Diet cutlets with buckwheat. How to cook steamed diet buckwheat cutlets? Dietary steamed buckwheat cutlets with vegetables

Buckwheat is a universal grain; you can use it to make delicious milk porridge, a side dish with gravy, and even cutlets or zrazy.

Buckwheat cutlets - basic cooking principles

Buckwheat cutlets are prepared with cheese, minced meat, meat, cottage cheese, liver, etc. Boil buckwheat until tender, following the instructions on the package. You can also use porridge left over from dinner.

You can make delicious lean cutlets from buckwheat. In addition to buckwheat, you will need vegetable oil, onions, spices, garlic and salt.

For variety, vegetables, minced meat or other ingredients are added to buckwheat.

The onion is peeled, chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. Buckwheat porridge along with onions are passed through a meat grinder. If you add mushrooms or meat, then they are also twisted in a meat grinder. The minced meat is kneaded by hand until smooth and cutlets are formed from it. Then they are breaded in flour or breadcrumbs and fried until lightly browned.

You can prepare a sauce for the cutlets based on tomato paste or sour cream.

If you are afraid that the cutlets may fall apart, you can add flour or egg to the minced meat.

Recipe 1. Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms and sauce


two thirds of a glass of buckwheat;


800 g boiled mushrooms;

kitchen salt;

large onion.


half a glass of canned eggplant with adjika;

vegetable oil;

30 ml chili sauce;

25 ml pomegranate sauce;

30 ml Tkemali red sauce.

Cooking method

1. Rinse buckwheat until clean. Fill the buckwheat with water at the rate of 1:2, add salt and cook until the cereal absorbs all the water. Turn off the heat and cool completely.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop it and fry it in oil until golden brown.

3. Grind buckwheat porridge with boiled mushrooms and fried onions through a meat grinder. Taste and add salt if necessary.

4. Using your hands, mix the minced meat until smooth and form into patties. Bread them in flour and fry on both sides until an appetizing crust. Then turn down the heat, cover with a lid and cook for another ten minutes.

5. Mix all ingredients for the sauce until smooth. Place the cutlets on a plate and pour over the resulting sauce.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat cutlets with cheese


buckwheat – 125 g;

kitchen salt;

two eggs;

ground black pepper;

large onion;

butter – 60 g;

hard cheese – 50 g;

breadcrumbs – 70 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour the buckwheat into a sieve and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Pour the cereal into a pan of boiling salted water and cook for about half an hour over low heat. Place the buckwheat porridge on a sieve and leave to drain all the water.

2. Transfer the porridge into a blender container and grind until smooth. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

3. Transfer the fried onions into the warm buckwheat mass. Coarsely grate the cheese and add it to the buckwheat. When the mass has cooled completely, add eggs to it and season everything with pepper, salt and spices. Mix the minced meat well with your hands.

4. Pour breadcrumbs into a flat plate. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. We form small cutlets from buckwheat minced meat, bread them in breadcrumbs and place them in a frying pan with heated oil.

5. Fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Transfer the finished cutlets to a serving plate and serve with tomato sauce.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat


half a kilogram of minced meat;

sea ​​salt;

half a glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

medium bulb;

vegetable oil;


flour for breading;

three eggs.

Cooking method

1. Sort the buckwheat, wash and cook in lightly salted water, following the recommendations on the package. If you have leftover porridge from dinner, you can use it. Cool the boiled buckwheat and pass it through a meat grinder twice.

2. Peel the potatoes and onions and grind them in a meat grinder. Combine vegetables with buckwheat, add minced meat and beat in two eggs. Knead the minced meat with your hands until smooth. Salt and season with spices.

3. Form oval-shaped cutlets from the resulting minced meat, bread them in flour, dip them in beaten egg and immediately place them in a frying pan with heated oil. Fry on both sides until an appetizing crust. Place the finished cutlets in a fireproof bowl, cover with a lid and place in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Serve cutlets with tomato sauce and sour cream. You can serve stewed vegetables as a side dish.

Recipe 4. Buckwheat cutlets with liver


600 g pork liver;


vegetable oil;

two eggs;

30 g butter;


50 ml of drinking water;

a glass of buckwheat.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly, place it in a saucepan and add two glasses of filtered water. Add salt and cook over low heat until the cereal has absorbed all the water. Then add a piece of butter to the porridge, stir and cool.

2. Wash the liver, remove films and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion, wash and cut into several pieces. Pass the liver and onions through a meat grinder. Add eggs to the resulting mass and season it with spices. Mix the minced liver and combine it with the cooled buckwheat porridge. Stir again and leave for a couple of hours.

3. Place a frying pan on the fire and heat the vegetable oil in it. Place the buckwheat-liver mince in a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

4. Serve the cutlets hot with vegetable salad or mashed potatoes.

Recipe 5. Buckwheat cutlets with nuts


four glasses of boiled buckwheat;

soy mayonnaise;

two onions;

a glass of chopped nuts;

30 ml vegetable oil;

120 g flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse buckwheat until clear water. Place it in a saucepan and fill it with filtered water at the rate of two glasses of water per glass of cereal. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, add salt and cook, covered, until done. Remove the pan from the heat and cool completely.

2. Grind the peeled onions on a medium grater. Add onion, chopped nuts and flour to buckwheat porridge. Mix well. The minced meat should be quite thick.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Form the minced meat into cutlets and place them on a greased baking sheet. Place the cutlets in the oven for forty minutes. Take out the baking sheet, grease the finished cutlets with mayonnaise and place on a serving plate. Serve cutlets with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 6. Lenten buckwheat cutlets


50 g sunflower oil;

a glass of buckwheat;

100 g ground crackers;

five potatoes;

20 g ground coriander;

kitchen salt.

Cooking method

1. Boil water in a kettle. Sort the buckwheat and rinse thoroughly. Pour boiling water over the cereal and put on fire. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then cool the porridge completely.

2. Wash the potato tubers and place them in a cast iron casserole. Boil the potatoes until soft without peeling the skins. Then drain the water, cool the potatoes, and remove the thin skins from them.

3. Pass potatoes and buckwheat through a meat grinder. Salt and season everything with coriander. Mix well.

4. Pour the crackers onto the board and lightly crush them with a rolling pin. With wet hands, form the minced meat into patties and roll them in breadcrumbs.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets in it on both sides until an appetizing crust. Serve the cutlets with a salad of fresh vegetables or seaweed.

Recipe 7. Buckwheat cutlets


half a glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

a glass of drinking water;

kitchen salt;

three glasses of flour;

vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Boil the washed buckwheat until tender, following the recommendations on the package. Then we put the porridge on a sieve and leave it to get rid of excess moisture.

2. Chop the peeled onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add fried onion to buckwheat. Add black pepper and flour to the same mixture. Mix everything well and cool completely.

3. Add the egg to the cooled minced meat, knead again and form oval-shaped cutlets with wet hands. Bread the cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them in heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve the cutlets with a vegetable side dish or salad.

Recipe 8. Buckwheat cutlets with cottage cheese


280 g buckwheat;

40 g sour cream;

250 g low-fat cottage cheese;

kitchen salt;

two eggs;

40 g butter;

50 g sugar;

two glasses of milk.

Cooking method

1. Boil the washed buckwheat over low heat until half cooked. Then pour hot milk into the porridge, add butter and continue cooking. The result should be a porridge with a viscous consistency. Remove from heat and cool completely.

2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add an egg, salt and a spoonful of sugar. Stir.

3. Add the remaining sugar and egg to the cooled buckwheat porridge. Stir until smooth.

4. Make a flat cake from the buckwheat mass, place the cottage cheese filling in the center and bring the edges together. Give the cutlet an oval shape. Place the cutlets on a baking sheet, grease it with oil, and place it in the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 180 C.

5. Place the finished cutlets on a plate and pour sour cream over them.

  • Fry the cutlets first over intense heat, then turn down the heat and simmer them, covered with a lid, for about ten minutes.
  • Before boiling buckwheat, you can heat it in a dry frying pan.
  • If you are preparing lean buckwheat cutlets, add flour to the minced meat instead of eggs.
  • To make the cutlets juicy, place a piece of butter in the middle.
  • Serve cutlets with ketchup, sour cream or sauce.

It is, of course, more common to eat cereals as an independent dish - porridge, or as a side dish for meat ingredients. But steamed dietary buckwheat cutlets are especially popular among similar cereal delicacies, although the process of giving them shape requires knowledge of some secrets.

Since it is not easy to prepare steamed cutlets from such crumbly cereals as buckwheat, astringent ingredients should be added to the minced cereal. Raw eggs, grated cheese, and raw vegetables have this property. Potatoes or carrots are usually used as vegetables.

In fact, the diet menu can be very diverse if you treat it creatively. Even a dish like buckwheat cutlets has many variations. In addition to the main ingredient - buckwheat, you can add mushrooms, and in the summer - any greens: onions, dill, parsley.

The first step is to boil the buckwheat. The volume of cereal is determined from how many cutlets are planned to be cooked. As a rule, most recipes indicate the amount of ready-boiled buckwheat - 2 cups.

To make the cutlet mass more sticky and pliable, you can increase the amount of water when cooking buckwheat. But too liquid a consistency is also not desirable. For 2 cups of buckwheat you will need 2 chicken eggs.

Steamed buckwheat cutlets, the recipe for which is considered the lowest in calories, are prepared with vegetables. To do this, buckwheat is mixed with raw potatoes or carrots grated on a coarse grater. It is not forbidden to use a mixture of vegetables.

Since potatoes themselves have viscosity due to their high starch content, one egg will be enough. Add salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can fry the onions in vegetable oil. Small cutlets are formed from this minced meat.

For steaming, you can use a pressure cooker, a double boiler or a multicooker. For small quantities, a special insert for a regular pan with holes is quite suitable. Cook the cutlets in no more than 30 minutes. Since the buckwheat is already boiled, the cooking time will depend on the other components of the minced cutlet.

Having mastered one of the recipes for buckwheat cutlets, you can safely use your imagination to find your “signature” recipe. Minced buckwheat goes well with fried mushrooms, which are pre-fried with onions.

Since mushrooms cannot in any way add stickiness to minced buckwheat, either grated cheese or 2-3 tablespoons of flour are added to it. Moreover, not only wheat flour is used, but also oatmeal or buckwheat. But it should be noted that premium white wheat flour will increase the calories in the dish.

Those who just can’t accept cutlets without meat can try adding some dietary meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit. A couple of spoons of milk or cream will not be superfluous. Especially if the cutlets are buckwheat and vegetables and there is not enough protein in them.

In order to saturate the dish with protein, low-fat fish and legumes are used instead of meat. Only beans or peas will require a long preliminary cooking and such cutlets cannot be prepared quickly. However, if you boil all the ingredients in advance, then the already formed cutlets will quickly steam.

Thus, steamed dietary buckwheat cutlets never get boring. Each option is tasty and healthy in its own way. Some people prefer fried in a frying pan or baked in an oven, but then buckwheat cutlets are dipped in flour or breadcrumbs. True, when steaming, crackers can be added to the minced meat.

If we are still talking about a dietary option, then the option of steaming buckwheat cutlets is the most suitable. Low-calorie buckwheat cutlets include a recipe involving zucchini or pumpkin. These vegetables will add juiciness to the dish. And pumpkin is also sweet.

Today there are a lot of recipes for buckwheat cutlets, called dessert ones. In this case, butter, sugar or honey are added to the minced meat. Sometimes you can treat yourself to this option. In any case, it will be healthier than a piece of cake.

Hearty buckwheat cutlets are a healthy main dish that always comes out on a budget. To make it tasty, you need to spare no spices. You can diversify buckwheat cutlets with vegetable, mushroom and other additives.

Ingredients: a full glass of filtered water, half a glass of buckwheat, a large white onion, vegetable oil, salt, a little flour.

Delicious and tender cutlets.

  1. The cereal is calcined in a dry frying pan. Next, it is salted and cooked until the liquid is completely absorbed into the buckwheat.
  2. The resulting porridge is placed in the refrigerator until completely cooled.
  3. The onion is chopped into cubes and fried until golden.
  4. The frying along with the fat is mixed with buckwheat and flour. The latter will need so much for the mass to keep its shape.
  5. The “minced meat” is formed into flat cakes and fried in a frying pan.

Vegetarian cutlets are served with any sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

With minced meat

Ingredients: 2 cut glasses of filtered water, half a kilo of mixed minced meat (pork and beef), 1 tbsp. buckwheat, 2 pcs. onions, a large egg, rock salt, a little wheat flour, any spices.

  1. The cereal is fried in a dry frying pan, then salted, filled with water, covered with a lid and simmered for 17-20 minutes. Next, the mass is removed from the heat and infused for 7-8 minutes.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and sautéed until golden brown.
  3. Roasted vegetables are added to the minced meat along with egg, salt and spices.
  4. All that remains is to combine the meat mass with the prepared buckwheat and form the molds. They are breaded in flour and fried on both sides in a frying pan.

It’s delicious to serve cutlets with buckwheat and minced meat with ketchup and tomato slices.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: 40-50 g breadcrumbs, 730 g mushrooms, 2 tbsp. filtered water, a full glass of buckwheat, a bunch of parsley, 2 onions, vegetable oil.

Buckwheat cutlets are very tender, with a subtle mushroom aroma.
  1. The buckwheat is washed, filled with water and cooked until fully cooked. Salty.
  2. Chopped mushrooms are fried with onion cubes and then chopped with a blender.
  3. The mixtures from the first and second steps are combined and seasoned with chopped herbs.
  4. Meatballs are formed, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides.

Ready-made buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms can be poured with a small amount of water and ketchup and simmered under the lid for a couple more minutes.

With added potatoes

Ingredients: a full glass of buckwheat, half a kilo of potatoes, table salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of white flour, any spices, vegetable oil.

  1. The washed cereal is soaked for 3-4 hours. Next it is crushed with a blender.
  2. Finely grated raw potatoes are added to the buckwheat.
  3. The mass is salted and mixed with spices.
  4. At the end flour is added.
  5. After mixing, cutlets are molded from the “minced meat”, which remain to be fried on both sides until golden brown.

Garnish with vegetables and a portion of fresh salad.

Delicious buckwheat cutlets with cheese

Ingredients: half a glass of buckwheat, 2 large eggs, table salt, 110 g of soft cheese, onion, 30 g of wheat flour, refined oil, a full glass of water. How to cook cutlets with cheese is described below.

Buckwheat cutlets will become a popular side dish in the family.
  1. Buckwheat is boiled in salted water until fully cooked.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and fried until golden brown, after which it is sent to the cereal.
  3. Any soft cheese and eggs are laid out there. You can use any spices.
  4. The “minced meat” is kneaded until smooth, and cutlets are formed from it. The pieces are rolled in flour and fried on both sides until golden brown.

The dish is served hot with any sauce based on tomato paste.

Buckwheat porridge option

Ingredients: 70 g cereal, 2 garlic cloves, half a white onion, salt, large egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buckwheat flour, 40 g each of stalked celery and breadcrumbs, half a bunch of fresh herbs, refined oil.

  1. Buckwheat is boiled in salted water. Next, the container of food is wrapped in a blanket and left for about half an hour.
  2. Onions are cut with herbs and celery.
  3. For minced meat, the finished porridge is twisted with the mass from the second step.
  4. An egg and other products stated in the recipe, except breadcrumbs, are added to the resulting mixture. The garlic is first passed through a press.
  5. The mass is kneaded, cutlets are molded from it, which are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides.

Cutlets are served with fresh vegetables and sour cream.

Mini cutlets – buckwheat

Ingredients: 420 g of boiled buckwheat, 280 g of mushroom caviar, some wheat bran, large carrots, salt, vegetable oil.

Such cutlets can easily replace meat ones.
  1. Boiled cereal, along with finely chopped carrots and mushroom caviar, is passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a special blender attachment. You can simply take chopped mushrooms, first boiled and then fried
  2. The mass for buckwheat is salted and kneaded well. Next, small round blanks are formed from it. During the sculpting process, for convenience, it is worth lubricating your hands with warm water.
  3. The meatballs are rolled in chopped bran and cooked for a couple of minutes on each side in boiling oil.

The dish turns out to be very tender and soft on the inside and deliciously crispy on the outside.

In sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1 multicooker glass of buckwheat, a little flour, a glass of medium-fat sour cream, 2 onions, 370 g turkey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup, 2 large eggs, fresh garlic to taste, salt.

  1. The cereal is poured into a multicooker glass of filtered salted water, after which it is cooked under a closed lid for 15-17 minutes in the “Multicook” program. All liquid from the container should evaporate.
  2. The bird is mixed with prepared buckwheat, garlic and onion (1 pc.), and then minced in a meat grinder.
  3. Eggs are used for minced meat.
  4. Cutlets are formed from the mixture, rolled in flour and fried in a suitable program in oil until golden brown.
  5. The chopped second onion is fried in the remaining fat. Sour cream, ketchup are poured into it, and salt is added.
  6. Fried cutlets are placed in the sauce.
  7. The dish is prepared for another half hour in the “Stew” program.

Buckwheat porridge is not only a tasty and healthy side dish. Boiled buckwheat is an ideal ingredient for making diet cutlets, and.

Our recipe is for fans of healthy dishes that exclude meat ingredients. Today we are preparing simple dietary buckwheat cutlets. The dish is suitable for lunch or dinner.

Let's look at the selected list of products. Thrifty housewives will find it affordable.

Boil the buckwheat until completely cooked. During cooking, buckwheat should be lightly salted. Cook buckwheat for 15-20 minutes, depending on the quality of the cereal. To make the buckwheat crumbly, pour water two fingers up. Place the cooled boiled cereal in a bowl. If you have buckwheat porridge left over from breakfast, make cutlets from it.

Cut the onion into cubes. Let's add buckwheat. Let's break a chicken egg.

A little salt won't hurt.

Using an immersion blender, mix everything into the buckwheat mince.

Add breadcrumbs.

Mix the minced meat with a spoon. Add crackers in small portions until the minced meat becomes thick.

With wet hands, form buckwheat cutlets.

Preheat the pan. Add vegetable oil. Lightly brown the cutlets on one side.

Turn over and lightly brown the other side. Then reduce the heat to low. Simmer the buckwheat cutlets under the lid for another 10 minutes. If necessary, you can add a third of a glass of water to the pan.

Dietary buckwheat cutlets are ready! Fast, cheap and cheerful.

Serve buckwheat cutlets with summer vegetables and herbs.

Many of us observe fasting, diets, and fasting days.

There are a lot of delicious dietary dishes for these purposes.

I would like to offer you one of my favorites:

Buckwheat cutlets.

I have more than once dwelled on the blog pages on one of the healthy products for our diet: buckwheat. What are the beneficial properties of buckwheat you will learn from the article

Very tasty and healthy recipe

You can see how to spend a fasting day on buckwheat.

Porridge with mushrooms is a wonderful hearty dish!

Moreover, I prepare mushrooms for him.

Forest mushrooms are incomparable to champignons.

I also use them in recipes, but very rarely.

Buckwheat porridge cutlets are very good.

Let's take a closer look at their preparation.

The set of products for lean diet cutlets is as follows:

Buckwheat 1 cup

Potatoes 4-5 medium sized tubers

Carrot 1 pc.

Spices to your taste: I add a pinch of turmeric, ginger, black pepper, coriander.

I put a minimum of salt. I'm trying to give it up completely.

Planning crackers 2 tablespoons.

Vegetable or olive oil 50 ml


1. Cook buckwheat porridge. It should be well boiled, slightly liquid. Therefore, we add a little more water than for crumbly. When cooking, I add a little salt, I don’t add any more salt anywhere.

2. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium grater.

3. Peel and grate the carrots in the same way as potatoes.

4. Cool the porridge, add potatoes and carrots, spices to taste. The kind you like best in dishes.

5. Mix the minced vegetables and buckwheat porridge.

I do this with my hands so that the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

6. Form cutlets and cover with breadcrumbs.

7. Heat a frying pan with vegetable or olive oil.

8. Fry the cutlets on both sides over low heat.

9. Place on a platter or serving plates.

You can serve tomato sauce or prepare mushroom sauce.

How to make homemade mushroom sauce, see this.

For an appetizing dish, you can serve seasonal vegetable salads and greens, which these days can be easily bought at the market or in the supermarket.

Everyone likes these delicious buckwheat cutlets; my family also eats them with great pleasure.

For those who observe strict fasting or do not like fried foods.

The cutlets can be baked in the oven on parchment paper, lightly brushing the top with vegetable oil using a pastry brush.

Bake the cutlets at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

I didn’t photograph the full recipe, but the final product is in front of you.

Try making these cutlets, I’m sure you’ll like this dish.

Bon appetit!

In conclusion, I would like to remind those who are fasting or on a diet that your diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits every day.

If you take a portioned cup, 2/3 of it should be occupied by fresh vegetables or fruits.

Follow the drinking regime, drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Fasting is not only abstinence from meat and dairy foods, but spiritual cleansing.

As the saying goes, “Eat everyone, just don’t eat each other!”

I wish those who fast the strength of faith, strengthening of the spirit and purification!

For those on a diet, make sure your diet is balanced so that it contains the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

All of you good health, warmth and peace!

In conclusion, I offer you a video recipe for rice cutlets. A tasty and healthy recipe for proper nutrition.

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