Why did my period come 4 days earlier?

Every woman periodically faces problems and disruptions in her menstrual cycle. Sometimes critical days come later than expected, and sometimes much earlier than usual. All these disruptions can seriously harm a woman’s health and disrupt her plans. What to do in such a situation? How to find out the cause of irregularities in the menstrual cycle? What is their catalyst? What is our own body trying to tell us, and who should we turn to if disruptions are already seriously interfering with the normal functioning of the body?

In general, it is worth mentioning that cycle failures can occur for completely different reasons. At the beginning of puberty, the cycle, in principle, has not yet had time to form properly, and critical days can begin at any time, often without accompanying symptoms. However, such behavior of the body at a more mature age indicates serious changes and rearrangements. This could be, for example, a change in season or, in general, climate, severe stress, age-related changes.

But we should not forget that this is how the female body can signal us about serious future health problems. In this article, we will answer questions about why your period comes earlier or what measures to take if your period starts 10 days earlier than your normal period.

Why did my period start 10 days earlier?

Any woman who has suffered such a problem is very interested in why her period began 10 days earlier, and what became the prerequisites for this. The reasons why critical days came ahead of schedule may be different. Starting from age-related changes and ending with possible serious health problems. However, first things first. Remember that critical illnesses that arrive ahead of schedule can tell both you and qualified doctors about many things related to changes in your body.

For example, one of the reasons for the appearance of menstruation ahead of schedule is considered to be poor circulation and inflammatory processes in general. They can begin, for example, due to unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor and start taking the necessary medications.

If you do not pay proper attention to this, then serious changes for the worse can occur in a woman’s health.

There are also other possible reasons:

  1. Severe stress, which generally changes the behavior of the entire body for an indefinite period and can serve as an aid to the onset of menstruation ahead of time. In this case, doctors recommend getting rid of the factor that caused stress and allowing yourself to rest for a few days.
  2. Another reason for the appearance of critical days ahead of schedule may be age-related changes in a woman’s body. For example, the cycle of teenage girls is generally unstable and tends to change. Older women may experience these problems due to general aging or the onset of menopause.
  3. Also, the cause may be, as mentioned above, inflammatory processes or any other diseases. For example, colds. This is due to the fact that any disease makes small adjustments to the functioning of the whole body and this can also affect the woman’s reproductive organs.
  4. Other, more rare causes of untimely menstruation include diet, indiscriminate use of oral contraceptives, climate change, general restructuring of the body, and much more. However, remember that at the slightest pain and ailment, it is recommended to urgently consult a doctor, find out more specific reasons for this behavior of the body and begin treatment.

Read also 🗓 Delayed periods after losing virginity

Hormonal imbalance

One of the possible reasons that menstruation came 10 days earlier may be general disruptions in a woman’s hormonal background. Let us remember that hormonal levels are the sum of all hormones, and their production affects a woman’s health. The organs that produce hormones, including sex hormones, include the ovaries, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. All their joint work as a whole creates a favorable hormonal background. However, poor or insufficient functioning of one of these organs can cause serious disruptions in hormonal levels, and, as a result, changes in a woman’s cycle.

Menstruation, which is also called regula in another way, immediately responds to any changes in the body. So, if you want to find out the reason that your period came 10 days ahead of schedule, then the first thing you need to do is take the necessary tests and check your hormonal levels, as well as the functioning of the organs responsible for it. This analysis will completely show you a panorama of all metabolic processes in your body, answer existing questions and give you the opportunity to think more seriously about the future. Such an analysis is especially necessary for expectant mothers, since the life and development of their future children very much depends on the proper functioning of these organs.

Age-related changes

Age-related changes are considered a separate reason for the appearance of menstruation 10 days earlier. Of course, a woman’s body changes and renews itself constantly and continuously, but there are still turning points, and they can seriously affect the functioning of the whole organism. For example, it has already been said that at the beginning of puberty (12-13 years old), girls do not yet have a clearly formed cycle, and, as a result, menstruation can come on different days, start earlier or be delayed. Before the start of sexual activity, such fluctuations are not dangerous, and in general they cause few problems, perhaps minor inconvenience. After the start of sexual activity, these fluctuations can seriously harm a woman, for example, cause an unwanted pregnancy.

These questions can only be answered by constant surveillance and monitoring of the body’s metabolic and excretory processes, periodic checks and consultations with various women’s doctors, as well as general education and understanding of how certain processes can affect health.

Also, changes in cycles can occur in women who have crossed the fifty-year mark. This is due to the fact that the organs can no longer produce the required amount of hormones, or with the general aging of the body. However, a woman’s lifestyle also has a great influence. An unhealthy lifestyle, constant use of medications, poor environment and many other factors, as well as age-related changes, can contribute to changes in the cycle and poor health.

When to sound the alarm

Of course, if a woman has had minor changes in her cycle that do not cause discomfort and generally do not interfere with her, then there is no need to worry and prescribe a huge amount of hormonal medications. However, if the changes are significant and only lead to a deterioration in well-being, then you can think about serious treatment. However, your first step should be a mandatory visit to the doctor and consultation with a specialist. The alarm should be sounded in the following cases:

  • The changes that have occurred in the body are significant, cause a lot of negative emotions, are painful and generally interfere with the normal functioning of the body. For example, if your period begins 10 days earlier than usual and is accompanied by unusual pain in the lower abdomen, malaise, or fever, you should consult a doctor.
  • Changes in the cycle occurred after unprotected intercourse. If your period started earlier in this case, then you need to contact a specialist urgently. You cannot waste time, as any delay can cost you your health. It is extremely difficult to cure sexually transmitted diseases, and treatment can generally take quite a long period of time. There is also a risk of infecting someone else or passing on the virus to a future child.

Also, a consultation with your gynecologist should occur if you have chronic diseases spread to the genitals, which nevertheless affect the body's menstrual cycle.

A regular monthly cycle signals to a woman that everything is in order with her reproductive health. However, at any moment she may experience menstrual irregularities, when her period comes much earlier or is delayed by a week or two. What do these body signals indicate? When should you not delay visiting a doctor?

Menstrual cycle

Menstruation is periodic bleeding from the female genital tract, which begins at a certain time and passes with a steady frequency. The cause of bleeding is the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium due to changes in the level of female hormones.

The duration of the menstrual period for a healthy woman is usually 28 days, with periods starting at the expected time. Characteristic signs of a normal process:

  • duration – 28 days, plus or minus 7 days (total 21–35);
  • volume of daily blood loss – 20–50 ml;
  • duration of blood loss – three to seven days;
  • iron loss – maximum 16 mg.

The cycle is divided into two phases:

  1. Follicular. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the egg grows and matures. At about 14–15 days, the follicle bursts and the egg is released into the fallopian tube, where sperm can “wait” for it.
  2. Luteal. Luteinizing hormone affects the maturation of the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine gland that produces progesterone, which is important for maintaining pregnancy. If conception does not occur, regression of the corpus luteum occurs.

The endometrium in the uterus is also under the influence of hormones, which changes its thickness during the cycle. Its basal layer is not rejected during menstruation and ensures the restoration of the intermediate layer (it comes out during menstruation). With each cycle, the endometrium undergoes the following changes:

  • Proliferation. In the follicular phase, under the influence of estrogen, the surface layer of the endometrium grows up to 8 mm thick.
  • Luteal phase. The period lasts about 2 weeks and is characterized by an increase in progesterone levels. On days 21–22 of the cycle, the most favorable conditions arise for the implantation of a fertilized egg.
  • Menstruation. In the absence of pregnancy, the low amount of hormones that the ovaries produce leads to blood clots and vasospasm. With their sharp expansion, the endometrium is rejected, which occurs on days 24–28 of the cycle.

The continuous cyclical process is regulated by the hippocampus, limbic system, amygdala, hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid gland, endometrium, and mammary glands. The female body does not always work like a clock. Often women and girls complain that they experience early periods. There are many reasons for this, which are important to find out for maintaining women’s health.

Why does menstruation start early?

Having your period ahead of schedule is always a cause for concern. A woman is especially concerned about heavy discharge with clots, in which one pad lasts for 3–4 hours. The cause of premature periods may be:

  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • myoma;
  • polyps;
  • spiral;
  • abortion performed shortly before;
  • endometriosis;
  • pathology of the uterus.

Each cause has its own symptoms and characteristics. For example, with sexually transmitted infections, you often experience lower back tension and pain in the lower abdomen. Premature bleeding associated with hormonal imbalance can begin any day. They are abundant and come out with clots.

The doctor’s task is to conduct a full diagnosis and find out the exact cause of the disease, prevent severe blood loss and prescribe the correct treatment. For this purpose, a woman needs to have an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood tests (general, sex hormones, hCG, thyroid hormones), diagnostic curettage, and other studies.

Stress, hypothermia, excessive exercise

The female body reacts sensitively to stressful situations. In this case, menstruation may be delayed or ahead of schedule. They are accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. Overexertion and physical activity affect hormonal levels and cause vascular spasms, which can cause cycle disruption.

Hypothermia, forced walking in wet shoes and a cold can also lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system. In this case, against the background of weakened immunity, inflammation of the appendages is likely to develop. After eliminating the factor that caused stress, ovarian function is restored.

Taking hormonal contraceptives, abortion

Premature onset of menstruation during the first time after starting to use contraceptives is a variant of the norm. Everything should be back to normal next month. Problems can also occur as a result of taking emergency contraception. In this case, earlier endometrial rejection is provoked by a shock dose of hormones. Abrupt withdrawal of contraceptives can also lead to menstrual dysfunction.

Early onset of menstruation after abortion (medical, vacuum aspiration, curettage) is observed due to hormonal imbalance. It is very dangerous if the blood is scarlet in color, you must immediately contact a medical facility.

Gynecological pathologies

Pathologies of the reproductive system often lead to regular cycle disorders. They can provoke inflammatory processes, cause hormonal imbalance, and endometrial hyperplasia. Typically, early menstruation (not on time) can occur under the influence of such pathologies:

  • Mycoplasmosis. Urogenital infection, infection of which can occur as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. It occurs in the form of urethritis, vaginitis, adnexitis, cervicitis. Symptoms of the pathology are itching in the genital area, nagging pain in the lumbar region, and ovaries.
  • Uterine fibroids. The growth of benign formations in the body of the uterus is caused by heredity, stress factors, a history of abortion, and infections of the genitourinary system. With fibroids, prolonged bleeding with clots between periods, pain in the lower abdomen, and menstrual irregularities are observed.
  • Ovarian cysts. The causes of benign tumors are a history of abortion, stressful situations, excess weight, and infections. With cysts, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pain in the appendage area and during urination are often observed.

Somatic diseases

Menstrual irregularities occur not only due to colds and infections. The following can lead to an imbalance in the functioning of the female reproductive system:

  • pituitary adenomas;
  • adrenal adenomas;
  • tumors that produce cortisol and androgens;
  • sclerocystic resistant ovarian syndrome;
  • depression of various origins;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

Severe infectious diseases and medications

The hypothalamus is susceptible to the effects of viruses and infections. As a result, if the body is severely affected by infection, disruption of the menstrual cycle is likely. Premature periods can occur 5-10 days earlier than expected.

An imbalance of female hormones can result from taking drugs to suppress lactation. Drugs that affect the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters responsible for the hypothalamus-pituitary gland connection, act in a similar way. These are antidepressants, neuroleptics, phenothiazine derivatives and other drugs.

Minor damage to the vaginal walls or cervix

The appearance of such microtraumas is possible as a result of rough sexual contact, the use of fashionable sex toys, or unsuccessful installation of an intrauterine device. Usually the capillaries are slightly damaged, and scanty bleeding disappears within 4–6 hours. If there is heavy discharge, serious injury to the cervix and vagina should be excluded, for which you will have to visit a doctor. Bleeding is dangerous due to loss of iron and can lead to infection of the genital tract and pelvic organs.

Oncological diseases

The peculiarity of oncological tumors in the pelvic area is that they occur unnoticed at the initial stage. Pathology may be indicated by failures in the onset of menstruation and bleeding between them.

The nature of the discharge should alert you. With a tumor of the cervix, early onset of menstruation is often observed. The discharge is dark brown in color and has an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching and pain when urinating.

Scanty periods and their absence are characteristic of ovarian cancer. In this case, the paired organs cannot perform their functions and produce sex hormones, which means amenorrhea occurs. Timely detected oncological pathologies of the uterus and appendages are treated at an early stage.

Change of time zone or climate

When moving to another country or climate zone, women often note that their periods are delayed by 10 days or come earlier. In this case, the body adapts to new conditions, biorhythms and hormonal levels change. Changes affect the functioning of the reproductive system. For this reason, doctors recommend making long trips no more than once every 6 months.

Strict diet or complete refusal of food

An unbalanced diet, strict caloric restriction or fasting disrupt metabolic processes in the body. When there is a lack of nutrients, the survival mechanism is activated, causing the maintenance of reproductive function to fade into the background. The production of sex hormones stops, which is why periodic disruptions may initially occur, and then menstruation stops altogether.

Age-related cycle fluctuations (adolescent or premenopausal)

It is considered normal if monthly discharge begins prematurely in girls aged 12–18 years when the cycle begins or in women during premenopause. During these important periods, hormonal levels are unstable, which can cause disturbances. In order not to miss the development of a serious illness, it is important to consult a doctor about menstrual irregularities.

The reason for scanty discharge is pregnancy

Implantation bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy. It is observed in 25% of pregnant women. With a stable cycle lasting 28 days and ovulation on days 13–15, it can begin around day 22–23, that is, a week before your expected period. Some women mistake implantation bleeding for menstruation and worry why it came so early.

Implantation bleeding signals the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. Blood occurs when microscopic vessels in the endometrium are damaged and comes out in the form of scanty light brown or pink discharge. The normal duration does not exceed 2 days.

When is cycle failure a reason to see a doctor?

If menstrual bleeding occurs a week ahead of schedule in a woman who does not suffer from gynecological pathologies, it is important to choose observation tactics. You should record what it is like and note every unusual nuance. The repetition of the situation next time, the protracted nature of menstruation, the appearance of clots requires a mandatory visit to a specialist.

When menstruation begins early in a woman who is being seen by a doctor for polycystic disease, fibroids and other gynecological pathologies, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. This disorder may be associated with an exacerbation of the disease or its improper treatment.

The reasons for the onset of a new cycle 2–9 days earlier than expected can be completely harmless or serious, requiring competent medical care. The woman’s task is not to miss this alarming symptom and visit a doctor on time.

The situation when menstruation came ahead of schedule has its reasons. In some cases, this phenomenon is explained by a physiological or hereditary factor.

But more often than not, menstruation ahead of schedule is a wake-up call. They may indicate that some problems have begun in the female body.

Most women who have this kind of problem wonder why their period came a week earlier. This plunges them into despondency, fear, bewilderment, and they may be afraid to go.

Examination for such a disease is extremely important. After all, through a hormonal examination and examination, doctors can answer the question of why your period came a week earlier than expected.

There are a number of main causes of premature bleeding:

  • Long-term effects of the hormone on the female body. This reason occurs quite infrequently, but it can cause the appearance of menstruation a week earlier than expected;
  • Presence of hyperestrogenism. From the name it becomes clear that the main thing here is the increased content of the hormone. The disease is associated with protein deficiency (little lutein). These factors can lead to anovulation and infertility;
  • If premature bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle, then many women may confuse it with the onset of menstruation. Such “menstruation” is associated with the presence in the internal genital organs;
  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the inner layer of the uterus -;
  • The presence of a benign tumor in the uterus -;
  • An insufficiently developed reproductive system in a woman, in medicine called hypoplasia;
  • The presence of glandular underdevelopment;
  • My period started early. This occurs from 6 to 10 days after the process of fertilization of the egg, if the fertilized egg attaches to a certain area of ​​the uterus. Bleeding in this case is of an implantation nature and does not in any way affect the condition of the fetus. Although there is an opinion that it can provoke involuntary termination of pregnancy;
  • Another reason why menstruation started a week earlier is the change in time zones and climatic conditions;
  • Stress can also provoke a phenomenon such as premature menstruation;
  • Some women, after unprotected coitus, resort to using products that contribute to cycle disruption. Their period may come a week early.
  • can also be a serious reason for the onset of critical days ahead of time.

Only a specialist can figure out the problem of why your period came a week earlier. Therefore, an immediate visit to the gynecologist's office is recommended. By doing this, you will preserve your health and the health of your future offspring.

If your period starts a week earlier than expected, carefully monitor your general condition. If you notice such phenomena as:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;

then you should immediately consult a doctor. But, if there are no such symptoms, the disruption in the cycle is caused not by internal, but by external factors, such as overwork or stress.

Short cycle or intermenstrual bleeding?

As a rule, a woman lasts from 28 to 35 days. If the cycle becomes short - up to 21 days, then gynecologists call this phenomenon polymenorrhea. Frequent cyclic bleeding is commonly called polymenorrhea.

But do not confuse polymenorrhea with. Light spotting is quite common in women 7-10 days before the start of menstruation. As a rule, they are light and last from seven to twelve hours, and it is enough to use a panty liner.

Intermenstrual bleeding occurs:

  • a week later ;
  • in the middle of the cycle;
  • during the week .

Failure in the menstrual cycle signals health problems and this can also cause the onset of menstruation earlier than expected.

When menopause occurs, this problem should not be of particular concern. In mature women, the duration of the cycle gradually decreases; menstruation may appear ahead of time, but soon it shortens and then stops altogether.

Whatever the answer to the question of why your period started earlier than expected, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist’s office and find out what caused such a failure. The exact cause will only be determined by a doctor.

If no special pathologies are found, then the woman should record the days when her menstruation begins so that she does not develop a complication such as anemia.

In order for menstruation to become regular, the gynecologist, as a rule, prescribes hormonal drugs containing progesterone or, which can stabilize the situation.

Having your period early: implantation bleeding

Many women are very worried why their periods came much earlier (10 days before) than they should have. Others do not attach due importance to this and believe that if they arrived at the wrong time, then it is not so scary; it is much more dangerous if menstruation began late.

But this is far from true! A period that started 10 days before the expected due date can be a very alarming symptom.

During pregnancy, these manifestations may indicate implantation bleeding. It is caused by damage to the blood vessels during the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Signs of implantation bleeding:

  • Be sure to check your period if your period is 8-10 days earlier than expected. You need to measure it right in bed after waking up. If its indicator is low, this may indicate.
  • If physical sensations begin that bring discomfort 8–10 days before menstruation: pulling, constant. They may indicate an impending involuntary termination of pregnancy. A woman should immediately visit a gynecologist's office.
  • Spotting that began 10 days earlier before the onset of menstruation, colored brown or pinkish. It usually lasts no more than a day.
  • Feeling of weakness, general weakness 10 days before menstruation. After implantation internal bleeding, a woman feels exhausted and constantly sleepy. But this condition quickly disappears.

Periods, uterine or implantation bleeding?

Some young women who are faced with the problem of having their period 5-10 days ahead of schedule will not give it due importance. Whereas older women are well versed in the nature of menstruation and will immediately understand that something is wrong with the body.

Is it possible to confuse menstruation with other types of bleeding that began ahead of schedule? In fact, implantation and uterine bleeding are fundamentally different.

How to distinguish types of bleeding ahead of schedule:

  • Period. Those periods are considered healthy if they begin with a preliminary smear, then the amount of blood released gradually increases. They progress differently for everyone, depending on the physiological characteristics of the female body, from 3 to 7 days.
    Menstruation should begin on time, and not earlier than 8-10 days of the expected date.
  • Uterine bleeding. Heavy bleeding, similar to menstruation, but occurring 7-10 days before the start of the expected menstruation may be uterine bleeding.
    Uterine bleeding can also occur during menstruation. In this case, the discharge will be too abundant, weakness will appear, even to the point of loss of consciousness.
  • Implantation bleeding indicates pregnancy. The fetus attaches to the wall of the uterus and bursts the vessel. This does not happen to every woman. It does not have negative consequences on the fetus itself.
    Implantation bleeding is characterized by small blood discharge from the very beginning and ends very quickly.

If your period begins a week or 10 days ahead of schedule, do not neglect a visit to the gynecologist. Only he will answer your question why your periods started at the wrong time. If such health problems begin, the consequences can be very different.

Assessing the menstrual cycle is the main indicator of the health of a woman’s reproductive system. That is why it is so important for a woman to monitor the timing of her periods and note the amount and nature of bleeding. However, every girl at least once in her life has faced the question of why her period came ahead of schedule and what were the reasons? It is this actual problem that we will deal with today.

Why did your period come early: reasons

No gynecologist can give a definite answer to this question. Doctors tend to talk about the polyetiological nature of this phenomenon. This means that premature periods do not occur for one specific reason. Early menstruation is observed only when the girl has been influenced by a whole range of external factors. These pathological factors may be:

  • Stressful influences, previous psycho-emotional stress. This has a powerful effect on the cortical and subcortical structures of the brain, which means that the synthesis of hormones changes, which leads to the early onset of menstruation. With mild emotional stress, periods are delayed by a week, with severe stress - by 2 weeks or more. When stress agents are eliminated, the cycle is restored on its own by the next month.
  • Another reason is hard physical labor. If during the premenstrual period a girl overdid it with exercise in the gym or rearranged all the furniture in the room on her own, then you should not be surprised that your period came a week ahead of schedule.
  • The presence of concomitant somatic pathology: ARVI, influenza and other viral infections lead to a malfunction of all body systems, especially reproductive and hormonal.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterus: endometritis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, etc. All these diseases lead to disruption of the uterine menstrual cycle; proliferation and desquamation of the uterine epithelium occurs much faster, which leads to menstruation a week or two ahead of schedule.
  • Change of climate zone: flights, moving to another city will not go unnoticed for the girl’s health. They are one of the most common reasons.
  • Menstruation may occur 5-10 days ahead of schedule if the girl started taking birth control pills the day before. This is how the body adapts to the new hormonal levels. Early menstruation in this case is not a reason to panic; everything is restored from the next cycle.
  • Changes in diet. The desire to be as slim as the models on the covers of glossy magazines leads to girls exhausting themselves with diets and hunger. However, the female body is designed in such a way that without the proper intake of fats and carbohydrates, the production of sex hormones stops. This leads to the fact that at first menstruation comes a week or two weeks earlier, after which the menstrual cycle lengthens, and then menstruation stops altogether.
  • Chronic poisoning and intoxication: smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and spirits, food poisoning.

My period started 2 weeks after the previous one

Normally, menstruation can come just 14 days after the last one. This is typical for women who have a short menstrual cycle - 21 days. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation. If the cycle is 3 weeks, then it turns out that the next menstruation occurs just 2 weeks after the previous ones.

Important video: Reasons for starting your period early

When early periods are dangerous to your health?

“Pseudomenstruation” poses a health hazard. This term refers to uterine bleeding, which women confuse with normal menstruation. Uterine bleeding occurs on any day of the cycle: a week or 2 earlier, 5 days earlier. If uterine bleeding is not recognized in time, it ultimately leads to loss of reproductive function - infertility.

A woman needs to pay great attention to her health; nature has awarded her with a unique organism. Controlling the arrival of menstruation is one of the main tasks, since any disturbances in the cycle may indicate the occurrence of pathological processes in the body. Some people start a personal calendar, noting the specifics of the cycle. If a woman feels well and everything is fine with the functioning of her genital organs, then menstruation occurs systematically and without any deviations. But the appearance of menstruation earlier than usual is cause for concern. In this case, there is no need to panic, but... The doctor will be able to explain in what cases and why menstruation comes ahead of schedule. He must also conduct a diagnosis and establish the cause that caused the premature onset of menstruation.

A woman's health depends on numerous factors. Any violation, even the most insignificant, can lead to disorder in the body, especially the reproductive system, when menstruation may begin a week earlier or later than the scheduled time. To date, gynecologists have identified 10 main reasons leading to the fact that a new cycle began earlier than expected:

  • severe stress and emotional distress;
  • mental and physical stress;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • climate change;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • implantation bleeding;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Severe stress and emotional distress can disrupt your menstrual schedule. Sudden weight loss, increased mental and physical stress on the body, even long before the onset of menstruation, can act as a reason for both the early arrival of menstruation and their delay.

Taking oral contraceptives changes the balance of hormones, which disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Climate change due to moving forces the body to work in an unusual mode, thereby causing premature menstruation. Some diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse “act” similarly. In addition, kinky sex that causes injury to the genitals can also cause early menstruation.

Uterine bleeding, which can often be confused with menstruation, caused by injury, inflammation, tumors or other diseases, is a common occurrence. In pregnant women at 6-7 weeks, when the embryo begins to implant into the uterus and thereby locally destroy its tissue, spotting is also likely. The reason that your period came early may be due to an ectopic pregnancy. And this condition requires immediate medical attention and removal of the fetus. However, the last 3 reasons are not menstruation, but bleeding.

Girls going through puberty should not be surprised if their periods begin a week earlier or later than expected. This is how the cycle begins and can last a whole year, after which the menstruation schedule should return to normal.

At the beginning of menopause, disruptions are also possible: some women complain that their periods began a week earlier, others that their menstruation begins a month late. Here the main role is played by the characteristics of the body and the presence of concomitant diseases or characteristics of the functioning of the reproductive system. Only a gynecologist can tell you how to make your periods start earlier or later, after conducting tests and establishing the cause of the irregularities.

Interruptions of menstruation during menopause are normal. A woman can note the fact that the duration of the cycle is gradually becoming shorter: her period came a week earlier, its duration is shorter each time, and after some time it stops coming altogether.

Menstruation may start earlier when the cycle fails. In this case, accompanying symptoms are noted:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • Bad mood;
  • insomnia.

If your period comes earlier as a result of changes in hormone levels, then the discharge becomes more abundant than before, often in it. With an infectious disease, a woman may feel pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Discharge during pregnancy

In cases where menstruation comes 5 days earlier, and they are not heavy, but more like bloody smears, pregnancy can be assumed. Discharge appears at the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, which is absolutely normal and does not pose a threat to the woman or the fetus. These “pseudo-periods” are different from regular ones. Among their features are the following:

  • unplanned onset five days before expected menstruation;
  • or ;
  • scarcity of discharge;
  • The duration of the smear is significantly less than normal menstruation.

These signs indicate implantation of the embryo into the uterus. But if a woman feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and nausea, while the discharge becomes more abundant, these are likely signs of a miscarriage, so you should get examined by a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Internal provoking factors of early menstruation

The menstrual cycle arriving earlier than expected may be a consequence of the influence of internal factors on the female body, which can lead to a breakdown of regulatory mechanisms. Of course, the external environment can provoke early menstruation, but only in cases where the body adapts to a different climate during business trips, relocations and trips abroad on vacation. In other cases, the cause of premature menstruation must be sought in the woman herself, or rather, in her body.

Malfunction of the genital organs leads to the early appearance of menstruation, and by finding out the cause of the cycle failure, many other diseases can be found along the way. The women's body is so sensitive that disruption of its normal functioning can occur after a common cold.

A diet that is too strict often provokes disruptions in the reproductive system. With insufficient nutrition, the body suffers from a lack of necessary substances, resulting in stress, which disrupts the regular cycle. Likewise, various mental or physical stress can cause deviations in the regularity of menstruation.

It is often possible to observe when menstruation started a week earlier due to the high content of the hormone estrogen in the body. A disease such as hyperestrogenism develops more often against the background of a lack of luteic acid.

If they go, this may be a symptom of inflammation in the uterine tubes. Such “menstruation” can also begin from ordinary malaise or poor functioning of the genital organs. You can confuse menstruation with uterine bleeding, believing that your period has begun prematurely. The causes of the pathology are inflammation of the genital organs or damage to the uterus itself.

What diseases can cause menstruation to start earlier?

Women often complain that their periods began 10 days earlier than expected. This can be observed with the development of certain diseases of the genital organs and dysfunctions of the female body. As a rule, against the background of illness, discharge becomes more abundant and is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain. Critical days may begin earlier when a woman is diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • specific structure and pathologies of the uterus;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • endometriosis;
  • failure of the reproductive system;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • disease of the pelvic organs.

It should be noted that excessive or incorrect use of contraceptives can also cause early periods.

Short cycle

Fortunately, it is not always only diseases that cause menstruation ahead of schedule. Normally, a cycle lasting from 21 to 31 days is allowed. As a result of hormonal changes that occur for various reasons, its duration may be shortened, but for those who have not previously encountered such phenomena, early menstruation may be alarming.

Reasons for such changes:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • history of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • menopause and menopause.

To establish the exact “trigger mechanism” you need to visit a gynecologist to exclude the possible development of pathological processes in the body.

You should sound the alarm if the discharge is premature, intense, scarlet or dark in color, and accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. This may mean the development of serious diseases of the genital organs, which should be treated urgently.

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