Why do you dream about decorating? What do documents mean in a dream?

Dream interpretation documents

If you read the dream book, documents that you might have dreamed about the day before can give a prophetic prediction. In any case, it is necessary to analyze the available information in detail and understand what it means. When starting to look for information in specialized literature, it is not always possible to understand what the document is about in a dream.

What do dream books say?

A dream can have a large number of interpretations, and among all the diversity you need to find a scenario that is as close as possible to yours.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed about important papers

We must start with the fact that documents are a sign that cannot always be deciphered quickly and correctly. If you dream of a large stack of different papers, then most likely the dreamer will have career success. As practice shows, this step will lead to:

  • rapid growth of prosperity;
  • new friends;
  • useful contacts, etc.

The main task is to learn to protect your luck. It really helps in achieving their goals, but only for those who remember to persevere.

According to the dream book, documents and papers can be placed on the desktop in different ways. If there is complete order on the table, then useless and painful disputes await the sleeping person, leading to serious conflicts.

The dreamer must learn to show composure even in the most confusing situations and not get personal. Each insult will leave a certain imprint on the soul of the offended person.

If you dreamed of documents that could not be found for a long time, this means an unstable social status. This sign suggests that current actions are creating an unattractive image that people do not want to contact. By reconsidering your behavior, you can begin to change.

I dreamed about making a will

A stolen passport symbolizes negative changes in life that can be caused by a complete stranger.

Making a gift or will promises profit. The dream book predicts that such changes will take effect only as you grow in your career. An employee who constantly strives to develop and improve his professional background will definitely be noticed by his superiors, and a new position will guarantee higher incomes.

Why do you dream of signing documents? The meaning of this symbol determines a truce between enemies, and this can concern different areas. There is a high probability that the dreamer will restore once damaged relationships with his family and friends.

They reflect its existing reality, and therefore it is necessary to always pay attention to this.

Miller's Dream Book

As the dream book writes, looking for documents means future losses that will not be easy to eliminate.

In this case, experts advise to carefully reconsider your lifestyle. If a married woman sees different documentation, then sadness and disappointment await her.

Most likely, the balance of relations within the family has long shifted, and therefore emergency measures must be taken.


Important: if in a dream a woman signs papers

If a representative of the fair sex puts her signature, then she runs the risk of entering into an unhappy or long-lasting marriage. You should not accept an invitation from the first man, since shortcomings appear some time after meeting. Tearing papers at work is a sign promising positive changes.

Divorce and making new acquaintances are among the few things that await the dreamer.

For men

Why do you dream about documents? When a man has a dream in which he reads forged documents, in real life there will be a need to participate in legal proceedings.

Miller says that there is no need to be afraid of proceedings, since they will restore justice.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse As the dream book writes, looking for a document is not a good sign that demonstrates problems in real life. The mind is clouded by experiences that are not so easy to get rid of.

If the dreamer is asked to draw up something, he must be extremely vigilant

Every person at least once in his life looks at a forum in which he wants to see the dreams of people who closely resemble him. This should not be done, since each person is unique, and his dream, even with all the similarities, will have a completely different shade. Seeing documents in a dream is a difficult situation from which it is not so easy to get out. To solve the problem, you need to contact a knowledgeable person who will save nerves and time. Someone else's advice can be of great help.

If personal papers were stolen but were never found, then you will not be able to give a worthy rebuff to your enemies. Soothsayers insist that after such a dream one must abandon long journeys.

As the dream book shows, losing documents is a sign that makes it more likely that defining events will occur in life.

Carefully checking your documents in a dream means an increase in workload.

Seeing documents in a dream means worries and troubles. If they are damaged, wrinkled or dirty, then failure awaits you. Such a dream warns you that your partners may turn out to be dishonest, which will subsequently result in lengthy proceedings or squabbles. Finding documents in a dream means an acquisition or news that will have good consequences for you. Not being able to read a document in a dream is a sign of confusion. Lose documents - expect unexpected troubles. Signing documents in a dream is a good or bad sign, depending on what kind of document it is. If he is unknown to you, then expect hassle and trouble. If you are expecting some kind of transaction, then your signature on the document may mean that the transaction will take place. Such a dream may also warn of a possible lawsuit or other proceedings. Seeing or signing a marriage certificate means unpleasant responsibilities. Sending, transferring or holding documents in your hands is a dream warning that your frivolity will lead to losses, and the proceedings with your partners will go to court. For lovers, such a dream predicts separation from a loved one. If you dream that someone put documents in front of you or handed them over, then this someone will entrust you with an important matter.

Seeing a notary signing documents in a dream is a sign that your intentions and hopes for acquiring some significant property will not come true. Hearing the announcement of a document in a dream is a sign of sadness, suffering, as well as the discovery of conspiracies and the revelation of secrets. See interpretation: notary.

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Dream Interpretation Documents A dream in which some documents appear foreshadows disputes and losses. If you are married, such a dream threatens to plunge you into a depressed state. Carrying documents to your superiors for signature in a dream means in reality meeting someone’s admonitions halfway, yielding to what you personally would like to do in a completely different place and at a different time. Signing some papers and documents yourself foreshadows being involved as a witness in a case to which you had no involvement at all. Even more unfavorable and absurd is a dream in which you sign some trivial document, which, however, then for some reason you notarize. In general, signing any papers in a dream does not promise anything positive. Seeing a marriage certificate in a dream means that you will soon be bound by some kind of humiliating obligations. A dreamed certificate, however, foreshadows the successful completion of the work begun and further good prospects. A diploma seen in a dream indicates that new interesting personalities will soon appear in your circle of friends. If you dreamed of a license to carry out some kind of activity or export something, this portends you the opportunity to finally start doing what you have long wanted. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Document For a married woman, a dream in which she sees a document means that she will be depressed. If she dreams of a marriage certificate, this indicates that her will will be subjugated by her husband, a tyrant and despot. Dream book for lovers

Dream Interpretation Document, permission, license, patent Document, permission, license, patent. Seeing a document (license or patent) in a dream means disputes and losses. For a married woman, such a dream threatens to suppress her natural cheerfulness. For a woman to see a marriage certificate in a dream is a sign that she will soon find herself in unpleasant shackles that will humiliate her pride. If you dream that you are signing a document, then this is a harbinger of a lawsuit threatening you, for the successful resolution of which you will need a good lawyer. In general, signing papers in a dream is an unkind sign. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Document The documents are in perfect order: positive social changes, privileges, and discounts await you. Torn, with mistakes: failures await you socially, refusal of registration or work. Receive: to improve social status. Lose: for the worse. Documents (identifying your identity) – Positive social changes, privileges, and discounts await you in perfect order. Torn, with mistakes, etc. - failures await you socially, refusal of registration or work. Get to improve social status. Lose to deterioration. Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep Acts (paper documents) Why do you dream about Acts (paper documents) - visiting an institution, a government building, writing acts - waiting for payment, putting your signature on the acts - receiving advance payment. Magic dream book

Dream Paper documents PAPER, BUSINESS DOCUMENTS are useless vanity.
Documents (ID, passport) in a dream DOCUMENTS (IDENTIFICATION, PASSPORT) - minor delays, difficulties, empty troubles. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Document Seeing any document in a dream foretells disputes and losses. A married woman has such a dream: Signing papers in a dream: an unkind sign. If you dream that you are signing a document, a lawsuit may arise, for the successful resolution of which you will need a good lawyer. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Why do you dream about Document? Document: a reflection of the possibility of a controversial situation arising (also its existence). The need to think everything over again and not get carried away, since the results of the decision (not necessarily bad) will be felt for quite a long time. Dream Interpretation 2012

Dream Interpretation Document Documents: Associated with formality. In a dream, does a document give you a feeling of security or create awkwardness because it limits you in something? In a dream, is a document evidence? How do you get it? Is it perceived as a valid recording, or is it not paid attention to, which frustrates you and disrupts your plans? It clearly reflects your real life: Do you believe that no formal record can guarantee trust and honesty? Perhaps a document: stands for something specific in your life that you are confident about and that you do not need to officially record. Universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Document Seeing or signing documents: an unfavorable sign: you risk being involved in some kind of lawsuit, which you can only win if you are lucky with a lawyer. Dream interpretation east

Dream Interpretation Document (permission, license, patent) Seeing any document in a dream foretells disputes and losses. For a married woman, such a dream threatens her with the loss of her natural cheerfulness. Signing papers in a dream is an unkind sign. If you dream that you are signing a document, a lawsuit may arise, for the successful resolution of which you will need a good lawyer. Women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Document Seeing many different documents in a dream: it means that in reality you will have success in business, an increase in wealth and profit; putting them in neat piles: to useless disputes and showdowns, looking for and not finding. Seeing drawn up acts in a dream: to troubles at work, certified by a notary If in a dream you are presented with a certificate: a good dream, promising good luck in all endeavors, success in completing all undertakings, good prospects for the future, see or consider it. A diploma you dreamed about: a harbinger of new acquaintances and useful connections. Concluding an agreement in a dream: for reconciliation with competitors or enemies, if not all of its points suit you Seeing a receipt in a dream: for unexpected material assistance, hold in your hands A good dream in which you are applying for a license: it promises you the achievement of your goal, success and prosperity . Receive an invoice for goods in a dream: it means that you will be able to do something important for your future life or career, write it out. Receive a patent in a dream: a sign that your hopes and thoughts will soon find a real embodiment, work on someone else’s patent. If in a dream They give you a protocol to sign: it means that all upcoming troubles will be only your fault and there is no need to look for those to blame. Receiving written permission to your request in a dream: means that after many failures and mistakes, luck will smile on you and you will be able to achieve what you want. Receiving a certificate in a dream: means that your negotiations and business meetings will not bring the desired results due to the fact that you do not have a clear program actions due to the vagueness and inaccuracy of the goals and objectives set. Seeing a folder or briefcase for documents in a dream: it means that all your failures and mistakes are temporary, the experience gained from them will allow you to soon achieve excellent results. Losing a briefcase or a folder with documents in a dream: a warning, be careful when resolving serious issues, concluding contracts, transactions, you can receive material benefits, but your authority or reputation may be damaged. To receive an organizer or a chic briefcase for documents as a gift in a dream: a good dream, your friends will help you in difficult times, you can count on them.

An ordinary piece of paper, a document, or even a newspaper in a dream can tell a lot about what will happen in reality. The main thing is to choose a decoding that corresponds to current events and the dreamer’s goals. Popular dream books will explain in detail why paper is dreamed of.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you were holding in your hands or sending a certain package of papers? Miller's dream book assures that you are threatened with serious losses and even participation in litigation.

For a young girl to see paper in a dream, it means a quarrel with her lover. Married people should also beware of minor disagreements and conflicts with their significant other. The scribbled sheet signifies gossip spread by evil tongues.

Interpretation of sleep according to Freud

Freud's dream book, as usual, suggests interpreting the image with sexual overtones. What do you think paper products are for in dreams? This is surprising, but they are not a symbol of a woman. Did you happen to look through newspapers or read books? You are clearly interested in the fairer sex.

In a dream, crumpled paper represents a woman who is always ready to help, but does not impose her services. A burning piece of paper marks sexual contact with the person of your dreams. But the dream book reminds us that most often this is just a desire, and not a real event.

Did you dream that you were reading a book or newspaper? Your sex life can hardly be called monotonous and boring. Tearing a paper product literally means trying to diversify sex by any means.

In a dream, writing a letter on high-quality paper means that you are completely satisfied with your intimate life. The interpretation of the dream is the opposite if you happened to write on a crumpled and dirty piece of paper, or even a tiny scrap.

I dreamed about a paper based on a 21st century dream book

Why do you dream of a white blank sheet? In a dream, it signifies friendly assistance and new relationships. Brown parchment promises loss and disappointment. Have you ever cut paper with scissors? The dream book believes that you will part with your loved one. Tearing and even burning a paper product literally means finishing what you started.

Unusual documents and parchment scrolls in a dream warn that you will take part in a court case. If the paper is white, you will win; any other color, you will most likely lose.

Did you dream about cardboard or cardboard boxes? Expect success and prosperity. But if you received something in a box by mail, then the dream book predicts disappointment in the person you trusted.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z - why do you dream about paper?

Did you happen to see a sheet of paper in a dream? In the near future, a trip to the theater, concert or other similar event is expected.

Did you dream that you tore a piece of paper into shreds? In reality you will be angry and even fall into a rage. Scattering paper in a dream is bad. This is a clear sign that your stable situation will deteriorate. If you had to count a whole stack of sheets, then in real life you will be wasting your time.

Did you have to write something on a piece of paper? Receive unpleasant news. If they sent a letter that you personally wrote, you will lose the court case. Did you dream that you received a certain document? You will win the case 100%.

White blank paper in a dream

Why do you dream about paper that is completely white and clean? The interpretation of the dream is extremely positive. You are standing at the very beginning of a certain stage, business or relationship, and it’s up to you what happens next.

Fate is probably giving you the opportunity to do something, taking into account past mistakes. Try to use your chance wisely and don't do anything stupid.

If you happen to see a whole stack of blank paper, then you have to complete an important task. In addition, blank paper can be a symbol of the exceptionally good intentions and feelings of another person. In a dream, it guarantees the sincerity and goodwill of a person you know.

Why do you dream of paper of different colors? White reflects confusion, red marks an explosion of emotions, black promises sad news and events, multi-colored guarantees mutual understanding, bright prospects, and unusual events.

Used paper, dirty, with text

Why do you dream about a sheet of paper covered with writing? This is a clear sign of receiving or transmitting some information. It’s best if you were able to make out the notes in a dream. This will give a hint as to what area of ​​life the prediction concerns.

Seeing a whole pile of pieces of paper with text literally means confronting the bureaucracy. It is also a symbol of gossip, denunciations, unpleasant conversations and one’s own insecurities.

Did you dream of a piece of paper covered in strange handwriting or strange icons? You will have to visit a government building or government agency.

Doodles, greasy spots, blots, etc. promise troubles, uncertainty, and stupid actions. If in the dream the lines were even and completely understandable, then all upcoming commercial transactions will go perfectly.

What do documents and securities mean?

Why do you dream about documents? You are likely to face difficulties with the Law and unexpected expenses. Did you dream about securities? Be careful, you may be deceived in an upcoming financial transaction.

Seeing deeds of gift or inheritance papers means disagreements with loved ones or relatives over money. This is also a sign of serious material loss.

If you received a business or stamp paper, then some business will turn out very well. For a young girl, this is a warning that she will worry about her loved one.

Paper in a dream - specific interpretations

For a truthful interpretation of a dream, you will have to remember its most insignificant details. What paper is meant for in a dream will be revealed by its color, quality, condition, as well as personal actions.

  • white - atone for guilt
  • brown - quarrel
  • black - bad news
  • color – annoyance, entertainment
  • clean - no doubt about it
  • written down - slander, gossip, slander
  • with printed text - to flattery, envy
  • with a picture - disappointment
  • torn - loss, loss of honor
  • Whatman paper - quarrel
  • blotter - deception, domestic showdowns
  • wrapping – large purchases, acquisitions
  • from a notebook - new worries, responsibilities
  • toilet - minor chores, troubles
  • waste paper - difficult but unprofitable work
  • paper roll - infectious disease, something that will last a very long time
  • wet/burnt – loss, damage
  • old, yellowed - deception, disappointment
  • stack of clean ones - moving
  • a lot of papers - you will make a career
  • counting sheets is a waste of effort, resources, time
  • tearing paper - to anger
  • crush - to a scandal with neighbors
  • write on it - to a letter
  • line - fulfill this obligation, word
  • glue - you will make excuses
  • fold - to consistent development
  • collapse - trouble
  • pack - for reconciliation
  • rustle - to unpleasant rumors
  • cut - to money
  • buy - good luck
  • sell - for profit
  • flies in the air - illusory hope
  • see how they do it - information will be beneficial
  • paper crafts - illusions, unreliability
  • paper cap - mockery, carelessness, uncertainty
  • snake - ghostly dreams

If in a dream you happened to sort through, put papers in order and put them in piles and drawers, then in reality you will have to do hard work. Unfortunately, the effort spent is unlikely to pay off.

Dream book of the 21st century

A document in a dream, what does the dreamer dream about?

Document in a dream - Seeing many different documents means that in reality you will find success in business, increased wealth and profit; putting them in neat piles - to useless disputes and showdowns, searching and not finding - a sign of the instability of your position in society, searching for a long time and finding - your position is currently quite stable, but you cannot relax, as rivals and competitors can take advantage of this.

Document - Seeing deeds drawn up in a dream means trouble at work, certified by a notary means serious problems and obstacles, signing a deed means profit. Document - If in a dream you are presented with a certificate - a good dream, promising good luck in all endeavors, success in completing all undertakings, good prospects for the future, see or consider it - you have made the right decision and can safely start a new business. – Seeing a diploma in your dream is a harbinger of new acquaintances and useful connections.

I dreamed about a document - Concluding an agreement in a dream means reconciliation with competitors or enemies, if not all of its points suit you - this is a harbinger of upcoming difficult responsibilities or obligations. If you dream of a receipt - it means unexpected financial assistance; if you hold it in your hands - a new business will turn out to be unprofitable or unprofitable; if you receive it - it means an upcoming quarrel. A good dream - in which you dreamed that you were applying for a license. He predicts you will achieve your goal, success and prosperity.

Document - Receive an invoice for goods in a dream - you will be able to do something important for your future life or career, writing it out - success in the future depends only on your desire and abilities. To receive a patent in a dream means that your hopes and thoughts will soon come true; to work under someone else’s patent means that as a result of long and hard work you will not receive positive results and will be left with nothing.

Document - If in a dream you are given a protocol to sign, it means that in all upcoming troubles it will be only your fault and there is no need to look for those to blame.

Document - Receive written permission to your request in a dream - means that after many failures and mistakes, luck will smile on you and you will be able to achieve what you want. Receive evidence in a dream - that your negotiations and business meetings will not bring the desired results due to the fact that you do not have a clear action programs due to the vagueness and imprecision of the goals and objectives set.

Document - Dreaming of a folder or briefcase for documents means that all your failures and mistakes are temporary, the experience gained thanks to them will allow you to soon achieve excellent results. If you dreamed that you lost a briefcase or a folder with documents in a dream - a warning, be careful when resolving serious issues, concluding contracts, transactions, you can receive material benefits, but your authority or reputation may be damaged. Document - Receiving an organizer or a chic briefcase for documents as a gift in a dream is a good dream, your friends will help you in difficult times, you can count on them.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Why do you dream about Document?

To see a document in a dream - You hold a smeared board for recording audiences. - It will be a great favor from a noble person. The board for recording audiences breaks. - Portends misfortune, grief. A very unfavorable omen. Why dream that you are handing someone ties to carry an audience tablet. – Presages a career move associated with relocation, a business trip. You put a stamp on official documents. - Portends glory and fame. Carrying or holding a seal. - A noble offspring will be born.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a document in a dream?

Any document or documents you see, no matter what it is - application, permit, license, patent, all this is not a very pleasant sign. Such a dream predicts various disputes and possible losses for you. If you are married and dream about documents, get ready to lose your natural cheerfulness. It’s even worse if in a dream you see yourself signing certain documents. This is a very alarming warning - signing documents in a dream - in reality you may face some kind of trial, legal litigation. If you had a dream, it means that you cannot do without the help of a good lawyer.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

To understand the meaning of the dream in which you saw the documents, you need to remember what exactly happened there. If you dream that you have found some kind of document, the dream has a positive meaning and suggests that you will soon receive a certain profit. To see that you have lost an important document and are worried about it - in reality you will have to go through some kind of shock. Reading documents in a dream, trying to understand them - you may get confused in some matter and you will not be able to get out without outside help. If you dreamed that you tore a document on purpose or by accident, this is a prediction that you will have to participate in some kind of dispute or even in a trial, and you will lose it.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about a Document in a dream?

When you dream about a document, it can be difficult to understand the meaning of the dream because it can be interpreted in several ways. To figure it out, you need to remember what exactly happened in the dream. If you dreamed that you accidentally found a certain document, the dream predicts that you will receive an accidental, unexpected profit. If you dreamed of losing a document and worrying about it, expect some shocks in reality that can also cause you emotional distress. Seeing some acts (documents) is a negative omen, predicting problems with the law and troubles in the government house. If you signed a document in a dream, expect to receive an advance in reality.

Esoteric dream book

Document in night dreams

See documents - specify what kind of document we are talking about. If these are your own identification documents and they are in perfect order, this is a good sign that positive social changes await you. You will probably be able to increase your social status and climb one more step on the ladder of success. If your document turns out to be hopelessly damaged, for example, it was torn, burned, filled out with errors, etc., the dream, on the contrary, predicts failures for you in social terms, you may be fired from your job or refused admission to the desired position, denied registration, obtaining citizenship and so on. If you dreamed of receiving some kind of document, in reality you will expect to receive certain privileges, discounts, and, in general, an improvement in your social status. Accordingly, losing a document is a symbol of its deterioration.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Document?

Seeing documents is generally not a very good omen. If you saw yourself signing a document - a deed drawn up by a notary - this is a bad sign. He predicts various failures, material and moral losses, problems, and delays in business. If you dream that you are signing some kind of government document, the dream often predicts problems with the law, legal proceedings, during which you will be forced to admit defeat.

Ancient French dream book

Document - interpretation of a dream

To correctly understand the meaning of a dream in which you saw documents or documents, try to remember exactly what they looked like and what was discussed in the dream. If these were various paper documents, paperwork, acts, contracts, statements, forms, and so on, the dream does not predict any special life turns for you. Most likely, the usual everyday bustle awaits you, filled with small problems, troubles - mostly empty, delays, difficulties, waiting, and so on. In general - nothing interesting. If you dreamed of personal documents confirming your identity, for example, a passport, in reality you will probably have to deal with issues of social arrangement. Maybe you will go to interviews in search of a new job, deal with registration, obtain a visa, in general, you will have everything that may require this important document where you dreamed.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Document as an image in a dream

When you dream about a document, it can be difficult to understand the meaning of the dream because it can be interpreted in several ways. To figure it out, you need to remember what exactly happened in the dream. If you dream that you accidentally found a certain document, the dream predicts that you will receive an accidental, unexpected profit. Losing a document, worrying about this - expect in reality some shocks that can also cause you emotional distress. Seeing some acts (documents) is a negative omen, predicting problems with the law and troubles in the government house. If you signed a document in a dream, expect to receive an advance in reality.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Document in a dream?

Documents or actions with them are different. Depending on this, the meaning of the dream in which you saw a certain document is also different. If you simply dreamed of some kind of paper document, for example an act or statement, this predicts that you will visit an institution, a government house. And, in general, this is not surprising; we all have to visit government houses from time to time for various everyday needs, including for paperwork. We saw that you yourself are drawing up some kind of document, for example, a deed or an agreement - in reality you will have to expect payment for the work done. And if you put your signature on a document in a dream, this predicts that you will soon receive an advance payment.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams

The meaning of the dream in which the Document is dreamed

If you saw yourself signing a document drawn up by a notary, this is a bad sign. He predicts various failures, material and moral losses, problems, and delays in business. If you dream that you are signing some kind of government document, the dream often predicts problems with the law, legal proceedings, during which you will be forced to admit defeat.

If you dream of an official document, for example, some kind of act, this is a warning that you are in for trouble, proceedings with various regulatory authorities. For example, the tax office. Such a dream is especially undesirable for all those who are involved in business. Since the document in this case is a symbol of all kinds of checks, audits, paperwork, and filling out various documents in reality.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream about Document

Seeing certain documents lying somewhere in a closet or on a table is an alarming sign that predicts various troubles in a government house. Of course, this will not necessarily be a trial or detention, which, however, is also not excluded. But still, in most cases, if you dream of a document or documents, the dream warns you about problems and proceedings with official authorities, for example, tax authorities and other regulatory authorities. Signing a document yourself in a dream - an act of audit or examination - is a positive omen that promises you to receive a lot of money.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

If you dream of a Document taking into account the time of year

In the spring, what does any document mean in dreams? It means government litigation.

If in the summer you dreamed of filling out documents to travel abroad in a dream, it means that in reality you will never be abroad.

In the fall, why dream of having to deal with paperwork - you will be looking for a job for a long time and persistently.

In winter, why dream that you are submitting a document for signature - you are afraid to show decisiveness, and often your interests suffer from this.

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