Should a nursing mother drink milk? Cow's milk is a strong allergen

Until recently, mothers breastfeeding recommended to drink more milk. But at the moment you can often hear from pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists: ? It needs to be excluded. So is milk good for breastfeeding? This question needs to be answered.

Cow's milk contains a large amount of nutrients, and they are contained in easily digestible form. Cow's milk contains a large number of microelements that are necessary for nursing mothers.

For some nursing mothers, milk intolerance may occur during pregnancy and lactation. If a child has a tendency to allergies, an allergy develops to milk, then he will react with intestinal disorders.

Consumption of milk during breastfeeding does not increase the amount of human milk in the breast, while fresh cow's milk can inhibit lactation. The lack of milk during breastfeeding is not critical; it can always be replaced with other products.

Milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, that is, substances that are necessary for bone, muscle, immune and nervous system. Nutrients are absorbed in combination with others, in the required proportions. Calcium is absorbed in the presence of magnesium, and vitamin D helps this process. Milk is an excellent example of a useful combination.

The body of a nursing mother needs large quantities calcium, but cow's milk is one of the most affordable and popular products. Necessary daily dose contained in 5 glasses of milk. For those women who tolerate milk well and love dairy products - a real elixir!

Milk during breastfeeding- a popular product, but also allergenic. If a woman avoided it during pregnancy and started using it only when feeding her baby, then an allergy is possible.

The nose begins to stuff up, a rash appears, intestinal disorders. This is a manifestation of a milk allergy. It is better to avoid drinking whole milk. It happens that children inherit milk intolerance from their parents, then they begin to react to allergens, even if they are fully breastfed. Allergies can manifest themselves through frequent regurgitation, restlessness of the child, and shallow sleep.

In this case, exclude whole milk from the mother’s diet; within 10 days the child’s condition will improve significantly. If the mother has no doubt that the child’s problems are caused by drinking milk, then it is better to refuse it until the child is 3 months old. Milk during breastfeeding can be replaced fermented milk products, thermally treated cottage cheese (casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings), hard cheese. 100 grams of cheese contains 75% of the dose of calcium that a young mother needs per day.

Milk during breastfeeding

If a child is allergic to milk, then doctors advise young mothers to give up dairy products, exclude kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, and baked goods that contain milk from the diet. Won't this affect?

If a woman consumes breast milk, then this milk does not increase, but if a woman is addicted to fresh milk, she may feel that lactation has decreased. Why is this happening? It's all about estrogen - a hormone that is active in fresh cow's milk. It breaks down if it sits for a couple of hours.

If a mother refuses milk and dairy products, then the nursing mother should provide herself with a richer, more varied diet. Young mothers planning their diet benefit in the amount of vitamins and microelements they take, since they get vitamins from different sources.

100 grams of sesame (sesame) contains a daily dose of calcium along with a combination of vitamin E. Calcium is found in almonds, broccoli, cauliflower, rye bread. Mom can get the necessary proteins and amino acids from meat, fish, eggs, and cereals.

The products that make up the diet of a nursing mother do not affect the fat content of milk, as well as other parameters of its nutritional value. If a child has no problems absorbing cow's milk, then you should not eat condensed milk in cans to increase the fat content of breast milk.

If the child is not susceptible to allergies, then he may react to the mother’s diet with colic and a rash. Milk during breastfeeding During lactation, it should be consumed in moderation, which is enjoyable but not harmful.

  • (2)
    In maternity hospitals, young mothers very often ask themselves and the periatrists: Is there enough milk for the baby? Is he getting the right amount of food? What […]
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    Breastfeeding and lactation very often become a cause for concern. Most often, concerns concern whether there is enough [...]

Cow's milk has always been considered a very valuable and healthy product. In the old days, even before the advent of formula, when a nursing mother lacked her milk great amount children were raised on cow's milk. It has long been considered the closest analogue to human milk. In India, cows are generally considered sacred animals for their ability to provide such a valuable, healthy and nutritious product. Both our mothers and grandmothers with a lack of milk or little milk nutritional value They will immediately advise you to drink milk to increase lactation. But is everything so clear today with the use of cow's milk during breastfeeding? Let's try to figure this out by weighing all the pros and cons.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of cow's milk for a mother breastfeeding her baby are obvious:

  • natural product very nutritious and its composition is close to the milk of a nursing mother;
  • natural milk is rich in nutrients, microelements, vitamins A, B, C, D;
  • the product contains a large amount of digestible calcium, which is so necessary little man with the growth of bones, nails, hair;
  • milk is rich in protein, which is involved in the growth and development of the baby, and this protein natural origin, which contributes to a large percentage of its absorption;
  • It has long been known that the drink is a good natural sedative at night.

So, we have decided on the benefits, let's try to find with such a large number positive characteristics and disadvantages of the product. The dangers of drinking cow's milk by a nursing mother are as follows.

  1. It cannot be sterile, so there is a high probability of transmitting pathogenic organisms and bacteria to the baby from the mother, which can be very dangerous for the baby. Boiling will not help here, because when high temperature Vitamins and nutrients are destroyed and the whole point of drinking such milk is lost.
  2. The natural product contains a huge amount of protein compared to mother's milk. 32-34% protein in cow's milk versus 9-10% in nursing mother's milk. To the baby with his undeveloped gastrointestinal tract It will be quite difficult to digest such a “heavy” product for him.
  3. Whole milk is very fatty, so the baby may experience colic, vomiting, regurgitation and other symptoms indicating problems with digesting such a fatty product.
  4. It contains large amounts of lactose - lactic acid. And in our civilization the number of children with lactose intolerance is increasing.
  5. A number of children may react to this valuable natural product with an allergic reaction, manifested in rashes, the appearance of a dry crust on the skin, and redness.

From the above we can conclude that there are significantly more pros than cons. The biggest disadvantages are intolerance (allergy, lactose intolerance) and danger due to unsterile preparation of this product. But doctors have mixed opinions regarding feeding a newborn baby with milk. The majority is against this, because a small body is not able to accept such unprepared and heavy food.

Selecting a quality product

We have decided that natural cow's milk is not very useful for mothers when breastfeeding because of its non-sterility, which is dangerous for the baby and its rather high fat content. How to be? Should I completely eliminate it from my diet while breastfeeding?

Of course not! Doctors advise nursing mothers to use a pasteurized product. It is safe and healthy, because it is kept for a long time at a temperature of 60-80 degrees, killing pathogenic microorganisms, however, while preserving all the beneficial substances. Milk can be either 1%, 2.5%, or 3.2% fat. There are many manufacturers of this irreplaceable product on numerous supermarket shelves. But only a natural product will benefit, not a powder one.

Consumer surveys were conducted in different cities regarding the taste and quality of milk from different producers.

The top three included:

  • in first place – TM “Vkusnoteevo”;
  • on the second – TM “House in the Village”;
  • on the third – TM “Prostokvashino”;
  • followed by the trademarks “Vologodskoe” and “Milk of Our Milking”.

The product of these manufacturers is characterized by naturalness, rich taste and consistently high quality. If you want to try a drink from other brands, you should pay attention to the following:

  • the product must be manufactured and packaged in accordance with GOST;
  • The address of the dairy production must be indicated;
  • a natural product without preservatives is stored for no more than five days;
  • The composition should indicate whole natural milk, not powdered milk.

A worthy alternative

Along with cow's milk, breastfeeding mothers often talk about the use of goat's milk. And for good reason. In its composition, this miracle product is closer to maternal than cow's. However, the most important difference in it is the extremely low content of lactose, that is, lactic acid (only 10%). In addition, the content of homogeneous fats in milk makes it easier to digest. That is why it almost does not cause allergies and is easier to digest. Plus it is less greasy.

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that goat milk will bring quite tangible benefits to the nursing mother and baby. Many people do not like it for its peculiar smell and sour taste. The smell of milk appears when the goat is not properly cared for. These animals are very clean. Due to its beneficial properties and ease of absorption, a nursing mother can drink this drink already at 3-4 weeks of the baby’s life. Her milk will become more nutritious and healthy and will not cause any harm to the baby.

It is very well absorbed. It should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother in small doses. On the first day, drink a teaspoon and observe the baby’s reaction for 24 hours. If the baby cries, has colic, redness all over the body, and the skin is peeling, then the introduction of this product should be temporarily excluded from the diet of the nursing mother. If everything went well, then you can gradually increase the dosage to one glass of goat milk per day.

An alternative to cow's milk can also be called baked milk. However, you need to be very careful here. It is worth introducing such milk in small doses and observing the baby’s reaction to it for 48 hours. New Product, and only then increase the dosage. In addition, due to its high fat content, such milk is recommended to be introduced only after the fifth month of a child’s life.

When talking about milk, one cannot fail to mention such a childhood delicacy as condensed milk. Is it suitable for nursing mothers? Since condensed milk is made from natural whole milk, there are certainly benefits to using it. However, large amounts of sugar and high concentration protein and lactose make the product very high in calories and “heavy”. Doctors recommend a maximum consumption of condensed milk of two tablespoons, and not in one go.

You can eat condensed milk no earlier than after the third month of the baby’s life. First, it is recommended to try one third of a teaspoon, then monitor the baby for allergic reactions and rule out lactose intolerance throughout the day. If everything went well, you can gradually increase the amount you eat. It should be remembered that the product is very high in calories and fat.

An alternative to drinking milk pure form Milk soups and porridges are served. These dishes are independent in the diet, perfectly diversify the limited menu of a nursing mother, are healthy and easy to prepare. Milk soups known to us from childhood with noodles, rice, buckwheat, as well as oat, millet, buckwheat porridge will make breast milk balanced and nutritious.

Important when using alternative pure milk pay attention to the naturalness and freshness of the product. After all, the fragile children's body It will be very difficult to digest a stale product, not to mention preservatives and stabilizers.

Rules for introducing into the diet and the required amount

So, when can cow’s milk be introduced into a mother’s diet while breastfeeding? And how long after the baby is born? Opinions vary about at what age you can start drinking milk. Some advise starting to introduce the above product when the baby is two months old. Most pediatricians advise drinking milk only after the baby’s third month of life.

It is better to start drinking milk with a lower fat content. And if everything goes well with the baby, then the quantity and fat content can be increased to 3.2%. During breastfeeding (breastfeeding), each new product is introduced separately. After the first use of the product, you should wait about 24 hours, observe the baby and only then draw conclusions about the presence or absence of allergies or intolerances.

It is recommended to consume new products in a very small dose - starting with 1 teaspoon. After all, if complications arise in your baby, you can always contact daytime to the hospital and get necessary help. After 24 hours, you can try increasing the amount to two tablespoons. And then gradually increase your consumption level to one glass per day.

To increase lactation, it is better to add milk to warm, not hot tea. The concentration of the drink will be less, but there will be more benefits for mother and baby. If the mother notices signs of an allergy or intolerance to the product, she should stop taking it for at least a month. And only then make new attempts. If after a month the symptoms recur, then such experiments should be postponed for a longer period.

Manifestation of allergies in a baby

What to pay attention to, as you can see possible allergies at the baby's? 15-20 minutes after consumption by the child breast milk After introducing a new product, you should carefully monitor the child’s behavior. If he spits up, tucks his legs in more often than usual, cries and shows signs of anxiety, it means that his body is having a hard time coping with the new food element in his diet.

If red spots begin to appear on the body during the day, and the skin begins to peel off, then this indicates an allergic reaction to a product from the diet of a nursing mother. Here you should not self-medicate and you should immediately contact your pediatrician to avoid possible swelling and complications.

Today, pediatricians say that eating pasteurized dairy product at the right time, in the absence of contraindications, it is beneficial for the nursing mother and baby. They support the idea of ​​consuming it by nursing mothers to obtain a more vitamin-rich and nutritious product for the baby. Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, widely known in our country, welcomes the use of milk if it is natural, when the mother began taking it after the third month of the baby’s life and provided that the product is normally tolerated. After all, if the protein is not broken down by the child’s body, this causes complications for the liver, and if long-term use the child may have serious problems. In general, everything is good in moderation. The main thing is that the product is suitable for a specific person.

For information on what and how much you should drink while breastfeeding, watch the following video.

Breast milk is a unique food product for a newborn, not only natural, but also very healthy. It contains everything necessary for proper development child's body nutrients, microelements and vitamins.

Colostrum precedes the formation of breast milk. It has no equal in the composition and quality of nutrients. During the first 2-3 days it perfectly saturates the baby and is easily digestible. And by 4-5 days after birth, real breast milk appears.

With the birth of a child, a young mother has a lot of different questions and problems regarding feeding. There are especially many of them at the birth of the first child. Answers to the most FAQ can be found in this article.

Long gone are the days when newborns were kept in separate maternity hospital wards from their mothers. Today it has been proven (and implemented) that contact between the newborn and the mother and the first attachment to the breast are necessary immediately after birth. The sooner the baby is put to the breast, the faster breastfeeding will begin, and the easier the baby will adapt after birth.

How often to feed your baby

One of the important questions for a young mother is the number of feedings during the day, and many doubt whether it is possible to feed the baby at night. There are 3 options to solve this problem:

  1. Feeding by the hour, or according to a schedule - old way, when the baby was applied to the breast strictly after 3 hours. This is convenient for the mother, and not for the child, because the mother could do household chores in the intervals between feedings.
  1. Feeding on demand, that is, applying to the mother’s breast at the first cry of the baby at any time of the day. This is exactly how pediatricians now recommend feeding children. In addition, the baby can suckle at the breast as much as he wants. As a result of frequent applications, lactation is stimulated without the use of any additional means.

The baby quickly gets used to sleeping at the mother's breast. At night, there is no need to wake up the baby for feeding: if he wants, he will suck on his own, with the nipple in his mouth. But the mother seems to be constantly attached to the child; at any time she should be able to feed the child.

In addition, a child may cry for another reason: colic in the stomach, a wet diaper, or another reason. And the mother, not understanding this, will try to feed him.

  1. Free feeding is an intermediate method between the first two. With this method, the mother feeds the baby “according to appetite” both day and night, but no more often than every 2 hours. According to physiology, the child should not need food before. You only need to hold the baby at your breast for 15-20 minutes. – this time is enough for saturation. Longer sucking only helps to satisfy the sucking reflex. Night feedings should be maintained as they are important for maintaining lactation.

Which feeding option to choose is up to the mother to decide together with her pediatrician. In this case, the interests of the child must be put at the forefront.

Quantity and quality of milk

Literally from the first days after being discharged from the maternity ward with a newborn, every mother begins to worry about the quality, and often the quantity, of milk: does the baby have enough of it, and is there enough fat in the milk? Maybe a mixture is better? Moreover, advertising insistently claims that infant formula is not inferior to breast milk.

However, nothing can replace mother's milk. It is important that the baby receives breastfeeding for at least 6 months.

The benefits of breast milk for a baby are undeniable:

  • its composition suits the baby perfectly;
  • mother's milk will not cause and, if only the mother adheres to the doctor's recommendations on nutrition;
  • in addition to nutrients, the mother provides protection to the baby from many diseases with her antibodies contained in milk;
  • no need to heat food or special conditions for storing it, which is especially convenient when feeding at night or outside the home.

That is why you should not rush to feed your baby with formula, you need to fight to maintain lactation. Frequent breastfeeding promotes milk flow better than any stimulant. Even if the breast seems “empty,” the baby sucks out milk, called hind milk, which is considered more valuable than fore milk. This is why it is not recommended to change breasts frequently during breastfeeding. If there is a lack of hindmilk, the baby will lose weight and may experience intestinal problems.

For lactation, the psycho-emotional state of the nursing mother, the absence of stress and sufficient time for rest and night sleep are important. Well, the quality of milk directly depends on the nature of the mother’s diet.

What is the best position to feed your baby?

You can breastfeed a baby in a wide variety of positions, but 3 of them are considered the most common.

When choosing a position when feeding a newborn, the main condition is convenience, a feeling of comfort for both the child and the mother.

Main poses 3:

  • classic (“cradle”): the mother sits and holds the baby in her arms, holding him close to her with her head slightly raised; at the same time, the baby lies as if in a cradle, which was the name of the pose;
  • from the armpit: the mother holds the child on her side, under her arm, pressing his head to her chest. This position is most often used when giving birth to twins and feeding both babies at the same time;
  • lying on the side: mother lies on her side; a child lies nearby, at the chest; the most comfortable position when feeding at night, after a caesarean section.

Positions can be changed, which will enable the baby to suck milk from different lobes of the mammary gland to prevent stagnation. It is important that in any position the baby’s body is in the same plane and not bent.

Correct chest grip

It is very important to teach the baby to grasp the nipple correctly: the wide open mouth should contain the nipple and most of the areola, and the baby’s lower lip should be turned outward. The nose and chin rest against the chest when feeding. At the same time, the child will not swallow air and suffer from colic, and due to regurgitation, he will not gain weight.

It is not difficult to determine the correctness of the grip: you will not hear smacking while sucking the breast, and feeding will not cause stress in the mother. pain. If the nipple is taken incorrectly, you need to carefully insert your little finger into the baby’s mouth, pull out the nipple, and then insert it correctly, pointing it towards the sky.

Do I need to express milk?

Mandatory pumping after each feeding, as well as feeding by the hour, is now called a relic of Soviet times. Nowadays, pediatricians do not recommend mothers to express themselves. Milk in mammary gland will be produced in the same quantity as the child sucks it out.

But sometimes pumping is necessary:

  1. With fullness and a feeling of distension in the mammary gland. Pumping and breast massage will help avoid.
  2. At the birth of a premature baby who is not able to suck out milk completely. But in this case, you need to express your breasts before feeding the baby so that he sucks out the more useful hind milk. Pumping will help preserve lactation until the baby completely sucks milk from the breast.
  3. By expressing, you can maintain lactation during the period of mother’s illness and separation from the baby or taking antibiotics.
  4. In the absence of the mother for some time (going to work or for another reason).

Safe nutrition for nursing mothers

Natural questions about. The nature of the mother's diet affects the quality and taste of milk. All nutrients in milk come from foods consumed by the mother.

If the mother does not receive enough of any substances, then the child receives them from the reserve reserves of the mother’s body, which necessarily affects her health (hair, teeth, etc. fall out). That is why special attention should be paid to the mother’s diet.

Food should be taken in moderate portions 5-6 times a day; overeating will not improve the quality of milk. But also strict diets It cannot be used during lactation - the diet must be varied and satisfy all the needs of the child’s and mother’s organisms.

During the first month it is advisable to follow hypoallergenic diet: exclude citrus fruits, fruits and vegetables bright color, flour products and sweets, cow's milk, honey, chocolate, cocoa, etc.

In the first month, mother is allowed to consume:

  • soups and non-rich broths;
  • meat (stewed or boiled) - beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • porridge (on water) - rice and buckwheat;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • hard cheese;
  • fermented milk products, excluding kefir;
  • vegetable purees from zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes;
  • bananas and green apples after heat treatment.

It is necessary to exclude spicy, fatty and fried food, spices, pickles, sauces, seafood and canned food.

You should select foods carefully in the first 3 months. after childbirth, adding them to the menu one at a time at intervals of 3-5 days and monitoring the child’s reaction. If the baby does not have intestinal problems or allergic phenomena, you can leave the product in the diet. Fresh fruits (except strawberries, exotic and citrus fruits) and vegetables are introduced gradually and brought up to 500 g per day.

Among the fats, it is preferable to consume olive, sunflower, corn oil, but within reasonable limits, since fatty milk is more difficult for the baby to digest. Fish, eggs, and nuts are gradually introduced.

Mustard, horseradish and other spices can flavor milk, while onions and garlic can taste bad smell, and cause the child to refuse breastfeeding. Of course, any alcoholic drinks should be prohibited.

Legumes, plums, cabbage will lead to increased gas formation and colic, and sometimes diarrhea in the baby. Overeating by the mother will cause digestive disorders in the baby - colic, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.

It is mandatory for a nursing mother to drink 2-3 liters of liquid per day. It could be tea with milk, freshly squeezed juices, dried fruit compote, milk (fat content no more than 2.5%), still water. You can drink cocoa and coffee no earlier than the 2nd half of the year after giving birth. Whole cow's milk quite often causes allergies in babies, so pediatricians advise mothers to consume it with caution, no earlier than 4-6 months, in small quantities.

Quality and quantity of breast milk

Sometimes it seems to a mother that she is producing little milk and the baby is malnourished. Weight gain and the amount of urination will help you figure this out. A baby should normally urinate more than 8 times a day. Body weight grows weekly by about 120 g (about 500 g per month). By six months of age, birth weight should double. If these 2 indicators are normal, then the baby has enough milk.

Some women produce a lot of milk, which causes spontaneous leakage, heaviness in the glands, and congestion in the breast. In such cases, you can express a little milk before feeding and reduce the amount of liquid you drink per day.

Anxieties about are also often unfounded. The fat percentage is easy to check at home. To do this, you need to express the milk into a sterile tube after 20 minutes. after feeding and let it stand for 6 hours at room temperature. The milk will be divided into 2 layers, the top one will show the fat content: its height (measured with a ruler) in mm will show the percentage of fat content (1 mm = 1%). Normally it should be 3.5-5%.

The composition of milk changes as the child grows and fully satisfies the needs of the growing body. If the child is calm and weight gain is normal, then there is no need to worry. Very fatty milk can cause severe colic and development (violation of the ratio beneficial bacteria in the intestines) in infants.

Insufficient lactation

If there is still not enough milk, then there is no need to rush into supplementary feeding, but take measures to increase lactation:

  • Give the baby a pacifier less often, and apply it to the breast more often - sucking stimulates the formation of milk;
  • It is also produced more actively during skin-to-skin contact, that is, if the breasts are exposed for feeding;
  • be sure to use a light massage of the mammary glands;
  • normalize your diet;
  • increase the volume of liquid you drink (water, juices, compote) with the obligatory inclusion of hot tea with milk, broths and soups in the diet;
  • provide the nursing mother with sufficient rest, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • eliminate anxiety and stress that reduce lactation.

On the advice of your pediatrician, you can drink herbal teas. Medicines and dietary supplements can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor (some can cause allergies in a child):

  1. Lactogon – food supplement, containing royal jelly, carrot juice, herbal extracts, vitamin C.
  2. Apilak is a tablet preparation that contains vitamins and royal jelly (may cause sleep disturbances).
  3. Mlekoin - a remedy plant origin in the form of granules.
  4. Hipp - herbal tea, contains fennel, anise, nettle and caraway.
  5. Grandmother's Lukoshko is a tea with a lactogenic, tonic and strengthening effect.

The reaction of the body of a woman and child to these drugs is purely individual.

It is important to maintain breastfeeding for at least 6 months. You can supplement your baby with formula milk only in consultation with your pediatrician when the baby is losing weight due to lack of milk. At the same time, it is advisable to continue breastfeeding and supplement the amount of formula calculated by the pediatrician with a spoon, and not from a bottle with a nipple.

Why is the baby crying?

Usually a newborn cries when he wants to eat or expresses dissatisfaction with a wet diaper. Crying at night is usually also associated with night feedings. From the second half of the year physiological need they no longer have it, but they have developed a dependence, the habit of sucking the breast at night every 3 hours. It will be possible to give up night feedings gradually, changing the time and order of falling asleep after 30-40 minutes. after evening feeding.

Sometimes whining at night is just a check to see if mom is nearby. If you simply pat the child on the head, the baby calms down and falls asleep again. There is no need to accustom the baby to rocking in your arms, or rush to take the baby in your arms at night - children quickly get used to this, and then they will only cry to sleep in their arms.

Crying and restlessness may also indicate feeling unwell child (with colic, teething, at the onset of the disease). By observing the baby's behavior, the mother will soon learn to determine the cause of crying.


Colic affects almost all babies up to 3 months, and sometimes longer. A light tummy massage will help ease the baby's condition and improve the passage of gases.

From the first weeks of life, colic bothers almost every newborn - adaptation to a new diet is underway. They are not a pathology and usually disappear after 3-5 months. With colic, the child cries, presses his legs to his tummy, and stool may be disturbed. How to help the baby?


  • Place the baby on his stomach on a hard surface for 2-3 minutes before feeding;
  • monitor the posture and grip of the nipple when feeding so that the baby swallows less air;
  • hold the baby after column feeding (that is, in vertical position) until air leaves, regurgitation;
  • put the child on his back and straighten and bend his legs;
  • do a light abdominal massage in a clockwise circular motion;
  • apply a warm diaper to your tummy;
  • take a relaxing bath (with the addition of chamomile infusion);
  • follow a diet for a nursing mother.

As prescribed by your pediatrician, you can use pharmaceutical products to cope with colic:

  • Espumisan baby (drops) and Bifiform baby ( oil solution) can be used from birth of the baby to normalize digestion and prevent dysbacteriosis;
  • from 2 weeks of age you can use Plantex to remove gases and reduce colic;
  • from the 2nd month, Bobotik drops and Sub Simplex, Linex, Bebinos suspension are used to reduce bloating and relieve colic.

Regurgitation and vomiting

Regurgitation is common physiological process, not a disease. It is observed in every baby from birth until 4-6 months. It occurs spontaneously after 15-30 minutes. after feeding and is associated with swallowing air during sucking. Milk is excreted unchanged in a volume of no more than 5 ml. At the same time, the baby’s well-being does not suffer.

If regurgitation is profuse, like a fountain, then this already indicates a digestive disorder and requires contacting a pediatrician. When vomiting, the volume and frequency are not limited; food can be expelled in a fountain, already partially digested (curdled milk with sour smell). This phenomenon signals serious violation digestion and requires consultation with a doctor. Suffering general state child: anxiety appears, bad dream, refusal to eat, etc.

How to care for your breasts during lactation

It is enough to wash your breasts with neutral soap twice a day and then blot the moisture with a soft cloth. And you need to wash your hands with soap both before and after feeding.

The bra should be made of cotton, without seams inside cups, without seeds. It should not tighten the chest. It is advisable to use special breast pads that will absorb excess milk, protect the skin and nipples from irritation, rubbing with linen, and clothes from getting wet (but they will have to be changed regularly).

When taking a shower, it is advisable to lightly massage your breasts for 3-4 minutes (using circular movements in a clockwise direction). This massage will prevent lactostasis and stimulate milk production. In this case, you do not need to squeeze the mammary gland or press intensely on the skin. To make it easier to glide, you can lubricate your hands with olive oil.

If lactation is delayed in a primigravida, you can also use compresses: before feeding, warm ones to stimulate milk production, and afterward, cool ones to restore the shape of the breasts.


Stagnation of milk in the breast occurs quite often. In this case, a kind of milk plug is formed, impeding the movement of milk through the ducts. Manifestations of the condition are an increase in the size of the gland, the formation of painful seals in it, redness at the site of stagnation, and an increase in temperature. The general condition also suffers - it worries headache, weakness.

What to do if milk stagnation occurs:

  • feed the baby every hour;
  • change the child’s position so that the place of stagnation (compaction) is under his chin;
  • if feeding is very painful, you can first express some milk by hand, lightly massage the gland, put a dampened towel on it hot water, or stand in the shower;
  • After feeding, apply any of the compresses for 15-20 minutes: cold cabbage leaf, or cold cottage cheese, or honey with flour in the form of a cake to relieve pain.

A fever above 38 0 C may indicate the onset of a purulent-inflammatory process in the chest, so you should urgently consult a doctor. Medical care is also necessary if the condition has not improved within 2 days in order to prevent the development of mastitis.

Cracked nipples

main reason cracks in the mother's nipples - improper attachment of the baby to the breast. When applied correctly, the baby's mouth covers most of the areola (and not just the nipple), is wide open, and the lower lip is turned outward.

Damage to the nipples causes pain for the mother when feeding, so it is better to prevent cracks from developing.

The reasons for their appearance may be different:

  • sensitive delicate skin;
  • flat nipple shape;
  • improper attachment of the child;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

If there are cracks, you need to continue to feed the baby. Do not treat nipples with brilliant green, iodine or other alcohol solutions, antibiotic ointments.

For treatment can be used:

  • ointments with vitamin A: Retinol or Videstim not only heal wounds, relieve pain, but also prevent the occurrence of new damage; do not require rinsing;
  • Purelan and Sanosan mom do not require washing off the product before feeding, do not cause allergies (they consist of lanolin without impurities);
  • Avent cream with coconut oil and lanolin perfectly heals wounds and does not require rinsing;
  • Bepanten – antibacterial agent, used for healing cracks and prevention, requires mandatory rinsing before feeding.

Summary for nursing mothers

The article touches on questions that arise in almost every young mother. The best advisor and consultant in their decision should be the local pediatrician.

Here's a clear picture of how to properly attach a baby to the breast:

Webinar by lactation consultant N. Salimova on the topic “Basic rules for successful breastfeeding”:

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky about infant colic:

Young mothers, inundated with numerous tips and recommendations from doctors, relatives, kind aunties and, finally, all-knowing “experts” from the Internet, often cannot even answer the simple question of whether milk can be given to a nursing mother. And, before making a final decision on this matter, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with possible consequences taking milk.

Moms, drink milk and you will be healthy.

It would seem that what terrible thing could happen if a nursing woman starts eating dairy products or even condensed milk? After all, to produce the most necessary substance for a baby, the easiest way is to eat something that is almost identical in composition to milk. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to dairy products, which ideally complement almost any dish - porridge, omelettes, sandwiches, soups, etc. In addition, cottage cheese, sour cream, and yoghurts contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful substances that both a young growing body and the mother’s body, which is fragile after childbirth, need, so in no case should we forget about the value of milk, especially with breastfeeding. .

5 beneficial properties of milk

Drinking milk while breastfeeding is certainly possible and even necessary! This process has a number of positive aspects that have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and her child. Being an affordable drink with such a list useful properties, almost milk indispensable product in some cases. However, with all the above advantages, it can lead to some complications. Therefore, it is recommended to drink milk with extreme caution in the first month of breastfeeding.

What are the dangers of using the product?

Probably only the lazy have not said a word about the benefits of milk - it so harmoniously combines all the elements important for the growth and development of the body. With all this, scientists and doctors are still arguing about the need to take this drink, both for adults and for mothers during feeding. After all, the fact that dairy products are one of the most powerful allergens has not been canceled.

Many people often experience intolerance to milk and its derivatives. This occurs because the protein in milk the immune system regards him as alien. And, of course, she tries with all her might to get rid of it.

Allergies may occur different ways, ranging from rashes on the face and throughout the body and ending with severe digestive upset. If one of your family members has a sensitivity to dairy products, then taking milk while breastfeeding is highly not recommended. A child can inherit such intolerance, and at such a young age, allergies increase many times over. In addition, any illness of the mother will also negatively affect the tiny body.

Allergic reactions to milk in infants

  • Rash, redness and peeling of the skin. These can range from small red spots to hives. In the worst case, atopic dermatitis occurs.
  • Digestive disorder. This includes symptoms such as: bloating, colic, problems with stool (constipation or too liquid), regurgitation, vomiting.
  • Breathing problems. IN in rare cases Allergy can manifest itself in cough, difficulty breathing, rhinitis.

If you observe one or more of the above symptoms in your baby, then the question of whether milk is possible during breastfeeding should not arise. We recommend that you immediately stop taking milk during breastfeeding. Of course, it is not at all necessary that such an allergic reaction is caused precisely by the consumption of dairy products, however, just in case, you should be careful and completely exclude milk from your diet. By at least, until you are convinced that it is dairy products that influence the appearance of these symptoms.

4 rules for introducing dairy products into the diet of a nursing mother

So, to drink or not to drink? It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously without knowing the whole situation of mother and baby. It would be wrong to prohibit everyone from drinking cow's milk while breastfeeding, especially if the mother wants to diversify her diet without vitamin complexes, but natural healthy products. In this case, it is important to remember a few simple rules when drinking milk.

Cow's milk has long been considered a suitable food for a nursing mother. It contains a lot of useful substances, and also contains necessary for mom and baby squirrels. However, today the attitude towards this product has changed somewhat. Many women who are breastfeeding a baby are wary of dairy products. Is milk harmful when breastfeeding, in what circumstances should you refuse it (see also:)? There is no categorical ban on its use, Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this, there are only recommendations that are given taking into account each specific case. We will look at all the pros and cons, and also give some tips on how to properly use this tasty and definitely healthy drink.

Cow's milk is traditionally considered useful source squirrel, but nursing mothers are wary of it

What is the benefit of the product?

The wonderful properties of milk have been known for a long time. We will remind you the most important useful qualities this product, perhaps some of them will seem unexpected to you:

  • Probably every mother knows that milk contains what is necessary for the growth of bones, hair and strong nails calcium. A nursing woman especially needs this macronutrient, since her body is in a constant process of lactation, where the lion's share of calcium obtained from food goes (see also:).
  • Milk provides the body with other macroelements - phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins.
  • Milk protein has the ability to be easily absorbed by the body. Since babies grow and gain weight quickly, protein is very important for them.
  • A medium-fat drink has absorbent properties - it removes toxins that enter the body with low-quality products or medicines. In addition, the product helps improve digestion and slightly reduce stomach acidity. Those who often struggle with heartburn know about this property.
  • Our grandmothers also used heated milk as a sedative. Before bed, a glass of warm drink will help you relax and fall asleep.

This list of beneficial properties will convince the most severe skeptics of the need for milk for a nursing mother. Why then is this product under attack from nutritionists, and what complications may arise for those who consume it during breastfeeding?

Who is at risk?

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This product can cause health problems in infants for two main reasons - allergies or intolerance. So, the first disadvantage that is inherent in this healthy drink– high allergenicity.

Statistics say that allergies to cow protein are most common among infants and children 2-3 years old (more details in the article:). It is because of her that this product was included in the list of those that are not recommended for women during breastfeeding.

A baby may react to the pasteurized drink his mother drank for breakfast with more than just reddened cheeks. Allergies in infants sometimes manifest themselves in other ways:

  • the mother may notice a rash all over the baby's body, scaly large pink spots, redness in the perineal area, in rare cases eczema, atopic dermatitis are possible;
  • the reaction can manifest itself as active regurgitation, vomiting (very often), bloating and colic;
  • Occasionally, pediatricians observe a runny nose, sore throat, which is manifested by coughing, and hoarse breathing as a reaction to a food allergen.

The second factor that does not play in favor of milk is that there is a small category of people who suffer from intolerance to this product. Such a person has a deficiency of the enzyme that is needed to digest lactose - milk sugar. In these cases, drinking the drink and its products may cause diarrhea, bloating, and other unpleasant symptoms. There are complete and partial lactose intolerance, but you should act in the same way in both cases.

If the baby suffers from lactose intolerance (and a doctor will help identify this fact), the woman should not drink milk. Allergic reaction on this product should also serve as a signal to complete refusal From him. However, in the second case, after a while you can repeat the attempt to introduce the drink into the diet of a nursing woman. When the baby grows up, he will get a little stronger and unpleasant symptoms may not arise.

Lactose intolerance is detected during a medical examination

Soy milk as an alternative to cow's milk

Soy milk may well replace cow milk in the diet of a nursing woman. This product has a lot of advantages, which have contributed to its incredible popularity. Let's figure out what the benefits of a vegetable substitute are and why it has a lot of fans:

  • The first obvious advantage is the absence of lactose, which is present in the cow's equivalent. People suffering from intolerance to these specific carbohydrates are the main consumers of soy substitutes.
  • In the same way, plant milk is allowed to be consumed during breastfeeding by healthy mothers whose children cannot digest lactose. However, before introducing this substitute into your diet, you should consult your doctor.
  • Soy products contain vitamins A, B12, D and E.
  • Soy, which is the basis of this drink, contains phytoestrogens. Scientists have already proven that these plant compounds have a beneficial effect on female body and help maintain youth. In addition, they are necessary for normal operation cardiovascular, reproductive systems. There are also studies that show that these plant compounds prevent age-related changes in the bone structure.
  • Soy drink contains vegetable protein a lot. Because of this, it is sometimes used as a substitute for animal protein, which is found in meat, fish and eggs.

Soy milk may well replace animal products

Herbal analogue is not suitable for everyone

There are also opponents of drinking soy drink. What arguments do opponents present? Let's take a closer look at the disadvantages of this product:

  • The phosphorus contained in soy is almost useless. It turns out that this microelement is reliably bound by phytic acid molecules, which soybeans contain. This insidious molecule also “steals” calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron from the human body. Moreover, phytic acid interferes with the enzymes that help digest food.
  • Phytoestrogens are not fully studied plant compounds. There is an opinion that in significant dosages they are contraindicated during breastfeeding.
  • Soy products should not be consumed by people who are at risk for certain cancers.
  • In rare cases, infants may show signs of an allergy to plant milk. Determining predisposition is easy with the help of tests.

Choosing a useful product

The answer to the question whether cow's milk can be consumed while breastfeeding is individual for each mother. Those who answered positively should first exclude the possibility that the child will get poor quality product. You need to choose it correctly for your mother. For example, Dr. Komarovsky believes that hormones and antibiotics that may be present in cows’ feed also end up in the final product.

You should not buy homemade milk from traders at a spontaneous market. Get rid of dangerous bacteria It’s not difficult - just boil the product for a few minutes, but a nursing woman does not need increased fat content.

From the products presented in the store, you need to choose natural, tasty milk of medium fat content (more details in the article:)

Most best option– pasteurized product with medium fat content from a trusted manufacturer. It is important that the packaging indicates:

  • shelf life no more than five days;
  • address of production facilities;
  • GOST;
  • Ingredients: only whole milk, skimmed (not powdered).

Methods of introducing dairy products into the diet

If there are no obvious contraindications and you decide to try introducing this product into your diet, you need to act gradually, following the rules. We offer four gentle ways to introduce a drink into the menu that will not cause persistent complications:

  • The main rule is gradualism. There is no need to drink large amounts of milk right away. First you should try drinking half a glass, then observe the baby’s behavior and reaction. If within one or two days the child does not develop allergies or tummy problems, drink a little more. Only in case of a neutral reaction after two weeks is it allowed to start drinking the drink without fear.
  • Complete the dish. Liquid cereals are an ideal way to introduce milk into the diet. First you need to dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio and only then pour in the cereal. Then the porridge will turn out not only tasty, but also almost dietary. It is also allowed to add this drink to tea - at first limit it to one tablespoon, gradually increasing the portion to half a glass.
  • Great way to introduce this useful product- a drink made from milk powder. It can be made less rich than indicated on the package. In addition, such powder is often additionally enriched with vitamins, which will only benefit the nursing mother.
  • Baked milk is not recommended to be included in the menu until the baby is two to three months old. It tastes good, but has a higher fat content and is higher in calories than regular pasteurized one. The same can be said about condensed milk - it can only be consumed if positive reaction baby to regular boiled milk.

Baked milk is fattier and higher in calories, so you shouldn’t rush with it
  • You can try drinking goat's milk rather than cow's milk. It, unlike cow's milk, is not a strong allergen due to the small amount of lactose. At the same time, the goat analogue contains much more protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. You should also consume this product starting with small portions in order to have time to notice the slightest signs allergies in the baby.

We solve the problem with the help of a pediatrician

I would like to note that any manifestation of allergies or indigestion in a baby should alert the mother. In this case, it is advisable to immediately exclude milk from the diet and not neglect a visit to the pediatrician, who can determine whether the cause of the complications is correctly identified. The doctor will recommend allergy tests and, if positive result, will advise you to avoid this product. If this is your case, you should not introduce a soy substitute into your diet yourself. Evgeny Komarovsky notes that soy drink can also cause allergies - in some cases, allergic children react to vegetable protein in the same way as to cow protein.

If you are absolutely sure that your baby is allergic to milk, you should not despair. Perhaps in a few months the child will react completely differently to this product. You should try to re-introduce it with extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor. According to pediatricians, the child’s immune system gradually matures, which means allergies may go away.

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