Where is appendicitis located - left or right? Signs and symptoms of appendicitis. In which side is appendicitis, on the right or left side? Can there be appendicitis on the left side?

Appendicitis is an inflammation (mostly acute) of the appendix, which is an appendage of the cecum - the beginning of the large intestine, located in the ileal fossa and surrounded by the walls of the peritoneum. This appendix is ​​called the appendix. It usually does not exceed 7-9 cm in length.

An important function of the appendix is ​​the synthesis of lymphoid cells, which ensure the activity of the immune system and increase the body's resistance. infectious diseases. If the appendix becomes inflamed, the production of lymphocytes stops, and the patient experiences severe intoxication, manifested by headaches, fever, chills and nausea.

With appendicitis, these signs are accompanied by abdominal pain and other characteristic symptoms. In order not to miss time and seek medical help in time, you need to know which side the appendix is ​​on and where it hurts when it is inflamed.

Pain is the most main symptom with inflammation of the appendix. It is based on the nature, intensity and localization of painful sensations that the doctor can make preliminary diagnosis and suspect appendicitis.

The location of pain depends on anatomical features location of the appendix (ascending, medial, pelvic, retrocecal or retroperitoneal, left-sided). In most people, the appendix is ​​located in the iliac region on the right side and is located far from the liver, but if the location is atypical, it may be close to this organ.

With an ascending location, the pain is felt in the right hypochondrium and may resemble biliary colic or symptoms peptic ulcer. In this case, the disease is more often than in the typical form accompanied by vomiting due to irritation duodenum. The location of the appendix near the extrahepatic bile ducts can cause transient jaundice.

With a medial location, the process is shifted to the midline and is located close to the root or at the root of the mesentery small intestine, which determined the features clinical picture medial appendicitis. Appearance pain syndrome accompanied from the very beginning repeated vomiting, which is associated with reflex irritation of the mesenteric root. The pain was localized close to the navel. In the pelvic position, the inflamed process may come into contact with the wall of the bladder, which is manifested by dysuria and lower localization of pain.

In retrocecal or retroperitoneal position, symptoms increase more slowly, which often leads to late hospitalization. More often, irradiation occurs in the right thigh and even in the right hip joint.

Pregnancy also has its own characteristics on the localization of pain in appendicitis, especially in the second half, when the enlarging uterus shifts the ileocecal angle upward and laterally. In this case, the pain will be localized in the right lateral region or in the right hypochondrium.

Can the appendix be on the left side?

This situation is possible only in one case - if the patient was born with a mirror (reverse) position internal organs. With this pathology, all human organs are with opposite side compared to anatomical norms human body. This condition is usually detected in childhood during any diagnostic study, for example, radiography, ultrasound diagnostics and other methods, but in very in rare cases a person may not know about his peculiarity for a long time.

Localization of pain on the left side with appendicitis can also occur with excessive mobility of the right half of the colon, when the appendage is either free or fixed in the left half abdominal cavity. Clinical manifestations the diseases differ only in the localization of the process, since all its local signs are found in the left iliac region.

Clinical manifestations of appendicitis

In most cases, the attack begins with moderate dull ache in the area of ​​the peri-umbilical and epigastric region of the abdomen, without a clear location, which can last from 4 to 10-12 hours. After this sensation, the pain becomes more intense over several hours and shifts to the right side in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, when the parietal peritoneum is involved in the inflammatory process. The nature of the pain at this stage usually changes and becomes sharp, stabbing. The person cannot move, most of the time he is in a lying position. Depending on the location of the process, pain can radiate to different parts of the body.

A distinctive sign of pain with appendicitis is that it subsides or goes away completely if the patient takes the “fetal position”: lying on the right side with the legs pulled up to the stomach, bent at the knee joints.

Vomiting may also be observed: it usually occurs in the first hours of the disease and, as a rule, once.

Mild pain due to inflammation of the appendix

Typically, appendicitis is always accompanied by severe acute or cutting pains, but on initial stage When the lesion affects only the mucous membranes of the appendix, the pain may be weak and poorly defined. This stage The disease is called catarrhal appendicitis. It can last from several hours to 1-2 days, while the patient remains functional and can perform usual activities almost to the full extent.

As the pathology progresses and spreads inflammatory process in the submucosal layer and walls of the organ, the pain increases, becomes very intense and forces the person to see a doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose appendicitis, an emergency doctor or specialist at an outpatient appointment examines the patient, collects a medical history, and palpates the abdomen in different projections. To differentiate the pain syndrome of appendicitis from other pathologies (for example, perforation of an ulcer), special symptomatic tests proposed by specialists are used.

Method nameHow is it done?Result

Psoas syndrome

The patient is placed in horizontal position on your back with your legs straight. After this, they suggest raising your right leg up without bending it at the knees.When raising the straightened right lower limb on the left side causes pain in the right lower quadrant
The test is carried out during palpation of the abdomen in a supine position. The doctor presses on the area where the inflamed appendix is ​​located with jerking movements.When pressing on the left side of the abdomen, pain appears in the right lower quadrant.

In addition, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs; in some cases, magnetic resonance imaging or CT scan. At very severe course may require emergency surgery without preparatory examination.

Video - Psoas syndrome

Video - Sitkovsky's symptom

How to recognize a seizure in children?

Children, unlike adult patients, cannot accurately describe what kind of pain they have and indicate the place where it is located, so it is important for parents to know other symptoms of pathology. The temperature during appendicitis in children rarely rises above 38°C, and sometimes it may be completely absent. The child becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and sleeps a lot. Children usually also have no problems with bowel movements. Very rarely, constipation may occur, but it is usually not accompanied by severe pain.

At the beginning of an attack, the child may complain of abdominal pain in the area of ​​the umbilical ring and in umbilical region. After 4-8 hours, the pain takes on a cramping character and descends lower, localized mainly on the right side. When changing body position, it may subside or intensify.

What to do?

If an adult or child develops symptoms of appendicitis, it is necessary to immediately call " ambulance».

Peritonitis is a very serious complication when the appendix ruptures, which has a fairly high mortality rate if the patient is not promptly provided with medical care. Another one is deadly dangerous disease, which can occur if you do not call a doctor in time, is blood poisoning (purulent sepsis). It is especially dangerous for small children, so there is no time to waste.

Before the team arrives, the patient must be placed on his right side. Under no circumstances should the following actions be performed, as they can lead to a deterioration in well-being and progression of the pathology:

  • offer the patient food and drink;
  • give painkillers and antispasmodics;
  • apply a hot heating pad, diaper and other heat sources to the sore spot;
  • press and press on the stomach;
  • try to eliminate the pain on your own.

It is advisable for the patient’s relatives to prepare all the documents in advance, and also write down on a piece of paper (so as not to forget in a hurry) the time of pain, the factors influencing its intensity, and the nature of the pain. It would be useful to know what the person ate in the last 24 hours, and for what medical supplies he has allergies.

Appendicitis is a dangerous disease with serious consequences. You should seek medical help immediately after the first signs and symptoms of inflammation appear. If you know where the appendix is ​​and how appendicitis hurts, you can reduce possible risks and recognize the onset of an attack in time. Treatment of the disease is always surgical, so people only get appendicitis once in their lives, but it is better to avoid the inflammatory process and follow preventive measures as far as possible.

Follow your recovery regimen after surgery

Video - Which side is appendicitis located on and how to distinguish this pain

People are increasingly suffering from various diseases gastrointestinal tract. The manifestation of diseases is influenced by the deteriorating environmental situation in the world, poor unbalanced diet, weight bad habits, sedentary lifestyle.

Increasingly, in the office of a therapist and surgeon, the phrase is heard: “Appendicitis hurts...” This is a disease that manifests itself against the background of inflammation of the appendix (vermiform appendix). The disease itself cannot cause pain, so it is correct to ask: “how and where does the appendix hurt” so that the doctor can give a clear answer to the question.

The manifestation of the disease is quite diverse, the symptoms are extensive (more than 40). Naturally, the main and sure sign is pain. When your stomach starts to hurt, you need to note the area of ​​localization and the nature of the pain.

Stomach problems affect the body differently than inflammation. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can get sick and stop, then not get sick for a long time (several days, a week). An inflamed appendicular process, on the contrary, hurts for a long time and constantly. In order not to endanger life, it is recommended to undergo a full examination. It is possible to get rid of appendicitis only through surgery. Appendectomy (removal of the appendix) accounts for 70% of emergency surgical procedures.

The appendix can be located on the right side or near the left. In this case, the localization of pain is wandering in nature. The pain is constant, pronounced. In the acute stage, suppuration of the appendicular process is possible, which forces an urgent operation to remove the appendix to slow down the process of inflammation transfer to other organs.

With appendicitis, the pain occurs sharply, against the background wellness, sometimes the patient wakes up at night from sudden attack pain. Most often, pain occurs in the lower abdomen on the right side, but can appear in the navel and upper abdominal cavity, gradually (within 3-4 hours) descending into the iliac peritoneum (Kocher's sign). The pain is quite tolerable, the intensity constantly increases, reaching acute.

Depending on the location of the appendicular process, the localization of pain appears in different places:

  1. In the right iliac region. The right side and lower peritoneum hurt. Sometimes the navel and the area around it hurt a lot. Painkillers cannot relieve pain.
  2. Behind the stomach. The localization of the pain syndrome is blurred. It starts out as swelling, it seems like... Sometimes a painkiller helps, but the effect lasts no more than an hour.
  3. In the pelvic area, in contact with the ureters and genitals. The nature of the pain is acute, stabbing in the lower abdomen, present frequent urge to urination. In women, gynecological ailments are possible due to suppuration of the appendix of the rectum in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus.
  4. Close to the kidneys, sometimes the liver. Pain is observed in the lumbar region, radiating to the back.
  5. A process on the left side of the abdominal cavity. This is a rare type of location, causing difficulties in diagnosing. Painful sensations appear in the abdomen, the left side hurts.

The pain progresses depending on the stage of the disease, starting with a slight manifestation in the form of swelling, ending with an acute, cutting pain. All .

First stage

The catarrhal stage lasts the first 10-12 hours and is manifested by dull, mild pain in the iliac region and around the umbilical ring. Possible nausea, one-time vomiting, increased urge to urinate, liquid frequent stool, gradual increase in body temperature above 37 degrees. Appears general weakness, dry mouth with white, soreness becomes more pronounced, more paroxysmal.

This best time for surgical intervention. On examination, softness of the abdominal cavity is observed; when palpating the right area, the patient experiences increased pain.

Second stage

Soreness manifests itself in the lower abdomen. Intoxication of the body becomes pronounced ( constant nausea, diarrhea, possible vomiting). Body temperature becomes low (below 36 degrees). The swelling is very noticeable, and pain on percussion increases.

Fourth stage

The perforated stage appears at the end of the third day. Acute, throbbing pain becomes cramping and sometimes radiates to the intestines. Frequent vomiting appears brown coating on the tongue, the temperature rises to a critical level. Intestinal peristalsis does not work, laxatives do not help. Peritonitis (blood infection due to a ruptured appendix) may develop. The pain is paroxysmal, severe, sometimes radiating to the lumbar region. It is strictly forbidden to endure for a long time; death.

The time frame for the stages of the disease is arbitrary. In each case, the development of the disease proceeds differently (both a sharp course and a less pronounced, hidden one).

The only solution is recognized surgical removal inflamed appendicular process.

Pain after removal

Any surgical intervention brings painful sensations after the procedure. After surgery, the internal tissues heal slowly, which causes pain. The pain is aching, subsides gradually, and is localized in the right side. It may take several months after your appendix is ​​removed to resume your normal life without pain. After appendicitis, other manifestations are possible:

  • Sharp cutting pain. Indicates seam separation. This is possible with sudden physical exertion on the abs (sharp rise from bed, coughing, lifting heavy objects).
  • Nagging pain, there are sharp cramping manifestations in the abdomen. This indicates the formation of adhesions. More often it appears under the seam and on top of it, it tightens the intestines.
  • Pain in the right side, which manifests itself during physical activity, subsides during rest. Often parallel symptoms are alternating problems with stool (diarrhea is replaced by constipation). Indicates the formation of a postoperative hernia.
  • Increasing pain that does not stop for a minute, with an increase in body temperature. There is noticeable compaction on the wound (swelling of the sutures). Signals the development of an inflammatory process (abscess of tissues and organs).

In this case, it is not appendicitis that is to blame, but unskilled surgical intervention, bacteria entering the wound, or misbehavior postoperative patient.

In all cases, it is necessary to urgently contact your doctor. To reduce the chances of developing hernias and to prevent the sutures from spreading, you must follow the surgeon’s recommendations, eat right (if your appendix has been removed, you must follow strict diet). The diet is aimed at improving intestinal motility, which will prevent the development of improper bowel movements (bloating, flatulence, constipation).

Managing pain after appendectomy

The operation to remove the appendix lasts on average 1 hour. At possible pathologies surgery takes up to 2-3 hours.

Pain after appendix removal normal symptom. The wound heals, the nerve endings send signals to the brain, it signals pain.

At strong manifestations pain syndrome, the doctor may prescribe narcotic analgesics, sold exclusively by prescription. Drinking is permissible in limited small doses. In extreme cases, the doctor will increase the dosage. Such drugs cause complications; self-administration is prohibited.

Anesthesia is prescribed if painful sensations are a deviation. Otherwise they will appear side effects: nausea, increased sedation, slower rehabilitation.

If the pain is tolerable and mild, it is possible to take non-narcotic analgesics. A change in diet is possible. Every patient needs individual approach. When making complaints, be sure to indicate the manifestations of pain in detail.

Appendicitis is a dangerous disease. If you fail to contact us in a timely manner medical institution complications are possible (peritonitis, abscess), even death! You only have one life, you need to take better care of your health.

Appendicitis is a common disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix). It can appear in a person of any age, however, appendicitis most often occurs in people between 10 and 30 years old.

Removal operation acute appendicitis quite simple, but neglect of medical care in some cases leads to death: peritonitis, purulent peritonitis, blood poisoning, rupture of appendicitis - the risk of death. But how can you distinguish inflammation of the appendix from ordinary food poisoning or simple indigestion?

In which side is the human appendix located? There is a common misconception about appendicitis on the Internet: they write that its location can be anywhere, so there is no need to pay attention to the location of the pain if inflammation is suspected. This is not entirely true. IN general view appendicitis is located in right side lower abdomen.

The leading symptoms of acute appendicitis are pain. They can start anywhere - a person thinks that his whole stomach hurts. After a certain period of time, pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the right lower abdomen. Acute pain in the right side it periodically goes out, and then comes back with renewed vigor.

Exception! Although rare, a right-sided location of the heart occurs; accordingly, the projection of the human cecum will be on the left side. Pregnant women also have a different physiology: during the period of gestation, the appendicitis of the expectant mother may change its location.

Minor symptoms

A person does not necessarily have all of them possible signs manifestations of appendicitis, in some cases inflammation can develop with complete mild symptoms or symptoms belonging to other diseases ( intestinal colic, food poisoning, inflammation of the appendages in women, flu, liver dysfunction). But even the slightest suspicion of a common “trouble” is a reason to visit a doctor.

  • fever with body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • chills;
  • profuse sweating;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • manifestation of arrhythmia;
  • tenesmus (false urge to defecate);
  • constipation, less often loose stool, combined with frequent vomiting;
  • sometimes there is frequent painful urination;
  • back pain, as with renal colic.

Read also:

Can a baby have appendicitis?

Methods for determining appendicitis

  1. Shchetkin-Blumberg method. The person should be placed on his back and asked to bend his knees slightly. The one who checks, while palpating the abdomen, slowly presses his fingers on the anterior abdominal wall just below the navel and sharply removes his fingers. In this case, the patient notes either simply a feeling of discomfort or the appearance of sharp pain. If the pain is not severe and after pressing the fingers the nature of the pain does not change, the symptom is negative. If, when removing the hand, the pain in the abdomen worsens, radiating to the groin of the navel or left side, the symptom is positive, which confirms the presence of appendicitis.
  2. You need to ask the sick person to lie on the floor, put your arms along your body and stretch your legs straight out. Then raise your left leg to an angle of 50-60 degrees. The examiner should sharply and firmly tap the heel of the patient's raised leg with the edge of his hand. Do the same with right foot. If after such a test the pain in the right side of the abdomen increases, the presence of appendicitis is confirmed.
  3. The right iliac abdomen is pressed with the palm of the hand, held until the pain subsides, after which the patient is asked to laugh loudly or cough. With appendicitis, the pain will return immediately.
  4. Pain due to inflammation of the appendix worsens during walking and movement. Each subsequent step gives a feeling to the stomach and the patient wants to quickly walk to a chair or even squat down. Lying on your side or curling up in a ball, the pain subsides.
  5. Abdominal muscle tension ( hard belly) also indicates inflammation occurring inside.

The onset of inflammation of the appendix in children is gradual. Children with appendicitis will behave restlessly, wake up at night from pain, and may cry. Children's body capable of responding to such a disease " cold symptoms"(cough, runny nose). When adults try to touch the stomach, the child begins to resist.

When a person has severe pain in his side, he begins to wonder what pathology he has developed and what to do first. In any case, you should not ignore professional medical care and especially if it is acute appendicitis. After all, illiterate self-medication (for example, applying a heating pad to the sore side, using laxatives) or visiting a doctor late is fraught with the development of peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum, which can lead to death. To avoid all extremely unpleasant and dangerous consequences appendicitis, the patient should know what it is, in which part of the abdomen it is located, and learn to recognize its symptoms and signs.

This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the closed appendix of the cecum - the appendix. This appendage, the size of which rarely exceeds 9 cm, is poorly functional, and its effect on the condition of the body as a whole is insignificant. If the appendix is ​​removed, the person quickly returns to his normal lifestyle.

Because of anatomical structure critical inflammation in children preschool age practically not observed. The likelihood of occurrence in older people is also low, since their lymphoid tissue undergoes reverse development at this time. As for gender, the percentage of occurrence of pathology in men and women is approximately the same.

The human appendix is ​​located in the lower abdomen to the right of the line along the navel. In the medical lexicon, this place is called McBurney's point. Because of individual characteristics human body and primarily due to the length of the mesentery (a small film that is capable of attaching the appendix to the structures of the abdominal cavity), appendicitis may be at a certain distance from its normal location. Doctors also know cases when the location of the appendix is ​​not the right, but left-hand side, but this applies to people born with such a phenomenon as transposition - the position of internal organs with a mirror topography.

Main features

The main symptom of appendix is ​​pain. And regardless of the fact that it is in the right iliac zone, a person may have pain not only on this side, but also epigastric region and around the navel. This irradiation seriously complicates the diagnosis, and specialists have to differentiate the disease with many pathologies, including perforation of an ulcer and rupture of an ovarian cyst (in women).

Pain with appendicitis, slightly displaced higher than with classic version, can radiate to the back, under the ribs, while the stomach, on the contrary, often remains painless. If the appendage of the cecum is located in the pelvis, the pain usually occurs above the pubis and/or in the groin. If localized behind the initial part of the intestine, pain may appear in the lower back, when displaced towards bladder– the “return” of pain goes to the legs.

Since in surgical and gastroenterological practice there are 2 types of the course of the inflammatory process - acute and chronic (sluggish phase that developed against the background of a previous attack), it is worth noting the features of the symptoms, in particular, the manifestations of pain, in each situation separately.

Signs acute form:

1. sudden onset of pain, which in the first 2-3 hours is diffuse in nature, and after 4 hours it is localized at the location of the appendix, which allows the patient to determine exactly where it hurts;

2. gain discomfort as inflammation in the appendix increases;

3. increased severity of pain during activities such as pushing, coughing, jumping, running, quickly getting up from a sitting/lying position;

4. stool disorders: mainly constipation is observed - difficult defecation; diarrhea in acute appendicitis is observed less frequently, mainly with the pelvic location of the cecal appendage;

5. tension in the abdominal muscles (this symptom appears reflexively - as a result of irritation of nerve receptors in the abdominal cavity);

6. loss of appetite;

7. nausea, usually with one or two vomits;

8. increase in temperature (marks are usually lower than febrile fever, that is, within 37-38°C).

Signs of chronic appendicitis:

  • presence stupid, aching pain in the right iliac zone (with a typical location of the appendix), after physical activity its intensity increases, and after certain time subsidence occurs;
  • pain irradiation in the area of ​​the vagina and ovaries in women, in men - in the rectal area;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • from dyspepsia: flatulence, nausea, discomfort;
  • there may be a slight increase in body temperature in the evening;
  • periodic occurrence of symptoms of acute inflammation.

Of course, there is no definite answer to how appendicitis hurts and what additional signs he may be accompanied, but specialists do not: everything depends solely on the person himself, that is, on his anatomical structure of the body, individual characteristics, in particular, on the level pain sensitivity, age, gender, stage of the inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of the disease

Since the symptoms of appendicitis in adults are variable, determined by a number of factors and are similar to many diseases, it is difficult to recognize the pathology. To make a correct diagnosis, specialists use the following methods:

1. laboratory test blood (in this case, slight leukocytosis serves as a signal of inflammation);

2. general analysis urine (carried out to exclude diseases of the urinary system);

3. X-ray of the abdominal cavity (helps to detect fecal stones that block the appendix);

4. computed tomography (done according to indications, its results are more accurate than x-ray examination);

5. Ultrasound (necessary to confirm damage to the vermiform appendix).

Laparoscopy is also used for diagnostic purposes. This technique is carried out using endoscopic instruments, which the doctor inserts into the peritoneal cavity through pinpoint punctures.

Treatment options

The generally accepted tactic is surgical removal of the inflamed rectal appendage. In surgical practice, this is done using 2 methods:

  • using traditional laparotomy surgery - under general anesthesia the patient is given an oblique incision through which the appendix is ​​removed and cut off with a suture placed on the cecum;
  • due to laparoscopic appendectomy – this method is minimally traumatic, since the patient can make only small incisions needed to insert a tube with a built-in video camera and devices that allow the appendage to be removed.

If the disease is relatively mild, it can be used conservative treatment, based on taking antispasmodics (to relieve pain from appendicitis), drugs that affect motor activity intestines (to eliminate constipation/diarrhea), antibiotics, and physiotherapy is often prescribed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When mobile team The ambulance has been called, but is still on the way, the sufferer should, before they arrive:

1. go to bed;

2. on which side of the appendix, that is, on the right side, place a heating pad with cold water or ice;

3. do not make unnecessary, especially sudden, movements;

4. It is advisable not to drink or eat;

5. do not use painkillers (even if your stomach hurts very much) and other drugs that make diagnosis difficult.

If your appendix was not cut out, this does not mean that you can completely forget about it and not know what to do in cases of severe pain in the area where it is located. Do not panic, it is better to carefully study this issue, because in case of inflammation of the appendix, serious complications may arise. By the way, many people confuse the definitions, “appendicitis” and “appendix”. Let's find out in more detail why the names should not be confused, whether the appendix is ​​on the left or right, and the other helpful information on this topic.

In the last century, it was specially removed from children in order to avoid inflammation in the future, and only recently it was discovered that the organ plays important role V immune system person.

Appendix or appendicitis?

The appendix is ​​a process, it reaches a thickness of one cm, and a length of seven to nine cm. Lymphoid tissue protects this part of the intestine. And appendicitis is an inflammation of the above-described appendix. Appendicitis is located behind the cecum, on the lower right side, under the liver. Doctors speak and advise patients to speak correctly too. Still, these are somewhat different things.


Let's look at the symptoms of appendicitis. Doctors divide them into: acute, in which it is necessary to quickly undergo surgery to remove it, and chronic, when it is in a vulnerable position, but continues to perform its functions. It is not uncommon for doctors to be asked which side it is on. Of course, they convince us that this organ is located only on the right side and nothing else. It cannot be on the left somehow; the appendix is ​​located only in the lower right part of the cecum.

The first signs of an inflamed appendix:

  • Severe pain upon palpation. The pain is concentrated in the middle of the abdomen, and on the right side, about two hours after the pain began to be felt on the right.
  • Nausea, occasional vomiting, frequent urge to go to the toilet. Children are more susceptible to such stomach disorders.
  • The patient may experience a sudden, causeless increase in temperature.

In order to temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition, until the ambulance arrives, you need to lie on your back. If there is even the slightest suspicion of acute appendicitis, you should immediately call the hospital, otherwise, the risk of rupture of the inflamed appendicitis increases.


Pretty appendix important organ V human body, it protects the intestines from various bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is worth noting that what is contained in the intestines does not get into it. Many people call it an incubator, where the appendicitis is located, beneficial microorganisms live and change. But when cases occur that this organ is severely exhausted, the protection decreases, the infection penetrates the appendage, and inflammation begins.


Let's start with first aid:

  1. Of course you need to call an ambulance;
  2. While we are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you need to put something cold under your right side, where the appendicitis is located, but most importantly not warm.

Do not eat, drink, or take any painkillers/laxatives.

Treatment of acute appendicitis is surgical. In order to avoid serious consequences, doctors do not delay time, but rather perform an operation. The operation is called appendectomy. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Doctors have begun to increasingly use this type of operation in practice as endoscopic surgery. After the operation, the patient is prescribed bed rest, it is forbidden to do anything for the first few months physical exercise.

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