The influence of a person's name on his destiny. How a name affects a person's character

Everyone knows that the fate of every child directly depends on his parents. When choosing a name, family members convey a unique message to the baby about his future. But do you know who exactly gave you your name? Did everyone in the family agree with the choice of your name, or was this decision made under pressure from your father or mother? What other names have your loved ones suggested? Were there any relatives in your family who bore your name? By knowing the answers to these questions, you will discover that your name was not chosen entirely by chance and that it is part of your family history. From this it follows that your destiny is influenced by the name.

The stories of choosing a name for a newborn are always different, but, as a rule, they have common features. Let's look at the most common options for choosing a name.


Many parents name their baby after one of their family members, even a deceased one. Sometimes it is just a coincidence of circumstances, sometimes it is an agreement between the parents, sometimes it is a long-established and unshakable decision. What will the child get from this option of getting a name? The fact that the baby bears the name of one of his loved ones will allow him to more acutely feel that he belongs to the family. The child will perceive his future more calmly, considering it more predictable, in addition, he will feel protected from his parents and other relatives, regardless of whether they are alive or have already died. The world for a baby named after a relative will be an entertaining and calm place. In the future, he will not need to look for an answer to the question “what is a family?”, since close people show him in advance an example of an “ideal home.”

The disadvantages of this method of choosing a name arise when this tradition becomes an inexorable canon, when parents impose on the child permission to be like a relative who lived a prosperous life. Such an approach is an obstacle to the child’s future self-realization, although it helps to emphasize the community and unity of the family. You should not use this method even if parents and other relatives do not live in harmony. The child receives an example of a not entirely successful family, which as a result can result in character traits such as self-doubt, adventurism and irresponsibility.

New York resident and housewife Camille Shirley Pias says she was named after her favorite aunt, but always felt some discomfort due to the rarity of the name. Camilla notes that as a child, few people pronounced her aunt’s name correctly, and Camilla herself also often faces this problem. “When someone pronounces my name wrong, I always ask, what’s so hard about pronouncing it? I knew how to pronounce it at the age of 3!”


Random choice of name occurs, as a rule, in families that do not have traditions or do not want to maintain them. The choice of name is made from the point of view of “like it or not”. A name chosen at random gives the child more ways for self-realization, but does not allow him to feel involved in the clan or family. As a rule, the influence on a child's life is exerted by the person who chose the name at random.

There is probably no person who would be indifferent to his last name and first name, because the meaning of the name and fate are closely connected. Moreover, not only psychics and mystics claim this, but each of us understands it intuitively. Choosing a name for a child is a big responsibility, and living in harmony with the given one or accepting a new one is the task of every person. If you are wondering what secrets the name has and what its fate is, read on.

The word that gives the key to identity

It is impossible to imagine today that a person has no name, but this was not always the case and not for everyone. In ancient times, it was not customary to name a person if he was not of a noble family, and people had nicknames, nicknames, and most often simply responded to a word denoting their profession or external feature - Blacksmith, Old Man, Red.

The personality was considered insignificant, and the common people were afraid of dark forces that could harm a person through a name. Therefore, it either did not exist, or it was not pronounced anywhere except within the family circle, without strangers.

Everything changed with the advent of Christianity, when baptism under the auspices of Christ gave both confidence in divine protection and some nobility. So in Rus' they began to call them in Greek and biblical instead of Slavic nicknames.

The situation changed even more when they began to use identity cards, so that the given name, surname and patronymic became an integral part of any citizen - from the nobility to the very bottom.

Rare and common

Nowadays there are no truly unique names; there are rare, common and popular ones. The most common ones still include Alexander, Vladimir, Sergey, Alexey, Ivan for men and Anna, Anastasia, Yulia, Irina, Olga for women.

This is probably why calling people by nicknames has survived in our time, and the desire to emphasize the difference from their namesakes forces people to use diminutive forms, abbreviations, or even choose something else for themselves. Some are sure that changing the name will affect fate, because what was given by the parents can be changed to something more fashionable and reflective of one’s true character, especially since this is not so difficult to do.

It is believed that if you bear a common name, then your character and destiny are less predetermined, since its power and meaning are greatly blurred. In a sense, this should give you the freedom to develop as you wish, because you will not be pressured by the information field. On the other hand, depending on what name you bear, your character will be formed: thus, the rare and unusual spurs a person - be different from everyone else, stand out.

The plus is that this gives the character decisiveness and self-demandingness, the minus is constant tension, perfectionism, and the desire to get unique results in everything. In other words, the fate of the bearer of an unusual name and surname will be difficult, full of struggle in attempts to prove their worth.

Taking your husband's last name - how does this affect a woman?

Many women are concerned about the question of whether or not to take their husband’s last name after marriage. After all, if the influence of a name on a person’s destiny really exists, then a new surname can bring changes in character and even change life. The popular interpretation of this situation is that a married woman comes under the protection of her husband’s family name, and if you stay with your maiden name, then, they say, you will be like a stranger to your husband.

However, there are several reasons why wives leave their family name:

  • there is a child from a different father, the mother wants to have the same last name with him for psychological reasons;
  • the husband's surname is dissonant;
  • The wife's surname is known, it is difficult to refuse it.

In any case, if you are not satisfied with the prospect of taking a new surname, this is only your decision, and you should not fear the consequences. Without changing anything, you do not risk anything; on the contrary, changes await you if you switch to your husband’s last name.

Information from his family and clan is partially transferred to you, and how the change will affect fate - bad or good - is not known for certain. One can only assume that the surname of a beloved husband will bring satisfaction and peace to the heart of a married woman, and if the marriage is forced, then internal conflict is very likely.

How to find out your destiny by name and birthday

The mysterious science of numerology believes that there is a special connection between the numerical values ​​of your full name and your birthday. Numerologists are able to transform not only the numbers of the birthday into a magic number, but also the letters of the full name, and interpret the results obtained according to ancient ideas about the magic of numbers.

The secret of each number lies in its symbolism:

  • 1 - authority, physical strength, courage, leadership qualities;
  • 2 - luxury, subtlety, tenderness, ability to find a compromise;
  • 3 - creativity, fantasy, energy, elitism;
  • 4 - perseverance, integrity, hard work, trust, frugality;
  • 5 - activity, love of change, curiosity, popularity;
  • 6 – harmonious personality, great diplomat, success in society;
  • 7 – philosophical mindset, thirst for learning, introvert, spirituality;
  • 8 - efficiency, efficiency, pragmatic approach;
  • 9 – the soul of the company, talent on stage, the ability to obtain benefits.

To find out which personality traits are inherent to you, add up all the numbers in your full date of birth, add the sum to a single digit number and read the result.

A case from one's life.

A married couple lived in a neighboring house on our street. Elena and Alexander were friendly, friendly, sympathetic young people. Everything was going well for them, everything was wonderful except for one thing - the Lord did not give them children for a long time. For two years in a row, Elena went every Sunday to services at the Florovsky convent in Podol and prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Quench my sorrows” in the hope of a miracle. And a miracle happened! The Mother of God quenched the young woman’s sadness by sending the long-awaited baby. There was no limit to the joy of the spouses and all the relatives. However, this joy was soon overshadowed by completely stupid disputes that arose among relatives.
As soon as Lena found out that she was going to become a mother, she announced that she would name her son in honor of her deceased father, whom she doted on. Vasily Alexandrovich, Elena’s father, was the favorite of our entire small street, where everyone knew each other. The kindest man, a jack of all trades, when he died many were very sorry. And the daughter’s desire to name her son in his memory was completely understandable. But it was not there! My aunt, my father’s sister, opposed this most strongly. What Lena didn’t listen to from her: you can’t name a child in honor of a dead person - he will be unhappy, he will repeat his fate; The fact that his middle name will be the same as the deceased’s is completely unacceptable! Better yet, give the child two different names: one according to the passport and a completely different one at baptism. And in general, you just need to choose some beautiful and happy name. In general, all sorts of superstitious fabrications that plunged the expectant mother into despair. And to top it all off, the aunt also promised that if Lena did not listen to her and acted in her own way, then she would not even appear at the christening. Lena had to be calmed down, and our parish priest had to carry out explanatory work with her aunt.
This case is no exception. Rather, it's the other way around. Conversations and thoughts about a child’s name begin in many families long before the child’s birth. And it must be said that quite a lot of superstitions are associated with the tradition of naming a name. And the very first of them is that a name can determine a person’s destiny, influence it and shape character. Therefore, it is undesirable to give children the names of deceased relatives, the names of people with unhappy destinies, and even the names of saints who suffered a difficult martyrdom.

Where did these misconceptions come from?

It is possible that some of these prejudices have been preserved since pre-Christian times. And this, as a rule, is connected with pagan ideas about fate as an inevitable fate and with the cult of ancestors, which assumes some kind of posthumous mystical connection between relatives of the same tribe.
There is a whole science of anthroponymy that studies the origin of names and the information contained in them. However, this science has nothing in common with all kinds of pseudo-scientific theories existing today and the widespread literature about names, which is very popular among the population. One part of these theories is based on a social concept, the other looks for a mechanism of influence on the formation of a person’s character in the emotional, sound and even color features of a name. Supporters of such judgments believe that each name carries information about a person’s inclinations, talents, his ability to build relationships, behave in one way or another in society, and even about his state of health. And, relying on this knowledge, they are advised to be guided by it, for example, when hiring a person, since there is supposedly a certain pattern that appears among owners of the same names. Is it so?
No one will dispute the fact that the role of a person’s personal name in society is quite large. A pronounced name is almost always associated with its bearer, with a set of certain personality qualities, with its image and character. “Names express the nature of things,” wrote the Orthodox theologian and philosopher priest Pavel Florensky, who devoted one of his works to the study of names. “Before a name, a person is not yet a person,” he noted. And indeed, we find justification for this statement in the Holy Scriptures.

About choosing a name - in the Bible

The initial example of naming was taught by the Lord God Himself after the creation of the first man (Gen. 2:25), whom he also endowed with the same gift (Gen. 2:19-20). Further biblical narrative shows that the names that appeared on the pages of Scripture reflected the special functions of their bearers for sacred history. In some cases, they changed to mark a person’s new calling: Abram to Abraham (Gen. 17:5), Jacob to Israel (Gen. 32:24-30). Often names contained wishes about some specific future qualities of the baby or the type of his activity, or were given with an incentive to capture some events or incidents related to the circumstances of the birth of the child (Gen. 25:25, 29:32-34, 30:18 -24, 35:18, Ex.2:22). Moses, which means “saved from the water,” was so called because he was taken out of the water (Ex. 2:10); the future prophet Samuel (asked from God) was actually asked by his mother from the Lord (1 Sam. 1:20). As a rule, mothers and fathers saw their born babies first. It was they who noticed certain characteristic features, not yet entirely perceptible to outsiders, on the basis of which they called their children one name or another, reflecting the behavior or appearance of the future personality: Esau - shaggy, Nabal - stupid.

A name makes/ugles a person, or a person - a name

However, nowhere on the pages of the Bible do we find any direct indications or facts indicating that a name could somehow “program” a person’s life. Moreover, it is clear from Sacred History that many of its heroes, bearing the same names, had completely different fates. Among the Judahs mentioned in the Bible (praise be to Jehovah), there is also the founder of one of the tribes of Israel (Gen. 35:23), and the famous defender of the faith and fatherland, Judah Maccabee (1 Maccabees 2:4), and the leader of the rebels (Acts 5:37 ), and the apostle Judas Thaddeus (Luke 6:16), and, finally, Judas Iscariot (Matthew 10:4), who forever tarnished this name with betrayal. These facts indicate that only a person’s life and actions fill a name with meaning and can change its meaning, but it is impossible to convey through a name the qualities and properties that are formed as a result of upbringing or in the process of life.
Our ancestress Eve, knowing about God’s promise regarding the future savior, hoped that its fulfillment would be realized with the birth of her first-born. That is why she named her son Cain, considering him an acquisition from the Lord (Gen. 4:1). According to the logic of those who believe that a name can determine the fate of an individual, Cain's life should have corresponded to it. However, he went down in history as the first murderer, who can hardly be associated with “a gain from the Lord.” And, on the contrary, Abel (vanity, insignificance) turned out to be a God-loving man and became the first innocent victim (Gen. 4:8).
In general, the story that happened with Cain and Abel is a vivid example of the fact that the life of an individual depends not on the name, but on her free will and on the choice she makes. The words of the Lord “if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he draws you to himself, but you must rule over him” were addressed not only to Cain, but to all humanity (Gen. 4:7).

Should a baby be named after a deceased relative?

There are also special names in the Bible that, even before the birth of their bearers, contained prophetic indications of a future mission. So it was with John the Baptist (the grace of God) (Luke 1:13), so it was with Our Savior Jesus Christ Himself (Luke 1:31). In the traditions of the Jewish people in later times, it was customary to choose a name for a newborn from the well-known names of the family - father, grandfather or other respected relatives. And no one was afraid that the name of a deceased relative would harm the baby. The ancient pagan peoples, who apostatized from God and fell into idolatry, believed that the name of a born baby should be kept secret so that evil spirits could not harm him. Therefore, in order to mislead these spirits, they tried to give the child several names, hiding the original one. Some primitive tribes believed that if you name a baby after a deceased relative, you can thus transfer the soul of the deceased into the newborn, and then the fate of the child will be similar to the fate of his predecessor. Apparently, even after the adoption of Christianity, echoes of these beliefs have survived to our time in the form of various superstitions.
It should be noted that in Christianity there is no concept of fate in its generally accepted representation as some kind of deterministic inevitability or fate. From the point of view of the Christian religion, the determination of fate includes the realization of a person’s destiny, aimed at revealing in him the Image and Likeness of God. It is not blind fate or insidious chance, not impersonal physical laws that govern human life, but Divine Providence or Providence. In Orthodoxy there is a doctrine of predestination, which states that we are all predestined to salvation. All people, according to God's plan, have one destiny - to find themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven. “For this is good and pleasing to God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth,” writes the Apostle Paul (1 Tim. 2:3-4). The good Providence of God directs a person to salvation, helps a person, pushes him on the path of righteousness. However, the implementation of this predestination depends solely on our free choice. Therefore, predestination is conditional. And in this regard, a person’s name does not in the least affect his life path and, even more so, his future eternal destiny.

Orthodox tradition and debunking myths

Orthodoxy has its own centuries-old tradition of naming. Previously, the naming of a Christian name, according to the charter of the Church, was performed before baptism on the eighth day after the birth of a baby - following the example of the Savior Christ (Luke 2:21), and was one of the preparatory actions for it. Currently, naming usually occurs on the day of Epiphany, before the rite of announcement. Thus, at Baptism, a person received a name from the Church, which was chosen according to one of several rules. Most often, the child was named after a saint, whose memory fell either on his birthday, or on the day of naming, or on the day of Baptism.
Today, Baptism is preceded by the civil registration of a newborn. By this point, parents have already, as a rule, decided on a name, which is included in the birth certificate. If the chosen name is not in the Orthodox monthly book, then the priest recommends choosing an Orthodox name that is similar in sound. At one time there was a custom in our society to give children names in the Western European form: Angela, Zhanna, Ilona, ​​Jan, Leon. The priest translated such names into Church Slavonic form when performing the Sacrament of Baptism. It happens that a child is named by vow, in honor of a certain saint, whom they chose in advance and prayed to. However, everything related to naming is advisory in nature, and parents have the right to choose any name for their child.
The Christian tradition of naming children after saints is an educational measure. It is very important to have a positive life example and role model for the moral development of an individual. But in order for a person’s life standards to coincide with the life principles of a saint, appropriate education and volitional efforts of the individual himself are necessary. The name of a saint does not make a person a saint. There are no lucky or unlucky names. There are simply names that are difficult to pronounce and difficult to remember, which can become a reason for jokes at the expense of a person. You just need to prudently avoid such names, using prudence:

If only you are smart
You won't let the guys
So many fancy names
Like Proton and Atom.

Let father and mother understand
What's with this nickname?
The century will have to last
To the ill-fated children, -
Soviet poet Samuil Marshak once wrote in his poem “In Defense of Children.” It is also an absolute misconception that the character of a girl can be influenced by a name given to her that is of masculine origin: Alexandra, Vasilisa, Theodora, etc. If the parents of such a daughter give her the right upbringing, then her innate femininity will never turn into masculinity. It is not the name that creates a person’s destiny, but the person who spiritualizes the name with his life and actions.
...At the end of this spring, I met a joyful Elena on the street, walking with a stroller, in which the wonderful baby Vasily was snoring peacefully and royally, completely unaware of the battles that broke out among relatives even before his birth. Heaven itself stood up for this child, begged by his mother from God. Ahead of all deadlines, he was born on the feast of the Circumcision of the Lord and on the day of remembrance of St. Basil the Great. The need to choose a name resolved itself.


The article shows the role of a person’s name in the formation of his character and destiny. The following theories are considered to explain the influence of a name on a person’s character: social, emotional, sound, linguistic. A linguistic analysis of the names is provided: Mikhail, Arina, Alexander, Sergey, Bogdan, Yaroslav. Based on the ancient Slavic initial letter, alphanumeric codes for these names have been compiled, helping to understand the deep meaning of the words. In the ancient Slavic language, alphabetic signs had their own meaning, image, and some had a numerical value. Replacing the initial letter in a word also changed its semantic image. A linguistic analysis of the names Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Adolf Hitler was carried out. The following characteristics were taken into account: letter writing, sound, figurative meaning, numerical meaning, alphanumeric code of the word. A linguistic analysis of the words Rus and Russia was carried out.


person's name




Old Slavic language

alphanumeric word code

1. Initial letter [Electronic resource] URL: (access date: 03.14.14).

2. Losev A.A. Philosophy of the name. 1st ed.: M.: Author's Publishing House, 1927. [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 03/04/2014).

3. Mintslov S. R. The power of names [Electronic resource] URL: (access date 03/2/2014).

4. Nikonov V.A. Name and society / V.A. Nikonov. – M.: Nauka, 1974. – 278 p.

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8. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. The role of language in the spiritual development of personality // APRIORI. Series: Humanities [Electronic resource]. 2014. No. 2. URL:

9. Shevchenko N.Yu., Lebedeva Yu.V., Neumoina N.G. Alphanumeric name code // Science, education, society: problems and development prospects: collection. scientific tr. according to the materials of the International. scientific-practical conf. (February 28, 2014): Part 4. – Tambov, 2014. – P. 154.

10. Language picture of the world / N.Yu. Shevchenko, Lebedeva Yu.V., N.G. Neumoina // Collection of scientific works Sworld. 2014. T. 21. No. 1. P. 6-11.

“Among the vague mysteries that the human mind stumbles upon is the influence of his name on the moral character and fate of a person,”

S.R. Mintslov

The semantics of a name, its origin, influence on a person’s fate and its development in the world are dealt with by the official sciences - anthroponymy and onomastics. Outstanding scientists studied the influence of a person’s name on his character and destiny: P. Florensky, A. Losev, L. Uspensky, V.A. Nikonov, P. Rouget and others.

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the influence of a name on the fate of a person, a city, and even a state. Therefore, with major changes in a person’s destiny, his name changes: at baptism, at marriage, at spiritual initiation, in show business. When there is a change in government, they also try to rename streets, cities and even states.

Since time immemorial, in all countries of the world and in all cultures, it was customary to give a person two names, one of which was known only to parents, a priest, a priest or a shaman. This was done for magical protection against the evil eye or damage. The Slavs, like many other peoples, believed that a person’s fate is determined by a name, it is the key to his inner essence. Before the baptism of Rus', at birth a child received his first name from his father in honor of one of the Ancestors. When he turned twelve years old, the child was initiated into adulthood (coming of age rite) and received a new adult family name, and received a second secret name during the “naming” ritual. The secret name was known only to close relatives. With the adoption of Christianity, the function of a secret name began to be performed by a canonical name, enshrined in the traditions of the Christian religion. Canonical names include names taken from the church calendar, where the names of canonized saints are listed by month and day of their memory (the so-called calendar or hagiographic names). In Russia, until the 17th century, parents kept secret the name given to their child at baptism, thereby trying to deceive evil spirits.

The secular name was not associated with religious traditions and served as the main name. It was supposed to endow its bearer with some useful qualities in life. Nicknames, unlike names, reflect not desirable, but real properties and qualities, territorial or ethnic origin, place of residence of their bearers, etc. Nicknames are given to people at different periods of their lives. In official documents in Rus', nicknames were used along with non-canonical names. A Russian proverb says: “Parents give one name. Life gives a completely different name. But we give ourselves the true name. But not everyone has the courage to admit their real name. Even to myself."

The qualifying part of a Slav’s name is the patronymic (patronymic nickname), which directly indicates the origin and family ties of the person. In the old days, the patronymic indirectly indicated a person’s social affiliation, as it was considered an honorary name. Representatives of the highest feudal aristocracy were called by the so-called full patronymic ending in -vich, the middle classes used less honorable forms of patronymic nicknames - semi-patronymic nicknames ending in -ov, -ev, -in, and the lower classes did without patronymics at all.

Surnames, or inherited official names, indicating that a person belongs to a particular family, appeared among the Slavs quite late. The first Slavic surnames have been known since the 15th-16th centuries; they began to appear among peasants only in the 18th-19th centuries. Naming a person with his father’s nickname as a family nickname was considered quite sufficient, and therefore the so-called “grandfatherhoods” (personal nicknames formed on behalf of the grandfather) were used extremely rarely. With the development of private land ownership, genealogy was required, recorded in generic nicknames common to all family members.

Quite often the father's name is included as part of the surname itself. Many German and English surnames ending in “zon” or “son”, Scandinavian - in “sen”, Georgian in “shvili”, Armenian in “yants” or “yan”, Turkish “oglu”, Iranian in “zade” , Slavic in -ov, -ev, -in, -ich (Petrich) simply mean “son” (Robinson - son of Robin). Among the Scots and Irish, the same role is played by the prefixes: McNabs, and “O” (O’Brien).

A person's name carries a lot of information. By naming their child, parents give him a purpose and program in life. A name is a sound wave that has a direct impact on the formation of a person’s character traits, on his spiritual qualities, on his specific actions.

A name is a formula of fate, a program of life. It helps a person realize his purpose, attract higher powers to his destiny and understand character problems that need to be worked on. An incorrectly chosen name leads a person to stagnation and deprives him of protection. To get out of the vicious circle, you need to consciously change your name. Currently, the name is given in honor of some prosperous relative, children are named after presidents of countries, famous politicians, favorite writers, actors, scientists, athletes, or refer to the church calendar. Very few people give a name consciously, choosing it based on the date of birth and the desired qualities.

Each person has several names:

Personal name. It has several pronunciation options. For example, the official one is Natalya, the diminutive one is Natashenka, the abbreviated one is Nata, etc.).

Family name (surname, patronymic).

Secret name (at baptism or spiritual initiation).

An arbitrary name that can change throughout life (nicknames, nicknames, etc.). Pseudonyms are especially relevant in literature, politics and show business. To work in art, it is advisable to take a creative first and last name (you can calculate the name using numerology).

The nickname is a name that stuck. People around us intuitively feel that the character of a person corresponds to this or that word, reflecting his very essence.

Each name has its own personal image that has developed over the course of history. The names of great people are associated in the public consciousness with certain aspirations and achievements. Learning about the exploits of his namesakes, a person gains a source of additional confidence that he can do the same. It is not for nothing that in royal dynasties of different times the same names were repeated from generation to generation.

Russian researcher S.R. Mintslov, in a small book called “The Power of Names,” wrote about the amazing homogeneity of the characters and properties of bearers of the same name. He came to the conclusion that among the Alekseevs, most often there are calculating people, the Alexanders, as a rule, are cheerful, and the Peters, for the most part, are quiet, quiet people, but with a firm and stubborn character.

Pavel Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, dedicated a special work, “Names,” to studying the connection between names and character. He writes: “The name is the subtlest flesh through which the spiritual essence is determined.” The name Alexander, notes P. A. Florensky, is fundamentally sanguine, with a bias towards choleric character. Alexandras are helpful and kind towards women, but their feelings for a woman rarely “explode their inner life with a plow” and are more often limited to light flirting. The name Elena signifies feminine nature, Nikolai is kind by nature, Vasily usually hides tender feelings within himself, Konstantin is distinguished by his inconstancy...

Touching on the mysticism of names, V. A. Nikonov, a specialist in the field of anthroponymy - the science of names, recalls in his book “Name and Society” a story by Jack London, in which one woman names her sons by the name of her deceased beloved brother Samuel, and all four of them, one by one, death takes away.

Experts from the universities of San Diego and Georgia have found that school teachers persistently give low grades to students with some names, and high grades to others. Girls with attractive names do not advance well in their careers and in business, but they can achieve noticeable success in show business.

There are several theories explaining how a person's name can influence his character.

Social theory. From a social point of view, a person’s name is a bundle of social information about its bearer. By name one can judge a person’s origin, nationality, possible religion, basic character traits and temperament. These ideas are approximately the same among different people, which, in turn, determines approximately the same attitude towards the bearer of a given name. The “sociality” of the name was more pronounced in the last century, when names were given according to the calendar and behind each name there was the life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. “By name and life” - it read the stereotypical formula by which the church and the Orthodox people raised the future Christian.

Emotional theory. According to this theory, a person's name is seen as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke in those around them a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime, while others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you internally shrink, tense, and become cold. This is the so-called “music of names”. The initial attitude of others towards the bearer of the name will largely depend on what it is and will affect the characteristics of the person’s character.

Sound theory. The name is a set of sounds of different pitches and timbres. Different names - different sets of sounds. Sound stimuli that are different for the brain excite different brain structures.

There is another mechanism for the possible influence of a name on the formation of character. It operates at the level of a person’s unconscious associations and feelings. This conclusion was reached as a result of studies in which people were asked to answer the question with which color they associate different names. It turned out that for the statistically overwhelming majority of those studied, the name “Tatyana” evokes the idea of ​​red (and close to it) colors, while the name “Elena” is usually associated with blue (and close to it) colors. From the psychology of color it is known that the color red causes a state of anxiety, danger, and suffering in a person, while blue, on the contrary, causes a feeling of calm and tranquility.

The above studies and theories have convinced us that there is a connection between a person’s name and his mental characteristics.

We present the results of a linguistic study of alphanumeric codes of some Slavic names. Initial letters of the ancient Slavic language were used. In Fig. 1 shows an ancient Slavic initial letter, in Fig. 2 modern Russian alphabet.

Rice. 1. Ancient Slavic Initial Letter

Rice. 2. Modern alphabet

In the ancient Slavic language, alphabetic signs (letter letters) had their own meaning and image. Some initial letters had a numerical value (Fig. 1). In addition to their numerical value, the initial letters also had a serial number in the alphabet, reflecting their relationship with other letters.

To write numerals in initial letters, the numerical title was used: . For example, the number 241 was written: (two hundred and forty-one).

The numbers from eleven to nineteen were written in the following order: first ones, then tens. For example, twelve was written .(three (G) and ten (i)).

To simplify this article, we will use a notation without a title to write numerals in drop caps.

Let's look at some names.

Name Mikhail.

By letter: M (think) - think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

X (хѣръ) - the highest positive meaning; world balance, harmony.

L (people) - community, unification, direction, dimension of existence.

Michael - harmony of people is achieved by thoughts about the universe of harmony (guardian of wisdom).

Numerical meaning of the name Mikhail:

40(M)+8(I)+600(X)+1(A)+8(I)+30(L)= = 687 (HPZ) = 6+8+7 =21(KA) =2+1 =3(G) - keeping the peace of the earth (HPZ) as a source (KA) of transferring wisdom (G).

Let's create an alphanumeric code for the name Mikhail. According to Fig. 1 letter “M” is in the matrix at No. 17. Let's add up the serial numbers of the initial letters in the word, and replace the resulting sum with initial letters that have a numerical value.

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 27 (X) + No. 1 (A) + No. 11 (I) + No. 16 (L) = 83 (PG).

The number 83 is made up of 80+3. The numerical value 80 corresponds to the letter P (chambers), the number 3 - G (verbs). Then the number 83 can be expressed in initial letters (PG) - the transfer of wisdom in a state of rest.

83 = 8+3=11(Az+izhei) self-knowledge =2 (V - vedi) - wisdom.

Therefore, Michael is the guardian of wisdom, coming to wisdom through self-knowledge. Able to transfer acquired knowledge to other people in a state of peace of mind and balance.

Name Misha:

M (think) - think, wisdom, transmission, transformation.

And (izhє) - unity, union, harmony, balance.

A (az) is a person who lives on earth and does good. Beginning, origin.

Misha: thoughts about harmony that go beyond limits.

A digital reading will help you understand the deep meaning of the name.

40(M)+8(I)+0(W)+1(A) = 49 (Mθ)= =13(GI) = 4(D).

(M - think; θ - fita) thoughts about the harmony of man with nature. (G - verbs; I - izhei) - transfer of knowledge, wisdom. D (good) - good, increase.

Expressing drop caps through serial numbers:

No. 17 (M) + No. 11 (I) + No. 31 (W) + 1 (A) = =60 (Ѯ - xi) - spirituality.

Therefore, Misha must live in harmony with nature. This is his way of gaining knowledge and translating it into good deeds. A spiritual person.

Name Arina.

Arina - ar (earth), ina (born).

Numerical meaning of the name Arina:

1(A)+100(P)+8(I)+50(N)+1(A)= =160 (Pi)=7(Z) - born (P) spirit (i) on earth (Z).

Alphanumeric code for the name Arina:

1(A)+21(P)+11(I)+18(N)+1(A)=52(NV)= =7(Z) - our (N) earthly (Z) wisdom (B).

The name Bogdan means given by God.

Numerical meaning of the name Bogdan:

70(0)+3(G)+4(D)+1(A)+50(N)= =128(RCI) ordering leading to harmony =11(AI) - self-knowledge =2(B) - wisdom.

Alphanumeric code for the name Bogdan:

2(B)+19(O)+4(G)+5(D)+1(A)+18(N)= =49(Mθ) =13 (GI) = 4(D) - increase in goodness (D ) through the transmission of wisdom (G) and thoughts (M) about the harmony of man with nature (θ).

The name Yaroslav is the one who carries the purity and light (glory) of the sun. Yaro (Yarilo) means sun.

Numerical meaning of the name Yaroslav:

100(P)+70(O)+200(C)+30(L)+1(A)+3(B)= =404 (“Ouk”; D “good”)=8(I) - approved structure () goodness (D) and harmony (I).

In the ancient Slavic language, the sound “I” was conveyed by the initial letters “єнъ” (Ѧ), meaning he; structure; ascending image and the initial letter “ar”, homogeneous structure.

Let's write the name Yaroslav as Ѧ roslav and calculate the alphanumeric code of the name.

No. 41 (Ѧ) + No. 21 (P) + No. 19 (O) + No. 22 (C) + No. 16 (L) + No. 1 (A) + No. 3 (B) = 123 (RKG) - speech (R ), as (K) transfer of wisdom (D).

The name Sergei means born on a foggy (gray) morning.

Numerical meaning of the name Sergey:

200(C)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+5(e)+8(th) = 321 (TKA) = (S) - approver (T) unknown (S), as ( K) person (A).

Through serial numbers:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + No. 6 (e) + No. 11 (th) =70 (O) = 7 (Z) - earthly (Z) circle (O).

Based on the name Sergei, one can conclude that he will affirm human wisdom throughout his life.

But the numerical meaning of the name Sergius:

200(C)+5(e)+100(p)+3(G)+10(i)+8(th) = =326 (TKS) =11(AI)=2(B) - approver (T) unknown (S) space (K); through self-knowledge (AI), comes to wisdom (B).

The alphanumeric code for the name Sergiy will be:

No. 22 (C) + No. 6 (e) + No. 21 (p) + No. 4 (g) + + No. 12 (i) + No. 11 (th) = 76 (OS) = 13 (GI) = 4 (D ) - a structure unknown to us (OS) transmits knowledge and increases goodness. Consequently, Sergius is guided not by human, but by divine wisdom.

Consider the name Alexander.

In the ancient Slavic language the name was Olgiandr. The letter O “on” meant the family circle: grandfather, father, son. Lay down, sixteen dimensional beings. Olgiandr is the grandson of the leg, bearing the spiritual structure (ѯ) and the son of the druid (dr). Spirit is an intangible, unknown to us, which is why many peoples designate it with an “X”: Aleχandre.

Then the name Algsandr appeared - similar to (A) leg, the son of a druid. Over time, the “g” turned into the sound “k” and the name began to be written as Alksandr.

Numerical meaning of the name Alksandr:

1(A)+30(L)+20(K)+200(C)+1(A)+50(N)++4(D)+100(R)=406 (S) - unknown to us (S )clear structure with its foundations () = 10 (I) - universal structure = 1 (A) source.

Alphanumeric code for the name Alksandr:

No. 1 (A) + No. 16 (L) + No. 35 (b) + No. 15 (k) + No. 22 (s) + No. 1 (a) + No. 18 (n) + No. 5 (d) + No. 21 (р)+№33(ъ) = 167 (РѮZ) speech of the spirit of the earth =14 (ДI) practical experience = 5 (Є) - being.

1(A)+30(L)+5(e)+600(X)+1(A)+50(N)+4(D)+100(P) = 791 (ΨA) =17 (ZI) = 8 (I) - spiritual traits of a person (ΨA), cognizing earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

Alphanumeric code for the name Alekhandr:

No.1(A)+No.16(L)+No.6(e)+No.27(χ)+ +No.1(a)+No.18(n)+No.5(d)+No.21(r)+No. 33(ъ) = =128 (RKI) speech as harmony =11 (AI) self-knowledge = 2 (B) - wisdom.

Numerical meaning of the name Alexander:

1(A)+30(L)+5(e)+20(K)+200 (C) +1(A)+50(N)+4(D)+100(R) = 411 (UAI) - approaching self-knowledge = 6 (S) - unknown.

One of the meanings of the name Alexander is: approaching the unknown through self-knowledge.

Using a similar method, we will analyze the name: Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Let's write down his name in Old Slavic: Pushkin Alekhandr Sergievich.

P (peace) - harmony, balance, peace.

U (uk) - approaching something.

Sh (sha) - silence; breadth; space; going beyond certain boundaries, beyond certain images of perception.

K (kako) - volume, space, unification of a person with the universe.

I (izhei) - universe, galaxy, space.

N (our) - ours in the universe.

Ъ (єръ) - creation in process.

Pushkin - approaching harmony in the space of our universe.

Numerical meaning of the surname Pushkin:

80 (P)+20(K)+10(I)+50(N)= 160 (PѮ)= =7 (Z) - spiritual sayings on earth.

Numerical meaning of the name Alejandro:

791 (ѰЧА) =17 (ZI) =8(И) - spiritual traits of a person (ѰЧА), cognizing earthly space (ZI), a harmonious person (I).

Numerical value of the patronymic Sergievich:

200(C)+5(e)+100(r)+3(g)+10(i)+5 (e)+2(c)+8(i)+90(h) = 423 (KV) - a certain structure of wisdom (information structure) = 9 (θ) - harmony of man with nature.

If we add up all the numerical values ​​of the last name, first name, patronymic, we get a new image: 160+ 791 +423= 1374 (ATOD) - a person (A) who approves (T) the circle (O) of good (D).

1374= 1+3+7+4=15 (єi) - wisdom of being =6 (s) unknown to us.

We get that Pushkin Alekhandr Sergievich is a spiritual person who cognizes the earthly space, strives for harmony with nature, receives knowledge from outer space and transmits spiritual knowledge on earth.

Pushkin A.S. born 06/06/1799. Date of birth means: 6+6+(1+7+9+9)= 12 (BI) knowledge of wisdom + 26 (KS) as the unknown = 38 (LI) orientation towards harmony, balance.

The date of birth and name coincide in the purpose of life - approaching (the desire for) harmony. That is, the life program coincided with the purpose of life.

Let's look at the name Adolf Hitler.

Adolf: the beginning of (A) increase (D) human (L) pride (F).

Digital value of the name Adolf: 1 (A) + 4 (D) + 70 (O) + 30 (L) + 500 (F) = 605 (XE) - balance in everyday life = 11 (AI) - self-knowledge = 2 (B) . Gaining wisdom in the process of self-knowledge and harmony in everyday life. The presence of the letter F speaks of pride.

Hitler: 3(G)+8(I)+300(T)+30(L)+5(Є)+100(P) = 446 (UMS) - philosophical character. An attempt to comprehend the unknown.

The first name plus the last name will be: 446 + 605 = 1051 = 900 (Ts) + 151 (PHA) = 7 (Z) - goal (Ts) speech (R) human (NA). A natural speaker, able to convey his beliefs to people and able to lead people. The ultimate goal is to own land.

Another image of the letter P is separation, differentiation; NA - people.

This means that the main goal of Adolf Hitler was to divide peoples and rule over the earth.

The full name code must be compared with the date of birth April 20, 1889. Date code: 20+04 = 24 (CD) desire to accumulate; 1889 = 1+8+8+9=26 (KS) desire for the unknown.

The date of birth contains the need to explore the unknown.

Let's consider the influence of the name of the state on its fate.

Rs, Rus, Russia.

The original spelling of Rus' was with the initial letter “Ouk”. Its image: a clear structure with its own foundations, form, content. Pronounced "oh".

Rs - recommended (R) definite form (ook) of the word (C) created (b). A people, a community, speaking the same language, living according to its own principles.

Deep meaning:

100(Р)+400()+200(с)=700(Ѱ) =7(Z) - Soul (Ѱ) of the Earth (Z). Hence the expression: “Russian soul.”

After spelling reforms, this initial letter was removed from the alphabet. Rs began to be written as Rus, with the initial letter “uk”. The image of this initial letter: being near something, approaching something, calling.

Rus' - river (r) in the word created. The meaning is lost. This word lacks essence and content. It became some kind of vague shape.

100(P)+200(s)=300(T) - firmament, territory.

There is no need to explain to anyone what a tragic history a country with that name had.

Russia is the power of (ro) words (s) this (siya).

100(P)+70(O) +200(s) +200(s) +8(I) = 574(FOD) = 7(Z) - the noble divine structure of the good of the Earth. This is the power of words.

The strength of our Motherland is in the word. Consequently, further simplification of the alphabet and degradation of the language cannot be allowed. It is necessary to return the Russian language to its former greatness, and the country to its strength and power.

From the above examples it follows that whatever the spelling of the word, so is the meaning of the image: “as it comes back (what image you send), so it will respond (that’s what you will receive).

Conclusion: studying the ancient Slavic language will help you find out the true meaning of a person’s name and find out your purpose in life. A correctly chosen name for a child helps him develop harmoniously.

Bibliographic link

Shevchenko N.Yu., Neumoina N.G., Lebedeva Yu.V., Korbakova T.V. THE INFLUENCE OF A NAME ON THE FATE AND MORAL CHARACTER OF A PERSON // Advances in modern natural science. – 2014. – No. 11-1. – P. 111-117;
URL: (access date: 04/28/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

People have always been interested in what the letters in the first and last names mean, since changing the last name often brings serious changes in fate. How do the letters of a person’s name affect his destiny? knows esoteric numerology. Analysis of the name by letter will help lift the veil over the secrets of character and purpose.

Change of surname - change of fate

People whose last name or first name begin with the letter A are distinguished by their strong spirit and will to win. But those who have the first letter E in their name are guaranteed to look more elitist and pretentious than other people. No less interesting facts can be learned about people whose names begin with the letter P or R. The influence of a name on a person’s fate and character can manifest itself in such areas of life as:

  • Choosing a profession and hobby;
  • Ability to get along with people and achieve success;
  • Life expectancy and realizing your potential.

Due to the fact that each letter in a word has its own semantic and emotional connotation, a person’s first and last name have a strong influence on his fate. Their replacement does not always bring favorable changes. You should make such changes very carefully, as there is a risk of “picking up” other people’s problems or unwittingly programming yourself for failure.

A clairvoyant who knows will provide good help. But numerology will allow you to spell out your destiny number, which also needs to be taken into account.

The meaning of the letters in the first and last name

Each sound is a wave of a certain frequency. They are able to influence both the material body of a person and his spiritual abilities. Some letters, as they say, please the ear, while others cause unpleasant sensations. What does each letter in your name mean? Let's look at the most common options.

A - the energy of starting any business, the desire for career and spiritual growth.

B - the desire to find prosperity and generosity in relationships with people.

B - realism and sociability, good creativity.

D - the need to study the nature of things and the ability to organize various enterprises.

D - extrasensory abilities, the desire to create family coziness and comfort.

E - good intuition and insight, external beauty and passion.

F - exposure to passions and love for expensive things.

Z - prefer a secluded lifestyle, closed to most people.

And - a soft nature full of romanticism, not practical, but attractive to people.

K - those who like to rush from one extreme to another, are hardy and demand respect for themselves.

L - artistic abilities, determination, desire to serve people.

M - caring and shyness, the desire to always be in the center of attention.

N are rebels by nature, but they are diligent in their work and do their job honestly.

O - they know how to “make money”, they feel the trends of modern life.

P - they value attractive appearance very much, often depending on the circumstances.

R - adventurism and the desire to live by passions, and not by real actions.

S - strive for power, an active person who shows sound judgment.

T - they do not know how to highlight the main thing in life, they feel best in a creative environment.

U - generous, want to help people, do not strive for life in society.

F - they love external beauty more than spiritual fulfillment.

X - independent in judgment, leading a correct lifestyle.

E - insightful and intelligent, able to make a good impression

Yu are calculating and cold natures who know how to hide their true thoughts.

I - have a great need for love and approval from people around me.

The list is not complete, but it is sufficient to calculate the main character traits by merging the letters and understand how the letters of a person’s name influence his destiny. The capital letters of your first name, last name and patronymic are of greatest importance.

It is quite easy and interesting to learn how to spell out your destiny. Numerology gives the following recommendations: write down your name, surname and patronymic on a piece of paper. Next, proceed according to the table, where the letter of the alphabet corresponds to the number:

A - 1; B - 2; AT 6; G - 3; D - 4; E - 5; F - 2; Z - 7; I - 1; J - 1; K - 2; L - 2; M - 4; N - 5; O - 7; P - 8; R - 2; C - 3; T - 4; U - 6; F - 8; X - 5; C - 3; Ch - 7; Ш - 2; Ш - 9; S - 1; b - 1; E - 6; Yu - 7; I am 2.

Add up all the numbers, full name. and write down a single digit number. For example, if the last name is Petrov, then it should turn out: 8+5+4+2+7+6=32. We continue the addition: 3+2=5.

Exactly the same procedure must be done with all the letters of the name and patronymic.

The three resulting numbers also need to be added and come to one simple number. This will be the number of your destiny, which has a powerful influence on the subconscious and guides you through life. Let's name these numbers and what they mean:

Number 2- Self-sufficiency and balance are the main trump cards of such people. They think objectively and act logically. Excellent diplomats, they know how to be friends and sympathize.

Number 3- Darlings of fate and optimists by nature. Fate is favorable to them and bestows them with a good disposition and many talents.

Number 4- Practical people striving for order and stability. The main values ​​in life: having your own circle of loyal friends, financial independence, a strong family.

Number 5- Adventurers by nature, hating routine and monotony. They have a changeable and unpredictable character, prone to depression or mania.

Number 6- Self-centered people who even provide help only because they earn the admiration of other people. Their calling is show business, but if they start playing in life: beware, it is impossible to recognize their true desires from their faces.

Number 7- The gift of clairvoyance and acute intuition helps these people achieve what they want. They are driven by the power of nature and the desire to understand the world around them. They often help people with advice or practical actions.

Number 8“The leadership qualities of these people can captivate any imagination. They are hardworking and obediently endure the blows of fate. However, they never stop moving forward and are not afraid of difficulties.

Number 9- Kind, sweet, quiet people without unnecessary ambitions and ambitions. They are often accused of not being able to get their way because they prefer to go with the flow rather than take things by force.

If you have spelled out your destiny and it does not coincide with the realities in which you live, it makes sense to think about changing your first or last name. By harmonizing the influence of subtle matters and waves on your consciousness, you can achieve great positive changes in life and become happier, luckier and richer.

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