents wonder why this happens. All symptoms of a speech disorder are attributed to the child’s laziness and inattention, his lack of diligence - the problem cannot be identified immediately.

If the symptoms of dyslexia described above are detected, the child should be examined by a speech therapist, psychologist, psychoneurologist, or pediatric neurologist. It’s worth starting with a speech therapist; every specialist in this chain knows how to treat (correct) their particular area of ​​the problem.

Diagnosis of dyslexia includes several parameters analyzed by specialists:

  • anamnesis (the course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother, previous diseases);
  • academic performance in the Russian language;
  • state of articulation organs;
  • degree of development of fine motor skills;
  • development of vocabulary, grammar, phonemics, sound pronunciation, coherent speech;
  • state of written speech (copying from a sample, writing from dictation, independent writing);
  • level of reading mastery (pace, correctness, method of reading, comprehension of the text, presence of typical errors);
  • state of speech analysis and synthesis;
  • level of development of visual recognition of letters;
  • state of orientation in space.

The diagnostic examination may include a consultation with an ophthalmologist for a vision test and a neurologist for an electroencephalogram.

Dyslexia in adults

Typically, dyslexia in an adult is a consequence of not receiving speech therapy in childhood. Often, it appears in adulthood when a person develops an intellectual disorder, or when the disorder affects the area of ​​auditory perception of information. This provokes difficulties, since the signals entering the brain are distorted and processed inaccurately.

Also, problems with reading may appear as a result of trauma or psychological shock experienced. Dyslexia that occurs in an adult leads to maladjustment. Therefore, it is important to contact a speech therapist in a timely manner and receive effective help in overcoming this disorder.

Signs of dyslexia in an adult:

  • Incorrect, distorted pronunciation of complex, long or unfamiliar words.
  • Errors when reading graphically similar words.
  • Illiterate writing, multiple grammatical errors, poor vocabulary, difficulty in writing letters, statements and other independent statements.
  • Low reading speed and difficulty remembering what you read.
  • Difficulties with simple arithmetic calculations. They may be signs of dyscalculia.

People with dyslexia need constant supervision from specialists. After conducting a full examination, the speech therapist develops a plan of correctional work, based on the individual characteristics of the person and the severity of the disorder.

Dyslexia correction

In addition to the negative impact on a student’s academic performance, dyslexia negatively affects the development of his personality. Difficulties in mastering reading can provoke the emergence of such personality traits as self-doubt, shyness, anxiety, suspiciousness, isolation or aggression, irritability, negativism. Therefore, a special role belongs to the early detection and correction of this disorder.

If you consult a speech therapist when you notice the first signs of dyslexia, you can minimize its manifestations. The later the corrective work is carried out, the more time it will take to eliminate this violation.

To eliminate reading impairment, a unified system of correctional intervention is necessary, since very often dysgraphia, dyslexia, dysorthography do not exist in isolation, but most often accompany each other.

Main directions of correctional work:

  1. Development and improvement of phonemic perception (the ability to isolate given sounds, distinguish sounds that are similar in sound, for example: s-ts, ch-shch, r-l), not only in oral speech, but also in written speech. This work is carried out with the participation of a speech motor analyzer, therefore, simultaneously with the development of phonemic hearing, work is carried out on sound pronunciation;
  2. Work on sound pronunciation - eliminate deficiencies, practice articulation, form correct breathing, automate sounds in coherent statements, teach to distinguish sounds that are similar in sound;
  3. Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills. The main types of this work are: isolating sentences from the text, words from sentences, syllables and sounds from words, such analysis is accompanied by the compilation of various diagrams that simplify the understanding of the basic terms of the Russian language;
  4. In correctional work, great importance is attached to the development of mental processes: perception, attention, thinking, memory. For this purpose, various tasks and educational games are recommended. For example: “What has changed?”, “Find out by voice”, “Vegetable garden”, “Fill in the shapes with letters”, “Assemble the animal”, “Match by shape”, etc.
  5. Clarification of the meanings of words available to children and further enrichment of vocabulary by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech; familiarization with various methods of word formation and inflection. Development and further improvement of the grammatical design of speech based on mastering sentences of various syntactic structures: simple and complex.
  6. Improving coherent speech, working on the sentence as the main speech unit. We pay attention to punctuation marks, which activates the student to use correct intonation when reading. You can read the same sentence with different intonations. Read the text in different ways, for example: slowly - like a turtle, cowardly - like a bunny, melodiously - like a bird, loudly - like a bear and other types of work.

There are several methods for correcting dyslexia in schoolchildren. The most popular are the Ronald Davis method and the A.N. Korneva.

Ronald Davis method

Ronald D. Davis developed a method for eliminating dyslexia and opened the first clinic for reading problems.

The uniqueness of the method lies in the fact that it helps a dyslexic person learn to control manifestations of disorientation or lack of attention, teaches him to perceive the most difficult and complexly written symbols and words, and then translate them into images in his imagination, thereby filling in the gaps in perception.

The method is based on visual rather than verbal thinking. It contains three main stages:

  1. Learning to “control” the alphabet and linguistic signs, for example: by fashioning them from plasticine. When a child makes letters on his own, he touches them and imagines their image, which improves his handwriting.
  2. Learning to “control” abstract words, which a dyslexic has no image of.
  3. Formation of the skill of consistency and understanding in the reading process.

The Davis method not only teaches writing, it develops self-organization skills: it develops a sense of time, order and duration, and teaches concentration.

Methodology by A.N. Korneva

It is called “Correction of persistent inability to master reading and writing” and is used to correct dyslexia in primary schoolchildren.

The technique is aimed at early detection of insufficient development of processes necessary for mastering the school curriculum and speech development of children. But these tests are often used by teachers when organizing work with dyslexics.

Exercises to correct dyslexia

Learning to write is the most difficult period of schooling. The number of schoolchildren making multiple specific mistakes is constantly increasing. Adults often associate these mistakes with absent-mindedness.

Special work to overcome dyslexia is based on performing special exercises aimed at developing all aspects of speech. In addition, exercises affect the development of fine motor skills, mental processes, and also normalize the emotional-volitional sphere. They form the rudiments for the correct development of written speech, increase the level of general development, enrich the vocabulary, and improve the sense of language.

Exercises to develop phonemic processes

Exercises train phonemic hearing, perception, and memory. They develop the ability to isolate a given phoneme from a word, determine their number in words, and the skill of selecting words with a given number of phonemes.

Differentiate oppositional voiced and voiceless, soft and hard consonant sounds. Discrimination is carried out according to the following algorithm: listen, pronounce, distinguish, write down. At the stage of pronouncing syllables, you need to connect a kinesthetic analyzer, for example: raise your hand for voiced phonemes, and lower your hand for voiceless phonemes.

Determine the sonority of sounds. After mastering the differences in the articulation of voiced and voiceless phonemes, tablets with their symbols are prepared. On one you need to draw a triangle, on the other you need to draw a circle. The child is asked to listen to the words, determine what sound they begin with, and pick up the appropriate card. After oral practice, words are written either in two columns, or only with voiceless consonants, or only with voiced consonants.

Name a word that is different from the others. Discrimination by ear of phonemes that are close in acoustic parameters, exact repetition of all words with them.

Ball games. They are aimed at the formation of phonemic processes, general and fine motor skills, spatial orientation, regulation of purposeful movements, improvement of accuracy and dexterity. Thanks to them, attention is activated and the behavioral sphere is normalized:

  1. “I know a lot of words.” The child needs to pronounce several words on a specific topic or starting with a specific sound; when pronouncing each word, you can use a ball, knocking it on the floor when pronouncing.
  2. "Know-it-all." The adult asks a question, passing the ball to the child. The child catches the ball and answers the question with an extended phrase. All words in the answer begin with one specific sound.
  3. "Accountant". An adult says a word and throws a ball. The child needs to catch the ball, count the number of sounds in the word and say a word containing the same number of phonemes by throwing the ball back.

Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus and voice

Exercises that develop articulatory clarity, breathing, and voice affect the success of mastering school material. They are based on pronouncing tongue twisters, rhythmic texts, poems, imply the exact repetition of what was heard, and allow you to feel the speech rhythm and tempo.

Insufficient activity of the articulatory organs, accuracy in performing given patterns, and impaired breathing lead to learning difficulties. Work on the development of the speech apparatus contains articulatory and breathing exercises. Producing correct exhalation optimizes the functioning of the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

Smooth breathing allows you to relax and concentrate. The breathing rhythm is the only rhythm of the body that a person is able to consciously control and actively regulate. Breathing exercises can be performed at any stage of the lesson. These include playing wind musical instruments, blowing soap bubbles, and imitating natural processes: sucking, yawning, coughing.

A special place in the development of articulatory organs belongs to the work on tongue twisters. It solves many problems: improving phonemic processes, clarifying the articulatory structure of phonemes, practicing articulatory clarity, long, correct exhalation, memory development, eliminating the fear of pronouncing complex words, ensuring a positive psychological attitude. It allows you to catch speech rhythm, tempo, and helps increase the speed of both oral and written speech.

Exercises to develop fine motor skills

Exercises that develop hand motor skills can improve the emotional state, develop memory and speech. To develop fine motor skills, you can use massage, finger exercises, games, shading, modeling, and drawing. Origami is also suitable:

Exercises to improve visual perception

For developmental work on visual processes, proofreading tests are well suited. They are necessary to correct visual attention, perception, and create a visual image of a letter.

  • "Fly". In the center of the square, divided into cells, a fly is depicted. The adult dictates the path of its movement, for example, 2 cells to the right, 3 cells down, etc. First, the child moves his finger along the cells, then mentally imagines its movement. At the final stage, the child, with his eyes closed, must imagine the path and say in which cell he needs to stop.
  • "Upside down". The sheet with printed text unfolds several degrees. The child must read the text without turning his head.
  • “Find out from the half letter.” The upper or lower half of the line is covered with a white sheet of paper or part of the line is sealed, the child must read the sentence. This test forms a visual image of letters, the ability to quickly read one or several words at the same time.
  • "Lame text." The child is asked to read sentences that are printed in two fonts. Explain their meaning. Note the specifics of writing. Read what is shown in printed font and what is in italics. Copy words printed in the same font. Read the resulting sentence.

Prevention methods

Prevention of dyslexia should be started long before school starts. Prevention is much better than cure.

What to do? The leading technique is games to develop thinking, memory, and attention. We described some of them above. It is important to provide the child with as many different images as possible - images of objects, diagrams, letters in the form of colorful pictures. Exercises for prevention and correction can be done at home.

Letters can be sculpted from plasticine, laid out with woolen thread on velvet paper, or with counting sticks on the table. All these images are deposited in the child’s subconscious, and an idea of ​​the letter is formed and the vocabulary is filled.

It is very useful to read aloud to your child more often, even if he has started reading himself. Lexicon, the use of bright epithets, the correct construction of phrases, the coordination of words in sentences - children learn all this by listening to the best works of fiction.

To ensure that children’s academic performance does not suffer and they do not experience psychological discomfort, it is necessary to begin the prevention and correction of dyslexia as early as possible. This is the best option to help your child avoid this unpleasant diagnosis.

Thus, dyslexia is a disorder of written language, namely the reading process. Most often it is found as part of complex neuropsychic and speech disorders. But persistent disorders of the reading process also occur in people with intact intelligence, normally developed oral speech, unimpaired visual and auditory analyzers, and with underdevelopment of certain mental processes.

Dyslexia most often occurs in schoolchildren, but sometimes it occurs in adults. Timely detection of a violation and properly organized work of specialists to correct it make it possible to achieve complete elimination of this violation.

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