What causes sneezing allergies. Monthly horoscope Horoscope for September December

September 2016 will be characterized by spring moods. For a number of unknown reasons, at the beginning of autumn the world will be ruled by sublime romanticism, and you will certainly feel it to the fullest. Don't be surprised if your soul demands extravagance, oceans of passions and a sea of ​​explosive emotions. Don’t try to extinguish these impulses, because they will make your personal life bright and surprisingly dynamic. However, do not allow volcanoes of passion to interfere with the normal rhythm of your work. In September, the professional activities of many people will be fraught with all sorts of difficulties, and therefore a negligent attitude towards work and career can make the situation catastrophic (your task is to prevent a catastrophe).

Monthly horoscopes September 2016 according to zodiac signs:

Also read current and next.


Aries will spend September 2016 in harmony with themselves and with the world around them. You will stop tormenting yourself with worries about everything that you wanted, but were never able to make come true. You will learn to live here and now and completely stop building castles in the air. The peace of mind that you are destined to find will delight not only you, but also everyone who makes up your close circle. Quarrels within your family will practically cease, and they will be replaced by amazing harmony. From time to time it will be overshadowed by a lack of free finances and minor disagreements with younger relatives. However, with the full support of your marriage partner, you will quickly get rid of all the troubles.


For Taurus, September 2016 will bring many reasons to worry. Your tenure in your current position will be at risk, and you will be forced to look for ways to completely protect yourself from dismissal. It is possible that you will have to bow to your influential relative, and he will help you maintain your current position at work. While you are solving such a complex issue, you will have neither strength nor free time left to organize your personal life. Your marriage will take on monotonous features, and you will increasingly hear dissatisfaction from your marriage partner. You will promise him that as soon as professional difficulties are left behind, romance will return to your home again.


For Gemini, September 2016 will be a very bright and eventful period of life. You will completely change your professional role, and these changes will only benefit you. You will gain confidence in the future, and your income will increase significantly. These victories will cause a daring twinkle in your eyes, which will attract representatives of the opposite sex like a magnet. Many of them will transparently hint to you that they dream of starting a relationship with you. It will not be easy for you to determine which of these people to bring closer to you, and which should be rejected without the slightest regret. It is possible that you will not start a new novel just yet in order to fully enjoy your increased popularity.


Cancers will not remember September 2016 as anything outstanding. Your number one problem will still be the lack of money to make a major purchase. In an attempt to increase your capital, you will begin to look for part-time work or additional sources of income. Alas, you do not have enough patience and perseverance to complete this task. Your income will remain at the same level, and little by little you will come to terms with it. You will also have to humbly tolerate the lack of diversity in your personal life. Your relationship with your current partner will become painfully monotonous. At the same time, neither you nor your loved one will do anything to ensure that harmony, mutual understanding and romance return to your couple.

a lion

In September 2016, Leos will have to resolve pressing financial issues. You will want to completely close the loan, which has become a difficult burden for your family. For this goal, you will work tirelessly, and soon you will be able to collect the coveted amount. When debt obligations are left behind, you will remember that you have much more pleasant chores. You will spend a lot of time in the company of the younger members of your family, and you will also begin to pamper your soulmate again with delicious dinners, exquisite compliments and gifts for no reason. At the end of September, a minor trouble will occur in your family, but you will quickly cope with it (though not without the participation of an older relative).


Virgos in September 2016 will be characterized by conservatism in all areas of life. You will refuse to follow the example of your more determined colleagues who quit your unpromising enterprise and found more profitable vacancies. Complaining about lack of money and terrible working conditions, you will continue to work in your current position. What is happening will not contribute to your good mood, and you will give up on what is happening in your personal life. The person who was expecting concrete steps from you will get tired of living in a state of uncertainty and will begin a love affair with a more proactive person. You will come to terms with this loss, not wanting to disturb your leisurely way of life with love experiences.


Libra will spend September 2016 quite calmly. Your victories on the personal front and at work will be hampered by minor health problems that you will encounter in the first half of the month. With the support of qualified doctors, you will quickly get rid of your illness. However, doctors will immediately warn you that for now it is advisable for you to choose a moderate rhythm of life and refuse any grandiose undertakings. You will listen to this advice, and your existence will become very calm. You will spend a lot of time within the walls of your home reading books or watching TV. This measured lifestyle will help you restore your strength for future great successes.


In September 2016, Scorpios will have a desire for bold experiments. Moreover, everything that you intend to bring to life will not have a strict plan. You will update your wardrobe, but later you will notice that these new things do not harmonize with your hairstyle and with your image as a whole. You will have to do a tremendous amount of work on yourself, as a result of which your appearance will be completely transformed. Not everyone you know will like these changes. The person with whom you dreamed of starting a new romance will remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your experiment. He will veil his refusal to start a relationship with you with some compelling excuse, but you can easily figure out the true reasons for such behavior.


Sagittarius will spend September 2016 in austerity mode. Your family will decide to make an expensive purchase, and therefore you will carefully save all available funds in reserve. By giving up all unnecessary expenses, you will become a little sadder (it will be difficult for you to admit that you spend your evenings at home, and not at fun gatherings with friends). However, at the end of September, when you make your cherished purchase, your mood will change dramatically. You will understand that these sacrifices were not in vain, and that the savings only benefited you. During this month, you will discover a new hobby that does not involve any expenses, and it will make your life much more interesting.


Capricorns are destined for a lot of romance in September 2016. At the beginning of the month, you will break off your current love affair, as the mutual understanding between you and your partner will be completely and irrevocably lost. Having become a free person again, you will begin to carefully look around in search of a worthy object for a new hobby. You will be most interested in one of the employees who have just joined your company. You will quickly become close to him and spend all your free evenings in the company of this person. Rumors about your office romance will spread immediately, but this will not upset you at all. You and your new passion will continue to enjoy each other, in spite of all ill-wishers.


Aquarius will have a lot of work to do in September 2016. You will spend a couple of weeks away from home and family, as your superiors will send you on a business trip. The time you spend away from your family will seem surprisingly difficult. You will be happy to receive any news from your family, without ceasing to dream of being home as soon as possible. Separation will teach you to appreciate and respect your household. As soon as the business trip ends, you will begin to build your family life in a new way. You will spend all your free time in the company of loved ones, pampering them with unexpected surprises and gifts. This will bring amazing results, and soon a real idyll will settle in your home.


In September 2016, Pisces will want to change a lot in their everyday reality. You decide to start these reforms with your appearance. You will visit a salon where you will be completely transformed, and these changes will give you confidence in your own abilities. You will begin to look arrogantly at the opposite sex, and many will find this trait attractive. You will receive constant attention from both colleagues and casual acquaintances. However, you will not allow any of these people to get too close to you. You will be looking for your ideal, and therefore you will not want to waste your attention on trifles. In addition, you will be fully focused on professional matters, which will contribute to the growth of your career.

The first month of autumn presents us with a sky replete with complex and rare combinations, many of which will reduce, enhance and complement each other's effects. Therefore, the main thing that can be said about the coming September is that it will be extremely diverse and almost devoid of main trends - a continuous bright kaleidoscope of splashes and fragments. And yet, the leitmotif of September will be the transition from static to dynamic, a kind of awakening of mental and physical strength, so September as a whole will be the most favorable time for any new beginnings and bold initiatives. Especially romantic ones.


Where are Aries, and where are compromises... However, the coming weeks will have to be devoted to this uncharacteristic exercise for you - it is highly advisable for Aries to now avoid conflicts, even trivial ones. Otherwise, minor quarrels and misunderstandings risk swelling to frightening proportions - and you can suddenly acquire real ill-wishers and lose good friends. The general rule for a successful September for Aries is to feed what you want to see bigger. The more effort and time you devote to an activity, the more meaningful it will become, regardless of whether you like it or not. Therefore, as much as possible, at least until the third decade, push back matters that need to be dealt with, but which in themselves are unpleasant for you. And besides, if possible, refuse to meet people who irritate you, because there is an illusory risk that otherwise these people will densely settle in your life.


The month promises to be extremely favorable for those Taurus who at this time decide to dig the ground with their hoofs in an attempt to achieve significant results - starting from the first ten days, the stars will favor perseverance, initiative and hard work. However, Taurus, who would prefer to lie on the sofa, will also not be left out: the intense influence of the planets, which promotes success, will simultaneously suck out vitality, and if somehow it turns out that at this moment in time you do not have any clear and desired goals, then maybe it makes sense to relax and not rush anywhere. But for family ties, the month, alas, promises not to be the most favorable - quarrels are possible even in very peaceful families. A live fire will help reduce their likelihood - a fireplace or candles would be the best solution, but even a burning burner under a kettle can burn out the seeds of discontent and irritation at the very beginning of an argument.


Outbreaks of irritability that will haunt Gemini, starting from the first ten days of September, will be easiest to extinguish with the help of breathing exercises, since this irritability will most often be caused by a lack or excess of oxygen. But what can you do if your air sign so often reacts to a tense stellar situation by forcing or slowing down breathing. But at the same time, in general, the month promises to be favorable, it gives good luck in travel and promises possible good news related to your work. In addition, lonely Geminis will have the opportunity to strike up an interesting romantic relationship with a new acquaintance. By the way, long, quality sleep this month will be very beneficial for your appearance. That is, he is always useful to her, but it is in the first ten days of this September, under the new moon, that those sleeping have a chance to wake up as true beauties.


Representatives of your sign in September should be especially careful when completing any important projects, since most of the risks in any enterprise are now concentrated in the final stages. To paraphrase the well-known saying “the end is the crown of the matter,” we can sadly state: there is a certain probability that this will not be the crown at all, no. In general, the month can safely be considered successful - you will experience bursts of energy, be in a great mood more often than usual, and easily give birth to the most creative ideas. In the second decade, it is worth devoting more time to your family; caring for children and even just communicating with them will bring especially enviable results. Also, the coming September is extremely favorable for any personal care - from diets and sports to visiting a stylist.


Leos love to improve themselves, and the coming month will provide them with every opportunity for this. If you were planning to attend any courses or sign up for a webinar, now is the time to do it. Increased learning abilities and improved memory will be a pleasant bonus to the energy and curiosity that will overwhelm you - things will work out especially well with music, mathematics and any handicrafts (subject to the minimum abilities you initially have). In business, successes will not be so impressive, especially if your business is related to the production of material assets - Leos now need to take, not create, learn, not teach. There is a considerable chance of meeting an important but long-forgotten person from the past: this meeting can have far-reaching unexpected consequences.


Virgos are considered by many to be timid and unsure of themselves - and only Virgos themselves know how wrong this judgment is. Calm indifference is not timidity, but a reluctance to get involved in dubious adventures, not a lack of self-confidence, but the presence of common sense. But this September, any illusions among those around you will disappear: Virgos will want to command, bend the world to themselves, and also want to have more parties. Even the most complete introverts will temporarily put their passion for solitude and peace on the mezzanine. In the area of ​​relationships, the month will also be favorable if, of course, you are ready to take the initiative here too. However, the stars insist that you will – the position of Venus will not allow otherwise. By the way, bouts of creativity and energy in the evening may give way to melancholy and even tears - this is normal. Such an emotional swing is also a personal gift to you from Venus.


The Libra month will be strictly divided into decades according to the intensity of the influence of planetary aspects. The first decade will correspond to efficiency, composure and optimism. The second is a certain eccentricity, a desire to relax, communicate and have fun. The third is a craving for loneliness, apathy and reluctance to leave the house. To make these rollercoasters less steep, you can resort to two proven methods - words and sex. Don’t hide your feelings when communicating with loved ones, talk about what worries you, articulate your feelings - and they will become less obvious. Sexual relationships will help you more or less smooth out emotional peaks, wasting excess sensitivity on erotic stimulation. In addition, pay more attention to the colors of your clothes - if for some reason you don’t like, for example, the color of your favorite raincoat today, don’t wear it.


A heightened sense of justice can set you up for a pretty big deal, since in addition to this heightened sense of justice, Scorpios will also have some problems with strategic planning in September. Throwing a resignation letter in your boss's face due to a misunderstanding, announcing a divorce after your spouse's careless words, insulting a friend who made a mistake... - Scorpios, under the influence of emotions, will first do, then think, and then, it is possible, regret what they have done. Therefore, just remember that in the coming month you should be as restrained as possible and, if possible, not take irreversible actions, no matter how natural and correct they may seem to you at first. Also, spending more time watching and playing with animals can bring you good luck.


The financial difficulties that Sagittarius may experience at the beginning of September should not discourage you - the month as a whole promises to be both productive and successful. It's especially good for really big projects that require energy, luck, and even some risk. Your ability to achieve your goals is now at its best, you think both rationally and outside the box, the stars are on your side, so strike while the iron is hot. Try to treat your family more carefully, especially the older generation - they may need your support, and it will be useful and correct for you to provide this support. If possible, walk more often and for longer periods of time and avoid long trips in a southerly direction.


“An eye can see and a tooth can bite” - alas, the coming September threatens Capricorns with precisely this state of affairs - more and more new prospects and opportunities will open up before you, but in order to take advantage of them, you will constantly lack time, money, or strength , then courage. Don’t be discouraged, such an experience is frustrating, but also enriching: having missed a good opportunity, you will understand more clearly what exactly you want and how it can be achieved. Spend more time on friendships; a strong support network of friends will help you survive any disappointments. You may receive an important letter, the significance of which you will not be able to appreciate at first, so analyze your mail more carefully and do not rush to send messages to the trash.


In the coming month, Aquarians can count on three most pleasant events at once - 1) there is a great opportunity to fall in love mutually and happily. 2) rapid career growth may occur; 3) there is a very high probability of receiving an unexpected, rather large income. In short, a wonderful September awaits you! But since there is no rose without thorns (let’s leave artificially bred varieties aside), Aquarians should take a closer look at their health and, even with mild colds and other minor ailments, if possible, visit a doctor and, if he requires it, stay in bed for several days .


Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest - in the sense that work and other important responsibilities will not escape you, you will still have to fulfill them. And almost nothing will be able to be postponed until later - things will flow in a stream and are entirely urgent. At the same time, the September sky will actively promote lethargy, procrastination and the desire to spend day after day in comfort and bliss under the covers. Torn between duty and laziness, Pisces will periodically be tempted to give up everything and go far, far away to the sea to the palm trees - perhaps this will not be the worst way out of the situation, since trips in the southeast direction are now very favorable for you. However, Pisces who remain to clear away the rubble will not go wrong - the efforts made now will bring a very pleasant harvest in due time.

Olga Korepina─ astrologer, psychologist, consultant in the field of astropsychology, leader of women's trainings.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

The beginning of autumn 2016 will not please us with special harmony - the energy background of our planet is not conducive to this. But each element will undoubtedly have the opportunity to express itself in one way or another. The quiet surface of the summer lake in September will be replaced by a real avalanche of events, bright and unusual. The time will turn out to be quite positive, but for each zodiac house the stars will create their own pattern from life events. However, if you want to “contemplate the silence,” there is nothing simpler - you can easily get out of the raging stream of autumn adventures if you take a break for yourself by going... on vacation.

Star patrons

The sun is set to play first violin in the star orchestra of September 2016. Its powerful dynamics will now clearly dominate; no other object in the Solar System will be able to give our permanent ruler even a hint of competition.

Saturn will enter into fruitful cooperation with our main star - its beneficial effects will noticeably affect all zodiac houses without exception. This tandem of two most powerful celestial objects will provide representatives of the human race with “fun” throughout the first month of autumn. Life is entering a new phase, dynamic and not boring.

Enemies of Humanity in September

Pluto is the first contender for the title of the main detractor of humanity in September 2016. This dark planet will hardly be able to cope with the powerful tandem of the Sun and Saturn; it will not be able to seriously complicate the lives of the inhabitants of the Earth. But his targeted attacks cannot be completely ignored. Although in general the influence of Pluto is not very large-scale, it will resemble a rapier thrust, and where it hits there will be a really significant negative impact. This is the main danger of Pluto - it hits the most painful points, confidently and consistently.

Venus went on the warpath in the first autumn month of the year, and the fairer sex will suffer the most from this.

The first month of autumn will bring representatives of all zodiac signs opportunities to make positive changes in their lives. The horoscope for September 2016 portends an update, especially in relationships.

On September 9, 2016, one of the important astrological events of the year takes place - Jupiter, the planet of luck and the “great benefactor of the Zodiac,” changes position and enters the sign of Libra, associated with partnership and marriage. Jupiter will be in Libra for thirteen months, until October 2017, giving its favor to those who want to find love or make existing relationships more harmonious.

The planet of love, Venus, is also transiting the sign of Libra this month. Its influence will create a calm atmosphere and have a positive effect on relationships of any kind: love, family, business, friendship. The stars invite you to add warmth to love and family, improve mutual understanding with children, and achieve harmony with your family. September may be a good time for declarations of love, engagements, and family celebrations. Passionately in love couples can expect many exciting moments.

Many will feel a surge of energy and a desire to start new projects. But there is no need to rush, because until September 22 the cycle of retrograde (reverse) Mercury continues, which is not a suitable period for undertakings. It's better to spend time carefully analyzing your new ideas and setting the stage for future achievements.

In the first half of the month, it can be difficult to make the right decisions, because the impact of two eclipses is affected: the solar eclipse of September 1, 2016 in Virgo and the lunar eclipse of September 16, 2016 in Pisces. In the subsequent period, astrological influences are more balanced. A positive aspect of Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries is taking shape, promising successful chances for enterprising and enterprising people.

Read more about the influence of planets and eclipses in horoscopes for zodiac signs. In them you will find an astrological forecast for love, career, finance, health and advice of the month.

Horoscope for September 2016 according to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22) (December 22 - January 20)

The horoscope for September 2016 promises a decline in ongoing projects. We will have to focus on the mistakes of the past. You should improve your skills, establish business connections and engage in scientific research.

The first month of autumn is good for those who are not looking for easy ways to achieve their goal. Renew your outlook on life. Make a plan to implement your big idea. Take on profitable projects related to commerce. In the near future, your material side of life will improve.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

In September, Aries will do everything to gain recognition, improve their financial situation and achieve success. Determination will allow you to overcome all barriers and reach the top.

You may have to change jobs. However, this will not upset you, since you were ready for such a change. The main thing is that you will not regret it, but only gain experience. The financial situation will be smooth by the end of the month.

Aries will also have to deal with repairs and other household issues. Remember that there are still problems to be resolved from last month. Be tolerant of people, especially your family.

Horoscope for September 2016 year for the sign

The first month of autumn will bring Taurus many interesting events and impressions. Just don’t get carried away by an illusory vision of the world, otherwise you won’t be able to soberly evaluate everything.

It is worth trying your hand at rare but interesting professions. The horoscope for September predicts tense relations with your superiors. You need to fulfill the requirements efficiently and on time, and then the manager will reward you.

Unexpected meetings are possible in September. An active life position will help free Taurus find a soul mate. If you already have a family and children, then spend more time with them.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

Gemini will experience many surprises in the work and personal spheres in the coming month. It is worth preparing for them so that they do not shock you.

Successful completion of affairs will give greater confidence in the future. You will be able to look at familiar things in a new way and forget about previous failures.

In September there will be a favorable time when Gemini will start new things. A large amount of work will not scare you. Your relationship with colleagues, management and family will improve. Your irritability is a thing of the past.

Horoscope for September 2016 for the sign

In September 2016, Cancers will have to go through many trials and disappointments. If you don't give up, you can avoid significant losses. Take care of your nerves.

The horoscope promises an excellent financial situation if Cancers balance demands with opportunities. Stick to logic, look at things realistically, don't let illusion fool you. This applies to both the work and personal spheres.

Be determined to fight to improve your position in society and increase your capital.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

Leo is on the verge of dramatic changes. Don't be afraid to make important decisions, especially if they relate to your work. Perhaps it's time to change it.

Pay more time and attention to those who value you - family, children, parents and close friends. Try to moderate your aggression and be more restrained in your words.

Someone you know may harm you financially. Try to prevent all intrigues against you and cut off all contacts with ill-wishers.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

Many issues will require urgent solutions in September. A lot of pleasant moments await you, which will give you strength to fight difficulties.

This month you will communicate a lot with kind and selfless people, which will inspire you to new ideas. Luck is on your side this time, so make the most of it.

You will cope with all the work for which you are responsible, and will receive a worthy reward from your superiors. No problems are expected in the financial sector. But remember that there is someone ready to support you if you fail. By the end of September, you will set your priorities and finally understand who your favorite person is.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

This September, Libra will have to adapt to changes in all areas of life - personal, professional and social.

Luck will always be there, but troubles will be impossible to avoid. You have enough strength and energy to overcome all obstacles and get closer to your desired goal.

Also, the horoscope for September promises pleasant household chores. For many representatives of this sign, family will come first. It is worth organizing a family holiday where all relatives will gather. Personal life will not bring lonely Libra much excitement. Although, some unexpected event or love affair will dramatically change your destiny.

Horoscope for September2016 for the zodiac sign

In September 2016, Scorpio will experience unforgettable moments, the impressions of which will last a long time.

This period will test your strength. At work, you must be responsible and hardworking in order to succeed. You will have to save, otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Possible betrayal of a friend. It will be difficult to really assess what is happening, but try to look at the situation objectively. Learn a lesson. Do not give in to obstacles and take advantage of every chance given by fate.

Horoscope for September2016 for the sign

At the beginning of September, Sagittarius should relax more, forgetting a little about work. You can attend relaxing sessions, because you need to restore strength and energy. After a good rest, you will burst into work again.

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