What does a fireplace mean in a dream? Interpretation of the dream fireplace in dream books

Women's dream book

A fireplace in a woman’s dream, why?

To see a dream about a fireplace, a chimney - In general, to see a fireplace in a dream is a sign of future troubles in your life, of premature news of illness. A fireplace without fire and wood portends bitterness and disappointment. If there is a fire burning in the fireplace, a very pleasant event awaits you. A wood stand by the fireplace foreshadows strengthening relationships with your good friends. Going down the chimney means sad events. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows an inappropriate, indecent act, the commission of which will cause condemnation from others. If she climbs up a chimney in a dream, she will be able to avoid some kind of trouble.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Fireplace?

Fireplace, chimney - Seeing a fireplace in a dream means that something very unpleasant will happen in your life. You will receive too hasty an illness message. Going down the chimney promises sadness. Seeing a fireplace overgrown with ivy or vines foretells the happiness that awaits you after sadness and loss of relatives. Seeing a fire burning in the fireplace means that something very good is coming for you. Hiding by the fireplace - grief and doubt will visit you, things will go wrong. For a young woman to dream that she is going down a chimney, foretells that she will do something inappropriate, violating the rules of decency, which will cause horror to those around her. Climbing up means that she will be able to avoid some kind of misfortune in store for her. - if you dream that you see a firewood stand in the fireplace, then this is a sign of your future good relations with friends. Looking into an empty fireplace without fire or wood in a dream portends various sorrows.

Why dream of a Fireplace - Seeing a fireplace with wood burning in it is a sign of joy: you will finally get rid of your own doubts and worries and will be able to truly appreciate your partner.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: What does fireplace mean?

To see a fireplace in a dream - Burning - good service; cooled down - a lost place, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Fireplace?

Dreaming about a Fireplace - Seeing a fireplace with fire in a dream means well-being. If you dreamed that you were sitting by an extinguished fireplace, expect an unpleasant event. A cheerful fire in the fireplace is a sign of a good turn of events. To dream that you are lighting a fireplace means that you will be drawn into a conflict. A smoking fireplace is a sign of a protracted dispute or conflict, and if in a dream you are sitting by the fireplace, fairy legs, it is a sign of an incident that may end unfavorably for you, which is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Fireplace - Burning - a symbol of the hearth, family happiness. Extinguished, without fire - divorce, long separation; death in the family, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

If you dream about a Fireplace, what does this mean these days?

According to the dream book Fireplace - Quiet life

Azar's biblical dream book

Did you see a fireplace in a dream?

Why do you dream about Fireplace - Family life

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Fireplace in a dream

Fireplace - With fire - you will get a good position; without fire, you will lose your place.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about a Fireplace:

Fireplace - Home warmth; help from the subtle essences of fire.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a fireplace in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about a Fireplace - A pleasant family life - with fire - you will get a good position - without fire - you will lose your place

Dreamed / dreamed of a Fireplace with fire - Luxury.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Fireplace according to the dream book?

Why see a fireplace with fire - Prosperity.

Assyrian dream book

Why do you dream of a Fireplace according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a hearth (fireplace) in a dream - A home means a return to family values ​​and parental feelings. The hearth is traditionally the center of sacred endeavors and sacred rituals. It also means a chance to start over.

A fireplace seen in a dream is a symbol of the onset of a not very pleasant period in life. The dream book warns of future problems with the body, difficulties in relationships with loved ones, and disappointments. It is not difficult to find out a more complete explanation of what this dream means. The most common predictions are given in this material.

Do something bad

Seeing a blazing fire in a fireplace in a dream means committing an indecent act. In real life, the dreamer will act contrary to her moral principles, and will regret what she did for a long time. The modern dream book advises not to act rashly, giving in to emotions. First of all, think about how you can “get away with it” without risking anything.

If you dreamed that there was a fire burning in the fireplace and you were climbing up the chimney, you would be able to get around all the sharp corners. The reputation will remain untarnished. If a crackling fire burns you badly, it means that you will definitely suffer losses in some areas of your life.

Interpretations from Miller's dream book

Miller explains why you dream of a burning fireplace in a very interesting way. Seeing a burning fireplace in a dream means receiving quick news of your illness. If you dreamed that you were trying to hide from someone or something by the stove, this means that in reality you will begin to worry and be tormented by all sorts of doubts.

If in a dream a burning fireplace suddenly goes out, then in reality circumstances will suddenly develop in a very beneficial way for you. Miller's dream book believes that without any effort the current difficult life situation will improve. So don’t worry in vain, just wait a while and more prosperous times will come.

All sorts of difficulties

Seeing in a dream how you look into a fireplace in which there is no flame or wood is a bad sign. The universal dream book is convinced that this dream promises all kinds of sorrows and troubles. Another version of why a similar plot is dreamed of is a feeling of spiritual emptiness and confusion. If you dream about something like this, do not hesitate to seek advice from an experienced person who has experienced life. In some cases, an outside view helps to find the optimal solution.

If you dreamed that the firewood was almost extinguished, expect problems in the workplace. If you want to prevent future troubles, start right now to think through other options for generating cash income. Aesop's Dream Book is sure that you can find several part-time jobs at once, and then the financial crisis is not terrible.

Other interpretations of sleep

You can find an explanation of why you dream about a fireplace stove in many sources. Here are the most common interpretations:

  • Crackling logs - to prosperity and a prosperous life.
  • High flame and intense heat - to family well-being.
  • A luxurious large fireplace is a dream come true.
  • Filling logs with water means making rather rash decisions.
  • Collecting stones yourself means working for the future.
  • Breaking a building with a hammer means getting into big trouble.

Dream interpretation fireplace

In reality, we associate a fireplace with comfort, warmth, friendly conversation, and a pleasant pastime.

But in a dream, a fireplace is considered a harbinger of the onset of a difficult period in the life of a sleeping person.

Dreaming of a hearth

Why do you dream about a fireplace? This symbol promises the onset of health troubles and quarrels with other people.

What interpreters say

If you do not want to be content with a brief interpretation, then you should turn to dream interpreters for help.

This article will collect the most current and common predictions.

Home interpreter

Lighting a fireplace in a dream

Lighting the wood yourself means you are able to endure all the troubles and come out of them with honor. The dream book says that you will get into trouble because of the actions of people close to you.
Your fireplace was heated not with wood, but with coal - your feelings for your significant other are mutual. In reality, a pleasant and happy family life awaits you.
Warming your feet by the fire - interesting events will begin to happen in the near future. If the warmth of the hearth was pleasant to you, then changes for the better await you in the near future.

Robinson's Interpreter

According to this dream book, a fireplace in night vision indicates that you will have to resolve a number of important issues.

Warm your feet in a dream

To dream of an old hearth overgrown with vines - the future will bring you a lot of pleasant moments.

Even an empty fireplace promises peace in life, order in your thoughts and feelings.

Assyrian interpreter

A hearth in night vision predicts that you will have a real chance to start life again.

A fireplace in the house reminds that in the life of any person the main value is family, home, love and respect of loved ones.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

This dream book gives clear and concise interpretations of what you saw in your dream:

  • fireplace - a favorable life with family;
  • fire in it - you will be able to achieve a high social position, get a high position;
  • without fire, you will be demoted, or you will lose your job altogether.

Dreaming of a hearth without fire

Esoteric interpreter

When you dream of a fire in the fireplace, you can safely hope for the best. It is believed that higher powers will help you in everything.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

A burning hearth is a symbol of home values, warmth and comfort. If the fire in him goes out, then you will have to part with your soulmate for a long time, or even get a divorce.

The most negative prediction this source gives is the death of a loved one.

21st century interpreter

Watching a burning fire is a sign of well-being.

Sitting by an extinguished fireplace means unpleasant events will happen soon. If the flame of fire makes you happy, then expect changes for the better.

If you incite it yourself, you will be drawn into a conflict against your will. If there is still smoke coming out of it, then the quarrel will drag on and risk escalating into a real war.

I dreamed of a blazing fireplace and a firewood stand

Warming your feet near such a fire is an event that will happen soon and will have negative consequences for you.

Female interpreter

This source examines the visions that the fair half of humanity dreams of. It is believed that for a woman the vision of a fireplace is negative. It promises sad news soon, and your health may fail.

If there was absolutely no wood in the fireplace, then the woman will face disappointment. But a blazing fire is a sign that life will soon please you.

Seeing a firewood stand nearby means your friends will become warmer towards you.

Going down the chimney means sadness, grief. If this vision visits a young girl, then she herself will commit a rash act that will significantly discredit her name in the eyes of the public.

At the same time, climbing up means you will be able to avoid trouble at the very last moment.

Seeing an abandoned hearth in a dream

Miller's controversial opinion

Gustav Miller considered both the fireplace and the chimney a negative sign. After such a dream, a person should be prepared for the fact that not the best things will happen in life.

An abandoned hearth overgrown with ivy and vines - you will finally be able to console yourself after the premature loss of a loved one.

  • look at the fire - expect a pleasant event;
  • going down the chimney - grief, sadness;
  • hiding in the fireplace - a sad event will disrupt all your plans;
  • climbing up a chimney - you will be one step away from disaster, but you will be able to avoid trouble;
  • looking at an empty hearth - sadness, unpleasant events;
  • hear the firewood crackling - you are entering a favorable period; you will finally cope with your fears and doubts.

A few more predictions

Dreaming about the grate on the firebox

A fireplace with a fire that gives strong light and warmth - you will be in high spirits after talking with people you like.

Firewood only produces smoke and does not want to flare up - unpleasant news about your relatives.

It’s good when a sick person sees how the fireplace insert is covered with a grate. Such a dream promises him a speedy recovery.

Seeing cracks along the fireplace means there will be a quarrel with friends that will flare up due to business interests.

I dreamed of a certain person in the fireplace - you have to help a person who is in trouble.

Drinking wine by the fireplace is a positive sign. Soon you will be able to get rid of absolutely all the fears that have tormented you lately. The dream book clarifies that if you have drunk too much wine, then you should take a closer look at your health.

Sitting in a rocking chair and admiring the fire - you are now entering a calm period in your life. Now you can enjoy the fact that you will not be disturbed by any troubles.

A luxurious fireplace promises material well-being. Collecting it yourself means you are making every effort to ensure a good future for yourself.

Burning symbol of the hearth, family happiness. Extinguished, without fire, divorce, long separation; death in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Dream about Fireplace

Fireplace - family or business troubles.

Lighting a fire in a fireplace in a dream means good times and good prospects are coming.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

What does Fireplace mean in a dream?

Seeing is a nuisance, a hasty report of an illness;
going down the chimney means sadness;
overgrown with ivy or vines - happiness after sadness and loss of relatives;
a fire burning in a fireplace is something very good;
hiding by the fireplace - grief, doubts, things will go wrong;
for a young woman - going down the chimney - you will do something inappropriate, violating the rules of decency, which will cause horror to others;
climb up - you will be able to avoid some kind of misfortune prepared for you;
to see a firewood stand in the fireplace - good relationships with friends;
looking into an empty fireplace without fire or wood - various sorrows.
Also see Fire.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Fireplace

Brightly burning wood in the fireplace, relaxing by a blazing fireplace - happiness, good work, prosperity in family life.

A cooling fireplace, smoldering wood in it, an empty fireplace - to troubles and sorrows.

Lighting a fireplace means getting into some kind of conflict situation.

A smoking fireplace means a quarrel or argument.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a fireplace in a dream

Everything will be fine.

Fire in stone - to well-being.

Sit by the extinguished fireplace - wait for an unpleasant event.

A cheerful fire in the fireplace is a sign of a good turn of events.

If you light a fireplace, you will be drawn into conflict.

A smoking fireplace is a sign of a protracted dispute or conflict.

Sitting by the fireplace, warming your feet, is a sign of an incident that may end unfavorably for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Interpretation of sleep Fireplace

Dreaming of a fireplace means something unpleasant. For example, you may receive a message about someone's illness. An empty fireplace, without fire or wood, portends various sorrows. But a fire burning in the fireplace means that good times will come for you soon.

A firewood stand in the fireplace foreshadows good relationships with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a fireplace dream predict?

A fireplace, both in dreams and in life, is a symbol of home comfort, peace in the family, prosperity and joy. Seeing it burning in a room or lighting it in a dream is a sign of a quick improvement in well-being, happiness and joy. Sometimes such a dream predicts obtaining a profitable position. Basking near a fireplace in a dream is a sign that you will receive protection from enemies. Finding that the fireplace has already cooled down means that your lover has lost interest in you and, perhaps, you will soon be separated from him. To see an extinguished, collapsed, dying fireplace in a dream is a harbinger of sadness, grief, obstacles in business, losses and poverty.

Throwing coal into the fireplace means a quarrel. In a dream, seeing a fireplace entwined with ivy and overgrown with moss foretells you sad memories of past happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Seeing a fireplace in a dream

An empty fireplace without wood or fire in a dream: symbolizes troubles associated with internal devastation, loneliness or family problems.

A fireplace in which the fire burns comfortably and peacefully means that your relationships with loved ones will be just as joyful and prosperous.

A smoky fireplace, the fire in which burns too hot: it can mean that family relationships are very tense, and raging passions scorch the soul of you and your household.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Why do you dream about Fireplace?

Seeing a fireplace with wood burning in it is a sign of joy: you will finally get rid of your own doubts and worries and will be able to appreciate your partner.

Interpretation of dreams from
If the fireplace smokes and does not light up, you will receive sad news from distant relatives.

A strong flame in the fireplace means joy and good mood from pleasant company and a serene holiday in the lap of nature. A fireplace insert covered with a lattice or glass screen portends happiness and relief after a long illness. Chilling by a burning fireplace that does not provide warmth means sad events, an accident with people close and dear to you.

A cracked fireplace masonry indicates that you will have a split with friends based on business interests. A smoky fireplace covered in soot indicates that you will be denigrated by ill-wishers, but you will be able to avoid many troubles. Lighting a fireplace with coal is a sign of prosperous love and family happiness.

Climbing into a fireplace in a dream means that in reality you will be exposed to serious danger on the road. Seeing someone in the fireplace - you will provide assistance to the injured and disadvantaged.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you saw a fireplace in a dream, then you will probably think about why you dreamed about it. Such a dream has a lot of different interpretations.

For example, the Women's Dream Book advises to perceive a fireplace as the threshold of very pleasant events. It is especially good if there is a fire in it. Most likely, a lot of good things await you in the future.

Dream details

What exactly fate has in store for you can be understood by remembering all the circumstances of the dream. For example, it symbolizes a strong relationship with your “soul mate.” And if in a dream you saw that you were climbing up a chimney, it means that you will probably be able to avoid any problems.

Why dream of a fireplace overgrown with vines? Such a dream can be considered a harbinger of very good events. You should expect favor and various pleasant surprises from fate in the near future.

If in a dream you see a stand for standing next to the fireplace, then your relationships with friends will become stronger than ever, and perhaps even a person will appear with whom you were not familiar before, but who will become a close friend to you and will play an important role in your life.

A dream in which the fireplace will be empty has several meanings:

  • Getting rid of a lot of troubles.
  • Moral peace.
  • Cozy life.

If you lit firewood in the firebox, then you will have to get out of all situations with dignity into which your loved ones may drag you. Even more favorable is a dream in which wood is used instead of firewood. This speaks of family happiness and prosperous mutual love.

If you warm your feet near the fireplace, this indicates interesting events in the future. This is also an omen that favorable changes will soon occur in your life. For example, you will get a more profitable job or receive a long-awaited promotion.

Dream books say that fireplaces can be a sign of family happiness. Moreover, for single people, such a dream means the opportunity to establish a personal life and soon enter into legal marriage.

Family comfort

Some dream books interpret a fireplace with fire as a quiet life and home comfort. It happens that a person in a dream sees a fireplace, which, but the fire in it cannot flare up in any way. In this case, you should expect news from distant relatives in the near future.

A dream in which fire dances with cheerful tongues will mean a possible trip to nature and a good, complete rest. If the fireplace in a dream looks too smoky, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be able to overcome arguments with different people, including strangers, with dignity.

Why do you dream about the fireplace that you have in? Any dream in which you see your own home, in particular an apartment, means a peaceful life in the future. If it also has a fireplace, then this is a good sign - in the near future everything will be peaceful and prosperous in your family.

It is no less good if in a dream you drink near the cheerful lights of the flame. This suggests that soon all the doubts that tormented you will definitely disappear.

But if you have drunk a large amount of wine, you need to be more attentive to your health. If in a dream you were sitting near the fireplace and drinking wine with friends, then in real life you will have a very warm relationship with them.

It happens that a person dreams that he is sitting near the fireplace in a rocking chair. Such a dream can be considered as a symbol of peace and confidence in the future, as well as the fact that you can safely rely on your comrades in any life situation. It is noteworthy that the more solid the rocking chair and fireplace are in a dream, the greater success you should expect. Author: Elena Ragozina

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